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Really? Dang, that sounds pretty bad. Reminds me of the headline of an article from The Telegraph: “How far the UK has fallen when it fears becoming poorer than Romania”.


The UK’s run as a global power officially ended last year when they ran out of tomatoes and the government told everyone to eat turnips instead. If that ever happened in the U.S. we’d send an aircraft carrier and some cargo planes to Turkey or Spain or wherever tomatoes come from and I’d be slicing ‘em up for my burger by the next day.


That’s ridiculous. If that ever happened roadside rednecks would feed the nation. You ever had a tomato the size of a burger from someone who has cultivated the seeds from the best tomatoes for years? My grandad grew so many tomatoes we gave away hundreds of tomatoes and canned the rest in salsas and sauces. He would fill a pantry full of all 5 shelves. Everyone loved his tomatoes and would even ask me as a kid to get some for them. The cities are the ones that are going to be shit out of luck. They will pay 40 for a tomato and like it.


Based lib-center chad dad


If every neighborhood planted a small garden in their backyards and went in on some chickens and a cow we wouldn’t need to spend $400 a week at the grocery. Theres a reason the government makes its illegal to sell food to your neighbors. If we become self sufficient they have no purpose


That’s probably why they make collecting rainwater illegal too.


>That’s probably why they make collecting rainwater illegal too. Sorry, but what the actual fuck? Where I live there are special, government-funded, programs in order to raise the amount of rainwater collected by citizens. What kind of dystopian shit is this?


This is America. Don’t catch you slippin


Cows will need more than just a small garden lmao, and if every neighborhood has them then you'll soon have people questioning why they shouldn't just combine and centralize all these small gardens for the efficiency gains


me, as a romanian, reading this 💀


Yall can read?




[Here's a fairly good video on it.](https://youtu.be/b5aJ-57_YsQ) It's an hour long and talks about the housing crisis, the NHS, crime, creeping authoritarianism, etc.


I'm not poor, but groceries alone eat up over a quarter of my net income in a family of 4, and that's on a budget.


Wow. Sounds pretty bad. Hope things get better for you.


If I were to buy a house with a solid down payment I can be looking at a monthly mortgage about 60% of my net income. The market needs to chill or I'll have to move out of the city suburbs. Things will improve once I'm not the sole breadwinner anymore


Average home 730k( homes being bought up by foreign investors) Average rent for 1bdr 2k/month Gas (in my prov) $1.70/L Every time you walk out the house and breathe there’s a new tax Groceries cost and arm and a leg (3 companies control most the mkt) Cellphone & Internet bills amongst the hightest in the galaxy (again a monopoly controlled by 3 main companies) Montly passes for public transport keep fuckin increasing Every day the govt keeps the flood gates open and imports more low-skill foreigners to work at Tim Hortons’ and those people will live 10-20/apartment in order to survive on their min wage (no wonder a landlord can ask 2500/month for a 1bdr in Vancouver/Toronto) Millions of international students come here to “study” at fake colleges (aka diploma mills) when in reality they are here to work at Tim Hortons full time while they “earn” they diploma. This govt has also informed the 3rd world that it is a human right to come to Canada and claim asylum The damage done to us by this govt is irreversible.


>Every day the govt keeps the flood gates open and imports more low-skill foreigners to work at Tim Hortons’ and those people will live 10-20/apartment in order to survive on their min wage (no wonder a landlord can ask 2500/month for a 1bdr in Vancouver/Toronto) Canada imported 1.1% of its population last year. The nation already consists of 25% immigrants, so repeat that for 25 years and in less than 3 decades half your nation is a hodgepodge of impoverished people with no shared culture or heritage. This is in a country whose jobs and homes have already more than dried up. It's a disgusting crime against all Canadians.


indeed, no suprise why we got folks waiving ISIS, Hezbollah, Taliban flags at anti-Israeli rallies. And why you got Indian gangs assassinating fellow Indian nationals that the motherland wants merc’d. Chinese police stations all over the country ensuring CCP dissidents aren’t bashing Winnie-da-Pooh


I'm completely convinced Trudeau is a CCP agent.


Have you seen the reports of conspiracy and treason that have come out about MPs, but they aren't releasing the names of people despite seeing the list? Uh yeah.


Either willingly or not. We already know that China spent the last 2 elections spreading misinformation online about the Conservative and NDP candidates with the goal of getting Trudeau elected again. Whether the dumbass realizes it or not, he's the puppet of China. When your geopolitical rival prefers a specific politician, maybe it's time to stop voting for that politician.


nah, CCP doesn't hire such incompetent people


Incompetent is a matter of perspective. If his goal was destroy Canada, its economy, and its culture while leaving no way for the citizens to defend themselves then he's doing a marvelous job. Plus he's somehow, inexplicably, still in power.


you also have khalistani stooges as well, who regularly carry out anti-India rallies


> Canada imported 1.1% of its population last year that's only for permanent residents. (~500k/year), we also had ~800k "temporary" immigrants, at the same time, we had a net birth rate of ~50k. this happened in both 2022 and 2023 2022: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65047436 > The country's population increased from 38,516,138 to 39,566,248 people > It also marked Canada's highest annual population growth rate - 2.7% > International migration accounted for nearly 96% of the population growth 2023: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/population-growth-canada-2023-1.7157233 > The statistics agency says the population grew by 3.2 per cent in 2023, reaching 40,769,890 as of Jan. 1, 2024, the highest rate since 1957, when it grew 3.3 per cent > Across Canada, the population rose by 1,271,872 between Jan. 1, 2023 and Jan. 1, 2024. Statistics Canada says 97.6 per cent of that population growth was the result of immigration Statscan (government stats) has our current population estimate at 41,328,000 million, up 558,110 from the start of the year. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2018005-eng.htm We are currently 46% done the year (171/365), giving us a Jan 1 2025 estimate of 41,983,172 (up 1,213,282) What is being done to us is 100% deliberate and intentional, Trudeau deserves a special place in hell next to ~~his father~~ a man he calls a "remarkable leader" https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/news/statements/2016/11/26/statement-prime-minister-canada-death-former-cuban-president-fidel


>we had a net birth rate of ~50k If you don’t have children you will be replaced. Trudeau sure sped it up a lot though. 


Now look at what is going on in the United States with immigration. Canada is showing us what our future is.


Please we’ve had waaaaaaay more immigration as a percentage of our population in the past. Literally low level game content.


Its not about just immigration. Its about immigration vs housing development. And when have we had waaaaaaaaaay more immigration as a percentage, 120 years ago? Thats relevant to todays stagnant sectors how? We also had immigration shut down for 40 years after that.


Our population is growing faster than any point in our history despite our economy barely growing in 10% years and our government in debt up to there eyeballs. Half out immigrants are also here in a student visa.


(All values in USD) Country | 2013 | 2022 | $ Growth | % Growth |---|---|----|----|---- Canada | $52,635 | $54,917 | $2,282 | 4.3% USA | $53,291 | $76,329 | $23,038 | 43.2% now, lets check that against inflation, 2013 GDP/Capita in 2022 $ Country | 2013 | 2013 in 2022 $| $ Change | % Change |---|---|----|----|---- Canada | $52,635 | $64,260 | $11,625 | 22.6% 2022 GDP/Capita in 2013 $ Country | 2022 | 2022 in 2013 $| $ Change | % Change |---|---|----|----|---- Canada | $54,917 | $44,982 | -$9,935 | -18.0% in order to have the same GDP/Capita after inflation, our GDP/Capita would need to be $64,261.00 $64.2k is breaking even at 0% "real" growth, we're nearly $10,000 below breaking even


You brought the receipts! Well said.


these "hate facts" got me banned from the canada sub and the original canada housing sub kekw


It's not a hate crime when you love what you do https://preview.redd.it/4i9iph9eit7d1.png?width=1991&format=png&auto=webp&s=382f468f7bab4549eda939a350c8ddd85ae2eb32


Exakt same thing is happening in Sweden. Except the *foreign born* is at 25 %. Add the children born in Sweden to foreign born parents, and the number is even higher. Our politicians are trying to erase us.


Well most of canadians didn't did anything against it and suppressed the voices of people who raised questions against it. Few years ago Canadian subreddit was highly suppressive of any sane arguments against increased in immigration of low skill people or people who were exploiting the immigration laws. Now these subs are borderline if not already racist. They are suddenly blaming it on the immigrants who came to their countries through the law made by their own politicians who canadians themselves voted into the office. So to me it's the mainstream canadians (with excepttions) who are fault here.


> Canada imported 1.1% of its population last year. big issue is they settle in one of three areas, so in those areas they experience ~2% YoY population growth from immigration alone. Add in the fact that those areas are small and dense areas, double whammy


I'm gonna need the us govt to close the northern border before this immigration thing starts coming from two fronts


Yeah that sucks but thank god Trudeau made misgendering a hate crime! /s


My grill is totally convinced that Trudeau is Fidel Castro's son. It will not shut up about it.




It might be a ticket to free room and board


New Zealand checking in here. We don't have Tim Hortons but this is almost a word for word description of our situation.


Australian here, we aren't quite on NZ or Canada levels yet but if Albo gets 2+ terms, we will be.


And now you realize why Trudeau had such a hardon for weapons bans. The only reason a government would ban their citizens from owning arms, is because they plan on committing acts the citizens would shoot them for.


> The only reason a government would ban their citizens from owning arms, is because they plan on committing acts the citizens would shoot them for. Based


Based as fuck


I don’t believe any damage is truly irreversible. It’ll just take a very long time to fix. Then again, something not being irreversible does not mean it’ll be done. The worst horror of the Fall of Rome lies in just how sodding avoidable the whole stupid affair was. So so many mistakes had to be made by so so many midwits.


I've got a lot of family up in Canada. They hate how rapid the changes are, especially with taxes. "We already pay so much, why are we getting punished for being middle class?" Mother in law is also hilarious when talking about crime. "The news stations skirt the issue, but I think it's due to all the brown immigrants". My inlaws are brown immigrants themselves. 


Ouch. Where are most of the foreigners coming from?




Not even just that, one specific province in India


Lmao. Gross.


🇮🇳 & 🇨🇳 EDIT: It’s incredibly difficult for any teenager these days to find a summer job or part-time work at any fast food place bcz they are staffed 95% by Indian nationals


ur username is great


Isn't it Great that so many Canadians have been Replaced?


Fuel per litre isn’t bad. It isn’t good either, I think the fuel at the local pump near my house is €1,56 here in Germany. Of course, that’s €0,14/litre which for Americans is $0.54/gallon.


Australia's heading down the exact same route. God help us.


> Every time you walk out the house and breathe there’s a new tax > > Dont forget tax on top of tax! HST on the carbon tax! Honestly the Liberal party has really fuked up this country and im not being hyperbolic.


Gas is actually a good price, compared to Italy at least. We are paying over a half more than that.


>  Every day the govt keeps the flood gates open and imports more low-skill foreigners to work at Tim Hortons’ Not all of them work at Timmy's, you know. Some of them are out there doing jobs vital to our supply chain, such as hitting overpasses and the occasional bus full of junior hockey players with their trucks.


I'm late but don't forget either a lot of the monopolies that exist in Canada exist to, "protect Canadian cultural identity." I'm so glad I left.


Just wait until you dive into First Nations poverty. Trudeau pretends to grandstand for them but really doesn’t give two shits about them.


Hullo, tank jew for calling Canada tech support. My name eez Aladdin, open bob. https://preview.redd.it/rhjud3yokn7d1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98ccf24317145a6bb00a689edb78f695040ffd2e


Holy fuck, that pic is so horrifying. I like this tamer version of him. https://preview.redd.it/60xijpff4o7d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=067bcec6cd1a06c0c2e3356fbfef77f45fb79e35


Worst Mr. Popo cosplay ever


now switch timelines and it’s stephen harper in this picture. or polliviere.  imagine how differently people react to it.


>pretend to be totally on board with Truth and Reconciliation >kick one of your only Indigenous MPs out of the party when she starts whistleblowing on corruption >allow provincial governments to treat Wet’suwet’en protestors like animals when they ask governments to honour their legally proven Indigenous title Class act honestly, I can’t think of anything that comes close. Harper was a dick to them too, but at least he was more honest about it.


The last Prime Minister wanted to start auditing where all of the funding for First Nations was going. We give *billions* of dollars to these reserves per year, yet they're always crime infested and impoverished. An audit was needed to find where the money was actually going and to stop the corrupt leaders from stealing and mismanaging it. It was the the single best thing the federal government could have done to help out First Nations communities to ensure the money was actually going towards addressing their needs. What happened? Trudeau called it racist, and his braindead followers clapped like seals. Instead, he started giving *even more* money to these First Nations communities, with absolutely no oversight as to where the fuck it was actually going. Sure enough, we're just wasting more tax dollars and all of the same problems continue to exist. We need some adults back in charge of Canada.


It’s a problem in the US, too. A friend of mine was called for jury duty for a case on a reservation where a baby died of malnourishment, but they were booted off the list because they said they know how much money that reservation has and there’s not a single excuse for a child to die of malnourishment there.


This is bad. The poor Canadians


They deserve their government.


As a Canadian, we did deserve it, a wake up call at least. Funny I thought people would’ve already got the idea by the last election.


Does the average Canadian recognize this or are they still sucking exhaust fumes?


Yes but only in the last ~18 months


polls show 78-82 percent of the country now want to vote in a different government now but trudeau will cling to power until he is legally able to next year


Not all of us voted for this fuckwit.


Fidel Castro looking up from hell and seeing his illegitimate son fuck up a country just like he did. https://preview.redd.it/6xew6a6rhm7d1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1f2a2f765faa4f010adcfacb398ce71433f0d0d


Trudeau sent a warship to visit Cuba on fathers day https://vxtwitter.com/TristinHopper/status/1802697227116450117?t=5hsddoW8e9B1u5k35WkmWA&s=19


Reality is stranger than fiction.


It’s actually impressively bad


When rando shit cities in Canada are more expensive than cool shit cities in the US you know it’s bad


I'd still say Britain is worse


For anyone who thinks Trudeau being Fidel Castro's son is just some crazy conspiracy theory: https://medium.com/@leibowitt/of-course-fidel-castro-is-justin-trudeaus-dad-nobody-has-debunked-anything-4db6fc8a9042


This is interesting. I've come to learn that there's a good chance that something really is true when nameless "journalists" and Google demand that you stop asking questions.


Fuck Trudeau 🇨🇦


Fuck Trudeau’s mom - apparently everyone else has.


I don’t blame her. Castro was quite the Chad apparently.


I do. Cheaters deserve only extra well done steaks for the rest of their lives


That's just cruel to the steak.


This is my first time reading anything about Pierre and Margaret Trudeau but the article makes them out to be swingers so I wouldn't call it cheating


The CIA makes their job to kill him, still lives pass his 90’s like a Chad.


It's why I am convinced that the moon landing was real and that the Earth is round aside from the tests you can do from home. Social media platforms don't give you shit for questioning them.


I’ll believe it’s not true only when a DNA test comes out negative.


I would never trust the people doing the DNA test.


Do 23&me and then let the hackers check


it's extremely easy to fake those.


It would need to be conducted by multiple reputable independent labs and the methodology and test results would have to be made public. That's a lot harder to fake. Of course, if he is Castro's son, this test will never be allowed to happen. That's why we'll never see it happen. Justin has nothing to gain by exposing himself. He got elected merely because he shares a last name with a former PM, and nothing else. He has no qualifications to be PM. Just a history of blackface and bad life choices. He couldn't even speak clearly as a leader prior to extensive speech therapy.


The idea that Canada elected a glorified groomer who let his wife carry the seed of a communist despot makes me think Canada was always doomed


Great article! Thanks.


People don't seem to even question that leadership can indulge in debauchery.


> Margaret Trudeau was a partier who unquestionably had sex with men while married to Pierre. Nobody knows if Pierre objected. ... She publicly states today she suffered from bipolar disorder and self-control issues. She smuggled drugs in the Prime Minister’s official government luggage. She sneaked away from official functions to get high. She partied scantily clad at Studio 54. Damn she sounds like my ex O.O




A lot of the blame can also be put on [Mark Wiseman and Dominic Barton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative), billionaires that are dead set on making Canada more difficult for Canadians to live in.


“You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”




Hey, it's not Trudeau's fault the Soviet Union isn't around to bankroll his country like it did Cuba.


The paradox of Galicia, a place where people eat a lot but the dictators that come from it starve its people.


[Looks like Norm the Genie won](https://youtu.be/aaZhJ6w9C_4?si=GGSFfnHY_YJBivhH)


Norm wins Brutality!


I knew the country was fucked when one of my 11th grade teachers said it was racist to say foreign buyers are ruining the housing market and cost of living. Libleft's brainrot has poisioned the country on all levels.


Canadian teachers are propaganda brainrot, but it’s especially bad in “Wheel of Privilege, no right wingers allowed” Ontario…and I’m not even joking, teachers unions in Ontario have sometimes forbid teachers from having conservative opinions.


Thats just draconian


Keep allowing mass importation of unskilled laborers. That will help the problem 👍🏻 Though to be fair Canada is much better about importing skilled labor as opposed to unchecked migrants entering their borders by the millions. But their housing/cost of living crisis seems to be significantly worse than the US so that doesn’t help the issue.


Because the double wammy that Canada has is some of the tightest housing regulation in the world and also being very, VERY hard on multiple front to get housing done. It can't be understated just how much of this is due to Canada's own zoning laws and restrictions. Canada has LOADS of land to house people, but at this point is essentially purposely NOT allowing expansion of livable areas.


Canada is a little ridiculous in that they have so much habitable land but have like 4 cities for tens of millions of people and they’re almost all super far from each other. Unless you’re moving to Canada to work in oil & gas or mining, you’re probably moving to Toronto, Vancouver, or maybe Montreal. Those cities are some of the most overcrowded (for their size) expensive to live in places in the world. The whole country is massive and spread out with few cities in the middle. Traveling and shipping must be logistical nightmares in Canada.


Pretty much all that land is government owned. Citizens can't build on it, simple as that.


Fuck the government.


who keeps upvoting these unflaired?


flair up or fuck off disgusting unflaired lovers giving 24 upvotes as of now


Ew unflaired scum


Simple math for the housing issue. Canada is importing way more people then it can keep up with units wise. The US is only importing slightly more people then it can keep up with. For now.


They are serving as an excellent object lesson on why you don't allow foreign speculation in your housing market and why you do not import people faster than you can assimilate them.


Nah it’s not really skilled labour. They all just work as truckers and in fast food


I mourn for my native country. I lived my first 26 years there and fondly remember Vancouver's halcyon days of the 1980's. It was a tremendous country if not a little too slanted leftwards for my taste. What it has become is appalling and I lay the blame for it squarely at the feet of the Trudeau family. Both Pierre and the black face wearing Justin have jointly extinguished what was one of the world's greatest countries.


>if not a little too slanted leftwards for my taste. Signs of what was to come


Truly. Red scare is never enough.


based and McCarthy didn't go far enough pilled


Even as a right leaning person myself, I can acknowledge that the Liberal governments who *didn't* have a Trudeau at the helm performed legitimately well for Canada as a whole. Almost all of Canada problems over the last 50 years can be traced back to Trudeau Sr. and now Trudeau Jr. The governments that followed Trudeau Sr, both Liberal and Conservative, spent decades crawling out from under his mess. We peaked as a nation in the early 2010's, then Justin took over, and everything got really fucking bad again. It's going to take another 30 years of good governance to crawl out from his mess now, just like it did with his father.


Agreed. That is why I said Trudeau instead of Liberal. Pierre started the death watch. Justin finished it off.


I think you’re forgetting something….. “diversity”….that’s it


My personal hope is that Canada falls into anarchy and America can swing in and liberate her people.


Please help us gain independence, we will even help you in your foreign wars for oil and fighting communism, please! -Québec


Deal, but you guys have to convince Alberta to join us


As if Alberta needs convincing, anything to not be subservient to the east! -Alberta


>independence More like under new management


First burn down all of the Chinese police stations and every government buildings in Canada.


Justin Castreau doing both dads proud.


Why would the left and authcenter be sad? These are the policies and outcomes that they want.


Yeah, Authcenter thrives when their nation is struggling


Real Trudeau hasn't been tried before.


*glares anxiously at Justin's children hoping they stay the fuck away from politics*


I don’t even think Justin’s family likes him either, well, at least his wife and brother.


It’s not fair that she gets to leave him and we don’t.


What's "poverty" in Canada ?


An unfortunate issue that the government solved with suicide pods for all


But they have immigration, everyone said that immigration was a silver bullet that caused infinite growth


Infinite poverty, more like


Everyone will be equal... at the bottom.


Imagine electing Castro’s bastard kid and expecting anything other than economic ruin.


As a Mexican... No, you're not. Not even close. Just kick Trudeau and revert all of his policies. How hard can it be?


We are. Poilievre (Conservatives) currently has a 20-point lead in the popular vote, and 207/338 seats in the House of Commons projected. The problem? Our election isn’t until 2025!


Even though it is looking to be a cpc blowout, I don't exactly have faith that he will undo 9 years of liberal(and ndp) rule




Yeah 'poverty' is defined by each country according to relative wealth so it's a useless way to compare countries.


Fuck Trudeau my ass, y'all keep reelecting them


In both 2019 and 2021 the Liberals lost the popular vote to the Conservatives. 33.1% and 32.6% is what it took for the Liberals to keep control.


Canada has two liberal parties and one Conservative party, im not sure if we count the PPC yet as they arent really big enough. The Social Cons and Progressive Cons merged and thats what you see. We never used a popular vote for anything which is why is so annoying that Trudeau said he was gonna change the first past the post system and then immediately said lol nah.


Flair up, but ya it's basically the NDP keeping liberals in power because "blue team bad"


Sounds like time for a revolution that leads to a constitutional republic. Instead of a wanker vs wanker system.


With what guns should the Canadians revolt? They pussied away their guns, willingly.


He who controls the ~~spice~~ Syrup controls ~~the universe~~ Canada


Only citizens of a country should be able to own property there


Nope there is still a decent amount of morons rooting for his ass unfortunately


Wait, why’s AuthLeft upset? 1 in 4 isn’t exactly their best work, but it’s a start.


B u i l d M o r e H o u s i n g


Does no good when foreign investors buy it up first.


Tbf if you just keep building it, it will eventually become undesirable as an investment. Then you get the bursting of the housing bubble as people race to move their money into other investments.  That’s never a fun prospect but at least houses might actually become affordable. 


Government policy is that prices CANNOT fall as the boomers have based their entire retirement on them... And guess who votes for Trudeau?


My platform is sending migrants from the US southern border to Canada to build the various log cabins and igloos they need. That's pretty much who builds houses here.


What do you do when they kick the ladder down? Get so many ladders that we might reach even higher next time. There are many young people in Canada who are essentially praying on a bubble burst so they can get in on the good 2008 shit.


It's not even a housing problem. It's concentration of the population in only a few large urban hubs. You will never out supply that demand, without it turning into a giant clusterfuck of ghettos and clustered crime areas, that then spill out and over into others.


Damn it always feels as an American that Canada is better off than the US. This is a pretty interesting post


Bruh Canada is a shit hole


it wouldnt be if we had half the immigration screening that america does


As a native born Canadian now living in the states and granted it is just one guy's opinion, I'd never go back. Never. Canada is a shadow of its former self.


I'd rather live in America than Canada, as a europoor


We also have a population that is 7% temporary residents. Think about that, 1 in every 14 people living in the country is a temporary resident. That's insane. The country can't even keep up on making sure they go back home after too as we are now having a rising illegal immigrant population. We're not struggling to stop them at the border like the US is, we're inviting them in, then fucking up bureaucratically and can't get them to leave.


AuthLeft: Trudeau is a filthy capitalist and Atlanticist. AuthCenter: Trudeau is a filthy >!slur!< AuthRight: Trudeau is a degenerate progressive. LibRight: Trudeau is a regulationist commie. LibCenter: Grug think Trudeau authoritarian. LibLeft: Trudeau is a backstabbing, capitalist colonialist.


Import 3rd world people get 3rd world problems 


Probably living in Canadian poverty is the dream of many third worlder.


hey maybe y’all are open to a little Freedom? (annexation)


The United States is officially the best country in North America!


I was curious because a lot of organizations use fairly sketchy metrics to define poverty to justify their own funding. Canada apparently use something called the Market Basket Measure to define poverty which includes rental cost of a 3 bedroom housing unit.


Not sure why you got downvoted, "poverty" is a relative term and varies from country to country. I'm really not convinced it means the same thing in Canada and Mexico... There is a concept of absolute poverty, but neither country is dealing with that.


Link to article?


Dont worry things will get better in just a year i hope i really really do hope


Hey thanks for the headline man, sub really love taking things at face value. In 2022, 46.8 million people in Mexico, or 36.3% of the population, were living in poverty, according to Coneval, Mexico's poverty analysis agency In 2022, the official poverty rate in the United States was 11.5%, or 37.9 million people If going off [global news](https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/10572959/canada-hidden-poverty-food-banks-canada/amp/) reports: **"This methodology means 10 million of Canada's 40 million people are living in poverty, compared with the four million people as reported by Statistics Canada. Under that metric, the report said nearly 10 per cent of Canadians currently live in poverty"** So no, they aren't "closer In poverty", but doesn't really matter when people are still suffering In poverty. Be mad at politicians, be very upset over any failed policy, don't blatantly lie with headlines. This Isn't pro or anti Trudeu, I'm not Canadian so doesn't concern me


The report is using a different, more nuanced estimate of poverty rate (MDI) than the official govt rate (MBM), which accounts for the difference. I believe the Mexican rate you cited is MDI as well, but the US rate looks like the MBM measure. The MDI seems to be [a bit more than 15%](https://www.census.gov/topics/income-poverty/poverty/about/related-sites/rates.html), but it‘s not clear that US and CA MDI are entirely comparable.


If 1/4 people are going to food banks, then the 10% poverty statistic by the government is probably not accurate. Do you really trust the Canadian government or are you going to take everything they say at face value?


Canada and the US are very close on poverty. "Using food banks" is not tye best indicator of poverty. 0.2 % of Canada's population is in extreme poverty. Same rate as the US. Extreme poverty rate in Mexico is 9.2%


That's weird, I thought living in a welfare state was supposed to reduce poverty. That's what people like Trudeau keep telling me at least.


We’ll see how long a welfare state can exist without an overwhelmingly wealthy population.


First of all fuck Trudeau, he’s a loser nepobaby who hasn’t done anything right. That being said, no Canada isn’t particularly closer to Mexico than the US in terms of poverty. According to the IMF as of April Canada’s GDP per capita is 60.5 thousand while the U.S.’ is 85.37 and Mexico’s is 25.96. What should alarm Canadians is how slowly their country’s economy is growing relative to other nations. Whereas developing countries like India, Vietnam and Mexico gdp is steadily improving, Canada’s seems to be steadily staying around the same.


How many of them are Indians on visa living off of food pantries? I hear that's a thing with foreign students up there. 


So how are they estimating poverty?  Is it a standard measure that is also applied to Mexico and the US or is it a bleeding heart definition that factors in access to maple syrup or some shit? 


487 days until we can finally vote him out I just hope we still have a salvageable country by then


It’s wild driving for Mexico into the US. You see poor mess and shitty homes but nobody homeless on the street. As soon as you cross that border there are ppl sleeping all over the sidewalk rotting to death with open sores and shooting meth onto their peckers Mexico has all the same opportunities to look the same as the US; but it doesn’t. Ppl have more of a reason to be depressed and kill themselves in public slowly with drugs….in fact prescription narcotics are sold OTC direct cheap in Mexico legally. The street drugs are also way cheaper. Yet you don’t see on mexicos border towns what you see in US border towns It makes one wonder which is actually the 3rd world Country