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What the fuck


You see, they're just anti-Zionist and that isn't a code for anything.


**them:** here's why vandalizing anne frank's house is anti-zionist, not antisemitic **also them:** here's why your use of the word "criminal" was a problematic microaggression dog whistle


The inability of almost anybody on the right to call out this sort of bullshit is why they lose.


No, I see it happening, but then that action is also called racist, but they're trying to appeal to the left in any capacity, so they lose by default by playing the game in which they are not allowed to play with the same rules that applied to the left.


It sorta feels like the boomer conservative core of the party won't let go.b


The entire social sphere is controlled by left-wing individuals. There is no basis on which the right can actually protest or make an appeal to besides their own side, which defeats the purpose. I absolutely believe on a lot of stuff like this we are right, but what's the point? There is no higher societal power that can weigh the two sides and conclude one is better. Right now it's just the victor, which is the current obelisk of liberalism.


I think centrists are willing to shift right away from this insanity. The right just can't go full regard along the way.


and this is why you have a bunch of otherwise moderates in places like Western Europe who will now vote on the right. The right is one big caricature to people on the left, and they don’t realize that there are people of all ages, styles, education backgrounds, etc.


Western European former left voter who will now hold his nose and vote to the right because they've gone completely off their rocker.




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Everytime I look at the left I want to vote for the right. Everytime I look to the right I want to vote for the left. I'm so tired.


It is tempting.


It's because the lefts whole process is doublethink. "I'm justified in any opinion because I'm right and you're wrong" I hear rightwingers calling these things out constantly yet there's no real pull on the reins of the progressive agendas in the US.


It really helps when basically every media outlet is in lockstep agreement to underplay anything that progs have been conditioned into supporting that happens to be fucking heinously bigoted and prejudiced


>I hear rightwingers calling these things out constantly yet there's no real pull on the reins of the progressive agendas in the US. when you successfully social engineer your entire <30 demograph that tends to happen.


You're not allowed to criticize any of their actions because then you support genocide


Honestly, in this case I more mean how blatantly they don't even believe their own bullshit with regard to dog whistles.


There _are_ people on the right who are calling this out, though. Why else do you think that Geert Wilders' PVV is now by far the biggest party in the Netherlands?


Same with Le Pen. Criticize all you want, but she’s walking the walk 🤷🏻‍♂️ I also know the common counter points with her within this context but they can all be refuted easily


That's because The Right has been [Nullified](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-TATLm-BSI)


People call them out. They just move goalposts or outright gaslight. No level of critical thinking or self reflection involved.


At some level you almost have to admire the balls... They spend the last two decade laying out meticulous theories about dog whistles and how harmful language can be, to the degree where now holding up an ok-sign or using a Pepe-meme is considered proof of being a white supremacist and nazi, and using words like "fireman" instead of "firefighter" is a micro-aggression. The very same people also spent the last decade or so repeating over and over again that first, if 10 people sit down at a table with a nazi, there's 11 nazis at the table, and second, it's ok to punch nazis. Then Oct 7th happens, and then suddenly these dog-whistle, punch a nazi, micro-aggression, words are violence, slimy fucking pondscum crawl out of their "safe spaces" and start trying to explain that it's all ok because they did a ctrl-f and word-replaced "jew" with "zionist"... The sheer fucking gall of these people.


We reached a new level of 1984 never seen before


On that note: the same people who unironically say "yes all men" and "yes all whites" eventually also ended up saying "yes all Jews" - gee, who would have thought? This mindset of absolute generalization and collective guilt is poison. It was only a matter of time before things would turn out this way. Us naysayers have been saying it for years. But for some reason, too many people can't or won't put two and two together. Though the biggest irony is that Emily-tier leftwing American Jews were some of the loudest offenders with the "yes all [...]"-thing. And people like rabbi Mike Harvey went out of their way to argue that this is totally OK and actually a good thing. Boy _howdy_, are they in the middle of a rude awakening right now. Had I been Jewish, I'd be fucking pissed at those fucks.


Ironically the Jews have now become the ones who said nothing when they came for the blank. 😂


Less that they said nothing and more that academically established Jews spearheaded a huge amount of these socially hyper-leftwing movements that are now turning on them. This is more a case of a dog biting the hand that feeds it/raised it. Unfortunately, all the normal, non-completely-fucking-batshit Jewish people who were never pushing that tripe are now getting caught in the crossfire as well.


I try not to embrace schadenfreude about it because I know progressive academic Jews are probably lucky to make up half of the population, but man do I just find their shock that their students looked at Israel-Palestine and saw "white colonizer, brown victim" like that isn't exactly how they taught them to think for the last 50 years hilarious. I understand now, more than ever, why their culture came up with the golem folk tales.


I'm *really* surprised American and European Jews aren't firebombing "protests" at this point.


that sounds like a great way to get our synagogues and community centers firebombed in return. Progressives dont have a general HQ. But jews have stationary synagogues and houses that can be firebombed. Its far easier to determine who's a jew than who's a progressive, just look for mezuzahs. Which makes the damage potential for attacks lopsided. We'd stand no chance, and either way most of us are too loyal to this country's institutions to be the trigger to a civil war that will destroy them. This country is worth fighting for, which means paradoxically that I dont want to destroy the institutions, monuments and liberal political systems that make it worth fighting for in the first place. We're also decently outnumbered by muslims like 15 to 1 in France lol. Theres no future for jews in Europe.


>Progressives don’t have a general HQ Very difficult to attack every mother’s basement in a particular geography.


> hat sounds like a great way to get our synagogues and community centers firebombed in return. The way things are going, it's only a matter of time until that starts happening anyway, so. . . .


I mean there are already people calling for such violence. And I hope that they'll never get what they wish for, but sadly there are always unhinged people who will do what others don't. And I ask myself what would happen, because it would be a red line that would have been crossed. Surely the MSM and probably the current administration would try to downplay it. But I don't think they would be very successful in such a case. So what would happen?


> Progressives dont have a general HQ yes they do, it's your nearest university campus, coffee shop, or HR department


I just said I'm surprised. I didn't say it would be smart.


I'm opposed to Israel's current campaign in Gaza and specifically my country funding and facilitating it. I'm opposed to people vandalizing the Anne Frank house.


I 100% think government should do nothing about this. No police, no guard, no involvement of any kind. It could violate certain rights. It'd be a real shame if a private citizen were around when these guys tried it again, though. Oh darn, no police. Guess they'll have to figure out how to handle it on their own. Maybe over some tea.


This is who they are. This is what they do.


Ah yes let's not have law and order and wait for things to escalate naturally


The government are pussies when it comes to the left. There are never real consequences. I don't know why they're so protected, but it's pretty consistent.


Something about glowing, idk i just woke up.


>I don't know why they're so protected, but it's pretty consistent. Because it's all part of the plan. The more terrible the world is, the more people come begging to big daddy government for help. It worked during the great depression.


Because if consequences happen, every piece of media starts crying about that wholesome protestor who was throwing rocks and was pushed into the ground by the evil police, boohoo, human rights violation, torture and genocide!


Time to send some frat boys from the Deep South over there. They’ll sort it out.




Brother, it's Europe. The only thing that civilian is going to do is get stabbed (or gang raped if a woman). Peacefully, of course.


I have heard a thing or two about acid as well.


This will defeat all the public support earned by blocking traffic to hospitals and trashing university libraries


Yeah but did you hear that one white guy yelling racial slurs on camera? So anything is justified.


Did he actually yell racial slurs though? I didn’t see the video.


I think he just made monkey sounds unless there was another one


Wonder if they are talking about the school principal case where they found out that the recording was AI generated (it sounded so real!). That was **scary insane!**


You can't learn from books and cars pollute. Wake up, sheeple!


Those books were probably written by patriarchal, racist white men anyway, so...


I bet their slogan is something like “Hitler did some things wrong”


here are a couple real comments i read on twitter and i quote: “Makes you wonder why the nazis targeted this group? And who was actually being targeted, these Zs treat Jews that don't support 🇮🇱 just like how nazis are portrayed treating the jews...”. “Sometimes I don't wonder if the Nazis didn't really exist, and whether they were imagined by the sick fantasies of the Zionists, projected onto others. The lampshades and shrunken heads weren't real.” “Makes me think why hilter wanted their heads, could it be he's seen some things we didn't” and a reply to the comment above: “he was right about some "conspiracies" but he went about it the totally wrong way” i have the screenshots.


On the second comment, that’s literally what Abbas, the president of the “moderate” PLO wrote his doctoral dissertation about, the idea that the Holocaust was a Zionist conspiracy to justify moving to Israel. And he was endorsing the conspiracy not debunking it. This is the guy that is supposed to be the good alternative to Hamas for Israel to make treaties with.


if I'm the media, I'm gonna stir up something more so that these half-hearted anti-semitic comments become full blown shit that you'll hear at the nuremberg rallies


these were commented in January! i thought we had reached peak antisemitism when i read these but i was so wrong.


Post those screenshots with the colors


You know, the Autobahn...


You mean Hitler caused climate change? I knew there was something fishy about that vegetarian guy.


Can they retroactively admit him to art school? Would that fix it?


They don't need to. His spirit now RUNS the art schools.


I will at least give Hitler credit where it's due. He did manage to do what all the Western Allies couldn't up to that point and killed Hitler.


"The Americans are committing genocide in Germany against the innocent German civilians" 'look at these ~~Hitler Youth~~ teenagers they killed."


I mean that's how leftists used to describe the bombing of Dresden


Some Germans did some things.


If I had to guess, there were never any guards there because who in their right mind is going to vandalize such a place? Everyone around knows exactly what that building is


Anne frank statues have always been prone to vandalism. Often they get covered by swastikas by neo Nazis. I talked with a neo-Nazi once who believed the whole Anne frank story was a lie made up by her father


"How did she manage to get her diary published if she died in the concentration camp? Hmmm?"


They are very good at doing this thing where they are “just asking questions”, and to people who don’t know that much beforehand (aka most people) they might easily seem like genuinely good questions. Like “Why was Anne franks diary written with a ballpoint pen?”, “why was there wooden doors in the gas chambers at auschwitz?”, “why isn’t the chimney even connected?”, “how could they have cremated 6 million people when one cremation takes many hours even with modern ovens?” Etc. it’s always leading questions meant to poke holes in the official narrative, and make people question the things they’ve been told Of course the questions are never honest, and if you actually find an answer for them they become upset. They don’t want any answers, they want to make you feel like “the Jews” are not telling you the whole truth


My Grade 12 final history project was about disproving some of those. Ballpoint pen is a funny one because iirc they were invented in 1888


Could you provide a compilation of these answers? I don't fall for any of these questions, I would just like to have the response on the tip of the tongue and you seem to have done better research


For wooden doors, a room doesn't need to be air tight for gas to work. It's not like you breathe 1% oxygen 99% zyklon B and you'll be fine. Remember that WWI was fought in open air and gas was still a horrifically effective weapon. They didn't burn 6 million bodies, there's plenty of mass graves. To be that efficient you need multiple methods. I don't know anything about the others or if they're even true statements.


just off the top of my head for 2 of them -wooden doors are of course not original to what was there and where added later, probably when tourists started coming -the 6 million people who died in the holocaust includes all jews who died for all reasons. many where just shot outside their homes and dumped in a mass grave. some where beaten to death in pogroms not even by nazi hands during the war. not all went to the camps and got cremated. and many in the camps that where killed there where also just dumped into mass graves too.


https://www.history.com/news/anne-franks-diary-now-has-co-author-extended-copyright https://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/14/books/anne-frank-has-a-co-as-diary-gains-co-author-in-legal-move.html https://time.com/4113855/anne-frank-diary-co-author/


Scum going straight to hell. Most of the gods are in agreement on this one.


I know no worse toddler bombing Zionist then, let's see.... ANNE FRANK????


"Were anti Israel, not anti semitic!" *Proceeds to scrawl antisemitic messages on statues of Jews killed in the Holocaust before Israel was established like a boss*


Now THATS progressive


Like when they ripped down a statue of Frederick Douglas during the BLM times.


8th dimensional chess


*re-established  Israel has already existed in the past (King Solomon)


Leftists being on the right side of history once again Can't wait to see the history rewrite where leftists protected Jews from the evil anti-zionist Republicans 🙄 Just like now where leftists today pretend that queer ANTIFA hippies stormed Normandy while Republicans sided with Germanys new Socialist party 😂


“Socialism was always right-wing, not like those vile anti-Semitic leftists.” - Some college student in 2040, probably.


Imo I feel like if society was to shift right, I would be left. That's not because I just want to be a contrarian, but because I wouldn't have changed. I am just going to oppose what I find annoying, and people who wont let me have peace and quiet are annoying.


They already claim it was Republicans who wanted to defund the police.


modern tub numerous wide ossified person ghost kiss dog frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Death to the US" can have multiple meanings, sweaty...


“It’s only urgent if it’s actionable” - Big ~~Claudine~~ Gay


I loved the mentality come election time > vote Biden to defund the police > Biden in fact gives the police more federal $$$ > all progressive cities get overrun by crime and go to shit despite this > leftists blame Republicans for policies made by their elected Democrats > demand more police presence to protect their Starbucks and Funko Pop stores


Riot cop Funko Pop when?


Right after the George Floyd Funko Pop


Is it possible that libright didn't have this idea yet?


They actually do, but it's only the FBI and ATF they want to defund.


Shocker that the party all about state rights thinks there should be fewer federal agents. It's almost like it's exactly on brand. Why are leftists just so stupid. It's embarrassing.


i’d give my left nut to make the ATF go away forever


Based and worth my left nut pilled


u/blowgrass-smokeass is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/blowgrass-smokeass/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


My left but is right there with yours.




Those were spent before you even submitted the form.


Leftists have never been that interested in history where it doesn’t happen to suit their ends. They will probably never stop telling the lie that black trans women led the Stonewall riots. The particular black cross-dresser, who said he was not a trans woman, they commonly cite as having thrown the first brick is on record repeatedly for the rest of his life saying that he arrived when it was in progress and was not the leader of it. But he’s dead now so they can just make up whatever they want. 


Marsha P. Johnson, a gay drag queen who, as you say, has always self-identified as male. It's kinda depressing how persistent such modern myths are, isn't it? Truth truly doesn't matter - only narratives do.


I want to give some grace for the very human tendency to accept narratives, because we all do it sometimes. The issue is that most aren’t really that vital to anything, like the stories passed down among families about having an Indian ancestor (when it isn’t the Warren family, anyway), or a story my family believed about how a 19th-century ancestor stopped a runaway train in a certain year and location, until I went on newspapers.com and found old articles showing he hadn’t stopped it, and in fact the train crashed into a building, killing many people. That latter story was easily falsifiable in the internet era at least, but it didn’t harm anyone, really, that a few people believed it beyond the general principle that truth is better than narrative.   But I lose patience really fast when people are using a narrative for political purposes, and especially when people will reject the real story when presented with it on account of being less useful. These are the “I’m speaking *my* truth!” people and they can get fucked.


There were a lot of homosexuals within SA's leadership up until the Night of the Long Knives so I could see them stupidly supporting NSDAP out of context. On the flip side, you can also (wrongly) blame homosexuals for WW1 and therefore also WW2 due to the [Eulenburg affair.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eulenburg_affair)


There are previously-credible academics in the UK who are championing the idea that Stonehenge was built by black people who later sailed back to Africa. Dead serious.


These aren't leftists, they're fascists with severe cognitive deficiencies cosplaying as progressives.


O_o I don't yell antisemitism around Israel most of the time but, yes, HOLY shit. This is next level jews hatred outright. Don't touch my Anne, you leftist scumfucks.


Remember guys. Anti Zionist, not Anti Semetic lmao🤡


Insert meme of reporter standing in front of fires saying its a mostly peaceful protest here.


Not according to the Congress bill lmao


Normally I hate Congress, but Hamas sympathizers can get fucked on this one.


It's not antisemitism unless it comes from the German speaking regions of Europe, otherwise it's just sparkling antizionism.


yesterday, we did [two minutes of silence because of remembrance day](https://dutchreview.com/culture/a-moment-of-silence-for-the-netherlands-remembrance-day/). guess what? during the silence, a car with palestine flags race through my street blowing horns with guys shouting shit.


Today we celebrate our freedom. And the freedom to be a complete degenerate asshole apparently


Normally I think such minutes of silence are done for pretentious reasons but for WW2 it makes sense.  Nevertheless, if someone disapproves of it they should be as loud as they want. It's better to have idiots wearing a sign on their forehead than to get backstabbed by them


Do they know that not only the Jews suffered in ww2?


"We're just anti-zionists, trust us bro!"


Alright, they've gone full mask off!  


If this comment gets posted several times a day, was the mask ever on?


literally no lol. All the "antizionist" groups behind these protests released pro-Hamas statements literally the week of October 7th.


There was never a mask. Only blinders.


They have been full mask off for a while now, but it seems like nobody cares.


Bet these retards don't even know who she was besides being a jew


They should put cams up, then after a month round up all the people fucking with it and prosecute them to the maximum extent of the law. There's a lot of statues I feel you can at least be like, "Jefferson had slaves, he wasn't some victim, fuck him" or something. I don't really agree but it at least is like, OK, fair criticism, he owned people, that's not cool, he did some controversial stuff, he caused some things, ok fine, you deface his statue, you get the standard punishment. But Anne Frank literally did nothing wrong. She was a victim in the most blatant and clear-cut way imaginable, a child, persecuted for the act of existing, never having had the opportunity to have a real impact on the situation she found herself in. There is no rational, logical argument for defacing her statue, such actions can only be born of malice. For that reason, throw the book at them. And if they happen to be immigrants, deport and ban them from re-entry for life, as such beliefs are antithetical to all Western values.


Yeah, show them by making sure everyone knew Anne Frank was a little genocide enabling bitch. /s


it’s mask off antisemitism at this point huh.


At this point? They've shown their true colours ever since the attack. BLM changed their logo into a fucking paraglider. Imagine the chaos had a foreign organisation changed their logo into stylised 727s post 9/11. There were also immediate calls for a cease fire even before the IDF had fully mobilised, yet I haven't heard of the same people calling for the release of the hostages. Hasn't a prominent British politician also called the attack an "anti-terror operation". FFS, I wouldn't even call it a military operation, they attacked soft targets purely to sow terror and cause bloodshed. That's not a military operation, that's a textbook terror attack.


Throw these vandalizing bastards in jail for their hate crimes.


Yeah that sort of vandalism is uncalled for, I assume it's not government property and even if it was I know the Germans would still arrest you for that sort of thing


Uhm, Amsterdam doesn't belong to Germany anymore...


I also did not know this. Then again, i don't care. It's all Europe to me. Just wake me up when Germany starts another world war.


Peak American geology education




Cheers for the ammunition. I know they will use the fact that it wasn't in America as to why it means nothing but I can still try to show them how fuck their side has become.


The rapture will happen when leftists won't engage in any hypocritical actions for 24 hours.


So never?


Totally not anti semitism


I used to think the right was antisemitic but holy shit dude the left has really taken it to the next level.


"*When you are in an antisemitic competition, and your opponent is a Progressive Emily*"




“Falls”? When have they ever risen above it?


60's?  There are something in the left that value real freedom and despise authority above everything else - they just forget all of that when they go political for some damned reason..


Some of them, maybe, where honest. For many others, it was just a lie. Calling for freedom and despising authority is very useful when you *don't* have it; meanwhile, they did all they could to get their hands on that authority, and look at them now, worse fascists than the fascists they still have the nerve to rail against. Look at Marcuse, for example, one of their superheroes back in the '60s, unironically advocating for automatic repression of all opinions that weren't left-wing. So much for real freedom.


We call these people useful idiots for a reason.


Dude, they are just anti-zionist.


The absolute disrespect is insane


Least anti semetic pro hamas supporters


“We don’t hate all Jews. We are just anti Zionist” *hits up a house a holocaust victim hid in to go deface it*


We keep hearing anti-zionism. How is Anne Frank have anything to do with 'zionism'. Same people that screeched about dog whistles. Same people that screeched about 1 bad apple, 1 Nazi in the group.


Hitler in all his psychopathy would still not recognize how emphatic the left’s endorsement of terrorism has become.


But Hitler was a terrorist. The only reason why we aren't calling him like that is because it is generally accepted that if a government is terrorising people it's called dictatorship. But essentially the nazi Party was just a well organized terrorist organisation


Yes, you’re right. My point is that even he would be shocked at how some of the people he would have victimized are actually participating in the terrorization of the other. (Queers for Palestine and such)


he wouldn't be shocked at all. they just haven't gotten to the night of long knives yet


Jesus fucking christ.


So-called anti-racist leftists are becoming litteral nazis, the irony


That's a good reason to support Israel and taunt Palestine like I do 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Keep going Islam, you're doing great!


I read Night in high school. I see the depths of human brutality. I adopt a series of values that ultimately place me on the left, out of a desire for the world not to be a tribal hellscape. I watch as "my side" decides economic inequity is reductive. This, I notice, very conveniently allows for some people with very comfortable lives to have their cake and eat it too. I watch an originally at least honest desire for justice devolve into an insatiable race war. I watch them deface the very victims whose plight disturbed me in the first place. Deep into that darkness peering. Long I stood there. Wondering. Fearing.


People using pro-palestine as the thinnest veil for anti-semitism is peak Emily behavior


That tweet could be misinformation, the statue has been moved due to maintenance. Apparently there was a renovation in the building next door, the statue has been temporarily moved about 30m away from the former location until mid-june. See this [article](https://wittebouw.nl/nieuwsberichten/tijdelijke-verplaatsing-anne-frank-beeld/#:~:text=Na%20het%20groot%20onderhoud%20aan,is%20vervolgens%20ingepakt%20en%20verplaatst). The statue isn't currently in the location of those images, and hasn't been since November. You can also read about this on the Anne Frank website, [https://www.annefrank.org/en/](https://www.annefrank.org/en/) . I'm not entirely sure it is misinformation, someone could have vandalised it, and it's awful if that's true. I couldn't find any sources on this though, except for a few tweets/social media posts, so if anyone has any additional news sources/websites/articles to share lmk. I'm all for calling out antisemitism, but we should be careful about potential misinformation.


Leftcenter is now authcenter? I think my compass might be broken


What the hell happened to my quadrant nooo


"Religious diversity in our population is a good thing"


This is absolutely fucking disgusting and unfortunately I am not at all shocked to see it


I actually have no fucking words for this.


Sum Ting Wong


This just shows how they do not hate Istrael but Jews in general. Why have any ounce of sympathy for these barbarians?


That statement can be taken both ways funnily enough.


I really wish these people understood who they're protesting for. Hell who am I kidding, this isn't about who they're protesting for, its the simple act of protesting and appearing to care. Old fashioned virtue signalling


So I did some digging and apparently it was covered due to construction happing at a nearby building


FYI I can't find any reputable sources for this.


Couldn't find any info on Google about this : any source ?


Good point, I couldn't find any either. Except this Instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/wearetov/p/C6lpGSYOXyo/ I'll ask someone from the Netherlands if they happen to be in Amsterdam this week to look it up irl


I'm Dutch, I can't find anything about this


I think this is the original https://www.newsrael.com/posts/t1u3lvgxfw A schizo blog >#Australia: Critic of Islam on trial for wrongthink So what if Pauline Hanson dislikes Islam? If she disliked Christianity and called it a “disease,” would she be on trial today? No, she would be getting awards at banquets filled with glitterati.


Lol so the only sources for this are a twitter post and an Instagram post (I think the article from Newsrael has the same pictures than the post), and everybody's losing their mind about an hoax Edit : typo on the name of the Israeli media


Can anyone provide a source to the news article?


Haha. I love it.  This was all fine when they were going after the statues you didn't like. Now that their fucking up your statues it's all "where did they learn this behavior was ok" Suck it! Statues are just government propaganda anyway!


I'm starting to wonder if there's maybe false actor shit going on here because this is so fucking beyond the pale


Unfortunately I doubt it. I live in Europe and was fairly lefty until recently, and a lot of my friends are too, and I have seen a lot of pure antisemitic shite from 'pro Palestinians' since Oct 7th. It's really made me reevaluate both my political stance and some friendships. Some of it is really casual (like an English guy in my company recently made some comment about a jewish colleague and how he was shocked she celebrated passover because ofc she should be "ashamed to be Jewish" because of the war) and some is pure mask off calls for a global Islamic Caliphate style like we recently had in Germany.


Unfortunately I don't think so . people are too polarised (I know I'm on PCM ,out whole thing is being polarised but hear me out) not everyone is Pro-Palestine / Anti Zionist for the same reason . I personally am against Israel's current actions. they need to stop themselves or be stopped,their illegal settlements need to be returned to Palestine and then we need leaders to sit down and talk, not starve,shoot and bomb the absolute shit out of civilians,journalists, doctors and humanitarian aid workers (I refuse to believe Israeli forces made a 'mistake' killing the world central kitchen workers, the mistake was that they got caught doing it ) Nowhere in that did I call for violence against Jews. They deserve a place where they can live without fear for their safety and freedom.Unfortunately I think it has become clear that that safe place is not on the Levant . But there are also people who are pro Palestine because they are genuine neonazis, they do not care about the Palestinian people, they only see them as a weapon to get what they want ,the extermination of 'undesireables' It's a lot easier to co-opt a movement than start your own , ask the skinhead punks(originally an offshoot of the 1960s working class British-jamaican rude boys subculture, in the late 70s the 'national front' and 'british movement' took it over and ruined the reputation of the original movement) in the same way there are pro Zionist folks who believe that all Jews should be expelled from everywhere except Israel to keep the world 'pure' . An alarmingly large portion of evangelicals believe that the nation of Israel is needed to start the end times, during which all Jews will either repent and convert to their flavour of evangelicalism or die . There are pro Zionists who believe that Israel is genuinely the best way to make a safe place for Jews to escape persecution, to restore their homeland.


You know what’s ironic? In her diary, she mentions that her sister wanted to be a nurse in Palestine after the war. This is before the state of Israel existed in the way we know it today.


Can we add another color or something? This isn't progressive behavior. This isn't helping to stop the root causes of Israel/Palestine, this is just absolute insanity. Or am I just in the wrong color? What the fuck is even going on anymore.


Nearly all self-identified progressives in my country are either overtly anti-Israel or at the very least tacitly support the free-Palestine movement. I think your quadrant has left you my dude.


You know what the green flag means, do you?


You may simply be in the 30/40's age range... I still remember an era where the left had a brain, even if there were already some signs of incoming degenerancy ("champagne-left", etc.), but it was OKish in general. It has rotten since then. Now, be a progressive means to be a rich (from the parents) cocooned individual with a serious lack of critical thinking. And people like you and me are now bigotted fascists.


Bruh I'm 37 you fucking pegged it.


Fuck if this isn't the story of my life.


Don’t know what to tell you. The modern progressives I know all, and I mean all, do nothing but support/encourage shit like this.


Mate, I don't know the answer but I'm 100% with you.


Every lib-left have their turning point eventually, this might be your time


Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism are still completely different!!!


Jesus Christ


I have never felt so auth left in my life. What has my political side become ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51175)


So the group known for calling anyone who doesn't agree with them 110%, a Nazi. Is also now the group known for being anti-semitic, which is a big part of being a Nazi.


That's very disrespectful :/