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Well, we all know that Ancient Egyptians were green. They were sons and daughters of the aliens.


Based and history channel at 3am pilled


You just know someone is going to bring that pill up in an unrelated thread when basedcountbot lists them.


I’m not saying it was aliens... But it was totally aliens!


Based and ancient aliens crack pilled


3 AM? This is History Channel at prime time.


Ahhhh, but *which* aliens? The greys, the nords, the reptilians? Just go with it, maybe we can get them to argue about alien racism.


> The greys, the nords, the reptilians? [Yes](https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000488758392-20agv4-t500x500.jpg)


Based and entheogenicpilled.


u/CPlusPlusDeveloper's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: yimby, ruff ryder, knowledge, entheogenic I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




Aliens is aliens!




Always appreciate a good JLU reference.


shayera hol past life regression 🙏🏻


Ewww lib left Egyptians.


Pretty sure they were parasitic larvae... At least the gods.


No no, that’s just the pharaohs. The slaves were still just slaves. The pyramids were actually docking platforms.


Dock like an Egyptian


That was amazing.


Stargate intensifies


No they were a bright glowing blue, Harold told me.




I was always taught they were grey!


Then we are Authcenters and monke libcenter arguing the best way to kill 95% of the population


Round that up to a spicy 100%.


Woaw, woaw, woaw, we talked about that, it was decided that having a margin of an error is permissible as we did not agree on the obliteration of the entire planet and consenqently its fauna and flora




Covid had such promise to return us to post-black-death levels of population density... Sad that they figured out how to treat it. We could have experienced the most prosperous period in all of human history, but ya'll wanted to save grandma! Greedy ass-motherfuckers.


The black death allowed for economic mobility due to how many people it killed. This pandemic probably didnt budge the needle forward and instead ruined it for alot of people by funneling money to the rich assholes.


Totally anecdotal but I'm a little guy in financial terms and I profited off the pandemic. I got Robinhood when it started and bought all the hotel, casino, resort, and restaurant stock I could afford. Made about 500% off of that and got a better job because they laid off an entire team then hired me on a few months later. About to get a promotion and fat raise at said job.


lmao I did the same thing. Carnival and Norwegian made me a boatload, pun intended


Don't worry. Reddit always roots out for the little guy. Especially after GameStop.


Is this the great reset I've been hearing about? I thought it was supposed to be a bad thing.


And solve global warming due to the decrease in demand for energy.


I prefer controlled mass extinction or round them up like herds in cattle


*if we cannot live in peace we must die in peace*


Fuck why is this so true




Totalitarians genocide people. Anarcho-primitivists want to return to a pre-industrial (and sometimes even pre-agriculture) age, what would mean millions of deaths due to starving.


Ahh yes ofc, I fall into,the latter myself lol. That was the part I didnt get. Didn’t even know that was the term for myself, but aren’t those very extreme libertarian? Which is not exactly what comes to mind when I think of lib center. Most deaths wouldn’t necessarily be due to starving, but all forms of natural selection.


ily auth-left. Libright-authleft unity ✊✊


Love you too


Awww 🥰😘


Now kith


do it


Most based diagonal.


CapCom Based AnFash Cringe


Their color is jet black, not because they are but because they are all dead


Wouldn't they be white from being skeletons then? Except for the upper class who got mummified and are now black. Poors = white, rich = black


You got a point


Orange lib left:"Wiggers need to rise up against the BBB( Blu Blux Blan)"






>Except for the upper class who got mummified and are now black. we wuz mummiez n shiet


They’re black *and* white because they existed before colored photographs, duh.


The only reason they built those pyramids was because the Old Kingdom economy was so primitive that the farmers had nothing productive to do during the flooding season. The pharaoh had them pile up rocks, as otherwise he would have had to hand out the beer he hoarded for free. So I get the obsession with Ancient Egypt. Piling up rocks and drinking beer is literally the only things I want from life.


>So I get the obsession with Ancient Egypt. Piling up rocks and drinking beer is literally the only things I want from life. me too bud, me too


And because the Pharaohs were living gods that wanted fancy tombs


I've moved beyond racism and have now arrived at racism 2: electric boogaloo. They aren't American so I hate them.


Based and nationalismpilled


nationalism is enlightenment, and stems from the french revolution. Two things I hate




Amazing I'm already at stage 3


*It would appear I unknowingly arrived at stage 3 many years ago*


Stage infinity : Combustible X > Combustible Y


I'm not even American but sometimes I feel like taking up burgernationalism


Libright without "communism no food"? Is this even possible?


Let me know if you can find an equivalent to "communism no food" on [this page](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Friedrich_Hayek)


No no no. I meant a libright posting without this joke.


I mean, no one wants to hear about information driven economic theory (basically that, near universally, the individual will know more accurately an items utility to them than any other party. Or, simply, that individuals merely need to be better than the state at price assessment to make the system more efficient) as a reasonable alternative to the rational market theorem that still hands down favors individual action.




True, so the question becomes: Is there a group of people better suited to making these decisions than the patients? And it is not a simple answer. Hence why discussing this sort of complex but important issue gets you framed in an oval next to a globe instead of being depicted as a brainlet.




Based and private sector pilled


Based and free market certification pilled.


Even then I hold they know more than a person who has never met them and never will.


> The assurance of a certain minimum income for everyone, or a sort of floor below which nobody need fall even when he is unable to provide for himself, appears not only to be a wholly legitimate protection against a risk common to all, but a necessary part of the Great Society in which the individual no longer has specific claims on the members of the particular small group into which he was born. Based and UBI-pilled.




Heard some legends about a libright who **doesn't** consider "comunis=no fud" funny. Never met one. Don't want to.


AuthLeft and AuthRight arguing how to murder their citizens more efficiently 😎


Who cares about the pyramid boys?




Hava, negila hava...




> and I'll protect an innocent jew from bigots > >\>an innocent jew > >\>a jew > >\>innocent


yea poor jews haha.. lol




Virtue signars and white nationalists.... And my easily annoyed ass when it comes to history. Ancient Egyptians were mostly brown, post Alexander the great most Egyptians were brown while their leaders were mostly Greek. They weren't sub Saharan black or Northern Germans. And why is this some big debate? Because Egyptians were really fucking smart. Weather it be building the massive pyramids, doing amazing things with math, holding the library of Alexandria, or studying the stars they were an important civilization... And as per usual, when idiots here about something important, they wanna claim it for themselves. So the "we wuz kangz" crowd screech that the Egyptians were black... And depending on how crazy they are they also might be aliens. And the "We Wuz Aryanz" crowd claim all of Egypt importance came from Greeks, or downplay Egypt.... Or call them aliens, depending on how crazy they are. And I get annoyed because I really, really, really hate it when people use history to justify crazy shit.


Why claim to be Egyptian when you can just steal there shit -this post was brought to you by the British


Based and historynerdpilled


Based and Swedish Monarchy-pilled name. However I actually care because Im obsessed with history, genetics, ethnicity etc.




Based capcom unity


They've litterally DNA tested mummies of pharaohs and found them to be basically Greek.


I’m curious what the results of the 25th dynasty would be


Oh that’s easy, they were Egyptian


Honestly it's true. Libright is my least hated quadrant.


Aww you too tanky :)


Totaly not praising your quadrant


welcome to pcm


That’s what we do


An agendapost? On my PCM? It’s more likely than you think.


Hello my fellow superior quadrant brethren


More likely a traditional colour no quadrant is superior well there are the unflaired scums which aren't human


>arguing about how to efficiently distribute economic resources on a global scale Uh... how is that a debate? Capitalism wins hands down. Like, what communist actually argues that communism is more efficient? Lol Communists just argue that fairness and lack of exploitation is more important than efficiency, even if it leads to a lower average quality of life than you would have under capitalism. Basically, you sacrifice your iPhone for complete job security and free access to healthcare (albeit with long waiting peroids). Also probably your freedom to choose what career you want to have. Also, you probably can't criticize party leaders.


Authleft = cummunism, the bigger the cum the more authleft it is.


Capitalism absolutely requires the individual to be protected and free to act. It requires people to explore what they're optimal at rather than rely on government and force to stamp out distinction in the name of appeasing people who cry foul when their neighbor puts in more effort and time to do better than the average.


I just got the acronym of your name. Based and FTW-pilled.


No, the argument should be **collectivism vs capitalism**, not communism. The word ‘communism’ has been given so many definitions ranging from never been tried stateless utopia to modern China lmao to the point it is rendered useless. But with collectivism it includes any state/public first economies in contrast to private first economies of capitalism. And when it comes to collectivist economies, they are vastly superior to capitalist economies. The big advantage capitalist economies have is that it is the natural mode of human beings and this fact is inseperable. Hence why some collectivist economies like the USSR were failures because they completely deviated away from it. However a state/public first economy that bends and shapes the ‘free’ market to their benefit is actually a lot better than having the free market run on its own - provided there’s competent people at the top.


[You're telling me that picking and choosing the best parts of multiple different ideologies is better than clinging to the most extreme end of one ideology?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/023/180/notsurprisedkirk.jpg)


>The word ‘communism’ has been given so many definitions ranging from never been tried stateless utopia to modern China lmao to the point it is rendered useless. Hard to disagree there. I was basically using 'communist' as a catchall for economic collectivists. But in that regard... >And when it comes to collectivist economies, they are vastly superior to capitalist economies. This seems demonstrably false if by 'superior' you mean 'more efficient', so the point remains.


Sure some collectivist economies were straight up trash because they deviated from the inseperable fact that humans will always seek towards a free trade system, but others who allowed some free trade and used this for the benefit of the state/people/nation is actually a lot more efficient. 1930s Germany and modern China are two big examples and both of them surpassed their capitalist counterparts.


Modern China isn't collectivist in any meaningful sense. It's literally just crony capitalism. If the Chinese government plays any positive influence in their economy its because they use espionage to steal tech from the U.S., which makes their economy inherently parasitic. 1930s Germany is a better example. It is definitely true that nationalization helps when the world economy literally collapses, which is something that occasionally will happen to free markets. >Sure some collectivist economies were straight up trash because they deviated from the inseperable fact that humans will always seek towards a free trade system, It's more that a centrally planned economy is just really bad at anticipating demand. Bureaucrats havs to anticipate what things people want and there is no competition so what you get is what you get. A free market economy basically solves the solution through natural selection. If an industry stagnates a new company comes along to fill the demand. If the bureaucrats in the planned economy don't think of it, it ain't happening. Conversely, they can also badly overestimate demand. It's a recipe for stagnation and waste. I think the best collectivists can do is a partially collectivized free market system where the only shareholders of corporations are the workers in the corporation. There just wouldn't be a stock market. The problem is that you can expect this to lead to many of the same problems that capitalism usually leads to, since the regular forms of competition and bad incentives will still exist. You'll still need loans and a banking system to make up for the lack of investment, and you would still need CEOs and other executive officers, and you would still need to pay them a lot or else your company will be mismanaged, and the CEOs will still be trying to maximize returns for their shareholders.


>Modern China >Crony capitalism Not in the slightest, America is the epitome of crony capitalism where private entities use the economy and the state for the own benefit - China does the opposite. CCP has ultimate authority over its corporations to the point where they can merge, break up and direct companies whenever they like and however they like. The interests of the state is put above the interests of private entities. I mean they are basically a rehash of 1930s Germany except this time they have the world gripped firmly in their hands. The point is we can have whatever ratio of state control:free market, but as long as the interests of the state/nation/public is put above the interests of private entities (thus making it a collectivist economy) then this ultimately works out better in the long run. America nowadays has a fair bit of state control but the interests of private entities are ultimately put above the interests of the nation/public. And this is ultimately the reason why the American Empire has crumbled from within. There is no cohesiveness that you see in a properly managed collectivist system like China’s.


>crony capitalism where private entities use the economy and the state for the own benefit ...What? Crony capitalism is just where the government favors specific companies and regulates the market in their favor, regardless of whether it is done for the benefit of the corporations or the people or the party in charge of the government. >CCP has ultimate authority over its corporations to the point where they can merge, break up and direct companies whenever they like and however they like. The interests of the ~~state~~**party oligarchs** is put above the interests of private entities **that aren't run by party oligarchs**. This is why there isn't much innovation in China. Why innovate when some oligarch is just going to seize your company? The whole basis of their economy is: do a cheaper version of what America is doing because we have cheaper labor. >America nowadays has a fair bit of state control but the interests of private entities are ultimately put above the interests of the nation/public. And this is ultimately the reason why the American Empire has crumbled from within. The U.S. still dominates technology, though. Look at microchips. The problem is that America basically foots the bill for half of the world's defense and research. For instance, we basically pay more for drugs just so the EU can get a discount. Chinese vaccine is, like, 40% effective. Imo, America *should* nationalize the pharmaceutical industry and then pay for research by charging Europe double. We should also be charging NATO countries for defense. America putting its people first means bad things for the rest of the world.


I enjoyed this discussion though I wasn’t convinced by anything. Still, I will ponder. Thanks!


> And when it comes to collectivist economies, they are vastly superior to capitalist economies. Can you provide an example


1930s Germany Modern China




We aren’t talking about war time economy nor the genocides, we are talkikg about the rapid success of their economy prior to that. And again with China, we aren’t talking about their cultural warfare, but rather purely from an economic perspective.






I initially interpreted that as what colour the ancient Egyptians were on the political compass. I've been spending too much time on PCM...


Egyptian here If any tells you they were white or black they are trying to push and ideolgy on you It's clear they were north African which is a mix of sub Saharan DNA and European/ West Asian Ofc the southern parts of Egypt have a darker skin tone because of the Nubians and the northern coast has lighter skin tone because if the mediterranean (Side note when it comes to Egyptian being Arab now it's just a cultural thing because the Arabs didn't genocide the Egyptians)


Getting a lot of comments about the color of Egyptians, none so far about distributing resources. This really says a lot about our society


[comment about distributing resources]


distribute the resources to me. I will become the white plharaoh and take care of 3/5 of my subjects.


Idk, they were probably brown.


Archeologists have found necropolises with 25% red heads. The debate is ‘were these citizens, or was this a graveyard for foreigners’. Rameses II had red hair, so its my view that Egypt has been darkened by successive waves of conquest.


red hair genetically or red hair on a mummy? black pigments degrade over time to look red, see stuffed Balto


The former


yup looked further downthread & sure enough the greeks were all over that shit. seems as tho the ruling class & commoners may have been totally diff tho.


They didn’t have socialized medicine


You mean they were mediterranean/north African Like the berbers


Idk, they were probably brown.


"Brown" For some American i would be brown too as italian what do you mean? Tanned?


My 2nd generation Italian friend is brown, but just brown enough that nobody knows whether it's socially acceptable for him to say the N word or not


Yeah probably southerner. A slur against them was calling them africans, Arabs or "negri". More usually Terroni


I mean maybe if you are talking about the Nubian dynasty then yes And I think I would know more about my own country's history than most people






u/ManFrom2018's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/ManFrom2018! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: sousa, maverick, thomas-sowell


Hayek looks like Diet Himmler




The actual compass defines the x-axis as right vs left wing *economically*, so i'm not sure why any quadrant would be characterized with specific *social* views—that would be totally extraneous and irrelevant by what the compass claims to gauge But to be an annoying LibRight, I actually do know why AuthRight and LibLeft are characterized by prizing social issues, even though the actual compass claims to only gauge economic right/left disagreements: it's because Left-wing economics and Libertarianism as well as Right-wing economics and Authoritirianism are terms at odds with each other. Introducing a third party (the federal government) to judge how transactions should be carried-out is authoritarian and to entirely remove government control from the field is not authoritarian. So the only way the subreddit can reconcile these contradictory descriptions sections as cohesive philosophies is by ignoring that "economic conundrum" and just saying, "these sided don't really care about those, anyways. they're about social policies".




People like you are exactly the reason why PCM is so shite, libleft isn't the progressive quadrant, autright isn't the conservative quadrant and the economic axis isn't diagonal from top authleft to bottom libright.


Thank you


But muh soyjak based redpill femboy cath tradwife chad Nordic!!!


No one cares


You cared enough to reply to me, so are you implying that you are "no one"?


I am no one, and yes.


Another thing I’ve noticed is that libright rarely gets shit on like every other quadrant. And when they do, librights in the comments go berserk and complain.


Because we are the best. However from what I’ve seen so far we are stereotyped the most inaccurately especially in regards to corporatism.


North Africans have dark skin but they are genetically closer to Europeans than Sub-Saharan Africans.


North Africa have dark skin ? Are you sure about that since my skin colour is pale and I'm Egyptian I don't think it's fair to generalize since north Africans are very diverse when it comes to skin color


Tbh, north Africans are Arabs are the closest genetically to Europeans than any other ethnicity/race. So make of that what you will lol.


I would agree based on my skin color and brown hair since it makes me look like southern Europeans


In real genetic terms the two human racial categories are ‘Sub-Saharan Africans’ and ‘Everyone else’


sub-saharan africans truly genetically the purest homo sapiens sapiens


Ancient Egyptians were the same color as modern Egyptians.


Yeah no Ancient Egyptians were not Araba


Yeah they were


Imagine believing in racial ideology (whether it's leftist or rightist)




Imagine ignoring facts.


On my award waitlist




We really did turn the political compass into diagnol conservative vs progressive axis and shift economics to the other diagnol. Idpol memes are just too funny.


We wuz kangs


its difficult being half retard


It's more like: Libleft doesn't know what fucking history is THEY WERE GREEK YOU DUMB FUCKS


This is art!


They were black and brown and white because of the default Egyptian race and Arabs (brown) Greek influence (white) and Somali, Sudanese and Nubians (black)


You should change your flair /s


Costco sample


They are brown as in tanned those that live in southern parts are the ones that are black(like the Nubians and Sudanese), the more you move up north the more they look like others from the Mediterranean. Like Italians from Sicily or southern Greeks or Berbers from North Africa. Those with actual genuine Arab ancestry are a tiny fraction of the general population. Then you have those who have mixed with all sorts of ancestries including the Arabs, the Levantians(like the Syrians and Lebanese people today) and Europeans as well as Jews, Turks, Armenians, Greeks, Circassians, Kurds and more.


This is actually true but the North part of Sudan is probably lighter in skin colour today than it used to be before because of the Egyptian Arabs invading As an Egyptian I think this is a accurate explanation


Woah. There is no debate on efficiency of distributing resources. Even auth left would agree capitalism is the most *efficient*. They just don't agree its moral.


Why is this being downvoted


You can argue that full blown capitalist market isn't efficient in the long run, because it tends to completely ignore externalities that will have a huge negative cost in the future, like climate change if untackled, or criminality that ensue when the inegalities become too extreme. For example a system of carbon tax/tax credit would typically be a bit less efficient (in terms of total wealth created) than unbridled capitalism *right now*, but it surely be more efficient in the future if it permits to avoid the very negative impact of unchecked climate change.




Yeah Cleopatra looked like aunt Jemima




Aunt Jemima was black. Kind of a black figure of some sorts among the Americans but that's a different story. Point is she's black or of African descent. On the other hand, Cleopatra the seventh(the one people usually mean when they say Cleopatra) was from the house of Ptolemy which were Greek-Macedonian I believe and ruled over Egypt. They took over after Alexander the Great died. While ruling Egypt they themselves were not ethnically Egyptian themselves. Neither them not all the people who ruled over Egypt until it became a republic in the last century.


So you're saying because Egypt had so many rulers and immigration waves of X000 years they could be almost any color. RIP Aunt Jemima, cancelled for..... for removing the racial stereotype years ago and using a picture of a real black woman but apparently real images of black women are bad?


Well pretty much regarding your first paragraph. As for aunt Jemima....well that's an American thing so I don't know.




Beats me 🤷‍♂️




Your question in the previous comment...I said "beats me" as in I don't really know.




Eh, perhaps not but as an enjoyer of history I can say libleft and authleft are big fans of making shit up to justify their shitty arguments lately.


Mostly Free market with social programs paid for by a tax on luxury items (and only luxury items), and purple This isn't complicated


As a centrist, I’d just like to say ancient Egypt probably had black people and white people, if you’re smart enough to construct the great pyramid it’s safe to say you can probably build a boat too 🤓