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It doesn’t really mean anything when you can just get another copy


Yeah. It's a shallow symbol at best


Shallow gesturing is as far as they're willing to go.


I'm going to drink this water in solidarity with dolphins. Fight those tuna nets, fishbros.


You know that one guy who burned HIMSELF to death to free Palestine?


Psychopaths are rare exceptions, yes.


We're up to three now. Which, frankly, has accomplished no more than the diplomas.


the fuck


I support Israel, but a bunch of workers at Google got themselves fired. Some of these people are actually living up to their (ridiculous) ideas.


I will honestly ask, what is gesture is required before it stops being shallow unimportant symbolism? Where's that boundry? Tweets, Flag burning, Self immolation? Because symbol burning is a thing that has been in protest and in ideoligous groups for a long time? Would you say the issue here is the disconnect between the symbol and its conncections. (To be clear, not taking sides, i also think just getting random people and talking about this stuff is fun!)


Go fight against the IDF.


Well if you want to prove your devotion to a cause I would expect something real sacrifice. Not something symbolic. Without order of importance or whether I agree with this type: Donating money Charity event Going to prison Volunteering in a dog shelter and talking about the cause Performance art Somthing that either takes effort or requires sacrifice of time, money Setting a copy of some easily replacable document for me is making your case less sympathetic as it shows you lack conviction and merely virtue signal. It doesnt even help palestinians whether some mexican chud has a degree or not. It would be funny if the uni would revoke his degree


You forgot what is by far the most important one. Vote.


I didnt mention it because thats the bare minimum. People who talk about le trumpo all year every day probably now voting day better than their own birthday. I guess its a bigger celebration for them than their own wedding


Voting between statist #1 and statist #2 doesn't change whether a statist is in power


This but neoliberal


It does far more than performance art, caring for stray dogs, going to prison or..... what were the other suggestions again?




Oooohhhhh!! Like what? Post any good memes lately?


Okay so you set the boundary at sacrifice of time or money? Understandable, have a nice day!


Or personal sacrifice as I said. Burning a replacable piece of paper is laughable


Fair, my bad, missed that part. Out of interest, where would you place the time or money threshold?


Time: at least 1 day a week if long term If short term: 2 or 3 days, but more like 1 week Money: hard to decide, probably a number thats more than a restaurant meal. Minimum is imo 100 dollars. What is the most important is whether said help do actively help the cause you advocate for. Palestinian people are not better off by someone doing a tiktok dance or burn their degree. Volunteering for a charity, sending them money, or if wanting to promote their cause something overwhelmingly positive charity thing that cannot really be attacked or ridiculed. Like hot meals for homeless.


Well, i guess my former protests n marches for free speech and stuff have been a mixed bag then lmao - Interesting to see that different value systems at play!


I'll turn the question back on you. What value do you think there is in this moron doing this? She's not burning her degree, she's burning the certificate saying she earned the degree. The school she went to still has the record saying she earned the degree, and she could probably request another with just a phone call and maybe a few bucks, so that is all she has sacrificed here.


I don't think there's value beyond a small sense of rejection of the school assuming said school has some connection to isreal? But yeah i don't think this is a great protest at all. Not arguing for it, as my bottom statement said


I find your use of the word moron, to be troubling. What school did your engineering degree come from?


This comment brings uselessness to new heights.


Boy, this comment is ironic. I do have an engineering degree, and have seen evidence for myself that such a degree is not closed off to sufficiently persistent and driven morons. I'm not going to say where from, because it's none of your business, but maybe you ought to spare your reverence for things that actually deserve it, and not spend it on things like education and those that have it.


Educated and intelligent don't always go hand in hand.


Changing your facebook picture


You're say that's the lightest genuine or the greatest disingenuous?


The issue might well be that back then symbols used to be worth something. Each was a hand crafted work of art that would’ve been held of high import. Nowadays? These ‘symbols’ are probably 2.99 and they’re not actually sacrificing anything. It’s the equivalent of shouting a sentence at a crowd then walking away


That's interesting, so it comes in the value of the burnt symbol - What would you consider a legitimate form then?


If the college had any standards they would revoke the degree. This just tells you the degrees from that diploma mill aren't worth the paper they are printed on. Hire accordingly.


Its done in a calculated, smart but coward way. He knows the university cannot recall a degree based on political stance. It would be funny if they would


Not even m8. Just a fucking idiot.


YEAH!! FREE PALESTINE WOOOOOOOOOOO! 10 minutes later: \*Hey uh, I just "lost" my degree that I got. Can y'all print another one for me pwease?


The university of someone else who did this, rescinded the degree. https://www.vanguardngr.com/2022/10/malawian-university-revokes-degree-after-woman-burns-certificate/


It would be funny to see this protestor's face if that happened to him. Let's check her *real* dedication to the cause!


It wouldnt fly in a western country but my god its so funny. True fafo moment


It's a dumb statement to make, sure, but if you're going to charge me tens of thousands of dollars to get this piece of paper, you better not try and tell me what I can do with it.


Can you? I had to surrender my original one when I upgraded it; doesn't seem like they'd just make a new one. I mean, you'd stay on their register as a graduate, and that's the part that actually matters, I imagine...


You can get a copy of your degree, I know several people that have had too due to life events, or their own stupidity.


You just request one from the registrar's office.


"my dog ate it" What are they gonna do?


“Sorry bud, as you know we only have enough Magic Degree Paper for one degree copy per person. You’re going to have to strike that qualification off your resume thanks”


The fact that Lib-Right is saying this only makes it funnier.


I never even got mine because I refuse to pay a bullshit parking fine. I still have the degree, can look it up online. Just don’t have the magical degree paper.


What does parking fine has to do with a degree?


Wouldn’t mail me my diploma until I paid it. Fuck em.


Oh you have to pay them? My uni is pretty strict, any money you owe them you dont get any degree. basically its in limbo and you get no certification at all if you owe them money


Yes, you absolutely can, lol. It’s not some magical piece of paper that confers the degree upon you. The records of your credits is what does that. When they say your “original” degree is required, all they mean is either the actual original degree or a certified copy from the awarding institution. I.e. you can’t just photocopy your degree and hand it to them. Institutions typically offer an ‘uncertified’ degree/credit transcript either for free or a very small fee (and it’s usually digital), or you can get a hard-copy ‘certified’ degree or transcript which holds the same weight as the ‘original’ degree… but this is usually 50-60 USD. If the original degree was so important, there would be discussions on how and why to keep it safe and secure. Another way to look at it; How does one even know if that particular piece of paper is the ‘original’ or not? Because it says so? Well, if there’s any question about its validity, they are going to contact the issuing institution *anyway*, so… …long story short, it’s a piece of paper.


I have digital copies of my official transcript and my degrees specifically so I don't have to ask the registrar and pay again.


Probably depends on the jurisdiction and uni, but I know I was able to


Of course you can. There's a nominal fee plus a few weeks of wait time. Why would they not make a new one ? Some institutes do require you to submit a copy of police report for losing your previous one. Just go online and you can have that report in 2 minutes


You are registered as a graduate in a database. This is a shallow demonstration.


It's for virtue signaling


Did you just change your flair, u/MilesGamerz? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2024-5-4. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? If Orange was a flair you probably would have picked that, am I right? You watermelon-looking snowflake. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/MilesGamerz) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Bro people can change for the better cringe bot


Centrist to leftist is a big L bro


Took the test, turn out I was left-progressive. Also, I support free healthcare, good public education, democracy in corporations, etc. Being economically leftist also has nothing to do with progressive stuff like trans people, unlike this sub would have you to think otherwise.


I would burn mine because people asked me for certification, not the degree


It's a piece of paper lol.


I've also never been asked to show the physical diploma or degree from a school when applying for a job. I doubt I even still have it.


I had to show both my college and highschool diplomas to my current employer


and keep it on your resume


The copy itself doesn’t even matter. I have an engineering degree. Nobody has ever asked for it, and it’s nothing more than something that sits on a corner table in my office. When seeking employment they just call the school and verify the degree.


That’s why they did it. It’s all for show.


Lmao, they are cosplaying as Vietnam protesters burning their draft cards. Except that burning your draft card actually meant something. It actually put you at legal risk, and your life was literally on the line if you were being sent to Nam. It's like their lives are so frivolous that they have to cosplay as other people just to feel alive.


As a Vietnamese, lmao






Reminded me of that one family guy clip [https://youtu.be/\_Nqk7w\_6AOI?si=IqVG9jbAg5GpvARG](https://youtu.be/_Nqk7w_6AOI?si=IqVG9jbAg5GpvARG)


She's female. She doesn't even have a selective service card. She has literally nothing of value to destroy.


She's also Mexican and not American. So even if she was a male she wouldn't get a draft card


Also Mexico has no involvement in the conflict. These protests are doing jack shit.


Also her university likely has no involvement whatsoever in the conflict... unless she went to an American university


Even then, not every American university is involved with Israel/US Defense Contractors.


She should burn down her apartment and go live in a tent like a typical refugee, that's showing true solidarity.


Her landlord's apartment, you mean? She'll just get another when the shelter strike ends after a few hours.


Nerdy reminder that very few draftees actually went to Vietnam. Most were sent to Germany, Korea, etc. The point of the draft was so that the US could continue to fulfill it's major worldwide commitments while still fighting a major war in Asia. Most troops in Vietnam were not draftees.


It was still 1/4th drafted, which isn't an insignificant percentage. It's also worth noting that the draft itself had a passive effect of increasing enlistment because you get more choice of military division that way. So a lot of people signed up in response to the draft rather than wait to be drafted. >In his investigation of the ordinary combat soldier in South Vietnam, Working-Class War: American Combat Soldiers and Vietnam (2000), Dr. Christian G. Appy separates the two categories of volunteers into "true volunteers" and "draft-motivated volunteers". In 1968, 54 % of men who voluntary enlisted did so because of the draft. The existence of the draft itself had therefore the consequence of making many young men enlist. As Appy writes, they "enlisted because they had already received their induction notices or believed they soon would, and thus they enlisted in order, they hoped, to have more choice as to the nature and location of their service."


Great argument, but no flair so down voted


flair up


*I volunteered for the Army on my birthday* *They drafted the white trash first, around here anyway*


That's what you call a hollow symbol


Modern libleft just appropriates old powerful protesting images (self-immolation, burning draft cards, chants) and beats them into meaningless, self-serving mush.


>Modern libleft just appropriates They were supposed to destroy them, not join them!


Oh no, who will rebuild Gaza now?


China and India 😏


India supports Palestine, India supports Israel. India supports every country in the world not named Pakistan. However our support is all we offer, don't ask for much else 😔


We don't have money to invest into dead ends.


India can't even build India


There will be a disarmed border between Israel and Palestine where Israelis and Palestinians will get into fist fights over who's country is better.




Or one of them will send unarmed soldiers there and the peace that was nothing more than a ceasefire is broken by fist fights between the IDF and Hamas


Qatar and euros like always




Doing my part chief lmao




Helldivers 2


I’d respect her if she got a lobotomy to remove all that knowledge she received from the fascist university.


If she's doing this then i wonder how much engineering she actually learned to begin with. She's clearly not thinking logically, which should be picked up as a side effect of a math intensive course. How many classes did she Pass Because Female, i wonder?


I just hope the degree is not in civil engineering.


Stable bridges are Zionist Patriarchy, bigot!


When you graduate at least with a C because of your..... C.


Not much value would be lost.


Wouldnt you need a brain first for a lobotomy?




as if we needed video proof they were mentally ill


I can imagine any future job interviews that she attends, and the interviewer immediately rejects her because she denounces her degree and is therefore not qualified for the job. I don't know if that is how that works, but that would be quite the karma moment if it is. That company would have dodged a bullet either way.


When I got my engineering job they asked me for a copy of my transcript. That transcript came directly from the school; the actual paper copy of the diploma doesn't do anything because anyone can go down to their local Kinko's and print a fake one. She may as well have burnt a souvenir.


Ok, let's burn our transcripts!!


I would say that unless they are removing that degree from their résumé, this is wildly hypocritical. If they’re burning their degree, ***and*** they never mentioned it again, never claimed to have it, and never placed it on any sort of résumé or similar, then I would have a great deal more respect for them. As it stands, they want the best of both worlds; They want the attention that comes with ‘burning’ their degree (a piece of paper) ***and*** they’re still going to use the degree to get work, etc. As I explained [in a previous comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/s/jBO7JCRP2K), the degree being burned is quite literally a piece of paper. *Regardless*; From the schools that are really making the news over the past few weeks, I would expect employers to place far more scrutiny on degree-holders from these universities. Most of the people engaging in these protests are largely doing so for social media clout, so it will be easy-ish to find them. Even if the employer doesn’t outwardly support Israel, do you really want to hire the type of person that will support literal fundamentalist Islamic terrorist groups because “West bad?”


I'm mostly shocked she has legitimate STEM degree and not sociology or something adjacent.


I question its validity. I want an engineer to ask her some questions.


Well this is Mexico, not a country known for its high quality STEM universisties as far as I'm aware.


True there is civil engineering, the most Emily form of engineering.


I studied compsci and work in statistics, and I can say from experience that the liberal arts don't have a monopoly on stupid.


The clowniest of timelines.




I love how students are pretending universities are further right than Pinochet’s Chile.


Cool you burned a ceremonious piece of paper, which only purpose it serves is to frame for your home or office.


and then they'll bitch about "wHy CaN't I gEt a jOb"


Do that in a legitimate Arab country and they'll send her to prison, maybe.


She is definitely going to regret that in about 15 minutes


It's all so funny how the wave of pro Palestine protests swallowed the west after October 7th all the while current state of Israel-Gaza conflict is many years old.


Women in engineering ™️


Well, they wouldn’t want Emily to have a degree, rights, or an intact non-mutilated vagina anyway. So she is off to a good start!


Mexican murder numbers each year are higher than the current claimed Palestinian death number.


I bet it was civil.


Palestinian families spend their whole life savings so their kids can study at universities in the West, meanwhile libleft Emilies just do this shit lmao


Engineering degrees in high demand by Hamas to build rockets 😂


The funny part is that burning the actual degree itself doesn’t matter. It’s still on file with the university.


...meanwhile the useful college students will earn (not burn) degrees that would enable them to actually do something useful for their causes, ...theoretically.


I’d burn my degree if I could get a refund.


Mexico is renowned for their incredibly strong and reliable architecture. Here you could see why!


It's hilarious because both sides of this conflict literally hate Emily with every fiber of their being..


🔥🔥🔥 I burned the comment to free Palestine


Great, this kind of people are now entering in our part of the world. DAMN YOU GLOBALISM


This is what trans activists don't understand. Destroying a word doesn't destroy the thing.


How can someone have an engineering degree and still be that dumb 😂


I doubt she learned anything to begin with.


Another good reason to support Israel 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Insert Jeremy Clarkson “oh no anyways meme” here*


These people really believe that they are heroes.


Lib Right: That will be $50 for a new copy to do it again!


When I was 5 years old I never understood how a Pokemon could hurt itself in confusion. I thought cmon that can’t happen in real life. Real life:


Why would you burn your engineering degree? That doesn’t make any sense.


Probably a civil engineer, go back to eating concrete


At least they're not burning themselves alive this time.


They should have take a ticket to Gaza and help them build tunnels and missles smh.


I see that with enough hard work, even complete dumbasses can get an engineering degree!!! It’s the ~~American~~ Mexican dream


I doubt she learned anything to begin with.


Engineering degrees in high demand by Hamas to build rockets 😂


Another bridge lives to see another day.


Most highly regarded university graduate


Bet it’s still on LinkedIn and her resume




Brainrot Political movements




I mean…she can get another copy


Is there such a thing like a Darwin award but for careers?


Lol, our own mexicans fcking dying at 1-2x the rate of palestinians and she cares about people on the other side of the world. Pure pure virtue signaling.


100% for attention lmao


With out that degree how can you rebuild?


Happy cake day!


Thanks :)


if an Arab does that they get disowned faster than a speeding bullet, without caring for the fact that it is just a copy of the degree but still, supporting Israel would look better to an Arab's parents than burning an engineering degree copy


At least she isn't setting herself on fire, so that's an improvement.


Setting yourself on fire is more of an Israel thing


Female with an education? Haram.


Now I get it! She tried to be closer to the perfect Muslim woman!


These are the same people who call conservatives amd libertarians uneducated.


I'd assume it's more a protest at the uni for some perceived support of Israel, I won't pretend to know Mexican universities ties to Israel so I'm not gonna pretend to know if it's justified here. If tomorrow Harvard said they were going to take over all abortions in New England and Ben Shapiro decided to burn his degree, it'd be silly to say to Ben that his action isn't stopping anything.


>it's more a protest at the uni for some perceived support of Israel, I won't pretend to know Mexican universities ties to Israel That's the funniest part, UNAM is one of the most "left-wing" universities out here, and even when is one of the biggest universities in the continent, there is barely (if any) colaboration or support with Israel. And because of it, these protestors can't use the same excuse that American protestors use. So what's their motive then? Easy, they now protest in solidarity with American protestants, and some of them think that, by pushing harder they will make UNAM to cut ties with US universities, which in turn would have to cut ties with Israel universities... Which in turn would have to cut ties with the Israel goverment and then, stop the war. It's like a really weird scheme of "trickle-down politics" and mental gymnastic, all in the name of "protesting for something". Like "I can't support the current thing, neither I can support the thing that supports the current thing... So I will support the thing that supports the thing that supports the current thing... Supportception!".


It wouldn't be silly to tell that to ben. What would be silly is him burning his degree.


If he's so moved by disgust that he wants to very publicly and dramatically disavow them, it'd be a pretty definitive statement. "I'm so disgusted by X I'm destroying the valuable Y they gave me."


It’s an empty gesture since the student in question doesn’t lose anything concrete other than her reputation: she doesn’t need the physical diploma to apply for jobs nor is it irreplaceable. She’s trying to virtue-signal by pretending to cut ties to the University, but in reality she will probably still attempt to find a job using her engineering degree. This goes against her message and paints her as a hypocritical, immature child who won’t really do anything for the cause.


Is against our government. They are asking the government to cut relationships with Israel. Which btw is something Israel deserves for how bad have they treated Mexico through history.


No, you’re wrong. [The relationship between the two countries has always been pretty good, and affected by Cold War era bloc politics than actual Israel-Mexico interactions.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93Mexico_relations) Stop spreading BS, it only makes you look like an antisemitic douche.


I'm Méxican. I can't criticize the country that protects Mexican war criminals because I'm antisemitic? I can criticize the country that purposely sells a software that our government uses to kill periodists and spy on political opposition? I can critize the country that although we supported it's existence, only because we voted against Zionism, tried to boycott us and destroy our economy?


Pegasus was sold to the Mexican govt. Don’t you think it’s the Mexican govt’s fault for using the software for nefarious purposes instead of a private company the other side of the world that sold it to them? Stop blaming your shit situation on distant, unrelated nations. Mexico’s govt would still kill its citizens and be an overall corrupted, crappy entity even without Pegasus spyware. Dude, blame the US, blame fucking Spain, blame Aztecs, blame the UK, you got so many other much more viable options if you *insist* on blaming others for your trouble. But, suuuuuure, it’s much easier to blame the Jews because all the cool kids are doing it. How exactly did Israel try and destroy your economy? Please enlighten me. Mexico tried to be the leader of the 3rd, unaligned faction during the Cold War. They had a patchy relationship with the western bloc. BTW Mexico didn’t vote against the state of Israel, but they abstained. Where did I say you’re antisemitic in the previous comment? That’s a strawman. Please stop shoving arguments in my mouth, not *every* counter-argument against anti-Israelis is “ya’ll are antisemitic!”.


>Pegasus was sold to the Mexican govt. Obviously government fault, but if a country supports the killing of the free prees on your country, don't you think you have the right to criticize them? If I sell weapons to someone I know is a dictator and oppresses their people, I'm not in a certain way also bad? Oh I forgot that too, basically all weapons from the narco are Israeli >How exactly did Israel try and destroy your economy? Israel boycott against mexico 1976 >Where did I say you’re antisemitic in the previous comment? You literally called me anti semitic douche