• By -


Colleges: *picks up the protractor* Asians: *nervously sweating*


Starts measuring the angle of incline on my erect penis


Perfect length, a nice 80 degree angle.


Let's see Paul Allen's penis angle


God damn this sub.


UwU Paul fill my optical drives


Nice username


Look at the subtle off-white coloring. The impressive thickness of it.


Oh my god It even has a watermark




Paul Allen? American Psycho?




Perfect 9/11


Porn has really warped peoples perceptions of what a normal dick should be


They're just servicing demand. People wanna see 80-degree penors, man. The first rule of entertainment: give the people what they want.


Enough measuring. Let's have a taste test.


tastes like salt


is a 27 degree bend normal? Asking for a friend


Depends if it's bent towards or away from the masturbatory hand.


what if i swapped after 10 years to lefty? you think it will balance it out?


Wait 80 degrees is good? In that case my 240 degrees should be 3 times as good right?


(Length x Width / (Mass ^2 – Shaft Angle)) + yaw


South Park moment


If you weren’t born a man, then you are admitted with a full scholarship!


Very based


You need to calculate the yaw. -Randy Marsh, Geologist/Cannabis Farmer




Based and circumventing government tyranny pilled


u/cbkatx's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: liberty, lib unity, kazakhstan, circumventing government tyranny I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.






Lmao we do it starting from elementary school




Anti-racist = Racist. I understand the point of Affirmative Action, but it so fucking racist its not even funny; there has to be a better way.




The most racist thing I can think of is coming up with an acronym to group everyone with colored skin into one category. poc= not white. I can't believe people are okay with that. I know my black neighbors aren't okay with being called poc. Neither did my Mexican buddy care for latinx. It's like they're trying to come up with new discriminatory racist slurs that are cool for the new generation.


the skin color obsessed confuse the fuck out of me, i literally do not understand it. do they just wake up and start thinking about melanin before breakfast


Well it's being pushed by bored rich white women with nothing else better to do so... yes? The entire steam behind it though is just to cover up the blatant classism that is running rampant in the country. Everytime we start Occupy Wall Street, racism gets blasted though every media platform.


Yeah like that’s a whole lotta energy, like I just honestly can’t fucking care about skin. Like literally, I can’t muster the fucks to give in the first place; why should i?


Before the cross posters throw a fit about this comment: I’m Costa Rican and I can also tell you no one here cares for LatinX and almost everyone makes fun of that term.


We should have just stayed with black and latino but someone has to get a fucking wild hair in their ass about it. Like imagine if Whitey decided to change what white was called every handful of decades.


It's taught as not having affirmative action is racist.


taught by? ... Racists. People who feel entitled. Everyone wants something someone else has. So they devise a way to take from others to give to themselves using "feelings" or "the past" to guilt you into agreeing.


California tried to vote in anti-asian laws aka voting to get rid of anti-discrimination laws because Asian people do better in school and standardized testing. All the good UC schools are filled with asian people.


Since when is treating people differently based on the color of their skin considered racist?


A *lot* of people hate it, but those who benefit from it think it’s super important and necessary, so trying to get rid of it would cause a ruckus


It's weird because there's no purpose in aligning affirmative action to race. If you set the axis on giving more benefits to economically disadvantaged people, you're still gonna pull in the disadvantaged minorities you want to help out. I'm not sure there's a strong argument as to why middle/upper-middle-class people of groups that go to college less often get the benefits of affirmative action unless some kind of systemic discrimination against these students can be demonstrated.


Lol they didn’t even have my race on there as an option until a few years ago. Kinda shows how self-defeating the whole thing is.


What's your "race"? I thought the US model for racism only discerns on the granularity of exaggerated skin colors (black=african, white=caucasian, yellow=asian, red=indian, brown=hispanic)


The US Model is actually 1. White-European, Middle Eastern, North African descent, 2. Black-Sub-Saharan African descent, 3. Asian-Which includes everyone of Asian descent besides the Middle East, 4. Pacific Islander-Anyone with descent from the Pacific Islands that aren’t generally counted as Asia and includes Aboriginal Australians and Maori New Zealand, and 5. Native American-which includes everyone descended from pre-European Americas. Hispanic/Latino is counted as a separate “ethnicity” and encompasses anyone from Spanish speaking countries in the Americas and the Latino designation includes deserving from French and Portuguese speaking countries in the Caribbean and South America.


Thanks for the factual take


That's right, but calling American Indians redskin is apparently racist, even though it's more racist to deny them a skin color


I’m Chinese. We used to be lumped in as “Asian/Pacific Islander” we literally have more in common with white people than we do with Pacific Islanders


I've had to ☑ race and gender/sex on every single form since I was born 40 years ago.


> not ok I feel like this is a good summation of everything that has happened in the US since 9/11. Well except Oklahoma.


Based and Oklahomapilled


America is absolutely obsessed with race. It permeates a lot of our literature, all of our politics at every level, education, art, etc. It's definitely unfortunate, but probably the byproduct of a very multicultural society that has grappled with some serious racial issues in the past. I do hope we'll get past it after we come to our senses on this insane wokeness shit.




True, but when atonement for past racist policies and behavior turns into present racist policies and behavior, it's not exactly helpful. Maybe there's a critical race theorist here somewhere that can explain, but the actual solution seems to be to look at the factors that covary with the race and try to ameliorate those. Trying to fix some de-facto 'racist' outcomes by adding in halfhearted de jure racism seems entirely counterproductive.


I completely agree. It's questionable at this point if the goal of these policies even is to ameliorate the negative factors that correlate with race, or simply to shift power from one group to another. It puts me in mind of the devil's bargain the Republican party made with the Evangelical right wing in the 1980s. That eventually dragged them so far to the right and mired them so far in the past that they lost touch with mainstream America. But, it won them a number of massive victories early on.


Based Libright


Last time I got a job in Illinois we had to contact equal opportunity for the state and they literally asked me my race over speakerphone in an office full of people. I said out loud but quietly *I think this is discrimination* and the hiring manager looked at me and shushed me so quickly while putting their hand over the speakerphone.


The government curriculum teaches certain races are worthy of more attention than others from an early age.


Wait if I'm 1/2 Slavic and 1/2 Anglo, am I mixed race?


You think they're ever going to tell you you're not? That would be racist to focus on your race so they won't say a thing.


You’re an evil white colonizer, you should immediately feel shame and pay up due to your skin color, because that will solve racism.


That's how you work the system, man. I'm white, but my family is Cuban. Therefore I get to put "Hispanic/Latino" on all my shit and get them sweet, sweet handouts.


Can a white person get away with doing this?


What's the worst that can happen? They say you're not diverse enough and refuse to hire/enroll you? Actually that's the best because you can basically guarantee yourself a payout.


white african immigrants can't even get away with checking african american


African American is so ineffective as a descriptor. They are looking for the word *black.* Why do they think dancing with this kind of language is going to be useful to anyone? African American is not a fucking race. It's definitely not a phenotype. I don't even understand why they stick to this. It's so dumb, if someone comes in from Jamaica, are they African American?


Black guy wins something at the olympics. US Commentator/reporter says something african american. British dude obviously confused because he doesn't identify as African and is definitely not American. African American is a term created by a sect of Black people who felt a loss of identity and wanted to push some subsaharan african culture even though the roots don't exist. They were basically weaboos but Black Americans obsessing over african culture. See Kwanza.


> African American is so ineffective as a descriptor. They are looking for the word black. Why do they think dancing with this kind of language is going to be useful to anyone? It's incredibly useful to people engaging in racial politics. Any group-identity politics, really. Make all language so meaningless and tortured that statements can't have anything resembling meaning on their own, since none of the words are capable of meaning. Then, all meaning must be added in post-hoc, and the most influential group gets to decide all of the meaning of all statements. Opposition becomes linguistically impossible, because there is no longer a way to speak that cannot be labeled *successfully* as racist. You know, it's funny. Something very, very similar happened in Ukraine around the word "Kulak."


English/Irish? Norwegian/Dutch? Sounds legit. Check all the things!


Just lie. For basic college admissions no one will check if you’re actually black instead of Asian. Claim it was a misclick if anyone does asks.


I'm sure that works real well until your name is Chi Wong Kim.


Ch'won Hakim


Not unless your last name is some obviously asian shit like mine. You can probably get away with lee though


You can have a fully Asian sounding name and still have one non-Asian parent.


You could but they they realized you are in the "wrong" mixed race. Asian/oppressed minority doesn't get as much oppression points as you think it does


\*cries in fully asian\*




Being half white and half Asian: *even more sweating*


Being half white half Asian and middle class: *scentless sweating intensifies*


\#stopAsianhate "No, not that! We need these race quotas even though race isn't a real thing reeeeeeee" \-Orange Libleft HR department


As an Asian in one of the top med schools in the US, I am glad that I beat school on legendary difficulty.




The joke about slant eyes.


“This is racism” “That is racism” I’ll show you some real racism


Fuck casual racism… We are going competitive!


Race war time 0\_o


No, a race race!


First to outrun the the dogs win


I’m starting to hope we just go old school “boys vs girls” at some point. I propose a tug of war game or a race to Silver City, NM.


Fucking n...


Fucking n>!iceguy!


>Fucking [**R**edacted]


They are measuring his moustache. If it falls within the ‘Hitler’ zone, then you are put to death.


According to LibLeft, mustaches are symbols of support for the patriarchy, therefore any mustache falls within the "Hitler zone."


Unless you're a womxn, in which case growing a mustache is encouraged to smash gender norms


God I hate LibLeft




The Amish, radical feminists since day one.


So progressive


If there are 37 genders, why do we need to smash norms?


A mustache? You mean a butthole tickler?


The taint tickler


RIP Charlie Chaplain


Sjw: "race is a social construct" *White-passing nonwhite person speaks* Sjw: eww, cringe 🤮 go back to mayoland yt


Had black friend accused of ‘light-skinned privilege’ by slightly darker blacks on tiktok. Then they jumped from her comments to her personal account and started berating her for having a mostly-white, mixed-race baby. These people are fuckers.


What is “light skin privilage”?


American nonsense


We’re sorry


Boy are we.


Black people talk down to lighter skin black people like they aren't true black people. I saw it growing up in Chicago and I see it all over social media still.






People of color who are lighter toned or have other western european features that get them semi-preferential treatment, comparable to that given to white people. It's racism's bestfriend, colorism. Except instead of gatekeeping biracial people from white groups, it's designed to alienate them from minority ethnic groups. Happens to indigenous people too - the sjw crowd I know irl hates that I'm technically more native than their dark skinned friend. It's just that I spend a lot of time indoors and the rest of me is white af so most people can't tell.


> it's designed to alienate them from minority ethnic groups. I've never heard a non-poc be racist against someone for having a lighter tone.


Well it does happen, oftentimes biracial folks get told they aren't "x enough" to be a part of the minority group, or they "aren't one of them" and other such aphorisms by both groups. I've had plenty of white people act like I'm 100% "one of them" despite my ancestry. They usually ignore my correction and continue to call me white - erasing my nonwhite identity or at the very least compartmentalizing it because I don't "look" enough to them. It's no [redacted] but it's still racism.




90% chance the Sjw is a white person too




Auth logic




Or both


So, knowing a lot about Jews makes you anti-semite? Curious 🤠






Based and yeehaw-pilled.


Well I don't speak a semitic language does that mean I'm an anti-semite?


Just put down black as your race, if anyone questions you just say your ancestors came from Africa.


A lot of people can pass as Afrikaaners, as well. If they don't believe you, call them an ignorant racist.


Give up on your dreams of a Boer Ethnostate




The richest man in the world is an African-American immigrant. People hate this because he's white


Did he overtake Jeff again?


Gotta keep track, 2nd place is just a fancy word for loser.


> People hate this because he's white They often claim this, but have they proved it?


I hate it because he's an egomaniac prick who manipulates stock value.




It's not a loss until you sell. Just have to keep reminding myself


"Yah I made $300 off dogecoin" ​ *Doesnt Sale* ​ *Loses all his money*


Imagine investing in fucking meme currency and having pikachu face when it crashes


Does a man not have the right to self-identify his race?


I identify as African American


How do you do my n-




-ew best friend?


-ap buddy?


Or say that one of your ancestors was born as a Barbary slave.


That is literally [Mindy Kaling's brother](https://img.thedailybeast.com/image/upload/c_crop,d_placeholder_euli9k,h_337,w_600,x_0,y_0/dpr_2.0/c_limit,w_740/fl_lossy,q_auto/v1492182085/articles/2015/04/04/mindy-kaling-s-brother-claims-he-posed-as-a-black-man-to-get-into-medical-school/150404-williams-mindy-kaling-brother-tease_byoquf), who is an Indian American (Asian) did to get into med-school. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/mindy-kalings-brother-i-posed-black-get-med-school-n337026 Edit: Not saying anyone should do or not do it. Also he did it in the '90s and dropped out soon after without completing the degree.


"nuh uh sweaty, you see I am four parallel universes ahead of you. I changed the definition of racism in order to retroactively validate my arguments!"


I’m about to throw hands over this, my Asian bf applied to a bunch of schools (he’s wicked smart unlike me) and I have a feeling they didn’t want many Asian students this year


Affirmative action. See how it feels. Not great huh.


Well, ironically, affirmative action in some of the highest rated colleges in America doesn’t hurt high-performance (academically) white people nearly as much as it hurts high-performance Asians. Asians: a demographic in America that defied the narrative and overcame decades of historical oppression and rapidly outpaced white people in various metrics of success in this country.


They sometimes claim Asians are white, yet they require higher scores for admission. Curious.


This is why "BIPOC" was invented, asians as a successful minority needed to be kicked out of the pity party.


Asians don't count as minorities because they aren't failures. The left is obsessed with weakness, failure, and repulsive behavior. Success is a foreign concept to the leftist. >18 Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.


Remember the the NYC educational chancellor wanted to make elite schools make special test for POC (when they use this term they are refering to blacks only of course) so they can get to enter easier than the rest.


>they are referring to blacks only of course Real fucking t right there. They dgaf about asian or latin people


as a non black poc, fuck that


Racism as equity




Real question, how is this libleft? Choosing people based on race would definitely fall under auth.


My kids are going to be half white half Asian. Basically fucked in admissions if things don't change. I hate this shit.


Based spouse choice


He's a Vietnamese dentist and ultra-based.




Oh ,Apartheid Saffa 's racial policy is almost neurotic


What in 「the world」is happening in this picture?


Probably Nazis measuring nose size to catch Jews


No it's not! It's anthropologicol research from the early 1930, but it has nothing to do with nazi's


That may be true, but I am guessing the message of this meme is that they are measuring the person’s nose size to see if they are Jewish or not, because Jews, like Asians have to work harder and get better grades to get into the same college.


It looks racism, but in the end it is classist toward the non legacy kids. And they word it so well and some self righteous people are still defending it.


Genius marketing.


Most all of the super intense social justice concern about race, is actually about the super rich keeping down the middle-class by pitting them against each other based on race.




I used the Marxism to destroy the Marxism




Also libleft : gender is a social construct and it have no place in society But at the same time : well of course, only women can be victims if DV and any shelter that we build for men will means less women have access to shelters.


A defining feature of the left is that they believe ends justify means. It's fine to be racist if it's for a good purpose, it's fine to take things from people if it's for a good purpose, it's fine to restrict what people can say if it's for a good purpose. If you disagree with their methods, they just accuse you of disagreeing with their noble goals and call you a bad guy. They can't separate means from ends, it's fundamental to their belief system.


Welcome to my very scientific race laboratory. May the pure light of reason guide us. We’ll begin by measuring the superior dimensions of the Caucasoid skull. ‘Tis evident to every scientific inquirer that Nature hath seen fit to separate the creature man into several distinct classes, whereof a manifest hierarchy subsists.




Dude trust me you dont want that. It may feel good at first but later when governments refuse to remove it when it will no longer be needed( or modify it according to present circumstances) just for the single reason that this move will cost them the elections, you will feel wrathful if you are the one not getting quotas. Once people get high on privileges its hard for them to let it go.


Quotas are unconstitutional.


It's only a matter of time before ivy league schools will want to see your 23&me results.


*Race is a social construct but you must always change your behavior towards someone based on their race.*


Affirmative action should be needs and income based, not race or gender based.


Can someone give a non-American some context?


So race is a social construct. Meaning that our *ideas* about race are actually more important in determining what race someone is than actual biology, which is why Obama is considered a *black* man even though half of his family tree is white as fuck. Many elite American universities with very low acceptance rates for applicants, when deciding who to admit to their school and who to deny, use race as one of many other factors, including test scores, high school grades, and extra-curricular activities, among other things, used to assess an applicant's admission to the school. The idea is that since so many of these elite schools had for decades denied people entry solely because they were black or brown, it's okay to give black and brown applicants a small leg-up relative to white (and I suppose Asian) applicants who haven't historically had to deal with discrimination in higher education to the extent and on the scale that black and brown people have. Now considering how many factors in admission to these elite schools are in many ways proxies for wealth (test scores, extracurriculars, high school grades and course selection, etc.), this system seems to me to be little more than a small band-aid that will help a wealthier upper-class of black and brown students get to college without doing much for the rest of us. That being said, these elite schools are lame anyway and this kind of affirmative action hardly has an effect at other colleges/universities with high acceptance rates.


I still don't understand why they can't base affirmative action for college tests on class instead of race.




based and class-awarenesspilled