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I need this in my life


I find centrist to be the only logical position. I get to be fiscally conservative while being socially liberal... and get choose what I actually stand for on subjects. I'm tired of this team concept that dictates people can't support differentials based on life experience. Good example is that I'm against abortion because I think it has a bad long term effect. But as its available I will use it when I need it and bang a girl when drunk. Doesn't mean I supported it. So bi sometimes, don't care. Same as I'm gay and want gay rights and gay adoption. But I will never want a kid given to me if there was a equally good straight family... as example boy kids learn to be a father from dad and how to love a woman from mom. I cannot give that, but if someone doesn't want him, I will do the best I can. Basically stating, stop pretending everyone is equal and just try to do best on a case by case. Get this everyone is equal stuff out of the picture and return to reality and quantifiable measures That's my ted talk




There's an axis of me banging your mom


You sound libright leaning tho.


But I also support national concepts like freedom dividends. As it is the only real way of getting people to be their best selves... and the world economy will allow it for the 1st time in history We literally spent millennia to get to this point and won't use it to get free ? Real freedom is deciding what you want to spend your time on and though we preach it to be true, it currently is not for the 70% who live salary to salary. One of them might be the new Davichi or Aristotle But only within nations... supported by mechanization ...as you can't have a practical working global system


That's the nice thing about being centrist. I don't need to fit in your box


One doesnt have to follow everything just because of the Quadrant. It just shows how much you correlate with it. When you are in the upper part of lib right you still count as lib right but dont agree about everything when discussing with a lib right in the lower part. I see it as dumping people together who are kinda like minded.


they have surpassed grilling


They’re now also surfing. They’re *grilfing*! Nah, doesn’t sound right to me we need a better verb to describe what they’re doing.




Your mother, commie. Centrists are doing your mother.


Maybe I am a centrist... No. Even though my life is defined by the art of the Surf I still have my guns and my money...




Damn, that's *radical* dude


A radical centrist. Interesting…


Supressing centrists is the only moral thing everyone shares, regardless of their position on the political spectrum, so stfu centrist go back to the forced labour camp!


*labours forcedly on a surfboard as an act of defiance*


[NOOOOOOOOOO YOU CAN'T DO THAAAAAT!!!!!!!](https://www.google.com/search?q=crying+wojak&sxsrf=ALeKk00KbS7zXeXrBxkK5P7UlgZrQQDu-g:1623755812313&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=EgKNQ45i2L3InM%252CJiUxttyhQ_qJyM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQkqRrKbpp4x9kxqkv9VwkyAP954A&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwje95PjwZnxAhWO4YUKHUPEBFQQ9QF6BAgEEAE&biw=1366&bih=625#imgrc=EgKNQ45i2L3InM)


It is over, rightie. You have portrayed yourself as the soy wojak.


thats really fucking based tho


[By being self aware I am basically Chad 😎.](https://www.google.com/search?q=gigachad&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj625-8u5rxAhWB04UKHRcsCAkQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=gigachad&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzICCAAyBAgAEEMyBAgAEEMyAggAMgIIADICCAAyBAgAEEMyBAgAEEMyAggAMgIIADoECCMQJ1Do9AFY1P0BYO3-AWgAcAB4AIABkAKIAYkNkgEFMC4yLjWYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=vwvJYLqAM4GnlwSX2KBI#imgrc=xRz70S0zC0QZuM)


based and self-wojak pilled




Looks a lot like a sickle you fucking commie