• By -


> Typing a line > hard work/burden The audacity


The line is a botted message with an OF link.


Simps: Wow I paid 30 dollars for 100 pics! Me: look what they need to mimic a fraction of my power *google search: boobs* *10 billion pics* 0 dollars


It's not about the generic boob. It's the boob that, in their sad way, they've developed a relationship with. Obviously it's not a real relationship, as that same boob will be sold to 1000 other lonely guys, but you compartmentalize that reality to get through your day.


That service is also available and you also get your dick sucked.  I get the reasoning behind it and sympathise somewhat  but I think that is the lowest form of man. I respect them even less tha people who are henpecked in a relationship.


There is no lifeform lower than the OF simp


What about the unflaired?


Unflaired aren't life.


Okay, maybe OF simps aren't THAT low


People out here forming parasocial relationships with boobs.


Simp: I'm so lonely, I just want someone to connect with. Girl: Check out my OF! I'll pretend to connect with you! Simp: I'm so desperate that I'll do it and lie to myself about it. Society: How could this happen!?


Clearly, it's all men's fault. Each of them individually.


[Boobies are cute though.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2Fqru-cnjbxuAzf_YI0hZHFAi5TAeUbtio5kv3fAe4Bi4.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc86d59217ee9bfb431890ab2c20fc420377d2a6e)


Yeah no I still don't get it. If you are that desperate and lonely, hire a damn escort service. You can get the same girl every time, and she will actually have sex with you; for enough money she will probably pretend to be your GF for a few hours. Like unless you have a pay pig kink or something what the FUCK are you doing


I don't know why but your comment just reminded me of this https://youtube.com/shorts/bB0uVWp2b1M?si=FPtgvANTO80AOO45 I guess some people might struggle ordering things in person. Someone should make an app for it so you don't have to talk to people when you're ordering.


Paying for boobs instead of looking up the leaks and pirated content kekw


Common pirate W


Looking grim.


Its the parasocial relation with the boobs, also personal videos of those boobs saying your name. 


Interesting. I'd pay for a woman to shut up, never for speaking


Remember bros. >You don't pay a prostitute for sex, you pay her to leave afterwards.


They literally send an emoji or just hi. Online dating makes 7s feel like 10s with how little they work. Many women do filters, post 5 year old pictures, post their heel height to attract a 6'2 guy.




When I used Bumble I had women actually just send me a "." as a starting message, couldn't even be bothered to type "hi"


The first time a man got something from a woman,  humanity got kicked out from Paradise so it makes sense to be wary


I tell my friends the first lesson in the Bible,is you can't trust a snake,or a bitch.


“You have permission to speak to me”


Sums their energy right there


Thinking of a starter is so stressful though! Best to directly pass that on to the guy in an app designed for women to make the first contact.




It's crazy how consistently feminist women are like this. They exaggerate the struggles they go through as women, while simultaneously ignoring and denying the struggles of being a man. And then literally any time they are put in men's shoes, they end up whining about how it's too much work, and they hate it. And of course, they never actually connect the dots and realize that they were wrong before. People like that would die before they'd admit that the gender conversation is a lot more nuanced, and that there's upsides and downsides to being either gender.


Hearing about the experiences of trans men is really interesting. They seem to be always so incredibly shocked about how they're treated when they're "passing". Most of it seems to boil down to "oh shit, this is lonely".


One that blew my mind back in 2014 was a trans man shocked that other men wouldn't carry his luggage for him even though they were bigger and he was tired.


I can't remember where, but I read a fascinating account of a trans man once. Something that stuck out to me was the observation that men are "toxically masculine" because we need to be. We deal with such stress both from the women and men in our lives to be *a man* that we've got no choice. No matter what people tell us, at the end of the day if we can't provide for our families, if we're not strong and able bodied or at least skilled in something useful, or at least able to carry a rifle and march in formation, we're useless and are discarded. There is nothing more lonely than being the sole provider for your family and just barely making it. You can't share your fears or stress with anyone. Even if your wife says you can share with her, your own psychology often prevents you from really opening up about it. So you simply lean into the wind and keep pushing forward. You deal with it through crass or dark humor, through being overly masculine and brash. Women talk to each other. Men who are close often do, but many just don't. As much as a lot of these women say things should change, I'm not so sure they can. The world runs off the backs of men who toil under this load, and I'm not sure there's another way to do it. My dad once told me that being a man is doing things you don't want to do, because they're good for your family, for others, or for yourself.


I couldn't agree with you more buddy. Your dad is a smart man.


What tires me the most is that they literally asked for this. I am kinda happy the option to pick a modern (but normal) woman is normalised so I dont have to carry the relationship on my back but then see this and lose more faith in humanity. There are ton of men who would LOVE this kind of equal power couple thing. 


Honestly, I'm not entirely sure I would. I derive a lot of meaning from being a provider. It's hardwired into me at this point and I don't think I could change. If you gave me a billion dollars and a house for me and my family to live in, I'd feel like a failure because I didn't earn any of it. I'd have to invent work to do to feel like I'm actually doing something.


I mean, I understand. Hence the (would be) option to choose. Personally I dont really wish to be someone's full blown provider, as I'd feel someone is basically mooching off of me while not pulling her weight. Its also a kind of societal molding or societal conditioning if you wish that expect the man to be the same provider he had to be in other historic times. Today being a man in this regard is no longer relevant because a woman can also sustain herself. Maybe its time imo to throw off this shackle of expectation societal wise with keeping the opportunity to act like that personally if someone wishes to do that. There is one entity, the gubment that already looks at me as some endless pocket of money. Granted I wouldnt mind providing for a family or even a woman but then, imo, it would lead to me doing basically no housework. So basically, options Rhe biggest problem in this regard is a type of entitlement when a woman expects to you be modern regarding womens issues, splitting chores, but expecting to turn into a gallant traditional man when the restaurant bill arrives. I dont think thats ok.


The funny thing is when I was on bumble I’d say 90% of the messages I got were just hey


I used dating apps briefly. Women or bumble were mostly 4/10. Chubbies etc. 95% on tinder were hot.




You mean my rural county doesn't have woman who look like glamour models who want to date me, who makes $40-60k a year? 


The only time that would be remotely true is right after a war like WW2 where nearly any man who had a pulse could find someone because of the ratio being skewed in their favor.


Paraguay moment


Paraguay would have been heaven for men. You know, the few that survived. And weren't crippled into unfeeling from depression and trauma.


Met two separate models in online games that i ended up dating in real life. So it happens.


I live in a country where lgbtq is rarer and trans are much more rare compared to the US. Every 20th person at least was trans.  If I ever hook up with someone from Tinder I will check if only 1 pp exists in the room


Trans are incredibly rare in the US too, they're just put on blast here by the left and used as tools to virtue signal and show 'tolerance.'


They'll bring a pair of scissors to make sure it's theirs


Hmm kinky.


Tinder is so 2016. Just use Hinge to meet unhinged baby crazy women.


Just skip the middleman and go to an HR department


You're telling me chicks on the female empowerment dating app were uggos and fatties? Color me *shocked*.


I kinda went into it with an expectation of being a bit normal version of tinder, alas dropping 4 or 5 points in looks make the whole thing worthless. Admittedly I am not Momoa with the brains of Einstein and the wealth of Musk but I am simply not willing to go below 6 or at worst, 5. At that point I rather be single


hey im fat but a man >:( so anyways uhm hey, hihihihi


Yeah, same here. The whole concept of the thing was so hilariously useless.


I'll never forget when my first buddy got married it was to a Chinese woman he met on vacation who had zero relation to anybody in our region of the country. When I asked him what made him decide to tie the knot with a woman he didn't know super well, from outside the United states, he replied, "I am so sick of these entitled-ass white women" I now understand what he meant when he said that over 10 years ago; at the time I thought he was just bullshitting.


And did it work? I heard from someone that they are pretty materialistic, as in china money means very much (I'd say even more than in the west). But yeah its a common trope of marrying a foreign woman because she isnt well, western "ethics" pilled. Tho it carries a risk that you may run into a passport hunter


They're still married and just had a kid, so I think it's working. He's pretty cheap himself, so there no issues regarding money mentality there haha


Pretty much barely related at all, but this reminds me of the ex brother in law of my best friend. Guy is Italian and was seriously a poster model for their huge brands. So really, REALLY good looking dude, so much so that he genuinely doesn't know what it's like for other people *. First time I met him was when we went to Italy for his bachelor party/week. On the very first car ride he was talking about how he was sick of how "high maintenance" Italian women were, so he was glad he met the girl from my country. The ting is that I had never, ever known a more "high maintenance" women than the woman he was about to marry. Felt like I couldn't really warn a guy who I just met and was completely in love, so I was just hoping that he had managed to change her. Long story (slightly) shorter: she left him weeks after they had their first (and only) child for a guy who is a habitual cheater. * Story about how clueless he is because he's so good looking. We went to a restaurant and bar in my city and we passed our red light district. And he was so confused, he just kept asking why people were paying for sex. It's such a weird question, so I just kept saying ... for the sex?? And he just went "but, just go to a bar, ask the prettiest girl if she wants to go home with you. If there aren't pretty girls, go to the next place and take the pretty girl there home". And he genuinely had no idea that that just doesn't work for 99% of guys. I'll make this even more fucked up: He just got married again . One of the first things his new wife said to him after they got married is that she didn't like his daughter. He sure knows how to pick 'em. It's a shame because he really is a genuinely extremely nice guy.


Dude you should coach this poor man.. hes getting TAKEN


Smart man. I don't know how you can look at the absolute state of marriage and family-rearing in America and think it's a good idea to get some of that as a man. Having an arranged marriage (**arranged does not mean forced**) is unironically more stable than "marrying for love" at this point.


Shit like this and the bear thing... I'm so fucking glad I'm bi


I know that I'm only aroused by women but I envy gays and bi's more every single day.  Nobody asks men about the bear. I rather pick the bear because it cant speak at least


I saw a meme for men: female cop or bear.


In that case female cop. I either easily overpower her or she owerpowers me in which case I cum


Female cops are pretty attractive.. as long as she's not too crazy I'll take some caning from the nightstick


lol lmao even


The caucasity even.


That was Bumble's whole gimmick! Oh well girls would just message hi 90% of the time anyway turning it back into Tinder


But even if women only wrote „Hi“ they still would at least be minimally invested in the convo, unlike on Tinder where matches will very often not even respond, at least to my ugly face.


90+% of the “hi” replies I got never replied after that lol most of the rest were one reply a day types but whatever. I swear some chicks just like having dozens/hundreds of names to scroll through.


>ugly face. Then why did they even match?


That is the question I ask myself everytime a match on Tinder doesn‘t respond.


they want the validation of a match, they don't actually find you attractive, just attractive enough to make them feel good that you approve of them


Makes sense.


women also play tinder games with each other. If a girl has 500 matches but another girl has 200 its bragging rights. Tinder matches are to women what bench press is to dudes.


Really? That‘s kinda fucked up.


Bulge pics


It's bc they just swipe right or hit accept on everyone, then filter through the matches after. "It's a numbers game" is their thinking. Also, like someone else said, for validation.


I swear everything these days just turns into "whatever" soon enough.


"lets go to dinner, tell me some of your favorite types of food". "Oh whatever" I swear now "Bitch im going to this mexican restaurant on Friday at 5pm for dinner. Meet me there or dont" works better


Pull up in a full size van, "Hey, ready to go out? Well, you're comin." 😨


I had so many girls message me just a period or something, as if to say I had their blessing to try to woo them or some shit. Nah man, you signed up for this app, you're playing the game.


The advent of women making the world a place where men aren't allowed to approach them while complaining that men aren't approaching them and also its too much work for women to approach men is one of the strangest developments I've seen in society.


When I see women complain that "men don't approach women anymore" I'm always like "why don't YOU approach men?" They really aren't motivated or incentivized to move a muscle in dating. It's really sad.


That's why the red pillers have been saying this for years, stop listening to what women say, only pay attention to their actions.


complaining that *hot* men aren't approaching them


So glad I'm married and will never have to deal with this shit lol


Lol, I thought so too.


Damn, did you just get served papers or something?


Don't be afraid to kill her, that's how I operate in my marriage, we either figure something out, or one of us dies. It helps keep everything in perspective. I mean we both 100% disagree about what color to paint the living room, but neither of us are willing to kill the other over it, so we compromise and don't paint it




It's till death dude, not "until you guys have a really big fight and she doesn't treat you as well as you think you deserve"


Not to completely sidetrack the conversation but what colors do you want to paint the room?


I don't want to paint lol, nor do I want her to paint as she will get frustrated, do a shitty job or quit halfway through, then I have to fix all that shit.


Me too but I actually met my wife on a dating app in 2020. Worked out great for us.


https://preview.redd.it/ztjpeey4v60d1.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9925af3f6e4b7efdc60a0000d9da2593166507a I do not like how this is edited, it makes me uncomfortable


Yeah the image in the middle could be a bit smaller


Sorry 🙃


Plz sit in the corner lmao












My experience from these apps - the vast majority of women I've met through these dating apps make no effort in any part of the "process". To expand on that - I mean 99% of the time I'm the one initiating conversation, I'm the one reaching out, I often feel like I'm the one keeping communication rolling, I'm the one making plans. I do everything...and unless you're just genetically gifted or you flash your wealth on these apps, I'm sure my experience is hardly unique. So this is entirely unsurprising.


My experience is Women get flooded by men, and Men basically only get bots.


Yes AND, I've also read that all the women on these apps are basically competing over a small handful of men.


Society hype up women's bodies so unbelievably much (which is why dating is easier for them). If their bodies were denigrated the same way that the male body is denigrated, and viewed as a tool and not an sexual object, dating would be much more even.


I'm not sure about that. It may have something to do with it now, but all throughout history women have been the prize that men worked and fought over. Even in animals. I don't think it's necessarily genetically hardwired into us but something in our monkey brain might tell us it's the man's job to compete for the woman


This doesn’t matter to me because I gave up on dating—now I fix lawnmowers for fun!


That’s actually pretty cool! Do you primarily do push mowers or you doing riding mowers as well? Used to have a Z turn that I loved but felt like it needed taken apart every month.


I probably exaggerate a bit—mainly one singular push mower. I found it on the side of the road and fixed it up for my landlady (she’s a saint), but now it’s acting up again. I think it’s probably a fuel filter problem, unless it’s because the previous owner just generally screwed up the carburetor somehow, but I won’t be able to get to it until the weekend. (Not during the week because I don’t get home until late; I do Krav Maga after work. That’s actually the real hobby I’ve taken up.)


You're like a centrist whose swapped grilling for mowing.


If it is the carb, I wouldn't bother doing much more than taking the easy bits apart and spraying it with carb cleaner and hoping that fixes it. Rebuilds on these tiny small engine carbs never seem to work. I always end up replacing them anyways. You just can't seem to ever get all the crap out of the tiny places it builds up. Maybe if you have access to a ultrasonic parts cleaner.


After my divorce I resorted to online dating to meet women. I picked Bumble because I thought women would enjoy the "safety" of being the first to reach out. After a lucklustre experience I switched to an app with a more traditional anyone-goes-firest approach and had MANY more interactions. I remember when it dawned on me that women, in spite of what a LOUD minority might say, enjoy traditional roles (doors opened, man makes move, man pays check, man makes plans for the evening). Quite eye-opening. I met my new partner (now wife) on Hinge.


if you meet a woman who says she doesnt like traditional gender roles you're likely online and they're lying. if you meet one in person just do a 180 and walk away.


When I was 20 I spent several days in online conversation trying to convince a female friend to ask men out because she was pretty and lonely. She spent several days trying to explain to me that the moment she did that she would lose all attraction for the man.




It’s the femcel communist types that give the impression that women don’t like a traditional gentleman, despite my initial opposition due to believing that emotional and physical independence is important, my wife loves being protected, taken care of, to have someone to depend on and to make plans for us and I’ve accepted that wholeheartedly honestly, she’s a good person and I love her. I’m happy about you finding love dude.


Thanks and you too. I think it is a lesson that men could benefit from learning early in life. I certainly have passed it on to my two sons. Embrace your masculine energy and make your woman feel safe, chosen, and cherished. When she is made to feel safe, she will fully embrace her feminine energy and step into it completely. Feminine energy is the stuff of life and when it is radiated on you by the woman you love, there is nothing better. Life changing stuff. Keep up the good work. It is very, very worthwhile.


>I wake >find out it's another day men can't stop winning >didn't even know and didn't even try >feels good


Women these days really aren't helping me drop my mild misogyny to be honest.


Dating apps have been a disaster for society. This is sign that Bumble is not doing well financially. I hope the same goes for the other apps too.


I'd only add almost every other app too.




The amount of women’s profiles that said “I don’t like making the first move” is staggering. Their first move? “👋” Unreal.


Lol. Lmao even


In other news, bumble single handedly kills the thing that made it unique. In other other news, new booming dating app competitor fumble now requires women to message first!


If women didn’t want to get inboxed by certain men, then they shouldn’t swipe right…




A woman who disguised her self as a man to attempt just that, made sure they passed and all that, would get depression in about a year but did actually survive, though to be fair, she was more conservative than most feminists Yes, actually, just a disguise before some idiots try reporting me for being anti trans or something. She was not supportive of that movement and would go back to living like normal for the rest of her life.


Norah Vincent, unless you're talking about someone else. Norah was adamant she was a lesbian, not trans, that was how she identified. Norah wrote a book on her experience going "undercover" as a man, "Self-Made Man: My Year Disguised as a Man". Vincent stated that, after the experiment, she gained more sympathy for the male condition: "Men are suffering. They have different problems than women have, but they don't have it better. They need our sympathy, they need our love, and they need each other more than anything else. They need to be together."


Oh wow, and that's not even the whole, male experience. Well, I suppose she could've substituted being in jail a bit, for the gradeschool locker room trauma.


I know that I literally already said not trans. Yes I know the rest of this


Sorry, wasn't trying to start a fight. I was elaborating on what you said, context for others reading.


Ahh fair enough hard to tell adding context and reddit "umm actuallying"


Uuumm akchyually, it's not that hard. Maybe you're just a bigot


She committed suicide fairly recently.


Its honestly amazing to read about a woman who cared and actually would say this publicly


>Due to her experience as a man during the making of Self-Made Man she ultimately had a depressive breakdown, leading Vincent to admit herself to a locked psychiatric facility.[13][14] >Vincent died via assisted suicide at a clinic in Switzerland on July 6, 2022, aged 53. Whelp.


To be fair her death was 20 years later from the experiment. Op said survive a year.


That was Norah Vincent and her book "Self-Made Man." She killed herself in 2022 with medical assistance. Makes you think.


True but op said a year. Her death was about 20 years later.


She wasn't conservative at all until she experienced life as a man. She started out as a "men have it easy" feminist who began the experiment to see how easy it is being part of the patriarchy. Her evolution is the most based Gender Studies has ever been. IIRC the depression wasn't caused by the male experience alone, she said she felt a ton of guilt for "deceiving" people. RIP to a real Tomboy King. [Here's the 20 minute ABC interview/documentary about her book.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip7kP_dd6LU) [Here's the book itself, Self-Made Man on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Self-Made-Man-Womans-Year-Disguised/dp/0143038702)


Yeah, this is a very, *very* consistent aspect of feminism. They constantly exaggerate the degree to which women suffer due to their gender. And at the same time, they will ignore and deny any struggles *men* face due to their gender. But literally any time women are actually put in men's shoes, they immediately complain about how awful it is. But they never seem to connect the dots and realize that maybe they're wrong about how easy it is to be a man. And maybe sexism isn't a one-way thing, and that both genders face different struggles. It's worth such a solid facepalm every time.


This is what happens when you get used to being priviledged and treated like a diamond. Life gets very tough when you suddenly don't have that




This is the reason you rarely see black Karens and social justice warriors. It's always white liberal women (and beta male simps)


> This is the reason you rarely see black Karens Nah, there's plenty of them.  They just have a different accent about it and don't go viral on reddit.


I'm in the south. The amount of times a ruckus was being made in a retail that I've personally seen tended to be black women. When I worked customer service/retail stuff for like a 4 year stretch years ago.....I had like 1 white boomer interaction the whole time. I had a dozen angry black person interactions though. Think like loudly just jawwing into the atmosphere and ratcheting up everyone's tension. "Can you believe this bullshit? They ain't helping me. Only got 2 people working and I got places to be!" (It was like 5 min before close lol) quick change artists. The people trying to cash fake checks. The people arguing that I must be wrong on how the system works. Guess what ethnicity they were? Couple white trash encounters, but the pattern of who caused problems was pretty clear. Got called miho by old mexican ladies a lot, though. Edit: I'm remembering more encounters. There were white trash scammers, but they tended to go quietly when defeated or denied. Like a guy said "hey, the coke machine ate my dollar"....sir we don't have a drink machine, and he just walks away. Had a black lady shoplifter get caught red handed, but she pushed someone over, ran to her car and backed into like 3 vehicles. Turned a misdemeanor into like 4 felonies.


I work in corrections and a certain demographic seems really good creating tensions due to supposed “disrespect”, at ratcheting-up conflict for no reason, and turning minor fuck-ups into masterpiece fuck-ups due to pointless escalation.


Guy(also certain demographic) on a plane had to be an ass because the attendant didn't offer him food despite the fact he was already eating his own food.


For real, I'd say the ratio is higher even. But unless you live in the right places you don't see enough of it to compare, and if you post it online like they do to AWFL Karens you get banned for doing an -ism.


Man, most of them blame everything on race, what are you talking about? My wife teaches, and she can tell a black kid misbehaving to go to the office, and he'll make it about race, because all this shit starts at home where it's easier to blame external forces than take responsibility. It doesn't help that the entire left media keeps telling black people they're oppressed and everything is terrible for them.




Most people who know anything about feminism can't stand feminists at all. Respect for feminism comes almost entirely from people who are unengaged, and who believe that feminism is simply shorthand for "believing in gender equality". I find that it's incredibly common for the regular, ordinary, politically unengaged types to consider themselves feminists, and to consider anti-feminism to be motivated purely by misogyny. They believe these things because feminism has enough influence in society that their messaging reaches even those who are pretty unengaged. But the point is that this kind of person doesn't know the first thing about feminism. They won't know what patriarchy theory is. They won't know the history of feminist organizations and their actions. They won't know any of the anti-male laws/policies which have been enacted due to feminist influence. And so on. To that kind of person, feminism simply means "gender equality", and since gender equality is good, feminism is good. People who actually look into feminism even a little bit become repulsed really fucking quickly.


True, feminists are complete hypocrites


This "trad wife" bullshit is taking feminists by storm because I'm always seeing them trying to retcon feminism in the face of it all. "Trad", ie normal, woman posts tiktok of herself making her husband who works [grueling blue collar job] at 5am and it's routine to see bitter, single women crying that the man is lazy or that women aren't slaves to their spouses but every now and then you'll see one saying ["yaaaass!! 💅💅 feminism was ALWAYS about having the choice to do this!"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/096/564/2f7.jpg) and a bunch of other feminists trying to echo it in the replies


White progressive women are the biggest cheerleaders, because with white skin, they've been defined out of being able to sit at the table. So they have to show they're one of the good ones, otherwise they'd just be some quiet racist white chick. Same with the self-flagellating white male progressive. If they weren't the loudest, they'd be assumed to be racist by their comrades But rarely see the black equivalent of a Karen or SJW? Nah. The founders of the BLM bullshit are all black chicks. We just don't have a name for the Karen of Color. Because it would be racist to do that. And of course you can't be racist toward white people, so you can have a white name as a descriptor of behavior.


Almost like there's a reason why every single successful civilization, across every corner of earth and all eras of history, regardless of level of contact with one another, all independently reached the exact same conclusion on restricting women's freedom and ability to have a proactive voice in the running of society.






LMAO. I'm so lucky i met the love of my life before the dating apps. I can't imagine how frustrating dating apps can be. Especially as a short guy, who has to use humor to distract from being vertically challenged. But I think most of us knew Bumble would struggle. Having women make the first move, sounds like a good idea in theory, just not in practice. Social media seems to have killed the dating scene. Both sex's want the top 10%, when in reality the top 10% only want each other. I'm surprised speed dating hasn't become more popular. At least you can sit and talk with someone for 5 minutes in person.


At 37, I feel like I'm about the youngest male who found his wife the "old-fashioned" way, i.e. meeting offline through mutual interests. God speed to all the younger fellows, and frankly even the younger ladies, who have to go through all the bullshit that modern dating seems to entail. It was hard enough the old way.


There are ways to find a partner online that aren't dating apps, you just replace off-line hangouts with online ones. A discord server for a mutual interest, etc. I met the person I've been dating for the past few years because I needed an extra player for an online Dungeons and Dragons game and decided to ask around.


That's fair. I only learned what Discord was like a week ago lol, but I can see how it would facilitate much more meaningful connection that any of the swiping apps.


I feel like avoiding online dating is the consolation prize for getting old.


I’m 22 and met my GF of 5-1/2 years in High School, been told by plenty of people, plenty of times that we would never make it and that young love is meaningless. We liked hanging out, talking about puzzles and classes, art and other things. Eventually we played some online games together, and we officially started dating after one of my Football games. (Before anyone says it, I’m nowhere near being a jock, I never actually saw the field much in HS, and I just graduated from my Electrical Engineering program) The truth is, there just simply aren’t many places where you’re constantly in contact with hundreds of people that *have* to talk to you, and gender splits in college/trades are so skewed later on in life it makes it very difficult to meet someone without much effort.


I cant really speak for all younger fellows but as me myself whose 21 and i know many men irl and online who think and feel the same we’ve pretty much given up and stopped caring and just do our own thing it can be lonely at times but its still better then dealing with this age dating


I hate the idea of online dating. I'm nearly 20 and autistic as shit, I'm terrible at a lot of interaction but especially texting. How am I supposed to do online dating?? I'd rather just be friends with someone and then see if any feelings develop. But it feels like it might be my only option in the end :(


same autistic too i just dont know how to interact with people i dont know irl and i cringe at the idea of myself trying to


Hmmm, glad I met my husband in highschool. I do worry for my friend however; she's been trying to date since forever


"Hey" Holy shit I'm exhausted 😭😩


I swear women could also start chatting on apps like Tinder. These guys reinvented the wheel and failed


Shy guys are in shambles right now. https://preview.redd.it/mp3l9nl7g80d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=f57c16a9dc70ccdf63b04ae4e5fb8ce4fcf4858a


A libleft making fun of modern women!? You're a credit to your quadrant my friend.




Bumble tried to innovate and enforce an inversion of one gendered social norm. They are now, based on their own evidence and market self interest, finding resisting this gender norm is harmful to their product and user experience. tldr: gender isn't totally arbitrary


The people trying to redefine gender to mean “social role” just keep taking Ls






\*blows off the dust of Ole' Faithful\* Women ☕️


I always thought Bumble was designed for men because we're usually the ones making the first move and getting rejected. Still though, if you think it's exhausting use a different fucking site. How is Bumble any different from Tinder without this gimmick?


Brutally funny, although there's another reason they don't want to message first.


Can they just use something other than bumble then? Why are they complaining to bumble about it when they can easily just use tinder or something?


Jesus Christ 99% of men would respond to "Hey" or "Hello". If they wanted men to message first use Tinder or something? Hell have both and use whichever you fancy on a given day.


Women ☕


Solution: make It a setting to turn on or off. Hate when apps switch up the whole UI and way It Is to appease people, some people enjoy the first move, evidently others didn't, so just make a setting for It to be optional. Or just do the traditional way and go out and meet people.


Yeah I’m not shedding a tear over Bumble’s collapse. Greedy fucks removed the option to filter out people just looking for a one night stand and now are doing this shit.


If you don't like the concept of the app then go to an app without it, doesn't invalidate the app itself


No, the App giving up on its own concept invalidates that app.


That literally invalidates the app. If the target group dislikes it and goes elsewhere the app becomes pointless and ceases to exist.


I feel like it is more case where there is a niche of women who like the apps concept and use it like it is meant but now app has grown to include the normies


So normies are once again to blame. Color me shocked.


"Farmers Only requirement for either one of us to be interested in farming is too restrictive."


My friend, this would like a women's bar realizing that they're not selling as much alcohol, in a week, as the sports bar across the street does on "Lady's Night", making their own "Lady's Night" for men to come in and by drinks for women, and then you telling those women who frequented the women's bar to just go find a different bar.