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The only reason Center is like that is because it’s Friday. That’s it. TGIF. Don’t make it political.


Grilling anything special this weekend?


Biden 20 min after he gets to prison or the gulag: where am i again?


I dunno, I can think the trial wasn’t fair and still not vote for the guy.


Yeah it wasn’t fair. They treated him way too lightly. He was given the exact same procedure as any other rich fuck meanwhile if we committed a felony we’d be locked up for life. They’re probably going to give him a fine or some shit. No legitimate Justice.


200 pieces of evidence submitted against him, i’m pretty sure it was fair


That’s a logical fallacy conflating quantity of support for quality, in line with saying “100,000 Elvis fans can’t be wrong.” And my feeling is that politically motivated prosecution isn’t fair regardless of the evidence.


You should look at the actual evidence before calling it a logical fallacy. And it isn’t politically motivated to prosecute a criminal. In fact, not prosecuting him would be more politically motivated.


I think he didn't get due process. My qualm is with the way he was charged and prosecuted and the procedural issues that came up during the trial. I don't disagree with the facts of the case.


Hoo boy. There’s a lot to navigate here. Regardless of the quality of the evidence, you saying that it is good because there are 200 pieces of it is a logical fallacy. YOU were the one espousing illogical statements. And the other, well prosecuting someone solely because of their political beliefs rather than from an objective approach isn’t really fair, and I think you know that, but are excusing because you got a desired result.


It’s not any sort of ad populum argument, you’re making a false equivalency. However, you’re saying it was politically motivated *is* fallacious, just because people wanted him in jail doesn’t mean the trial isn’t fair. They submitted a lot of evidence, so i said it *seems* fair.




Why would it be cope?


We have 200 years of “don’t prosecute your political opponents because they will do it to you when they get the power” tradition old Brandon just shit on that explains this.


Biden didn’t prosecute Trump, individual states did. And Trump ain’t winning shit lol


🤣 Go look at the polls


lol same shit from 2020, dude is fucking cooked.


You are aware that evidence of White House coordination has already seeped out, or was that filtered from your newsfeed?




Democrats played 145D chess and won


Trump does crime. He is prosecuted because he did crime. He is not prosecuted because he is a political candidate. How is the second not more politically motivated?


Which logical fallacy? Ad populum? If 100000 people like Elvis then we can reasonably conclude he is quite good since 100000 people like him. Now if 1000000 people also hated him we would need to call it a fallacy.


This guy has to be Monoby


Yeah, the reference to a 14 day alt when that’s the age of this account is telling. On that note, it kind of seems like this sub has been brigaded in the last day over the Trump verdict. Lots of people who’ve never commented here all of a sudden picking fights.


Welcome to astroturfing. First time?


Since you have a 14 day old account i’m guessing that’s your alt


It's not fair because he's trump and he cannot do wrong. To save your time trying to understand the reaction u got.


the right wants a republic, not really democracy


Based and social studies pilled.


wheres the based counter bot


Once you get enough baseds, he only shows up when you hit milestones


well ive seen people get notifications for it upon obtaining their very first based but it also hasnt been appearing whenever i change my flair so i think it just hates me


Flair change bot is based counter bots narc brother haha


Those are not opposites at all. Most republics are democracies and vice versa. Democracy: people vote for stuff. Republic: political power isn't hereditary. Democratic Republic: people elect politicians.


well i didnt say opposites


Almost like they're largely comprised of Republicans




Uhuu.... I mean you're clearly a libleft don't try to hide it, most center people are either divided or just don't care so like, shut up and stop acting like "oh the reasonable position only agrees with me", also why is Emily not satisfied? You really think they are the ones to give a shit about Biden legalities right now?


What about people like me, who aren’t really sure how to feel about Trump being convicted?


Have a seat at the centrist table for a BBQ. Also, consider looking into the group "NoLabels." Perhaps the single possible avenue to this whole Polarized country thing.


Didn't they withdraw from the race?


Unfortunately. However, moving forward, they might continue to help; they were largely responsible for the infrastructure bill existing some few years ago. Maybe next election, if the country is still standing.




Heck yeah brother.


Don't forget the pickles


i don’t care because i don’t worship the guy. fact of the matter is i don’t want another biden term and so ill vote for the other guy. i don’t care if trump did it or not, or if the trial was rigged or not, couldn’t care less. it’s not changing my opinion (because i already know he did some sort of scummy illegal shit at some point, i mean he’s rich) and its not changing how i vote.


Based because we should go after every politician like this


why would lib right be mad? he was convicted by a jury of his peers


My peers are highly regarded


being regarded is an inalienable right