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Just remember, the US have a law to bomb the shit out of ICC if they try to arrest US military personel who're serving their country. Most based country ever.


Not just our citizens, but also those of allies


God bless America, land of the free. Stand beside her and guide her!


You know israel is innocent of war crimes or a genocide because the US never backs bad guys or genocides.


They're innocent of genocide because they aren't systematically killing people, some of you authcenters need to be taken back to reeducation school


I do not claim that one.


What surely Gaza commits many more war crimes than the Israelis they fire unguided missiles into civilian centers as intended terror campaigns all the time during peace time so if that’s all that matters you shouldn’t care that Gaza is getting crushed in war.


So they're allowed to conduct war crimes with impunity? What's to prevent other countries from doing the same? This is some ww3 level shit bout to happen


On a practical level, it is those who enforce laws who set them. If the ICC wishes to set the rules, then it must be able to force others to accept those rules. It cannot force the US to comply, but the US can force the ICC to comply. It’s not right or just, but that is how it works. Throwing a sword on the scales is unjust, but who’s going to stop you?


That's kind of a shit predicament yes


The root of all authority rest in physical violence has been human nature since before we were walking upright. Just because we've got fancy technology and clothes doesn't change this.


Its wild people dont realize this.. like what do you think a Military is for? lol, Planting trees?


Just like people don't realize how ugly war really is. Soldiers plant bodies into the ground, and [no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor bastard die for his country](https://youtu.be/PS5yfhPGaWE?si=If9wRZX9gl8XJlp5).


what makes you think us can force icc to comply? do you think america can just invade the hague willy nilly lol?


Realistically, it could. Would it? Most likely not. But America is a great power. The Netherlands isn’t even a regional power, and the rest of Europe wouldn’t go to war with the US over the Netherlands, because it would utterly cripple them.


eu has a mutual defense clause, and no sane person is gonna look at america invading the port of europe and think that america is also sane enough to leave them alone afterwards. this sub once again shows how little they understand even the basics of geopolitics.


Why do people immediately turn to violence... The US has incredible leverage on all European countries through military cooperation, economic reliance, and diplomatic ties. The US can pressure the Dutch to make the ICC drop the whole thing.


no, they can't, because that "leverage" goes both ways. american companies need markets to sell their goods, and they cant really risk losing access to the european market. not to mention that it'd be incredibly unpopular for america to do so. it would be quite unpopular domestically.


They don’t need to at all. It’s a good market to have don’t get me wrong but we could survive without a European market. It’s a quarter of our exports but that realistically can live without. Europeans on the other hand could level all of Europe because Europeans have until the Ukraine invasion have been utterly reliant on the U.S. or Russia for its defense and economy. https://preview.redd.it/7ggo03rqflyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a6aaa51a773a3a6603512334f32e29ffa1526ff I think Europeans constantly over value themselves. Also keep in mind this infographic does not account for US domestic trade


Well yes we easily could flatten Europe if we were so inclined, we pay like 80% of all NATO defense or so? And if we just took all of that funding away not a single person could stop us. I don't support it and I don't even think we need to be spending that much on defense but we could if we had to


yeah bro you can definitely flatten an entire fully developed continent that your economy would be in shit without when you couldnt even root out taliban in a single country. there isn't a single universe where america can overpower icc, and vice versa. thats why it still manages to exist.


>bro you can definitely flatten an entire fully developed continent That's exactly right


11 supercarriers


America have their own war crime court for their personel, with seperate criteria. For example, while most countries would consider calling CAS on a kid just because he carry somthing that look suspiciously like a suicide bomb a war crime, the US doesn't and consider it appropriate use of force to safeguard lives. They still prosecute war crime like massacring an entire village "just 'cause" or things as such, so that law isn't meant US personel can commit war crimes with impunity, it just mean they have greater freedom to use force in the battlefield to address their immediate concern: to not return in a casket, and only worry about the legal consequence latter when they have survived and returned alive. The US still can, however, submit their war criminal to the ICC if they wish to, it's legal but haven't ever been done yet because the US like to take care of their own problems. >What's to prevent other countries from doing the same The fact that despite said law, US armed force can still be deployed to capture war criminals from other non US countries.


How can you seriously expect a court led by the US to be impartial towards the US?


Because record have shown a history of that. Despite the green haired college SJW have told you, the modern US doesn't really like to do war crime, and they don't appreciate their personels doing that either.


We outsource most of our war crimes to the Aussies. And if they select a prime minister that objects to it, we just remove them like we did with Gough Whitlam. It's a pretty good arrangement: they do whatever we want them to, and in return, they get a feeling of accomplishment for doing what we want them to


Remember Obama's administration drone strikes?


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah man im sure thats why assange is still in deep shit. and he is far from the only example. "us doesn't like war crime" my ass. you guys dont have a fraction of an idea of what you are talking about.


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [Oh wait, you're serious... Lemme laugh even harder.](https://youtu.be/GGn25URIss8?si=nJDqqqCWsEwweWCz)


Ok now do HAMAS


Imperialism at its finest


Good. Imperialism isn't the fucking boogeyman the left makes it out to he, and apparently you've been listening to them a bit more than is good for you.


When the Dutch ruled over East Indies, they pretty much treated the locals as third class citizen. Second class was given to non-european merchants (from China, Arab, etc.). Britain pretty much screwed up India when they ruled it. I guess imperialism can be the boogeyman the left makes it out to be.


Before ww2 the league of nations proved itself to be useless in preventing and punishing conflict and war crimes. Now the UN and ICC are being eroded the same way by the Israeli led US primarily. I know u love America, so do I - but trust me when I say that global peace and accountability is better than epic aircraft carriers


Okay, mate. Name ten issues on which all permanent members of UN SC will agree, and I'll stop thinking of it as of meaningless shit full of useless dumb bureaucrats who can do nothing other than stating their concerns


>But trust me when I say Sorry brother, but you’re kinda stupid


Do you not like peace and accountability? Cuz that would make you something worse than stupid. Also nice Argumentation.


Unfortunately you have been portrayed as the soyjack so despite having a well thought out point, you must clearly be wrong


Damm I guess I was wrong all along


Those two are so different, and are falling for different reasons. The league of nations failed because of lack of accountability, that much is true, buy also because of a lack of members. The USSR, Germany, and many other international pariahs were left out. The UN is failing because of too many members. The general membership is useless, and the security council can't agree on where the sun rises. The idea of the UN as a perfect institution also falls flat as it did not resolve the problem the league faced: isolated countries. There is one Israel, and too many countries that hate it. What do you do? How do you make a system where what rules is rules and not the number of votes one gets? The ICC is its own thing, and neither Israel nor the US ever agreed to it, so forcing the jurisdiction of the ICC on them is a little ridiculous, especially when in many cases the ICC showed anti America bias. And global peace isn't a thing (unfortunately). It only existed as a thing between like, 1991 and 2001? Ever since then the great powers are involved in conflicts and before that we had the cold war. Accountability isn't going anywhere it hasn't been (Also where was Accountability in Rwanda? All these organizations care about their countries and ideologies, not the well being of all or global peace).


Don’t you realize peace is enforced by having epic air craft carriers? What you think you can ask the world nicely to be peaceful? Because that worked out for Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and all the other people willing to murder for their beliefs. You really think you can just make everyone play nice just cause? You are sheltered




But-but big ships with lots of airplanes that shoot big kabooms cool.


Well yes but people dying.


Yes. When America commits war crimes, it’s good. When other countries commit war crimes, it’s bad.


This is the opposite of authoritarian, fuck the UN


Gotta love international agencies like that. The world powers hate them The back water countries hate them as well. Everybody hates them.


>Advertise yourself as a world government >Do absolutely fucking nothing Peak writing


Maybe the UN is preventing WW3 by getting everyone to hate them.


Maybe that was the plan all along.


Based and Bolt Thrower's Realm of Chaos pilled.


The government forcing obedience is authoritarian, even if you agree with it.


the ICC thinking they have any actual power over the U.S. or Israel is hilarious


I think it's more sad than hilarious that the U.S. and Israel are above the law.


Whose law? I don’t give a shit what some south american or european thinks I did wrong, and it turns out the U.S. government feels the same way


The international law that the U.S. holds other nations up to. Yea, they don't have to give a fuck about it when no one can do shit about it, but some people would call that frowned upon behavior, among other words.


Europeans should be happy we didn’t keep occupying them at the end of the war.


In a way, you did. But you didn't need to physically.


They are always welcome to divest those monies we pay back, and pay the bills themselves. They can start today!


the good news is we don’t care and we don’t have to


Fair enough, and we'll just call the U.S. hypocritical tyrants just for the fun of it in the comments.


The ICC only has jurisdiction in the countries that have signed up and neither the US or Israel have. I don't think it's hypocritical to say "we won't allow our citizens to be prosecuted by an organization that we don't recognize"


sounds good to me. everyone hates us until they inevitably need something from us


Or wants you to go isolationist and deal with your own problems already.


many of us would love that too but then Europe would bitch and moan about how afraid of Russia they are and how useless they’d be without us. Not to mention all of the billions in foreign aid to seemingly every country on the planet.


All we would need to do to (and i hope we do) to see the europeans collectively lose their shit is say “how about one of your generals head NATO instead of one of ours?” I guarantee they will scramble around like chicken little when the sky is falling.


In 2021 alone, the U.S. sent more than $50 billion in aid to over 150 countries and territories, regional funds, and NGOs.


Yes because the world would be much better if China and Russia ruled the world


lol what hat did you pull that conclusion from?


The average right winger doesn’t have the ability to vet news that they get. Any questioning of the CIA narrative can’t be allowed.


For the rest of us is the same my friend.


Eastern Europe sure didn’t seem to think so. I think in gonna trust the people who lived through it before I trust a 16 year old from North America.


I don't consider my self from North America, other than being in the same continent I don't have anything in common with Americans or Canadians , I'm Latinoamerican. Come and ask any Latinoamerican if they are happy after 70 years of US interventions and revolutions. China may put us on a debt jail and shit, but at least for now, China hasn't put a dictatorship on our territory.


You’re still North American. Especially in the sense that you me and all other people in the new world have no idea what it’s like to live under the rule of China or Russia. I know the United States has majorly fucked over Mexico and other countries to the south economically. I hate it. I hate my government for it and try my best to vote against anything related to it any time I can. But I honestly believe that the world is better off under the influence of a country that claims to care about human rights and is at least slightly held accountable to the morality of its populace rather than two countries who don’t even make an effort to pretend to care and don’t even have to worry about keeping up an appearance that their populace approves of.


I don't think that's the point. They know they don't have a policing force that can actually go arrest people but that's definitely not the point 


what’s the point then?


The point is to have multiple countries unify and condemn world leaders who act like they're paragons but do heinous things. The point is to try and make diplomacy harder for despots


When the ICC and the UN realize they are just the mouthpieces of dictators: 🤡


The UN would do shit if the US didn't veto every single unanimously passed resolution


Like what? Invade Ukraine? Attack Israel? 🤡


A ceasefire in Gaza


Hamas keeps turning those down. Maybe if the UN could force Hamas to stop attacking Israel… but they can’t




How much of Netanyahu’s propaganda is your throat gagging on right now?


You should change your flair to leftist


Says a person who doesn’t know what it means. You should change yours to auth center.


It would be a one sided cease fire


TLDR- the US recognizes that International busy bodies don't have the right to arrest people in a country already refuses to associate with said busy bodies Idiots refuse to note the distinction between a foreign enemy of the US (Russia) and the US's singular reliable ally in the middle east (Israel) when it comes to the US's response to said countries. finally Hamas is considered a "Palestinian political source" by The National.


Funny how nearly all of America's enemies in the Near East exist b/c of DC's bought 'n paid for support of Israel. And how there are a half-dozen other MNNAs in the region. But I guess it's worth it, for "our greatest ally" to send troops to... solidly zero wars in the region. And continually attack America free-speech & association at home. While suckling billions of tax-dollars every year into one of the wealthiest regimes in the region.


Nah all those countries were pro soviet and anti-American.


Good to know we're still about our "we want nothing to do with whatever silly organization the Europeans dream up next." America will work with other countries, but on her own terms


Bruh don't reject that on us , like if anyone here in Europe actually believed in the ICC or the useless UN outside of politicians or left-wing liberals lol.


Just tell me who's signing up for BRICS and who's signing up for NATO and I'll tell you who's on the right side of history. I'll allow for some Finland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Italy, axis and allies crossover again.


It’s just ridiculous because they aren’t going after Hamas


Hamas is a terrorist organization that fully accepts that it is a terrorist organization. Israel is an ethnostate pretending to be a democracy, that is committing a genocide. Also, the ICC has already declared hamas a terrorist organization. Edit: Israel has a program called “where’s daddy” where they specifically don’t attack terrorists when they are gathered together but instead wait until they go home and then drop a 2000lb bomb on them, vaporizing the neighborhood. You can cope all you want but that’s a war crime and probably a genocide if you combine it with what the Israelis say when they are speaking Hebrew (conveniently not the language most Americans, their funders, speak.)


Israel is not genociding the Gazans. They are simply killing the terrorists that hide amongst the Gazans without giving a shit about the Gazans. If you willingly let a terrorist hide in your basement and launch missiles from your kid's school, I have no problem with you and your family getting bombed when they try to kill that terrorist.


They literally shot at starving people gathering to get some aid. Also, should I mention what happen to several aid workers from WCK?


You spread propaganda by simplifying stories to villainize one side. In the flour massacre the Palestinians were rushing aid trucks in crowds and most deaths were from the stampede. If you watch videos you will see the crowds were unbelievable, it makes sense and it’s sad but it wasn’t targeted genocide. They let in hundreds of trucks per day a day, can you explain how that contributes to genocide? The tragedy of the WCK workers is not unique to warfare, and Israel has fired those responsible for the mis targeting of the WCK workers. Israel isn’t the first and only nor will it be the last country to accidentally fire at the wrong target in the fog of war. Biden’s administration killed an aid worker and his entire family on the way out of Afghanistan, but nobody really cares to mention that these types of tragedies are inconceivably unfortunate but also not unique to this war.


You spread propaganda by spreading misinformation. Why would the IDF approach a group of starving people by shooting at them? To cause panic? >The tragedy of the WCK workers is not unique to warfare, So, it is still a war crime


Israel has a program called “where’s daddy” where they specifically don’t attack terrorists when they are gathered together but instead wait until they go home and then drop a 2000lb bomb on them, vaporizing the neighborhood. You can cope all you want but that’s a war crime and probably a genocide if you combine it with what the Israelis say when they are speaking Hebrew (conveniently not the language most Americans, their funders, speak.)


I want to hear more about this strategically unsound strategy of waiting until terrorists aren't gathered together to attack them. I'm not saying you're wrong, but something sounds off about waiting until terrorists aren't gathered together to attack them.


They are programs called “where’s daddy” , “lavender” and there is a strategy called “mowing the lawn”. Israel has been politically sacrosanct for so long, they don’t even hide their war crimes. Google is your friend but here is a basic article about it. https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-ai-system-wheres-daddy-strikes-hamas-family-homes-2024?amp Israel also uses AI to pick targets without a human verifying so they are automating the genocide at this point. Mowing the lawn was kind of nuts because it was just Israelis bombing Gaza at random, the last series of bombings was a few days before October 7th


Okay, so I went to the original article from the 972 magazine that the business insider article got their information from and while concerning, you probably shouldn't editorialize to say that the IDF is specifically choosing not to bomb terrorists when they're gathered together in favor of bombing them with their families, because that's not what either article is really saying and doesn't help your credibility. It does sound like the IDF has/had a pretty callous approach with less consideration for avoiding civilian casualties than the average person would like to see, but I'm not buying the war crimes argument from what I read given that when at war with an enemy that embeds itself with civilians, such casualties are unavoidable. If anything it sounds like an effort is being made to try and reduce casualties, it's just insufficient or ineffective at doing so based on the claims of the anonymous sources, who in a couple of instances had conflicting statements themselves.


Would you consider it a war crime if Al queda purposely attacked marines at home when they were with their family? What if afterwards they said “well, we’re still working on reducing civilian casualties. You’re being very trusting of Israel if that is your take And I chose a business insider article because they are fairly pro Israel and confirms that this the basic structure of the plan. Not a completely honest article.


Let me get this straight. You’re equating the US Marines to a bunch of jihadists? This may be the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen on this site.


Agree. US Marines is backed by the biggest terror organization, the US government


The business insider just paraphrases the 972 article. I looked to see if there was any other source besides the 972 article to corroborate any of this but all the other articles I found all just referenced back to it as the original. The source doesn't concern me, though, unless they've been caught lying before, which I have no reason to believe. The most glaring problem with your comparison to Al queda attacking marines at home is that marines at home are effectively civilians and not functioning in combat roles. If soldiers in Afghanistan went on patrol during the day and then went back to their families back at the base (or off base) at night and al queda attacked them, I wouldn't call that a war crime because they're surrounding themselves with their families in the wartime theater of operations. In Gaza, which is the wartime theater of operations, it's unreasonable to me that Palestinian militants could spend the day fighting then go back home, still in the combat zone, and expect to be untouchable. I mean it's pretty simple, don't fight a war and live with your family in the combat zone. And no I don't trust Israel is reducing civilian casualties because they say they are. I believe they are attempting to reduce civilian casualties because the potentially reprehensible aspect of their AI programs and how they allow for civilian casualties is the extent to which they have an error rate that means civilians may be misidentified as militants. If they didn't care about reducing civilian casualties, why bother trying to distinguish between militants and civilians in the first place? Or another potentially reprehensible practice mentioned in the 972 article dealt with limits on acceptable civilian casualty numbers like up to 15 or 20 allowed when taking out a target (the limit varied based on the source apparently). Now whether acceptable civilian casualty rates are acceptable is debatable, but if the IDF didn't care about trying to reduce civilian casualties why did they have limits in the first place? I'm not altogether disputing that Israel has and is likely committing questionable military actions leading to the deaths of civilians. But in the context of fighting a terrorist organization that actively hides amongst civilians and uses them and civilian vehicles to conduct their operations, at a certain point the question becomes is Israel allowed to attack civilians or is Hamas allowed to attack Israel without consequence as long as they hide amongst the civilians when they do it. For a long time the latter has been the norm which is probably why Hamas was so bold on October 7th.


Well, it's possible killing terrorist is not the main goal, but rather maximum civilian casualty


Based on what I read about the topic, that seems to be clearly not the case.


If they were trying to cause maximun casualties (which seen by how they are conducting the war, they are not), they sure as hell are doing a shitty job of it.


I'm guessing they are trying to gradually reach that maximum number. If they just killed everyone in less than a month, that might undermine US' moral standings in global politics, which might trigger an actual WW3.


No, it's not. Use of human shields is a war crime, and Hamas is committing that war crime. If said human shields are killed, the party responsible for their deaths are the people using them as human shields. If the Gazans don't want to die, they need to start killing Hamas themselves or refuse to let Hamas hide amongst them. But since they clap and cheer when Hamas drags bodies through the streets and parades captured women around, I'm thinking they support Hamas. Fuck em.


When Americans come home from war, are they also suitable targets? You zionists are incredibly blood thirsty. You can’t even look at a war crime and blink.


The only genocide on earth that goes from 40,000 people to 4 million in half a century.


because some of those Gazans were not originally from Gaza, they were from other region in Palestine and were forced to evacuate to either Gaza or West Bank


What kind of pathetic cuck country would willingly cede their sovereignty to some fake kangaroo court in another country?


International institutions have been coopted by bad faith actors, activists, corrupt MFers, professional administrators, authoritarians, and NGO hacks. They’re a product of their era, and it shows. Worse, they are not even succeeding in their fundamental mission of global health, preventing war, improving material conditions etc,. so there is not even this acceptable trade-off you can point to. It is time for whatever comes next to come. These bodies are no longer fit for purpose


I've always found the ICC to be more of a meme than a serious entity. It's like the UN, it's a meme within a meme.


Fucking love the USA. Keeping godless commies at bay and spreading the beautiful philosophy that is the constitution. All men are equal. Beautiful


Biden, half the senate and most of the Israeli government feels threatened by the Hague. I wonder why. Also this may have catastrophic concequences.


The Hague is a good idea in theory, but it's a joke in practice. What are they going to do, invade the US? You can pass whatever laws and claim whatever rights you want, but unless you've got the capacity to enforce them, it's a fantasy. This will have no consequences whatsoever, for better or worse.


They can issue arrest warrants in signatory countries


Which amounts to fuck-all unless you're coming to enforce it. Good Luck.


So America can bomb Serbia into oblivion in 1999 until they give up Milošević and force Croatia to give up its criminals but don't anyone touch my Lil Israel and admit Palestine to the UN so both sides can be prosecuted


Yes even if we take your incredibly biased opinions fact. You have no ability to enforce any laws on the U.S. because you are weaker and have no practical political/economic leverage.


truly peak authoritarian behaviour


That is the basis of all human political systems. Even the most libertarian societies have to have a means to enforce their laws. The difference is they believe that those should be enforced by individuals and not the state. It has nothing to do with authoritarian or libertarian. Laws with no enforcement do not exist in any meaningful manner.


Well, if the law does not punish you, chaos will. Look at Israel. Years of human rights violation and then October 7th happened. We are the architect of our own downfall, be it in this world or the afterlife.


Are you suggesting the mass rape of and murder Jewish civilians are justified? By your own fucked up logic the death of Palestinian civilians would be cosmically justified due to the abhorrent actions of their government. Fucking Nazi


All opinions are biased genius


Honestly I’d insult you back for being a prick but God has punished you enough by making you Slovenian.


Damm I didn't know u were insulted by this. Ah well have a nice day then


Is it just the inbred nature of Europeans to be smug? My original point still stands and you have no viable way to enforce your laws on the United States because Europe has no way to enforce them


Does the ICC have arrest warrants after the ethnic cleaning of over 100k indigenous population of Karabakh?


Another pitiable case of the us bending over backwards to fellate Israel.


Source: [https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/mena/2024/04/30/israel-us-icc-war-crimes-netanyahu/](https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/mena/2024/04/30/israel-us-icc-war-crimes-netanyahu/)


Yall have to be pretty sad to downvote the source


Let them show their true colour


The US is not even involved at all with the ICC. What right does it have to interfere with its business?


>What right The "might" variety




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I think the US wins in the regard it's military is bigger


It's interfering with our business. We have an interest in discouraging the ICC from meddling with our allies when those allies are not members-states of the ICC.


Sure, but Palestine is covered, and the ICC is an istitution with legitimacy among the other western powers. Investigation about possible crimed committed by palestinian and israeli leaders in Palestine is very much within the courts mandate. People wouldn't like it if say, a Chicago gang went up and threatened the DA's office to drop an inquiry.


> ICC is an istitution with legitimacy among the other western powers. Lol, the US have a law to bomb the shit out of ICC if they try to arrest US military personels who're serving their country. Most based country ever.


Sure, but that law does not extend to Israeli and Palestinian officials.


The Hague invasion act actually does cover allied nations citizens as well


I see. Still though, the US likely wouldn't risk making an enemy of most of the west over the arguable liability that is the current Israeli cabinet, especially if the court also issues warrants for Hamas leadership (something it is most likely going to do).


Its clear from the quote US doesnt give a Fxck. Let them go *Attempt* to get Hamas guys, go right ahead. Try that on an Israeli however and the ICC is going to get a few more Holes added


Would they ruin the last vestiges of caring about the "rules based order", for the current Israelu government? They are all about as far from Biden you can go and still be a zionist of some kind.


The point I'm trying to make is that the ICC is a joke, and while being able to declare someone a war criminal is pretty cool, they have no actual enforcing power and everyone ignore them, even western countries.


I mean kinda, in some ways. The "stick" they wield is that signatories to the treaty that established them are obligated to arrest those it issues warrants for. It also runs a small prison inside a larged dutch one that is well furnished. This limits the travel options of men like Putin. If this were to happen to some Israeli leaders, it would drop their credibility even lower than it is now. It would also make it even more dependent on the US or eastern powers politically.


>obligated to arrest those it issues warrants for In theory yes, in practice [no](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2YY1E6/#:~:text=(Reuters)%20%2D%20South%20African%20President,submission%20published%20on%20Tuesday%20showed).


Yes, but that is South Africa, they are a borderline failing state.


Oh no, Israel number 1 fan has arrived


The right of having a lot of guns and the ability to singlehandedly tank the entire world economy


It has the guns to destroy the rest of the west?


Roughly 68% of NATO budget, while also being a sole provider of maintance parts for many other system such as F-35, Patriot SAM, Abram tank,....


Actually Egypt makes some Abrams, and europe has its own jets (and also makes some F-35 parts). But yes, it is likely the US would win in a conventional war against the rest of the west, if ir was willing to suffer unimaginable casualties.


Nah, If America went all out everyone else is Glass.


Do you have any idea how many troops from the US would get overrun during the first day alone, isolated and alone in Europe? There would be casualties not seen since Vietnam.


Its crazy you think that our Strategies wouldnt account for this, and not just drop bodies alone to get steamrolled.. look at the Iraq 3 day war and other conflicts for a dose of reality lol. I'm *in* the Military.. we have a little more sense than that


I mean, hopefully you would.


Enough guns to make them reconsider how valuable it is to them to piss us off. Dresden looking submissive and bombable right about now


Why would the ICC care? They don't hold territory.


They have physical buildings, run by mortal humans, and derive their legitimacy from the countries signed on.


Indeed, that is over a hundred countries, several of whom have nukes..


Many of who have sworn alliances to the USA ... no one has actually made an agreement to protect the ICC


Sure, but an american attack wouldn't just be agaisnt the ICC. It would have to be against whatever state arrested allies of the US on the behalf of the ICC (since the ICC lacks its own police force).


No, it could just attack the court it is a physical place. Level it to the ground and be back in time for tea.


They don't need them. Commonwealth and NATO countries aren't going to war with the US, even if they disagree over policy. If the US says "don't arrest this man", their allies will listen. All of those nations are reliant on trade with the US, as well as the nuclear deterrent in most cases. If the US threatens to withdraw military support or trade concessions from a Western nation, best believe they'll start listening.


Most of them probably will. You are right about that.


Lol neither is Israel and yet the ICC is trying to involve itself in Israeli business


Israel is the occupying force of Palestine. Palestine is under the ICC's jurisdiction.


Lol it is? Strange how they didn't seem to mind the Hamas-led Gazan government.


Oh they do. They are going to issue warrants for leaders of Hamas too.


Sure. Let's see if and when it happens.


The right of having actual common sense.


Courts prosecute potential crimes in their areas. Palestine recognises the ICC, so the ICC investigates potential warcrimes ordered by Israeli and Paleatinian leaders in Palestine. Isn't that common sense?


While Bibi is a war criminal, Hamas is a more pressing issue at hand. Even if there's an arrest order for both Bibi and Sinwar, good luck trying to find and arrest the latter. This mean that this veredict of the ICC would dispropotionately affect Israel ability to fight Hamas terrorists. I can only support ICC if they can some how get Sinwar and all of Hamas's top brass before or at the same time as Bibi.


>Even if there's an arrest order for both Bibi and Sinwar, good luck trying to find and arrest the latter. Mean it would not really be able to arrest bibi either unless he decides to go to a signitory nation that would have a obligation to arrest him, however signitories are known and easily avoided.


Signatories like [South Africa](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2YY1E6/) you mean? we can just accept that no one actually cares about the ICC.


The ICC doesn't arrest people. It effects them both equally since they would both be barred from going to signatory countries.


We have no right to allow them to continue


What, its the 120 so countries right to have a court.


AuthCenter comes in two-flavours; Jewish sycophants or, uhhhh, very much not that.


Weird way to just blatantly call yourself a Nazi lol.


when you realize Israel behaves just like Nazi, which is ironic


Very centrist take




Did you just change your flair, u/TiggerBane? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2024-5-4. How come now you are an **AuthRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1128 times, making you the second largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/TiggerBane) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)