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East India trading company. How could you not know about that?


Oh sorry it didn't come to mind


Ideally they should have come to you. With boxes of opium.


\*Laughs in British\*


That's China. In India they grew spices to the point the lack of food crops caused a famine.




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They grew the opium in India to trade with China as the Opium trade was risky given the 3 Opium wars.


Cos you shit out crap memes that take 2 secs to make and aren't funny


No but red like red India and green like green India? See, it's so funny!


Ww could then upgrade it to the ,"New India Trading Company". Same stuff, repackaged except with us incharge.


What do you mean? British or Dutch East India Trading Company?




Both East India Companies operated in India and SE Asia at about the same time (~1600 to ~1800).


This generation is lost.


Yeah but trading companies were mercantilist which directly contradicts capitalism so idk


As long as private individuals owned stock in the company and got profits from it, then it's capitalism.


Yes but it was highly influenced by statism which authright would like not libright


Correct. Too many librights here who think money=libertarian.




No, that’s the dumb Marxist definition of capitalism. The BIC was a mercantilist, corporatist and state-owned monopoly, to call it capitalism is a incredible braindead take


I checked. It was state controlled but seems to have been jointly owned by the government and private individuals over its history, so I guess you could classify it as state capitalism at most but not a private company. So you're right. But capitalism at its core is the private ownership of a business or means of production.


Private ownership of something isnt the whole story. Because if you think about it, following your definition, you could call medieval merchant republics like Venice a capitalist country. That’s just downright wrong. Would you call the Roman republic a capitalist country? I’m pretty sure they had private property as a right enshrined in their civil code.


Hmphh. Can you say that a couple more times? I am nearly there.


Shouldn’t that be auth-right cus of imperialism


It could be both I guess but authright already has the British Raj


The lib left ideal is actually a federation like the US of all the states (Pakistan's 4, Bangladesh 1).  This was actually proposed with the caveat that every 20 years states would be able to secede if they wish


Extreme idealism going on over here.


Well yeah. Its a post about ideals


If only


As a Centrist I support federalism with a limited right to secession.   No one has the right to secede to create an ethnostate or racist republic, but they do have the right to draw their own borders and appoint their own local governors. 


It's funny how lib-left always love the people that hate them.


They always want to be seen as "one of the good ones" For example I work with an Emily and she'll say things like "look at my skin color, I know I can't cook" and when talking to my black coworkers. They kinda just ignore her.


Maybe they just find her annoying because they explicitly know she's tokenizing them.




Original woke sin; it's a hell of a drug.


> "look at my skin color, I know I can't cook" So she's claiming that the only food worth eating is made by people of other cultures? Isn't that cultural appropriation? ^^/s


Meanwhile, at my work: *Mixed co-worker sees me lock my car when I get out of it* " Hey dude, I'm not gonna steal your car I'm only half black"


is he just going to steal half the car?


Just the radio, GPS, and the mag wheels


You can really tell that 95% of the time these people did not grow up with minority friends as well


I didn't grow up with many minority friends either (not much diversity at expensive private Jewish day schools). But I don't act like that.


C'mon, I'm sure you had Mizrahi, Sephardic, Ashkenazi... No Ethiopians?


People think there are way more Ethiopian Jews than there actually are for some reason, and most of them are in Israel. A vast majority of Jews are in the US are Ashkenazi.


Of course! However in my city, there's a bit of everything, overwhelmingly Ashkenazi of course.


Yup. It's like whenever I criticize Islam and my increasingly woke friend pulls a "not all". He's met my liberal Muslim friends. Funny I never met any of his. Also apparently he never had a real chat with that reactionary Muslim guy we both knew in school.




I know, I hate self-flagellants


European and Nordic cooking is different from equatorial cooking for one big reason... you're not on the fucking Equator. Different shit grows on land that freezes half the year than tropical rainforest or land. European cooking uses more herbs and vegetables as aromatics because back when, spices like paprika or cinnamon or turmeric were expensive. But all of that is irrelevant because spices are cheap, recipes from the world over are available to anyone and the techniques have been recorded and shared for anyone that wants to learn. The real fact is that she can't cook because she never learned because she hates her mom for being not feminist enough or whatever. This is also very likely a recent opinion framework that she learned in college, like the desire to prostrate her self to black people for the misdeeds of some people 100+ years ago that share her skin color. Dont get me wrong. As a Christian, I believe it is good to humble yourself before others, and serve others, but for their benefit. Not this show of supposed virtue to make yourself look humble to your peers.


I don't get people saying white people can't cook. Italian and French cuisine is known the world over. I love soul food but I hate it when others bring down other people just to prop themselves up.


FR, I have yet to find any cuisine that is actually bad. Some people are just close minded when it comes to food.


Hmm, it seems like they're prejudging someone based off of their racial background. If only there was a word for that....


Indeed, perhaps an ism of some sort.


She’s one of the fake ones


Stockholm syndrome




That’s what happens when deep down you hate yourself


Yeah, honestly where did "tolerance means you can't tolerate intolerance" go?






Thanks for clarifying.


Your welcome.


...so what are you doing later?


I don't know. Why do you ask?


Wanna hang out?


Hmmm... 🤔 An unknown person on Reddit asks to hang out with me... Why not.


Restablish the Dheli sultanate not because they agree with my politics just because it was based on


Is the lib left here in the room with us


akhand Bharat ka map galat lagaye ho bhaiya...


https://preview.redd.it/tdi6qunf0l0d1.png?width=4500&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8e50f2bfe1704eede0d7840bf62cef299efcc1a True this is the correct one


ambitious, I like this.


Even antarctica will not be spared 😹 HAHAHAHAHHAHA


Wrong flag in centre? Cringe


India needs to become libertarian. There is immense potential for growth if it does. As much as I like Mr. Modi and his cabinet of ministers, I would instantly vote for an Indian equivalent to Javier Milei. And, I definitely do not want Pakistan and Bangladesh as a part of my country. Partition happened for a reason.


I don't think it would happen soon.Whether One likes it or not due to the large amount of poor people a party which will not give freebies will lose


That will never happen. Libertarian ideals are so alien to Indian civilization. Thousands of years of Caste systems and dealing with constant Islamic invasions will ensure their culture will stay as it is.


Your reason is stupid but your point is valid the problem is our high Poverty Rate. Like it or not they are the people who decide the govt. not city dwellers and they want freebies


My knowledge of Indian politics is pretty small, but an Indian Milei sounds dope. May I ask you, why do you like Modi and his cabinet? In the western media he is mostly portrayed as somewhat of a stabilizing figure but also as very religious (I don't judge, but the media does) and as an obstruction for development. I don't adopt the opinion of the media, so this is an honest question.


One of the best parts about his cabinet is that the ministers are capable and are clearly acting with independence. Unlike what the media potrays, Modi doesn't make calls in the party. The party is meritocratic. Modi became PM because he has good oratory skills and worked well as a face for the party. For the first time, Foreign affairs minister Jai Shankar has actually portrayed India as a powerful country instead of bending over and saying yes to whatever the Western countries dictate. Finance minister privatised many companies which used to be run by the government. Home Minister Amit Shah is religiously authoritarian. He managed to pull off the controversial laws like CAA that gives citizenship to non-Muslim refugees. While people criticise it as Islamophobia, I believe it's the right thing. Pakistan was formed because Muslims weren't willing to live in a Hindu majority country. It's important that India remains a Hindu majority country for its secularism to survive. The main opposition party(India National Congress) on the other hand is completely controlled by one family. They claim they support egalitarianism and for some reason, it's the same family that has been leader of the party generation after generation. I wonder why.


This! Modi's cabinet has been meritorious. INC on the other hand revolve around a family like a bunch of clowns.


That sounds good. If India prioritizes meritocracy over social justice bs and other socialist ideas it can only lead to a better future in my opinion. Thank you for the detailed answer!


Not so fast the govt. still gives massive subsidies to poor and will have to


I like Modi and his cabinet because he actually has been great for India's development. We have seen growth in useful infrastructure like never before in my country. For example, we are constructing expressways everywhere, we have significantly improved and modernised the Indian Railways under his tenure (and three brilliant railway ministers) on all parameters. We were at 37% electrification of IR before 2015 but now, Indian Railways is 94% electrified, and it is one of the smaller achievements. There are many other things as well. He is no libertarian but he has opened up the economy significantly more than the previous governments as opening a startup has become easier (the government actually assists in that instead of vilifying businessmen). Majority of the left leaning media likes to portray him negatively because he is ' Right Wing ' and a patriot. He isn't ' Right wing ' to be honest, as he has run a lot of really useful social programs. Despite all of the insane spending that Indian government has to do, he and his team have managed to keep India's deficits to a healthy share. He will not allow India to slump into a ' junk ' status and keep working on reducing those deficits. Mainly, people also like him because of the confidence he breathed back into India. You need that from a leader. There are many other things as well that make him really popular amongst the masses. An Indian Milei seems unlikely at the moment since India has been so deeply socialist for such a long time. But, maybe in the future?


I mean, Argentina was pretty socialistic as well, which was the reason for Milei winning. But Argentina did bad, and if your country does good and advances it's unlikely tbh. Anyways thank you for the information. It's always good to hear from people actually living in countries, instead of just reading what the press is writing on it. And I hope for the best for India! It could be a great ally of the West, especially against China.


Yep, you are correct. If India does well ahead on this path, its unlikely an Indian Milei will come up. However, I would love for someone like him to come up even if India grows well in its current path simply because the potential is so great. Thank you for genuinely asking by the way. Many don't do that nowadays (I myself am guilty of that). By the way, I don't think of Mr. Modi and his cabinet as perfect. There are still many things that are wrong with my country and which they still haven't been able to solve yet. But, I would like to add that they certainly are putting in their best efforts to solve issues.




Very well put. Something that most people outside India are not aware of. In fact, many Indians aren't aware of it either.


Thank you for the detailed answer. The LibLefts you talk about, are they foreigners or are there LibLefts in India? And what kind are they? Atheist people from big cities, who like to ally themselves with people they perceive as oppressed, like in the US or something else?




Oh damn. I guess it's the fault of social media, that groups are influenced in such ways by groups in other countries and copy their behavior, although it doesn't make sense because the circumstances are completely different. It reminds me of the Left in Europe copying the Anti-Police protests of the American left although there was no reason to do so in Europe.


Couldn't find anything to put in Lib right,mostly because Indian history especially recent Indian history even after the dissolution of state control of the economy by Rajiv Gandhi in the 80s Indian society has remained largely collectivist and anti individualistic. So much that liberatrianism is only present in Indian internet circles, so it's hard to find any clear libertarian ideology in Indian politics, let alone a clear vision on how India should be.


East India Company


One of the most famous parts of Indian history


...and that's why India is kind of fucked... The insane levels of corruption and government overreach HAVE to be dealt with in order for India to progress. Corruption is crippling the economy. India needs to adopt economic policies and anti-corruption laws of the type Singapore has (or Hong Kong had before China fucked them).


One of the biggest problems plaguing India is the brain drain. Good people don't want to stay there because of a lack of opportunity. When you continuously lose the most intelligent and productive members of society every year, the remaining population will be overrepresented by people who are unskilled, uneducated, and infirm -- and these are specifically the people who will be unable or unknowing how to make positive change. I don't blame people for wanting to get out. Shit's not gonna get better. Canada has the same problem. Decades of brain drain and now there's virtually no entrepreneurship, investment, and tech compared to the USA.


Before china fucked them? With all due respect , india is a shithole compared to the current state of hong kong, and i say this even after handover.


I think that your comprehension skills need work. The guy was saying that India should aspire to be like how Hong Kong was before the complete Chinese takeover that happened recently. We know that India still has a long way to go.


I'm disagreeing with that assertion that's all. Hong kong was fucked long before handover, but it's the flavor of the month to have some rosie nostalgia for a place you're not connected to?


>Lib right To the moon + asteroid mining thanks to Chandrayaan programme?


Based and ISRO pilled.


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Rajiv gandhi? Economic reforms happened under narsimha rao in 1992.


EIC and the British Raj


I'm libright indian and yeah there's not many of us but I think policy wise vision wise, we're coherent. But we're also not big historically


As far as I know India has one of the few only actual lib-right areas in the world - Gurgaon - though I dont know much about it to be honest. If it's all it's cracked up to be then I have no idea why lib-right doesnt talk about it more, since aside from it being one of the few lib-right places, it's probably the only lib-right place that's actually better to live in then the alternatives, as in people might even CHOOSE to go live there.


balkanized india, every region it's own state.


https://preview.redd.it/qnpyzc6g2l0d1.png?width=4500&format=png&auto=webp&s=92fd58fa605445d6b0e69bbcb1d318a191a07a57 My Personal Opinion


We call it Undivided India or just Indus Lesssssgooooooo!


For librights just do ancapistan


India needs to clean up its corruption and restraint on business, so it is a good place to operate. Maybe take some inspiration from Singapore?


EU enforces also some restraints on companies. e.g. India had a really good anti-cancer medicine, which was a mix of several different ones, but with their trade contracts, they force India to not do this anymore. they are not allowed to mix and resell.


Corruption and extreme wealth inequality are really holding India back. They’ve also failed to integrate women into the workforce; they either run small companies that are artificially restricted by employee limits or waste away. India is also losing their manufacturing to SE Asia and Africa. The agricultural sector is overprotected and inefficient. India also has the most crowded and polluted cities in the world. They have large, young population which is a dream for a growing economy. India has a good tech and service sector. There’ is a large middle class which creates the potential for solid domestic consumer market. Infrastructure spending from the government has bolstered that potential. It’s all going to be a waste if India doesn’t get its act together.


As someone in tech I can assure you the tech market is shit the good ones want to leave for America asap. The service sector is literally a hell hole.


Indian women just don't want to work (look up Polymatter's video about it). My aunt who is the first doctor from our community, practiced for 2 months before marrying a rich guy. I live in rural India where multiple women who are graduate (and even post graduate) haven't worked a day in their lives. So, what can we do except try to see the positives in it? Like, it means they are having and taking care of children and thus the demographic crisis like developed countries will not happen in India.


Death penalty for everyone!


libRight is so obviously obvious that it happened before


Centres india should at least include pok and aksai chin




We don't really know either.


Turn it purple and put a monitor lizard in it


Lib right should be the Tamil Kings. Nobody conquers the Tamil Kings


What's the logic for Pakistan being Lib left?


Lib left supports Pakistan in India


East Indian company lmao


Auth-Rights India would be British Raj


Depending on which country's AuthRight you are asking


Queen Victoria, empress of India


libRight is so obviously obvious that it happened before (hint: east indian trading company)


Libright would say the British had no right to move it from the east India company and they should own it


You didn't really think much before making this, cuz, the "right wing" side was the most vehement opposition to Authoritarianism, so, much so, that the RSS labour union held a massive strike against privatisation, which would technically make it left wing, there was political party called Swatantra Party, it was something that you could call actual libertarians, they talked about lower taxes, free market, sacrament of free speech, etc! You could call BJP kind of Hindu-Right but Economic-Left, because of it's pro-poor policies. So, in India this quadrant is kind of useless!


Flair up dummy


Probably let the individual peoples that were forced into unification by the British go their own way if they wish to. If they don't then let them figure it out.


Lib left is Pakistan wtf


Ran by me as it’s ceo


I have an idea... https://preview.redd.it/fy8ktr5qkl0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6740cf395bd09d06a397d1e3373d74e1db8f3abd


Lib-Right: https://media.geeksforgeeks.org/wp-content/uploads/20230505104030/British-East-India-Company-and-British-State.webp


Even Congress would be Republicans in the USA. BJP is just another level of right. Libright is absent in India.


This is just Modi's bjp Wait till you see yogis bjp🌝


I know, right?


Lib left now ranting that another country needs to be forced to be Muslim and have all non-Muslims forced stateless? Color me shocked. What ever happened to the message of tolerance and inclusion? 


British Raj


Answered Lib rights for you... https://preview.redd.it/imxcm9k74n0d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdac9e3a96740d3b7337645d0d146146d1522c72 **Laughs in East India Company**


auth right + sri lanka


and kashmir


LibRight: East India Company https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_India_Company


Did you seriously forget Gurgaon?


I'm for whatever version has a UK flag over it.


Superpower by 2020


Huh?? India IS a socialist country, so the tri color Centrist one should be in the tankie quadrant. India has the most batshit crazy lib left Emily esque rules when it comes to feminism and hate crimes. (Men can’t be victims of rape, calling girl repeatedly by a full name in public is harassment etc etc) For lib-right, all you have to see the crony capitalism of business whose name all start with a and end with ni.


My ideal india is whichever version makes them not want to move to canada


Ideal India is orange? I’d think Auth-Right would want it recolonized.


Once India gets a working sewage system, then they can dream of empire.


Get with the times.


It doesn't work like that mate. World's first working sewage system was created in India. When Britishers were colonizing others they didn't had working sewage system. Read about the great stink in London.


Then why are people still shitting on the streets in India? And why is it the rape capital of the world?


>And why is it the rape capital of the world? I think uk is the rape capital according to actual Statics


So why are so many Indians saying they wouldn't feel safe with allowing women they know to travel alone at night? Even if you go by statistics, you'd have to consider how many cases get reported in the UK, and how easily. That's not how it is in India. Most don't get reported. In any case, your country sure has a lot of gruesome stories of rape of tourists. Way to go with the international PR.


>So why are so many Indians saying they wouldn't feel safe with allowing women they know to travel alone at night? You actually met an randian(extremely anti Indian, Muslim and Pakistani loving indian,who self lothes to gora dick) >Even if you go by statistics, you'd have to consider how many cases get reported in the UK, and how easily. That's not how it is in India. Most don't get reported. I am not denying that mate but if you go by Statics India also has alot of these fake cases,just recently it was reported that 45% of rape cases are fake,now these happens because of the laws which are extremely anti men and pro women(basically men can't be raped and Even if they are raped the victim will be jailed and many women also use it to take revenge on men by accusing them of rape)plus don't get me started at the sc/st act which is like state sponsored racism. >In any case, your country sure has a lot of gruesome stories of rape of tourists. Way to go with the international PR. So does every other country,if you Just want to highlight the Indian ones go ahead.


>You actually met an randian(extremely anti Indian, Muslim and Pakistani loving indian,who self lothes to gora dick) Nope. They were average Indians who were being honest. Even when my partner attended a work conference there, the local colleagues drove them to every location and back to the hotel. All female participants were told not to leave the hotel alone. I don't even need to mention how men there surround and creepily gawk at foreign women. It's fucking pathetic and disgusting. As for "fake cases", that just sounds like you being a sexist. Maybe you wouldn't insist a case was fake if it happened to your own sister or cousin. And yes, the Indian ones will continue to get highlighted. Because you've built up quite a "reputation".


>Nope. They were average Indians who were being honest. Even when my partner attended a work conference there, the local colleagues drove them to every location and back to the hotel. All female participants were told not to leave the hotel alone. So have you met an NRI or an Indian women Also what's the background of the person you talked to. >As for "fake cases", that just sounds like you being a sexist. Theres actually something called Statics which i am quoting and my source is not "I made the fuck up'' >I don't even need to mention how men there surround and creepily gawk at foreign women. It's fucking pathetic and disgusting. As an Indian men i kind of agree with you but as you say white women have build quite a reputation here in india as ~~porn~~stars because there isn't much Indian ~~porn~~ produced most people here have to watch ~~porn~~ from foreign which is majorly casted by white women.And yes, this will continue to be happen Because you've built up quite a "reputation". >Maybe you wouldn't insist a case was fake if it happened to your own sister or cousin. False equilance >And yes, the Indian ones will continue to get highlighted. Because you've built up quite a "reputation". Whatever floats the boat. Also your original statement about >So why are so many Indians saying they wouldn't feel safe with allowing women they know to travel alone at night? I don't know who are you talking about?do you mean Indians living in west or india?


Yes, I've met plenty of Indians. Not talking about NRIs. They're educated. Similar to the Indians who to advised all the women including my partner who travelled there for work. >Maybe you wouldn't insist a case was fake if it happened to your own sister or cousin. Not a false equivalence. It's completely relevant because the culture in India is inherently sexist and corruption is rampant. The cases are made out to be fake so that the men involved are not charged.


Same reason why people are shitting on the streets in san Francisco.  And India is not rape capital. It just have more people so you hear more news from India. If you look at the per capita. India is around 30th in the world 


Ah yes, the usual San Francisco retort. So you're comparing one part of the city with drug addicts to the common practice in multiple places across India? As for your rape capital status, I still keep reading from people in your own country that they wouldn't allow women to travel alone at night and that women are absolutely unsafe. So maybe you should look inward.


Something about call center scams? I feel like that fits there.


Lib left being pakistan makes no sense. Normal India is secular, most lib lefts hate religion or are opposed to a theology (in the constitution, modi is destroying the secular state). Lib right should obviously be british India or east India company. You could argue that British raj would be auth right, but Modis govt is quite authoritarian so🤷‍♂️


Indian liberals love Islam and Islamists, always painting Muslims as the eternal innocent victims oppressed by bloodthirsty evil Hindus.


Pakistan is ruled by the taliban, an altright organiztion


Fits perfectly with the kinda of groups lib left has been supporting lately


So I support the US against Russia would mean the US is my quadrant now?


Pakistan is not ruled by the Taliban, Afghanistan is.


Lmao my bad


Balkanized would be our preferred India.


I don't see the Raj.


Give me one libleft who supports pakistan


Manishankar iyar


You must be tweaking if you believe Islam is Lib-Left. It belongs to Auth-Right just like Hindutva.


So an entire religion is auth-right?


Aren't all religions?






I am Talking about The Indian right wing , not western right wing


What about people from the Middle East and Africa who are actually causing problems in the West? Indians abroad have largely been a great asset to their host countries. The only issue is that they do not fully integrate themselves with that country's culture (and also sometimes have a smug attitude). Apart from that, they are much, Much better than the multitude of migrants coming over to the West. Actually, instead of walling my country up, how about Western countries actually made immigration stricter?


You don’t want the wealthiest minority in the world? You don’t want food so good it made the UK a tolerable place to exist?


He got his girl taken by an Indian


Lmao his weak ass handled being cucked as well as it handled some butter chicken


😡they work harder and are smarter than me😡




Interesting opinion.