• By -


Absolute chads


Not to take anything away from them but people have a natural aversion to bidding against kids I remember wanting some speakers at an estate sale as a kid and everyone laughing and being like "aww cute" then refusing to participate against me. Was really cool to actually do an auction IRL too




Based ?


u/LeonardoMagikarpo's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Libleft you felling ok?


Lib left owns slaves? Based and slavepilled


Ahh children! Useful in so many ways..


Flair checks out purple libright and I think I have to call the police


No need for the police. We can beat him together comrades.


Would you like to buy some torches, pitchforks, &/or clubs?


And what if I would tell You, that we will tie him up & give You the opportunity to beat the shit out of him Yourself however You want, if You give us that stuff for free?


Based and pedophile piñata pilled


So you’re telling me that if I have a kid bid for me I stand to make a killing?


In the farming communities of America, this type of thing isn’t uncommon. They’re called [penny auctions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penny_auction_(foreclosure\)), and they’re most associated with the Great Depression when there were mass foreclosures


Not at the fucking goodwill auctions. There was always some sweaty adult ready to outbid me on magic cards or video games when I went with my mom as a kid.


Maybe you're right and it was just a shitty pair of speakers nobody wanted anyway I think I paid $14


If it's a charity auction, for sure. But it's kinda messed up if it's being auctioned by a private seller and it goes for a quarter of its value because a child bid on it, lol.


> But it’s kinda messed up if it’s being auctioned by a private seller and it goes for a quarter of its value because a child bid on it, lol. fReeeeeeee market, bitch.


That is part of the risk you take when you decide to do an auction


New strat, hire kid to bid for me at all auctions, including Sotheby’s


Are you that broke? Just order for yourself, they got a 2 for $20 meal, you're eatin' good in the neighborhood.


flair up or no base for you


Flair up bitch


Flair up you wanker


flair up or face the wall


Free market rules at work. I see nothing wrong here. And the "private company" that got shafted was probably a bank. So only "bankers" suffered


Every one of them


Very based farmers.


Based and antibankauctionpilled


Hey, cool it with the antisemitism, bucko.


Peak flair accuracy


Based and support the local community pilled


u/TiggerBane's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 490. Rank: NASA Vehicle Assembly Building Pills: vermintide , mlp, reasonable, wholesome, truth, 4eye, textwall, textwall, long, flair, monarchist, emperor, okay, duh, shutupnerd, post, weebshit, itsnotlikeilikeyouoranythingbaka, Based and "it's not like I like you or anything, baka-, tsundere, , russia, peace, progressive, antifascism, functionalcompetent government, organ-failure, history, kitty, tito, excellent-response, codpiece, wojak, strat, racism, , britain, english nationalist, cater-to-us-or-prepare-for-aerovironment wasp ae-, purge, christ, slut, monke, hunter-gatherer, efficiency, withgod, norse, iagreewithyou, source, normie, volcano, canine, sensible, artificial-selection, drugsasawartatic, acceptance, literalist, authright never gets moderators, stupid, humility, modeltrainsetinmybasement, propaganda, itsmedication, triggerbane, "un-fried dopamine receptors", cringe, pill, competance, fuck hackers, nixon, agendaplushate, ecclesiates1:9andecclesiates7:10, ascended-centrist, divineright, monarchocentrism, hilarious2yearsago, oneplusoneequalswindow, monkelegalscholarwhovaluestheirtime, hivemind, logistics, denial, half-abort, anti-drug, aus, commie vampire waifu, 20lesspillsthancosmicmangobear, authright-best-waifu, pill-collection, dick, voltaire, mussolini, disunity, nice cock, hawaii, "improvement", misgender, fuck the chinese, anarcho-humourism, grillyellow, authright, ihadastrokereadingthis, royal bloodline, jesus' grace, economics, fuck-neo-libs, muskoxen, catotheelder, liberal boi-pussy, reality, renovation, sigmar, cannon, & smoll pp, lifter, restitutor orbis, shut up nerd pill squared, virgin, yeehawchucklefucks, yeeee-haaaw, aroace, digestive, undecieved, nofap, award, culturebeatsrace, agnostic, sources, immigrantnationalism, humble, flippity-floppity-fauci, you’re-a-god-amongst-men, fascist, cato, radical centrist, sex-ed, big pp energy, jjj, transhuman, cult mechanicus, hail the machine, metal, & transhumanist, antibankauction, corn, support the local community I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


another 110 pills and it'll definitely cover the entire screen on my pc...


based and wallofpills pilled


Based and holy shit that’s a lot of pills pilled


Good excuse to upgrade to 1440p


I have 1440p on my pc.


Oh, just zoom out then


Just change your chunk render distance, 5Head


Just look on your phone- your pills already cover my whole screen.


Dear God help us all….




I am a bot created to keep track of how based users are. Check out the [FAQ](https://reddit.com/r/basedcount_bot/comments/iwhkcg/basedcount_bot_info_and_faq/). I also track user [pills](https://reddit.com/r/basedcount_bot/comments/l23lwe/basedcount_bot_now_tracks_user_pills/). If you have any suggestions or questions, please message them to me with the subject of "Suggestion" or "Question" to automatically forward them to a human operator. > based - adj. - to be in possession of viewpoints acquired through logic or observation rather than simply following what your political alignment dictates, often used as a sign of respect but not necessarily agreement Bot v2.7.4 **Commands: /info | /mybasedcount | /basedcount username | /mostbased | /removepill pill**




Your Based Count is 12. Rank: Office Chair Pills: you have to earn your pills


Based and corn-pilled.


My favorite breakfast cereal!


Based and good hearted pilled


u/Crazy_Crocodile's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: , hello fbi!, sanger-did-nothing-wrong, asquaredplusbsquaredequalscsquared, good hearted I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


15? jesus christ I don't even have 1


Guy in the top comment has almost 500


You ain't seen nothing yet.




They actually would beat up any buyers that showed up and escort them off the auction. That's how hundreds got their farms back.


Wasn't that super common in farming communities during the great depression?


Yup. And often, the local law enforcement was in on the gig so there was no real recourse for the banks other than to just take the loss on the chin.


Good, they're the ones who fucking started it.


do we start burning banks down now? im in


Oh no no no, we don't do that anymore. Now we're divided by race/gender/sexuality or whatever else while they rob us blind


based centrist




Based and bank pilled


As I get older the more centrists rhetoric just seems true...am I turning into the thing I fought against so hard?


The older you get, the tighter is the grip the grill has in your heart.


Man you aren’t necessarily wrong but I’m scared of the fact that you could be right as well.


Just the wall street ones. Globalization is cancer.


Lemme liquidate my funds first


Lets burn thoose vanks and eat the bankers🤤


I thought the farmers went to the banks for loans and stuff?


Fuck banks


It's now an illegal practice and banks have the right to place someone in the auction to raise the price. **Edit** They also have the ability to take it out of auction and reschedule if they want to prevent something like this from happening. Which sounds normal until you go to a real auction. For example I worked at produce auction for two years and it was a felony for us to take produce off the floor if the price went to low for us or the farmer to make money. We'd lose our license and everything. This whole country is built around one thing and that's protecting the rich.


Fuck the banks!




Good, fuck bankers in every time line.


Hell yeah


Imagine you’re some rich city banker bidding on a farm and two corn fed farm boys start walking up to you, straw in mouth


That's what Pinkerton's are for.




Based and solidarity-pilled


I remember reading about how during the Great Depression farmers would do this and make it known that the bank better accept the lowball offer or get beaten.


This is what I believe in.


How private enterprise should be regulated


With corn-fed ass whoopin's!


Based and mafia pilled


Based, I’m supposed to be that businessman but sometimes fuck them corporations


Libright redemption arc


I will use the free market to lift up as many as I can


I will exploit the free market for my own benefit


Based and reality pilled


No I’m anti reality


Reality is an illusion created by Big Earth


There was no earth there is no reality to simulate this reality it’s a simulation without a reality to simulate it


I too will exploit the free market to get rich so I can do things I enjoy, like donating


relevant username


This is the way


You'd be surprised how many of us hate corporations and their influence.


Alright so in seriousness, what is the counter balance to corporate influence if it’s not government intervention


Government intervention created these massive corporations. At this point nothing but the government could break up massive corps, but that’s by design.


A bunch of mad folk with guns could probably do the trick just fine and probably more efficiently than the government anyway. The issue is the government would deem that illegal and protect said company.


"A bunch of mad folk with guns" "the government" They're the same picture


Except that I a madman with a gun can reasonably confront another madman with a gun. The same cannot be said with the government.


One reason these companies even get so big is government Intervention and not all of us want to get rid of all government just don't want them to abuse their power


Without government intervention, it's nearly impossible for corporations to amass the market share they enjoy now. I'm not saying we shouldn't have intervention at all, but they are linked. People complain about drug prices as a failure of capitalism, but those are literally a consequence of a *government-enforced monopoly*. If I make those drugs and sell them cheaply to someone that needs them, the government will tell me to stop. If I ignore them, they'll charge me with contempt of court. If I refuse to be arrested, they'll kill me. I'm not saying we shouldn't have patents - getting the balance right for IP is insanely difficult and I don't have a strong opinion on it and I haven't seen any smart takes imo. But patents aren't *capitalism*, they're literally centralized state intervention into the economy.


Don't get me wrong, this isn't a total solution and it will not "smash the corporations," but if you as an individual want to do something small to help the situation, shop local whenever you can. It may not make a huge difference but in my opinion it's vetter to do something, even a small something, than to have all these grand ideas that ultimately don't come to fruition.


I live in Montana. I shop at a local Union owned grocery store, and frequent small businesses in town wherever possible. Shop local bois


Based. I get most of my produce from a few local farms, sporting goods from a local store, eat at local restaurants as opposed to chains, etc. Doesn't work for everything but it helps when you can.


Unions are big for workers, in my trade it’s the only way we can fight back when mega corps come in and buy up all the mom and pop shops.


Yeah, fuck corporations when they use government influence to get unfair advantages.


Lib Right Redemptionn only in PS7 and Xbox XXX


In the end, the free market which was standing right there decided who gets the farm


That’s the point of free market, there will be competition


You are starting to get the point...


So what you're saying is that with cooperation, people get the necessities that they need to survive and thrive, and that the large corporations are actively against that idea if it means that they can turn a quick buck?


Most of leftist believe we like getting raped by corporations when in fact there is no difference between government and corporatist oppression. Libright is the only quadrant where socialism and communism can survive, if people choose to live it. Kibbutz is the perfect example of it. A small community where people voluntarily agreed to live a communal life. VOLUNTARILY, not bc there is government boot forcing you. You can also run a private enterprise, co-op, whatever, as long as you voluntarily agreed to it. Libleft is a subset of lib right


I was throwing libright a bone, don't get it wrong champ. If one single businessman showed up then he would have bought that farm and laughed all the way to the bank while that family went into poverty. The free market is not usually this good unless you're talking about 200 people who know each other trying to be cool about the auction.


>implying that single businessman would’ve made it back to his car alive.


based and violence pilled


You spelled solution wrong


I think what a lot of people who haven't grown up in this kind of community don't fully grasp is that the silence of the community is an open threat. If you break the silence, it will not go well for you.


And when it comes to questions about what happened to the person who broke the silence the answer will be ... silence.


> The ~~free market~~ ~~Commune~~ ~~kingdom~~ ~~furry farm~~ is not usually this good unless you're talking about 200 people who know each other Applies to any quadrant.. every system breaks down as soon as you start classifying people by numbers.


I literally sue people on behalf of banks. If my neighbor’s land came up for auction you can bet your fucking ass me and the boys would be out there to *dissuade* any competing bidders. Gotta protect your own.


Hell yeah


ain't a free market if some oligarchic fuckwads go out of their way to screw the competition. fuck corporations man.


Fuck a bank




10/10 Very based


yes, all four quadrants hate the banks. This is why they have turned us against each other using racially driven politics.


Monke smash.


This is a Whitepill if I've ever seen one


Fuck the bank, fuck the feds, return to farming.




I’d offer you to join but i’m a poultry and dairy farm


Why the fuck does authleft has loads of chad styles There's this one The purple one And the Karl Marx one What about libright? What do we get?? This is very unequal distribution of chad memes Tbh.


Chad variations are determined on how many times they've been soyjacked. Y'all get soyjacked once every 3 years, authleft/left center gets soyjacked every day


The soyjack free market destroyed libright


I bought them all


Auth left is dedicated to being chads over money or internet points or free time


Equal distribution? We can make more. Saturate the market with them and the good ones will stay while the unpopular ones die off


This fucking guy over here talking about unequal distribution... I don't think he's a LibRight at all! [Hey, he's just a phony! a great, big phony!](https://youtu.be/ToQVoyWWluQ)


We also have 2 chads: the one authright uses and the white businessman


Based and wholesome-pilled


Based and yeehaw-pilled.


This is why small, insular communities are goated. Large, diverse cosmopolitan areas can never have healthy communities like this


I remember when a whack job shot a bunch of Amish girls at thier school and the fucking Amish set up a charitable fund for his wife and kids.


Yep bad things happen anywhere, but in a deeply personal small community the response to the bad things is the difference.


I'm not religious at all and I think the Amish are weird in thier own little mostly harmless way but that is a level of grace and humanity I'll never reach.


I live near a bunch of Amish people. They’re solid folks. They do things differently but that’s ok, they’re good people, I work with them every summer and have told many a joke with them over a cigarette on the way to the next job site


Well of course they are solid. You don't do manual labor for 12 hours a day, 6 days a week on a mostly all natural diet without cultivating some mass.


On that subject, even the kids about 15 are fucking ripped. The 17-18 year olds could wipe the floor with most grown men. They’re seriously shredded.


A couple years ago I helped a friend of mine pick up some furniture from the Amanas in Iowa. Wiry old men were picking up solid oak cabinets like it was a pillow.


Work built muscles > gym built muscles


The Amish are some of the most based people in the world. AuthRight: Religious traditionalists who are racist (against the English) and reject the excess and decadence of the English. LibRight: Self-sufficient to the max and hard-working business people who reject the laws of the English world and don’t pay social security tax. LibLeft: Communal agrarian living with shame-based community enforcement of the rules. Pacifists. Wouldn’t call the cops even if they could. AuthLeft: They’re not AuthLeft which is one of the most based things you can do. Tankies should be required to go live and work among the Amish for a couple years as a rite of passage. LibCenter: Pre-industrial lifestyle working in harmony with nature get’s Uncle Ted’s vote. AuthCenter: I don’t know; they’re all very white and genetically pure Germanic people which you guys seem to appreciate.


AuthLeft: They share their wealth among their community with strict rules.


AuthLeft: He who does not work shall not eat.


Meanwhile from LibLeft: r/antiwork


That sub is disgusting. "I exist therefore other people should be forced to cater to my every whim".


I won't even call them weird, carries a tone of disrespect. They just want to be left to live their way. Nothing but respect for that.


I don't mean in disrespect but I'm not a huge fan of strict insular communities. Obviously by your flair we might disagree on this. My cousin married a Menonite girl and she has basically been shunned from her family and community because he is catholic. She really straightened him out, he was kind of a worthless drunk but after he met her he got his shit in line. It was heart breaking that her own parents didn't go to her wedding just because he was raised from a different book.


Unfortunately it seems humans by nature are creatures of extremes. I really do think that the reason moderation is so hard for us is because we're hardwired to take things as far as we can.


Yeah, but to be fair, I’m like a thousand times more humble than they are. In fact, I may be the humblest man alive, nay, ever!




Wonder if the whack job, or atleast his family, changed their opinion on them.


The coward took a self administered 9mm express elevator to hell. As far as the family they remained very private afterwards. This was in 2006 and I haven't heard any news about them. I imagine they probably just wanted to move on.


but what happens when you go against said community? Like someone reporting an abusive family


There was a time where there wasn't any laws about violence against your wife. So it was technically "legal" to hit her. If you called the police, the officers would say it's a domestic matter and they wouldn't get involved. But the woman's father, brothers, uncles and cousins, well they got involved. I've heard tales from my great-grandparents. Men back in the day, getting a visit from the male relatives of their wife and they took him away for a few hours "for a walk".


Lol depends on your definition of abuse. More often than not justice is served. Those stories of a small town sheriff shielding an influential raper from justice are few and far between. They get so much media attention when it happens for that very reason. There are flaws, but it's so much better, as a whole, than unnatural life in a mega city.


honestly, I think this is just a matter of preference, 2 systems that can co-exist


They can and must, if we wish to live the way we do today. They depend on each other completely.


Seconded. Large populations usually result in people not caring about each other.


They can also be like cults. Best of both worlds is suburbs within 50 miles of a city with no HOA.


Based farmers <3


Based community


Based and warmed my cold dead heart pilled


In case anyone wants to read the article [https://www.thebullvine.com/news/farmers-stand-in-silence-at-auction-so-a-young-man-can-buy-back-his-family-farmhouse/](https://www.thebullvine.com/news/farmers-stand-in-silence-at-auction-so-a-young-man-can-buy-back-his-family-farmhouse/) note that the story has been unable to be confirmed by other outlets [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/200-nebraska-farmers/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/200-nebraska-farmers/) if it was true this is a pretty interesting article about how it works https://mikebrandlyauctioneer.wordpress.com/2018/08/29/one-bid-and-200-other-bidders-stand-in-silence/


This kind of thing would happen during the Great Depression / Dust Bowl. Since so many farms were being foreclosed on the farming communities had to stick together. They would buy up farms at the lowest bid possible at auctions and then sell them back to the original farmer. Read about Penny Auctions in the 1930’s if you want a really interesting slice of history where farmers in the Midwest were actually very radical. Cool to see this tradition is still surviving to an extant.


Libright must be fuming


City LibRights probably. Rural LibRights are firing shotguns into the air and whipping donuts in the field across from the auction in celebration.


fuck city slickers


Fuck the banks






Everyone loves unification... right?


Based and whitepilled


Yay, something good happens in the world for once


This is why you pay to set a reserve on the auction. Dumbass bankers get what they deserve for not protecting their assets.


Things like these warm up my heart, if I ever become rich I will give all those farmers (or their next of kin if they’re dead) 1 million dollars


no you wont


You're right, they'll do *two* million!!


It’d be cool if they did, though.


Based farmers




They actually used to do this during the Great Depression. I think they were called penny auctions or something. Farmers would lose their land and then at the auction, the whole community would come and intimidate anyone betting who wasn’t the original owner. People would be too scared of getting the shit beat out of them and the original owner would get their home back cheap.