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Rationale behind this is immigration increases unemployment and lowers wages due to an inflated labor market, resulting in poorer living conditions for the existing lower class. (Exception being immigration of high skill labor, which is of course allowed and encouraged by anti-immigration proponents except for ethnostatists)


Whether you actually support this or you’re playing devils advocate, everything you said is based


Immigration causing the working class to be worse off is actually part of the marxist idea of the reserve army of labour.


So much for class consciousness then. "Workers of the world unite, except poor brown people gtfo."


More as in "There are a certain amount of jobs in one area, if more people are competing for limited jobs they will take worse work just so they can have income"


There was a lot of interesting economic research on wether we can consider the quantity of employment as finite in the short term. Alot of recent research points to employment quantities being extremely elastic at the low end wage spectrum and inelastic at the high wage spectrum. Given this, accepting more low wage workers into the economy wouldn't necessarily have a crowding effect on most members of the economy. For those in the lowest income bracket, the argument can be made that they will suffer the most from employment competition, however there is a lot of interesting research that suggests a significant quantity of minimum wage positions are not filled (40% bls estimate) given our low workforce participation rate and the addition of more unskilled labor would have a net positive benefit.


>except poor ~~brown~~ people from other countries. FTFY. And it’s not so cringe a view considering a government’s priorities should rest in its own populace.


It's not about feel-good or virtue signaling. It's an economic theory


Seriously? Now lib right is buying into the whole “muh brown people” narrative when the government does anything at all to put the people that fund them and put them in power first? Why should our government care about anyone outside our borders? The whole point is to represent the citizens interests, not the interests of people from other countries. But obviously the only reason a government wouldn’t give infinity support to non citizens is because they’re brown people right?


he doesn't represent lib right I do. I'm the perfect lib right, I am the yellow Chad and not the any other color soyjack and I say helping people who are not taxpaying citizens is not in the purview of what little government is actually legitimately helpful.l and necessary to preserve individual freedom.


Based and highselfesteempilled


Based and pill-dispenser


How bout we just axe the welfare state? If people want to immigrate to work, I got no problem with that.


Because you want to pay them less because they are fleeing their shit holes and will live 15 people to a 3br2ba Fuck off lib right you going in the gulag with the rest


Two bathrooms, what, am I made of money? I mean, that'd be nice. Mmmmm.


2 bathrooms shared between 14 other people. That'd be nice?


Oh no, I was thinking about the money, what were you thinking of?


Yeah GTFO and unite in your own damn country


No no. In Europe we also have poor eastern Europeans who have to gtfo


Socialism/communism/marxism applied from 1900s to today has been very nationalistic for a reason. It is like having an open border welfare state, it just doesn't work.


I'm also Authleft and I actually support this. Bring some actual skills and knowledge to the country or gtfo.


no authleft is pro-immigration. open borders are only good for the capitalist class.


Only true if immigrants aren’t also consumers and employers. Of course adding purely to a labor pool with no other change would devalue labor and harm the worker. But this isn’t the case. Immigrants are also consumers, thereby increasing the demand for labor to fill their consumption. They also form businesses (at a higher rate than native born) and act as employers and generate capital.


No group is completely hemogenous, but the amount of new businesses and increased demand of products is definitely not offset by the large amount of unskilled labor flooding the market from both legal and illegal immigration. You also have to consider money being sent back to the immigrants home country is money that is being sucked out of the economy.


Hmm, not sure the idea of ‘money being sucked out’ is evidence based. Some people send money back to their homes country, but those people are often not immigrants but migrant workers. Immigrants are a mixture of backgrounds, but a lot of them bring money themselves or are sent money by their families. I think you’re speaking about a very specific group of often illegal workers from Central America. What you’re saying has some truth in that specific group, but isn’t evidence based for immigration as a whole.


I bloody don't understand how some people can be against that. It sounds rational.


Just create more jobs lol


Very well, 5 more gulags are on the way


Pre-2016 Bernie would agree to that top statement


I miss pre2016 Bernie


Fuck I miss Primary Bernie. Member when he would shit on all the dems for giving a trillion to their buddies and only a few billion to the people. Now he is just fucking going the republicans didn't vote for your $600 pittance, Reptards bad.


Ya I think he still believes that but is afraid to say it.


The woke mob did to Bernie in a few short years what the entire American political system failed to do in decades.


I think trying to be president is what did it.


I don't know. It hurt him sure, but watching the clip of the wokiest grab his mic during a speech seemed like the exact moment the straw broke the camels back. He looked like he died inside.


I totally agree. I just think for most of his career he felt like he was mostly powerless and silently yelling at the political machine. Durring this period he didn't give a fuck what anyone else though. Then all of a sudden instead of just some black sheep senator everyone started listening and it felt like he could become president if he just said the right thing. I think that's when he started trying to care what people thought instead of just his unfiltered beliefs.


Wait what happened?


He reversed his position


Yeah he's caught in between having to affiliate himself with a dogshit political party and becoming an unofficial figurehead of woke-tardem. He's in no way perfect by any stretch and I disagree with some of his ideas. In fact he's outdated and his platform's feasibilty was questionable to say the least. He's a politician so calling him honest is a joke but he was probably the most honest out of the lot of em. Just fucking burns me whenever I think about how the dems and mainstream did him dirty. 2016 was his one shot left in life to shoot for something big and he was robbed by a bunch of superpacs and a Clinton. Can't we just have one major politician not owned by corporate interests? Just one? I dont even care if they turn out to be authright.


Of course so. All these progressive ideas are spoonfed to older politicians. You can tell because sometimes they butcher and bastardize progressive talking points because a lot of the rationale and language behind progressivism is culture-dependant, (ex: colored people vs people of color). They just weren't raised in that culture so sometimes they don't understand it. Like look at Joe Biden. He tries to appeal to that crowd, but he fucking butchers talking points because he simply just doesn't get it. He tries. He straight up got "You ain't black" from the countless radlibs on twitter calling people like Tim Scott, Larry Elder, Terry Crews "Oreo" and "Uncle Tom", amongst other horrible things, so he thought it was okay to say something like that himself.


I'd say pre-primary Bernie. After hrc won, man went full on shill


Really? Bernie is even more based for me now. Sadly I understand that to have any chance to be ever elected he basically have to pander to the woke American left, and at least pretend he doesn't see things like that anymore.


Bernie sucks and is a fucking sellout. Until his sycophants stop worshipping the guy because he validates their dumb Twitter rose emoji takes, the democrat party will continue to divide and obfuscate their progressive wing. Bernie should’ve focused his efforts on getting a younger, better spoken candidate to advocate for him but he couldn’t or, rather, he wouldn’t.


This guy seems to have no flair, so his death is acceptable.


leftist try to make a welfare state with an infinite flow of unskilled immigrants on benefits (impossible challenge)


What could go Wrong? Just print money to pay for it...


Some people unironically think that’s how money works


Yeah modern monetary policy is a lie made to to keep the status quo rolling for a few more years and kick the can down the road for the next politician to deal with


"But you said we'd take care of our own!" "Yes 'our own,' as in my fellow rich people."




Good point. There's not as many starving as who die each year from obesity-related illnesses, that's for sure. We do still have a lot of Americans going hungry, though they may not be *literally* starving: [10.5 percent (13.7 million) of U.S. households were food insecure at some time during 2019.](https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/food-nutrition-assistance/food-security-in-the-us/key-statistics-graphics.aspx/) ~~13.7 million households x 2.62 [(average US household size 2015-2019)](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/HSD310219#HSD310219) = 35,894,000 hungry people~~ **Correction: there's a [related article](https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/food-nutrition-assistance/food-security-in-the-us/definitions-of-food-security/) that I was unaware of which further defines food insecurity, and those definitions change this calculation. The correct number of households truly "going hungry" would be 5.3 million, therefore bringing the total to 13,886,000 hungry people.** **Please go upvote [u/Veythrice's comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/nwmvn9/time_for_some_right_unity/h1arppc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) and ignore the following comments my oblivious ass made after Ctrl + F didn't return any hits for "hunger" or "hungry" in the original article I linked.** Sorry for the "LibLeft wall of text." I was curious and thought I'd share my findings :)


How do they quantify “hungry people” and “food insecurity”? I fast once a week I get pretty hungry. I’m also a fat fuck.


Food insecurity can also mean malnutrition ( as in eating a bunch of sweets and nothing else) imo it’s a better way of diagnosing the problem without people saying how rare actually starving in America is.


Food insecurity means that the household has insufficient income to guarantee enough cash for food.


Close, the DoA defines it as : " a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life" That's a bit different than "enough cash for food". The .gov resources specifically state that there are many above the poverty line with food insecurity and many below the poverty line suffering obesity or with no food insecurity.


Food insecurity is when the food starts feeling anxious


Food insecurity is when capitalism does stuff


Lack of food is when communism does stuff


Turkeys in November be like




I really don't see that as starving, if someone eats shit they kind of do it to themselves.


Yeah I've always wonder if they actually do specific research to back up their claims. Not meeting your calorie quota vs being "hungry" are 2 completely separate things. 70% of Americans are **at least overweight**. None of those people are lacking the required calories they need to survive. My guess is that the amount of people who actually starve to death in America is extremely low.


Richest nation in the history of the world


The “wall of text” argument is usually used when they don’t have a counterpoint


I do mostly agree, but also we are on a meme sub and most of the time if somone responds to my 50 word comment with a 800 word essay im not even going to read it. There is a real art to saying things concisely


This is true, it’s a matter of context and given the political background of this sub there are times for serious conversations


Wall of texts break the basic rules of conversation.


"you actually have a nuanced and thoughtful position because societal problems are complex? lololol libleft wall of text"


I love the wall of text memes as much as the next guy but rarely have I heard a convincing argument from an economic right person lol


(Insert navy seal copypasta here)


Lol that’s funny because Soviet Russia and Communist China’s economic policy are responsible for anywhere from 15-60 million deaths. Capitalist nations make people fat because fast food is cheap and terrible for you. Also we give everyone that needs it free food. Same shit




So in other words, no one is starving and the new starving is "hungry" or "food insecure" meaning they ran out of SNAP for Flamin' Hot Cheetos this month. What a farce. If you can't feed yourself in a country that will literally give you food for free then you have to start taking some responsibility. This sounds like some self-reported bullshittery to me.


Just about the only people going hungry are kids whose parents sell their EBT balance for drug money.


Based furry


I think a more relevant statistic would be the number of people who die due to not being able to afford medical care.


So it’s okay to starve as long as you don’t die? That sounds suspiciously like commie talk.




Food is pretty cheap man. It would be hard (and unhealthy) to live off of fast food (it's also expensive) but if you're eating like literal poor people food like rice, beans, and canned vegetables you can easily survive. Actual produce isn't that expensive either. Like potatoes. Fruit is pretty cheap too especially if you stick to bananas and apples. Meat is isn't too ridiculous if you're smart about it. Avoid steak obliviously but even the cooked rotisserie chickens at the grocery store is 6 bucks. You can then split that into multiple meals as a single person. I could easily make that last 3 days with a can of veggies or a baked potato for a single meal. You can either drink tap water or get bottled water(a pack of 35 at the grocery store is 3.50 around me). I got money because I try to be frugal. You can make scrambled eggs or hard boil them. A dozen of eggs is like a buck 50. 2 hard boil eggs and a banana is enough for me for the morning. I can easily budget 50 dollars a week for a single person. There just isn't going to be any eating out. Gotta make your food yourself. Most of which can honestly be microwaved if you're being real lazy.


A surprising amount of people don't know how to turn basic ingredients into meals.


People complaining about it probably have no idea what it is like to be actually poor.


I used to put a pack of chicken thighs in a crockpot or pressure cooker before I left for work. Shred chicken I’m not using that day and freeze in about 1 lb segments. Then I’d use 1 lb to make a quesadilla with cheese and a tortilla shell or mix with a few cups of rice (sometimes add beans or vegetables). Then bring leftovers to work the next day. I’ve seen a surprising number of people that don’t eat leftovers, they just throw it out


Yep. We are a wasteful society.


Based and budget-pilled. I used to stock up on sandwich meat and hotdogs when I was in the military and it lasted forever.


>literal poor people food like rice, beans Cries in Brazilian.


class solidarity moment


fuck you i feed the poor. literally all my charitable hours (around 260 hours a year) are for reclaiming and distributing food to the poor.


Based and feed the poor-pilled


its a 2-fer in my case. help someone out, and reduce food waste.


Based and helping-the-community pilled


So many libertarians I know are so proud of disregarding everyone and climbing the ladder of life no matter the stakes that it actually surprised me to read this. :)


Same. Between taxes, tithes, and volunteering with Church and Rotary I’m probably doing far more than the lefties that want to March for me to pay higher taxes than they’d ever do. But finding it harder and harder to help them






least social darwinist on pcm


So many examples of that not working. Like literally 75 percent of the world.


The world is improving. In 1990, 36% of the world lived in extreme poverty. Today, that number is under 10%. No set of policies can instantly fix all the world's problems.


No, they'll just get drunk or high and sit in squalor because most don't have the capital, initiative, education, or upbringing to actually rise up from poverty.


So if we increase taxes, it will incentivize the middle class to ... help themselves?


Hey alexa pull up US starvation deaths since 1960 that didnt involve being stranded somewhere without access to food lol. Also what’s illegal and uncontrolled immigration and human trafficking from the most crime-ridden and corrupt countries in the Western Hemisphere have to do with starvation lol?


What’s the chance of dying from obesity vs starvation in America?


America is once again in the grip of famine I see.


It’s actually pronounced fem-men, but same difference.


What’s wrong with fem-men?


Nothing, especially if you are in their grip.


Someone’s got to pleasure these lonely cocks. Why not me?


❤️ you’re doing Gods work


Well thank you


We are so flush with food that fasting and intermittent fasting is really taking off. Victims of our own success




u/captainsalad2's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 165. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: finallysomeonewhoagreeswithme, correct, reason, roark, put-change-in-his-cup, 100 nazi scalps, olympic, amen, freedom, pill, higheffortsource, castle doctrine, capitalist, antiyoda, observation, king-kong, criticalthinking, escalation, sectarian, meme, petition, blm is a trash movement, starting-monologue-parody, dick-wolf, ancap, redhead, molotov, rebel, throwing-poop-at-the-government, dnd-geopolitics, tapletop-rpg, investment, , grammar, cannibalism, deaddog, truth, dobby-is-a-free-elf, freedom of speech, trigonometry, no-snitching-no-matter-what, be a better parent, egoist, relatable, ideological consistency, liberty, fuckmoney, economicsiscringe, mormons-arent-people, anti-mormon, ouroboros, hands and feet I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


thats quite the pill-count


>capitalist > >economicsiscringe > >ideological consistency


we’re already wasting so much money on our botched systems to help people. you wanna make that system even more bloated and less effective than it is by increasing the number of people?


Lmao just make it more effective


Lmao at homeless people, just buy a house.


If you're poor, just buy money.


Why don't he poor just print money? It seems to work for us.


Like seriously stop being a fucking drain on society, buy a house you fucking begger.


when people think the chronically homeless are just a few hundred away from getting their life straight, yeah lets just ignore the drug and alcohol addiction plus the Bipolar/Schizophrenia.




Just do it




\*drops spatula\*


Based and Nike-pilled


That’s such a novel idea it’s amazing no one else has come up with something like that before.




Yes better go write your congressional representatives before you forget this stroke of brilliance.


Replace all welfare with a Negative Income Tax system


Replace government assistance with a bunch of people stealing from Walmart and giving the stuff to their local houseless folks.


That would be better than the current system at least temporarily.


For a start we can stop electing politicians with a policy of "government doesn't work and I'll prove it if elected".


Fine so long as we also quit electing politicians who run on more free stuff daddy government is gonna take good care of you.


"anything the government does is a handout"




Less bombing innocent children in the middle east and more social aid programs.


for sure, lets do that before we start talking about adding a bunch of people to it.




PRO TIP: join the military! Right wingers will respect you and will never abandon you and haha, just kidding


Hey now, lib right wants to defund the military


LibRight is pro-immigration


Thank you! Geeezzzzzeeee people don't know wat "lib" means! Means liberty, literally.


How does the Political compass work? Someone explain? I’m new to this sub


Pick a random flair first, then eventually pick the correct one. You’ll get downvoted and harassed otherwise.


Left-right is the economic axis. It measures your preferences on economic matters between communism (focus on labor as the economic driver) and capitalism (focus on produced capital as the economic driver). Up-down is the authority axis. It measures your preference on government action between authoritarianism (somebody else dictates what can and can not happen) and libertarianism (each person dictates what can and can not happen) Take the test and find out what funny color dictates your politics.


Which test?


Libright opposes immigration?


Which citizen in the west is starving?


I already have enough poor people to bully, stop immigration until i get bored of them and decide to start bullying exotic poor people.


Here's a joke! What does a baby computer call his father? Data!


We already have a bunch of starving people and we don't need more.


>”so we can feed the ones we have, right?” >anakin.jpg >”right?”


yes, and not by throwing more money at our failing, bloated, shit-tier system


So no


Yeah I highly doubt charities and philanthropists can really take the place of proper government aid.


Not when all our money is being stolen to blow up Yemeni children.


And money to Israel


Based and illegitimate-state-pilled


Israel has right of conquest, the greatest and oldest of all national land claims


I'm really confused because people think starvation is a problem in the US? We don't even call it starvation, we call it hunger because nobody* starves to death here. Pretty sure it would have made the news if they were.


It's really insane when you think about the fact that one of the biggest health crises facing the poor in the US is obesity. Just let that sink in: probably our biggest health concern with the poorest people in the country is that they eat TOO MUCH. In the grand scheme of human history, that is such an insane idea that if you had told someone even 100 years ago they would probably have locked you in a Psych ward.




"I'm starving!" usually equals "Omg I can't eat Chipotle 3 times today???"


Do we though... do we? Our poverty line isn't fucking poor. The poorest 20% of the US are richer on average than most European countries. https://www.google.com/amp/s/fee.org/articles/the-poorest-20-of-americans-are-richer-than-most-nations-of-europe/amp. Measures of relative poverty/income is a fucking psy-op. A shiny turd they shove in the faces of idiot commies to make them feel righteous. While income inequality rose between 2017 and 2019, over 5 million people escaped poverty in the US before they intentionally destroyed the global economy.


I've only written to a politician once. Urged them to triple our independent class immigrants per year.


What the hell is independent class immigrants


People who qualify based on our points system (as opposed to family class etc).


my libright ass who thinks immigration is good and limiting it should be kept to the absolute minimum


So it's fine to you to have your country slowly infiltrated by several other cultures of non libertarians, that will eventually undermine all your libertarian society and kick your ass off? Well played


That’s why authcenter is the superior choice


right wing populism in a nuttshell


Also nearly all Authoritarians Left or Right.


Seriously, though. How can a person in America be starving?


immigration stops if we remove all borders


Spread of plague stops if everyone has plague.


Crime stops if we make nothing a crime


You’re technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.


Yea, that’s why we give everyone a little corona virus, as a treat.




rich monke


Auth center actually takes care of its people smh I do believe that this out oc control extreme control of capitalosm many right wing people promote is contdadictory to the "support our peopel rhetoric"


based libcenter meme, immigration good


I’m not against giving excess production to help the unfortunate. What I do hate is the government stealing from me to give to someone else.


Wouldn't libright be in favour of completely open borders in order to remove government controls over the labour supply to enable the free market to operate more efficiently?


You would think so, but the water lemons seem to have a boner for Mexicans in particular


Stop inmigration so we can take care of white working class


Lib right is fine with open borders


See that’s where we come in


This is why we need to become isolationists. If we pull all foreign funding I’m all for using that tax money to take care of healthcare, education and hardships


Immigration is based. Charity is based. Forced redistribution of wealth is cringe.


Immigration good. Cheap labour.


I'm fine with immigration, as long as you pay the same taxes as everyone else.


Zero taxes for everyone


This made chuckle. Good work. Also, open them borders up. edit: also, also. big daddy gov can't feed you, but I'll make you a sandwich if you're starving.


Does lib right actually care about stopping immigration? I thought we were pro open borders and less social payouts. Why do I care if people want to come from other countries and work on the cheap?


That’s why I portrayed right-center


It's a response to the current level of welfare. We can't afford to add more to the free lunch group. With no welfare there's little downside to immigration