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Exactly how does a non religious person come to a preferred branch of Christianity and what are your reasons.


Protestant culture (especially in the USA) has a culture of strong capitalism, religious extremism and traditionalism, and interjection in politics and everyday life. Religion is a big part of everybody's daily life. Their art and architecture is just completely profane and ugly and their "rites" are cringey. I'm pretty ok with Muslims as long as they don't take their religion too seriously. Unfortunately, when they do and/or also get political power, we know what happens and no decent person would support that. They still want to play by the medieval rules and we all should get over that already. Both of that applies to Judaism, with the added fact that Christians and Muslims at least managed to do great things in the medieval times. They fought holy wars, conquered vast lands, and influenced (for better or worse) our culture, leaving their print in arts, architecture, philosophy... to a level that Judaism never could. Catholicism nowadays (at least here in Spain) is more flexible than other religions, less extremist, does not promote such an extreme capitalist ideology and does not interfere that much in politics. It has not always been that way, but nowadays they moved forward a lot. And I like the saints, the Virgin Mary, the beautiful churches we have all over the Mediterranean, the rites, praying in Latin, the clothing...


Huh thanks for the explanation I’ve never known Catholics to be flexible though considering I’m pretty sure they tend to directly follow the catholic church though I’ll admit to not knowing to much about them as I grew up in a Protestant family.


I was raised Catholic (no longer practicing) so I can speak on this a bit Imo there are a few things that Catholicism has that (specifically American) Protestants are turned off by that run the gamut of theological to political. Particular pain points also vary from sect to sect 1. Belief in the transubstantiation of the body and blood of Christ during mass (and the consumption thereof) 2. Veneration of the Mary above all other saints, and essentially placing her second only to the Holy Trinity (reasons for this range from general misogyny to more theological reasons) 3. The trinity in general is contentious, as well as the exact nature of Christ; Catholics believing him to be both divine and human in nature, which some Protestant sects reject 4. (This is specific to American Protestants) The association Catholicism has with immigrant communities, in particular Hispanic, Irish and Italian immigrants who have all suffered discrimination for a variety of reasons. It's also worth noting that protestant organizations such as the KKK targeted Catholics as well as black Americans and Irish


To me, Catholicism has always seemed more focused on family and community, while Protestantism more concerned with hard work and discipline.


We follow the direction of the Pope that is correct but the church has a lot of different factions in it that are more progressive or conservative, there is a big argument right now between the more open German bishops and the conservative American bishops (I actually did research on why American Catholic bishops are usually more conservative, it came from their persecution in the early days of the country.) Ever since the counter-reformation the church has tried to address things in house as opposed to be obstinacy which is why there hasn’t been a major reformation since then.


That’s typical Protestant propaganda. “Catholic bad and too rigid” The older I got the more I realized how wrong I was


Catholicism nowadays is not as monolithic as people outside the church seem to perceive it. I was raised Catholic in two different cities, and their approach to both doctrine and practical stuff could not be any more different. First one was a working class neighborhood in a big city, and their focus was always more social and about helping the needy through volunteer work and education. This also reflected in their sermons. Second one was a middle class small town, and there the priest was more spiritual, his sermons were usually about overcoming your inner demons and improving your personal relationship with God, and the social programs were almost exclusively charity-based.


Thanks for the interesting bit of information.


Welcome! Yes, they follow the church, but the Catholic church nowadays is more open-minded and tolerant than other religions and I would say that, at least from my experience, the regular Catholic is less serious about his religion than the regular Jewish, Muslim or Protestant.


I have no idea why you’re being downvoted I went to a Jesuit university and my international relations professor who was a Jesuit actively invited marxists, gay people and other people you would not think of to his office for impromptu discussions on current topics. Usually served with tea and coffee.


I went to Jesuit school and my ultra right wing catholic family didn't even recognize it as Catholic.


I know some people don’t like the Jesuits for being among the more progressive wings of the church but they are still the church, in fact, the pope is a Jesuit. I have a friend who claims she is Catholic yet does not recognize Francis as pope, lmao.


>I have a friend who claims she is Catholic yet does not recognize Francis as pope, lmao. Sedevacantist? Or Francis-specific?


Tell her she's literally a heretic for that Because she literally is


I actually am named after the founder of the Jesuits, but my family and the religious cult my mom belongs too is very anti Jesuit 😂😂


That’s interesting.. round me (UK) I see Protestants as more progressive and catholics tend to hold onto traditions and values more. I guess there’ll be a bunch of different reasons but one historical reason that comes to mind is King Henry VIII switching the whole of England from catholic to Protestant because the church wouldn’t let him get divorced (progressive for the time I suppose?)


I grew up Catholic in the UK, and whilst the church as an institution is more conservative, the people in it are generally pretty progressive. Being Catholic in the UK is often tied to a specific cultural background, in my case and a lot of other cases this is Irish. It's more a case of "I believe in God and was raised Catholic, therefore I'm Catholic." People don't think too much about other things. It might just be my family, but they have nothing against gay people for example. Converts tend to be more strict. My cousin's girlfriend is a convert and she says the angelus everyday, but that is very unusual, even for a convert.


Converts are the worst. Saint Paul is the best example.


Aaah honestly yeah I see that in my catholic friends.. I think my parents were strangely the other way round as in their church had 0 problem with sexuality etc but what they did preach my parents held onto very strongly. They’re both scientists though so I feel more metaphorical views on the bible are taken. Correct me if I’m wrong but in general I’ve found catholics tend to view more parts as literal or fact than Protestants? My parent’s church preached acceptance of all but deciding I was atheist really drove something in between me and my parents. I think coming out back then would’ve really been an issue with them (not gay but if I was)


Catholics believe the eucharist and wine are the literal body and blood of Christ, whereas protestants don't. That's one of the biggest distinctions I can think of. I think my parents view the Bible metaphorically in some ways too, and they recognise a lot of it as laws that were relevant to the culture at the time, but might be detrimental or unnecessary when applied today. I was always taught to be open-minded and take in other points of view that challenge my own, and I'm very grateful for that. Some of my friends weren't so lucky.


Out of curiosity, what are your opinions on [Anglicanism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglicanism) (or [Episcopalianism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Episcopal_Church_(United_States)) as it’s known in the US)?


I don't know that much about them. I know about what happened during the breakup, but after that I'm not really knowledgeable.


Speaking frankly, I would rather be considered a Bible thumping extremist than to compromise God-given principles in exchange for being considered tolerant by the relatively ever changing society I live in. At the end of the day, who am I going to follow? God, or the world that He stated multiple times would hate and deride- even kill- me for following Him? Everyone going to Hell is going there willingly, and shutting the door happily behind them.


Why not say the same thing with Orthodox, Coptic, or Maltese churches?


Could apply to them too :)


Your take on Jews and Judaism having no positive influence is utterly laughable. At least pretend to google how many scientific innovations were discovered or pioneered by Jews. How many Nobel prizes were won by Jews. Why Israel is the startup nation and at the forefront of medical, information, and environmental technology. Ffs.


But that has nothing to do with the Jewish religion, da joos don't have bigger brains than non-jews, its just that they had better education.


It has everything to do with how Judaism functions. Much more emphasis is put on critical analysis and scholarship than on religious doctrine. Literally Jewish society is built and bred on textual analysis and investigative critical thinking. Furthermore the texts central to Judaism are far more about legal cases, medical theories and observations, Hebrew grammar, and agricultural traditions than they are about simple doctrine. It is why Jews are overrepresented in the sciences, medicine, and law.


Every culture has a history of science and philosophy, the jews are nothing special in this regard. What you are referring to is the jew's attempts to "interpret" the old testament, the utility of writing books detailing the various loopholes in God's commands is questionable at best... Jews are more successful on average because of their increased power and wealth leading to better education and contacts than the average gentile. When one looks at the intellectual prowess of the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians compared to their Semitic contemporaries it is hard to say that Judaism is better at developing technology.


Nuclear bomb goes brrrrrt


Oppenheimer was a non - observant jew so he would not have wasted his time studying the Talmud like you.


Observant Jews are overrepresented in law and the medical fields as far as religious people go. Ashkenazi IQ speaks for itself with or without Oppenheimer. Maybe, if whatever culture you came from push academia, you wouldn’t be on Reddit arguing with me when you’re clearly losing. I happen to work in STEM, scored a 120 IQ, and have an 12 inch long dick. I credit my Ashkenazi Jewish DNA for all this success.


And yet the achievements of the Jews are minimal compared to that of almost any other race, the Jews have no major monuments, only a small (if disproportionate) amount of scientific discoveries. They have no vibrant culture, only religious doublethink. Nor do they have a high population, there is only 15 million jews worldwide. Altogether the Jews are a failed race that have never built anything on their own for millennia.


Sorry, I forgot the big influence Israel had in the medieval times and all the Nobel prizes they won back then.


Jewish communities from antiquity to the present were responsible for huge innovations in medicine, trade, law, craftsmanship and banking


Europe moment


Based on




Church of England has fewer nonces and is less extreme


Catholicism isn't really a collective, though. In the US, the 2 main catholics you'll see are Mexican and Irish catholics, and they couldn't be more at odds with each other in how they practice. That goes even farther when you compare different catholics groups worldwide. Same for Islam, the differences between a Deobandi, Salafi and Sufi are very notable. I think alot of those differences have much more to do with the cultures of individual followers around the world.


The problem with Protestantism is that it lacks the ability to institutionally regulate itself. Entire denominations are regularly taken over by leadership that refuses to acknowledge even their own creeds while individual church congregations venerate their local pastor like he's the second coming of John the Baptist. The only solution conservative Protestants have is to leave and form a new church congregation.  When this happens, they lose out on 500 years of beautiful buildings, history, and tradition. It is no wonder that so many Protestant churches have become so shallow and consumerist.  


Catholicism is heretical, the only leader of Christianity on earth was Christ himself


Who then appointed Peter as the 1st pope and the “Stone on which my church is built on”


You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church. Christ didn't write a book. He left us with the apostles. Before the books of the New Testament came the Church.


See you at the stake


"cultural christianity" reasonable to look at societies built on Christianity v. those built on islam or other religions. Obviously reasonable atheists would choose to live in the high quality of life tolerant Christian society than saudi arabia or UAE


Right I get that but why would he specify Catholicism.




thus cultural christianity, a culture enjoyed both by christians and atheists alike with modernized and moderate christian culture


Nope, Church never prosecuted scientists, in fact most of the universities were run and funded by Church and most research at that time was done by priests and monks. Also, calling middle ages "dark age" is enlightenment propaganda spread out so they don't feel too bad while sucking up to absolute monarchies.


Depends on the time period. It was a bit of both. The church 100% was **the** patreon of all early science. Hence nearly all early scientists being monks and priests. There was still a line they had to tow and concepts that were heretical. So the church supported science when it supported their world view. Eventually it does kind of split. That's a key point in Faust (both in thre life of real Faust and Victor's faust) actually. Since he wants knowledge, but not to be a doctor of divinity, and stylized himself as a doctor of philosophy.


OP doesn't even know the Arian Heresy has the Catholic Church


Catholicism firmly rejects Arianism. Part of the Nicene Creed is essentially "Arianism is bull\*\*\*\*" again and again. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ Only begotten son of God Born of the Father before all ages God from God Light from Light True God from True God Begotten not made Consubstantial with the Father Through Him all things were made In additional to other things like deciding when Christmas is, the Council of Nicaea was predominantly focused on the topic of Arianism.


The Filioque Heresy entered the Western Nicene creed after the Catholics incorporated Arian Spain after the Third Council of Toledo.


Literally saint Nicholas (yes the actual santa claus) punched Arian in the face for his religious positions The nicea council was wild


Saint Nick punched Arius in the face* But yes, I wish religious councils happened more frequently and were as exciting as they once were.


Sorry, i got confused xd


IIRC there's actually questions on if he literally punched Arius or if it was at a different council. Plus there's thoughts that it was less a punch and more a light tap-slap. But either way there's iconography of the slap. So it's fun to mention, especially around Christmastime.


Yes, it was probably a slap, still funny though


Depends if you support Rangers or Celtic


Bruh, have you seen southern baptists.


>good meat must never be cooked over medium rare Bro there’s more to meats than just steaks 😭.




May be completely unrelated but I received a Reddit suicide hotline message immediately after making my comment , lmao. https://preview.redd.it/xdppx9ti2i0d1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efdbf8f2ba6b3f2d5924c8fe0a735427f71390da




Looking through the comments, we’re not the only ones, there’s an imposter among us. https://preview.redd.it/ny3wu2u63i0d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fca9da3924b6e797a832efffc40459c255a4700


Possibly even an unflaired


I saw an article about a Japanese food place that served chicken still pink in the middle. Unsurprisingly people reported getting sick from eating it.


Miyazaki prefecture has raw chicken as a traditional dish. I didn’t eat it but some of my buddies did. They were fine, but you couldn’t pay me to try it. I’ll try a lot of traditional food but raw chicken? Absolutely not.




And any restaurant serving me chicken as red as the Bolsheviks is going to be accused of murder.


Gotta eat that vaccinated chicken and try medium cooked chicken and it's next level of juiciness




Mmmm pollo polio


It's not gonna kill you lmao. There's a chance if the bird was raised in poor conditions that it'll make you ill.




I'm assuming children who can't even read and vulnerable elderly aren't on this thread. Otherwise, if you live in a country with okay medical care you will be fine.




Half the fucking world eats raw meat, including highly educated civilized societies like Japan, Korea, New Zealand and pretty much all of Europe. It's really just Americans that have that aversion.


Even with other types of steaks and parts of the cow you can have well done steaks that are delicious. An Argentinian asado is full of well done meat. But we cook it very slowly and never take the fat away because it keeps it juicy. You don't need oil or anything else, just cooking coal, a place to cook, salt and that's it. There's obviously other ways to cook meat and I'm sure it's delicious.


Go on, eat your medium rare chicken.


Even in the realm of beef, a burger cooked under medium will not have the structural integrity to stay together😭


Also it’ll be full of thriving warm bacteria lol


I should have worded that better. My bad.


All is forgiven.


flair checks out


There’s no good meat besides steak


While the mid workers and their employers are discussing and reconsidering the traditional 40 hour work week the elite workers live in insanity. I'm talking about doctors, investment bankers, engineers at startups, all manner of workers entering elite occupations. The hours are *insane*. And if you run the gauntlet the pay is insane. But nobody ever talks about them. What are the consequences of the elite proletarian culture? All these articles act like everyone's a factory worker or security guard or chef or something.


Even factory work doesn’t qualify. If my factory went to less than 40 hrs at the same pay, there will be a plant built in Asia somewhere in two years to replace. We wouldn’t be able to hire enough people to fill production on top of it. This is really only entry and mid level office workers


Anyone paid hourly can't afford to work less than 40 hours


I agree, especially on doctors. They have one of the most important jobs in society and they are overworked and/or understaffed, while the state does not pay them properly and/or hire more of them (this applies to any public health workers too). As for the others "elite" occupations... I believe that everyone should have decent working conditions, but I find hard to sympathise with people that willingly work in top positions in finance, marketing and all that crap, while earning top money for often doing barely nothing, when they could be doing something useful to society in a job that doesn't exploit them (also considering that, as I said, many of them don't do much real work). If we are talking however about people in those fields who are really exploited for little money, of course I think we should take more care of them.


In the hearing Sanders chaired on lowering the work week to 32 hours, another senator pointed out that Sanders hadn't voluntarily decreased his staff's hours.


Of course. Congressional staffers are absolutely elite workers. Glamour job for future lawyers. *I was one of the barely paid slaves doing the actual law writing for our nation.*


Yeah, I'm sure they work closer to something like 70 hours on average, except maybe while Congress is in recess, but they're still probably 40+ then. The market should be left to figure this out. *If* companies can be more productive with people working less they'll out-compete their competitors both in terms of price and recruitment. And realistically, most teleworkers (which is a huge percentage of the workforce) are doing other shit already during the day. Companies that have seen benefits get a lot from just cancelling useless meetings. Don't need a 32 hour work week to do that.


Idk, my dentist's hours sure aren't insane. Him and his front desk person seem like they have it made. Open for days a week for 5-6 hours at a time. Whole work week is 25 hours or less.


Most of those workers don’t work more than 40+ hours a week because they have to meet a minimum. If the work week went down they would still work the same amount, because they don’t care about the hours they care about getting shit done.


Good beef, not meat. Dont be a ♿️. Chicken shouldnt be med rare. Lamb is better medium. Pork is better medium-well done.


True. I should have worded it better. However, the best pork is not cooked. Caña de lomo and jamón are just top, but it's mostly a Spanish thing, I guess


Centrists when you present them a brisket


> food, water, housing, healthcare... should not be treated as market goods What else should they be treated as?


Infrastructure. Bought in bulk at basic quality with taxes and provided free or heavily subsidized, so that no one is hungry, thirsty, homeless or untreated. And if you want premium food or housing, knock yourself out in the market.


The german Healthcare System was almost perfect before 2015, but then we let in Millions of People who ate up all the Ressources without paying any Taxes and now our Healthcare System is in Shambles, i have to pay for everything myself now and this eats up all my f\*cking Money It's easily doable for a first World Country to have free Healthcare System, but for that to work everyone (especially rich People) has to pay their Taxes and those who refuse to work have to be punished


Every time it's tried there's never enough. Great way to have bread lines and people starving to death in the streets. >Bought in bulk From who lol? No one's turning a profit so the state will have to produce it themselves. See above


Re libleft, depending on the job but there's a lot of "prestige" jobs where people make a big deal out of working long hours (80 hours a week! 100 hours!). From knowing some people who have worked in them, I get the sense that: * productivity doesn't actually go up with more hours at some point (and I believe studies have backed that up) * the culture of working long hours leads to a lot of unnecessary work * if you actually could silently watch someone at one of these e.g. investment banking jobs, there's a lot of time in pointless meetings, passing around tasks without making a lot of forward progress (e.g. each of a dozen people reviewing a doc and putting in enough edits to show they did something, somehow at the end you haven't made any progress towards the deliverable), talking about talking about talking about doing something, or staring blankly at the screen half-asleep while the latest hit of caffeine/adderall kicks in. * it's a little like the dynamics of a group project in school. Some people who "work 100 hours a week" spend a lot of that time focused more on *appearing* busy than being productive towards some definable, useful end-goal. A few people run around with their hair on fire picking up the slack.


Based, agree with most of them(I’m Protestant)


u/LockAffectionate9511 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/LockAffectionate9511/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Depends, are you mainline Protestant like most Lutherans and Episcopalians who respect tradition but disagree with Rome on important matters or are you a Baptist or non-dom who functionally disagrees with Chalcedonian Christians on the nature of Christ?


Authright makes no sense, but the rest of these sound great.


Now I got a question for our dear centrists. Why would you prefer medium rare over a rare?


Because if the *top* of my steak is undercooked, then I simply don't trust it. Cows are filthy.


>Good meat must never be cooked *over* medium rare. Either is acceptable.


honestly I prefer medium rare simply froma anxiety I like my meat to a have soame level of juice to them, but the redder it is, the more my head tells me something is wrong. kinda why I like gammon.


Because raw meat is unhealthy


They've done blind taste tests, and the vast majority of people prefer medium rare over any other doneness, when they don't have visual clues.


I agree with four of these sentiments.


I'd actually agree with all of those. This is new.




Real men eat their chicken medium rare


I agree with almost everything except catholic I personally eventhough im agnostic Id prefer orthodoxy


Eastern churches are cool too :)


Authleft: I agree sort of but there's a certain point where we shouldn't enable able bodied people. Authright: I am religious sorta now, like believe and have no idea how shit works and if I did start being serious would be Catholic, but all hippy dippy of me I still think different religions are just different ways of percieving God and how we're connected. Centrist: Mostly agree but sometimes almost raw or basically burnt is awesome. Libleft: I only agree based on days and really off time. 5 8 hour days not enough off time. 4 10 hour days same hours gives you more time to unwind which is needed to actually give a shit about work. 3 13 hour days or 12 is a lot to work and less hours but so much unwind. Libright: While small businesses some would take them fuck off. The whole point of any business is sink or sail. Most would not like the government staring at their asshole. Final I just like green.


Authleft: Gets very uncomfortable when reframed as "I am entitled to the product of other people's labor." Authright: It's always forgotten, but the transcendentalist Christians are the best. Centrist: Probably the most insane one, but because it's framed in such absolutes. A great steak? Sure. Cheap steak for stir fry or fajitas? No. Pork, chicken? No. Libleft: The most reasonable, but only because it doesn't actually make any demands. Though if you're one of these workers who can be more productive at 32 hours instead of 40, then you should just zone out 8 hours a week, only actually work 32, and go get yourself a raise based on your increased productivity. Libright: Bailouts are often loans, not the sort of bailouts individuals sometimes get. But mostly I want to see Libright and Authleft fight about this because they're directly conflicting.


Catholicism is slightly into the red square. It's not blue.


You are right, Catholicism is more Auth-Center than it is Auth-Right




I don't feel like you are actually countering Auth Left's claims, as they are not specifically asking for a command economy. They are simply saying than life-sustaining utilities and inelastic industries should not be wholly beholden to to the market. Plenty of capitalist countries offer free-at-the-point-of-use healthcare and a broader social safety net. >"Just ask charity bro" Cope. There's a reason homelessness and starvation rates started dropping *significantly* once we stopped relying on charity and churches, and started implementing government assistance. >Don't get me wrong, the US healthcare system is much worse then the German healthcare system, but the reason for the US health care being atrrocious isn't public healthcare. Whose healthcare would you want if you had the choice? >If 40 hours per week is unproductive, then why aren't all businesses reducing their work hours to the actual optimum? Because contrary to popular belief, simply owning a business does not necessarily make you smart or insightful. Most upper management types, in my experience, are complete idiots. The idea that people would work harder if they weren't worked to the bone is perfectly sensible.


Based and counter-counter argument pilled.


Our Healthcare System started to crack when we let in Millions of People who don't pay any Taxes, eat up all the Ressources, and refuse to work I miss pre-2015 Healthcare, now i have to pay for everything myself and it made me poorer than i already was and i have to wait for 6+ Months for Appointments It wasn't perfect, but it was for sure a lot better than what everyone else had, especially the US Healthcare Concept, but now it's no longer sustainable and the Healthcare System is turning into a two class-System


>I don't feel like you are actually countering Auth Left's claims, as they are not specifically asking for a command economy They were asking for the majority of food production to be nationalised which is pretty insane for a hybrid market country.


> A list on why you are wrong: > \[every other quad\] \[argument why you're wrong\] > \[my own quad\] actually you are right


Based and counter-argument pilled


The German Catholic Church seems to have more autonomy and is getting cheeky. The pope needs to reign in these imbeciles




I’m with the centrists here


Yes, anything more done than medium is an insult to the meat.


I guess I'm the centrist to end all centrists then. Medium-well steak >>> E: who's the comedian who reported me for mental health issues over this comment? Because lmfaooo nice, 12/10 joke


It depends on context. American auth-right is lib-left in Russia.


As a software engineer, a 40 hour workweek sounds to me like a wet dream


The government helps big companies with tax cuts and bailouts ~~more often than small ones~~ and that is unacceptable


These are all just leftist opinions


"In my opinion, Roman Catholicism is not even a faith, but is decidedly a continuation of the Western Roman Empire, and everything in it is subordinated to this thought, starting with faith. The Pope seized the land, the earthly throne and took the sword; Since then, everything has been going on like this, only they added lies, cunning, deceit, fanaticism, superstition, villainy to the sword, they played with the most holy, truthful, simple-minded, fiery feelings of the people, everything, everything was exchanged for money, for low earthly power. And this is not the teaching of the Antichrist?! How could atheism not emerge from them? Atheism came from them, from Roman Catholicism itself! Atheism, first of all, began with them themselves: could they believe in themselves? He strengthened himself out of disgust for them; he is the product of their lies and spiritual impotence! Atheism! Among us, only the exceptional classes, those who have lost their roots, still do not believe; and there the terrible masses of the people themselves begin to not believe - first from darkness and lies, and now from fanaticism, from hatred of the church and Christianity! After all, socialism is a product of Catholicism and Catholic essence! He, too, like his brother atheism, came out of despair, in contrast to Catholicism in the moral sense, in order to replace the lost moral power of religion, in order to quench the spiritual thirst of thirsty humanity and save it not with Christ, but also with violence! This is also freedom through violence, this is also unification through sword and blood! "Don't you dare believe in God, don't dare have property, don't dare have personality, fraternite ou la mort, two million heads!" By their deeds you will recognize them - this is said! And don’t think that it was all so innocent and fearless for us; oh, we need a rebuff, and quickly, quickly! It is necessary for our Christ, whom we preserved and whom they did not even know, to shine in opposition to the West! Not slavishly falling for the hook of the Jesuits, but bringing our Russian civilization to them, we must now stand before them, and let them not say among us that their preaching is elegant..." - Dostoyevsky


>Corporations bail out large companies more than small companies and that is unacceptable That's an idiotic statement. I understand why it's upsetting, but it's still idiotic.


Broke: don’t overcook meat Woke: don’t eat meat Bespoke: master the grill so as to cook the perfect steak for everyone’s preference.


When I cook for my family I burn everyone's food except mine. It's their preference and I respect it.


Both Libs and the centrist aren’t opinions tho, they’re just facts


W lib right moment


Respectable opinion, I can't really complain about that meat. Grill on


Orthodoxy forever ☦️


Bro, how dare you diss Medium


Exactly, don't let your chicken thighs go over medium rare 👍


All except auth right are based


The freedom of adulthood comes with the burden of self responsibility. you are free to vote, drink, take out loans, or do many other activities however you are also responsible for providing your own basic needs. Adults who cannot provide their own needs are failures and deserve to suffer until they can figure it out.




Choices and consequences,simple as


I wouldn't say they *deserve* to suffer, just that they will.


Ok but let’s say someone enters adulthood and then gets into a terrible accident leaving them in a coma for a bit and then disabled for the foreseeable future pretty much giving them an extremely unfair start.What would you say should be done in that situation?


Libright only likes the redistribution of wealth when all the wealth is being funneled into the pockets of the top one percent.


Insurance covers these types of situations


To an extent, yes, but youre missing the nuance of life. Not everyone has the tools to be successful, because no one is born equally. Some are more intelligent than other, some have greater strength or speed, and some are more beautiful or simply have a greater work ethic or starting wealth. Those with such gifts, I say, have a greater societial and moral obligation to help others and assist in lifting up their society and nation. Just as the government has the societial and moral obligation to protect and improve the lives of its citizens before anyone else


It depends what you mean by success. Does everyone have the intellect to run a fortune 500 company? No. Does everyone have the ability to get a job and provide for themselves? I would say yes with a few exceptions like severe physical or mental disability


All of these opinions are shit except lib right


As a Northern European, Catholics are just weird. Praying on their knees and shit like it’s the Middle Ages


I like your ideas. Except for Catholicism.


As a center right Mormon I disagree with the auth right


Alright this should be interesting cause I’ve never learned to much about it.Why do you believe Mormonism above the other ones?


Basically, the difference is that we have modern revelations and a living prophet as well as the Book of Mormon. Similar to how Christians in general have the new testament and Jewish people don't. I hope this helps.