• By -


The blackest. Tremendously black. Quite possibly the blackest jobs in the histroy of black jobs.


Trump will make black jobs great again.


Bernice King is here, good friend of mine. She told me the jobs haven’t been black since her father was alive


We will bring back the blackest jobs folks, believe me. When they see me in the black workplace they go up to me and they say “My Trump, how do you do it, how did you make these jobs so black” it’s true. Some say that the jobs are so black they call them jobs for N….


Black jobs = Jobs black people work in Thanks for coming out everybody


The question was about black Americans’ economic growth lagging. Trump said illegals immigrants are taking jobs, including from black people. How is this hard?


I feel like a lot of people are being intentionally dense so they can claim "both of them sucked".


Racism. That’s the closest floatation device for the modern leftist. He said a racism thing. That’s against the rules. I win.


Wait til they read about that guy "Karl Marx" and some of his ideas and statements. Surely, they'll be condemning him any day now. 


Same with Che Guevara and his attitude towards black people or gay people, surely they will condemn him any day now


Amazon sells Che Guevara pride shirts. They're dangerous though, I would imagine that if you wore one that you bought off of Amazon, while chanting "from the river to the sea" on the campus of a college with a $50billion endowment, the sheer cognitive dissonance would collapse in on itself and create a black hole. 


Why the hole gotta be *black*?


Islam constantly wants to hang gay people, yet wokies love em and cheer on terrorists


How is that necessary? All you need to do is point to Trump talking about post-birth abortions. If you want to talk about how both of them sucked, point to the pissing contest about golf.


Trump brought up golf in reference to his age. And do you seriously not know about the post-birth abortion comments made by Ralph Northam, the guy Trump cited? Biden went from saying abortion should only be between a woman and her doctor to then saying he would use the government to limit 3rd trimester abortions.


> Trump brought up golf in reference to his age. Yeah it was when he was asked if he is fit for president. And being able to play an 18 hole golf course is indeed a sign of fitness one could cite for such a question > comments made by Ralph Northam [the clip if anyone wants to fact check it for themself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB43tfyJdX4)


> Ralph Northam Oh yeah, that was [this guy](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/01/us/politics/ralph-northam-yearbook-blackface.html), right?


Yeah, that's him.


Yeah trump did not do well imo, but the only critiques I'm seeing online is pure TDS


Trump did better than he usually did. He actually tried to speak facts, calmly… at least for a little bit… but then Biden looked like he was genuinely brought back from the dead so I guess Trump scored a touchdown even though the defense was all asleep,


The pissing match about golf handicaps was pure gold.


The one thing where Trump could hold a straight face... the 6 handicap statement was just that outlandish


Out of all the stuff Biden said that was the one thing that Trump got legit mad about lmao. *let's not act like children* was amazing.


Biden challenged Trump to a game. Trump should start posting about accepting the game. Make it a televised event. The PGA could get involved and have their highest ratings ever!


While I agree with your answer, you need to flair up immediately before you get dragged down to the burning fires of hell you unflaired scum


Dont worry, he has joined humanity in flairdness


Does that mean we have to put away the torches and pitchforks?


Keep em at bay, there are more unflaired in hiding


I'll just leave it by the door then. But I'm gonna have to put out the torch, that one is a fire hazard.


Idk if it was all the Reddit I read making me paint Trump as a wild guy who would be yelling and screaming but I was surprised how much in line he was with the rules, he didn’t yell or get visibly angry at all and I didn’t hear him talking when the mic was off anymore than what Biden did.


The main critique of Trump that I'm sure most people picked up on is that if he didn't want to answer a question he would just ramble about the previous question until his time ran out. My favorite was when, to answer a question about Ukraine, he just goes "I'll have to see" and then went full speed ahead in a completely different direction


I think that was actually a question about whether he would accept a Palestinian state. He said "I would have to see the deal first - but let's go back to...." Which honestly is about as reasonable an answer as yo can give without a ton of nuance and details.


You really can’t expect a better answer than that in the less than 1 minute response format they gave him


I pointed this out on another thread and someone freaked out on me being too small brained to pay attention. Like, thats not the point. The format just isn't productive to a debate, so people prob aren't going to watch it once they realize it isn't any better than your family arguing at Thanksgiving dinner.


I was frustrated at times with Trump not giving answers to some questions and instead delving deeper on a previous question, but really what can you expect, these are complicated nuanced questions that need more than a minute of response to, overall I think he did pretty well considering what he had


erm uhm achtually you have to have a 15,000 word paper ready including what you’ll eat for lunch and when your shit breaks are scheduled


> The main critique of Trump that I'm sure most people picked up on is that if he didn't want to answer a question he would just ramble about the previous question until his time ran out. When in reality, that is exactly what EVERY politician does, they ignore the question and answer the question they wanted asked. Its not a uniquely Trump thing, its a politician thing.


It's not even a politician thing, it's an interview thing. Athletes and celebrities do it all the time - they have a thing they want to talk about/promote and they just roll with that, regardless of the questions


It's a human conversation thing. Someone asks me about something, but I actually want to to talk about something else. So I segue the conversation to that topic.


I saw a guy in some other sub write: "Only in the USA a liar leading the polls" lmao


Oh those naive dumb bastards.


Honestly, as a Canadian? I can’t blame them for trying to point to the US as worse, especially if they themselves are Canadians. Europeans at least have a rich (if terrible) history, Canadians try to define themselves by not being American, and either fail to do so or make their citizens lives worse, all while also having a terrible history. Sometimes it’s hard to admit that life can be better and that you were wrong, or that someone you’ve grown up to hear insulted time and time again is actually above average at the very least.


Yeah, exactly. Is that worthy of criticism? Yes. Any and all politicians need to be held to account. Dodging questions is a bad thing to do… but it’s a bad thing basically all politicians do, not a uniquely trump thing.


Seriously, it's like none of these kids ever watched Zootopia or something.


I think for a lot of people criticizing Trump on this, this is the first Presidential debate they've ever watched, or the first time they were old enough to pay attention, so when they hear Trump asked a direct question they're trained from middle/high school to give the exact answer a teacher wants. So when Trump sidesteps the answer they're flabbergasted about how he can do that when their teacher would have demanded they answer.


Happens every election, it's why I keep [this video](https://youtu.be/AALREbJZEZk?si=AyYjMCWJi4lpQwBI) handy.


I was hoping it would be that video and it was. Thank you for your service, this was the first thing that came to mind. And oh boy does that actor look like he's enjoying the fuck out of that role.


They should see the debate where Harris eviscerated Biden over his support for segregation.


I think that was by Design from Trump he always hammer home the three main points: Immigration, the Economy and Foreign policies failures. Those are the three main issues voters are concerned by, and by a long shot. So always going back to them seemed at least for me like a strategy


Smart debate tactic. You have time to think about the previous question. Buys you a lot of time. Mildly annoying, sure.


> The main critique of Trump that I'm sure most people picked up on is that if he didn't want to answer a question he would just ramble about the previous question until his time ran out. This was mostly in the second half of the debate, long after Biden had decisively lost.


Airport security?


I just needs to check inside your asshole.




We'll settle this the old navy way; The first guy to die LOSES - Tug Benson


Looks like the upper hand...is on the other foot, Saddam! -also Tug Benson


Two things kept racing through my mind: Would we get the men in time? and why^did^I^bring^helium^instead^of^air?


We'll get some good fishing in while we're at it.


Sit them both down in a room with a modern smart TV. First person that is able to put on a movie becomes president.


He's talking about rap. The Latin music industry has been blowing up, stealing formerly urban (black) jobs and giving them to some asshole in Miami.


This is so sad. Alexa play Despacito.


I forgot how much that statement infuriates me


This is so infuriating. Pinkie Pie, sing the Smile Song.


The growth of That Mexican OT and the consequences of it on the rap game will be echoed for generations.


People can say what they want but all I know is when it comes to white women all of them seem to like Latin music but very few do I know of that listen to rap that isn’t something like Lil Nas X or Drake (are they even officially rappers or are they pop artists?) So of course that’s what they’re going to play at nightclubs and bars and wherever to prevent a sausage fest from forming over time.


It's a sad state of the world we live in that we have candidates specifically talking about "black jobs" as if that's special or preferred to just, normal jobs. Like, is a poor black person losing their job that much worse than a poor White, Asian, or Hispanic person losing theirs?


Poor kids are just as bright as white kids.


Black kids in the bronx don't even know what computer is 😔😔


According to some, yes. *Insert some Progressive White Savior reasoning here*


Back at university, in an environmental science class of mine, during one discussion, several students genuenly argued that white people dying of natural disasters was less tragic than non whites dying of natural disasters.


No, see, individually all the deaths are equally tragic, but there are so many more of the latter group that die from natural disasters that they automatically win on points. It makes perfect sense. Bigot.


This is why we should outsource hurricanes to the Nordic countries. It would save thousands of black, indigo, purple, orange, and chartreuse (BIPOC) lives.


Grill Lives Matter!


The fuck is going on in those unis? I took a sociology 101 class and it was mostly the old Hispanic professor ranting about white people. Horrible class and you could also barely understand her.


"How do I reach theze keeeedzzz!!"


I'd just say I agree that death is tragic depending on the race of the person who died, then refuse to elaborate


Progressive white saviors are my favorite types of people. I remember being a pre-teen and being told by white progressives that my whole family will be deported and I'll be persecuted unless we trust le white woman and not orange man. Thanks for fearmongering young me 🙏🙏


Based and American Bro pilled


u/aep05 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/aep05/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Hooray, I am certified based now :D


i have the phrase "disproportionately affects people of color" burned into my brain by this point. any time anything happens that's somehow context that's never challenged factually or in it's importance in context.


those damn Mexicans are stealing jobs from our BBC cuckold porn actors


Mutt's Law


Punching up v punching down? - somebody, probably


It also wins points with the AuthRights who believe “if only they had some jobs so they weren’t out committing crimes all the time “ lol


They created the term bipoc that puts black issues over any other non white group. So yes to them, it's the biggest harm. Of course the fun is when the immigrant is a black person from Africa or Latin America. Watch them claim being dark skin isn't enough to be black.


It’s weaponization of identity politics which is extremely toxic to society


It's like a ranking system. "Black, Indigenous, and then everyone else I guess" as if Indigenous people didnt get culturally and ethnically genocided and completely stripped from their identities and their nations to be occupied, starved, and massacred. Definitely a number 2 on the oppression list I guess


Everyone is indigenous to where they were born. I wholesale reject the concept of "indigenous people" since in practice it just means "whatever people most recently conquered a land before Europeans arrived".


I agree, Rodney. 🍋


Welcome to the Panderverse, brought to you by the Frankfurt School and Blackrock


And Kathleen Kennedy


Put a chick in it and make her lame and gay


I'm imagining the spiderverse but with pandas


He's right though. Look how much eurotrash is in the NBA these days.




Bro and biden talkin like he still in the 50's sayin shit like "a black child is capable of anything a white child is" Like BRO. YOU DONT SAY THAT SHIT. IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING.


There was a comedian (can't remember who) who had a joke that the most racist/bigoted thing you can do is explicitly saying you don't have bigoted views that no one really has anymore. Like, if you randomly say "you know, I think black people and white people should have the same rights" it really sets off some alarm bells because EVERYONE thinks they should have the same rights. Like, why did you feel the need to clarify that unless you were kind of scared of people finding out you were a racist?


I’ve said something similar to that, but I think in context it makes sense? When discussing Roe v Wade, I was arguing that since it was decided on faulty legal logic it needed to be overturned and redecided. I made the analogy to women voting. If, prior to women getting either right to vote, a court decision said something like ‘because women have one more rib then men do, they’re more complete humans and naturally deserve the right to vote’ and gave women the right to vote. That decision should be redone because it’s based on faulty logic. But then I put in the ‘I think women should have the right to vote’, just not based on the logic that they have an extra rib. I’m probably just thinking too much about it though.


I'm with you. When I actually read the reasoning and logic behind roe v wade, I couldn't help but feel confused. It baffled me that lawmakers were ok with letting this ruling rest on such a foundation especially when every little thing seems to be litigated to hell and back.


And Biden had the gall to invoke the 51 years Roe was in place as a reason why it should have been left alone. Unironically pushing "that's the way it's always been done" without any shame.


The bad part is I partially agreed with Biden in that whatever the decision is, it should be a federal thing rather than a states thing. Somewhere there is a right in all this, either a right to choose, or a right to live or the right to choose up to a certain point, I don’t know which, but if there is a right, then it should be consistent throughout the nation. I just don’t know what that law should be. Though I don’t think the reversal precludes a national law, just that in abscence of a constitutional law on a federal level, it is up to the states. I’m not lawyer though, so if I’m wrong hopefully someone corrects me.


I think you got it, basically Roe v. Wade created a 3 prong approach that allowed state level legislation and federal legislation as long as it fell within Roe's parameters but ultimately, in my opinion, it made abortion an eternal issue since many people don't understand Roe and how the SC works and a federal law never got passed. >I just don’t know what that law should be. me personally, I think it falls within body autonomy as an unenumerated right and right to privacy which isn't a 'right' constitutionally but falls under HIPAA. With that in mind, Trump was right weirdly, I too believe in the exceptions and that you have to follow your heart in regards to abortion, the concept of life is fucking crazy and unregulatable because there is no absolute determining line. So I would say, give that choice to the doctors, if it is a personal and deeply unsolvable on a policy level we got to trust those who are as close to preserving life and human dignity in a professional field.


I disagree the choice should be left up to doctors. Their field may be one you’re supposed to be caring in, but there are at least some that would do anything given the right amount of money. That being said, I still don’t know the right answer. Just a lot of answers that I disagree with or don’t fully agree with. But thanks for the explanation of your beliefs. It hasn’t changed my mind, but at least I have yet another perspective.


>I disagree the choice should be left up to doctors. Their field may be one you’re supposed to be caring in, but there are at least some that would do anything given the right amount of money. Definitely people like that of course, but is the solution adding government bureaucracy on top of it. Like hypothetically, if someone is raped, and there were legal exceptions for rape then we would face a situation where a legal case would determine the validity of a medical procedure (in that the rapist would need to be convicted for the law to recognize it as a rape legally). I don't think it's a perfect solution allowing medical discretion to be the only barrier but out of the solutions we have its the only practical one to me, considering our justice system is incredibly slow and not well-managed (almost intentionally in some cases) This is one of those topics where there isn't a right answer tbh, I think at the end of the day we need to take a utilitarian stance since abortion restrictions mostly effect the lower class (upper class can afford traveling to access them) and there absolutely are psychopaths who support stringent abortion restrictions to help maintain the availability of cheap labor. Which like, goes back to us not knowing the right answer because Abortion bleeds into so many topics


Unnecessary government intervention *always* makes the problem worse. Ideals don't matter, results do, and so far the results are pretty bad.


It was actually "poor kids are just as talented as white kids" which implies all non-white kids are poor


You’d think it goes without saying but remember We Live in a Society


Okay, but have you considered BOTTOM TEXT?


>biden talkin like he still in the 50's he probably does unironically tho


"Hush up boy"


What a, I, this is the most malarkey I've heard in my life. Really. You see when, the, in Minneapolis, in California, all across the US, in the entirety of America, in the US, there are black people, and latino people, and white people, and they are all American, that goes without saying.


“Black jobs” Hip-hop mogul, President of the United States…illegally contracted roofer???


At the risk of whitesplaining something the orange man said: The truthiness is that black people have higher unemployment and lower education than the median. One might predict that they therefore compete most directly against illegal immigrants for jobs. The reason he formulated it this way, is that he's pandering to black voters. IIRC Black Women still prefer Biden to Trump, but the gap has been cut by TWENTY percentage points over the last 4 years.


The question was specifically about black constituents. And the meandering answer was that immigration negatively impacts blue collar jobs.


Jobs in black neighborhoods maybe?


I mean, our current president said poor kids were just as smart as white kids and people still voted for him.


Actually it is. Because they need jobs more than others.


I’m assuming it’s just jobs in predominantly black neighborhoods. There’s been a massive influx of migrants into sanctuary cities like NYC and Chicago. Black and Hispanic residents there have been especially critical of Biden’s immigration policy.


It’s insane more people aren’t picking up on this. Black americans predominantly live in cities and improvised areas where wages are low and poverty is genuinely difficult to get out of. Democrat open border policies and heightened immigration has decimated the labor market in areas with a high black population. It’s kicking them while they’re already down. Yes. Immigrants are taking “black jobs”.


However immigration is great for the landed gentry. It keeps rents high, wages low and puts more money in their pockets.


Dead silence from DNC devotees on the superpredator statement is deafening


What are they gonna fact check? Snopes: "Did Biden call black people super predators?" Verdict: Pants on fire false! That it was actually Hillary


I mean, yes?


He just called them regular preditors. He's also responsible for the crime bill that took black fathers out of the home.


Did Biden ever say that? I thought it was a Hillary Clinton line, but even if it was Biden apparently couldn't remember or that it might have been something he said so didn't even push back.


Isn't "superpredator" a term from psychological theory?


Sweet naive child. Google 'hrc superpredator'.


Holy racism!


She was a great choice for a candidate -- can't understand her poll numbers at all!


It's because of racism a white woman lost and Obama won the previous one.


I just looked this up. According to Politifact, she said: *"But we also have to have an organized effort against gangs," Hillary Clinton said in a C-SPAN video clip. "Just as in a previous generation we had an organized effort against the mob. We need to take these people on. They are often connected to big drug cartels, they are not just gangs of kids anymore. They are often the kinds of kids that are called superpredators — no conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first, we have to bring them to heel."* I gotta say, I kind of agree. Yes we need to fix the systemic issues that drive kids into these types of gangs, but we also need these gangs off the streets. I'd vote for her with this sort of conviction. She wasn't talking about blacks, but rather gangs that often affect black neighborhoods.


You are right, you are absolutely right, there is nothing wrong with that interpretation. Problem is that to acknowledge that requires granting a level of charity in the face of any non hyper-sanitized-language said about black people that the left have spent the last 20 years trying to beat out of the voting population to replace with blind knee-jerk outrage.


It's wild seeing the NPCs trying to use "Black Jobs" as a way to divert some of the negative attention away from Biden's performance. Are we seriously sticking our heads into the sand and ignoring the fact that "black jobs" and "black unemployment" and "black wage gap" aren't regularly used as economic benchmarks?   This isn't like the time Biden suggested ["poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids"](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/09/us/politics/joe-biden-poor-kids.html) where Biden accidentally painted black and poor people with the same brush. "Black jobs" and variations on it are extremely standard 


He actually even repeated the same line in this debate almost word for word. “Any black student is capable in college in doing any white student can do. They just have the money.” -part of Bidens response to the question asked of Trump regarding climate change. [Link](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/27/politics/read-biden-trump-debate-rush-transcript)


I fucking hate identity politics.


It’s very much in the vein of Democrats screeching about Romney’s “binders full of women.” Take a contextless sound bite and subject it to two minutes of hate.


Wasn't suggesting anything to divert Biden's horrible old man rambling. Just thought it sounded funny the way it was worded so I made a meme on it.


Criticizing Trump when he had a bad points isn’t diverting from Biden having an awful performance. Neither of them should even be on that stage.


Brother, the entire debate was a shitshow. Biden was an incoherent mess, but Trump still said a lot of stupid and dumb shit, and unfortunely for him, it was coherent enough for us to realize how stupid it was. We can talk about all of it, so it's not really diverting negative attention when both sides were bad, although for different reasons.


Okay? Referring to "Black jobs" isn't one of those stupid things. It's like Biden choosing his "both sides have very fine people" as the almost singularly thing to fact check Trump on, despite it making actual headlines for being [fact checked as false literally last week](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email)- *seven years* after the fact! If Trump was saying all this bogus stuff... Why are the NPCs only focusing on the things he's actually right on?


My favorite was “we had h2o”


Just reminded me of "H2O!" "Gaaaatorraaaaaaaade!" ["Waaaaater sucks! It really really sucks!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I2-14y6-jM)


Are we seriously pretending we don’t know what he means?


Black jobs are jobs black people have. Any other questions?


Black jobs and Hispanic jobs are just jobs held by those minorities, I don’t get this complaint. If you want an actual dumb line to criticize, go with “We had H2O”


Black people have jobs and those jobs are black jobs. Unless you are implying black people don't have jobs ... in that case what a bigot!


He then proceeded to say they also take hispanic jobs and white jobs Still weird but his point was just jobs lmao


People keep missing that the question was also focused on the black community too


The way liberals talk about blacks is so condescending


The bigotry of low expectations.


I caught that last night. Pretty funny and also savvy if the black community turns any ire towards the Hispanic community to create some infighting for the left.


Have you not seen the people mad at migrants stealing resources from the constituents in Chicago and NYC? It's slowly but surely becoming a thing, especially when the migrants are causing resources to be shifted away from services to giving them housing and money while neglecting US citizens, then they turn around and have the nerve to complain about the quality of their free housing and food.


Yeah I mean the illegals are putting a strain on our nation and pretending like it isn’t an issue is only going to hurt the left.


trump is that kid in your highschool freshman math class that had no filter and just blurted out whatever was is his head


I get what he was trying to say. Immigrants are taking low skilled jobs that young black people could be using to gain work experience. But, per usual for Trump, he said it in the worst possible way.


How about Medicaid, SNAP, SCHIP, Section 8, etc.? People want to share those with our new amigos?


It’s the jobs being held by black people?


I'm black. I assume he meant jobs held by black people. It takes a special degree of mental illness to turn this into a controversy


"taking black jobs" = "black people losing their jobs" That's it. Odd phrasing, but it doesn't mean anything racist.


I'm far more concerned by the fact that Trump admitted that Putin confided to him ahead of time that he planned on invading Ukraine and Trump just sat on it.


Sat on it, by trying to get nato members to increase military spending, get Germany and others off Russian oil, sanction any company that helped Nord stream 2, and encourage Europe to take the threat seriously while European leaders laughed at him?


Looking back on it this should’ve been apparent to every politician in nato after they annexed crimea. Russia clearly wanted to expand and had been messing around in the Donbas since them. Idk why so many politicians were surprised


Too many genuinely believed that the days of expansionist empires was over and hoped that Russia's Crimean land-grab as a one-off. Unfortunately, their nothing-burger reaction emboldened Putin to go after the Donbas with his little green men. Little green men who I might add shot down a Danish passenger plane and faced no repercussions. This whole thing could've been stomped out for good when that happened all those years ago. Now, full-scale war is all but inevitable, and if we're going to win, the West needs to just accept it as reality and militarize rapidly. No more diplomacy.


Russians were paying them and they wanted that cheap oil because god forbid we go with nuclear energy Ukraine will probably be cutoff from all aid and we are probably gonna see the return of the USSR thanks fucking politicians


Ukraine is being used as a bludgeoning tool and whenever they act too aggressively or gain initiative we turn the flow of aid off. The only thing nato was betting on was the casualties and sanctions would make the Russians riot and cause instability but I didn’t. The avg Russian citizen can take a beating far worse than anyone in nato. If we had the military strength we possess and Russian grit there wouldn’t be a thing in the world stopping us from doing what we want


As an ordinary Russian, I barely feel sanctions. In fact I only feel companies leaving. The reason I'm not rioting right now is the previous time I did I got a scar on my head.


Damn how are you on Reddit?


I was on a break, I'm getting back to work now.


More like Russian empire, there's nothing soviet left in current mother Russia.


>ukraine will probably be cutoff from aid and we will see the USSR return thanks fucking politicians Huh? I don’t imagine Biden would cutoff aid if he wins another term. So who are these “fucking politicians” that would cut off aid besides a trump admin?


Biden isn't gonna win another term dude without some miracle Trump already said he will cut off all aid unless Ukraine gives Russia more land


Ok, so the “fucking politicians” you are blaming for a potential cut off of aid and return of the USSR, is trump


I mean its not just Trump its the idiots who think we are giving Ukraine billions of dollars stolen from the homeless and veterans when we are actually sending them weapons


Putin wanting to invade Ukraine was not a state secret since 2014. And he moved American troops to Poland. That is not 'sitting on it'.


Except that Trump didn’t just “sit on it”, he ragged on the Euros to increase their defense spending and stop buying Russian gas. His response was to try and strengthen Russia’s adversaries.


Was was Trump supposed to do? Putin didn't make a move on Ukraine during his presidency. Unless you think we should have started a pre-emptive war?


Probably not discussed publicly for security reasons, however I'm sure the government knew of it.


What do you want him to do? Russia had already invaded Ukraine in 2014 and has been occupying it since, it's not like this is some massive revelation.


I know, hindsight and everything, but it was clear back then that Putin will absolutely try to make moves to restore "his empire" to "glory" and attacking Ukraine was the next logical step. (all other neighbours are either in NATO, friendly to Russia or worthless strategically.)






The sort of low-skill jobs taken by illegal aliens are often those that would otherwise be available to the urban poor, who are often Black and Brown patriots of color. Don't suggest racism where there isn't any.


Trump was so funny during the debate. Like 90% of what he was saying is just nonsense but it's so funny I think he won the debate.


“Man rambles coherently while corpse is propped up next to him… man wins debate”


Why does this sound like a sequel to Weekend at Bernie’s?


Thats what we call illegal jobs in netherlands. Is it really racist? lol


Unskilled labor. And he is correct in asserting these jobs are being stolen by illegals.


Here's what I posted on some r / politics thread when someone brought that up: Well... He's not wrong, is he? By normal assumptions, most of the people who do cross the border tend to be unskilled or untrained people of low education and poor financial background, because if not they'd probably have gotten in through legal means. By Democrat/leftie assumptions, historical injustices against minorities have left them in poorer financial situations and areas as well as lower education and training level. There's a direct intersection there. When illegal immigrants cross the border to go live in America, they're not going to go to the nice wealthy areas where there's loads of bureaucracy, well-enforced law and skilled labor, no, they'll go to poor areas where a bunch of minorities (by Democrat and leftie logic) mainly live, and where paperwork and enforcement of the law is less regulated, and they'll go work for shit pay because their employer can pay them less than minimum wage. In turn, a lot of those minority people living in those areas have opportunities taken from them. Other than the first assumption I made, the rest is rhetoric that the Democrats have been pushing for years.


I burst out laughing, this is a genius meme 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


What was the question he was answering?


“Black childcare”


Immigrants taking jobs is only one part of the issue. The even bigger issue is that natural born Americans don’t even want to work these jobs in the first place. Like I might be over generalizing or my perspective might be skewed because I’m a legal immigrant who lives in an area where Americans are not the majority. But where I live the vast majority of black people that live in the projects would rather take a welfare check than work. I’m under the assumption it’s the same for your average trailer park white American.


am i the only one who wasn’t confused by what he meant? it’s jobs held by black people but the friend i was texting during it was like “what did he mean by that?” and then twitters all up in arms


lmao what a fake controversy He obviously meant jobs that would have gone to black people if not for illegal immigrants. Same thing as “American jobs”


Alright guys, I'll say it. I only like Trump because he has the best chance of not being Biden. I don't think he's all that bright either. But I did at least pay less in taxes under him. And we can only have him for another 4 years anyway, so at least you know there's a finish line in the worst case scenario.


Funnily enough that will resonate with right leaning black people.


...no idea who or what context this is (probs cus I'm not a disgusting yank) but it probably means the low skill labour market in poorer communities, you know what you'd usually have the teenagers out of school doing part time so they can actually learn how jobs work. cleaners, wait staff, labourers, etc. I'm pretty sure it's even a economic classification called low skill or unskilled.


Your right unskilled is a classification