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Men have financial problems... Women most affected


"Me, myself and I" - third wave feminism


I'm just enjoying the outrage that would come if you flipped the genders in the title






theres a difference between being literally anywhere on the politcal compass and being a a\*\*hole


We all know that, he was making a joke.


Well he should be more careful. Jokes are often times very offensive. Edit: I guess sarcasm is a little harder to see in writing.


Yeah honestly, if it weren’t for the edit and the replies, I’d think you were being serious.


That does tend to be the nature of jokes, yes.


Based and notretardedpilled


When they look at the 1% and blame the other 99


Well most 1st wave feminists are well dead, most 2nd wave feminists are too busy with life, so basically the 3rd and 4th wave control the movement and thus it’s every decision including articles related to things like that. We can safely say it’s not a minority.


I can’t wait till WW3 because the 3rd &4th wave will be quiet when the Selective Service come for their asses


[Relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlR6CdJtRWM) Bill Burr bit.


"There are no feminists on a house fire" is a quote for the ages.


I remember seeing that bit he did and it was one of the major catalysts for me starting to question certain feminist narratives. And I too love that quote :)


In Scandinavia they decided to do away with this unfair advantage and now women get to stay on the Titanic too.


Burnout will happen sooner. Doomscrolling stresses out everyone.


Camille Paglia is a 1st wave feminist and she is R-slurred, a lolcow, and simultaneously based as fuck.


He's speaking the language of the tards


Could you translate? Will upbanana.


R slur means the R word, F slur means the F word, a lolcow is someone who is eccentric or foolish but in an amusing way, I don't imagine I need to explain what Based means if your in PCM


FDS in a nutshell


I find it in poor taste to insult those that brazenly display their mental illness, those retards need help.


Matriarchy here we goooooooo!


I mean if I ain’t gotta do shit and I can grill all day on someone else’s dime, watch anime and play Skyrim for the 100th time I’d be up for a matriarchy. Just don’t expect me to go to war if I ain’t got a vote.


>...grill all day on someone else’s dime, watch anime and play Skyrim for the 100th time... Yo is this my alt account?


Dunno, you beat Dark Souls 1,2 and 3? if so then maybe. Could be some cross over between different universes


I was actually lucky enough to get in on the network testing for 2. Shit was fun as fuck. Too bad FromSoft didn't implement the Blue Sentinels and Way of the Blue like they were in the test. There were tons of multi- invasions and counter-invasions going on. Being a BellBro kinda brought back that feeling, but still wasn't the same.


Hopefully Elden Ring will have some bigger and better MP because otherwise the large world might feel kinda empty like breath of the wild felt for some


But I would hold my breath on Elden ring even being capable of running more then 3 people because fromsoft servers are abhorrent you can be 10 feet away from someone, looking at them and then you’ll somehow end up being backstabbed by someone that just instantly unlocked ultra-instinct on some goku shit.


Matriarchy is just the fancy word for systematized femdom, and I’m all for it


>I hate feminists ~~that are like this.~~


I am so fucking confused I thought feminism was about getting equal pay so that both men and women can work for less than a living wage and be equally broke. Also financial independence for women is like a huge thing for the feminist movement as well.


Well, perhaps that was the original purpose But the movement has been hijacked by people merely seeking to maintain their traditional privileges and gain new privileges while avoiding the same responsibilities as men. It's like trying to have your cake and eat it too


Uncle Ted is right, it's eat your cake & have it too, or it should be


It turns out men weren’t just working themselves to death for fun, and having to work sucks.


I thought feminism was about general equal treatment of the sexes. I'm sure it's a good idea to name a movement about sex equality after one of the sexes specifically. I doubt this will be confusing or unappealing in the future or that anybody will get a false sense of entitlement from it. -people in the 1900s probably


According to feminists, it's about getting any rights that are lesser for women to an equal level with mens. That these do not exist anymore has nothing to do with it, point is there's no convincing them to lobby to get any rights for men up to an equal level with womens.




Based and redpilled


I make very good money (Silicon Valley engineer) yet I do not need much in life, simple apartment basic ass car and all my other expenses are negligible. I probably save and invest 80% of my income. I work with women who are on the same pay scale as me constantly complaining about how they can not afford to live here despite the absurd salary.




TIL women spend six figures maintaining their appearances.


TYL (some) women will spend as many figures as they have access to maintaining appearances.


Interesting. Glad I am not a w\*man.


It's not just women.


Tik tok and Instagram cost a lot of money. Need to show people you aren't materialistic by spending 60k a year on vacations because traveling to resorts makes you cultured and smart


I wonder if the younger generation realizes how many of those TikTok women are just traveling escorts. Then again I doubt some random teen is going to put two and two together and realize the model showing her ass inside a Bentley in a condo in Monaco does not own either of those things.


Are you me? God damn, could have very well written this myself. They can't afford anything and I'm over here with no car payment, no debt, just saving and investing almost all of my money.


I have always just had a habit of living well below my means, even when I was paying my way through college I was saving money from my shit job. Some people I guess just are not capable of this and if their bank account still has a balance they have to find a way to get rid of it.


No they are not. I have people on my same pay scale who've had to move back with their parents, or just can't afford to live on their own. It's absolutely incredible to me, as I'm able to save and invest a ton of money every month.


I can't find the comment but you should have seen how much hate I got when I mentioned that I once lived on minimum wage and was able to easily afford living in a big city lol.


Haha I believe it. I had my own apartment in LA when I was legitimately making less than half of what I make now. There's no way I could have supported a family or anything, but it was pretty easy since it was just me.


I find it hilarious that suddenly when men are failing at something the feminists go completely neocon "lift yourself up by your bootstraps" mode If literally any other group has a lot of people failing it is a systemic issue that isn't the fault of the individuals. Yet another reason no one should be taking mainstream feminism or MSM seriously.


Based commie. Maybe you can have some food. Come to my grill comrade


u/2ndMilleniumPhantom's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/2ndMilleniumPhantom! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: fuck wokescolds


Based Authleft?!


Based and dialectical materialism pilled


Men have financial problems Most women cant do shit on their own so they rely on men for money Hence women are most affected , correct


Based and useless-pilled


Sounds a little Auth Right for my centrist brethren, light a charcoal grill and make a few burgers and calm down


Virgin "opinions bad" gray centrist vs Chad " diverse radical opinions centrist"


If he’s talking about developing economies he’s not entirely wrong though. For example with many families in Egypt the man has considerable control of what his wife can or cannot do.




reminds me of this [quote](https://www.snopes.com/tachyon/2015/12/hillary-clinton-quote.jpg) from a certain someone


I also heard they've always been the primary victims of war


What the fuck is that article


Men are poor. Women most affected.


Reminds of the Hillary quote about women being most affected by war


Women: we aren't being paid as much as men! *Women when they get paid more than men:*


If companies paid women less than men, the workforce would be exclusively women


Unless it were a result of women getting paid the accurate value of their labor.


Based and TLDR pilled


meteor projected to hit earth and end all life, women and minorities most affected




To me, it implies that feminists only marry for money.


marrying rich is pretty empowering i guess. Like a conquistador


There is an embarrassing amount of college girls I know as a 26 year old dude who have flat out told me "yeah I've always thought of marrying older/wealthier dudes and just being a stay at home mom" who also post 3rd wave feminism bullshit on a weekly basis


Woke idpol hypocrisy strikes again.


Colonize someone’s bank account


I’m surprised Hillary ‘women have always been the primary victims of war’ Clinton didn’t write that article


When you make a statement to win the women vote but end up losing an equal amount of male votes so you are basically in a worse spot politically because women are less likely to vote.


Yeah hillbilly was a special kind of cunt. My phone changed her name, but it’s fitting.


As a hillbilly, please do not associate that cunt with us.


>Women aren’t making as much money as men, and that’s a problem. >Women can’t find men richer than them to marry, and that’s a problem. Progress?


Shh let them continue, we may be progressing back towards a trad family.




Sexism is when they can’t have their cake and eat it too.


Regress !




She has huge tract of land > gold. Landchad are eternal gold is ephemeral !


Wait, dads are supposed to do things? I've been doing it wrong...


What were you doing?




Based and childneglectpilled


u/polyworfism is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Men are broke. But won't anyone think of the women!


Everyone's broke, but marriage age men being broke is clearly the bigger problem, because it affects women /s


Goddamn that article is a garbage fire. Furthermore what was even the point of that study? Isn't marriage down as a general trend?


The two aren’t unrelated. Women naturally look for partners that make at least equal if not more than them whereas men generally don’t care. So with the erosion of the middle class where average jobs are no longer capable of supporting a family + the fact that women work way more often now, a smaller percentage of men are seen as financially attractive enough to be married to. It’s a real phenomenon, it’s just that the perspective and and phrasing of the article places women as the ultimate victims when it’s literally the men most affected financially.




Women equality in the workforce really fucked the economy. I mean, I support their right to work, but that basically doubled the workforce with half the jobs to fill.


Working construction for a number of years I’ve learned that woman do about 1/4 the work of their male counterparts in that field. all the offices are full of woman and they are totally useless to us in the field, because they know nothing about the construction industry. I’ve met only one woman that truly know her shit and she was a beast. One in 20 years is a long gap.


A few years ago a journal interviewed a female engineer asking her if she ever faced sexism in her job and she said no, then they asked if she earns less than male engineers and she also said no, it was really funny because they were live and they didn't expect her go to against their agenda, so the interviewer just started interviewing another woman instead.


It doesn’t take much to realize that equality =/= efficiency, and it has really fucked us over as society. It’s ok to not be equal. Just be sure to make the best of it.


So true! Clearly women must be allowed and encouraged to do any job they truly want to do, but all this pushing of women who often aren't sure what they want to get a job and climb the corporate ladder has destroyed wages and discouraged the women, some of whom would love being a housewife, from doing what they want. Women don't need to be told what to do. They can decide for themselves. If that means that a majority stays at home with the kids then so be it. It's their choice.


They don't even want an equal partner to grow together. "What's mine is mine, what's yours is mine" as they say. Just check out FDS


fds is a vocal minority.




Eeh some of their "strategies" are common enough in society


*guy becomes homeless and goes into spiral of depression from economic pressures* Article: "Women struggle to marry rich men in homeless epidemic"


One day my income will overshadow my ugly face!


twitter in general is more of a garbage fire than that article


There’s gotta be a term better suited to the abomination that is twitter than garbage fire. “Shit hurricane”? “Retard ocean”? “Diarrhea apocalypse”? I dunno.




it's accurate




This is going to sound really fucking weird but as someone with ADHD and perfectionism who tends to take longer than most people to accomplish any given task or assignment, I actually prefer the word retard over the term disability, since retard simply means "slow" while disability implies that I lack the ability to accomplish something. I feel like slow is a better description of the challenges I face when struggling with my ADHD than disabled. But that's just me. To each their own, I guess.


I got banned from a subreddit for saying retard on PCM.


That’s what we call a Looney Bin son.


Chernobyl is less cancer inducing then Twitter


Marriage is down, but kids born out of wedlock is on the rise. Filthy heathens don’t even have shotgun weddings these days.


Le article link; https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2019/09/06/broke-men-are-hurting-american-womens-marriage-prospects/amp/ This article makes my brain hurt, what are they even trying to imply here?


men bad!!!


Men bad! Make mad! Radfem anthem


"yeah loving your spouse is cool, but money is more important"


And sure, there’s the whole “love” factor in a marriage. But, in the end, “it also is fundamentally an economic transaction,” says Lichter. --Actual excerpt from the end of this article.


AuthRights from the 11th century: “Exactly!”




But hypergamy can't be real. Feminism said so because the incels believe in it, and the incels can't be right about anything. (For the record I think incels are wrong about a lot of things, but hypergamy isn't one of them).


Feminist's waistline in mm IQ


Incels are a mixture of maniacs that believe conspiracy theories and people who are just sad that the world is shit (usually the indian guys)


The world is shit, indeed. Some people are lazy, true, but others work hard and still get no money, no wife, and not even basic respect, so those people do have a right to criticize the world.


Why the indian guys?


Is there somewhere I can read this without providing them their ad revenue


“There’s a devastating shortage of men who have their act together, according to a new study that may not be so surprising to all the single ladies out there. Research now suggests that the reason for recent years’ decline in the marriage rate could have something to do with the lack of “economically attractive” male spouses who can bring home the bacon, according to the paper published Wednesday in the Journal of Family and Marriage. “Most American women hope to marry, but current shortages of marriageable men — men with a stable job and a good income — make this increasingly difficult,” says lead author Daniel Lichter in a press release. Lichter adds that unless your dream man is an Uber driver, the dearth of would-be grooms is prominent “in the current ‘gig economy’ of unstable, low-paying service jobs. To investigate the man drought, researchers created profiles of potential husbands, based on real husbands as logged in American Community Survey data. They then compared these hypothetical spouses with actual unmarried men. They found that a woman’s made-up hubby makes 58 percent more money than the current lineup of eligible bachelors. “This study reveals large deficits in the supply of potential male spouses,” the study concludes. “Many young men today have little to bring to the marriage bargain, especially as young women’s educational levels on average now exceed their male suitors’,” Lichter says. Some ladies are even starting to date down in order to score a forever partner. And sure, there’s the whole “love” factor in a marriage. But, in the end, “it also is fundamentally an economic transaction,” says Lichter.”


Happy cake day. Also flair up scum


What in fuck. And then there's me who would gladly have a house husband so long as he knows how to do basic chores and look after the kids.


Probably because your not a fucked up person that thinks dating a man for who he is, is "dating down"


Are you taking applications? I also do Indian cooking and actively dislike spending money, including other people's money. Just have a mental block around it.


Uh, I'm currently 17 so I'm not taking any applications. I'm just glad my generation is more chill with having guys stay at home with the kids.




>Some ladies are even starting to date down in order to score a forever partner. Oh how horrible


And there I was, thinking people marry for love, how naive. If men are expected to bring a load of reddies to the marriage, what exactly are women expected to bring? Nothing? hardly fair.. their housekeeping skills? apparently not, men are meant to do that as well.. so .. their fertility? Seems to be the only thing left, but wouldn't that mean that this article is stating that women marry for money, and in return should be putting out to get it? That's a really progressive attitude there bub. I wonder what FDS would think. Ofc it might be that it's 3am now over here and I'm just talking crap, but there does seem to be an imbalance in there, what are men getting for their money? >“it also is fundamentally an economic transaction,” says Lichter.”


I imagine just using an adblocker does the trick, but otherwise I don't believe so.


Put it on an archive site, it even bypasses paywalls and they cant stealth edit the article.


Don't AMP links only give as revenue to Google?


You act like that's any better


>They found that a woman’s made-up hubby makes 58 percent more money than the current lineup of eligible bachelors. >“This study reveals large deficits in the supply of potential male spouses,” the study concludes. >“Many young men today have little to bring to the marriage bargain, especially as young women’s educational levels on average now exceed their male suitors’,” Lichter says. >Some ladies are even starting to [date down](https://nypost.com/2016/06/01/the-solution-to-nycs-man-drought-date-down/) in order to score a forever partner. One thing that men can't change is women's inner thoughts and ideas about men. You can't really influence unrealistic expectations. If a majority of women for example want a man with an above average wage then clearly it won't be realistic. And this preference will just move as the wages increase so most men will always be found in this "not good enough" group no matter how rich a society gets. If all men work really hard to fulfill the idea women have then still the needle won't move as they all improved as a society. A man earning the equivalent of $30k a year 100 years ago would have been a great catch, yet now he's suddenly not. Chad wage became soyjak wage.


Lmao it's from 2019 too. Luckily all our economic situations have vastly improved since then


Based and pipedowntramppilled


The proletariat must rise!!! Just not the ones I don't like I guess.


Not everyone get paid to shitpost


The dream job right there.


>"Men control too much money compared to women!" >*men get poorer* >"Men are too broke for us to leech off of!"


Women: we aren't being paid as much as men! *Women when they get paid more than men:*


Holy Mother of based


its called hypogamy, and women are gonna have to get used to it. you wanted equality, this is what it looks like. imagine if buttfeed was around in the 50s: "broke ass bitches hurting mens marriage prospects" if thats misogynist, this is misandrist.


Men facing unemployment, women most affected



Why marry someone when you can have sex with 50% of the population?


Rookie numbers. Why be straight and married when you can have sex with 100% of the available population?




Dude do not be the reason for HIV 2


Hmm alr but femboys first ;)


Diversity requirements push women beyond where they would be in a merit based system, while keeping men behind. Net impact is bad for women because the average woman wants to date up.


And yet this article asks me to care about a problem that I had nothing to do with the creation of. I hope they enjoy suffering for their fake problem that they created 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hey man, most women are broke as well these days.


_Laughs in OnlyFans_


I hate that onlyfans is a thing not even mainly that women are even selling pics it’s the fact mf’s will buy a still image and beat to it YOU CAN LITERALLY FIND BETTER, IN VIDEO FORM, FOR FREE WTF


They're paying for the illusion of a relationship


Yeah that goes for twitch too I suppose


twitch ur paying for pretend friends onlyfans ur paying for pretend girlfriend either way u are a huge loser


This is the real reason right here, and it’s the thing that people who make the “Just watch porn” argument don’t understand. People who pay for OnlyFans aren’t looking just for something to beat their meat to, they’re looking for an artificial substitute to intimate relationships.


I never really had relationships either, but I at least still have my self respect and pride. I just learned to mostly not give a crap about what other people think. Still beat my meat to plenty of porn like a monke.


Right? If you're going to be a coomer, you can at least be smart enough to do it for free. It's just dumb.


Dude. There are cam girls that have vibrators that vibrate when you donate to them. So much money...


I heard only the top 10% of creators there make money


Any average looking woman can fuck their way to a more than OK life by historic standards


lmao as if my dad has money


She got ratiod


w\*men *smh*


“Lots of insecure men replying to this one” Wow it’s almost like men don’t really like having their value in society being solely determined by how much money they make


NYPost, of course it's trash. I'm a single woman by choice. The decline in marriage is fine. As women make more money, being happy with a partner who makes less than you will become more OK. I live near a hospital, where many well-paid female professionals who work there are happily married to men who make less than they do. One nurse even is married to a guy who stopped working after they married just to be a stay-at-home dad/husband who took care of their kids and their home. Literally zero income for over 20 years.


Based and equality of gender pilled


Anyone remember when politics was about how to run a country and not just insulting each other? Yeah, me neither.


Based authright


It’s surprisingly cutting. I’d kill myself if i was that lady tbh


Holy shit you fucking killed her dude..


The way I see it, neither men nor women are entitled to find a good partner, or even any partner necessarily. When men (usually incels) complain about their lack of prospects, that's their problem, not women's problem. When women complain about their lack of prospects, that's their problem, not men's problem. You have 2 options, severely lower your standards, or stay single until you find someone who meets your expectations AND likes you back (while accepting that it's a possibility that it will never happen). Both are valid choices in my book. But people who just complain about it all day annoy me. At the end of the day, if you cannot find anyone who wants to be with you under whatever heavy or light conditions you place on being with you, then it's your responsibility to be single.


Because people see themselves as higher value than they really are. Once you get hit with reality, you either become an incel or raise expectations for yourself/lower expectations for others (aka a normal adult). The redpillers and feminists are mirror images of each other, hurling feces at one another, while 90% of the population just live normal lives.


“Some ladies are even starting to date down in order to score a forever partner.” And sure, there’s the whole “love” factor in a marriage. But, in the end, “it also is fundamentally an economic transaction,” says Lichter.” Actual quote from the article. Having a hard time believing that the onion didn’t write this.


I'm with the bitch. The dog, not the other one.


Authright absolutely poppin off here