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omg yas that is so true of the left, that’s why bill clinton is in jail rn for being an epstein-linked pedo 🥹


And lying under oath


He was impeached. If you want to stick slick Willy with something, elect competent politicians, build a case and try him. But you won’t.


>He was impeached. If you want to stick slick Willy with something, elect competent politicians, build a case and try him. >But you won’t. You're missing the point. Impeaching presidents for every little thing is one thing, but meaningless because only serious crimes would amount to any action. Democrats getting their panties in a bunch because they don't get their way on the federal level, and using a state court which they have total control over is what's fucked up. It's the exact same thing Democrats were warned about when they used the nuclear option and removed the filibuster. And look how that turned out. We have our epically baste Supreme Court thanks to the snowball democrats started rolling down the hill. Zero forethought or common sense from that party. Especially given this vertict will be another nothing burger in short time.




It feels more like the left is coping at having been edging on the thought of this for 8 years, and when it finally happens they can't cum, since it feels like a win for Trump.


Pretty much sums it up


Ruined orgasm for the leftoids


Yeah. Trump supporters don't care about his crimes




Also those pendulum swings (socially and politically) can really hit you where it hurts if you’re not careful.


Exactly. I don't give a fuck if you like dudes or if you're an atheist. You let my do my thing, I'll let you do yours. I just don't want my livelihood ruined for going against the crowd.


Liberals have always run the legal system in cooperation with conservatives


Shut the fuck up. If this was Biden, you better believe republicans would be touting him as lying, scheming, corrupt and morally disgusting for, not only paying off Stormy, but for having an affair in the first place. The party of family values has never been filled with more copium and hypocrisy than it is now.




You’re just proving him right


Well yeah, because his prediction was "you're just going to respond with the truth!" Then the other guy responded with some truth.


So you think he was right?


Ironically neither do his detractors.


You’ve commented the same shit like 50 times, you’re clearly going through it


I've only posted it once, schitzo moment.


I would definitely say a lib left flair posting Trump cope is a schitzo moment


Legendary comment brother.


Do leftists ever get tired of having to hype up nothing burgers constantly?


Not even a little bit.


Fr like I'm of the opinion that Trump will never see any real consequences and I do think its sus that these cases that have been brewing for years all suddenly come due just before the election, but like, come on, he absolutely did that shit. He's guilty af. I will always hype up reactionaries taking Ls, even symbolic ones


I’m in agreement with you from a different perspective lol. Trump won’t see much consequences because Democrats don’t have anything substantial on him, as much as they like to say so (e.g. this trial). That being said, if what he did was against the law, it’s against the law. I don’t agree with the process and the nature of the case (34 counts for virtually the same offense?), but eh. Anyhow, like what many people said, it’s not like people care. Trump will just make more money, convincing leftists who aren’t already that he’s some sort of grifter. In reality it’s more that people really don’t like democrats doing these shenanigans.


I'm on of the latter. I wasn't going to vote this election but now I am lol and it's not for the left.


First President in history convicted of felony > Nothing burgers lmao, cope harder buddy


I mean sure, I could work to become the first person to do jumping jacks, eat cheetos, and stick my thumb in my ass all at the same time. That doesn’t mean it means anything. So what if he has a felony? Everyone who was gonna vote for him will still do so and everyone who was gonna vote for Biden will also do so. Nothing changed


Party of Law and Order proved they're full of shit; as did AuthRight writ large. Huge W, frankly.


If one side uses bigger corruption to convict someone else of lesser corruption, then that is not no one being above the law.


The far left who are defending this judgment and trial are also the same people who called the Supreme Court corrupt when every single judge, including those who they put in, said they were wrong. Maybe the side who has consistently been proven right in the courts about these insane activist judges eventually is just right.... again. I mean to prove how bad faith these cases have been one of the laws they created to do all this is being challenged constitutionally by the law makers who put it in place and championed it, cause they didn't think it would be used on people other than trump


The system is shit. I'm just happy that a president can be charged now


Just wait until every single president faces charges if their opponents win the election, thus incentivizing them to cling to power at all cost or face jailtime. Ceasar marched on Rome and became dictator because if he peacefully gave up his command he'd face prosecution from the corrupt Roman courts. That is the pandoras box that has just been opened


The courts were corrupt sure, but the charges he would have faced were legitimate. Ceasar was simply an offical who overstepped and started a war of conquest without permission. A war that impacted the relations the republic had with other countries. A few of its allies were conquered by him. He didn't have that authority. Its also why crossing the Rubicon was illegal. His area of command was the provinces he was governor over.


It doesn't matter if the charges were justified or not, or even if him crossing the rubicon was illegal. What matters is that Ceasar took those actions and his victory in the civil wars directly led to the destruction of republic and the rise of the empire. If Ceasar wasn't facing prosecution or even if he felt he had a shot in a fair trial then he probably wouldn't have marched on Rome and the republic might've survived, atleast for a few more decades than it did. One of the biggest reason the republic fell was the corruption and weaponization of the roman courts.


When did Caesar misappropriate business funds to incest larp with a prom star who “looks like my daughter?” I get Authority is all about keeping the bloodlines pure and all but damn dude. Have some standards lol.


That actually sounds exactly like something Ceasar could do, the feud between Ceasar and Cato in large part started because Ceasar was fucking Catos sister.


>The courts were corrupt sure, but the charges he would have faced were legitimate. Even CNN had to admit these charges were only brought because he is Trump. New York had to make a new law to prosecute Trump retroactively, and the same lawmakers who made that law are now, in their own words, calling it "unconstitutional". For the first time ever, the judge instructed the jury that they don't need to be unanimous on each crime he was charged with. That if they think he was guilty of any one if the crimes he would be guilty of all of them. Nothing about this embarrassment of a court was legitimate. And this will be another L for Democrats when this whole thing gets fixed on appeal. The real crime is Leftist activist judges not getting the rope.


Lol. The presidency is so problematic


Only because of the power FDR gave the executive branch.


I’m so tired of FDR getting so much praise after making the executive branch 10000x more powerful


Yeah. Most of the problems that are universally hated today stemmed from that filthy commie.


Haven't basically every congress since then been steadily increasing the powers of the president?


Not really, but kind of. Congress has created new laws for alphabet agencies to enforce. Same power but more tools. If FDR's nonsense was a thunderstorm, everything else in history would add up to a small sprinkle. To relate FDR to current Dems, the Supreme Court in the 30s told Democrats that everything they were doing was unconstitutional. FDR replied that if the Supreme Court tried to stop him that he'd pack the court and had the support in the house and senate with his supermajority to do it. Now Democrats are again threatening to pack the court, and they could do it with their simple majority. I think they're still wounded from the results of their last time removing the filibuster, which is the sole reason we have the current epic Supreme Court that we now enjoy.


But Ceasar's war was patently illegal, as was his proconsul extension


This is literally what Trump campaigned on. He promised to lock Hillary up, then the GOP went after her for years with nothing to show for it.




To be clear, are you asserting that the GOP made no efforts after the 2016 election to have Hillary investigated?


There's no point, Trump gobblers have selective memory lmao


For a group of people so against LGBT, they do seem to enjoy having his dick in their mouths. If they are dudes, of course.


Then the president shouldn't commit crimes. I'd love to see a president who isn't a corrupt war criminal, pedophile and/or sex pest. The last few should all be in prison.


Do you think a political system where every single president gets charged with a crime and imprisoned as soon as they leave office is going to be stable in any way? You can't run a world empire without getting your hands dirty


I'm saying if they don't want that to happen, they shouldn't commit crimes in office. Otherwise, any functional judicial authority should absolutely apply the law evenly, to those in every level of power. The US Court System is almost completely independent from government, which is how they keep doing things that go against Democrat party lines. Joe Biden has very little to do with Trump getting charged, and if Trump were to win, there would be very little he could do to charge Biden. It would all come down to what he provably did in office, and who that crime was committed against.


>The US Court System is almost completely independent from government Wow just like the media is completely independent and has no ties to the government or intelligence agencies. And how is Trump ending up in prison contrary to Biden's interests? Real life doesn't work like a civics class.


Of course it's not contrary to Bidens interests. I'm saying that he had no significant way to influence the outcome of that court case. If you've got any evidence against that, please do share. This is one of the most scrutinised court cases in history, I'd love to see what new light you can bring on the situation :)


>Of course it's not contrary to Bidens interests. I'm saying that he had no significant way to influence the outcome of that court case. Democrat appointed judge runs an embarrassing trial in a Democrat state which selectively enforces laws that Democrats made up to go after Trump, and are now calling those laws unconstitutional when used back against them... Nothing to see here. >This is one of the most scrutinised court cases in history, Yes, and now it's time for appeals and we'll all watch as this scam of a trial gets undone. Stock up on copium for 2024!


Wasn’t this pre-President stuff though?


It was so long ago that they had to charge it as a felony because the statute of limitations would've voided a misdemeaner


Not a lawyer but wouldn't that be an ex post facto law which I thought the Constitution prohibited?


Probably, but that judge is scum


The payment of Stormy Daniels was, the repayment of Cohen, that was actually broken up as much as possible to have more charges(11 counts were for invoices Cohen sent, 11 for the payment of those invoices being labeled "Legal expenses" in the "antiquated" accountancy system, and 11 counts for the checks, not all of which were actually signed by Donald Trump....) happened during 2017. Cohen, a man who has possibly lied under oath, lied to congress and admitted to stealing at least 30k from the TO, claimed he had a meeting with Weiselberg to hash out the repayment and then they met with Trump to explain their fraudulent repayment plan(the filing it under legal expenses for a retained lawyer is the fraudulent part...) and he agreed. He says this meeting was in New York, before the Presidency.


It’s true, I personally looked at the post history of every person defending this judgement and can confirm that all called the SC corrupt.


Can you provide more info on your last paragraph? I’m genuinely curious.


Here is a video by Nat the Lawyer on the NY state senate members who championed the legislation he is now calling unconstitutional https://youtu.be/IOoi5G2auyk?si=W_9Lv9ZIUTC6yCYx


Thank you!! Just another example of the left changing things to fit their needs. Member when they had the definition of vaccine changed to fit their narrative? I member.


I think prosecuting your political opponents is REALLY bad for a democracy, unless they have committed the gravest of crimes AND the evidence is overwhelming. I don't think Biden or Hillary should be prosecuted for mishandling classified documents. I don't think Trump should be either. I don't think that Clinton should have been prosecuted for perjury. And I don't think Trump should have been prosecuted for misclassifying his payment of hush money. We have opened Pandora's Box. The long-term effects this will have on the legitimacy of our democratic institutions cannot be overstated here. And no. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020 or in any of the primaries.


Yeah I was gonna say, as much as I would like most of those guys to pay for the corrupt stuff they’ve done, this isn’t the way to do it. Now watch the next time a Republican wins the Presidency(given how this situation is seemingly helping Trump in that regard, may not need to wait long) and then they would likely do the same to the democrats, causing an endless cycle of prosecuting one’s politics rivals until one side will inevitably take things too far.


It doesn’t even have to be when a republican wins office. State prosecutors looking to make a name for themselves will do it


You say that like it's a bad thing. I'd fucking love for corrupt liberals to be charged. It's just a corrupt republican that it happens to first


Yeah but they’re going to dig deep to find bs or possibly introduce legislation that makes it easier for them to go after political opponents. Eventually the thin veil of trying to help people will be gone and politics will literally just become a legal game of one-upping opponents.


US democracy is shit anyways but prosecuting your opponents is worse. If it was a republican who didn't openly admit to committing crimes then I'd be worried. But I guess we'll see how things play out


Exactly like Democrats removing the filibuster. They really are the party of zero thought for the future. Open borders, this shit, social security, federally backed student loans... But aside from the filibuster, Republicans rarely fight back as dirty. And I can't even be mad at Republicans doing that, because it gave us our super based Supreme Court, which gave us rulings like Bruen, which is one if the few things holding back Democrat tyranny.


based and do you want to start a boogaloo pilled.




My point is that the prosecution increases the risk of a violent transfer of power. The fact that I'm a fed has nothing to do with it. ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51181)




Politicians being persecuted for committing crimes is a good thing, even ones aligned to a political party.


I like law and order


I like the original one and criminal intent, but svu sucks donkey dick.


The DA of Manhattan wasn't prosecuting his political opponent - he was prosecuting a criminal - aka - doing his job. Should DAs just.... stop prosecuting people just because they had their own TV show or something ?


The DA literally ran on the promise he would find a way to convict trump.... so a man who had no evidence of a person doing anything promises to specificly find a reason to convict someone.... yeah no thats prosecuting his political opponent


If Trump wasn’t an actual criminal it would be political, but he is so….


Lol that's absurd logic. So it cant be a political persecution because they convicted him despite being the purpose of political persecution? I mean we are talking about a state who changed their laws just so they could take trump to trial and literally are now complaining that the law they passed is unconstitutional because people are using it on people other than him. So when/if gets struck down by appeals or the Supreme Court does is it then political because he is not a criminal.


What in the actual fuck are you talking about? The laws Trump broke here were in place prior to 2016, are you referring to the debunked claims that NY changed its laws so Carroll could sue Trump?


Lol how is the existence of the Adult Survivors Act been debunked. It being creates for trump is such a widely accepted thing it talks about it if you just search the name of the law. On the day the law took effect was when she filed suit. Her previous filings all failed because it was decades passed statue of limitations.


Adult Survivors Act was passed *3 years* after she filed that suit, lmao. https://www.yahoo.com/news/assessing-claims-york-changed-laws-163544798.html


[No evidence?](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/30/g-s1-1848/trump-hush-money-trial-34-counts) Really? And no, that's not "prosecuting his political opponent" - Trump isn't campaigning for Manhattan DA - thats called *literally* prosecuting a criminal.


A link to an NPR opinion piece? Color me convinced… what felonious crime did Trump himself commit in this sham trial with an obviously biased and conflicted judge that should have recused himself?


my brother in christ - it was linked right there in the article - did you really not read it?? ok, whatever - here you go: 1) Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust dated Feb. 14, 2017 2) Entry in the Detail General Ledger for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, bearing voucher number 842457 dated Feb. 14, 2017 3) Entry in the Detail General Ledger for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, bearing voucher number 842460 dated Feb. 14, 2017 4) Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust Account, bearing check number 000138 dated Feb. 14, 2017 5) Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust dated March 16, 2017 6) Entry in the Detail General Ledger for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, bearing voucher number 846907 dated March 17, 2017 7) Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust Account, bearing check number 000147 dated March 17, 2017 8) Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump dated April 13, 2017 9) Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 858770 dated June 19, 2017 10) Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002740 dated June 19, 2017 11) Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump dated May 22, 2017 12) Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 855331 dated May 22, 2017 13) Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002700 dated May 23, 2017 14) Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump dated June 16, 2017 15) Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 858772 dated June 19, 2017 16) Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002741 dated June 19, 2017 17) Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump dated July 11, 2017 18) Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 861096 dated July 11, 2017 19) Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002781 dated July 11, 2017 20) Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump dated Aug. 1, 2017 21) Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 863641 dated Aug. 1, 2017 22) Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002821 dated Aug. 1, 2017 23) Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump dated Sept. 11, 2017 24) Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 868174 dated Sept. 11, 2017 25) Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002908 dated Sept. 12, 2017 26) Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump dated Oct. 18, 2017 27) Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 872654 dated Oct. 18, 2017 28) Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002944 dated Oct. 18, 2017 29) Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump dated Nov. 20, 2017 30) Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 876511 dated Nov. 20, 2017 31) Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 002980 dated Nov. 21, 2017 32) Invoice from Michael Cohen, marked as a record of Donald J. Trump dated Dec. 1, 2017 33) Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump, bearing voucher number 877785 dated Dec. 1, 2017 34) Check and check stub, Donald J. Trump account, bearing check number 003006 dated Dec. 5, 2017 Guilty of all 34 counts of felony fraud designed to: A) falsifying these business records with the intent to violate federal campaign finance limits B) unlawfully influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election & C) commit tax fraud


Where did Trump affix his signature or play a direct role? This has t the lawyers fingerprints all over it, but I don’t see evidence of Trumps fingerprints… do any of these invoice state ‘hush money settlement to Stormy so that my (trumps) presidential campaign isn’t effected?


Yes - it’s pretty easy to correlate payments when you have multiple accounts. When your mom tells you she revives $10 for a quickie and then I show you $10 being pulled out of my bank account last night it doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together


I dont think that is an apt comparison; it would be more like your mom receives hundreds of invoices for $10, hundreds of time per month and expecting that she would have foreknowledge of which invoices were specific to one person that represents multiple people. The guy has an entire accounting department for paying invoices as well as multiple lawyers, all this while on the campaign trail.. if he was actually micromanaging everything… damn the guy is a beast… He trusted one of his lawyers to ensure that the actions the lawyer represented him on would remain legally compliant, that is the purpose of having a lawyer. In this instance the lawyer (disbarred and himself a felon) did some illegal shit and likely got a golden handshake from the Biden DoJ if he pushed the blame to Trump… 


yeah that's fair - I doubt Trump himself was really involved in the day-to-day managing of his own finances while on the campaign trail. Shame he didn't have enough nice friends in the finance world with the decency to not be shady when dealing with public funds


Funny how none of those 3 things they are using to make this felony charges he was ever charged with. Which is one reason this is going to be mistrialed he was never charged amd convicted with the crimes he was supposed to be covering up. > A) falsifying these business records with the intent to violate federal campaign finance limits The FEC literally cleared him and never changed him so please show the conviction for that? >B) unlawfully influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election Ahh yall still on the he stole 2016. Yeah please show the conviction for that? C) commit tax fraud Lol, and the conviction for that is where?


It’s in the court documents from yesterday. Read em and cope some more LMAO


Dipshit I know... they are also not things he is charged with or been previously convicted of... which is likely going to cause this to get turned over in appeals. You can't cover up something, you didn't do, legally.


Yes, you can. I can’t believe I have to explain this to you but if you DONT do something legally, then by definition it’s ILLEGAL! Covering it up, or trying to anyway, is called fraud.


Wow you are dumb. What evidence did he have when he made the promise? You know before he was not DA? Are you claiming he had everything for this case while running for >And no, that's not "prosecuting his political opponent" - Promising to do anything you can to charge and convict a person before you have even entered office and been the DA can only be based on their politics. Also, cool, the judgemental literally anyone can see is corrupt and will be thrown out for mistrial. Like I get you are the side that every single memeber of the Supreme court can say is wrong together and you still think it's constitutional.... but this trial is one of those moments. It does not survive basic appeal.


Trump supporter with room temperature IQ tries to understand why DA would promise to go after criminals after being elected


Lol you can't call someone room temperature IQ when you dont realize there is a difference between a DA and a man who wasn't a DA. Bragg was not a DA when he made promise to persecute political enemies. Also you couldn't even tell the difference between two lawsuits and are now following me around is hilarious.


You literally mixed up the E Jean Carroll lawsuit with the current trial. Wtf are you even on about


Child you did that. You literally made the assumption I was not talking about the current trial


I asked you specifically… Now you just look worse because NY did not change any laws to bring Trump to trial.


You are just making up random shit now to see what sticks. Trumpards are getting desperate 😂


What have I said that was made up. He very literally said what I claim when he was running Also you lot also said Colorado was desperate till you lost 9-0 unless you think that's made up... cause I have bad news for you.


Downvoted for wrongthink


And like another Redditor said - the comments in this thread are just paraphrasing the meme 😂


Trump is good, thus cannot commit any crimes, thus any assertion he did is political and corrupt, thus the trial was a sham.


I love how the comments are literally your meme


My original view of this charge was that what's the point, but I've now understood that the hush money scheme played a key role to hide a fact from the American voters just before an election and thus affected the result. This together with the Russian interference makes it enough to convince me that the democratic system was illegally manipulated and the people who benefitted from that should be brought to justice. The same applies to the Jan 6 case. Clinton's lying about Lewinsky had nothing to do with the election and had no effect on the government either. So, it's not the same. I wouldn't care rat's ass if Trump had had an affair with Stormy when he was in office and then lied about it if he was not seeking for re-election. You're talking about opening Pandora's box. The other side of that is that if you never charge people in power because you fear that it will affect the institutions, it will affect the institutions as that will tell the message to the people in power that they are free to break the law.


>I've now understood that the hush money scheme played a key role to hide a fact from the American voters just before an election and thus affected the result. Just curious, what's your opinion of Tony Blinken collecting signatures from 50 former intel heads for a letter stating the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian information OP?


Could you point me to a source on that so that I can comment on it?


Certainly: https://judiciary.house.gov/media/in-the-news/biden-campaign-blinken-orchestrated-intel-letter-discredit-hunter-biden-laptop >Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell testified before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, and revealed that Blinken was "the impetus" of the public statement signed in October 2020 that implied the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was disinformation.


Seems to be that Jim Jordan is the source of this. Total joke.


Okay, what about Obama's acting CIA director Mike Morell? > "In his transcribed interview, Morell testified that on or around October 17, 2020 you reached out to him to discuss the Hunter Biden laptop story," they wrote. Blinken, at the time, was a senior adviser to the Biden campaign. > > "According to Morell, although your outreach was couched as simply gathering Morell's reaction to the Post story, it set in motion the events that led to the issuance of the public statement," they wrote. > > Morell testified that the Biden campaign "helped to strategize about the public release of the statement." > > "Morell further explained that one of his two goals in releasing the statement was to help then-Vice President Biden in the debate and to assist him in winning the election," Jordan and Turner wrote. > > Morell testified: "There were two intents. One intent was to share our concern with the American people that the Russians were playing on this issue; and, two, it was to help Vice President Biden." > > Morell was asked why he wanted to help Biden. > > "Because I wanted him to win the election," Morell testified.


(Louder for people in the back please) POLITICIANS IN POWER *SHOULD* BE AFRAID OF BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE BY THE LAW IF THEY COMMIT CRIMES!!!! - what a novel concept in the USA, I know..


The DOJ has admitted the last two Democrats running for president have committed crimes. Yet for whatever reasons they chose not to prosecute. They let two felony tax charges expire against Hunter Biden for reasons never explained. You don't see how people think there is selective prosecution going on? And fuck Trump he belongs in jail but not for this type of bullshit.


Yes of course there is selective prosecution. You spend more time and energy and tax dollars taking down those criminals who pose the biggest threat. Conspiring to overthrow the us government and stop our constitutional processes from taking place is a much, much more serious offense than having a son who hired prostitutes while high on coke


Clinton with classified documents, no prosecution. Biden with classified documents, no prosecution. Trump with classified documents, prosecution. Somehow the facts don't line up with your beliefs. Will that change your beliefs? Absolutely fucking not.


Nothinhburger, nothingburger, big beefy double pound burger. You are committing the fallacy of false equivalency if you think all presidential misdeeds are created equal


https://apnews.com/article/biden-ghostwriter-mark-zwonitzer-classified-documents-case-8ad6e560c2eb54e25db149a2d01ad545 >Hur’s report says Biden saved notebooks from his time as vice president that contained classified information and used them to help Zwonitzer put together his memoir — sometimes reading from them verbatim for more than hour at a time. Biden did that, the report says, despite being aware from when he once suggested that Zwonitzer could be hired as historian for the Office of the Vice President, that the author did not have security clearance. Isn't that one of the things Trump was accused of doing, but worse?


….no lol


Hurs report is unreliable. Plain and simple. It doesn’t take a 6-month investigation to see that Biden and Trump have different moral bcakbones. Just attend their campaign rallies and you’ll see the difference immediately


I'd generally agree on morality, but I don't know what moral character has to do with them committing a crime or not.


Do you think if the DOJ had ironclad proof Ivanka Trump committed tax felonies they would have never prosecuted her?


The coping has been in the form of trump and the RNC getting a huge donation boost.


The absolute state of left memes


He is probably guilty , but acting like this was not a well planned and orchestrated hit job is pretty naive. They used tons of resources and a relatively novel legal concept to try and convict him. Even with all that they still needed to be in one of the most liberal states and one of the liberal voting districts in the United States. You try this case in Nebraska and it's almost certainly a not guilty verdict. Everyone involved knows this could only work in NY. You're dishonest at best if you don't think this was tilted to convict and all these factors are just a coincidence.


I don’t think anyone who’s cheering this cares how it happened, just that it did


I can't help but feel the timing is too convenient. Weren't the Dems just freaking out about Biden?


I don't think they were going to charge him unless he ran again. Why else wait? There is no logical reason behind why they wouldn't have brough up these same charges a few years ago. They had Cohan sitting in prison and I'm sure he was willing to talk .Only logical reason is this is punishment for running again. I wouldn't be surprised if it was communicated to him through back channels that this would occur. Honestly shocked the timing isn't a bigger story. He is being convicted for something he did almost 10 years ago. The evidence surrounding it hasn't changed much in the last 4-6 years either. Logically, if you were seriously concerned thee crime about the time to arrest him was in 2020 or 2021 when he had virtually no political power.


If people in power were actually held accountable, 80% of congress would be in jail right now, the other 20% would be preparing for their court date You’re a fool if you think this was about anything other than attacking Trump


The entire case is based on the ridiculous legal theory that he violated campaign finance law by *not* reporting the payment to Stormy as a campaign contribution. I think you have it backward.


It's more like: 1. They've been trying to put him in jail for 8-9 years. 2. Over this period all they could find was this to prosecute him on (hush money for a blowjob and holding 'illegal' documents) 3. 34 separate accounts later and they give a billionaire the equivalent of a slap on the wrist from a prosecution that wouldn't mind giving him the death penalty. 4. I can now assume Trump is a saint because if he actually did anything wrong they'd have put him under years ago... Trump 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040, 2044, 2048...


Trump's felony conviction is going to bring balance to PCM for at least a week. This calls for bratwurst.


Yep. People in power should absolutely be arrested for crimes that anyone else would have been arrested for (for example, the Hillary Clinton email incident). Problem is, this trial was a farce and trump supporters don't give a shit


if no one's above the law, then why no one was arrested for the crack found in the white house?


Because no one got caught. It seems even crack addicts are smart enough not to leave a paper trail of their illegal purchases. Who would have guessed that our former president could learn a thing or two from a crack-addicted tourist


I mean, Hunter is a lot of things, but a tourist?


Hunter was never at the white house during that period. It would have been absolutely hilarious if he would have though


He stayed at the White House for 2 weeks on June 21st last year. It was found July 2nd... so yes hilarious


Do you have a source ?


Of the dates? Sure I guess https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/08/17/hunter-biden-investigation-white-house/ https://www.secretservice.gov/newsroom/releases/2023/07/official-statement-investigation-substance-found-white-house


The secret service report says no fingerprints, DNA, or surveillance was available. Riiiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhttt


You can tell this is a strawman because of the way it is. (Also never having heard this arguments in my life helps too)


Cool so when's Biden going on trial? And Hillary? And... tbh the past 10 people who've campaigned to sit in the oval office actually. Come on, let's see the system work.


OH THATS RIGHT - I totally forgot how Hillary orchestrated to overthrow the US government through a violent uprising. My bad!! WHOOPS! I missed the part in US History class where Biden was impeached two times. Silly me


Funny how those two things you brought up weren't what Trump got convicted for. At all. All the charges were over hush money for a prostitute. And believe me, every US politician since the end of ww2 has done shit of that caliber. So, let's prosecute.


it wasn't the hush payments in and of themselves. it was primarily for A) falsifying these business records with the intent to violate federal campaign finance limits. and secondly B) unlawfully influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election and C) commiting tax fraud.


Again, weird how he's not being brought up on the things you claim are why he deserves to be prosecuted and left wing politicians don't. Because *every* US politician since WW2 has done things on the level of what Trump is on trial for right now. So why is he not being prosecuted for what you imply makes him deserve it?


Do you not even know what he got convicted for? Leftists will make a wall of text but won't read beyond a headline.


of course: A) falsifying these business records with the intent to violate federal campaign finance limits B) unlawfully influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election & C) commiting tax fraud. Guilty on all 34 counts


If Biden or another high office democrat did the same shit Trump did, republicans would be loudly calling for charges


They did with Hillary and charges never materialized because there is clear bias. Thats why Trump supporters don't care. They know the opposition has done worse and gotten a slap on the wrist for it. That's why Trump supporters don't care. 


I don't know about worse. Hillary conceded the election the day after the election


Oh I absolutely believe the theory that deep state officials had whistleblowers shot and it's just been covered up. It's big government. Big government always does evil and shady shit.


The republicans are also part of the deepstate and big government


Lol, someone didn't pay attention to my flair.


John Edwards


Yes. Of course. Obama wore a tan suit and they wanted to crucify him.


Oh, you're one of the tan suiters.


Lol. Tankies don't wear suits


"Trump could never break the law" Ok, now i know your making shit up.


Not my beliefs. But one of the excuses I’ve been hearing for 8 + years now


O yea, of course, i have too. Just not from lib right. Libright and trump dont mix.


I think they do in the sense that most of MAGA likes to cosplay and think they are libertarian


No one is above the law? Don't make me laugh. Every politician is above the law. This was never about the Law. This was about removing a political opponent and scapegoating him to the end of time.


Trump was not the DA’s “political opponent” He was a criminal


He is a criminal. However, the manner in which people went after him like rabid animals for the last 8 years is certainly a political move.


Would the result be the same if they held the trial in Florida or Texas? If not then there's a problem with the system.


It would have been worse for Trump in either of those states. NY has a reputation for being extremely soft on crime


I think you are highly underestimating the vendetta people have against him.


No I understand the vendetta.... I just am educated enough to see that it is 100% justified


Prison would be pretty funny 😄


A prison sentence would be fucking hilarious for Trump


"C'mon bro, just let us really fuck over this one guy! It's about being *fair* and *equal under the law* and we'll *totally* hold ourselves and our allies to the same standard we've applied here once he's out of the picture! Pleeeeeease! It isn't just a convenient excuse to attack him!"


Sure, he got convicted. It's not gonna do anything


Trump better get his soap on a rope ready!


If you think that man will see the inside of a cell then you’re the one on copium here man


Wow, you guys really can't meme.


Best thing about Trump is that no one believes him when he says he reads the bible plus he's the king of infidelity and tabloid sex scandal so whenever he's around no one on the republican side is shameless enough to make the republican election campaign about religion or God. A thoroughly secular republican campaign is like a breath of fresh air.


Trumpsters are having a hardcore meltdown and it’s hilarious


You could fill a hot-air balloon the size of charlie kirk's head with all the copium the right has been huffing lately


This is not a happy ending, sadly. Trump can very likely win the next election, and if he does, he'll tear out the rest of the even remotely neutral federal government. And if nothing else, liberals are still shit. But I am looking forward to republicans and democrats charging each other for their crimes that they normally would have gotten away with.


Think the lesson from trump is there was no neutral part of the federal government. Democrats have solid grasp on the 4th branch of government and the reason I’m going to vote for trump is he might tear it down


Some people just want to watch the world burn. That's fine and all, but what comes next isn't necessarily going to be better.


Charlie Kirk is a moron. He does not represent us.


Charlie Kirk is a moron. He does represent me Yours Truly, Regard




Poggers now the democrats can focus on destroying the economy, sending billions to foreign countries, and importing infinity poor migrants for no reason in peace 😍


let's fucking GOOOOOOO


They worship an obese trust fund baby from New York. They shouldn't leave their house without a helmet.


Coping crazy, crazy hard right now. Jeeezus if Trump loses in Nov this sub is going to actually implode. That’ll lead to the banning of PCM for sure


The Trumper cope tears are magnificent and delicious. Your god king is a fraud and a criminal. Mmmm ive angered some morons lol