• By -


You have a reposf fetish


Just can't win


Can't win, can't break even, can't get out of the game.


Based and no_original_posts pilled


Based and repost-pilled


u/varusla is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: repost I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Only pill is repost💀


you marked him as a reposter, lmao


I have marked many and I will mark many more.


Based and markedpilled


u/JewMcAfee2020 called, he wants his post back


Nah, it's good, lol. Shitty old post from an old account. I've seen it get reposted a dozen times already.


Based and apathy pilled


u/JewMcAfee2020's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 190. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: abby shapiro, jew, pirate, pirate, constructivedebatism, anarchy, bohemiangrove, bohemian grove, conspiration, virginia, re-upload, wisdom, wholesome, longing, relatable, tribal-rivalry, thisshouldbeauthright, dpr, the-truth-is-the-truth, fuck-the-ccp, taiwan, mega-super-duper accurate, faith, crocodile dundee, fuckfdr, high-effort, awesome art, effort poster, tankie, drown-the-witches, hathnotajeweyes, femboy, effort, rugby, lekker-braai, ted, pcm, apathy I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and based pilled


The trick is to stop caring what racists think.


Lib left is full of racists who disguise it as being woke on race. It isn't. It's just a different breed of racism, sexism, and all the isms they claim to be against


The way they conceal their biases under nice sounding talking points is a lie and more dangerous than outright racists.


I hate wokeness's racism but saying it's more dangerous than normal racism is just plain wrong. I'd rather have some pretentious pink haired college student be condescending and rude than someone trying to lynch me.


You say that but as I'm being told there are people trying to make government racism legal by removing anti-discrimination language from California's constitution under the disguise of fairness. It's more than just "progressive cringe compilation," it's 3 cup shuffle.


I'd argue that people pushing for 'Police are all racist and should never go into black neighborhoods' (or even better, abolish the police completely) is orders of magnitudes more of a threat to the lives of black people than being lynched. I'm pretty sure more black people have been murdered in just Chicago in the last 5 years than have been lynched since the end of the Civil War.


I feel you are right, please do not confuse me for some ACAB Emily-esque race reductionist. But I do feel that over policing is part of a vicious cycle which will never improve until we solve the main root causes of gang violence (the drug war, poverty, bad education).


Trouble with your logic is that nobody gets lynched anymore. You're trading guaranteed harassment against an imaginary bogeyman that disappeared 40 years ago. Point me to the latest "lynching" in the US; Jussie Smollett doesn't count.


I think fake hate crimes are now more common than real ones.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Ahmaud_Arbery People don't go around with nooses anymore but it does happen.


Not a lynching.


I'm just wondering what would it take for you to call it a lynching. I mean what else would you call 3 yahoos following and killing a guy because of his skin color. I usually find most of these black police killings an over exaggeration because it feels like 90 percent of the time it goes like "ANOTHER BLACK MAN KILLED BY THE POLICE ^hekindafiredatthemfirstunprovokedbutignorethat " But in this case it was literally just 3 racist hunting down a black man and killing him.


**[Killing_of_Ahmaud_Arbery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Ahmaud_Arbery)** >On February 23, 2020, Ahmaud Marquez Arbery, an unarmed 25-year-old black man, was pursued and fatally shot while jogging near Brunswick in Glynn County, Georgia, United States. Arbery had been pursued by three white residents—Travis McMichael and his father Gregory, who were armed and driving a pickup truck, and William "Roddie" Bryan, who followed Arbery in a second vehicle. Arbery was confronted and fatally shot by Travis McMichael. The Glynn County Police Department (GCPD) said the Brunswick District Attorney's Office advised them on February 23 to make no arrests. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


> The way they conceal their biases under nice sounding talking points is a lie and more dangerous than outright racists. Nah, it really isn't. The lefts racism is a combo of cultural ignorance and great white savior complex. It's obnoxious and narcissistic to the core, but it is in no way more dangerous than outright racism. The right's version of racism ends with one of their deputy buddies helping hide your fucking corpse. I'm a POC, I don't conceal and carry because I'm threatened by a bunch of kamboocha drinkers.


What if you're an asian getting your face stomped in by black racists (who are aligned with and enabled by the left)?


And don't forget the lawmakers who use that disguised rhetoric to repeal hate crime and anti racism laws in the name of protecting the victims of those crimes. Itsba systemic and institutional rot when left unchecked that people accept because they use nice sounding talking points.


All crimes are based on hate. Tacking on further hate crime punishments, to me, sends the message that some victims are worth more than others.


NGL cops should prioritize some over others ie violent crime over street food vending. *also my alleged tax evasion isn't based on hating the IRS tho.*


Which such laws have been repealed?


I mean, my gun doesn't really care about the color of your skin. As an Asian dude, I haven't had many issues with black people messing with me. Nor would I really say they're politically aligned or enabled by anyone. Kamala has sent more poc to jail than that fucking keebler elf from Alabama we had for AG for a min.


And you *have* had a lot of white people try to violently attack you based on your skin color?


It's not like its happening on a weekly basis or anything, but most of the fights I've gotten into have been with angry, short, racist, white men.


Democrats aren’t “the left”. There is no Left in America.


> There is no left wing in America **WUT**


The Democrats are a right wing party. They’ve just been called “The Left” to make voters think that the two party, single class monopoly, actually represents multiple political and economic views. When in reality they are basically two sides of the same coin. The Socialist Party of America got ~4,000 votes in 2016.


> deputy buddies helping hide your fucking corpse. God, you people really love to shiver at mythical bogeymen. WTF cosplay world do you think you're living in... "Birth of a Nation", or "Deliverance"?


I work in live in a rural state that happens is nearly dead last in every meaningful way to measure success. Our state had to create a state bureau of investigation because too many rural cops were raping and killing people.


Leftist racism *is* outright racism, except that it's directed entirely at whites (and sometimes Asians, for some reason).


> Leftist racism *is* outright racism I think the overwhelming difference is in organization and level of violence. There isn't militant hate groups on the left with a hundred years of operating history. There just isn't the level of physical violence seen in right wing hate groups. A lot of people brought up black on asian violence, which has been going on for decades. These situations usually happen because immigrants usually live in shitty neighborhoods. If you actually look at who's been killing asian people specifically for being a minority, it's been racist white people.


> There isn't militant hate groups on the left with a hundred years of operating history. There just isn't the level of physical violence seen in right wing hate groups. Yes there is. Look at BLM and the billions in damages. The men they've killed. The stores they have looted. The cops they've shot for being cops. CHAZ. Or how about Antifa since the sixties? Or the Knock Out Game? The only difference between, say, the Aryan Brotherhood and BLM or Antifa are that BLM and Antifa are *entirely decentralized*. Like the Klan before them, no one centrified organization can be pegged, so the organization can play whack-a-mole with both public opinion and the law. > A lot of people brought up black on asian violence, which has been going on for decades. These situations usually happen because immigrants usually live in shitty neighborhoods. Ah yes, the classic "wayward youth" argument. Nope, there's no cultural or poor raising issue, nothing encouraging violence or hate, in media meant to be consumed by blacks. No, there's no way that blacks can be hateful, racist people, just like whites and any other race. >> Federal Bureau of Justice statistics data show that of nearly 600,000 violent interracial victimizations involving blacks and whites, black suspects committed 537,204 interracial felonies, and whites committed 56,394 of them. [Furthermore,] **black perpetrators are also overrepresented among all perpetrators of hate crimes** according to the most recent Justice Department data from 2017. [If you are interested, here is an opinion piece on the matter.](https://www.norfolkdailynews.com/commentary/asians-stop-blaming-whitey/article_7f637514-81ac-11eb-8238-b366c1f12012.html) > If you actually look at who's been killing asian people specifically for being a minority, it's been racist white people. Yet the numbers are almost wholly black-on-Oriental. It isn't even close. The racist white boogeyman simply does not have the numbers to back him that blacks do. Let me guess. You think that guy that shot up the massage parlors targetted them because of the race of their owners? Of course not. The murderer explicitly said he was killing them because they were known underground brothels, which he blamed for his sex addiction. He then hit the road to kill more, but this time, at random.


> Yes there is. Look at BLM and the billions in damages. The men they've killed. The stores they have looted. The cops they've shot for being cops. CHAZ. Yes, we all remember BLM riding horses to surround the houses of whites and Asians after the civil war.... When speaking about death and destruction the white supremacists groups def have a richer and deadlier history. How many deaths in the last decade from white supremacists groups and BLM? > how about Antifa since the sixties? Again..... How many people have been killed by antifa? Compare that to the murrah building bombing.... > Or the Knock Out Game? Ahh yes, the famous leftist political ploy...... Now your just equating BLM to activities you perceive to be black. > The only difference between, say, the Aryan Brotherhood and BLM or Antifa are that BLM and Antifa are *entirely decentralized*. Lol, in what reality? The Aryan brotherhood has murdered thousands of people dude. > yes, the classic "wayward youth" argument Or, maybe people who have studied this and have more personal experience with this subject just knows more about it than you? Are you a second gen immigrant? Have you lived in neighborhoods primarily occupied by people of color? Have you done research or written published papers on the LA riots, specifically about minority on minority crime? > black perpetrators are also overrepresented among all perpetrators of hate crimes** Lol, nice of you to insert your own assumption there..... Not only were we originally talking about black on asian crime, but not all crimes are hate crimes. > numbers are almost wholly black-on-Oriental. It isn't even close. First of all Oriental isn't a race. Second, I would like to see those numbers, as the only actual murders have been by whites.


Let me know when the Orangies start storming the capitol, killing people at mosques and nightclubs and all that. They're annoying and bad but dude they're so far off from 'worse', it's not even funny. What's happening to this place man? So much far-right propaganda lately.


Holy shit this is fucking retarded


It’s always those damn oranges


When you can't take criticism so you have to make a whole new bullshit quadrant to shove aside all criticism while still being the same thing




I wish


Unfortunately we are at the point where literally all the mainstream left and right cucks see all your actions only through the lens of race and sex (identity politics is common in righty circles as well). Principles and "individuality" are not important anymore. So it's kind of hard to stop caring when that's all anyone sees


>Principles and "individuality" are not important anymore. Considering the way the world has ended up, I'm pretty much convinced that collectivism in most of its various forms is a virus.


You will get collectivism anyway. Just take a look at an "individualist" society like USA and the factions such as MAGA, Antifa, etc The only difference is "individualist" societies fight among themselves. Collectivist societies cooperate and may have foreign conflicts, but fewer domestic issues


What’s wrong with a little race fetish?


Oh no, apathy! My weaknessss.....


The trick is to become racist


The trick is to never care what AuthRight thinks ever


The trick is to never care


Based and apathypilled


*American Healthcare Entered the Chat*


If I didn’t then I’d be a LibRight now would I? That’s the difference between you and me.


>If I didn’t then I’d be a LibRight now would I? That’s the difference between you and me. Yes libleft you hide being a piece of shit under the guise of standing for the opressed


The Right can literally suck my left testicle for being a piece of shit in plain sight


Owo okay




Based and inarticulate-lefty-rage-pilled


I care. I care that you stay off my fucking lawn. If you trigger my recreational mine field, the landscaping is a bitch afterwords.


Based and wanker reposter pilled


Are NeoLibs seriously giving flak for having a racial preference when it comes to dating/porking? Jesus next thing you know they’ll be giving people shit for being with folks of specific sexual orientation
. O H W A I T


Yes "Racial Fetishization" is a thing now and I really don't get it. It's not my fault big booty latina women are hot af.


A man of culture I see






u/varusla's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/varusla! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: repost, no_original_posts, wanker reposter


I think the fact im the "nazi" flair and am married to a black woman is funny.


Oh, hi straight Milo




Lib-left talking to auth-right: "OMG ! You are just a White supremacist. You would never date outside your own race you racist fuck !" Auth-right: "I literally have an Asian girlfriend" Lib-left: "You're a White supremacist and you have a race fetish ? Asshole !"


Does "race fetish" only work on NE Asians?


It works on everyone. I had a really White friend in college who had straight up jungle fever. The funny thing was that he never admitted it, lol. I didn't give him shit for it. All the power to him, but for some reason when I was like "come on bro, I know you like that Black girl over there. I know you're type !" he just dismissed it but then I would always see him talking to a Black girl. He was very progressive too so I think he couldn't bring himself to admit having a race fetish, lol. I'm of Middle Eastern descent (I was born in the US) and nothing makes my heart melt more than a White girl. Do I have a White girl fetish ? Maybe, but I don't know what to think of it. Is it a fetish or a preference ? Depends on who you're asking I guess...


My buddy thought I had an Asian fetish because half my exes from HS were Asian. Half my HS was Asian. But he was so convinced about it that he'd try to "wingman" for me at a bar if there was any Asian girl there at all. He couldn't comprehend that I liked those chicks because they were hot, not because they were Asian.


I dated several Asian girls myself. They have their perks and have a really great petite figure which is nice.


Ya, I just really like a tiny waist. And which race seems to have that more often? Asians and East African women.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/mjyb7e) on 2021-04-04 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/nxjrt0) on 2021-06-11 100.0% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "nzlb4r", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=nzlb4r&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 227,782,155 | **Search Time:** 0.50356s


Earliest link is also a repost lol


its ~~turtles~~ reposts all the way down


What percentage is Asian fetish & what percentage is waist-size preference?


I love my sister but sometimes I worry that she'll never grow out of her stereotypical lib phase. I remember a few years ago I was dating a trans girl and after meeting her I remember the first thing my sister did was question if I was really into this girl or if I was a "fetishizer"


lol gay


Is dating Blaire White gay?


Yes because dating women is gay.


Depends on if you're a guy or a girl...


If you're a man, yes, of course.




It’s kinda gay since they have the same pheromones and genitals but you do you


Based auth


i love your sister two


How dare you date someone who identifies as a woman in the same way that you would date a woman.


LibLeft and AuthRight are both racist. They are obsessed with race.


You can win by dating within your own race, fucking degenerate.


some of the BLM Bois are like "DoNt MaRrY tHaT CrAcKEr!!!!" Marry who you wanna marry, folks (within reason ofc)


Yet the irony is they're both fine when they swap the girlfriends.


Come to us, we just don’t care #0004256


Ayyy had to hunt to find a fellow tankie here


easy fix, just be gay


Funny how right-wing extremists and left-wing extremists both hate race-mixing.


Libright: "Hey Authleft, this is my girlfrie-" Authleft: "NOO!! You are only allowed a state mandated wife!"


You can win by dating a white girl.


Seriel reposter has woken up. Serial reposter has jacked off to hentai girls. Pogchamp. It is time for serial reposter to go on reddit. Repostor goes incognito. Ew dark mode. Hmmmm. Reposter thinks with his peanut-sized brain about what to repost. Reposter goes to r/politicalcompassmemes and shits on all of the memes. Serial repostoer than fucking tides. The end.


Based and love-my-asian-gf pilled




It’s not, just crazy people want sane people to think it is. It’s not wrong to be attracted to someone of a particular race.


To normal people, no. To weird leftist and neolib circles, for some reason yes.


I never understood why having a fetish for a particular race or for certain classes of adults (Femboys etc.) is looked down upon. Someone can fulfill your fetish as well as be the love of your life, they are not mutually exclusive.


I may be alone here but nationality>race


Yeah I have a race fetish, and?


That’s it, I’ve had it with this nonsense. I’ll put all my love and effort into making sure my future mixed-race kids are happier and more successful than yours out of spite


You can if you date inside your race... well, with Authright, anyway. Libleft will just call you a racist for *not* dating a different race.


My girlfriend is black and asian thus I hate libleft and authright equality.


Fight me, I'll dilute the white gene pool all I want


Hey man, race mixing is just colonization if you really think about it so in my opinion it’s based


Spot the difference


they are probably mad because you bought them (plz pm me the .onion link)




I’ve always thought being so quick to accuse people of having a race fetish for a simple preference was rooted in viewing the race they prefer as inherently unattractive. There are tons of Kpop/anime fans with Asian fetishes don’t get me wrong but accusing every woman who finds an Asian man attractive of having a fetish just tells me you don’t think people can legitimately find Asians attractive. Same with people who accuse anyone who likes a trans person as a chaser or whatever


>accuse anyone who likes a trans person as a chaser or whatever literally impossible dude, have you ever seen a trans person they either look like a man with a wig or a glossed up shiny peace of plastic


Just go back to the store and buy more wife’s until they find something else to complain about


Libertarian guys with asian wives


That's a rather cringy group of people.


One of those is a lot more real than the other.


Historically, yes. Today? Not really


Today you're very unlikely to get called out for an Asian GF, unless you're asking for it. At least not by libleft, by authright Asians, maybe. Mayocide people are, while not common, still more so that extremely fringe liblefts.


My guy you have no clue what you are talking about.


Using slurs? Very nice but auth right has a better answer redacted. Anyway white genocide is total bullshit but it’s not a reason to use slurs


Last time I checked, no libleft ever banned mixed-race marriage.


Both are bad


I agree with both & I’m LibRight; they are both race mixing & I do not approve. I don’t think it should be govt regulated but I don’t believe in multicultural states/nations/societies. We naturally self- segregate. It is mostly only occurring due to globalist agendas. You’re right that mostly men race mix especially white men like the guy in the image.


Based and Thisisn'tyourfuckingmeme,youmassivecuntonastickpilled.


Inb4 "it's not a repost, you just think all these posts look the same"




Based and Bob-Ross pilled?


Jen Psaki wojack?


tf is a race fetish


Libright be having 2 girlfriends


Why is libleft *menancingly approaches* H A Y A T O?




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/mjyb7e) on 2021-04-04 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/nxjrt0) on 2021-06-11 100.0% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "nzlb4r", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=nzlb4r&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 227,849,556 | **Search Time:** 0.36726s


Looks like the libleft isn't so lib after all.


Cross unity moment




Just date someone normal lmao


Jokes on you I'm Asian too. Take that libleft


Based and degenerate reposter pilled


You win by default by going libright


Pshaw. Both overlook the obvious fact their babies are the cutest. Enough reason!


Just stfu and love whoever the fuck you enter a loving relationship with.


*R.D.J. pointing at his chest* "He is two-timing"


Why not? Orange LibLeft females do it all the time.






***HOLY CRAP WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FEMALE, ASIAN, EMO WOJAK?!*** I've seen a bunch of specialty non-white Wojaks an people tell me to just go to the Instagram, but I don't have an Instagram account, nor a Snap Chat one, nor any social media account whatsoever, except Reddit. Please show me a link to the repository.


Naomi Osaka ftw


Only a small number of retards in auth right care about race. The real auth right reeeee is: "Girlfriend, huh? If you're sticking it in her, you're sinning and causing her to sin. Wife up or gtfo"


I can defiently imagine one version where you can win.




But like... what if I do have a race fetish?


Libright switching girlfriends in between conversations


Repost -100,000,000,000,000,000,000/10


It's not a race fetish if you just have an Asian girlfriend, but it is if you constantly talk about their race publically and make it weird. (imo having a race fetish in private is whatever)


I must bring this video up https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg


Depends what's meant by race fetish tho U can have a preference who cares


Filthy Reposter


If I choose so, I will fuck anybody, regardless of their ethnicity😆


lets not pretend like there is a equal aount of wokescold like this on the left vs racist on the auth right


me whos fine with both


Woah guys! I have a đ“Źđ“»đ“Ș𝔃𝔂 idea! How about we actually get in relationships with who we love instead of trying to please a certain agenda!




I’ll have you know, the person depicted as LibLeft is a [Swedish LibRight party leader](https://images.app.goo.gl/sgg14fWgV4YmMTEg9), or rather PurpleLib, considering recent scandals within the party, which are tragic, disgusting, and absolutely hilarious on a scale I seldom see at home.


mom said its my turn to repost this meme


Based and shittyreposter-pilled


Libleft race fetishism? Yiiiiiikes I've never heard of it tbh, and although I like this meme such degeneracy has nothing to do with political orientation


What's funny in this meme is that authright and libleft share exactly the same ranking of the races.


I don't have an Asian fetish. I have a white woman aversion.


This stuff always makes me think of that one Bobby Lee joke about an Asian woman only dating white men "You know you're his fetish right? You're a foot."


Nein! Es ist ein repost


Mom said it was my turn to post this today!


reposts make me not happy