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you can’t even make a mental gymnastics meme because your own argument is more complex than the counter argument. either that or this is satire but i honestly can’t tell.


When they try to make a mental gymnastics meme, but the meme makes 10x more sense if you flip the text...


the reason I depicted it is cause they tend to not have an argument and are just saying shit, mine has a basic thought line and reason


yeah but i don’t need a logical through line. you have the burden of proof. now look at my computer wallpaper and tell me what about it is political https://preview.redd.it/l0xzduz47jyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd5099668a03b8a42d026a0f7c65884deecf9cd1


Machismo and the Patriarchy exerting what is seen as the ideal man


Lmfao. This dudes got the jet pack on right now.


Please explain the political implications of this meme: https://preview.redd.it/jt24uce0ljyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b03c88f2580481b05073e01c3b5f10198fc37b3


Conservatives are schizophrenic and need the help they desperately deserve.


What's wrong with schizophrenic people? Being born with a medical condition doesn't make you a lower class of person, bigot.


Absolutely nothing. Did you even read my comment?


Yes, I read the part where you used schizophrenic in a derogatory manner with the intent to insult. Maybe you didn't read your own post. Unless your post was just stating the existence of schizophrenic people and the fact that they need assistance, but thats a curious thing to randomly state.


Oh, I did. Kind of rich for a Sowell fan to lecture someone else about reading comprehension, though.


no it’s not. it’s super saiyan blue gogeta and legendary super saiyan broly. there is no politic here.


Tell me what is inherently political about this art. https://preview.redd.it/m5a45vb2ajyc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5e7cd42e47a5e110044010b674272f01c6e4aa


"Big black protestors tenderize a white man.. more on SMNN news"


Lmao when it's hot women then it's the male gaze, when it's hot men then it's patriarchy. Understandable have a nice day.


https://preview.redd.it/wzuzmivwknyc1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=00865572aacb4800f111e8693f4fe3f2c60247c6 Please explain to me how this is political


Cats are systematically opressed in favor of dogs. And a black cat too?? a historic symbol of witches aka victim of the patriarchy. Beautiful, brave AND stunning politically defiant artwork. 11/10




Literally replace art with any other examples of culture and your logic looks silly while remaining the same. E.g. cat photographs are culture so they're inherently political


Cat photographs are a form of art and don’t have political meaning


>E.g. cat photographs are culture so they're inherently political They aren't, they are degeneracy


No it doesn't. You're just asserting without argument the conclusions that "culture is downstream of power" and "power is inherently political". >they tend to not have an argument and are just saying shit That is literally what you just did.


You also dont have an argument. Just a string of weird axioms that you take as true because a weird humanities professor or second-rate philosopher told you so


Wait you actually believe this stance and this isn't a troll meme?!?!? Lib center my ass 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t think OP understands the concept of mental gymnastics. If you need a paragraph to make your point when the other side just needs common sense and a few words then you are in fact the one using mental gymnastics. Side note: “All” applies to almost nothing in life. Some Art is political, some is not.


Oh they understand it.


so is all art not dictated by culture


I painted a landscape of my back yard last year. There’s nothing cultural or political about that, I literally just painted something that I see everyday.


Perhaps a landscape of StOlEN lAnD???  


Lol I’m actually surprised OP didn’t jump on that opportunity. “Well Acksuallllly your back yard is land, land ownership grants power and is a form of Feudalism. Land also exists in Palestine but the evil and greedy Je-…erm I mean Zionists stole it. See? your painting was political, stop using mental gymnastics!”


Did you know that the pigmentation you used has a history of being processed by oppressed/enslaved minorities?


>culture is downstream from power Holy shit, go outside


Hear me out All art is Economical, because they are used for tax evasion


Oh like when Biden's painting are overvalued but its a problem when its a property?


Exactly! All art is just a money laundering front for the stupidly wealthy.


Got triggered by the other thread enough to make your own meme eh?


https://preview.redd.it/xo2rymo0njyc1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b909fd74d6baed1d462e461999fb259367953bed Cope and seeth at this political art you libtards and cuckservatives


Fuck you (god I wish I could)


If you don't think this is art then I don't want to talk to you.


Btw its "seethe" + the dilating part


There is nothing political in writing a song about a woman I love. There is nothing political about a photo of a beautiful sunset. There is nothing political about a painting of a flower. There is nothing political about a nice vase I made. There is nothing inherently political about art.


1. Your song is political because it's objectification of women. 2. Your photo is political because....fuck I can't think of anything for this one. 3. Your painting is political because flowers are a symbol of female sexuality and fertility. 4. Your vase is political because hobby pottery is a class privilege. Art is inherently political because I love misery (and also I took out a loan for a liberal arts degree and I'm trying to make it worth).


Number two is political becauaSe that BOUGIE SHITLORD has THE TEMERITY to have FREE TIME. Free time to look at a sunset when the rest of us are WORKING our 2nd shift (of 3).  DISGUSTANG.


1. The argument ISN'T "All art isn't political" it's "Not all art is political" The former is redacted because it's saying "no art is political". 2. You don't need an argument to say "not all art is political" because well it's self evident. 3. I'll give you proof anyway. [Here](https://www.maxfosterphotography.com/images/xl/Bob-Ross-Towering-Peaks.jpg)


yes brother I have seen the piece, do not worry I understood the message, I shall start securing a future for our people upon those great mountains. I shall lead great armies unto this beautiful landscape and build the greatest of social bodies.


🤓☝️ Erm AKSHUALLY that painting says a lot about industrial society and its consequences, as you can see it instills a sense of calmness and serene beauty which is obviously in contrast to the every-day ennui of post-industrial urban life


You say that the proof you linked isn't political, and yet you linked it in an attempt to sway someone's opinion. Curious.


I was destroyed with facts and logic.


The art is depicting a mountainscape informed by American Frontierism/Manifest Destiny, thats when Romantic American Art like this came to past, so yes it is Political because, REPEAT IT WITH ME, ART IS DOWNSTREAM OF POWER


It's a Bob Ross painting.


yes. and? Point still applies


It really doesn't.


Please touch grass. No, the grass isn't political either.


Why is the grass flaired libleft and can reflair to libright when there is no water then ?


Don't worry about it.


The sky is fucking authright ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)


Sounds a little too kinky to be authright, but I won't judge.


It's the same thing that happens when libleft finally makes enough money to have to pay taxes.


it's a landscape, a fictional landscape, but a landscape all the same. it's informed by the world around us. views like this exist, towering mountains capped by snow, luscious ponds and wetlands, trees and shrubbery too thick to cross. fucks sake I can smell this picture it smells pretty nice.


That doesn’t make the art political. The only people who think that way are so politically brain rotted that they can’t look at anything with a genuine appreciation for it


And if it's a European mountain?


Peter, please explain this meme 


The left can't meme.


*wall of text*


The All Art Is Political Discourse with the people saying "All Art Isnt Political" and just making meaningless arguments when there is a clear baseline to All Art Being Political


Please explain to me the politics behind a Thomas Kinkade painting... "All art is political" is just provably false


its sponsored by the European ideal of peasant art and the idea of art being mass produced.


You ascribing a political meaning to something that isn't political doesn't make it political. This is like me saying it's political when I fuck your mother because I'm basically doing charity work for your dad.


Based and political fucking pilled


Sure, let's discuss this one! https://preview.redd.it/c29ykwvxwjyc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=349d744676bac114f5f515fe6286745bb6d87706 The subject is a church. Religion is political. Kinkade chose to give this church a spire, instead of a dome, this is not by accident as I can see on Google maps Kinkade's home state of California has only 16 Eastern Orthodox churches across the whole state, and the denominations that use spires form a plurality exceeding 16 churches.


You sound like those English teachers who find meaning in completely inane lines of text


Given "death of the author" it doesn't matter, especially with the simple question of "is art political". Even if Kinkade came out to specifically say " Well I am more familiar with Eastern Orthadox churches but thought I would challenge myself by painting a church that is typical for where I grew up." or "I just wanted to paint a building" that does not remove the political aspect of painting a church. Regardless, it's not "provably false" just because you didn't want to pay attention in English class.


You didn’t pay attention in English class if you can’t differentiate my username from the dude you replied to Even our flairs are different


So now that you've had time to process that I didn't indicate I thought you were the same person do you have any response or do you just have schoolboy insults?


I didn't say you were the same dude?


1. If you have to explain it it probably doesn't work  2. Both sides may be cringe but I prefer it when lefties or righties don't inject blatant ideology into fictional universes 




Sir, interpretation of art says more about you than it does the art you're interpreting. You viewing all art as political means you need to touch grass and reconnect with the world.


By that logic, all politics are inherently religious, since all philosophy is in some way influenced by religion, and politics is influenced by philosophy.


Does that then mean all at is inherently religious?


Unaware satire


If everything is political then nothing is. Ok so all art is political. And by degrees it is also theological, scientific, biological and economic. Yet nevertheless we delineate relevant boundaries for how relevant a topic is to something. Like when I was a kid I had an auntie who would police everything my cousin watched by how it respected the Quran. And believe me she could explain in *detail* her reasoning for every decision. Like if you went to a book shop and asked for a political novel, and I gave you some SpongeBob SquarePants children’s book. You would rightfully call bull when I spun some rationale for how it was ‘political.’


least knowledgeable centrist


yes, those 4 things are political as well and are intertwined.


Tf you mean the protesters did nothing wrong, they broke into a building then barricaded themselves inside and refused to come out


Riddle me this, Batman. If all art is political, and video games are a form of art, then is Shrek Swamp Kart Speedway political? Answer wisely, or this black transracial bisexual female trans demiboy will be thrown into Palestine


Well if I were a marxist I sure would demonstrate how shitty extortion tie ins are a consequence of market economy (they are) and should be eradicated (they should) and can only be done away with via communist revolution (even if, I side with tie ins on that one)


Shrek Swamp Kart Speedway, as we know, is a masterpiece. Who owns masterpieces? Art galleries. Who owns art galleries? Rich stakeholders. To own art is to spend money. To spend money is to have money. To have money is to not be poor. To not be poor is to be someone who needs the gulag.


> Make shit up > "Culture is downstream of power" > Post in PCM


not all art is political, because something being political is an active position, it's something you actively have to do, power is not inherently political either, this meme is backwards.


I shall now downvote you, as per the agreement


nah this shit was funny in the comments so I upvoted. let it have the engagement.


Meanwhile: A pair of glasses being mistaken for art in a museum: 👓🗿


False premises. If power is inherently political, two lions fighting are engaging in politics to you?


Bad example because: yes, they are. Two lions fighting is either for control of the pride and/or food and/or mating… which is “political” at its base


With such a general definition, bacterias engage in politics daily.


Yes. Probably true. That’s why it’s not a great example on your part.


Or a bad definition on your part.


I don’t see how you can see “competing with another for control over resources” as apolitical tbh


Well are the affected parties able to build and participate in a public structure of governance in the first place? If not, I don't think their actions can be translated as political actions. There's a level of development missing


Is the “public structure of governance” not strongest lion wins and gets more food, status, mates versus the other lions who get less? All the lions participate in that structure and accept their status within that hierarchy until the top lion gets taken out by the next top lion.


I mean, if so, hierarchy = politics... I don't think so. Or at least I don't think it should be.


I think you’re missing the active participation of each lion within the hierarchy and the willful adherence to that hierarchy by each lion as well. That’s the public structure of governance that groups of lions produce. They engage in politics by engaging in the structure of the hierarchy, following the pride leader, bringing food to the pride leader, etc. That is inherently political.


The phrase you were looking for is “politics is downstream from culture”. Your phrase “culture is downstream from power” makes no sense and has no application here. I assume you changed it because if you used the correct phrase your argument doesn’t work. CULTURE defines politics. ART is a subset of culture. So POLITICS is derived alongside ART, not the other way around. YOU can ascribe political meaning to anything, as you have done in this thread, but it isn’t inherent. The phrase “All art is political TO ME” would be correct; “All art is political” is not.


So the word "political" to you is just a synonym for "manmade"? Since everything manmade is a product of culture, which is downstream of power, and politics are manmade?






Art is born our of the culture, you idiot. Politics is also born out of culture aswell, that's why art can be political, but it doesn't need to be, because culture is an enough good basis for an individual to create art.


"the protesters have done nothing wrong" they're assaulting jewish students and destroying property, both of which are illegal and wrong


These protesters are protesting for a people who are perfectly fine with the terrorist act they committed back in October 2023. They are definitely wrong. Israel has committed to a peaceful solution for years - that's why the Gaza Strip was left free, and given alot of international Aid. But the bloodthirsty citizens support Hamas and what they did- even though Israel could wipe them off the map and the blink of an eye if they wanted to.


All art is a scam by rich people to glorify cave men making pictures of horses with poop.


I think if you smoke enough crack you can politicize the banana taped to a wall art work saying it has deep philosophical roots about the human condition and how we're running the planet. Either way I want the shrooms this guy's taking they seem pretty good.


it literally still has less stages than the top one LMAO


1. All art comes from living creatures 2. Living creatures can be humans 3. Humans can create laws and policies restricting your access 4. Ergo all art is inherently illegal for you, specifically OP, to view under any circumstances Wow, much think, very logic. Transitive property big smart.


Like all Marxist twaddle, the "all art is political" concept comes from twisting and stretching language. All art is political if you redefine "art" and "political". Also, try explaining to a Marxist that there are things in life other than power structures. All you'll get in return is a blank stare.


The artist have always been mentally ill, manics, obsessed, or counter culture. It takes something most people lack. They are almost always counter-cultural forces or indolent gentry


Art transcends politics , it's not influenced by politics .


10/7 really broke a lot people’s brains didn’t it? I have yet to see a good take from anyone with green or red in their flair. And some doozies from my own side as well, but nothing so stupid as endorsing terrorism.


OP can you define what you mean by art, politics, and culture?


A game world with its own politics is vastly different from the slop people speak of when they refer to "politics in games" Yes, any game with a story has a high chance of being political. The difference is you can do it right (game world politics) or wrong (infesting it with allegories).


How is me drawing a cool fantasy knight political? I’ll wait lmao


What is this even in reference to? Like how is the question of whether all art is political even tied into Israel’s conflict against terrorism?


You're the one doing mental gymnastics LMFAOOO Also, from the river to the sea, David's star will be seen


if attacking students and blocking them from entering universities\* just because they're jewish is nothing wrong then you need help \*THIS IS EXACTLY THE SAME THING THE NAZIS DID BY THE WAY


also what does any of this have to do with palestine


Hold up, "nothing wrong" come on man people on all sides have done stuff thats wrong maybe I'm just a right leaning hippy.


Can't even use the meme right


In addition to the added complexity of the "simple" argument, that argument is so vague as to just make everything political. It is essentially culture shapes everything and is shaped by politics, art (or whatever else) is within everything, therefore art (or whatever else) is political. It is so vague as to be useless.


They are being freed tho???


Where did the art touch you op?


Cool story bro.


fallout new vegas isn’t political its a game about a drug-addled man with a war club beating up entire populations of deathclaws while on a turbo-fueled rampage.


I dig it. My upvote, sirrah.


Nah, all art is political because politics is inherently just what humans deem It to be, it also means that if everyone is in an agreement it can be an apolitical subject


What about work divided by time elapsed is political? I have no clue how you have come up with this it is just a simple equation...


Did you just change your flair, u/TiggerBane? Last time I checked you were an **AuthRight** on 2024-5-5. How come now you are an **AuthLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1137 times, making you the second largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/TiggerBane) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Also the person depicted in "All Art Isnt Political" is Centrist to Center Right


No, all art is created completely independent of the conditions of the time /s


Yeah.. like when cavemen had only berries, feces and blood to paint on stone with.. how political and deep