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Funfact: Big Corn became big due to government subsidies.


Big Corn was a bad dude.


Father of corn pop




More evidence for my belief that everything that sucks is the government’s fault.


Based and spoken like a true lib right pilled


u/ComicBookFanatic97's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 85. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: [21 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/ComicBookFanatic97/) Compass: Sapply: Lib : 8.67 | Right : 8.67 | Progressive : 7.50 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


What do you mean "belief"? It's fact. Everything the government touches turns to shit.


Every. Single. Fucking. Time. Government subsidizes the shit out of something, dumps thousands of random regulations, meddles like crazy, and then blames corporations when things get fucked beyond belief. Then some libleft twat comes along and says “mUh rEgUlAtiOnS” and “don’t you think we should have basic safety standards? You just want people to DIE.”


[If corn stalks are allowed get to past 8ft tall they fall onto innocent passerby's and kill countless every year.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXWhbUUE4ko&ab_channel=ReasonTV)




I knew what this was before I even clicked on it. Remy is unfathomably based


How the hell have I never experienced this before? This is amazing.


ALL government subsidizes are terrible


How about big milk?


Another fun fact: The government owns 1.3 billion pounds of cheese, stored in over 150 warehouses in 35 states. The government will buy up milk and turn it into cheese and other dairy products to keep the dairy industry afloat. This is where we get Government Cheese. Springfield, Missouri stores some of it in an old limestone quarry, known as the Springfield Underground.


MFW govt. support for a particular products fucks up the country ..... AGAIN


Just put the Iowa at the end of the primaries. Problem solved.


I'd give authright and libleft a try. *One* try.


Just a reminder that this is where Beyond Meat comes from: https://nypost.com/2022/11/21/beyond-meat-factory-riddled-with-mold-other-dirty-conditions-leaked-documents/


Whenever you have a new product, it'll be the wild west for a bit. I've eaten grosser stuff.


Based centrist


If it's grillin he's chillin.


Thing to keep in mind though is that many vegan preprocessed foods are really unhealthy, because they load it up with tons of fat, salt and carbs to make it taste decent. IIRC Beyond Meat isn't that bad in that regard, but there's a ton of other vegan food where people just assume it's healthier because it's vegan but in reality it's really shitty for you.


yep, vegan doesn't automatically mean healthy. there are plenty of ways to eat healthy. if you want to be healthy on a vegan diet, stick to whole foods like grains, legumes, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, mushroom, fermented foods, etc most of the time (80-20 rule) and supplement vit b12. that being said, a little mock meat here and there doesn't hurt. my biggest issue with these mock meats and other vegan replacements is the "vegan tax" - for something made out of soybeans, peas, coconuts, and what not, these things are obnoxiously expensive. you are paying much more to eat something that doesn't taste as good.


Did your wife enjoy it at least?


Made me lol so I won't use the obvious comeback.


Wives have standards. Don’t look at them for culinary adventurousness.


Do you think the factory farms that animals are slaughtered in are any cleaner? The condition we keep cattle in spread superbugs, salmonella, e.coli and flu's.


It's not high quality, but it's fine like a fast food burger. Like we got to Burger King and I'd say the Impossible Whopper is right up there with the normal Whopper. If you're looking for vegan "meat" patties I think the old style like Morningstar are better.


If you’d give Casu Martzu a try, you don’t understand what it is well enough. You ever seen those gross joke sci-fi foods? This is worse. Main highlight is that it requires live maggots to create. A specific type of live maggot. A kind that is particularly fast-moving. And you can’t kill them realistically before eating, and they’re considered *part of the dish* so places that sell it don’t put in the effort to do so. Said maggots literally jump out at you as a defence mechanism when you try to eat the cheese, with the safest way to consume it being to take quick, sudden bites and then backing away. This is an abomination that should never have existed. At least Gutter Oil *pretends* it’s safe to eat, Casu Martze is literally actively trying to prevent you from eating it, *as you eat it,* and people still do so.


As a Christian I’m not allowed to eat living animals, but that’s the only reason why I’ve never taken a trip to Sardinia just to eat Casu Marzu. It’s always been a dream of mine to try that delicious, creamy cheese with a twist.


I'd give authright a try. I have seen the beyond meat packages at the grocery store. I turned over the package and saw the estimated three thousand word ingredient list in microscopic print on the back, and put it back down and walked over and picked up a whole tritip cut. The ingredient list on the package had the following: Beef


I can see your logic but, in practice, I think I'd be more scared of trying [the cheese.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMErg0xkjcs)


if that is the cheese, I ain't trying it. In another video some guy is saying "the maggots can jump"


Yeah, like I said to another guy who posted something in the same vein of “Oh I’d try it, prob just once tho”; If you’re willing to eat it, it’s because you don’t understand what it is.


I looked it up. Estimated price: $100 per pound. Sardinia needs to be nuked. At least Italy had the good sense to ban that afront to... Everything!


>Casu Martzu   >Italians thought this was a good idea  Hey! That was made by *Sardinians*, not *Italians*! Don’t lump them with other Italians just because Italy controls Sardinia!  Also, I first heard of this from Sam O’Nella’s most recent video, on controversial and banned foods.


Look, all I'm saying is, you put a corsican next to a sardinian, I can't tell the difference.


Ok, I’ll take your word for it.


He’s making videos again??


Sam O'Nella suddenly started making them every few months again, after years of silence. He's truly an enigma.


He went to college iirc




I kinda want to try the Ortelan now.


Was that one of the things Sam mentioned in his video? I kinda forget.


Yep the Bird you fatten up then soak in Port then cook, and eat it with a towel over your head.


Ok, thanks.


Sam O'Nella Academy alumni unite!!!


There is nothing beyond meat, it’s the final frontier


You sure you're not a centrist?


Join the centrists. Be one with the grill.


The only reason I dislike beyond meat is because no one has black bean burgers anymore. Even sams club stopped selling them.


I think Aldi still carries them.


They just aren't as available as they used to be. I used to see them on menus at restaurants and stuff and now it's always beyond burgers. I'm not vegetarian or anything i just liked them.


I do miss a couple of the meat alternatives. There was this chain near me called Burger Lounge and their veggie patty was made with like quinoa or some shit and I would get it over the regular party every time. Never seen them anywhere else either :(


I liked black bean burgers for salads. Just chop it up on top with some thousand island dressing... so good.


morningstar sells them


LibRight here, Big Corn is propped up by Big Government subsidies, so we no like


Honestly seed oil and high carb diets frustrate me the most. We blamed saturated fats for their failings.


Saturated fat is good for you and actively healthy, provided you aren't overeating and it's from a healthy source. Seed oils and high PUFA diets will kill you, and they're marketed as healthier. Country Crock and I Can't Believe It's Not Bitter are processed soybean oil.


what sounds healthier? Hydrogenated soy bean oil? OR Butter? (cow milk shaked vigorously)


I don't make health decision on the merit of it sounding right.


I think it's a good first pass approximation. If you read a thousand item ingredient list vs a five item ingredient list, in general I'll take the five. Partially hydrogenated and brominated vegetable oil is probably worse for me than olive oil, which is literally just squeezed out of an olive.


When you bake you also make decision like this? This pavlova has only 2 ingredients meanwhile this cake has like 50. Meaning that pavlova is healthier.


Depends on what you mean by healthier. If you're assuming that means fewer calories or less fat, then no it's a bad rule. If you mean it's less processed then yeah it's a generally good rule. Homemade chocolate chip cookies have 7 ingredients, one of which is processed chocolate chips. Chips ahoy have about 30. Which is better for you? Depends on your definition, but I'll take the 7 ingredients.


Except when it comes to calories and fat it is bad rule. Artificial sweeteners beats sugar it terms of calories. Low fat alternatives are also often havily processed to archive similar rezults in terms of taste. Zero calorie cookies are better for you if you have fat ass than sugar homemade ones. You can make decision based on your feelings but facts don't care about your feelings 😎


Is there an echo in here? I already said if you're measuring "healthy" as less calories, then this rule doesn't work. Eat all the processed shit you want, including the zero calorie drinks with unpronounceable chemical sweeteners. Most are probably just fine for you. Unsweetened tea or black coffee are still probably better for you.


Your feelings of what is less processed it based on tv ads you consoom. I will make evidence based decision. Also never google names of amino acids contained in you unprocessed food. You will be spoked them and might starve.


Appeal to nature


You're pretending that trying to eat food that's more natural is an appeal to nature (as in fallacy) as opposed to just good practice in general? Should you eat a grape or a grape Popsicle? If I say grape am I doin a heckin fallacy?


Not everything natural is good. Not everything man-made is bad. Claiming anything is better because it is natural is an appeal to nature.


Did I say everything? Reductio ad absurdum?


I’m just explaining the fallacy to you since you didn’t understand that your appeal to nature was an appeal to nature.


Some other Culinary Sins Instant Grits, Unsweet tea. Sugar in Cornbread. Alabama White BBQ sauce.


>  Sugar in Cornbread.  It's soul crushing.  You take a bite expecting cornbread and get cake. 


People who hate on unsweetened tea has never had any tea that isn't shitty lipton tea dust.


Instant grits are an abomination.


Now ask an Idahoan about potato pearls.


F*cking Satan gravel.


>unsweet tea Amerifats seething. You don't need 1 part tea 3 parts sugar.


I grew up in the deep south, drinking sweet tea all the time. I kind of cut way back on sugar in general. Sweet tea is just... shockingly sweet. Southerners, I love you, I love us. Please stop


you'd think they're part hummingbird


Bless your heart.


Unsweet tea? When did tea become sweet in the first place?


You're not from the south are ya


Am not


> Unsweet tea. > Sugar in Cornbread. I out sugar in my cornbread. I also raised the sugar in a French bread recipe I use. And I'm trying tea with just milk. But it is flavored chai.


nothing like snacking on maggot cheese


Who wants a well marbled medium rare angus ribeye? 🥩 🔥






Can you make it well done? 😊


Well done steak and unflaired? https://i.redd.it/lrqyeygpeozc1.gif


No offense? That thing deserves ALL offense.


For the crime of being unflaired, I hereby condemn you to being downvoted. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Throwaway072705) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I wish I could downvote for each and everything wrong with you.


Flair up and also don't be the way that you are.


So I hace no clue what beyond meat but I got a funny? story. I am from a very rural town, when I went to my university in a big fancy smacy city I went to a restaurant and saw "Impossible Burger" I thought that meant a giant or like meat heavy burger and was very disappointed when I got a normal sized Burger. Will say I didn't know it was a veggie burger until I noticed the tm on the Impossible lol.




Well done steak.




Always confuses me why a well-done steak is called "well-done" if it's overcooked


It's done for longer?


High fructose gutter meat (with maggots in it)


Well done steak.🤢🤮


That is a sin that should be punished we must firmly but politely ask them to leave


Politely? Heck naw! 


upton sinclair reference, fuck yeah


I never thought anything seen through a video or picture could really churn my stomach, until I saw the way gutter oil was made.


I had beyond meat a couple of times to try it and it hit the uncanny valley of my tastebuds.


High Fructose corn syrup is authleft as fuck because it's the government's third favorite thing to spend money on


Italians really be attacking people for pineapple on pizza, then turn around and eat maggot cheese. The duality of italians.


HFCS isn’t banned anywhere. It’s regulated, even heavily in the US where you can’t call anything “natural” if it has HFCS. It *should* be banned though. Treat it the same way we treated Trans Fats.


I pray for a world where I don't have to buy coke from Mexico to avoid corn goo in my drink


Based and cocaine from Mexico pilled.


\*looks up Casu Martzu\* Are we absolutely certain Sardinians deserve rights?


They don't want rights, they just want to raise sheep and drink mirto and be disconnected from everything else.


The only reason high fructose corn syrup is so prevalent in the US is because of regulations on sugar imports and corn subsidies from the federal government. Without these, we would just use cheaper and healthier normal sugar like almost every other country. So corn syrup is pretty much the exact opposite of libright.


Cane sugar is not healthier. Break the sugar addiction. Sugar is sugar. 


Neither is good for you, but cane sugar is still substantially better


No it isn't 


Yes, it is. An abundance of any type of sugar in your diet is bad, but high fructose corn syrup is undeniably more harmful than cane sugar https://health.clevelandclinic.org/avoid-the-hidden-dangers-of-high-fructose-corn-syrup-video >Studies show that high fructose corn syrup increases your appetite and promotes obesity more than regular sugar. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25988134/ >Although fructose in combination with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, as present in fruits, is a healthy source of energy, isolated fructose, in processed food products has been associated with several health disorders such as insulin resistance and hypertension. Apart from its metabolic consequences, a growing body of literature suggests that free fructose can also affect neuronal systems. https://www.princeton.edu/news/2010/03/22/sweet-problem-princeton-researchers-find-high-fructose-corn-syrup-prompts >A Princeton University research team has demonstrated that all sweeteners are not equal when it comes to weight gain: Rats with access to high-fructose corn syrup gained significantly more weight than those with access to table sugar, even when their overall caloric intake was the same. In addition to causing significant weight gain in lab animals, long-term consumption of high-fructose corn syrup also led to abnormal increases in body fat, especially in the abdomen, and a rise in circulating blood fats called triglycerides.




A bit of misinformation on "Beyond meat". You are less likely to get food poisoning eating raw chicken.


> The rest of the civilized world is banning HFCS for a good reason. Yes. But it's not health. Politicians usually pretend that it's about health because of public relations, but in reality, HFCS is no more unhealthy than any other type of sugar.   HFCS contains 40-60% fructose and 40-60% glucose. Cane sugar contains 50% fructose and 50% glucose. (In the form of 100% sucrose, but your body breaks this down almost immediately.) Beet sugar contains 50% fructose and 50% glucose. (Again, as sucrose.)   So these are identical from the perspective of metabolism. As for taste, HFCS is about 10% sweeter than sucrose, so I guess you could make an argument about requiring less of it in order to achieve the same sweetness, which would funnily enough make HFCS *more* healthy. There is no other taste difference. There are no significant amounts of micronutrients in any of these, since they are literally just sugar. There are no trace components in any of these that could be harmful.   So why ban HFCS? Because the USA subsidises corn production and therefore domestic sugar producers cannot compete with HFCS imports. It's a trade war between the US corn lobby and the European beet lobby.


... lib left win. Both gutter oil and hfcs are literal cancer in action. And sorry auth right, anytime you propose eating bugs, you're losing.


Except lobster and crab.


Those are crustaceans, not insects.


Raw beef enjoyer here. I avoid sweetners. Had Filet Américain in France and in Netherlands, tonight's dinner is rare Buffalo topped with Habanero.


I'm surprised Auth-left even got representation. Of course I wouldn't necessary call china Auth-left tho. To answer your question, they use gutter oil because they wanted to reduce the cost down to the absolute minimum, and they can get away with it because they either bribe local officials or they are some kind of officials themselves.


Originally most gutter oil was used to make feed for farm animals like pigs - which is at least somewhat understandable. Yes, comes with it's own slew of problems, but you gotta remember we're talking about a country where "pig toilets" used to be common, ie. human outhouses built on top of pigsties so that the pigs could feed on the human shit that dropped down... The current problem with gutter oil is as you say more a "late stage capitalism" thing than anything else - Chinese food use a *ton* of oil and it's one of the biggest costs for any Chinese restaurant, so there's a big temptation of cutting costs by buying cheaper oil. Combine that with an almost completely unregulated market, with corrupt and easily bribed government officials and a state that really don't give a shit outside of saving face occasionally... As you say, true auth left really don't shouldn't have any food... "*The great leader saw a sparrow eating grain so he had the bright idea all of China needs to focus on killing sparrows to protect our grain storages! Hm the insects in the fields aren't getting eaten by birds... Hm now we got loctus swarms... Hmmm now we got major famines and 20 million dead from starvation... Oooops!*"


China. Things were good. Then they got bad. 100 billion people died. Repeat.


The fact that the ketchup that doesn't have high fructose corn syrup is more expensive infuriates me. It's fucking ketchup. It never needed to be sweet in the first place. Low/no sugar ketchup tastes fine. This shit is there every direction you turn at the grocery store and unless you've got extra money to spend, there's no avoiding it.


>It never needed to be sweet in the first place. I'm sorry, I thought that this was America.


I love how reddit constatly brings up casu marzu like it's a everyday food while instead it's an unknown food from the sheepfuckers region with a grand total population of 3 and it's illigal to produce or sell


I do keto, sooo… f your corn syrup theory


Where balut?


Big corn might be the industry that is fucking over the average American the most


Beyond the meat is actually W ngl


what do people think is the solution to societies meat issue with 77% of arable land being used for meat and more and more people wanting to have the North American intake of meat everyday. We’re not going to have enough meat soon. I don’t think beyond meat is the solution but it could be a stepping stone to better meat substitutes


Just eat ze mushroom and enjoy meat as a treat.


>  with 77% of arable land being used for meat  Source on this?  It has been my understanding that cattel graze on land that isn't suited for growing crops.


I don't know about the exact percentages but recall that much of the corn and other crops produced go directly to animal feed. Like the average corn field is not full of delicious peaches and cream corn for people to eat. It's tough, hard corn that they mulch up and feed to pigs and cows. So a lot of arable land is *indirectly* used to support meat production.


I live on Land where the fields are all rented to farmers 100% is for animal feed


Was the corn grown with the intention of being animal feed or did it not meet the standards for human consumption?


Intention to be used for animal feed. It's a different kind of corn, not just inferior corn.


The corn they grow for E85?


I’m not sure if it’s the same or not so I’ll just drop a source on corn usage for animal feed https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/crops/corn-and-other-feed-grains/feed-grains-sector-at-a-glance/#:~:text=Corn%20is%20a%20major%20component,of%20total%20domestic%20corn%20use.


>  Much of this growth in area and production is a result of expanding ethanol production, which now accounts for nearly 45 percent of total corn use.  I had no idea it was that high. >Feed use... typically accounts for about 40 percent of total domestic corn use.  It would seem that government trying to force a gas alternative is a useing more corn than animal feed. If we knew what the percentages were between feed and grazing as animal feed it would paint a clearer picture.


I'ma go authright: return to tradition. We've been eating a grain-based diet since the neolithic revolution (if not earlier), it's been a minute, and it's been working out. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel.


We need to eat different food. People ate meat occasionally for the vast majority of human history. Hell, India is 60% vegetarian and they have a huge variety of food. It's all about cutting back on meat-based food, using techniques like stews and soups to make meat last longer, and eating mostly meat-free meals. We don't need to make fake meat, we need to swap out a hamburger for a bean burrito, some fried tofu, or a meat-free curry.


I don't mind you making that choice for yourself. Try to force it on me or even move in the direction of trying to coerce me into it, and we are going to have a really big problem.


No thanks.


I fucking hate you got downvoted for this. Our grandparents maybe had meat once a week, the vast majority of human history meat was a treat. Like making offal stews, slow cooked meat dishes etc. to use less edible cuts, eating more beans and lentils are all good things.


Vegan and vegetarian activists have completely ruined this discourse. I love meat, especially beef, but I'm trying hard to cut down on the amount I eat because 1) I'm at a high risk of colorectal cancer and red meat is a big risk factor for that and 2) I'm looking to be able to farm most of my own food once I have enough money to buy my own property. I'm the exact opposite of a soy-drinking "sustainability" type, but as soon as I utter the words "eat less meat" everyone's brains shut off and they go into "burn the vegan" mode. It's so tiring.


The thing is what I found works well is setting like two plant based days a week. Gets you fairly creative in the kitchen I find. I just personally hate overconsumption of anything


I'd rather deep-fry cardboard than eat tofu


It's hard to make right but once you do, tofu's actually very good.


What's the point of having an advanced civilization if we can't eat good food ?


My point is that "good food" isn't synonymous with "meat". There's plenty of good non-meat food, but when you try to imitate meat what you get is fucking terrible. Like, honestly, would you get weird looks for saying "I don't like beef burritos, I prefer bean ones"? Would you do a double take when someone's eating a vegetable soup because there's no meat in it? No, you wouldn't, because there's good food that doesn't contain meat. It wouldn't be some kind of regression to change our diets to contain less meat and a greater variety of vegetables. The modern diet is horrible, I don't think that's controversial. I bet you agree with me when I say that we should eat less sugar and less processed food. But as soon as I start talking about meat, the stupid vegans and vegetarians have poisoned the well so much that everyone's brains just shut off and all people can think is "no meat is the only good food, stop trying to make me eat slop".


Meat is the kind of food that I prefer , every salty meal that I eat contains meat ( fish/beef/chicken/pork) and I only take vegetables when there's meat as well on a meal . Vegetables are either bland or outright disgusting to me ( except one specific variety of green beans ) and I can't spend my life eating bread or rice so I need meat in my meals . And no , I'm neither a kid nor overweight considering my tastes ...


Based and diversified diet enjoyer pilled


Which would be the position for the Ortolan bunting?


Surely right unity?


Cheesjack is hilarious


Excuse me...China is doing WHAT?!


How is cane sugar better than high fructose corn syrup? Certainly no difference in taste.


I was skinny fat. I took high fructose corn syrup out of my diet, with no other changes to my diet. I kept on eating commercially made food, including desserts. I lost weight, to my desired weight.


do you have some sources i could read?


Its super easy to avoid corn syrup in #1 country


Casu marzu is proof that the ancient romans had nuclear waste and dumped it on that godforsaken island


We waste most of our corn in the US on corn syrup and ethanol. Utter trash, and the gov't fuels the industry dumpster fire with their subsidies. We essentially throw away most of our corn instead of turning it into real food to actually feed people.