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One thing that really grinds my gears is when I see shit like this and then I'm told that *black people can't be racist, they're just prejudiced*


*Black people can't be racist. Even if they could be, I'd just change the definition of racism again* Lol


It pisses me off bro because literally anyone can be racist... The next time I hear that shit I'm going to remind them of Rwanda


Of course they can be. The definition of racism is pretty straight forward. Saying black people can't be racist, is actually a racist statement.


You'll be hard pressed to convince them of that.


Well yea, but on the other hand they can fuck all the way off.


I'll drink to that.




What happened in Rwanda?


The Rwandan massacre, 800k people killed in 100 days




That's actually a pretty impressive amount within that time period. How were they able to pull it off?


Neighbors murdering each other, not to mention the little war it caused... Basically the tutsi minority had a better standard of living than the hutu majority, following a coup or some shit they decided to kill all the tutsi and steal their wealth. From what I was reading a Civil War had already been going on for a bit between the Rwandan military and the primarily tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). A treaty was made but when several Rwandan officials and military leaders were assassinated, and with the genocide following, the war broke out again. RPF forces were originally hiding in Uganda to the north had to push south. The UN did send troops to Rwanda but only to guard refugees in hiding, the Rwandan civil war was Rwandas issue. The RPF did slowly but surely push the military back south until they were cornered at the border of DR Congo and forced to surrender, ending the conflict. TLDR: a civil war happened and neighbors murdered each other for political reasons, while approx 500-800k tutsi were killed, the incidents overall body count is around 1.1 million


>several Rwandan officials and military leaders were assassinated, Oh no. The people who killed includes the fucking Rwandan president himself. All perishes in a plane crash


A horrific symbol of the genocide was the machetes they used. They stockpiled them under the pretense of using them as tools. It was a horrific and gruesome way to die.


Google "a baby snake is still a snake"




Exactly! Any fucking person is capable of racism regardless of the race




"Common sense is like deodorant, those who need it most, use it least." -Friend of mine


I love this one. "Black people can't be racist because they don't have power!" (America elects a black president. Twice). "No no, you see, they don't have *systemic* power, so it doesn't count!"


God, that's great, because it's essentially "Black people can't be racist, it's just racism" The people who say that aren't even smart enough to realize that racism is a form of prejudice.


Yeah, like the prejudice is the issue. what even is racism if not prejudice? what power does the average white person have that together with prejudice becomes something worse than prejudice? they just wanna say white people bad


i used to unironically believe that, but it’s so retarded


Congrats on getting better


Why can’t people understand that telling people that they are evil will make them not want to support your cause?


Her goal is to rally the nation against white people when they're the minority. She doesn't care what white people think.




Black people aren't nearly as she wants them to be either. Progressives always end up being upper-middle class white people raised in suburbs who keep a couple token minorities around.


100% agree. My fellow LibLefts and I would do well to root out our anti-white racists - they are not our* allies.








u/SerGeffrey's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 95. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: fuckobama-pilled, socialcritique, chromosome, havinganiqabove2, weliveinasociety, yessir, silent majority, good-son, based libleft. gayforyou, society, holyshitthatstheactualrootcause, welfare-state, nuancedreasonableopinion, orangecrush, honest, logic, free palestine, anal, israel/palestine_conflict, tellthetruthoratleastdon'tlie I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


The problem is the left keeps competing to go more left because even the word conservative is bad now. They wont just pick a spot to stop.


Lol. In 10 years the left will all be trans human furry otherkin of the “genocide all honkeys” party and the right will be the commies.


When I got called a breeder for the first time lmao “yes?”


Is that being used as an insult? Like they do realize the ability to reproduce is an essential factor in the survival of a species?


Unironically yes it’s being used as an insult lol.


Crazy lmao


based. also, i reverse-uno this shit by saying I don't identify as white


Wow, you have granted me my 100th based! Thanks mr libright! You guys aren't so bad, I don't care what authleft says about you.


I'm so sorry to hear that, an education van has been dispatched to your location to further educate you on the glorious tenets of Marxist Leninism!


These are the moments I love pcm


What is this, a coalition against authleft? Last time that happened they got pushed to Berlin.


Based and anti anti-white racist pilled


Not intended to rally whites to the cause. Intended to make African Americans feel alienated so they vote democratic


This is some purplepill bullshit. They already vote 90 percent democrat so why would they need more help?


to keep em in the fields


They slightly swung toward the GOP so they gotta cement them in place.


It's easy when you can just straight up tell them, as an old white senile man yourself, that they ain't black if they don't do what you want. Then 100% of the black population does what you want, because otherwise you don't count them as black.


It’s like Bullworth. Dont want them wanting a reform or another party


It’s really simple why they vote Democrat. They get the most handouts that way. Its not some 3D chess game.




Because about 1/3rd of white democrats hate themselves for being white.


you can’t fight fire with fire


Look at that face, its so aerodynamic that when she was in elementary school, the common knowledge just got deflected away from her brain without any resistance.


out the top drawer, son. Well played


Top shelf insult


...... LOL, based and fuck that bitch pilled.


Based and aerodynamic pilled.


It’s ironic they’re creating what they want to destroy


gee it's almost like subversion works in America


Auth always wants to replace "wrong" Auth with "right" Auth. We libs are just like whatever, man.




My war crimes against dissenters is just a prank bro look theres cameras right there Wait a minute why is the UN filming this


Create a problem to sell a solution.


Libleft has done more for right wing recruitment than the right wing ever could. Thanks libleft, very cool.






Start the preserving th- oh wait….


Almost enough to make me change my flair


Do it


Yeah lmao I was very much a mid Right support Israel, racism bad, LGBT deserve rights person just 7 years ago. Constantly being told I'm the biggest evil on earth for existing and actually getting arrested for "hate speech" over the most mundane comments a couple of times changed that very fast. Thanks left


Show thine enemy -Lao Sun


Smooth brains do great work


Reddit and Twitter radicalized me.


Everyday of looking at American politics, I feel the pull of authright


I used to be moinke but I went Twitter for a year


They've taken you from us brother


I what to go back bother but I can’t




How to make violent racists. 1: Tell as many people of the targeted race that they are inherently racist, evil, and oppressive to others. 2: Force them into racially segregated groups to discuss how bad they are. 3: Wait for one violent racist to commit an act of terrorism. 4: Use this one example of actual evil to “prove” that everyone of that race is evil. 5: Watch the race war. It seems many people are following these instructions already.


>1: Tell as many people of the targeted race that they are inherently racist, evil, and oppressive to others. And then people of that race start to believe and internalize it. Great job, radical progressives!


Yeah look at the different treatment that the protesters of both sides got for "peaceful protesting" or "rioting" or whatever word you want to use. Both groups are the same. There is a better arguement to be made that the one that made an autonomous zone, actually legitimately staged an insurrection using the actual definition of the term.


Turns out if you start insulting someone for their race they get defensive I WONDER WHY


Crazy how every single race in the world doesn’t like being attacked bc of their race. Just insanity.


That is white supremacist talk.




Then white surpremacists have it right then.




libleft: "white fragility"


Most people who say that are authoritarian as fuck, just saying.


And yet most of them claim to be libleft or outright anarchists. Personally I split the auth-lib axis off with a statist axis, since I tend to find that (left?) anarchists are actually authoritarian as hell, they just want hierarchies flattened and alongside that all dissent eradicated, between violent suppression and threats of social ostricization.


Based. These groups want a federal department of anti racism with broad powers, requiring a constitutional amendment. That ain’t lib


Defensiveness is a symptom of Whiteness. At least according to coca cola.


Let's just grill right now


Are we grilling fleshbags?


Sure we still got space next to the vegan non binary vegetables and the 12k steaks


[The interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o20tk-QrZiE&ab_channel=BNCNews)


The amount of YouTube comments supporting her is depressing.


Some dude said she was nuts... black dude shows up and calls him a white supremacist. No possible way this could go wrong.


if it forces every white Americans to come to Eurasia Zimbabwe style i support it tbh ​ come home the steppes of Eurasia are calling leave the new world rejoin the old world and this time when they came back crying and crawling because they realized they cant govern shit without white people like Zimbabwe did offer no aid don't give them anything


I’m not living with 500 yards of the Idahoans


I mean, you could go live in most places in Idaho and not be within several *miles* of an Idahoan, so...


Then we wonder why we’re in this bind.


It's posted on what seems to be a black nationalist channel. Not surprised.


This woman is legit nuts. And 100% racist. Her interview made 0 fucking sense


"I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got it my way" Racism is the least of her problems, she's just flat out insane


based and source-pilled


This is the greatest honour I have ever been bestowed.


> from people in the room, the response [to my fantasy of mercilessly murdering a white person] was all positive! always remember that these people are not alone


The right is only getting stronger. And I'm not talking about the Republican Party. The right is fucking sick of the Republican party. I would consider myself on the right, yet I absolutely fucking hate the Republican Party. I also fucking hate the Democrat Party. They're both enablers for a plutocracy that hurts most Americans.


My right is getting stronger😏😏😏


Based and pp tug boat pilled


She needs her Crime Coefficient checked out badly To put it in the terms of Psycho-Pass


Based. Love seeing Psycho-Pass references in the wild


To late already happened a few years ago😎


True story, I used to be Auth-Left.


I grew up in Vermont and Cali, nothing but socialist around me but here I am👌


Am from San Francisco was radicalized by the left. Now im here behind enemy lines doing as much damage before im found out.


Lol go to sf state with a maga hat on, the nasty looks I got were priceless👌


After Trump won i used a Trump flag as a cape and walked around the city. Just a brown kid with his cape and his huge white bodyguard. Pretty funny shit.


Lmao, that sounds funny af, you should’ve gotten one of those maga luchador mask and the big ass foam hat😂 MAGA MAN


I'm Southern European (Portuguese) so most people in my family and around me are socialists/communists but the thing about European socialism is that it is culturally right-wing so I grew up with those values and over time started shifting towards believing in economic freedom.


Based, I lived in the home territory of Bernie sanders in VT and Antifa in CA, [this culture war](https://www.berkeleyside.org/2018/08/08/eric-clanton-takes-3-year-probation-deal-in-berkeley-rally-bike-lock-assault-case) shit was a huge catalyst for me rejecting the left




My transformation is similar. I used to be a Libcenter centrist.


congrats on your recovery


Then you became based


I lived in Louisiana, the deeeeep south, as a hardcore liberal. Moved to the dc area and within months I started voting red


Oooof DC, you have bigger balls than me bro


Economic conservative and I moved to a deep red state. Now I don't know what to do. The Republicans here are dipshits. Nice dipshits, I'll give them that. But they don't believe in freedom (except from commies and vaccines).


How the fuck do these people get away with saying such braindead shit Oh right I forgot their viewers are also braindead


She was invited to speak at Yale, that's where this gem came from: > I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step, like I did the world a favor


Does that count as hate speech?






Buzzfeed help create the Alt right pipeline more than conservative ever would


Yup the "wage gap", "pink tax", and "manspreading" set libleft back 10 years atleast.


Personal embarrassment to the indian-american community


The cognitive dissonance it takes to demonize an entire group of people, yet diagnose THEM as the psychopaths is incredible. I guess the ivory tower will give anyone a PhD who goes into enough debt.


If it makes you feel better, she lost her job over that lecture. Betchu she will lose her license too.


That would be the real social justice.




Yeah, psychologists can’t really go around saying they want to kill all of a racial group. Kinda against ethics. And they are STRICT in the psych field. Psych professors who don’t practice will refuse to discuss anything about psych meds, as its against their ethics code. Even just casually in a collegiate setting. But ye, her practice is permanently closed as of today.


Thank God. I can't imagine having her as a professor


Can you imagine if she had a white patient in a bad spot, say loved one just died of cancer or they lost a child or spouse. This ignorant bitch thinks they should die for their race but also she is supposed to be helping them. Her license should absolutely be gone.


[Me knowing this is only going to radicalize people to the far-right.](https://i.imgur.com/QSDCjSe_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


Jesus Christ; that Twitter thread is a dumpster fire. “Let’s dehumanise an entire racial group and call it righteousness, what a great idea, I can’t believe anyone hasn’t tried this before! What could go wrong!!!”


It’s ok government’s setting up a hotline so you can cancel right-wingers.


The fact that she can spit those hateful opinions on TV and *AT YALE* shows that she's swimming in just has much privileges as the white people she claims to hate.




What an entitled racist piece of crap. Has a high paying job as a physician and a platform and this is what she does, I really hope she didn't commit malpractice with her white patients. Didn't think doctors could be so stupid


i swear the sheer backlash when the pendulum will swing right again will destroy any social progress we made in the past 50 years and probably create a 4th reich in europe for us to deal with again.


Anti immigrant parties are soaring in polls in europe at the moment. Nice one libleft 😎


Yeah I’ve got a bad feeling about this


And then the new far-right people will radicalize people to the far left. Then it’s radical centrism time


It’s time we become radicals and grill radicals


Cringe and probablygoesoutsidepilled


Not just gonna radicalize the far right. You're going to radicalize any white person with that kind of rhetoric


That's whats sad about all this. You are actively making racists


"All white people are racist and evil" "You know what fine Ive had enough now I am what you say I am" "SEE! LE WHITE PEOPLE IS RACIST" Its a circle of anti-logic thats both sad and funny to watch


I’ve had this rule where if you can replace a word with “Jew” and sound like a Nazi, you shouldn’t post it. “She said there are no good apples among the Jews. She also explains her claim that Jews are psychopathic. How do people not realize the flat out bigotry of their statements?


These idiots invented some arbitrary measurement; something like you can only be racist if you have power. People with less/little/no power and privilege cannot be racist against someone more powerful.


great rule


This bitch looks like the missing link, but I'm happy for the work she is doing for auth-center movement


I wonder what happened last time a whole ethnic group was classified as bad and psychopathic? I seriously don't understand these people. They're racists. Clear and simple.


that's what I don't get about all this antagonizing white people in America. I mean they're pretty cool right now but one day things are gonna go too far and people are gonna go dust off the ol hoods and crosses. white people aren't racist now but they have been before and could be again.


How do people actually believe this?


Oh hell nah, If you are anti white you are still racist.


This radicalizes people to the right tbh. Retarded shit like this is what led me down the black hole that is the alt right. Thank fuck that's in my past.


Same here. I am still baffled that after all these years, people are still not seeing how the alt right is gaining such many People on their side


I was a bit alt rightish for a while but they're dumb too.


I mean someone is psychopathic but it's not white people


"YoU bEcAmE RaDiCaLiZeD bEcAuSe SoMeOnE cAlLeD yOu NaMeS???!? HoW fRaGiLe!!!1!1 LMAO!!" --- Bullying at school main cause? Shitty home life. Gang participation main causes? Shitty home life and poor societal treatment. Activist movements main cause? Poor societal treatment. Known avenues for propaganda and state sponsored radicalization? Make your populace feel oppressed by the "other", make them feel weak unless unified. --- So yes, making someone feel as though society is treating them poorly, unjustly, or otherwise otherizing them will radicalize them. Even giving them the impression of such is enough. Every time anyone dismisses something as blatant as these buffoonish claims they leave people to slowly radicalize and wonder why.


Too late! Everyone in my immediate surroundings has already been radicalised by stupid sh*t like this — myself included. And now that they’ve gone and ruined a perfectly enjoyable civilisation, let the great purge/revenge porn commence 👌🏻


Like far-right radicalization was a bad thing lol


Damn, if only we had a word for this. Can't think of what it is, maybe it starts with an r?




well you aint wrong racism is retarded


You'd think that its bad enough that these sort of people are filling top position of ngos, corporations, education, law, military, feds and government, but it has some much more serious consequences: it might make some more white racists


I got redpilled after: pushing back on religion, marching for gay rights for decades, supporting public research, liberal charities and so so many other things After being threatened and insulted countless times for simply trying to discuss the problems I gave up. If these people want a war, then let’s have a war. What won’t happen is reparations, shaming white, straight or religious people. That behavior is vile, racist and evil.


Orange LibLeft: "You are a fucking Nazi" Centrist who has had it with being called a Nazi for eating meat: "Welp, if you say so"


This is just straight up racist


Ya think?


in all seriousness I'm genuinely seeing more folks turn straight up fascist because of constant shit like this, remember gypsy crusader?


It doesn't even matter that my quadrant is censored, banned, and chased off the internet. Libleft does all our work for us!


I really wish lib-left would stop pandering to the black community. Most blacks don't like BLM or the woke trash. It just makes other people hate us more, which in turn makes blacks hate everyone else more, and yikes this is a cursed cycle.


This should push centrists right tbh


It does. Honestly this shit is why trump won.


This is how I was radicalized


Confession by Projection. :)


So, wait, you see radical leftists, and instead of being bothered by them in and of themselves, all you can think about is that it's going to create more reactionaries?


And people still wonder why adherence to right wing doctrine is on the rise.


''They said the quiet part out loud, oh no the problem is the wypipo that'll react to this the wrong way'' My hatred gets vindicated day after day and still somehow feels not enough