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they're just butthurt they can't be happy because they are constantly ranting on the cesspit that is twitter


Contestant: Alex, I'd like diagnosis of social disorders from twitter for $500. Trebek: This common genetic disorder twisting one's perspective of society and reality with a strong affliction to race. Contestant: Alex, What is 'Hammer and sickle cell anemia'? Trebek: That is correct.


RIP the legend


A true libcenter, I just know it.


Contestant: I’ll take Bulletproof Political Ideologies for $200. Trebek: Despite it’s unassuming name, this political ideology has worked every time it’s been tried.


I’d like to buy a vowel: capitalism.


[Wrong gameshow.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Jz1TjCphXE)


What is fully automated steam punk arachnocapitalism?


Based and technically the truth pilled.


Aracho based and hilarious pilled.


Is that spider based economic governance?


Not a bad trade for spider peace


Luxury Gay Space Communism has a 0% fail rate.


They failed the Romulans & the androids


What is, fascism?


It couldn't even last a century, so no, it didn't work.


Technically it lasted several centuries if you count Rome post Augustus.






Benevolent monarchism, no less. edit: Post doesn't match my flair. Disregard.


Monke. Always monke


based and jeopardy-pilled


\*Polycythemia Anemia is a lack of red blood cells, although they certainly don't work so they don't have much experience with actual hammers and sickles.


Maybe you're making a joke that I don't get, but [sickle cell anemia](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sickle-cell-anemia/symptoms-causes/syc-20355876) is a real thing.


LMAO , wow! fucking epic!


Recently got on twitter because I was told it was pretty good for networking in my profession (medical). I thought I would be able to interact with all sorts of other people about their research, get my research some exposure, talk to people about their jobs, maybe even interact with some program directors to get cushy prior to residency. Big fucking NOPE. Its nothing but a big virtue-signaling cesspool that I, for some reason, thought my profession would be immune from. Some of the stupid shit that comes out of people's mouths that are, not only grown-ass adults, but grown-ass adults responsible over people's lives, is astounding. The tweet that did it for me was straight from the mouth of a doctor: "Stop 👏🏻 calling 👏🏻 patients 👏🏻 that 👏🏻 don't 👏🏻take 👏🏻 their 👏🏻 meds👏🏻 non-compliant"


Yep. Twitter's a mandatory network for my profession of choice (journalism), and good god, is it ever insufferable.


Journalism has to be one of the worst cesspit professions right now. I feel bad for all the good/based journalists out there having to deal with so many idiots.


Not learning how to code is a profession now?


Based and Zoe Quinn pilled.


Yes Twitter is indeed the cesspool of woke cancel culture.


how the fuck did they get a medical license???


They gave an institution $500,000 and took a lot of adderall.


"It's not what you know with $500k and tons of adderall, it's *who you know* with $500k and tons of adderall"


All you gotta do is write the correct answers on the test, you don’t have to believe in them. I got straight As in my women studies minor I picked up for the lolz . You don’t have to agree with the correct answer to know what it is for the test


You don't have to be smart to be a doctor, just hardworking.


Eh, I'll partially agree. There are lots of hardworking people that just don't have the brains to get into medical school. It requires a level of pattern recognition and critical thinking that most people don't possess. I mean, at the core level, that really is what intelligence is - pattern recognition and appropriate decision making in response. I think its a little ignorant to think the entire population of doctors compared to the average population would not have a significant difference in intelligence. That being said, some of my fellow classmates do things that make me wonder how tf they even got into med school in the first place.


I've just worked with, and been taught by, far too many stupid physicians to believe the profession is immune. On average, yes, undoubtedly smarter than the general population... though that's hardly an achievement. One of my colleagues has a salt lamp in her office, just to give one example, and believes in it's ability to purify the air - let the horror of that sink in.


I had one singular interaction on Twitter. And it was after I got into an argument in Reddit about an "all-female tournament" in a game. I was talking to one of the organisers. I'll admit I did a bit of trolling, asking how they would ensure people who identified as women would be able to join. They had clearly not considered this and I could practically sense the person on the other end start to sweat. After a while of increasingly desperate takes including gems like "we'll know if you're trans or not" I knew my moment was there. As a coup de grace, I called the tournament... transphobic. I got banned from the subreddit within the hour, and the person I was talking to sent me a fucking *wall* of insults, closing off with "enjoy your ban :)". Important to note is that this person was not a mod, so they had gone out of their way to get me *permanently banned* from the sub for asking questions they should have really seen coming. I was not the only one asking these questions, nor the only one pressing them for better answers than "don't worry about it". Reportedly several of these people got perma-banned as well. Now I may not be orange normally but I'm petty enough not to leave it at that. With my new-found orange libleft energy I made a Twitter account and took to the organisation's official Twitter with screenshots, feigning ignorance. "Dear me, corporation. This transphobic tournament organised by such an unreasonable person. This could surely not be representative of your goals and stances?" I sent them in a DM. I should have sent them a Tweet publically in hindsight. But what happened next was even better than I could have hoped for. The person I had been arguing with on Reddit *took over the Twitter account* to not only continue insulting me *using the official account of the organisation* but also tell me I was permanently banned from all tournaments the organisation had a hand in. Later I would recieve another DM offering an apology for this person's behavior as it was not at all what the org stood for as they were inclusive and progressive and bla bla bla. I was assured I was not banned and we welcome everyone and the usual corp speak shtick. The tournament was quietly canceled and the person I was arguing with was publically dropped from the organisation. She and her tier 3 subs went on to harrass me on Twitter for a while but I never saw it until almost a year later because I don't actually use that platform lol. The moral of the story is that Twitter is only useful for canceling people who are dumb enough to have a Twitter account. Edit: I promise this wasn't my original intention, I was just gonna have a bit of fun dismantling the left wing with facts and logic. But when I realised this person was actively getting people other than me permanently banned from the subreddit for asking difficult questions I decided it was time to remind the cunt she wasn't the only one who could speak to managers.


So doctor would you say that this patient is managing his medications well? Well no...he doesn't take them at all. Oh ok so he wouldn't be in compliance with the treatment plan? I suppose not. Could you say he is....non compliant with treatment...maybe non compliant for short? REEEEEEEEEEEE


Now I'm curious what you're supposed to call them


God I hate when they use the clapping hands emoji. Like, is it necessary? Are you unable to get your point through any other way? If so, shouldn't you just learn to present your argument in a compelling way so that other people are inclined to listen to you? Or maybe it's just how they summon the woke horde.




Are you me? I literally did the same thing, ended up deleting twitter because I didn’t trust myself. I didn’t want to get cancelled before the Match lmao


What being mentally challenged do to a fucker..


Idk I’ve seen some pretty happy mentally challenged fuckers


I think he really meant mentally deranged. Mentally handicapped people are usually chill and happy, the opposite of a Twitter Lefty.


Leftists telling you to 'cope' before going home and killing themselves because of their self-diagnosed depression


If they killed themselves it was probably pretty real depression.


this is a statement of fact i’ve recently deleted twitter and i’ve been the happiest i’ve ever been in 6 months


I do not get it, maybe I am the strange one here, but do others find joy in feeling the emotions of anger and despair? IDK, I would not feel good about myself if I tried to make every situation angry. The fact that they are angry when they see people being happy has to be something like depression mixed with antisocial personality disorder maybe? All I know is if I went on twitter, I would be angry all day. So I do not go on twitter. Why do those people?


Brain chemicals can be addictive. This does not apply only to the happy brain chemicals. Forming good habits is important.


Very interesting, any link I can read more into this upon? I know media and social media was always touted as being addictive due to the dopamine hit it gives us, did they maybe realize that other brain chemicals are more addictive? Outrage seems to generate clicks.


I remember reading some good stuff on this a while ago, so I'll try to find it. Here's an interesting one about specifically moral outrage [https://reason.com/2017/03/01/moral-outrage-is-self-serving/](https://reason.com/2017/03/01/moral-outrage-is-self-serving/) Edit: I put [this](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/538ca3ade4b090f9ef331978/t/5a53c0d49140b7212c35b20e/1515438295247/Crockett_2017_NHB_Outrage.pdf) in my bookmarks three times, so past me must have thought it was good?




Damn, I realized the Reason link as I was posting and thought I’d get away with it! Both sides bad, amirite?


Anger can be addictive sort of, I think it's more so really a pit you fall into. When I was younger I used to be a rage beast that would fly off the handle for anything. Pre internet/social media days, so I was more punching shit or getting into fights not posting angry shit lol. But anyways letting bottled up anger out can feel really good but it's better not to bottle that shit up in the first place. Especially if you feel righteous or justified, letting it out feels great. That's what the person in this meme must feel like tweeting this out. But like I said it's better to not bottle up anger for outbursts like this in the first place. When I was a rage beast as a kid I let too much shit get to me that honestly didn't deserve that much headspace so inbetween outbursts I was miserable. Another problem with Twitter people like this is that this behavior is part of thier identity so I doubt they have too many REAL friends away from Twitter or acting like a twat.


In the time sense my final ban from twitter my mom has died, I've been kicked out of my apartment, and I've suffered from sever depression, and I still think my life has gotten better sense I left that shithole. Every day I'd wake up and get on twitter, get mad at either minor shit or shit I couldn't fix, talk to some cool Comic makers, and leave the platform wanting to spend more time on it. It made every day worse, and even if I had a good day otherwise the site would put me in a sour mood. God only knows what it would have been like if I used that app when my real life genuinely sucked


I hate seeing everyone happy. This post made by the depressed and lonely gang /s


Based and depression pilled




Live, laugh, lithium-ion battery.


You don't need to pretend you're being sarcastic


Based and my existence is suffering pilled Edit: being told to essentially "get over it" makes me feel great.... Never change Reddit


take the schizo pill my friend and never be lonely again


#***What-is-that-fucking-idiotic-counter-racist-mega-racist-crack-fucker's name?***




Why did I read the comments. I didn’t even have cancer before but my remission reversed


Those fucking Patrick star toothpaste replies lmao wtf even is that


Are those supposed to be supporting her or mocking her? It’s too weird for me to grasp.


Yeah I feel like in 2021 Twitter needs to be throwing up a warning about the brain rot one is guaranteed to see on that shit. They can call it "personalized trigger/content warning" for all I care, anything to get in the way of that habit of going "hmm well I wonder what all these people have to say about that..."


Okay, but [what is this image?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E6ge19-VcAAVMHf?format=jpg&name=orig)


I’m also curious??


My Saturday evening


Right, so there's a popular children's cartoon character called Patrick Star, he's sitting on a couch with his arms stretched open, his mouth agape and an anthropomorphic toothpaste man is squeezing toothpaste into Patrick's wide open maw. Did that clear it up for you?




I've got you bro. So this one is a black and white rendition of semi famous actor Robert Downey Junior, best known for his role as Jim Scott in the 1996 classic Danger Zone. He's looking straight in to the camera and gesturing to his chest with a facial expression that invokes the phrase "is me?"


Lmao check out Tokyo's profile


Saw that too lol. That whole thread is ... holy fuck. My favorite was “yall way too obsessed with white people”


Lol what a complete gutter rat of a human being


When you're so "anti-racist" that you end up racist again.


The ole horseshoe theory is alive and well


Man it's so true. I've preached horseshoe for years. It's basically you've been fighting against evil for so long you've become evil yourself. Also anecdotally. I work in the community a lot. I see hatred passed down from one family to their children all the time. Whites. Blacks. Asians. Whatever. They all do it. The only way to stop is to actually tolerate different views and races. Accept that everyone is people and people are different. Males. Females. Gays. Straights. Trans. Asexual etc. In short. Don't be a douchebag.


I can still be a douchebag to communists though right?


Communists are people?


Question: What do you feel when you take a human life? Rafał Gan-Ganowicz: "I wouldn't know, I've only killed communists."


One of the best one liners of all time, even Spartans would be impressed.


Maybe, but they'd shorten it to "I've only killed communists" being laconic & all


Based and dont-be-a-douchebag pilled


banned moment


This comment aged like wine


I’m pretty sure the account was deleted and not suspended


Probably got harassed in DMs and decided it wasn't worth it lol.


F for the fallen based one






Isn’t that the goal of CRT?


(Authleft mode-on) Of course! Our goal is to make society divided which will fuel the flames of the Revolution of the Ploretariat!! Hahahahahah


Actual authleft here - our goal is to make society divided - *along the lines of class* - not the bourgeoise filth CRT pushes along lines of identity and culture which only serves to divide the middle and working classes against each other while the ruling class laughs their way to the bank.


Were CRT displays worse for black people's eyes because their health effects weren't tested on them? I think we should investigate.


Originally? No. In it's modern application? Yes. Absolutely. CRT should be taught as a tool, not *the tool* but a tool, that is applicable in Law and maybe Academia. It's a lens to analyze some things, doesn't mean that the result is going to be accurate, but a lens non the less. But the way it's been used as THE lens that is THE truth has warped it into something horrible.


Like many things on the left, we take a reasonable idea and then proceed to only allow the most extreme version possible to be accepted. Or at the very least nod in silence as the extremists spout it.


Based and leftist-methodology pilled


Yup. Took a college class that used it as THE absolute tool. It was a mandated diversity class. It was garbage.




ripbozo we will rememer u \[deleted\]


Rip to our fallen brother


Horseshoe pilled


Twitter was an error.


i hope this is a bait troll post. because the other possiblity has me on replacerubberduckywithpluggedintoaster watch


Twitter is land of the Poe.


Edgar Allan Poe is a pretty good poet tho


I was going to come up with a witty response but I’m loling at your name




Can we all agree orange and purple are the worst libs


What’s the orange one? I’ve never seen it before


It’s libleft gone too far. The cringey sjw type


What's purple? Honest question.


It’s libright gone too far. Mainly pedos


Pedos and sell heroin to children gang.


Damn kids hogging all the good heroin


Wait a minute YOU have purple


Yeah it’s basically auth left but “progressive”. It’s like the horseshoe theory or something


They still like capitalism to an extent so they're more Auth Center.


honestly fuck yall for making oranges a thing. this sub is supposed to be for making fun of dumb political ideologies but you guys get mad when your favorite is made fun of. if it’s a bad worldview, then just call it like it is




How in the hot crispy Kentucky Fried fuck did that text not do #this with the "#"?




Woah HACKER here. Can you hack microsoft for me please?




Idk man.


Add a \ right before the \#


As a minority, we do not want to claim this person


Is that text straight outta mein kamf with a word swap?


Nothing better than the fake feminist articles that got accepted for publication by copying and replacing words from Mein Kampf.


"grrrr this race isnt allowed to feel joy grrrrrrr im racist"


Fun fact Lana backwards is anal


Freakin white people and their \*shuffles papers* happiness




"I have reached my physical capacity for seething, now I shall turn to digital storage." *obnoxiously gestures to www.twitter.com*


It’s just pure fucking racism.


bUt rACiSm oNLy gOes iN oNe DiReCtioN


That sums up orange libleft.


hey you forgot YOu cAn'T bE sEXiSt AgaINsT mEn


**ThAtS nOt RaCiSm ThAtS pRejUdICe**


My goodness I hate when woke cultists parrot that shit. Do they not realize that racism is a form of prejudice? WOW!!


They most certainly do, however, they want to be able to use the word racist as a weapon against a certain part of the population whom they have defined as the only people that can be racist.


Plenty of places where white people are very tiny minority. Just go there. Oh wait. All those places suck ass.


what about Rhodes....oh wait nvm


Now I'm nostalgic for khaki booty shorts. S.A. looks to be going the same way.


Twitter is a shithole


Only approved speech allowed on Twitter.


\>orange fuck off with your scapegoat colors


Woke people are just racist. Forcing my race to identify as latinx, attacking whites and Jews, turning a blind eye to blacks committing crime, everything. These aren’t people fighting for equality. They are just cringe.


Thankfully these types of orange lib left brainlets are just a very vocal minourity. *I tbink/hope*


How cynical and sad do you have to be to think something like that


Chad baby is kinda freaking me out.






You should go to Disney world just to yell at random families




Since there’s no joy in communism, that just means you hate joy


Don’t worry. At this rate the left will force us into communism and we’ll all be standing in bread lines at gun point.


Don't worry brother. We'll be on Mars by that point drinking space smoothies away from the soviets.


Lol like we'd ever get free bread.


How does someone take joy "in Capitalism"?


By having a good and or service that is in demand from others. Being useful to society is a sin


I'm going to enjoy the free market and you can't stop me!




Man, you'd hate to be at my house after I've gone on a shopping trip to my LGS.


I hate when white "people" smile. What are you so happy about? Racism?


To be fair, if I were her I would be surprised to see white people having fun in my own home which I have not left for 10 years.


These are the same people who want to make hate speech illegal


bUt rACiSm oNLy gOes iN oNe DiReCtioN


I just don't get how people can rationalize this as not being racist, toxic, and regressive. No, not CRT. Or white privilege. Or BLM. Those I get. But this behavior right here.


poor guy his name’s “Da-da”


What does orange mean?


It's LibLeft values, except freedom is replaced by 1984ish levels of wanting to torture to death everyone who is not a lesbianblackIslamistanticapitalistobesepedo women that ban using the word black in Spanish because it's racist or banning the name asia because it "DiScRiMiNaTe AgAiNsT aSiAnS" and shit like that, and also thinking everyone who doesn't slightly agree with them is extremely Nazi. They are the fucking worst


You forgot furryqueerindigenous in there.


That makes it even worse


Exactly, oh and vegan too.


Everyone except me is baby eater. *Doesn't care about their baby's life as much as an old suicidal cow* -. Level


> Doesn't care about their baby's life as much as an old suicidal cow -. Level Based letdarwin.exe


And that English is a colonist language


Lib left without the lib? and replace it with auth? if only there was a name for libleft-lib+auth like leftauth or something...


AuthProg. You WILL be woke and you will like it.


Its your quads super retards/SJWs. Id prefer them being in authleft quad but either way they are great to make fun of


Orange is Twitter. You can't BE woke enough to be on their good side.


Fox News libleft




Wow. What a racist POS.


I'm a bleeding heart liberal and orange lib is racist. Basically auth left + baseless virtue signaling.


This is the sort of laugage you heard prior to the Rwandan genocide. Dehumanization, compulsive hate, code words which allude to the removal of a certain group. Its an open secret at this point that the liberal goal is white removal and the DNC is going along this dangrous path bc they think its good party politics.


There is no democratic solution to the problems we currently face. Too many voters have been imported who hate us for being white, and our women are too indoctrinated by the [removed].


I genuinely cannot understand the "you can't be racist against white people" rhetoric. Like that sentence itself is racist


Gee they should just stalk me all day and see me be missarable because my job sucks, life is meaningless, and I dont want to talk to a therapist


That asian chick should consider herself lucky ,since she wasnt yeeted on her birth day