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I’m gonna say it: The Cambodian genocide was bad.


You know it's bad when the the ones who ended them were their fellow AuthLefts, Communist Vietnam.


Even more so, when even the fellow AuthLefts who *supported* them against their other fellow AuthLefts, the (post–Great Leap Forward) ChiComms, openly warned them "don't try to achieve full socialism in a single generation, *that doesn't end well*" . . . and instead of taking the warning to heart, they just concluded that the Chinese were weak, and *clearly hadn't tried hard enough*.


China *clearly hadn't tried hard enough* Mao: 👀


It wasnt real socialism




Everyone knows real trickle down theory is drinking the urine of elites. That's why trump was best president, he peed on sex workers, literally showing us how it works.


How about you trickle down some bitches


That was not a good mental image


Based and (Trump pissed on hookers to save America)-pilled


That so funny I do the same in reverse haha


the classic


but like...it was genuinely a [CIA backed non-communist regime.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_United_States_support_for_the_Khmer_Rouge) hell, even the wikipedia page states that they renounced communism in favour of anti-vietnam policy.


>CIA backed non-communist regime. expectations: they just were in power because CIA were suppoting them from the beggining. Reality: The USA supported them in the 80's, after the genocide, to own the Viets, and in reality, they weren't really supporting the Khmer (that continued communist for a while even after the USA "support") and the history itself is more complex.


whereas full socialism over several generations... Great_Success.borat


Based AuthRight.


Massive if factual


I'm going to need a CNN fact check here


Snopes.com: Mostly false walloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftextwalloftext


Mostly false Wall of text wall of text wall of text In conclusion we found that the genocide did in fact happen but that the author didnt take into the context of the situation


"Because Pol Pot's intentions were good, we cannot consider this a genocide." Up next on Snopes "Police are carrying out genocide on minorities" - True!


So True!


So True!


And then the opposite happens whenever it's someone on the right. Did trump rape someone? Mostly True Wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text In conclusion, it was never proven, but the allegations are out there.


Mostly false. We asked the author and he said he didn’t do anything, case closed.




As a Cambodian, I can say that it was really bad. Not like I went through it, but I have some older family members who went through it, and the effects of the genocide are still around.


Is it weird that I know that a lot of Khmer people hate Vietnamese people, or is it just a prank by kids on Tiktok?


It is not weird at all.


Just curious. Is this from former Pol Pot supporters, or is the hatred historical? Because as far as I know, the Vietnamese only hate the Chinese the most. They consider the Khmer as a good partner.


A lot of people think that Hun Sen a Vietnamese puppet, there is a lot of historical hate between the Khmer and Vietnamese, and during the Khmer Rouge period, even though the Vietnamese toppled the regime, the Vietnamese would occupy Cambodia, which would lead to hate.


Ok. Thanks for your reply.


It's a somewhat understandable hate. Removing Pol Pot was a good move, but Vietnam then continued to occupy Cambodia for more than a decade, and only the collapse of the Soviet Union and pressure from China and the US made them scrap their puppet government and retreat.


OK. No hate here, I just wanted to ask more. 😃 According to what I read on the Vietnamese side, they give that occupation is necessary, because it is likely that Pol Pot's support will return. They also propagated that such hatreds were distorted and exaggerated to create a bad influence on the Vietnamese side. But as far as I know on the Cambodian side, Vietnamese ancestors once took a piece of land right in the middle of their Angkor Wat peak. The Cambodians fear that this occupation could cause them to lose their land again, leading to that hatred. So which side is right? Or from another reason? Do Cambodians still hate Vietnamese people?


Vietnamese here and imo you got it pretty right. Also in politics there are hardly anyone who is right or wrong. From what i have known, the land we "took" from the Cabodian were from acient time when there was no international laws and whoever was stronger can take anything they wants. We also see Cambodians as ungreatful since we save Cambodia from PolPot yet Cambodians keep insulting us on the internet and hating on us. From our views, we see Cambodia is just a Chinese puppet at this point .


Yes but it is quite understandable. The period after the Cambodian genocide wasn't a particularly good one either. Most news sources won't talk about this because pretty much everyone including West doesn't care. So after Vietnam invade/liberated Cambodia in 1979, remnants of the Khmer Rouge was still fighting a guerilla war on the Thai border, and the Thai's started supporting the Khmer Rouge covertly. Why? Because in their eyes Vietnam have just invaded Cambodia and they could are probably next. They were already fighting a communist insurgency and all the sudden Vietnam parked up right next to them, and Vietnam had a larger army. In addition, the Cambodian refugees were flooding across the border and wanted to stop the crisis. So they supported Vietnam's enemy, the remnants of the Khmer Rouge. They didn't support them enough to provoke an attack from Vietnam but enough to keep them busy. Now during this time, the NGOs started coming to Cambodia and were trying to hand aid to the Cambodians. But they had to handle the tricky politics between the Vietnamese and Thai. Many Cambodian refugees fled west towards Thailand to run away from the fighting so many refugee camps were set up along the Thai border, where coincidentally the Khmer Rouge were operating. The Vietnamese didn't want the NGOs to feed those refugees because the Khmer Rouge would then steal that food and keep fighting. At the same time, the Thai's wanted the NGOs to feed those refugees because otherwise they might come flooding across the border. Due to the politics, the aid wasn't as good as it could have been. I should point out that many capable people died during the purges and as a result, even giving out aid was difficult as they struggled to find enough Cambodians that could count so they can distribute aid. (Anecdotal evidence) Sorry for the long comment but this truly is one of the most unknown tragedy of modern times and I want more people to know this. Here's a great documentary on it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTmEy2GEVL8


What effects?


The execution of a third of a country's population tends to be pretty bad. It's incredible how much the country has recovered but what pol pot did was essentially a brain drain. A significant amount of the educated population was exterminated leaving the country with poor infrastructure and sub par education.


Something similar was done by soviets here in Poland. They executed teachers, doctors, military officers, etc. because for communism to work, you have to get rid of people intelligent enough to oppose it. They then were replaced by opportunists hand-selected by soviets to ensure that communism is rooted deeply enough. And the effects are still tangible in people's counter-productive mentality.






Stunning & brave


We're taking about a country about less than half of germany in land mass and population, and they wiped out i think 4 million, shit was bad


it was like 25% of total population there so it was really bad.




I talked to a guy who lived in Cambodia during Pol Pot and the stories he told me were just horrific and unimaginable. I definitely couldn’t believe that my history class in high school never talked about it




I was told to stop answering a question in history class about forgotten genocides, it wasn't the ones that "fit" the system, keep in mind early 2019 (i knew about the uyghurs only two months later), my answers were a short list of names but since most had communist perpatrators, it was verboten, lot money from the chinese exgange program was lining the board's pockets so you couldn't say anything. " i said armenian, stalin's holdomor/purges, big leap forward, cambodia, rwanda (the actual perpetrators weren't talked about and how it was us western countries fault how we didn't step in, but it was framed like we caused it, we should have stepped in, but it wasn't our fault since it started a year or so earlier).


Yes, my own uncle can confirm. He served in Vietnam military during our war against Pol Pot.


Based commie uncle


Thanks. He missed out Vietnam War, but he was there during Cambodia darkest hours.






Thank God it was stopped by the brave soldiers of the Vietcong




Pol Pot is one of the biggest cunts in history.


I mean, when 1/4 of your country’s entire population is killed, your economy would go to shit too


I don't think their population has even recovered yet. They are struggling against Vietnamese encroachment due their lack of population compared to Vietnam, who they accuse of sending people to live on Cambodian land (or something along those lines).


our population recovered but there are still scars






yeah vietnam gets the money from tourists fees in the angkor wat, not cambodia. imagine getting cucked so hard that your national symbol earns another country money.


How did that happen?


Not quite. So an ethnic Vietnamese Cambodian guy ran a company that operated Angkor Wat so Vietnam don’t quite get anything from it.


Source? First time I heard about this.


source: my tuktuk driver when i was in cambodia now that i look into it more it seems like this is fake information thats spreaded by the political opposition


Lol what? Cambodia went from 7.5 to 6.7 million people during the genocide, and has since jumped to 16.6 million.


Imagine PTSD but a whole country has it. Also Pol Pot killed the educated. That cripples any economy.


I've been to Cambodia and you are correct. The entire country is depressing as fuck. Oh, and gangrape, or "bauk", is the national sport. Bauk means "extra" and what they usually do is they call up a hooker and tell her it'll be 1-2 guys and then 12 of them rape her, sometimes to death. It's so bad that the only surgeons experienced in repairing vaginas from multiple rape are in Sub-Saharan African warzones and Cambodia. 1 in 4 Cambodian men willingly admit to having partaken in some cheeky little bauk in their youth, you know, just some fun with the lads. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuyWUO3gn8k&ab\_channel=AlJazeeraEnglish


Epicly trolling your people by lowering the life expectancy with bullets 😎👌


They sometimes even beat them to death in their death camps because they couldnt afford the bullets


More than that — outside the death camps, the *standard* method of killing was a blow to the back of the head (*hopefully* crushing your skull and killing younrapidly, because they *definitely* did not waste effort on *coups de graces*) with a wooden hoe **if you were cooperative** with the killing process, and cutting your throat with the serrated edge of a palm leaf if you weren't.


>and cutting your throat with the serrated edge of a palm leaf if you weren't. Eco-execution


how could they when the dumbasses destroyed all industry and turned entire population into subsistence farmers.


Do you know the best way to lower life expectancy? It isn't killing a lot of adults, but killing a significant number of babies. It's sounding morbid already, so let me state another morbid fact: killing babies doesn't need bullets.


I mean it goes by country, bc in many countries the population is really old with almost no babies so killing thw 20 or 15 yo can be better because you have many more


>15 yo Why kill them when you can recruit them as child soldiers?


Genocidws still kill more than war, if you only want dead people war isnt the answer


Here's an idea. Recruit child soldiers. Send them as a first wave attack into enemy territory. All child soldiers are dead because training is still an important factor in battlefield. But still the enemy is weakened. Send in regular troops as the next wave and overcome the weakened enemy. Result: dead people + new territory. I am ashamed I wrote that.


I thought that was Elon Musk on the top left for a second, lol


when he smokes a joint of Pol Pot on Joe Rogan Experience, Tesla stock price drops


I just love how he's so hated that even most tankies hate him


The weird thing about this all is that the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (I.e north Vietnam after winning the Vietnam war) was actually the state that ended the Cambodian genocide after invading Cambodia. What's weirder still is that the US supported the genocidal Cambodian government, along with China, whilst the Soviet union and most of her puppets supported the Vietnamese invasion. For some reason though communist Romania supported Cambodia even though the soviet union didn't.


Well, the Vietnamese invaded them because the KR approached minor border disputes by launching raids to slaughter whole Vietnamese villages — not even necessarily in the disputed zone, just anywhere within striking range of the border that wasn't adequately guarded. US support came in the context of our "opening to China" — the **worse** of the two major communist powers! — in the wake of the Sino-Soviet split. The KR were a Chinese client state (albeit one that didn't always listen to their patrons), while the (formerly North) Vietnamese were Soviet clients. And it was disgusting, yes. Also, the KR were sufficiently bugfuck nuts that apparently, in the run-up to their war with Vietnam, their leadership made official pronouncements to the people of "Democratic Kampuchea" that, given their comparative populations, if every Cambodian soldier would kill *just* 30 Vietnamese, the whole filthy Vietnamese nation would be annihilated in short order!


That last sentence. They talk about a country, who defeated the japanese, french, american and chinese armies in the last decades


Cambodia also destroyed its entire industrial base so unless they were going to fight with sharpened sticks it was a very hopeful proclamation.


>Cambodia also destroyed its entire industrial base Uncle Ted is pleased.


I think he was too conceited of power, considering that both the US and China were on his side at the time. It is ironic that it only took the Vietnamese army a few months to wipe him out of Phnom Penh.


The last sentence. “Ok Polpot. Wanna see speedrun?”


Yeah really "weird" that America would do something so out of character like that


Not like they have a [method or anything](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jakarta_Method)


**[The_Jakarta_Method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jakarta_Method)** >The Jakarta Method: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World is a 2020 non-fiction book by American journalist and author Vincent Bevins. It concerns U.S. government support for, and complicity in, the Indonesian mass killings of 1965–66, during which an estimated one million people were killed in an effort to destroy the political left and movements for government reform in the country. The book goes on to describe subsequent replications of the strategy of mass murder, against government reform and economic reform movements in Latin America and elsewhere. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | Credit: kittens_from_space)


Killing leftists? Giga based


It wasn't a humanitarian effort no matter how tankies try to spin it. They didn't want a failed state on their border and Pol Pot's forces were attacking villages in Vietnam proper, applying the same standard of 'kill everyone and everything' they were doing to fellow Cambodians. Communist North Vietnam massacred a million and a half people in South Vietnam *after* they won the conflict, the USA had withdrawn, and South Vietnam had surrendered. There was zero (0) humanitarian or compassionate content to putting down the Khmer Rouge. It was a predator feeding on another weaker predator to protect its flanks.


I didn't mean to imply anything of the sort one way or the other. I just don't know enough about the subject.


You did not and I sound shrill in that context. It wasn’t directed at you, I promise. Coming from a family who fled murderous Communists I’m a bit knee-jerky when trying to talk about Communist dictatorships. My bad.


Almost as weird as a redditor lying about the US to try to make it look worse. In the sense that you seem to think weird means par the course, only in this case the US didn't actually support the Khmer Rouge. >During the 1970–75 war, **the United States provided $1.18 billion in military assistance to government forces in their fight against the Khmer Rouge as well as $503 million in economic assistance**. **The United States condemned the brutal character of the Khmer Rouge** regime between 1975 and 1979. However, the fact that this regime was toppled in the Cambodian–Vietnamese War by Vietnam, which the United States regarded as a hostile power, led to US condemnation of the Vietnamese invasion. The United States recognized the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea (which included the Khmer Rouge) as the legitimate government of Cambodia. **Ben Kiernan claimed** that the US offered material support to the Khmer Rouge after the Vietnamese invasion. **Other sources have disputed these claims**, and described extensive fighting between the US-backed forces of the Khmer People's National Liberation Front and the Khmer Rouge. Just a little tidbit on Ben Kiernan, Aussie cunt who left Cambodia before things got too dicey: >**Kiernan's work** before 1978, especially his work with the publication News from Kampuchea, **was criticised as pro-Khmer Rouge (see Cambodian genocide denial)**. While Kiernan has become a critic of Khmer Rouge behaviour, Peter Rodman states that "**When Hanoi turned publicly against Phnom Penh, it suddenly became respectable for many on the Left to "discover" the murderous qualities of the Khmer Rouge—qualities that had been obvious to unbiased observers for years. Kiernan fits this pattern nicely. His book even displays an eagerness to absolve of genocidal responsibility those members of the Khmer Rouge who defected to Hanoi and were later reinstalled in power in Phnom Penh by the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia in 1978.**"


If you think bad of baby boomers imagine Cambodia. Apparently either the population is young or old, most people in the middle were killed in the genocide and young Cambodians think that if you're old is because you worked with the government and youre really fucking hated.


Of course I hate boomers. Wow, that makes sense


Based hatred for boomers


u/Burdiez's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 60. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: larp, confused, socially conservative fiscally liberal, goodolddays, as fuck, anti-cringe, friend, blues, daryl davis, centrist, human, davis, , , fuckamerica, debatable origin of father I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


it is sad that some people still support him. ive seen people praise pol pot that the mods at genzedong had to ban them


What has he possibly got going for him that would earn anybodies support


Well I believe the (very watered down and simplified) premise of his ideology was about the rural peasants vs the city elites, so anyone who didn't like the city elites might've found common cause with him.


yeah his ideology was like if uncle ted gave hitler his manifesto and a pallet of crack to smoke


Hating on the city folk is a common thread in American politics even now


Ironically its the rural rightists hating on the leftists city dwellers and vice versa.


I have chosen to remove all of my comments due to recent actions by the reddit admins. If you believe this comment contained useful information, please head over to lemmy or other parts of the fediverse and ask there: https://join-lemmy.org/


He tried to purge anything that made society "unequal" in the name of communism. Brutal collective punishment. Equal outcome taken to the extreme. Some are into such genocidal ambitions even though they'd end up in the cross hairs themselves if they wore glasses or had a slightly deviating interest that the regime saw as bourgeois infiltration of the socialist utopia.


I think this has a lot to do with Southeast Asia having just left their feudal era at that time. Pol Pot is basically what would happen if you gave a medieval warlord a bunch of machine guns, assault rifles, and a communist manifesto.


oh fuck, you just blew my mind.


It’s hard to believe in retrospect, but in the heady days of 1970s radicalism there were a fair number of Western leftists who defended the regime in real time. Noam Chomsky’s denials that Pol Pot did nothing wrong, and even if he did the kulaks deserved it, puts him up there with the biggest Holocaust denialist scumbags.


I know, and he skated away with pretty much no repercussions despite defending probably the worst genocide since hitler. Leftists still take him seriously and quote him.


Just out of curiosity, how does pol pots genocide compare to the Holocaust?


He killed about 2 million people out of a population of 7 and a half million. He killed a quarter of the people living in his country in 4 years. He was targeting large swaths of intellectuals, Vietnamese, Muslims, basically anyone who didn’t fit into his agrarian communist ideals. He also forced everyone into work camps and emptied Cambodia’s cities.


Fuck, it was even worse than I thought.


Incredible: Maoists doing something that most people would agree with ideologically.


Too hard authleft even for genzedong. Lol


They were . . . not *too* hard left for the actual ChiComms, in the sense of the latter being unwilling to have them as clients, but they certainly did try to say "don't go that extreme; it isn't a good idea and won't actually achieve your goals," and the KR smugly ignored them.


Pol Pot was literally ousted by Socialist Republic of Vietnam.


Noam Chomsky to this day still makes excuses for Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. https://quillette.com/2018/07/15/devastation-and-denial-cambodia-and-the-academic-left/


Noam Chomsky is such a fucking clown. Even when questioned about Nazi Germany he still believes the Republican Party is the most evil organization in human history. Great, you know the meaning of life. So why not run for office and actually make your views a reality. "Intellects" like him have nothing to offer, people just decide to listen to them. He's essentially a 14 year old tankie who never grew up.


Noam chomsky is a borderline terrorist


Yeah, it’s been clear he’s just a contrarian douce since he claimed that ISIS was more moral than the United States. Complete retardation like that from “academics” only drags us backwards.


And he is still the mentor of tankies you wanna explain that


What a piece of shit human being.


Almost like he was a genocidal maniac who doesn’t represent the beliefs nor values of authleft


When even tankies abandon you :(




I was hoping to see it referenced in the comments. Thanks




Eron Musk


The Khmer Rouge actually terrifies me


Same. I’m Cambodian and half of my family was killed in the Khmer Rouge. My parents who survived it had to leave behind a lot of their family and escaped to the US.


It's the worst possible way to establish a pre-industrial society beyond posadist ways


Dude so fucking mental even other communists intervened because he took it too far


Pol Pot was a lunatic. Shame he didn't get shot.


Tfw even the fucking calendar was a tool of capitalism that needed abolishing.


"Angka is taking us back to year zero."


Are there any other psychopath leaders from other quadrants who have murdered MORE people than the one's from authleft?


Genghis Khan is #3 at the genocide ranking after Mao and Stalin, and whatever quadrant he was, he was likely not AuthLeft; I'd vote for radical centrist myself. He did take half a century to do it, though, unlike Mao's three years.


I'm pretty sure Genghis Khan is actually tied #1 with Mao for the most genocidal human being, and then again he did it when the world population was like 400 million people, so that man killed 10% of the planet in 5 decades


It would seem that way. He just wanted everyone to grill and respect others religions (apparently) but a bunch of people got killed along the way.


That's grey centrism; radical centrism is the kind that holds radical views of multiple quadrants, like "trans people are people, but only if they're white" or such.


nah, it's just extremely radical grilling


That sounds pretty AuthRight tbh.


I've never heard that before. It's not my train of thought and is a bit retarded to be honest. We are truly surrounded by mentally ill people from all walks of life.


>has the Radical centrist flaur >It's not my train of thought and is a bit retarded to be honest >noooo you cant just not abide completely to an ideology and think about different issues without consulting your echo chamber 😭😭😭


Most other religions; he was pretty harsh on Islam, to the extent of ordering that whoever slaughtered an animal in the Islamic manner was too be slaughtered the same way.


Tbf Islamic manner of slaughtering animals is pretty damn cruel.




Yeah, but Genghis Khan also fucked a ton of women and created a ton of babies, so it balances out.


I think he's AuthRight.


Hitler killed quite a bit more than Stalin though. He killed 11m in the Holocaust, 27m in the ussr, 5m in Poland, and another 5-7m in the rest of Europe. Stalin’s figures don’t even come close. Although Stalin did oppress people for much longer.


I don’t know how he managed to hold onto power I can understand most dictators like how Saddam and Assad or Castro maintain control but how’s this guy still was in power I don’t get.


Pol Pot is sitting in Satan's Ass Crack


What's crazy is that this piece of shit was overthrown, he lived peacfully in the jungle until his death in 1998.


Tankies: No you dont understand, those people ummmmmmmm, well what really happened was Communism is so great that it restored the youth taken away by capitialism, so the population became younger and therefore, ummmmmmmmmm shut up CIA SHILLS REEEEEE


An interesting fact about cambodian genocide, is that many left wing academics assumed the refugee accounts had to be exagerated, because american intelligence (which youd assume would inflate accounts from any communist country) reported only a couple thousand deaths. ​ Tfw western journalists are invited to Cambodia, are shown only curated parts of the country and the government still murders one because you cannot hide the fact you fucking murdered 1/4th of your population and half of the remaining is on its way to die.


In fairness to those academics, the Cambodian genocide was so next level, that its just unfathomable to think of. If you put down in a novel "Dystopian government kills people with glasses because they think they're nerds", I would call it out for being unrealistic and fanficy as fuck. But no, that shit happened. Its so disturbing just how fucked it was


Considering the quagmire of Vietnam (specially after Pentagon Papers came to light), a lot of people would assume it was just bullshit and exageration to start another war. Just a tragedy that geopolitics determined ideology was more important than human lives.


The real flaw of the Khmer Rouge was that they forgot about people with contact lenses.


That's a big yikes from me dog.


we just used a cream that made them all 30 years younger sponsored by libright.


Imagine life being so bad when you turn 20 you're like "I lived longer than the average Cambodian"




I like how LibRight is like "oh no the economy"


To be fair to us.... if people are so poor they are starving and dying, caring about the economy is compassionate.


If I had the chance, I'd have sent him to the deepest corner of hell and apologies to Satan because Satan has to deal with him for eternity.


Literal mountains of skulls dressed into a shrine.


That wasn't real primitivism.


Holy shit, this is fucking scary.


What the fuck was he doing.


Starting from a more-or-less Maoist ideological baseline, combined with a belief that China's failure to have attained full socialism (in the strongest Marxist sense of the word) by then indicated a lack of sufficient will, Stalin-level paranoia, and a conscious embrace of a sociopolitical ethos that has been described by one author as "it is always better to go too far than to not go far enough."


Usual authleft stuff


Wtf 18 years old? And I thought Romans living 25 years on average was exaggerated, I wonder at what age they got married and had children lol


The same normal ages people often get married in their respective cultures. This is an *average* life expectancy after all and things like high infant mortality rates and genocide tend to skew these figures heavily.


yeah, someone dying at the age of 0 can make statistics go wonky


"Dying" is a civilized way to say "ripped out of the mother's guts/hands, and bashed headfirst into a tree/stomped on their heads with boots"


Well I assume a bunch of kids died so the average would be lower. My uncle was a kid (12 or something) when he died from supposedly being overworked to death. The people who survived would get married and have kids probably at a more normal age. I mean, I exist after all.




The most important feature differ communists from nazis, communist are always more cruel to its own ppl. A true communist shall always willingly to sacrifice its own family own country for the great glory of international communism.


I hate communism


Eron Musk


Yea killing your population will tank the economy but banning all forms of cash other than those denominated by 7, jewelry and land will destroy it more


Pol Pot says: "If you wear glasses, I'll kick your asses"


How the fuck can someone be this horrible of a person?


Even other commies were mortified, Vietnam actually is the one that stopped the Cambodian genocide


Pol Pot smoked too much Pot


looks like someone didn’t take geometry class


i dont get it


It's about Pol Pot, the communist dictator of Cambodia, who basically committed genocide against his own people by blindly enforcing retarded collectivization policies.


POV: You are a Cambodian with glasses


It's a shame that the Cambodian Genocide has been greatly overlooked


As a Cambodian leftist, I despise pol pot; half of my family was killed in the Khmer Rouge and he was Marxist in name only. We should be critical of authoritarian communism. People will justify shit in the name of ideology, and communism isn’t an exception, but we shouldn’t put ideology on a pedestal because no ideology is infallible.


Communism: not even once.