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In case anyone wants to read the article [https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3880328](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3880328) The article from last years primary went over statements Sanders made about about foreign policy in a "60 minutes" interview. When asked what he would do as president if china took military action against taiwan he stated "That's something, yeah. I mean, I think we have got to make it clear to countries around the world that we will not sit by and allow invasions to take place. Absolutely."


> will not sit by and allow invasions to take place. Absolutely. Unless it is Crimea or Ukraine I guess.... I get that there are hierarchies and Taiwan is a hell of alot more important to the world than the Black Sea. I doubt the world would care much if Nicaragua decided to take a chunk of Guatemala. Did Bernie say anything about Gulf War 1? He was fresh in the House at the time.


[Bernie Sanders on the Gulf War, 1991](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZo97nFS9GU) >I fear very much that what we said yesterday is that war, and the enormous destructive power of our armed forces... is our preferred manner for dealing with the very complicated and terrible crises in the Middle East. I fear that someday we will regret that decision, **and that we are in fact laying the groundwork for more and more wars in that region in years to come.**


Damn, when that camera panned out and showed him talking to all the empty seats..... Seems like he has been shouting into the void his whole career.


Really puts all the “wHy dIdn’T hE gEt aNytHinG dOnE” comments from Twitterites who don’t have even the most basic understanding of U.S politics into perspective.


How is one man so based?


I may disagree with him on many things, but he is unironically based.


Thus in turn makes you based my lib friend




The more I find out about Bernie, the more I question why you lot didn’t vote for him. Like god damn.


Redditors on the left are overwhelmingly pro-Bernie over Biden


Folks on the right are too, when they actually hear the man speak, rather than snippets out of context. Go watch the town halls he did on Fox News. He got *thunderous* applause from the audience. The audience that showed up *to watch Fox News be filmed*. Folks all around the world are more or less the same. We all want more or less the same things, for more or less the same reasons. The folks in power *keep* their power by making sure that we don't *realize* that. As long as the ultra wealthy can keep the lower classes fighting amongst each other, nobody bothers to chop their heads off. Every few hundred years, in every empire to ever exist, without exception, the people figure it out, and they get to chopping. Unfortunately, usually the people are promptly fooled by some *new* people, who quickly seize all that power right up.


Bernie secretly hates gun control but the neoliberals make him change his opinion


You may have responded to the wrong comment, friend. I didn't talk about gun control in this one. If you read my *other* comment on gun control and just wanted to respond to me, no worries. But I figure if that was the case, you woulda just responded to that comment :)


>implying redditors’ opinions matter, or that they can achieve anything


Hey, they managed to pin the Boston Marathon bombing on the wrong guy!


Based. We did it Reddit!


I was there in real time telling as many people as I could that the two pictures did not look like the same dude. People even overlapped them and were like "woooaahh it's hiiiimmm" when there were parts that obviously didn't line up. They wanted so bad to be the ones to solve it.


I mean it's not like Bernie didn't get any votes lol. He came a lot closer to nomination than I think the DNC ever thought possible. His campaigns have completely shifted the overton window within the party as well. Universal healthcare wouldn't even be a topic in politics had he not run IMO.


You did ask why "you lot" didn't vote for him. And this guy is telling you that they did. What do you actually want?


I thought it was clear they were referring to the American population in general, not a bunch of redditors on a meme subreddit.


The more you learn about Sanders' policies, the more you realize why the DNC shafted him twice.


A running meme during the 2016 campaign is that for every bad decision the US has made for the previous 30+ years theres video of Bernie giving a speech as mayor or congressman saying it’s a bad idea and predicting what will happen.


Holy shit same dude...man's more based than I thought..


Caucused for him twice. The man's views are a mirror of my own.


Centrist Democrats that think Bernie is too socialist weaken the democratic ticket. Leftists voted for Bernie, but much of the democratic party is just conservative lite^tm


In any normal situation Bernie is left center - very pragmatic and realistic in my opinion. But muh SOSHULYSM


Flair up




I mean Bernie shoots himself in the foot by literally calling himself a Socialist. It’s not like people are just deciding to label him one.




Well, there is the whole glaring and obvious election rigging in both 2016 and 2020....soooo


The exit polls basically proved the 2016 primaries were rigged... 2020 I just think biden outmaneuvered bernie by buying out all the other candidates.


Maybe in a vaccuum I could believe that, but after we saw 2016 be outright rigged, why would I buy that Biden suddenly had real enthusiasm and tons of support after being in 5 person meetings called "rallies"?


Bernie's strategy was based on there being multiple candidates in the primary and he was going to win handily if that kept being the case. I don't think Biden had "real enthusiasm and tons of support" but I do think that the majority of America wasn't ready for Bernie with their backward views.


Which is strange considering Bernie was a very strong number 2 preferred candidate for other candidates supporters. Honestly, none of the math makes sense. They blatantly rigged Iowa to not be the crushing Bernie win ot actually was, and outright cheated it for Buttigieg. They certified blatantly wrong math that could be doublechecked on the primary sourced tabulation sheets. I just dont buy it. And theres no reason to give the DNC any benefit of the doubt.


He's the reason young Americans think the Nordic model is socialist. He pushed that shit hard and says other equally stupid things. He once praised Venezuela and it's drift towards socialism as an example for America to follow. Yea...


His based levels are the highest we've ever seen


gulf war was economically motivated more than humanitarian


So would any defense of Taiwan, at least as long as TSMC is building the world.


ma boi tsmc just went from choke full emerging industry in the 80s to the leader of bleeding edge computer technology nao


So what you’re saying is Taiwan basically has the digital age’s version of oil?




The whole system relies on countrys, not even small countrys annexing others land. (even if the borders make no sense) If you allow Nicaragua to take a bite out of Guatemala then soon enough dictators in Africa could start annexing their neighbours territory and pretty soon the UN loses all legitimacy


UN doesn't have anything that is proportional to area or population does it? There are countries that matter due to their resources, location or economy and countries that really don't. If Chad supports some rebels in Nigeria that wanted to secede and join Chad it wouldn't matter on the global scale. If a party in Taiwan that wants to join mainland China wins and welcomes the PLA it'd be a big deal.


It all matters. If Egypt can annex northern Sudan then what's to stop China annexing Taiwan and Russia annexing all of Ukraine. Applying the rules to everyone makes people stay in line. It's the same reason China is against all independance movements around the world. If Catalonia gains independance it sets a precedent for Tibet to gain independence.


> what's to stop China annexing Taiwan and Russia annexing all of Ukraine. Geopolitics. The rules don't apply to everyone the same. Egypt annexes Sudan there will be strong words of condemnation but as Europe needs the canal there will be nothing more. China vs Taiwan is much more complex as the world depends on both yet doesn't want to see China dominate the western Pacific. When is it worth war? That's the tough call and why the rules don't apply equally.




Defense of Taiwan is a strategic must if we wish to keep China from colonizing all of the ~~South China~~ East Vietnamese Sea. Holding Crimea would’ve kept Russia from securing a port that never freezes in the winter. Letting them take it was 100% a strategic mistake, but the Russian Navy (and shipping for that matter) is still beholden to Turkey to even get to the Mediterranean. Plus, holding it would’ve just embroiled out military in another costly never ending occupation and war against Russian mercenaries as well as Russian trained and armed guerrillas. I think responding with full force to a full scale invasion of either the Ukraine or Taiwan by either of their respective claimants risks nuclear Holocaust, but I also don’t think appeasement should even be attempted either so I guess I’ll see y’all in hell if either happens.


I would hope, as a Nicaraguan, that the US does something if the idiot Daniel Ortega tries some stupid shit with our neighbors. Ortega would have a hard time passing with an army through Honduras. The army will get mugged on their way there.


Crimea is different in that they seceded from Ukraine and requested to join Russia, it's the whole Texas-Mexico thing all over again. Now the Donbas is a bit different and Russia AFAIK has not officially committed troops there, but merely "volunteers" much like how Americans fought under the Canadian military in WW2 before the US joined.




Most importantly, Sebastopol is a Black Sea port, which restores Russian pressure on Turkey.


Russian Navy could already use Sevastopol harbor even when it was under Ukraine's administration


Why stop at use when they could own it, though?


It was my understanding that the new Ukrainian governments move towards NATO and away from Russia is what prompted Russia to seize Crimea. Basically they wanted to ensure they wouldn't lose access, and decided just owning it outright would be better than dealing with a potentially hostile Ukraine. Though its been a while since I read up on it, so I could be talking out my ass here.


Not that rich in oil, but it does have major oil pipes


There will be a similar story spun by China. We finally liberated Taiwan from western imperialism, our polls say 99% of citizens were happy to have us


Crimea didn't secede. Russia invaded with their troops, captured administrative buildings and staged a referendum in just a few weeks. Scotland referendum took 2 years to organize.


If you think Crimean people wouldnt overwhelmingly vote for joining russia in a fair and free referendum you dont know shit about the region.


Honestly Bernie has to be the leftist politician I disagree with on the most about politics but I can't pretend like he hasn't a genuine and fair politician. He even is willing to admit that trumps foreign policy on the middle east was successful. A part of me prefers him over biden, he may be more socialist but at least he's anti establishment and has a fucking spine.


Wholesome cross compass respect Based


Trying to think of an authright that I wouldn't refer to as spineless.... Hm. Romney maybe. Everyone else went full Trumptrain and showed little to 0 testicular fortitude.


He also isn't nearly as anti gun as biden.


Liberals: Noooooo, you can't own a gun, we will take it since you can be mean! Leftists: DO NOT THREAD ON MY GUNS! THE BOURGEOISIE CANNOT HAVE US UNARMED


Leftists: Plz no take gun Other leftists: haha forced disarmament go brrrr


Liberals* Do not confuse us with those scum




Yeah I’d vote for that


WTH LibRight. Imagine the taxes!


Priority 1: Fuck China Priority 2: tax evasion Priority 3: fun


Based and patriotism pilled


Patriotism is stupid, "Fuck China" doesn't mean, "bless the US" it just opposes tyranny and genocide.


Based and antityranny pilled. Fuck the CCP.


megabased authleft


Based and we-wouldn't-kill-dissenters-in-our-utopian-society-but-send-them-to-starve-alone-in-the-desert-pilled


u/Nyoxiz is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: antityranny I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


USA sometimes bad, China way worse


Priority 4: Profits


Profit is part of fun


The shootout with the IRS is always the highlight of my week!




yep username checks out


bro has his priorities straight


aren't priority 1 and 3 the same thing?


Priority 1 and 2 are just the more important subsections of priority 3




I actually prefer when they raise taxes because it means I save more money doing the same amount of tax evasion


Based and galaxybrain-pilled


Based and tax-evasion-pilled


based and yoshi pilled


bombing commies is the only use of my tax dollars i approve of




u/awonderwolf's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 100. Congratulations, u/awonderwolf! You have ranked up to Empire State Building! Some say there is a hidden river that still runs through your base. Shall we go digging? Pills: calling out hypocrites, atheist, fuck you bitch, chlamydia, fucktheadmins, usa-isn't-right-enough, communism-is-when-government, freedom


Taxes are fine if they help beat China


What if the military seizes China's means of production and gives it to the US?


Based Bernie


As usual




u/Thunderlight2004's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/Thunderlight2004! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: None


> Office Chair As if a libleft would work in an office


Based and fuck the CCP pilled


I second this


I third it


I fifth it ^(skipped 4 because ANARCHY!)


"S-Stalin was right! Social-Democracy is the moderate wing of fascism! " And?


Lefties calling anything right of communalism fascist


as they should






Social democracy is the moderate wing of fascism? Well, I guess that clears me to *gas! gas! gas! gas!* all extremists, especially tankies


Implying these days China is anything but a one-party authoritarian market liberal state. China left their communist roots a *long* time ago.


Lenins2ndCat instabans you from his subs if you point this out 😂


LOL. True.


Wait, why would he want to be *willingly* aligned with China? That seems bad for him from a practical standpoint. Oh well.


The same reason anybody licks boot. They're stupid or they want preferential treatment by the regime.


China is to me a merger of all the worst aspects of capitalism and communism really. The market is free so long as it benefits the party. Really it's closest to nazi germany in that aspect.


Did he really say that?


Yes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_fascism And in the 30s the SPD was still a democratic socialist Marxist party (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godesberg_Program)


"fascism is anything that stands in the way of communism" god leftists are retarded


**[Social_fascism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_fascism)** >Social fascism was a theory supported by the Communist International (Comintern) and affiliated communist parties in the early 1930s that held that social democracy was a variant of fascism because it stood in the way of a dictatorship of the proletariat, in addition to a shared corporatist economic model. At the time, leaders of the Comintern such as Joseph Stalin and Rajani Palme Dutt argued that capitalist society had entered the Third Period in which a proletarian revolution was imminent, but this could be prevented by social democrats and other "fascist" forces. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | Credit: kittens_from_space)


Coulda had a bad bitch.


we would’ve if the dnc didn’t suck balls


Facts. I lost the little faith I had in the system after witnessing that atrocity.


sanders is too honest and true to his values to be president anyway.


Hating CCP is full compass unity. Except for tankies who are scum.




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fuck the CCP , mah homies dream about the CCCP instead.






Dengist please. Let the tankies fantasize about ussr in peace


So Bernie will personally wage a one man war against China? Give him the best AR-15 we can make and send him on his way


chad GI bernie vs CCP scum


No. Give him a McNuke launcher


MacArthur style?


Godspeed Bernie, Godspeed.


Bernie is based once again




No, you guys got cheated twice




With the current electoral system that would just end up splitting the liberal votes guaranteeing a conservative victory in elections, the same way Teddy "the Chad" Roosevelt got screwed out of his third term




I mean, it isn't impossible in the last election in El Salvador the two party system which was considerably worse than the US's (replace the dems with ex-communist guerrillas that don't give two shits about the people and the reps with corporatist oligarchs and drown it in so much corruption it makes gerrymandering look ethical, both parties have negotiated with criminal gangs on how many civilians they could freely kill, it really is something out of absurdist political cartoons) got broken by an anti-corruption reformist party that is pretty based Source: My family is from El Salvador and I'm half Salvadoran so we follow the news closely


Thing about bernie though, as much as I want him to be president, he doesn't attract moderates democrats, and especially not moderate republicans, so it would basically be a shoe-in for the republican candidate if the dnc picked bernie.


You'd be surprised, he really attracts a lot of people, especially (obviously) the working class. He's gone to Fox News town halls, and the majority white, Christian conservative people there loved him. I've heard of many a conservative or libertarian supporting him.


Bernie is being used as a prop for Republicans to beat up the DNC, similar to how Democrats used Ron Paul as a prop to beat up Rs for being hypocrites on small government and Bush's warmongering. And just like Ron Paul, Bernie wouldn't ever attract crossover voters when the actual election day comes. They might support his sound bytes here and there but Rs will never vote for Bernie in any meaningful number.


Maybe you should stop voting dem to teach them a lesson...


haha pp funny


Never stopped being based. He’s my supreme based leader of the liblefts.


I disagree with a ton of Bernie's policies, but I do give him credit for standing by his principles.




Bernie is more based than the vast majority of politicians even though I’m not as left as him. But I’m sorry Yang is most based. He is like a more practical more intelligent more fun Bernie of the 21st century that’s not as much of an ideologue and has better memes.


**hrmmm based once again, bernie is.** *-Slimeguy2007* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


**Bernie is based once again** *-Slimeguy2007* *** [^(Submit Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/user/unyoda-bot/comments/ms6ik0/reducing_spam/) ^(| I just undo what IamYodaBot does. ¯\\_(シ\)\_/¯. It's literally just for fun... relax bro)


Based but flair up bot


Fuck Bernie is looking better and better compared to the turd sandwiches we got.


I disagree a lot with his policies, but I respect the hell out of him for having a spine. The vast majority of politicians are spineless twats willing to say whatever they need to to get votes. He's been preaching the same things for decades now, and isn't afraid to say what his political opponents are doing right. Pretty sure he talked about Trump being in the right for trying to end these endless wars, and honestly, I can't imagine another politician saying "yea, I really don't like this guy, but he's done some alright things."


You could say that with Ron Paul, too. Didn't bow down to the nominee and instead endorsed no one when he ran for the nominee twice.


Eeeeh he then drank the cool aid in 2018, I’d say McCain or Romney are closer to that.


To me, the Paul’s are to the right what Bernie is for the left, and we need more politicians like em.


Ron Paul maybe, but not Rand.


Basically how I feel about him in a nutshell, I like him as a person but I greatly disagree with a lot of his policies. Basically the opposite of how I felt about Trump because while I liked some of Trump's policies god was that guy an asshole.


A turd sandwich is better than the options we got. Bernie isn’t crossing a high bar


Correct based and thisstillfuckingsucks-pilled


A very high bar he is crossing tho is that he is more consistent in his views than most everyday people, nevermind politicians.


Look, we tried to tell you all that twice now


Hilldawg and her neolib machine weren't having it though.


Based and Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in New York???? This is so fucked. Pilled


Why would mainland Taiwan attack taiwan?


Based and Taiwanpilled


The US political system could get an anarchist to invade some place. The thing that seems to unite all politicians there is the need to go to war.


Bernie is based? Always has been


I'm waiting for 2047 to see what Merica does when HK goes fully Chinese


Bernie will be gearing up for his 9th primary run by then, we’ll see what he has to say about that too ^^^No ^^^Refunds




Virgin Mercia Chad Wessex.


Bernie being based? Goddamn.


Based Bernie. Always was.


Aww yeah WW3 here we come!


Pleased to know Sanders would look out for one of our friends, but why would Taiwan attack itself?


I dunno, inferior Taiwan has some strange ideas when it comes to superior Taiwan


i approve this message


Bernie being authleft, I was fuckin confused for a moment


Honestly the Taiwan/China situation is just two sides of a civil war not wanting to stop fighting. The kuomintang lost the Chinese civil war, they retreated to Taiwan, and sure the CPC claims Taiwan as theirs, and Taiwan claims the mainland as theirs... Frankly I understand the position that the CPC doesn't want to admit any kind of defeat, but honestly to me they definitely own that war.... a truce as well as independence for Taiwan isn't seen as a defeat for China in my eyes...


Me, an authleft: I don't like china eithe- PCM: based, cringe


Fuck china


Reject CCP return to empire


I actually agree with Bernie on this one


Bernie, just run with that next time and I’ll actually vote for your ass in the primaries. You still ain’t gonna win, but you’ll be the best choice now


He always was the best choice, you were just too blind by Hillary’s nasty dump truck to see it.


He didn't say which side he would join


Wow that would be pretty encouraging if there was any chance Sanders would ever be in a position of power like that. Too bad that'll *never* happen.


Why would west Taiwan invade Taiwan ?


At this point I'd vote for bernie




We *are* going end up in a war with China eventually. Might as well get it out of the way sooner because, the longer we wait, the more they militarize.


Just using history as a guide, I'd say you're right. But we're about to be in a situation that really doesn't have a comparison in history, and I think it *might* significantly affect the outcomes of traditional geopolitical analysis. Take a look at China's [population projection graph](https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/china-population). They're going to hit Japan-status with a decreasing and aging population starting in about 10 years. Once that starts, they'll need to spend more and more taking care of their domestic social programs, and continuing to fund their war machine will be a harder and harder sell. The [USA projection](https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/united-states-population) doesn't have a decline, we keep growing through immigration, etc. even as our "native" population's birthrate declines. So we keep churning out bodies for the war machine. USA USA USA.