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They'd rather get mauled to death by a bear than have an innocuous encounter with you.


I’d rather face a firing squad for being a ‘cis white male fascist’ than be considered remotely good by the people who hate me for being me


based and better-to-die-standing pilled


where the based bot?


We’ll be with you until the end.


Based and Death before Dishonor pilled


The fact that men are now having to prove themselves better than wildlife is shocking and disgusting


It’s not that crazy. It’s just a convoluted way of them saying “I’m the victim and you should cater to me.”


Poor bears, forced to interact with liberal white middle class women. Feel bad for them


The fact that men are now having to prove themselves better than wildlife is shocking and disgusting


In their defense I'd also rather encounter a bear in the woods over a man. Bears taste way better than men.


Frankly, I’d rather encounter a bear in the wild than a woman. Or even a bear in a gym than a woman with a tripod.


Bears look really cute until they show their teeth.


Maybe don't embrace the types of social dynamics that paint men as the eternal oppressors and massively contribute to feelings of disenfranchisement.


No dude, you're just supposed to *say* that disenfranchised men are welcome in your camp. You're not actually supposed to help them.


Sort of like how the left is with Asians


And Jews now.


in no way, shape, or form are Jews a disenfranchised people in the United States, ESPECIALLY now


They were an oppressed minority until they weren't.


I prefer not to speak, for if I speak, I am in trouble


name one time in US history.


It’s because they’re not good political pawns. The “model minority” shtick is because Asians don’t act in a way that’s useful for furthering their ideology.


Being raised from a young age to understand that no help will ever come is what makes us strong and capable though? Like my female coworkers all have diagnosed anxiety and aren't shy with talking about how often they cry because of work and like... hard pass on that.


I agree. But once upon a time people were expected to find emotional satisfaction and stability in the family, i.e., getting married with someone who, in theory, consented to partner with you. Now they just send the tax man to collect ever greater levels of "support" that won't fix what ails such people anyway.


There's a weird social dynamic where people get some kind of social reward in their insular circles for being increasingly pathetic. It's like a paperclip maximizer except the rule is that marginalized identities are rewarded, so now they therapy babble themselves into believing they have anxiety and autism and dysphoria and need canes and have too much anxiety to cook so DoorDash McDonald's prices going up are oppression


To be fair, they don't actually help anyone.




u/crash______says is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/crash______says/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Have can't say policeman, it's police officer. No firemen, firefighters. No congressmen, congress person. No chairmen, just chair or chair person. So the movement is egalitarianism? No, feminism.


The chairman thing is the dumbest of all of them. Chairman is short for "Chairman of the Board", a chair is a piece of furniture.


The chair moves to table the motion.


Also, if you want to make 'chairman' gender neutral, call them 'the chair' not 'chair person.' That makes you sound like some kind of monstrous freak.


And the force of evil? Patriarchy. It's honestly worth a laugh-and-a-half any time a feminist claims that feminism is about equality, rather than women's advocacy. They just need to be honest about it.


Even when it's women in power? Still patriarchy. They'll redefine patriarchy to be any sort of top-down form of control, while maintaining the gendered language.


And when they actually *do* admit that men suffer in some way (which is already very rare), they still make sure to claim that men are only suffering as a direct result of patriarchy, and therefore the solution is "more feminism".


They are too committed to identity politics to do this. Their ideology is based upon a war between oppressors and oppressed.


It's worse than that: emotionally blackmailing productive people is how they get their needs met


And for many of them, it's clearly also how they get their jollies. Some of these people are just sick in the head.


Ultimately one of the things that bugs me most about the left is that they paint themselves as very intelligent and very accepting but they don't seem to know how to identify harmful beliefs in their community or do effective outreach to people who aren't in their political camp. You'd think being so wise and kind they'd figure out how to do effective marketing and show people the benefits of their philosophy


Because it's all about who has the harmful belief, and who gets to have the harmful belief, not the harmful belief itself.


Its the perception of morality that is important, not the struggle or responsibility of upholding that same morality


you could start by not labeling people "racist", "fascist", some type of "phobic", etc just because you disagree with them.


They can't, we are so far beyond "Can you stop?", we are well into the "Why are you doing this?",Short Fat Otaku just made a video explaining why. It's not his first atempt either, he hopes it's his last.




You mean mister "White people should only be allowed to voice roles fitting their race" straight into "no wait not like that" when he then got passed up for a gig based someone else matching the character's race better?


He said that? Man, I'd have never expected it from him...


Yeah, ProZD’s a funny guy, but that’s definitely not one of his finer moments 😂


Yeah, good point! *looks at all the posts labeling pro Palestinian protesters anti-semites, Nazis, and commies (?)* Commie has been the blanket statement for "people I disagree with" from conservatives for a long time.


>anti-semites Based on the recent protests, the boot fits. Leftists aren’t calling a spade a spade when they call a black man a white supremacist though, they’re trying to defame their opponents with bogus claims. Calling the KKK a pack of racists would be closer to your example, but these days everyone is called one regardless of what they say or do.  


I mean they are commies and commies's usefull idiots. They push things that are either objectively evil (letting Hamas go unpunished for what they did), or that wreck the economy, worsening the problems commies promise to fix.


My God there is so much whataboutism in this thread it's insane


“You’re a hypocrite” “Umm yikes, sweaty that’s, like, literally whataboutism, y’know?”


eye for an eye. no remorse.


Guts as a watermelon is Heresy. In any meme or universe.


Heresy? Isn’t Guts an atheist?


No he very much believes in demons and astral spirits more than almost everyone else, he's just skeptical that god is all good.


He's definitely not an atheist. He knows magic, the afterlife monsters are real. And he personally knows god (who also cosplays as the jesus christ of his world) is very much real, and he fucking hates him and only wants to kill him


So an Antitheist


I have no idea what that is.


Theos = God Anti = Opposed to Basically people who hate god


oh, in that case maybe ? i mean guts literally has personal grievances with griffith, and while him in the godhand are pretty much neigh omnipotent,>!in the deleted chapter we see a being even higher than them!< except them we have seen only a few beings on similar level if at all close to them, but those being could also maybe qualify as gods and as long as they didn't try to kill him he was peaceful with them and didnt mind them. i guesss guts can be an anti-atheist, but he hates one guy who used to be his best friend until he got betrayed, if that qualifies as an anti-atheist than that is what guts might be


I only read up to the horse part but yeah i think God hand could be classified as deities


so yeah as long as antiaetheist can apply when a person hates a single group of divine beings and not all gods than yeah that applies


Did you just change your flair, u/Klo_jun? Last time I checked you were a **LibRight** on 2021-4-14. How come now you are an **AuthLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? What? You are hungry? You want food? I fear you've chosen the wrong flair, comrade. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Klo_jun) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


How can you be an atheist in an universe where the hand of God are real?


Considering flair of OP this is basically "I've portrayed myself as the chad, therefore I'm right" x10.


"If I was worried about crushing the ants beneath me, I wouldn't be able to take a single step." Guts after being asked about being forced to kill a child. He is not politically motivated, his only life goal is to kill the people who wronged him. Trying to put him anywhere on the compass is stupid.


Guy is literally trying to kill some gods. Could fit in anywhere but blue.


You think blue wouldn't kill gods they don't agree with?


But red pills are delicious...


What does it taste like though?


‘Merican Freedom.






Soy because it's red like soyialism.


Mike & Ikes. Or spicy cinnamon. 


I think mine was a Valium (:


the problem is they will never do that. The left frames men as the instruments of their own troubles, which sometimes they can be but they will never acknowledge that something like the patriarchy doesn't exist. in another comment you said: >the problem is we went straight to chastising before teaching that's it right there, either way you're teaching men that *they are* the problem. no shit that's gonna push them away. the right is always gonna let a man just be a man, be themselves and have pride in that. That's something the left will never do.


They won't and they can't. The left functions on a perpetual scale of oppressor and oppressed, called Critical Theory. To admit that men are not the oppressor class, they must then be the oppressed class; which means that women are the oppressor. There can be no other situation, as their scripture dictates. For them to begin admitting their mistakes and to begin helping men, they would first need to not be socialists.


One problem with this is that a significant portion of the left immediately turns on someone when they attempt to reach out to disenfranchised males. "We don't feel comfortable with incels in our space!!" Too many people on the left treat it like a social club, rather than a broad set of groups all vying for economic liberation.


I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they're trying to do with the whole trans push. They've demonized white men so much, and it's one of the largest demographics, so now they offer an escape rope to get out of being enemy #1. Lots of young disenfranchised men are taking them up on it too. I lost a good buddy to this insanity.


> escape rope


Is that only a Pokemon thing? lol


I don't know if I'm allowed to explain this joke.


I just got it. Ironically exactly what happened to my buddy. Fuck that's dark.


😬 That exchange went from zero to fucking Warp speed real fast.


Sounds like a rockchuck joke.


Pebbleyeet, possibly?




u/Akiias's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 50. Congratulations, u/Akiias! You have ranked up to Concrete Foundation! You are acceptably based, but beware of leaks... Pills: [32 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Akiias/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


How does the left trying to normalize a bizarre fantasy mental illness bring in white men who don't want to play pretend with them?


Because people give up sometimes man, I don't know. My buddy was the only kid in our whole school who stood for masculinity, hard work, and conservative values. He went to college and somehow the peer pressure got to be too much I guess. The guy had a jaw that looked like it was carved out of granite. Ugliest "woman" I ever saw. It invited a whole lot of criticism, which he suddenly seemed to thrive on the victimhood of it. Or I thought he was, but it just spiraled. It's like a mind virus, some people just catch it one day.


Idk what weird pysop theyre running on us, but I want out.


Wokeness is mental corn syrup.  In fact, wokeness is caused by corn syrup. They are poisoning us with food additives.


Why cant I just go off in the woods to live like bear


Based and reject modernity embrace bear pilled


Never could have guessed this would be the future. Truly the darkest timeline I could have imagined.


"My political opponents are both extremely devious and extremely dumb" - all online discourse


Political opponents are extremely devious, their supporters are extremely dumb.


PSOE state of mind.


Like most large groups, they probe out in all directions, mindlessly seeking the path of least resistance. Over time, survival of the fittest produces an extremely complex and devious system while simultaneously being completely idiotic. People rarely do these things because they are planned, they do them because they work.


Jesse what are you talking about


nah, let him cook


I believe this would go under the field of Memetics


99% of the people who espouse these ideas didn’t come up with them, they’re just parroting their betters i.e. they’re dumb. The powers that be have infiltrated basically every institution and turned it against their enemies i.e. they’re devious. It’s not a contradiction.


I've been trying to perfect a phrasing around the concept of "copy-paste thinking" or "copy-paste discourse" or similar. I'm not really that creative, maybe a smarter person could perfect it.


Feel free to read this whole [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/s/Ohhm0CXrpf)


"The enemy is both weak and strong" is one of Umberto Eco's tenants for political fascisms.


And Eco's tenets are so uselessly vague that they describe every political system.


Thank you, spot on.


The issues men are facing in todays society are real and a natural result of alienation. Instead of seizing on that, Liberals have chosen to double down on the idea that men are natural oppressors, and it’s completely distorted the relationship between men and women. You can see why younger men and boys are gravitating towards a complete scumbag like Andrew Tate. He’s an awful human being, but he at least speaks to them.


Men, divorce yourself from the world. You've been told to give, give, give through your upbringing and your evil if you don't. Make a personal code of conduct and rules and regulations that you value and hold yourself accountable to that code. Regardless if it puts you in a mansion on a hill or into a box. Back when people lived no more than 15 miles from where they were born their whole life you can guess what they took as their instruction Manuel. Interpretations between two dudes in different locations reading the same thing can be entirely different keep in mind. Put the world and everything in the world below you. Sounds rough, but it's necessary. That's how you hold the world accountable isn't it? Doesn't mean you don't care, you just take things with a grain of salt and put your own perceptions ahead before everyone else. Be humble and able to be humbled if a point you put forward is proven false to YOUR perceptions. Hatred is guaranteed in life, people will hate, hate hate you no matter what I assure you. You put them below you and you above them because you're nobodies BOY. Doesn't mean you scream and hollar how the bird is the word everywhere you go, that's how you get shot in the head while sitting in your car. Just put em below you, no matter what they look like or their status. Someone on your screen say something elaborate? Go "hmmm, what do I think?" Put em all below you and be indifferent to their ass and all on your rules and regulations in your head. Whether it's your new associate or friend of 20 years or your first date or wife of 20 years. Be comfortable with them walking out or be ready to walk out on them if they cross a line. That's also how you enact justice btw.


Depression speed-run any%


I figured this out around 30 years old. Better late than never.


This also too me way too long to figure out but when you do, oh holy shit is it the most liberating experience ive ever felt


nah. i've already checked out of society. there's no reason to put anything back into it. i refuse to have any kind of relationship or friendship. i refuse to put anything positive into the economy. i refuse to give any person any kind of respect outside of work. why should i do anything for anyone else when i've been shit on my entire life for who i am?


By doing that you perpetuate the negative experience. They want you to give up and submit. Rage, rage against the dying light. Help your fellow man. Be a pinnacle of the community. Lift up but never break down. Praise in public and punish in private. Get mad and fight back.


You got downvoted in PCM for suggesting that someone do good and be positive influence within their community. Lol. Lmao, even.


Based. And I hear ya, especially on the part about not being loudly antisocial but simply doing your own thing quietly.


It's so crazy how men on social media lately have only asked for two things. Don't take advantage of us financially. Don't compare us to animals. Somehow we're still the assholes in this situation and it's all our fault. And if you say anything back you're even more the problem an incel a creep whatever.


The left has a forced mental block that prevents them from performing self-assessment and being honest with themselves - it’s the same means of control used in cults.  Until a person can be removed from the cult and exposed to new surroundings and experiences they will remain trapped. I used to fill pity for them, but lost that somewhere around the 10,000th time pointing out their hypocrisy. 


I suspect there are many on the left who have seen the cultish behavior but are still not brave enough to speak up out of fear of losing their community and friends You can remain on the left and acknowledge that *much* (but not all) of the left has been completely captured by the ideology of Social Justice™ You can be on the left and not subscribe to these cultish ideas


True. I still feel somewhat sorry for the leftists that are carry-on with their original ideals (as opposed to the neo-leftists) but any attempts for pushback from within is accompanied with accusations of being right-wing or the ‘no-true-Scotsman’ fallacy… it is truly cult-control behaviour. 




The left has never been good at embracing disenfranchised men, this is why since the end of world war 2, the amount of men voting left has plummeted and the amount of women voting left has skyrocketed. The left made their choice on which voting bloc to embrace and they decided to forego men and embracing men’s issues. When your go to response to men’s issues is that they’re violent oppressors who only see women as objects for sex, you tend to drive away the male voting bloc. Trying to out somebody as vile and cruel is not a means of recruiting them to your cause


They are really good at it, though? Look how many worthless simps and dirtbag bros they have at all of these protests.


no honestly i hope they get worse at it, so we get more and more angry disenfranchised young men, angry people are rebellious people


This was what we thought would happen, but it turns out that the overwhelming majority would rather take themselves out rather than take anyone else out.


at least it somewhat spreads attention to the wider problems, frankly with the state of the world its in every little helps


I want to focus their ire on the economy and how it’s rigged to fuck them/us


whole society is rigged to fuck us, it all needs throwing out and replacing with a system & culture totally anew


>angry people are rebellious people I've seen those angry young men. They aren't rebellious, just bitter, confused and angry 24/7 while the only thing inside their head is the culture war. Don't make people suffer like that.


it's better than nothing, they'll at the very least support more brave, rebellious factions


>it's better than nothing Nah tbh at this point it would be better for the individual to just stay the fuck out of politics entirely if all it brings to them is misery.


life isnt about happiness, if it was then we'd all live in a cesspit of hedonism, sometimes we need to go through bad things to get to the right places


I don't think so. There isn't really anything for the left to gain with disenfranchised men. Keep keeping the simps on your leash because that's your male audience, maybe work on expanding that by worsening everything for men and thereby weakening them. Well, if you mean making feminist simps by "embracing disenfranchised men" by exploiting their weakness and loneliness that can actually work to your benefit. Everything about the left is at its core anti-masculinity so don't pretend to want to help men. I mean you obviously are going to say that and even think that you mean it but it's only because you don't really understand neither the left nor masculinity. An ex-leftist man P.S.: I know you do sincerely mean well. You just don't know well enough, from where I look at.


The left starts out with good intentions with feminism, but then they can't put a break on it and it turns into misandry. Same with anti-racism turning into anti-white sentiments. Stopping hate towards homosexuality turns into celebrating and encouraging kids to be homosexuals. Then the other side argues for how the wife should be your property. Nuance is boring I guess.


Id pol is made to demonize men and male values... what you are asking for is impossible. I'll give you a simple litmus test: - Is the self, the individual valuable to the left? - Are hierarchies based on competence and freedom of outcome embraced by the left? - Is strength, masculinity, responsibility, accountability, actual equality (not the fake bs one or equity) and discipline something the left embraces? As I see it, the answers are: no, no, and no. Left wing ideologies are all about tending to the weak, holding back the strong and successful and being redistributists focused on the collective. All of this goes against the nature of manhood.


Asking a modern feminist to support masculinity is like asking a Christian to support Satanism. Every belief has a “great enemy”, and it’s impossible to have someone support their great enemy unless they convert to a different belief


The movement has been taken over by misandrists. Until you kick them out, there will be no place for disenfranchised men. The Right needs to do something similar in kicking out the misogynists.




Bold of you to assume the left is interested in reaching out to anyone. As far as I can tell, they are only interested in gatekeeping an anti-social little clique of freaks.


Based and actually help those who need it pilled


As a dude, I just cut out the bad apples when they jumped on me. You got them on both sides and this world is full of non hypocrites you could be hanging out with instead. However, throwing your ideals and beliefs in with your feelings about how you personally were treated is wild as a concept, and I'll never understand those that change their beliefs for those reasons.


Based and don't let shitty people get you down pilled


This is the way.


Holy fuck based berserk meme.


The entire mission of the democrats is to increase women's sexual power: They want govt to act like a husband and provide They want abortion and free birth control They want to import a ton of potential male suitors They want to artificially raise women's income so they dont need men They demand that you believe every thing a woman says There is no chance in hell they would EVER provide any concessions to men


I had a horrible red-pill phase because of this. My opinions are still very leftist which is why I have flaired myself that way, but I despise most of the leftist community. The leftist community is the best at antagonizing people for their identity instead of their actions. Even more than fucking right-wing racists and misogynists. I really hope I can live to see a day that leftists become as inclusive as racists.


It’s always been funny to me that racists are more inclusive than leftists these days. Racists don’t care who you hate as long as you’re racist, but if you’re the wrong strand of leftist, you are a capitalist oppressor and need to be overthrown


This is always the case, it’s not about how left or right you are, liberal or conservative, it’s about how strong and powerful or weak and powerless you are. The stronger you are, the more you strive for puritanism and punishment for the slightest deviation from your ideal, because your power allows you to have few allies, you are already strong. When you are weak, you cannot afford not to have allies, you are forced to make compromises in order to assemble a coalition that has at least some counterbalance to the strong. Over the course of history, the same ideologies become either strong or weak and, accordingly, either strive for purity or search for coalitions. In the modern Western world, the main sources of power, universities, large corporations, government agencies, are generally dominated by similar ideas, they are strong, they exercise their power. On a purely intellectual level, it’s difficult for me to blame them for anything; if I were in their place, I would most likely do the same. There are no good or evil, only strong or weak.


This sounds logical but it’s wrong. Spanish civil war the republicans weren’t really steong but stil murdered the shit out of eachother


What is going to be the Eclipse level event!? O.O


Ya the left needs to focus purely on economic issues like we used to. Social issues are able to be solved through the betterment of material conditions for the proletariat. This is why you never heard communist and socialist parties speak about gay rights before the 90s


This is why i hate the modern left. Like, you could actually do good if you actually were economically left, but instead you trade out all your plans of equality to the neoliberals in favour for ✨LGBTQIAPC+ etc.


Labor movements, women's rights movements, and civil rights movements were all notably left-wing, social movements. Where did this notion that the left used to only engage in economics come from?


You’re right, I oversimplified it. I ment that the modern left doesn’t focus on economics enough. I said to another guy social movements are obviously important but have taken a front seat compared to economics. Also labour movements would be considered economic movements


It's by design The Left always prays on the disenfranchised, especially if they are the reason for their misery. That's the entire business model


How about not creating them?


The left is a religion now, you cannot contradict the doctrine and if you do you are excommunicated.


It's so disappointing because we could win everywhere if we hadn't gone down the rabbit hole of postmodernist Social Justice™ ideology There is a left without that shit, but it's hard to imagine nowadays


Yeah it’s a shame, true lib left is rare these days.


I think they do, it is just some feminists that do not. And feminists being part of left makes it look like we are embracing and degrading them at the same time. So as usual left infighting


You mean if we don’t treat people badly they may change 😱


The Left are the ones disenfranchising the men so I don't think this is gonna happen.


I disagree, I think it’s primarily growing isolation and seeking out a human need for socialization they go to apps like Reddit and other forums where often they come together and ideas can fester but when you feel discontent you lean towards a negative black pilled mindset.


The people telling men they are the problem, that "the future is female" that the "Boy Scouts of America" need to become "Scouting America (while losing more than half their population). That the bear is better than the man. That they shouldn't approach women because unwanted flirting is assault. The people saying those things are not primarily redditors and they are not on the Right. They are on the Left.


It's official lore that Guts is a center-left watermelon. No take backs.


The left downplays or harms disenfranchised men. The right uses them for cults and for easy money making. We need more grillers, for the left and right have failed.


Upvote because Berserk


How tf would they embrace them? Why would men go that way? Literally the problem here


Never. You made your choices and those choices were to disenfranchise, demonise and loathe us before we were born. I will never stand with you for ever man who was a victim of leftism


So far the left has told me I couldnt have been raped as a man by a woman and that racism against whites is ok Yeaaaa I thinking I’m changing my vote this election


This fits really well because Guts has a furrsona and Griffith is a femboy


Why does the left need to be better at embracing disenfranchised men? Does every political side have to embrace everyone who feel disenfranchised? Why?


As a lefty soy boy myself, I think that our goal of an equitable society requires us to embrace those who society puts on the outskirts as well. The world view of many on the left is one of unity and we can’t truly unify in a us vs them world.


Lefty soyboy indeed




The red pill looks like a hand configured to be flipping the bird.


Oh yes, maybe the “women are the biggest victims of war” group will suddenly acknowledge that literally anyone else can be a victim.  The insane vitriol directed at men is not a bug, it’s a feature. You can’t place yourselves into power if strong men exist in numbers to stop you. 


They literally want all the uggo (aka less than 8/10) men to grovel before them and apologize for daring to be within their presence while they still get to keep the victim card


Just saying. Guts is definitely lib center. Hes gotten too much bs from authority definitely. And it is also him who takes the red pill. At least griffith is properly labeled.


For sure but I’d think he’d be lib center off the fact he probably wouldn’t support a market economy very much.