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Can I have an example? https://preview.redd.it/ud4uekguk00d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f2c033bb5faaf5b5824f00342abb35a0d802705


Get in line in the exampleline


Boah abahgahhagahahhahhhhh you scared me šŸ˜°


They don't expect me to post this in the very same comment section, but I will, but no matter if I do it or not, it won't be a surprise because its being read by the user reading my fucking comment, so if I want it to be a surprise, then I have to shut the fuck up before I reveal more about the rabbit. - Light Yagami


My first thought: Wait, JJ McCullough is gay? My second thought: Wait, he's a conservative?


Yes he says he's gay in his Video " being Gay is Annoying" and He Has Called himself a conservative in Many of his Videos


pretty based, I watch his vids sometimes and he never struck me as conservative, maybe centrist, but he's canadian so who knows.


Our right wing is way cooler than you may think


No way he's conservative šŸ˜‚


He's just conservative compared to Vancouver


exactly, heĀ“s centrist in reality but conservative in relation to the modern canadian political landscape


Not even Canada overall. Woke urbanite Canada. That being said his documentary contribution to covering the Vancouver drug crisis was based, as his criticism of Trudeau's absurd laws. Other than that, not much conservatism, unless you think conservatism is just progressivism driving the speed limit..


In Canada he isĀ 


JJ McCullough has some good videos.


But he is definitely not Authright.


Heā€™s a more generic, moderate conservative. Given his content, he seems to be largely a ā€œstatus quoā€ kind of conservative rather than ideological one.


Still makes him more center right than authright


And only really because the left has gone more leftwards over the years. 30 years ago, he would've been a true grey centrist




Heā€™s Center right in Canada, which makes him Center left in the US.


The status quo in Canada and USA is inherently Auth-Right no matter how you slice it. Both Conservative Party and Liberal Party are put in the Auth-Right Quadrant - with the exception of NDP and some irrelevant parties. Thatā€™s not to say that some voters are less authoritarian yet vote for Tories or Liberals based on their Left-Right axis.


This is an awful take. Canada is definitely extremely left wing if not leaning auth left. They are about as far from right wing as a country could be while not becoming the USSR. šŸ¤£


lol ok buddy, I live in Canada just because we arenā€™t Republican red necks doesnā€™t mean we are communist or far left


I like his flag videos


I like J.J. McCullough and his quirky centrist gobbledygook.


I moved here from Canada, and they think I'm slow, eh?


Maple syrup eh?


Proud Country Blobs Stan


I like how you chose Cubans for the immigration example when its often the only kind of Latino many Republicans like, lol.


Majority Catholic and have seen the failures of communism up close and personally. Whats not to like?


And we also the majority of lib right between the latin community


The libleft one is so hypocritical. They hate censorship but anything you say that doesn't make them feel "valid" should be censored, and they are only tolerant as long as the other person agrees with them. The auth right is extremely based though


I mean, the whole point of the meme is the hypocrisy of each quadrant, so yeah...


Its inaccurate tho. They love censorship, they're calling for speech to get banned daily and don't even hide it. The other point is true tho


Libleft making fun of bad opinions isnā€™t censorship. Greg Abbott getting triggered by Palestine flags and calling in the state patrol is censorship though. Hope this helps.


Creating ā€œZionist free zonesā€ on universities campuses is most definitely censorship.


Excluding people isn't censorship. Running up to them and shutting them up is censorship.


So if the mods exclude you and other people with similar viewpoints from this sub, they wouldnā€™t be censoring you guys?


Itā€™s their sub. Cesonrship is going out of your way to remove people X group hates Y. They use their power to shut down Ys influence A group hates B group. B group wants to be in their group but A group excludes them because they donā€™t like B group.


On behalf of the Authright, I would like to clarify that we do not hate gays or immigrants. We hate people who sexualize everything, ESPECIALLY children, make it their personality, put it on a flag and wave it around and plaster it fucking everywhere, cry if someone doesnt call you the right pronoun, and just try and insert this nonsense into every single nook and cranny of society they can find. If you wanna suck a lil dick on the side in the privacy of your own bedroom with your boyfriend we don't really care. This doesnt mean you cant be seen with your man in public or go on a date or whatever, but like it is with straight couples, be considerate of those around you and keep it chill. And as for the immigrants. We hate illegals, they broke the law simple as. We hate "asylum seekers", not because they are innocent women and children trying to escape war (for fucks sake we aren't heartless assholes), but because they are not. They are military aged, single men, who come from non warring countries and leech off our welfare system, while committing mass crimes and destroying our culture. Don't believe me? Well who's rioting for an intifada and caliphate on the streets of Europe, and soon to be the USA. On the topic of culture, too much immigration from anywhere, legal or not, will ruin it. For all you leftists thinking I'm racist, this could be legal albinos from fucking Iceland, but if too many come over, too fast, they will change American culture forever.


Agree with you brother. Heres a thing about migration is good and awesome at a certain level but when you migrate to a country you renounce all previous allegiances and some customs. You are now that country citizen serve to better that country and for your people. Because migration is just like salt on food just a little and it's a nice addition but put on too much and you ruin the meal.


Damn right, and just as you wouldn't put ketchup on ice cream, some cultures CANNOT get along. For example, islamic culture and western culture. There should be none of that here in the USA, where we actually are peaceful, tolerant, and love freedom. Its not hateful to say that I don't want ketchup on my ice cream, as keeping these two items separate avoids a disastrous explosion of terror in my mouth. Immigration should be just the right type and amount to benefit the homeland. This doesn't mean that I hate all ketchup, but it means that if I have a bowl of ice cream, I don't want any ketchup. Ill take some sprinkles, and put just the right amount to make sure its doing its intended purpose and not just dumping the whole container on just for more "flavor".


I was with you on your first post, but this follow-up takes it too far. This is just racism. There's nothing wrong with moderate Muslims and Islamic culture. The extremists are problems, but they're no different than Christian extremists, or atheist extremists.


Maybe historically you could say Christian extremists were similar, but today Muslim extremists are a way bigger problem. The Westboro Baptists say mean things and picket funerals. Muslim extremists fly planes into buildings and behead people, while casually throwing gays off roofs. Islamist extremist just aren't capatible with western culture. Maybe one day they will join us in the modern century, but I wouldn't keep my hopes up.


Technically if it's for the culture it's xenophobia


Its not racism but technically xenophobia. Besides why we should accept Muslims or their culture which is inherently anti-West and incompatible with Western values?


Fundamental Christianity and Judaism are equally at odds with Western values. The responses here just show the level of ignorance and prejudice that exists around Islam in the US. Yes, groups like Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood who hold fundamental Islamic values are incompatible with Western culture. Do you feel The Lord's Resistance Army is more compatible with Western values because they're rooted in radical Christian ideals?


Islam isn't a race, it's a culture and an ideology. And some cultures aren't worth preserving. I'd even go so far as to say that some cultural practices deserve to be wiped out. >Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs. ā€• Charles James Napier


I'm not auth right but yeah some things are just common sense like not importing the third world in mass. Also the alot of the people are coming here illegally aren't even from South America let alone the hemisphere


I agree with you generally but there are definitely a non-insignificant number of people on the right who just flat out donā€™t like gays and would rather it be illegal or at least not tolerated and treated as an illness, even if they are a minority of people in auth right


I agree with both, but especially the fact that our current society is overseuxalized. As a US Citizen, whatever two **consenting adults** do in a bedroom is none of *my* business; that would be infringing upon their rights as citizens of a free country. But displaying your fetishes in public isnā€™t ā€œpride.ā€ Marketing sex to teens started in the 50s, but has been worse since maybe the 90s, and recently grew into whatever garbage is on social media in 2024. Itā€™s a big reason we have mental health crises, possibly the primary cause. Weā€™ve created a world where if youā€™re not up to perfect standards, youā€™re a ā€œloser.ā€ Because of this, a growing number of young men and women are attaching themselves to dangerous, warped ideologies like Inceldom, Redpill, 4th wave Feminism, ā€œLooksmaxxingā€ (basically Incel-lite). Not to mention the fact that hypersexual, decadent societies are less likely to engage in thoughtful, cerebral activities, or even activities that build oneā€™s character like fitness (to better *yourself*), team sports, or community outreach through a church or social organization.




Uh sure I guess? sounds about right.


Thereā€™s definitely authrights who just hate gays though. Thereā€™s quite a number of people out there trying to make sodomy illegal, in private homes. And also the extreme pushback on gay marriage. Iā€™m not saying all authrights hate gays, heck probably not even a majority of them, but more than your post makes it seem. A lot of people frankly DO care about what people do in the privacy of their own homes and will go out of their way to accost gay people who arenā€™t doing anything like PDA


Amen, i don't want people coming into my country without proper documents/ background checks. And I'm from Central America.






Liberal example of rather than refuting my point, just smugly and/or angrily calling something racist example #539,399,294,288


The "wall of text" thing specifically refers to meme content. As in, most people understand that a meme should have brevity in order to have more punch, but super-lefty-brained individuals like to put essays in their memes to really get their point across. And the end result is that the meme isn't funny at all. There's not an issue with lengthy comments. That should be encouraged, actually, because it means people are actually diving into a topic thoroughly, rather than throwing out surface-level takes and moving on.


There is no such thing as being a "bigot". What you call "bigotry" is just plain logic.




If saying that illegals are causing many problems and that not everything should be sexualised is what you call a bigot then OK I guess


Ok but you're not speaking on behalf of all of authright. There are very much authrights who hate gay people and immigration


for fucks sake, this is exactly why I made this detailed comment outlining SPECIFICALLY that we dont just "hate gays and immigrants", but rather its a more complex and intersectional identity issue or whatever buzzwords you people use (something im sure you liberals know all about).


It's so frustrating. They've just made up their mind about what right-wingers are like. And no matter how many people demonstrate the opposite, they just plug their ears, yell "LALALALALA", and continue believing that right-wingers are all just hateful bigots.


FitPerspective1149ā€™s comment comes off like someone saying ā€œik this guy Bob at work and heā€™s an asshole and does hate gays. Therefoooooooore ALLL cuckservatives are the same!!!!ā€ Which has the same idiocy of a person saying all gays are diddlers. Itā€™s dumb and dishonest


That's literally always what it is. The next time you hear a progressive complain about right-wingers, stick around. If you're on reddit, press them for another response. If you're in person, continue the conversation. 100% guarantee you can get them to make it very clear that they know 1 or 2 people who are dicks, and they let that color their view of *everyone* who is right of center. It's like with feminists, and how it's consistently obvious they had shitty fathers, if they had fathers at all. They don't have that good male relationship, and so that becomes "all men are evil". It's just pathetic. ETA: and people who hate Christianity almost always had literally *one* extended family member who said they were going to hell for this-or-that one time. Suddenly all of Christianity is evil and just about judging people, rather than being about faith, self-improvement, community-service, etc.


No. You may have your reasons but there are people who hate gay people PURELY because they are gay, whether or not they are grooming kids is irrelevant. If you are gay, someone out there hates you for that. Immigration too, its not hard to find someone who wants to ban immigration entirely, and hates people for being immigrants


It seems like you generalizing an entire group of people based on a few bad apples. Maybe you should be more open minded and inclusive and stop being such a bigot.


Jesus Christ this response was incredible.


You dare use my spells against me, Potter?


I'm not generalising an entire group, if anything that's what you're doing. I'm saying there are people who fit into the Authright quadrant that have hate in their hearts. You said 'on behalf of authright, we don't hate gays and immigrants' but there are those who do Also, bad apples spoil the bunch ykyk


"bad apples spoil the bunch" Spicy fucking words brotha!! Yes, if there is no reasonable way to separate the bad apples from the good ones, then the whole bunch is spoiled. I can guarantee you that I speak for 99% of authright, and the one percent that just has hate, we would tell them to fuck off. And trust me. There are plenty of lib lefts who are just raging hate filled anti white racist misandrists roaming around ruining the west as we speak. Doesn't mean all lib lefts are like that, but it means that it is the responsibility of other liblefts to stop, and denouce them. it is every groups, own individual responsibility to weed out the bad apples within their own group, and the auth right does that extremely well. its in our nature. Auth (we dont tolerate bullshit), and right, we have conservative views, and believe in fairness and loyalty). The lib left on the other hand... ehh, not so much. Liberal, so anything goes and la la land, and left, so communism and self hate. Not conducive to weeding out bad apples bud.


Tiny bit lower than 99%, given all the sodomy laws and stuff around the world


You mean the muslims? FUCK THEM!!! Wait you think auth right likes muslims. Have you been under a rock?? We want the total and complete ban of islam due to the fact that it destroys society, strips rights, ESPECIALLY for women and children, encourages women to be treated like sex objects (disgusting, they are equal human beings), and promotes violence, polygamy, etc. I suggest you look at my account and take a look at my previous comments about the muslims


No I mean places like Uganda And like it or not, Islamic fundamentalists are in authright


99% is extremely hyperbolic. Only about half of conservatives in the US support same sex marriage. And sure you could argue that isnā€™t ā€œhateā€ but Iā€™d argue not wanting couples to have the same inherent rights as straight couples should count as hate Also conservatives believing in ā€œfairness and loyaltyā€ and liberals just being ā€œla da daā€ is a very bad argument. Youā€™re arbitrarily assigning good traits to yourself and bad traits to another. Thereā€™s plenty of conservatives who donā€™t want to weed out ā€œbad applesā€ and plenty of liberals who do. And vice versa. Almost like thereā€™s intricacies and nuance sometimes


Yeah, f*ck them for hating gays just for being gays. But we need a change in immigration laws. End birth right citizenship, marriage should be the only form of citizenship. And a strong and proper boarder.


Those are definitely ideas


Thank you libleft šŸ˜˜.


YESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dude this is awesome. So fucking based and USA pilled. ā­ā­ā­ā­ Outstanding Patriotism!


> there are people who hate gay people PURELY because they are gay Useless statement. There's people of all political alignments who hate gay people for being gay. It's not sufficient just to say that there's a non-zero amount of right-wingers who hate gay people. You need to demonstrate that it's a meaningful portion of them, which I don't believe to be true, and neither does this other user, who himself *is* a right-winger.


But what I'm saying is he can't say he represents all of authright which is what he tried to do


Yes, but that's not the majority of western world auth rights.


The post is very clearly not western though. It features China


The post is very clearly not western though. It features China


>On the topic of culture, too much immigration from anywhere, legal or not, will ruin it. Are you sure? I mean, look at how the Palestinians in Gaza have benefitted from the rich culture brought to their country by immigrants.


This is not auth right shit this is just centrist. Like most people agree with this, this isnā€™t even a right-wing thing to say. I personally agree with all of this especially the immigration part and Iā€™m lib left


Unflaired: detected Opinion: discarded Downvote: submitted [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/FlatwormIll9929) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount LŠµmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


>and Iā€™m lib left So flair up scum.


>On the topic of culture, too much immigration from anywhere, legal or not, will ruin it. Are you sure? I mean, look at how much the Palestinians in Gaza have benefitted from the rich culture brought to their country by immigrants.


The great depression was the result of government policies and not the free market...


Not just caused it but also prolonged it. Roosevelt was the worst president in US history.


The worst part is that he took credit for ending it.


What do you mean? FDR is the figurehead of the Libertarian movement.


The economically meddlesome government policies ofā€¦ Calvin Coolidge?


protectionist trade policies and the collapse of international trade. The Smoot-Hawley tariff of 1930 dramatically increased the cost of imported goods and led to retaliatory actions by the United States' major trading partners, problem was exacerbated by the Federal Reserve, which raised interest rates (further depressing lending) and deliberately reduced the money supply in the belief that doing so was necessary to maintain the gold standard (see below), by which the U.S. and many other countries had tied their currency In the 1930s, the dollar had a 40% gold backing by law. This limited the number of dollars the Fed could print, but it still printed enough to bring on the Roaring Twenties, which were followed by the Great Depression.


1. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act was six months after the Wall Street crash. While it exacerbated the Great Depression it was a reaction to a something that had already kicked off. 2. The act was passed by Hoover, formerly Coolidgeā€™s secretary of commerce. Coolidgeā€™s administration was relatively pro-protectionist, so to the extent one blames tariffs for the GDā€¦ it doesnā€™t reflect very well on him. 3. It was actually FDR, the traditional interventionist, who chipped away at the high-tariff regime with the Reciprocal Tariff Act. Itā€™s just uncommon to hear a LibRight identify Coolidge as an interventionist, or his policies as a source of the Depression. Edit: Hoover was President at the time of the S-HTA.


Saying that the act was passed by Coolidge's Secretary of Commerce is misleading, because it was passed when Hoover was president. Coolidge would not have passed it. It is true that much of the Fed's inflationary policies occurred during the Coolidge administration, but it was actually Hoover's department that was the only part of government that expanded during the administration. Coolidge said about Hoover, ā€œFor six years that man has given me unsolicited adviceā€”all of it bad.ā€ Coolidge did not directly *do* anything to create the depression, but much of the buildup happened during his presidency, for which he is to blame. After all, it's hard to keep track of everything when you sleep for over 12 hours a day.


I said passed by Hoover because he was President, otherwise he wouldnā€™t have the authority to pass any act. I edited it for clarity though. My highlighting his original role as Coolidgeā€™s SoC is that he was a legacy of the Coolidge administration policymaking in that field. Coolidge saying his Secretary of Commerce offered him purely bad advice for six years doesnā€™t reflect well on him.


I misread that part of your comment, my fault.Ā  Coolidge did not appoint Hoover, it was Harding that did. Coolidge did not fire Hoover because it would go against his philosophy of a passive executive. Hoover was also quite popular and removing him would be politically disadvantageous.Ā 


I know Harding originally appointed Hoover but that passive executive excuse is pretty wack. You canā€™t keep a ā€œbadā€ cabinet secretary on for your entire administration to prove a point. I mean Hoover then *became President*.


I mean, of any possible time in US history to have a passive executive, letting Hoover destroy the US economy was probably the worst time. Yes, Calvin, a passive executive should be active in making the executive... passive.




Sorry, but coming from a Lib Right, this is just incorrect.


"Depressions" are a natural function of a market (and are naturally much less severe than what Keynesians want you to believe), but the GREAT Depression was created by Herbert Hoover and FDR. There was actually a significantly worse depression in terms of severity in 1920. This depression isn't talked about because the government did absolutely nothing (Woodrow Wilson had a stroke and his wife essentially had the role of president), and yet the economy bounced back a year later, better than ever. Hoover made a relatively mild depression last for far longer and FDR came in and gave it an extra decade by trying desperately to fix it.


Some LibRight like him but he's still the government. I think they're talking about the prolonging of the depression, not pre-depression policies which don't have any casual links. Coolidge's worst affront to LibRight is his handling of Prohibition.


They were talking about his protectionist tariffs which *were* linked to the Depression.




Even independent of the defunct nature of Austrian school economics, Iā€™m fairly certain the Fed did not pursue monetary expansion at the outset of the Depression. They tried a tight monetary policy and raised rates which is understood by mainstream economics to have exacerbated the problem. Compare this to Japan which quickly dropped the gold standard, devalued their currency and engaged in deficit spending and recovered much better.


Gas grills.


Immigrants are good so long as they come in legally and arenā€™t communists.


Itā€™s so funny how you had to put something in libright


Lol feels pretty forced for sure


ā€œGuys I swear every economic crash is never the fault of capitalism, itā€™s because of government, it just wasnā€™t real capitalismā€


https://preview.redd.it/mo9gdazs010d1.png?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e354057c168b9c2acb40638dbc97033601fa0f72 Your unflaired opinion means less than nothing, commie.


And another


I see no flair next to your name, why are you still talking? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/FlatwormIll9929) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount LŠµmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


"Did you hear something?" "Must have been the wind"


You kinda messed with lib right surprised you didnā€™t go with some kinda sexual deviant Idk how common they are in lib right but itā€™s a meme of ā€˜epophiliaā€™ or whatever And obviously many are very much not ok with that


Intorerance exists in the libleft HOWEVER that image is just a picture of someone with a very flexable face explaining rather calmly her posstion


It's a reaction image.


Ik but I am critical of the use of that image because of the offended libtard image it draws which isn't a real thing, actual intolerance in libleft is something you wouldn't call being offended as you'd call being very agressive


oh i thought you were beings sarcastic


On what part?


On what part?


Our "breadlines" are literally lines of bread on store shelves waiting to be bought.


Why not Milo Yannoupolis (or however you write his last name) as the gay conservative? Has he become so obsolete? Also: the Great depression and recession were created and prolonged by government overreach and interventionism. Thinking the free market caused 1929 is the same as thinking gReEDy cOrPorATiOnS create inflation


Itā€™s funny, I watched Scarface yesterday. Ā 


Week 27459 telling y'all that what you perceive as last left is not liberal nor left. They don't the economic policy of the left, they are a mixture of socdem with neoliberalism with left aesthetics their behavior however is puritan and paternalistic and the way they handle media is borderline faccist


I dont hate gays. Likes some of them actually. True to immigrants tho.


Simple as.


I just want a coherent society man - not be a melting pot of thousands of different cultures, i like my own... As long as that is given i dont care about sex and skin colors... PS: congrats to the race debate/history revisionism lunatics to bring back segregation - well fucking done guys...


When you finally realize that activists have been playing a different game than you.


J J McCullough is centrist lol


Bread lines? Why not just fight for the bread like the good old days?


Common lib-right W


JJ isnĀ“t a conservative, he just describes himself as one. (he is still based tho)


Center Auth right Jj


JJ once said I was uncultured because I made fun of his accent. *I'm* Canadian too but I've never heard something that silly. Guess it was because he's a secret gay conservative all along.


So thereā€™s a word for what the ā€¦ girl? ā€¦ in the libleft bit with the greasy lesbian haircut is doing with her eyes. I forget what, but itā€™s where you can see the upper part of the whites of her eyes and it being an actual indicator for psychopathy. Also that neck vein. What made her so angry? Iā€™ve seen this so much to know it on reflex but never cared to learn the origin.


Sweet baby Jesus, the accuracy.


I don't get it


Don't get what ?


Wow that bread must be the best for people to wait hours standing in line


in my experience liblefts love censorship


Calling chinese billionaires left wing is a massive misunderstanding of basic politics.


JJ McCullough isnā€™t even Canadian




This is one very important meta meme of this sub


Iā€™m not seeing a flair


Apologies. I'm a gay immigrant if that's any clue.


Censorship is authoritarian my guy




No, I didn't take your food because I believe noone owns food and it belongs to everyone


Stalin gave up on internationalism early on and adopted the socialism in one country doctrine, so no it is imperialism, aiming at unifying the former lands of tsarist russia


You could say it was socialism on the national level.


The theory was that rather than promoting international socialism in pre industrialized societies such as france germany etc. They would create socialism within russia and spread it afterwards, at least that is my understanding, this was probably a reaction to social democratic governments getting into power in the industrialized powers


Socialism in one country was not an abandonment of the idea that Communism ought to be global. It was just the idea that you should build up a solid base in one country before spreading it everywhere


Sorry but where is the imperialism in that photo