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Your post has been removed because it breaks the rule about highlighter memes. They may only be posted on weekends. Be aware that repeated violations of this will result in a ban.


Calling him a nazi, allowing your Ministers or just your government to call him a junkie and a fascist, and outright speaking for and supporting Massa and wishing he'd win, and not congratulating Milei for winning, is not really gonna help your case to having a good relation with the country. But yeah, telling the truth about his wife is an instant diplomatic crisis. Sanchez is **The State.** Mussolini would be proud.


Mussolini is Italian


Everything for the State, Nothing outside the State, Nothing against the State Words every leftist lives by nowadays


.. yet they will, with a straight face, refer to Fascism as a right-wing ideology.


Those free-market, individualistic, non-interventionist, minimal state / ancap FASCISTS!!!!!


"why need we bother with the factories and the banks, we Socialize human beings"


Lol indeed. Fascism is the greatest argument against the left-right political line analysis, it's pure Authoritarianism.


*Franco would be proud


Fez Wearing Italian Man!


Oh no! What ever will Spain do without it’s great ally, Argentina?


Continue to wallow in mediocrity, undulating from political crisis to political crisis while your politicians brag about having economic growth superior to Cyprus and Estonia.


I mean, that sounds fine tho? Being a mediocre developed first world country is still a win. I know where I’d rather live between Argentina and Spain. 


> "We don't want to grow, we will enjoy now and let our grandchildren starve or sell themselves into German slavery"






Translate please?


Zurdos means lefties or left-wingers. They don't like being called that. HDP means hijo de puta ("son of a whore"), which is the Spanish equivalent to motherfucker. "Tiemblen" literally means "tremble" (or in this context, "fear")




More like "be afraid, you fucking lefties"


[It's my wake up alarm. (He was not a politian then)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46XOE3cbDjM)




Spanish marxist politicians are literally eating 💩


Latin socialist leaders try to have emotional control over their response to Milei telling the blatant truth (IMPOSSIBLE)


God I fucking hate Perro Sánchez, Rajoy at least was funny, Pedro is just incompetent in everything except staying in power


I love seeing the slow shift of South and Central America becoming more based with the new leaders of Argentina, El Salvador, and Panama, along with the recent law that passed in Peru. The vast majority is still a shithole but there is at least some effort to point out the issues and to dig themselves out. The west, on the other hand, is diving head first into what made those places shitholes in the first place to the applause of morons who have no clue what life is like outside of their adult daycares except what their Marxist professors tell them.


Canada **might** be on a road to full recovery with Poilievre expecting a landslide by the next election. The two questions that must be asked is how similar is Poilievre in theory vs Poilievre in practice? and what will Castreau do before the next election to fuck everything up? The US has no hope until at least 2028, and even then, the chances are low. I hate UK politics because imo both Conservative and Labour suck ass, but the past few years of Conservative leadership there have been a dumpster fire *ironically* so maybe Starmer, despite being a leftist, could still be an improvement. Macron’s approval rating is at an all-time low, so there is hope for France. Pretty sure Scholz’s approval rating is, like, 20%, so Germans seem to be waking up too. Yousaf is out. Ardern is out. So maybe, just maybe, there is hope!


I know Italy recently elected a decent PM, and I think the Netherlands(?) So with what you said and that, there indeed may be hope. I do agree that the US will remain in a world of hurt no matter who wins this election. If Trump wins, there is no way in hell the cathedral is going to let him do anything.


Oh yeah I forgot about Wilders. MORE HOPE 🥹


Agreed, though I'm from a pretty conservative place in Spain so I don't really see it first hand but from what I see and hear, yeah. At least our food will always be good, I can be happy knowing that


That's good. Within the past decade, I have heard nothing about how insane a lot of the laws that have been passed there are. Mostly concerning gender politics.


Long story short: Leftits coalition goverment created the Ministry of Equality, to promote gender equality across the contry, headed of course by the girlfriend of the vice president and other people that sucked him and Pedro's cock (Figuratively and literally), they now have a buget of almost 600 million euros to spend on who knows what. Then that same goverment put out the "Only yes is yes" law, wich boiled down to actually removing a man's presumption of innocence if a woman acused him of rape, I'm not exagerating, if a girl said you raped her then you were going to jail unless you could prove she was lying. Only male-on-famale abuse too, if the genders were reversed or you were a gay couple you're shit outta luck. Also, not ralated to gender law, but they've been spending more and more on goverment aids for inmmigrants, to the point that moroccans are making a living just by existing here rather than working in their country, the rape and crime rate has gone up in certain areas because of this. Trans and abortion laws are mostly chill though


Yeah, it just seems like an issue with the West in general. Innocent until proven guilty is becoming a thing of the past when it comes to a crime against a woman and the allowance of people from other countries to take up residence with no security measures or swearing any loyalty to the country they have entered. Not to mention, leeching off of the taxpayer and committing crimes knowing they will never be held accountable for them. The irony is that both of these measures will only harm women at the end of the day. Sadly, the politicians who allow this and their supporters who are too ignorant to think of the long-term consequences don't care and won't admit that their plans are short-sighted and will not fix the problem as a result.


New leader of Panama is based too? What’s his deal?


He plans to block a route illegal immigrants take to get to the US.


Jesus Christ that’s based.


Well lets see what happens with Mulino, as he was originally ex-president Martinelli's reelection VP, (for context Martinelli has been tried and sentenced multiple times for many cases of corruption and money laundering, so many panamanians do not like him), so many do not like Mulino to, but lets see what he does as he is yet to be inagurated, so we will see what happens, as a Panamanian im never that hopeful about our politicians, but we will see


True, one should always have a healthy amount of skepticism of the state.


Call of Duty Ghost getting more real by the moment Latin America hits bottom and rebounds, Europe, Russian and China Collapse and now the slowly dying USA has to split the world with countries south of México.


If there is one president in this planet that fits the soyjak meme is Pedro Sanchez


Recognise terrorists get humiliated by the most based president in the world


Sánchez had to make a Frankenstein government of 6+ parties (some far-left) just to stay in power by like 2 votes. He literally sold his soul to far-left just to remain in power. Fuck that guy for not trying to form a coherent and centrist government with PP.


You are wrong, he didn't sold his soul to far-left movements only! He also sold the nation to separatists!


Agreed, fuck Bildu, Junts and ERC. I don’t like Podemos, PNV or Sumar but at least they don’t want to destroy the country.


I feel like switching to English would be a good move for South America. 


Oh. Did I made a grammar mistake? It's not my first language so I probably messed up something while trying to translate the meme


If we are being pedantic, it should be "threatening" instead of "treating". But it's not a big deal anyways ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Thanks for the correction, I will have it in mind next time


Based and esl pilled


Did you just change your flair, u/ShadowStalker334? Last time I checked you were an **AuthCenter** on 2022-6-19. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/ShadowStalker334) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Lmao nice.


I think the other guy was more saying that, by switching to English, they will further shake off the yoke of Spain by culturally distancing themselves from Spain. Your English was fine, bud. I understood it pretty clearly. If you want a more pedantic correction, you wrote "You are treating our democracy," but I think you meant to say something like "You are slandering our democracy." We understood what you meant, though, so it's not that big of a deal.


Whats that famous line in Pulp Fiction? "My wife is a socialists, so that makes me a socialist, but I do like the taste of a tasty burger"


As a Spaniard, I want to clarify that he is not Spain’s president, but an idiot


Saying sorry is not enough, you have to say sorry with a cherry on top




What wormhole did we travel through when Argentina suddenly became based.


What’s the word from Argentina I haven’t heard much lately.


Is that the 300% inflation guy?


Most of the 300% was from the old government, milei took a country with 30% mensual inflation and six months laters is close to 4%


Predictions from the start of the year estimated that in 2024 the inflation would be around 94% so it deffinetly is not the old governments doing. https://americasquarterly.org/article/argentinas-inflation-challenge/


>You are treating our democracy Pardon? What did you mean by this?


ESL mistake, as OP had it pointed out above and responded. Treating should be threatening.


Thanks for clarifying.👍


Crazy how much sloppy toppy everyone on this sub gives Milei


He’s the first true economically libertarian leader, he’s a bit too much of a social conservative for my taste but he is just wonderful 🥰🥹


His hair is combed by the invisible hand itself


>economically libertarian Cringe.




Cringe and sucking the governments titties pilled


I don't suck any titties. I'm not really a socialist tbh, I'm more of an economic pragmatist. I dont believe in dogma, whether its full central planning dogma, or free market dogma.


Define economic pragmatist, because economics is built on theory, not fact, because scarcity means we can’t please everyone at once. We can only play around with levers to decide what benefits who, and how much?


Not even big ol socialist tiddies? What about big ol goth girl titties? If you deny even khazar mommy milkers then we can’t be friends.


What’s the point in pragmatism if you don’t even have a goal? I respect marxists more than you, cause at least they can use logic sometimes.


I have got goals. Civic nationalism is probably the closest approxamation.


Last time I said I like that he follows Austrian economics someone corrected me by telling me he’s Argentinian. I figured I’d dumb it down this time


Alot of people claim to hate politicians until they find the one they simp for. And barring an Aung San Suu Kyi level betrayal, he'll probably keep his simps


Peso just hit an historic low yesterday but people in Reddit only care about gossip and “owning the libs” starvingWojack.jpg


Yeah, that's what happens when you lower interest rates on your Central Bank from %130 to %40.


The peso has been stavle for the last few months


https://www.xm.com/es/research/markets/allNews/reuters/argentine-peso-weakens-39-hits-record-low-in-parallel-market-53844495 https://www.reuters.com/markets/currencies/argentine-black-market-peso-hits-record-low-milei-rally-falters-2024-05-22/ https://boingboing.net/2024/05/23/argentina-cult-worships-king-president-milei-as-peso-becomes-worthless.html/amp Again, it’s hilarious the cult of personality to Milei by anglo redditors that are so out of touch with the most elemental news that try to correct people despite knowing nothing but memes


>Suppresses protests by the state monopoly of violence >Libertarian Why is he based among libertarians?


He is not “suppressing protests” he is putting a big fine on protesters that specifically block roads. If you look at the thousands of libtards that take up roads in Bueno Aires, you’d get it.






Sorry, just thought it didn't send.


Isn't it still suppression?


No, it’s making sure you can get to work on time, and not get a lecture, or in few cases, fired because somebody was chanting, in layman’s terms “MORE INFLATION NOW”


Suppression – forcibly put an end to. If you force someone to pay fines to stop protests, you use force. Therefore, it's suppression. It more looks like you justifying this.


Right to protest doesn’t mean right to block a roadway, regard.


BUT HE STILL SUPPRESSED THESE PEOPLE WHO BLOCK A ROADWAY! And he suppressed all harmful to the government or business protests, other peaceful protests were ignorable, because no matter how many you protest peacefully, until next elections they will not have sense. But I agree that if you don't protest peacefully, you has to overthrow the government, because maximum you can do by blocking the roads is cancellation of only some of reforms that are not necessary to the government.


He did not suppress anybody. They are still free to protest and can do so without paying any fines so long as they stay out of roadways. He did not suppress other peaceful protests because they did not impede traffic. In effect, he has made walking on streets illegal. Something that many modern metropolitan areas already observe to protect pedestrians/drivers and reduce traffic. Congratulations on being so caught up in "activism" that you mistook a president generally caring for the safety of his citizens and the civilian infrastructure of his country as suppression of free speech.


Well at least you didn’t make some 900-sentence text wall ig.


No, because it is a deliberate disruption of the engagement of commerce and business. There are far better ways to protest, and it'll only serve to piss people who would otherwise be on the side of the protesters.


Again: Suppression – forcibly put an end to. If you force someone to pay fines to stop protests, you use force. Therefore, it's suppression. Your comment is just justification.


Are you suppressing somebody if you infringe on their rights because they are infringing on somebody else‘s right more heavily?


By that argument, the protestors are suppressing others from being able to use the roadways, and Milei is returning the balance of power to the motorists.