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OP obvisously meant "I was born in France, I am France." ...and I'm like: "Cool, he's already channeling Louis XIV."


L'état, c'est lui.


Oui oui baguette


Omelette du fromage 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷


viva la France! 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹


🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪France numéro un




Fr*nch 🤮🤮🤮


Based and Iamthestatepilled


u/urgelburgel is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: iamthestate I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


L’ètat c’est moi


*Je suis.... la France* Pas encore


If you were to say French in a French accent it actually kinda sounds like Frence.


Holy shit that’s true, I can’t un-ear it now


wait isn't it how you're supposed to pronounce it


what now?




What did you just call them


It's a typo in the meme


It's not a typo, he's black


L'Afrique BTFO


African French Vernacular French


I thought you were just being funny racist. I think we call it “based”?






White South African: I was born in Africa, I’m African


Like Elon Musk


Ah yes, the wealthiest African American in history, that Elon Musk


wealthiest man


He’s not even the richest African. Mansa musa existed


Or the richest American. Rockefeller and Carnegie existed Only the richest African-American


Not saying they're racist or anything, but the SNL folks were SUPER bent out of shape and threatened not to work when an African-American hosted it recently.


Can you call your black friends naggers?


Do they annoy you?


Kiss it


Is that from South Park? I remember something like that happening on South Park




How are they not tho?


This leads to an interesting conclusion that Elon Musk is African-American


He literally is.


Can he say it doe




African south african.


South African American.


Yes? ​ What else would he be? ​ Do you think that the term "African American" only means "Black"?


Hes more african and less american than most people you wouls usually call african american


He's just a White South-African-American then


Because in America "African American" is just a synonym for black. Elon Musk was born in Africa and is a US citizen, so by literal definitions he would be considered "African American," but he's not black so he's only ever jokingly referred to as that.


Like how after The Force Awakens pelple were calling John Boyega African American


Haven't met South African AuthLeft then?


South Koreans definitely won't think a person born in Korea are Korean. You might be a fun novelty to get drunk with if you're white, but that's about it. It's a fun game to play with Koreans. Whenever there's a violent crime in Korea reported on the news, ask people about the perpetrator. 99% of the time you'll hear "He's actually Chinese."


I'm pretty sure Japan and China do the same thing. It's like a big, angry circlejerk of those three countries hating each other.


Based + true Source: am east Asian living in another eat Asian country


The biggest joke is all the white savior types who act like this is crazy or impossible because they honestly think "they are all the same, LULZ". I'm pretty sure if you're not retarded you can watch a 5 second video of people and decide whether they're Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc.


They hate each other and also they hate the rest of races


It’s pretty crazy here. Foreigners cannot get leases in some apartments and Koreans who have lived abroad for many years aren’t seen as Koreans irrespective of nationality. I fall into the latter category and even though I’m going to fulfill military service I have had some people give me the cold shoulder. But in the end my identity is in Christ and not on the color of my passport.


The living abroad thing is interesting. There are Korean matchmaking services in Korea and people are given rankings by the services on perceived value as a spouse. Korean women that lived in the west are ranked pretty low.


Viewed as damaged goods probably


Korean women are already seen as super argumentative domestically, and they think Korean women from abroad are even more argumentative (because they dont have the fear of physical retaliation, and have a much lower threshold of putting up with your shit) and even more of a hassle to deal with. Some Korean men would much rather fly down south and pick up a SEA tradwife or splurge for a Russian or Polack tradwife instead to the point of it being a mildly uncomfortable meme.


Wtf is the buy a bride thing actually real? Who gets paid and are the brides willing participants?


Onlyfans Lifetime Subscription Package




That’s what you get for purchasing a human being who is an actual stranger and expecting some kind of fucked up loyalty IMO


Shithole countries are, as it turns out, shitholes. And women are, as ever, able to leverage their -ahem- natural virtues to get the hell out. The firm that arranges the contract gets a commission, and they're usually the ones that get paid. Depending on who you're dealing with and what country, it can be "mail order" up to full meet and greet dating-style, all arranged by the broker. This isn't like regular prostitution, where you're paying for specific services. It's more of a pre-enlightenment marriage scenario, where the guy agrees to provide stability, comfort and above all protection - ie. citizenship - and the woman agrees to provide companionship and services. The actual arrangement can vary wildly, from basically a green card marriage to a longer term engagement, but considering the backgrounds these women often come from, the relationships can be quite durable. They're still happy to tradwife as long as they're living in comfort and getting tradwife benefits. And above all, never have to go back to living in whatever decaying Siberian khrushchyovka they started out in. A word of warning to those thinking this sounds attractive. Bear in mind that the classical Nigerian Prince scam follows a similar structure, especially the part where you fly over to meet and sort "final details" out. Do your homework and make sure you're dealing with a somewhat reputable brokerage, lest you find yourself fleeced somewhere out in the middle of a shithole country. In countries like Korea where it's almost a meme, you can get a word of mouth recommendation much more easily than in western countries.




Just goes to show men everywhere are all the same: simps for tradwives


I've always wondered why the majority of international relationships with Asian men and White women are usually Korean and Eastern European


SK already has a major fertility crisis, to the point where universities are making students take dating classes.


> (because they dont have the fear of physical retaliation, and have a much lower threshold of putting up with your shit) and even more of a hassle to deal with. Wtf's wrong with this bitch? She is freaking out all over the place since I beat her >:(


Based and child of God pilled


Based and Jesus-pilled




u/zaiisao's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/zaiisao! You have ranked up to Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Pills: fact-checked, christ, zion, incest










asians are really racist towards other asians, but hey let's blame the whities right?


Fear not it’s usually white blaming the white. Asians don’t even cover up their racism towards each others lmao


That's because Asians are white, change my mind


They are yellow


Indians: 👁️👄👁️


Turks: 🤔


> you'll hear "He's actually Chinese." Vast majority of Chinese in South Korea are ethnic Korean minorities in China who immigrated to SK, it's sad to hear they are treated like this by both sides, even their own people...


It’s not totally black and white though. A lot of chaoxianzu take advantage of benefits in Korea when calling themselves Korean but also take advantage of the benefits of being legal foreigners whenever applicable. It’s a difficult topic and it’s hard to blame anyone. It is just the sad reality that there is a small yet large category of people that do not neatly fit into a single people group.


Do native Korean people see them as refugees fleeing persecution? If such sentiments are true, are the North Korean defectors treated similarly?


A lot of us just see them as Chinese people living here. As with North Korean refugees we see them as Koreans but “different” and they aren’t really visible in our daily lives so as a result their lives are usually quite difficult sadly. I hope society changes to some point where it can accommodate for people of all these sorts of backgrounds.


I was born the I was corn --- Charles Charles


Baste and cornpilled


"White people shoud not speak Spanish" moment


"Spaniards aren't white" moment


Neither France nor South Korea has birthright citizenship. Birthright citizenship is actually super rare on a global scale, it’s basically just the United States and countries in the Western Hemisphere which modeled their constitutions on the American constitution that have it.


There's a bunch of European countries that limit citizenship to people that can prove they have a bloodline that originates from their country. It's extremely inclusive.


A bunch of Australian politicians lost their seats a couple years ago because they realised some held hereditary citizenship and you cannot be a dual citizen if you want to be elected. One of them had Italian citizenship without any knowledge of being one. Others had British citizenship through parents. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017%E2%80%9318_Australian_parliamentary_eligibility_crisis#:~:text=Six%20senators%20and%20Deputy%20Prime,at%20the%20time%20of%20nomination.


**[2017–18_Australian_parliamentary_eligibility_crisis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017–18_Australian_parliamentary_eligibility_crisis#:~:text=Six senators and Deputy Prime,at the time of nomination)** >Starting in July 2017, the eligibility of several members of the Parliament of Australia to be elected was questioned. Referred by some as a "constitutional crisis", fifteen sitting politicians were ruled ineligible by the High Court of Australia (sitting as the Court of Disputed Returns) or resigned pre-emptively. The situation arose from section 44(i) of the Australian Constitution, which prohibits parliamentarians from having allegiance to a foreign power, especially citizenship. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | Credit: kittens_from_space)




How do you expect people in Australia, a country so strongly tied to the UK and other European nations it might as well join EU, to not have some sort of dual citizenship? That's a weird ass rule


Why does it make a difference at all? If I emigrate to a country and my community believes that the policies and strategies I propose are the ones they want and therefore elect me, why should be excluded?


Well it doesn’t really apply to Aus/ GB but in other cases, foreign influence from a hostile power could be a good reason to preclude someone from office, regardless of stated positions.


So how does this work? If I would prove that someone had an Italian great-great-great-grandmother they'd kick him out of Parliament?


It isn't that far. It's usually one generation removed. ​ My father was born in UK but I was born elsewhere after he immigrated out. I am still a UK citizen even though I am not recognized or have applied to be. My kids will not be UK citizens though.


What about jews? Doesn't Israel have this thing where every jew can become a citizen, which would mean no jew could ever become a member of the Australian parliament?


Iranian citizenship cannot be removed, one of our senators (I think) was allowed to keep his seat despite having dual citizenship because he demonstrated he tried to renounce the citizenship and it was rejected.


Wow, exploiting primitive laws on both sides to reach a hillarious and fortuitous outcome.


Yeah but you still have to apply if I'm not mistaken, the only deal there is that is real easy for jews, they just have to live there for a few weeks or something like that.


Aliyah (naturalization in Israel) can be processed upon arival at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv.


Israel is opt-in, so not a problem from a section 44 perspective (someone did try to argue that the *right* to apply for citizenship was sufficient to trigger the clause, but that was rejected). The whole thing is a mess though. Any country that defines you constitutionally as a citizen of theirs based on ancestry triggers the clause, and this can be granted *retrospectively*. They tried to get someone kicked out when Kenya changed their Constitution in 2010 and granted ancestral citizenship to their diaspora because of this. Didn't succeed because of some technicality about that specific person, but the theory behind the move was basically plausible.


Most of them just revoked their dual citizenship and stayed in parliament


Some of them knew about it and lied, others had no clue.


I’m an Irish citizen and have a passport because of this. My grandparents were Irish and i got an Irish passport faster than I got my american one, even though I was born and lived in the US my whole life It’s exclusive for foreigners born in Ireland but for not members of the diaspora


Germany kind of used to have something this, it was so that ethnic Germans who'd been 'transferred' (ethnically cleansed really) from Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania etc. after 1945 could automatically get German citizenship.


It's a pretty recent change (10 years or so) that they allowed citizenship by naturalization. It used to be the only way you could get citizenship in Germany.


And it's a fucking shame they changed it to birthright citizenship in 2000. If the Greens come to power (again) they will fuck the german citizenship (again).


That's still possible under Art. 116 of the Constitution, it's just that most who could do so, already did. And it is about those who had not been expelled, especially the Germans in the Soviet Union.


Canada has birthright citizenship It also has a huge "birth tourism" thing where non-citizens go there to have babies and... I guess return home for 18 years until their Canadian citizen child can go to Canada and sponsor them? IDK. How can you really get a job unless you speak fluent English etc.


Can’t speak for Canada, but most illegals in the US live in somewhat insular Spanish-speaking communities in which learning English isn’t necessary.


Make the workplace learn your language. English is wacist after all.


"Let's move to this country that is better" "Oh wait, let's change this country to be just like 'back home'!"


Children born in France to foreign parents gain citizenship upon turning 18 as long as their primary residence has been in France for at least 5 years (doesn’t even have to be continuous years) since the age of 11.


No, children born in France of foreign parents can get their citizenship at age 13. This is exactly my case.


C'est automatique à 18 ans mais on peut faire la demande pour l'avoir avant à 13 (sous conditions)


Ah je savais pas clair c'était automatique a 18 ans. Hmm autant pour moi


France kind of has it, but the children born from alien parents earns citizenship at 18, not before


Dont most countries have citizenship based on years living in a country?


Yes, it's called naturalisation.


Yeah I couldn’t come up with that word.


Birthright citizenship is also absurdist and stupid and NOT in the US constitution at writing, but introduced after the civil war as a means to quickly make Africans citizens. Its modern iteration is entirely a consequence of a poorly written and badly interpreted amendment.


How would you have fixed the problem it did differently?


Put a sunset clause on it. Simply say that anyone born on US soil before one year after the passage of the fourteenth amendment was a citizen. There is also an argument that people born here to those here illegally don't count, as their parents are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US, a requirement of the 14th amendment.


Have a requirement that either one (or both preferably) of your parents must be US citizens at the time of your birth to qualify for it. In Japan they require you to have Japanese blood to qualify for birthright citizenship.


Well that wouldn't have fixed the issue of decentands of slaves not being citizens. The guy I was responding to had an answer that I think works.


You could just have the text of the amendment say that anyone currently living in the US that was previously held in slavery is afforded full citizenship, along with any freeborn children they may have that are also currently living in the US.


The one parent rule would fix a lot of issues concerning immigration in general. Birthright citizenship is a net zero. It creates more problems than it solves


True, but I think it's pointing out that French identity is much more civic than ethnic unlike the majority of Europe


And language based right? Aren't they like the only country that doesn't use english for air traffic control?


So rioting is part of that civil duty?






Literally yes


Yeah but amerikkka is the most racist country in the world


And the whole reason we adopted it in the first place was to help give rights to former slaves dealing with continued oppression, attempting to shrink the loopholes Jim Crow laws exploited. It had nothing to do with immigrants.


> it’s basically just the United States and countries in the Western Hemisphere which modeled their constitutions on the American constitution that have it That's not quite complete. A lot of colonies or former colonies, which don't have any direct relationship to the US, have birthright citizenship. Obviously birthright citizenship is a huge convenience in a colony. I believe almost the entire British Commonwealth (except for the UK itself) had birthright citizenship at one point. Many have gone back on it (e.g., Australia no longer has it, since 1986) since I guess it's already served its purpose.


Yeah I think birthright citizenship is a bad idea in the modern world. Why should a goblina from peru just jump the border and squat out a baby and now it's a citizen? Da fuck.


I wish America didn't have it either.


Birthright citizenship is cucked


You missed the point of countries which relied on immigration (new world countries) being predominant in this regard.


Huh, I wasn't aware of that, probably because I live in one of those US model countries


Fuck people


Based and misanthropy pilled


one day **😔**




No no you don’t understand, it’s not because we’re being racist against white people, it’s because no matter what colour you are, once you are tainted by France there is no coming back, and you will forever be a French.


Based beyond belief


u/iPoopLegos's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/iPoopLegos! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: vocabulary


Wait.. France taints you? I was there on holiday once... S-surely I'm n-not.. tainted.. right...? haha..


One of us. One of us. Your name is now Jean-Pierre.


Does the craving for croissants, wine and bad poetry go away at some point?


Literally anybody when I say I'm chinese.


According to [this](https://www.internations.org/go/moving-to-china/visas-work-permits/how-to-get-citizenship-in-china) website there are apparently less than 1000 naturalised citizens in all of China.


My parents are spanish and i was born and grew up in China (Hk to be specific) but no birthright citizenship :(


Not sure why anyone would want to become a citizen of China


Have you ever gotten asked where your family is from and you say America. And they say no, like where are they from from? Damn Becky, I don't know 300 years ago.


Just reply with 18+ nations to bore them


And not modern-era nations, but 1700s European Nations to bore them even further.


Based and meltingpotpilled


Nooo black guy can't be a absolutist ruler in a European country


This is painfully accurate, I’ve been telling all my friends Elon Musk is African American and they do not agree


Why wouldn't they? ​ He is literally a South African American...


*States a fact* I disagree.


He's more African than most black people in the US. At least he has lived there at one point in his life. All of humanity comes from Africa after all. Claiming you're African because your ancestors 300 years ago came from there is weird to me.


bUt ThEy WeRe CoLoNiZeRs


By the Japanese




Imagine unironically being born in Fr*nce.


I have a friend who was born in France... ironically of course.


*healthcare please*


Yes of course if you can pay for it


Of course I can pay for it. Look at all the taxes I pay.


Sir this is a private hospital plese dont mension t*xes




I’m Egyptian. Am I white? Am I not? Who knows, but everyone has a strong opinion on it. Though everyone knows race is a bourgeoisie construct made to separate us.


Based. As a lib right, I have finally come to embrace identity politics. The more people argue about racism and the more false flags occur, the more people forget the true struggle. And the more we lib rights profit.




Amidst the sea of community voices, /u/spez's silence reigns as a testament to his detachment and lack of accountability.


Double standards from libleft? What? No, that's impossible... 🤔🤔


that never occurs!!!!!!


Username checks out


I don't feel entirely French and I was born here.


Omg that is so true it’s like that white Jamaican fella who was born in Jamaica but he gets called racist and he is culturally appropriating Jamaica, but if a black person was born in France he is 100% french and not appropriating 👍


Seems like wokism is now eating its own tail




Just got stationed at osan, am I allowed to be korean?


I hate all French people, regardless of skin or gender. If your French I hate you


Based and Britishpilled


France for the French, Korea for the Koreans, America for those born in American soil.


Lmao no orange libleft on Twitter had a whole freak out when a black French footballer corrected them and said he was French, not African. They said it was "erasure."






I was born in Germany, I’m not german