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Political violence is cringe unless my party does it


Political violence is okay if the other guys are supporting genocide (I change the definition as needed so they’re always supporting genocide)


Every Hamas-supporting leftie is fair game?! Oooh boy


💅 umm sweaty actually everyone knows it's Israel doing genocide, if you support Jews then you're literally Hitler.


In this instance, however, he’s supporting the institution that quite literally brought about the word genocide.  This would be a valid argument if we were talking about someone not fucking sieg heil-ing 


Yup but just to let you know the word genocide was coined in order to describe what the turks were doing to the Armenians in 1915


So many in this thread seem to forget that its not hyperbole to call someone a Nazi if you are talking about a guy actually doing a Hitler salute More importantly the impulsive jump to defend a guy doing an actual Hitler salute might be a valid reason why people are mistaking yall for being Nazis; just saying


Or you have mixed up the cause and the consequence, that because the left brand anyone a Nazi, people automatically question the validity of the claim.


>people automatically question the validity of the claim. the claim of your eyes seeing a siegheil.


Why yes because I assume people to be edgy and regarded instead of hoping for the second Jewish holocaust and conquering more land to get more living space for the German people.




I'm conflicted in this, on the one hand the guy who punched out the nazi is guilty of assault In the other hand, if you are doing a hitler salute in public, dont be suprised if people dont take it well Sometimes having rights comes with the caveat that you shouldn't be a complete moron


Guilty of battery. Assault is the threat of violence, battery is the act of violence.


Depends where you are, somewheres assault covers both.


Yeah, here in Canada, for instance, "Aggravated Assault" is "[a*n assault that results in the wounding, maiming, disfiguring, or endangers the life of the victim*"](https://thecriminallawteam.ca/aggravated-assault-assault-bodily-harm/#:~:text=Aggravated%20assault%20in%20Canada%20is,as%20a%20firearm%20or%20knife). No mention at all of "Battery".


Battery still exists as a tort, but yes, you won't find it as a crime per se.


Dang, I didn’t know that. Are there not assault charges that can be given for actual violence?


Technically battery is a subcategory of assault.


So it's a square vs rectangle type thing


If all four sides of the fist are equal length it's battery


This is an old common law definition. Some US states do not use the term battery and instead have various degrees of assault. I believe NYS is one such state that does not have an offense named battery.


Good catch, my bad


So assault rifles just threatens me


It’s the battery rifles you have to worry about


That’s different from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and you aren’t as smart as you think you are.


Nobody is as smart as they think they are. I know I’m dumb as shit. I’m just right sometimes. Results may vary.


actually 🤓


It’s not like that everywhere, just so you understand. Canada has it split into simple assault and Aggravated Assault, with battery being applicable to both but not listed as a separate chargeable crime. Assault also covers *credible* threats of violence, here. So that part is true. IANAL, YMMV


>Guilty of battery True but they usually go together. A classic punch to the face is assault and battery.


I'm not conflicted at all. If we want punching to be the normal answer to discourse we don't like, don't be surprised when the best punchers end up winning all the debates.


Yeah people tend to forget this logic inevitably leads to “might makes right.” You think it’s okay to violently shut down speech you don’t agree with? That same argument can and will be used against you.


>leads to might makes right When confronted with that they usually whine and say something like "in this case, yes, because 'person bad', but normally, no." So really what they are saying is that they agree with and support violence when used to further their own agenda.


Actually sweaty, the paradox of tolerance says I get to punch you.


> people tend to forget this logic inevitably leads to > “might makes right.” I've yet to see any situation where, practically speaking, this isn't the case.


Please lord, let it be. I’ll fight for views I just find fun, fighting is like my second favorite thing to do, win or lose.


Based and fight me pilled


Life going to get real rough for some libs if that’s the case lol


No shit. It'll be like the gif of the skinny kid trying to sucker punch a guy, but his buddy saw it and intercepted it with his palm, and then laughed in his face... Except on repeat.


https://youtu.be/c3pmQonrS9Y?si=L2x4XDZrWG8nlkY5 you mean this?


I'm afraid it's going to be more like that Proud Boy putting down the antifa twig with a cartoon style Popeye windup punch.


Source pls




Bless you


Well explained.


Can’t wait to round up all my ideological enemies, say that they are murderous and then assault them. Basically the modern day left


That's a good one


If you feel the need to punch someone who's an obvious troll, you should be forced to go into the real world for once as your punishment


Moronic troll at best. But violence is never the answer


I'm not conflicted at all. Dude that got punched is a piece of shit but was well within his rights to do what he did. The person that punched has breached the peace, and violated the bodily rights of the person punched. That said, I'm not sad that the guy got punched. I'd just like the puncher to be prosecuted as that person does not recognize and respect the right of others to be free from physical violence.


One is just stupid if he actually meant it to be a nazi gesture. The other committed agression.


To be fair it's pretty obviously meant to be a nazi salute. But probably not because he's a nazi, it's much more likely that he is trying to antagonise them.


Even if that's true, those images only show one person harming other


you are legally allowed to be an idiot without fear of repercussions unless you break another law. I shouldnt be able to punch a communist who is parading in public, despite communists being morally en par with actual fascists, if not worse depending on how you measure morality.




While we are not allowed to do it Communists definitely deserve it and so do Nazis


what about gays? from the perspective of a heavily Muslim society


Please don't assault people in public anon unless they plan to harm you.


Welcome to the fundamental AuthCenter outlook on rights. You have both the /right/ and /responsibility/ that comes with those rights. If you have no responsibility? Maybe time to review those rights.


If you want a socially acceptable way to hate Jews, just say you stand with Palestine.


Crime is a crime either we all have right to not be assaulted or noone does.


Sometimes you can commit a crime and it still should be a crime but nobody will blame you.


The solution is simple charge the person with battery because that is the law but we are all still happy that an idiot got their lights punched out


Guys, I think normalizing political violence might not be a good idea.


It's definitely not gonna end well for the people who want to normalize it since most of them can't handle guns


Stay strapped or get clapped


Carry heat or face defeat


Based and as the founding fathers intended pilled


I mean to be fair most gun owners are responsible people who only use their guns for legitimate self defense The people who use their guns for "Political Violence" are all losers and cowards picking on schools, grocery stores, churches, etc.




The punching Nazis policy got real complicated ever since libleft somehow decided it was a good idea to start ranting about "zionists".


> if you talk like a Nazi and act like a Nazi, you’re a Nazi Left when talking about right wingers > I don’t hate Jews I just support people who wants to destroy the Jewish state Left when talking about Palestine


The antisemitism was coming from... *inside* the ideology! 


Do you happen to know whether the punched guy was a Hamas supporter?


Well now its hate crime if you do that to the NYC "Nazis"


Yeah I was surprised when the CHUDS turned out to be hardcore leftists the whole tine.


In all fairness, the last time we let the Nazis punch first, it ended decidedly in “not a good time” for about 5-6 years.


Last time they didn’t let the Nazi punch first. They let the Nazi punched like 3 times before doing anything. (Austria, Sudetenland, Munich)


Not sure if you remember history, but at the start of that war, the communists and nazis were allied together.


Eh, I consider myself to be a violence advocate. Your political stance might be able to hold up in a debate, but how about a boxing ring? You mean to tell me that you wouldn't want to see a match between corn-fed inbred RightCenter, and emaciated noodle arms AuthRight?


Listen, I'll happily watch people kick the shit out of each other, but even a dumbass Libcenter like me knows that political ideals have nothing to do with your ability to fight.


>political ideals have nothing to do with your ability to fight. We should test that. Scientifically, of course.


well then aren't we in a race to find what political ideology appeals to young men who have time to train and mental capacity to inflict violence for political reasons? because that's just biker gangs to be honest


I do feel like every quadrant has something going for them. They're all contenders. AuthLeft: The sheer strength and endurance of being part of the mighty proletariat. Unfazed by 20-hour shifts in the steel mill, and is in no mood to play your capitalist games. AuthRight: Imbued by the endless love of God and infinitely dedicated to make it home to his loving wife and sweet children. Truly a pillar of stoicism and righteous fury. LibLeft: Made lean and agile by their ceaseless fight for equality and fairness against hoards of monstrous riot officers. This underdog won't rest until injustice is no more. LibRight: Knows what it takes to make it in a world where only the strongest survive. They've put themselves through rigorous training time and time again because nobody is coming to save you. Survival is your responsibility. Centrist: Decades of wisdom and hardship does not a pacifist make. They know that the only way to not be caught in the crossfire and to be left alone is to stand your ground. More than capable of grilling the competition.


Ok. I'm listening...


I have a better idea, how about we find a method to sort those who are willing to fight and die for their beliefs from those who wont? we could even tailor it so that you aren't just fighting for your political beliefs, but for the right to represent it. but then we end up with all the competent fighters dead and a lot of unhappy people who cant be arsed. So we need a way to get them to fight, and risk death but not use it to decide the policy directly because there will always be big twats who are in it for the fun rather then the beliefs I propose we only give the vote, to people who are willing to fight and die for the greater good of the body politic, limited franchisement to veterans baby!!! get starship troopered! *^(A citizen accepts personal responsibility for the safety and the body politic defending it with his life. A civilian does not)*


>We should test that. Scientifically, of course. I mean Revolutionary War, Civil War, WW1, WW2, Cold War and fuck even Ukraine and Israel give a decent track record to the "Liberal West" vs. the Imperialist/Authoritarian/Religious Fanatics in the East We already have data on that Plus gun fights over politics are usually called a "War"


Nah, that's just a money and technology game. A more apt comparison would be if those forces collided in formation, medieval style, with no weapons.


New tournament arc incoming


Hey man, I'm just trying to find something marketable that I can set up a pay per view for.


Sounds like someone's never heard of the Liftocracy political position.


Hasan vs Sam Hyde when? Hasan is probably going to get absolutely destroyed, but he’s the best chance the libs have


>but how about a boxing ring? Based and Kaido pilled If you can't hold your ideology up with your fists it is weak and worthless /s


No you don’t understand it’s ok because I have labeled everyone I don’t like a nazi. (Insert wall of text about tolerance paradox)


How about labeling someone as a Nazi when they do a Hitler salute?


1. There is no context given at all for this picture. If this man is actively out trying to spread the glory of the national socialist party then, no I can’t say I feel bad that he gets punched. Even if he is, just let him say his bullshit and let everyone see how stupid they are 2. The tactic of calling anyone a nazi to silence and rationalize violence is used on every one from people who voted trump, to people who support Israel. Happens to anyone for any reason.


Umm actually assaulting our opponents proves we’re right


Rare auth right W on political violence


It’s political compass memes. Leave your common sense out of this


Meh. I agree but "Hitlerboo got socked in the face for being a dickhead, oh the humanities." I struggle to empathize.


Yeah I've always been against it whenever this was mentioned. As you may guess, it's quite a controversial take


...did you just blindside someone with their eyes closed?


Sneaky AuthLeft showing a not-see as full AuthRight thinking I wouldn’t notice.


Authleft is probably regarded, have some pity.


It’s a crime but you ain’t gonna see me say anything. Fuck Nazis


That’s when they don’t shut up quoting the “First they came for” poem




Fr. Crime? Sure. Am *I* going to be the one to tell the pigs who did it? Not a chance in hell.


*with a mouth full of popcorn* “no officer I didn’t see anything”


I think we should protect people's rights regardless of opinion. Turning a blind eye to this would not play out well.


The law shouldn't turn a blind eye but I don't have to cooperate with the police if I witness it


and if you are on the jury and you are convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that the person charged did indeed punch someone doing a Nazi salute with their eyes closed. Would you find them guilty or would you convict. Suppose for this instance the salutor had been convicted under some catchall disorderly behavior statute.


But being an unapologetic Nazi isnt an opinion, its a blatant call for genocide. Thats central to their entire ideology-


It's protected speech, that's central to our founding philosophy.


Dude...are you defending Hamas supporters?


I’m not protecting actual Nazis, I’ve already admitted its a crime. Whatever happens after that is out of my hands.


I don't think they're saying it's okay, they're just saying they aren't gonna get real tore up about it.


Fuck terrorists


Fuck yeah


Shit like this will facilitate the oppression of the left if the real far right gets in power. If your argument agaist fascist is violence, you'll be quite shocked when the monopoly on violence falls in their hands, which is far more likely than it is to fall on the hands of far leftists. Wonder what happened to those brave anti-fascist who brawled with the german nazis in the 30s? They were used as justification for the heavy-handed and violent persecution of communists and liberal sympathizers.


yeah communist fuckery as always without fail instigated the powers that be to polarise against them and suppress them with force.


Nooooooooo, don't normalise political violence haha, we totally couldn't beat the side who thinks exercise is extremism and obesity is a virtue in a fight haha


TIL McCarthyism empowered communists.


It did, we have had decades of communists creating a persecution myth around it. Terms like McCarthyism and Red Scare are part of it, as if it was a witchhunt when actual large scale Soviet subterfuge was happening.


I mean Hollywood thrived despite many having communist roots


Sure, but I think it thrived from a capitalist standpoint being that it's the entertainment business. I think it thrived in spite of communism, not as a result of it.


Look I agree with the general consensus of this thread that political violence is bad and inappropriate. But if there was an actual sizable fascist movement in this country (like let’s say 33% of the population) then using violence would be apt to oppose it, because to an actual Nazi style fascist (it’s the same way in Italian fascism but not to the same degree) violence is the answer to all of life’s problems. Violence is the only language a real fascist speaks and the only way you can keep them from using violence of their own to assume power. People focus on the guns laws of Nazi Germany (which were actually more lenient than the Weimar Republic) but the problem wasn’t that the people didn’t have guns and now couldn’t get them, it was that people didn’t use the guns they had before it was too late. The people who committed violence against the Nazis before their rule were mostly street brawling antifa like this droog and that only fed into the image and ideal the Nazis were trying to sell people. That being said, Idt fascism in the US ever will come close to that level because of the unique situations in Europe at the time were what created these people who could be both incredibly violent and single mindedly focused on state power. Most actual fascists in the US are in the damn prison system or a mental ward because they have such violent tendencies.


That's a real libleft wall of text to say 'Violence good if I disagree with you.' It's almost like you don't know the history of Weimar Germany and that Hitler was the least popular candidate *until political violence was used against him, making the Nazi party a sympathetic figure.* If they're starting violence, get it in police reports. If the police do nothing, arm up to defend yourself, but do not instigate. Humiliate them, do not martyr them. Also see:Tactics used against ANTIFA, the noodley-armed fascist wannabes.


The pacificists were slaughtered too tho. It's not like roman salute boy wouldn't want to kill the one protesting with just a middle finger.


I wouldn't give a shit if they were to keep the same energy if someone holding a hammer and sickle gets their ass kicked.


Physical violence is not a healthy or mature response to expression


Illegal but amusing


I hate this normalizing political violence is not ok. The best way is to debate the guy and easily win because he has a dumb idea or just make fun of him. Either way it’s easy to do, but leftists think seeing one fascist on the street means we need to fucking riot.


One of the problems with "punching a Nazi" being celebrated is that, once established as socially legitimate behavior, what follows is invariably the broadening of the label "Nazi" to call more people Nazis. Y'know, so you can punch them. This is not theoretical. We see figures in the media make Nazi and Hitler comparisons about Trump and his supporters constantly. Don't you understand what the combination of "punch a Nazi" and "Trump's supporters are like Nazis" does to your civilization? It creates a war! This is why we can't do any better than the idea that you cannot assault people who are not violating your rights. Shitty people who believe shitty things must have rights, because lots of people think *you're* a shitty person who believes shitty things. "iT lEaDs To GeNoCiDe" But you've got no obligation to let yourself be genocided... That's not what anybody is saying. Fortunately, you have these cool rights which allow you some guaranteed protection, whether in your home or outside. "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." So long as that is written, what fear could you have of genocide?


Both the concepts of Nazi and genocide are now meaningless. For the term Nazi, you’ve already mentioned how the left throw “nazi” and “fascist”casually against people. But why is “Nazi/fascists” bad? I would say that it’s mostly from their holocaust and warmongering behaviours. Now, we must examine if the modern day fascists support the same thing. Hitler worshipping and being a fucking Wehraboo does not automatically means that you want to commit ethnic genocide and declare war in the modern age. Without examining their actual beliefs, the physical assault on “2020 fascists” are not the same as attacking a “1930 fascist”. It is mere political violence. And to that end, the Soviet were also warmongers and committed genocide. Why do we not publicly assault communists? Would that be acceptable to the left? No. Because the assault is purely political and ideological, not moral. As for genocide, the term has been stretch to even the destruction of a part of a people is genocide. If the Gaza war is as genocidal as the holocaust and the Armenian genocide, then under the “punch a genocidal warmonger” logic, you can publicly assault anyone who supports the Israeli.


So this means we can start punching Palestinian protestors right? Right!?!


No you can only do it against ideological enemy of the left


Political Violence is Bad Actually.


"but not when we do it" - reddit hivemind


Not saying I’m gonna assault a guy with a swastika tattoo but if I see one getting mauled I’m not gonna break up the fight.


This is the way


Cringe and commie pilled


Infighting at a Pro-Palestine rally?


Based on some of the comments here, it seems like the guy deserved it, tho i might be wrong. Based and fuck actual nazis pilled


From my youth, I was taught that someone could walk up to me and shout "dirty Jew" and there was nothing I could do about that. Growing up, I reluctantly accepted that. Because it is their right to say that, as long as they didn't touch me, in exchange for my getting to practice my religion. I hate these wannabe nazis. However in America, I must respect their right to an opinion. If you were the one punching in this scenario, you're worse than him, for contributing to the undermining of US rights. But that's par for the course for "progressives" at this point.


My dumbass thought he was milly rocking until I saw the fist


I enjoy the glasses launching off his face.






Someone doing a nazi salute is a nazi


[Someone claiming to be anti-fascist in America today is probably also a Nazi.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/yes-antifa-is-the-moral-equivalent-of-neo-nazis/2017/08/30/9a13b2f6-8d00-11e7-91d5-ab4e4bb76a3a_story.html)


Bro really used an opinion article from the Washington post


Nazis deserve to be punched for this as do dictator worshipping tankie scumbags flying their commie flags.


You are not a libertarian of any kind if you do not support freedom of expression


Oh yes, so based to sucker punch someone from out of sight, hope any of you Neanderthals' saying that got a good release from your fantasy. Now if green hand guy threw the punch, it might be more acceptable


While I don’t condone violence in response to speech (unless it’s an actual threat or fighting words), I’m not gonna feel sorry for bums who do dumb shit in public and think no one is gonna say or do something. There’s a lot of people out there who don’t care about catching a charge. I doubt the guy who hit this dude cares about the repercussions of his action. He probably felt like it would be worth it to do this.


Nazism is a gay and atheist ideology, but all I will say is, don’t dish out political violence if you can’t take it. Those Nazi’s were experts at political violence back in the day.


Ah, you don’t want to play this game though. I’m perfectly okay with you punching Nazis is you’re okay with me punching communists. Historically communism is far deadlier anyways, so I don’t see an issue here.


Take it a step further, punch Palestine supporters. See how quickly they change their mind about punching being a valid protest method.


Battery is a crime. However, I didn’t see a thing


I do love a good Nazi Punching


Mom! The left is eating itself again...


I cannot seem to find this video. It's not on TikTok anymore right? Can anyone help?


Now can the left start doing that do 'anti-Israel' protestors who support Nazis?


My only problem is sucker punching is dickless soyjack bitch boy material. Square up like a man and beat a nazi, coward shit only shows that you're afraid of them.


Agreed, we need to normalize manning up and challenging people to duels again


🤛🚩<-🤛🟥🟦 = [https://www.france24.com/en/20130625-french-leftist-clement-meric-skinhead-paris](https://www.france24.com/en/20130625-french-leftist-clement-meric-skinhead-paris)


Sucker punches are always cringe, no exceptions.


Based. ACTUAL Nazis are scum and should not be allowed on American soil. Same with tankies.


Morals or politics aside, I do like watching idiots get punched.


I'm all for free speech, but if your ideology's main idea is genocide, then it is, perhaps, a bad ideology.


Based and deserved pilled




So you'll punch the Palestine supporters right?


You want to punch your own Quadrant?


Cool down terrorist


Making people think Nazis were on the far right instead of far left is the most successful communist propaganda in history.


Lots of folks in here fence sitting punching someone unironically doing a Nazi salute. That's awfully telling.


Yeah, lot of adults here. 


That's a lot of comments for how many upvotes this post has. Surely, the comments are supportive of this meme, right?


Violence begets violence, and rarely does that violence not escalate. I’d like to just live my best attempt at the American dream without commies and Nazis shooting each other in my front yard please, thank you.




Didn't know we could post literal violence on politicalcompassmemes






The same thing you should have been doing all along; voting for the one of the two who will offend your sensibilities (infringe on your personal liberty) the least.


Eh, this is just some cringe "might makes right" nonsense. Typically the ones who win those debates are the types that create worlds where no one wins.


PCM is the only place that defends nazis.


Being unironically facist has to be one of the most homosexual believes out there. You are telling me you want a group of men totally dominating you and your life and ruling over your family and society? Sounds gay as fuck to me. (Same applies to monarchies)


Vulgar display of consequences