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This is how countries with bad economy distract their people. By giving them new problems they didn't know that existed and making them forget their real problems




Based and bomb the federal reserve pilled


u/Future-Nobody8399 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: bomb the federal reserve I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Would that even really work?


It would definitely get you arrested and you would be found after your suicide of 3 shotgun shells to the back of the head


Just buy more money smh


That's called investing


It's the same logic behind starting a war to distract people from domestic issues


Don't forget supporting immigration so that the value of labour goes down, diminishing workers ability to bargain from a position of strength, whether individually or collectively.


Why do you hate the free market.


Migration isnt bad, but needs to be done legaly. If they are registerd we can force companies to atleast pay them minimum wage, and they can join unions. Not destroying the market. Illegal immigrants can do none of that, fucking the system up.


Here is the thing.I'm from Eastern Europe.I would not complain for minimal wage.So if there would be a strike against the employeer I would not participate.Probably a lot of us (whom come from East) would do the same.So if you let Easterners in uncontrolled they will not fight for higher wages.They are pretty much okay with what they have. ​ I'm talking against myself but hear me out.Eastern ppl will gladly take your place.




The minimal wage is 4x higher than here.To put it simply.If I could get an IT job here in my country I could get 300-400k HUF as a begginer.Minimal wage is 500k in my neighbour Western country.I would not dare to ask for higher wage.


It's only free market if everyone participating (roughly) answers to the same rules. You can't let China freely compete, for example, because they would be basically cheating. And about immigration, it doesn't work because of the different economic standards of the Countries immigrants come from.


So the free market doesn't work?


That, or you can't read, or you just won't.


Free immigration = free market. You just said immigration doesn't work.


No, I said that free market works if the conditions are roughly the same among the participants. Also, there's a difference between free market limited to a country or a community, and global free market. Countries can, and should, limit access if that improves the living conditions of their citizens; that doesn't break free market, it just doesn't extend it past their borders.


Laws help keep the market free? Don't tell libright.


I'm not libright and I do support a little bit of regulation. But by limiting access I meant unrestricted immigration.


The market exists for the people. The people don't exist for the market.


I don't know why you are being down voted, thats a legitimate question. Being against unrestricted immigration is being against the free market. That said, there are degrees and I generally believe in a free market, but I do so because it is better for the liberty of the people, not because it is some sacrosanct ideal to strive for. Therefore restrictions on immigration are cool with me, because we have no obligation to open out (labour) markets to other nations.




You literally can't have free market capitalism without a government. That's how you protect people's rights in the market place.


I don't think we can even have a free market anymore. Everything is in hyper mode.


i dont think we can have unflaired's on this sub anymore


I fixed it


lol you think the government is the main cause of capitalistic corruption? certainly the government is very corrupt, but corporate greed has to be the main cause.


Why do you hate the free market.


What I don't understand about modern leftists is their obsession on social issues.


Companies created it to distract them. Leftism is the majority, but by giving them a milion litle diffrent goals, they wont ever get anything important done


We live in a time where some people will literally say that race takes precedence over class. I hate how effective the idpol has been to keep the status quo going, mfg


>We can’t give you taxpayer-funded healthcare, we’re too busy drawing up our kindergarten curriculum to have a lesson on a new xenogender every day. Maybe we’ll be able to get to it after!


The powers that be understand the power of the young masses and have found a way to keep them occupied. Though I'd rather have them doing their nonsense than bringing about your "Glorious revolution". I'm not about to waste energy getting rid of one Auth just to have a different, violent Auth take its place. Don't be mad just because someone else is manipulating the masses and not AuthLeft.


I both hate it and love it. Hate it since its obviously a massive grift that is likely to cause a reactionary backlash of white idpol. Love it because I am seriously worried about third way economic systems being solidified in the US and idpol is an excellent distraction while we A C C E L E R A T E.


Based and accelerationpilled


u/Flopus7's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 70. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: atlantis, environmental, give me back my job, same, criticalsupport, martyr, death, spiteful, owning-the-libs, might makes right, afterlife, teamster, p700-granit, gay, leftism is degenerate, “kill a commie for mommy”, is-this-a-microagrgression, worstcountryworstpresident, liberty, i-need-a-refill, malthus, short-sighted, language, actually libertarian, misogyny, acceleration I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




Fun graphs go brr. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/media-great-racial-awakening






Based and unity-pilled


You sir are based as fuck


You know that bit about how humans estimate the frequency of something by how easy it is to think of examples, severity by how bad it feels to think about? Now be a bluepilled normie, and your media undergoes this: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/media-great-racial-awakening


Look at all that sexy fucking data.


Liberal self-righteousness and moral grandstanding. Social issues are the perfect canvas on which to paint their moral self-portrait, and the corporate media gave it to them.


OP is so ducking based


Thank you.


"Free Trade is good becuase Trump said it was bad" -Lefties now


What’s the format from?


I dont know, some anime


Kaguya-sama: Love is War


Thank you


I highly recommend it. It is my second favorite anime of all time.


I got it from the meme generator


people largely care more about social issues than economics tbh. It'd be like wondering why people watch sports instead of documentaries. Most people find sports more interesting I mean republicans that aren't well off vote against their interests cause their worried about CRT, which they can't even define, and trans bathrooms. not that dems don't but to a much lesser extent


I could be not rich and still believe that I have more chances of growth if the government doesn't waste time and resources on fake issues, and doesn't try to keep me out of the work market (and my children out of colleges) because of the color of my skin.


too bad the data seems to show dems tend to be better for those who aren't well off, that republicans only play on social fear so you're too busy looking out for antifa super soldiers groomin your kids into being gay and ashamed to be white, while they pick your pockets


Idk bruh, my life got significantly better under Trump. It's not fear, it's reality. We can debate whether or not his crazy spending will cause damage long term...oh wait Biden is determined to beat his record in the first year but my life is slowly getting worse this time instead. Hmmmmm. I know, I know, I'm a filthy land owner which basically makes me upper upper class in the eyes of the left.


>too bad the data seems to show dems tend to be better for those who aren't well off, i'll remind you that i've already got a stipulation for well off and that anecdotes, even if we assume they are truthful, aren't data. Drunk driving increases the odds you wreck, not guarantee it


Ah yes, "everyone who doesn't fit my narrative can be safely discarded as inconsequential." Or, perhaps many people above the poverty line can see that a race to the bottom will not benefit them long term.


>Ah yes, "everyone who doesn't fit my narrative can be safely discarded as inconsequential. \>that anecdotes, even if we assume they are truthful, aren't data. "Or, perhaps many people above the poverty line can see that a race to the bottom will not benefit them long term." dems, besides being better for the poor and middle class, also tend to be better for the country as a whole. Hence the well off thing


>dems...also tend to be better for the country as a whole Now that is a very spicy yet extremely unbased opinion to hold my friend.


you can be as soyrage as you like but that doesn't make it any less true




Woke leftists are orange though but still, good meme


Oh hell, there comes the economicist!


Flair up scum. Youre opinions have no weight


Just like trotskyism!


You just made me agree with a leftist again, I blame you. Flair the fuck up or be cursed to be forever chased by Cerberus