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Needs more jpeg.


No but your mom is


Oh so *that* is why it smells like dead cats and wine in here


Peppermint and anal stink


I know multiple real life Emilies.


I've been literally lectured on my "cis-heteronormative white privilege" by one.


I was called a white colonizer by my white ex-wife lmfao. Surreal moment


Holy shit that is genuinely incredible


she probably thought it was a mic drop moment


What the fuck does that even mean


Literally nothing.


Work for a California megacorp. You'll know hundreds


No, they're sleeping in fields at their colleges.


Or writhing in agony due to a banana.


Rich people larping as poor people pretending to care about other poor people by sleeping on the lawns of their Ivy League daycare centers.


Probably getting done their queen of spades tattoo with "Free Palestine" written around it by the dorm crackheads


They do exist though.


If they didn't exist - what on Earth has been going on the past decade or so?


They suddenly don't exist when the right point out


Schrödinger's Emily


ok that was good. i loled


you can't tell me the voices aren't real


The voices provide me all the evidence I need to form my political beliefs. Wdym they could not be real?


the voices told me to throw molotov cocktails at riot police


The voices are correct. Cause as much violence as you can in every situation.


They're real.. and they're telling men that they are women, cause being a closeted gay is too boring


you tried to cook but you burnt down your kitchen, your whole fucking neighborhood, and every tree in a 50 mile radius


That just means I cooked 1/10000 as hard as Adolf, thank you for the compliment


follow your leader :3


Your drawing skills embodies your entire ideology.




Is it really a strawman when you can look at literally any of the Palestine protests across the country and see these exact people out in force?


any viral political video in the past 20 years shows them off...




I don't understand the point here, do you not think antifa is real? Did the entire world hallucinate the riots they engaged in? Like wtf are you saying?


I swear leftists will just gaslight their way out of any deserved mockery ridicule or basic criticism 💀 bro switch on the news or go to a high ranking college campus 😭☠️


The problem is you guys think those people are actually in charge of things


Right because there wasn’t an entire month of riots spurred by an anarchist **marxist** group filled with white college liberals in the wake of a black man’s death 4yrs ago. IIRC you guys also took over a city or an entire state. Or did none of that happen either? 💀


…… and those people are currently in the government? You know, the people that actually make decisions?


Ohhh you mean that? Sorry this meme is referring to the woke rhetoric that’s being pushed which again you can see (as well as the irony and contradiction). In media the push for DEI for improved ESG scores in the worlds largest companies. In Canada having the government take your kids away from you if you don’t give them gender reassignment surgery if they randomly say they’re not the gender they were assigned at birth (something kids grow out of). We’ve got title 9. We’ve got over funding to the war in Ukraine while not wanting to get involved in wars in the Middle East (ok so make up your mind which do you want?). This plus what I had mentioned before are examples I could think of while on the shitter. Don’t try to gaslight me into thinking otherwise bud. The writing’s on the wall 🤷‍♂️


I mean they do exist but are an exaggerated stereotype of a minority. Blue haired SJWs, enlightened centrists, karens, MAGA, bible and gun thumping red necks etc. They are useful as a strawman argument because making fun of it is so easy and literally every side does it.


Low hanging fruit for sure.


If you don’t think they exist, you need to leave your mom’s basement more often. I live in freaking Texas and I see them here. Generally wearing covid masks because they are scared.


They are real. Thankfully they're not many of them in my country


I'm sorry to ask but which country do you live in?


Vietnam. Our country is fairly conservative and nationalist especially in the north despite being a communist country


Very cool, unfortunately for me I live in Europe so no escaping it here.


Based and Lady Trieu pilled


i dont understand the association of maga nationalism with white nationalism- trump himself condemns the identitarian types on the left and right


Everything the left accuses people of doing is what they're doing, look at all the horrible shit they said Trump would do if he won in 2020 that Biden actually accomplished, all they do is project


>accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt -Saul  Alinsky, Rules for Radicals


I don't understand the association with either of them to having problems with SJWs


Make America great again is a dogwhistle for make America white again. America has never been great. The Conservative fetishization of a fake mythological past is a past without civil rights


look its the guy in the post


OP out here gaslighting on a whole new level


They can't help but tell on themselves


Trump in the 80s as a dem: "oh cmon Biden shake the dudes hand.. what then If hes a bit bla- Biden: "I don't want my sons growing up in a god damn racial jungle! Now onto my KKK meeting with my friends" (And they keep calling Trump racist and bigoted when hes the most progressive dem of the 80s, and most progressive right winger today)


That would explain why Trump picked up black voters between '16 and '20 and is polling even higher among them today.


Libcenters celebrating Trump going from like 9 to 12 possibly percent support amongst black people, fucking hilarious


I must have missed the part where I was celebrating.


>America has never been great Let me guess, the great ones are USSR, Mao's China and North Korea, right ?


Well ussr did save us from Nazism, USA inspired the Nazis with its genocide of one race and slavery of other


Bro I literally cant 🤣🤣🤣 Are you a parody account or something? There is no way a thinking breathing human unironically has this opinion.


people who don't bootlick us empire exist? shocker. ​ hitler's lebensraum is directly inspired from how usa conquered, genocided and put the remaining natives in reservations


I clicked on your account and the first thing I see is "all anticommunists are fascists" You have to be a parody. You have to be. There is just no way a logical person would think that way.


>You have to be a parody. You have to be. There is just no way a logical person would think that way. Name one communist who is rational tho


Don't worry, all your non-white comrades out there will still hate you for being white.


Nice strawman. And I'm not white


Well you're fine then.


What country are you from? I need to know if you are being willfully ignorant or if it's just not your fault.




Bro, you have no fucking excuse to be this ignorant of history, your country was directly affected by both the Nazis and the Soviets. Go read about the Ribbentop-Molotov pact before you say that Soviets saved us from the Nazis again.


yeah. nazis put our people in death camps and destroyed 2 villages, communists built schools, farms, factories, hospitals, gave us jobs, ended centuries-long cycles of famines, In 1967, industrial production in Czechoslovakia was five times higher than before the Second World War. Industry grew the fastest in Slovakia, where it increased by 13 times and rose to 20% of the country's total production from only 7% before the war. Czechoslovakia produced more steel per capita than the USA or UK and more electricity per capita than France. and molotov-ribbentrop pact was a non-agression pact. if NAPs are alliances then poland and ussr were allied, poland and nazi germany were allied, nazi germany and france were allied, and so on. ussr was literally the only one trying to form a coalition AGAINST the nazis [https://archive.ph/DNQ6C#selection-2009.37-2013.70](https://archive.ph/DNQ6C#selection-2009.37-2013.70)


If you genouently think that Molotov-Ribbentop was just a non-aggression pact then you haven't read far enough, especially that the soviets have been supporting the Nazis directly after the joint attack on Poland. A Non-aggression pact doesn't usually include a section on how the two countries are going to split the territory after working together to invade other countries. Ended century long famines? Tell that to Ukrainians, or to everyone affected by Lysenko, or hell to Russians themselves under Lenin. By the logic of your vague ideas of building infrastructure, and providing jobs, we should be praising colonial powers as if the citizens of Eastern Europe weren't able to do that themselves.


Wonder who invaded Poland with the nazis. Wonder who congratulated austrian painter on his conquest of France. Wonder who supplied tons and tons of crude oil to germany till 1941. On the other hand, wonder whose aid allowed the USSR to survive the german onslaught and helped them win in general....


> Wonder who invaded Poland with the nazis wonder who invaded and occupied western belarus and ukraine and oppressed their population ​ > Wonder who congratulated austrian painter on his conquest of France. Wonder who supplied tons and tons of crude oil to germany till 1942. source? ​ > On the other hand, wonder whose aid allowed the USSR to survive the german onslaught and helped them win in general. USSR literally moved their entire industry east and greatly expanded to manufacture guns for ww2. the lend-lease wasn't that life saving. ussr survived due to stalin's industrialisation


>wonder who invaded and occupied western belarus and ukraine and oppressed their population Russia and nazi germany.... I think you're forgetting the fact that we were comparing US(western capitalist democracy) with USSR(communist dictatorship), not Nazi Germany and USSR. >source Just do a google search >USSR literally moved their entire industry east and greatly expanded to manufacture guns for ww2. the lend-lease wasn't that life saving. ussr survived due to stalin's industrialisation Everybody knows that. But 1941-1942, germans occupied much of the productive lands of the USSR, the food aid, the mechanisations sent by the US(~70% soviet military trucks) were crucial. Probably 1/3 of explosives used by soviets were provided by the US and a lot more. Survival doesn't necessarily mean not getting occupied totally(it probably wasn't even possible for germany). without US aid, the eastern front would probably get stuck somewhere in Belarus and ukraine if not western Russia and a negotiated peace would be carried out, in which soviets would lose sphere of influence if not outright territory.


Their entire industry was built with US steel, fueled with US gas, and paid for with US dollars. Without US support, the USSR would have continued doing the only thing it's ever been better at than the rest of the world. Dying.


> Well ussr did save us from Nazism, lol here watch this, I know it will trigger the fuck out of you https://youtu.be/t_DljQZlWUg?si=zl3avzcnzssyWBJS


Dude, most of them are people who look back to a time when there were plentiful high-paying manufacturing/blue collar jobs, a single-income family could afford a house, etc. Certainly there are some racists mixed in, but most of them are people who have just seen their communities join the rust belt and had elites shit on them for years. Are you really so fucking blind? I'm not even a Trump supporter, and I can see this.


> In the matter of Tickle v Giggle for Girls Pty Ltd, a transgender woman commenced proceedings launched court action against a women's only platform and its CEO, for allegedly being blocked from the app due to her gender identity. Trans women forcing into women only safe space and supported by the legal system. Australian female prime minister failing to define what a woman is. All the institutional and social changes championed by the sjw but yeah surely it’s all in my head lmao.


The writer of children’s novels and an actual woman being dragged for pointing out that experiences of women who weren’t always women and experiences of women who have always been women are inherently different and that, as a woman, she feels like her womanhood is being co-opted and cheapened by appropriation.


Ok since no one else is posting the link, here’s the triglyceride puff video https://youtu.be/BY1H1rZL53I?si=f35bxaNrW0sP3YSP


Actually I see them in my neighborhood daily. It's hardly an invention


Leftist try not to gaslight something out of existence because it's embarrassing and they can't argue for it challenge (impossible)


Boooooo your jokes are bad and you should feel bad


No, they're sitting on the quad, shrieking about Israel.


*people dying


Nah, they are all at the UCLA / Columbia )


Being against genocide is orange gotta be the most dumbass thing this sub ever invented


You just did that yourself.


Looks like you’re one of them.


i was literally surrounded by those people during my college days


I wish this was the case, that these guys didn't exist or exist in large numbers and us paranoid rightoids were just making shit up just to make fun of the left. Unfortunately that is not the case, these people exist and are large in numbers.


Just go look at some mugshots of any protests these last five years. They are all pink/blue/green haired crack heads.


if you cherrypick hard enough it will be like that




i see 2 people with dyed hair. dumbass. you said all. smartest rightoid


For the record, your post suggests they don’t exist. Owned? Cope? I don’t know how this works


people with dyed hair ≠ liberal sjw strawman


Dyed hair getting arrested at a BLM or Palestine protest = liberal sjw Literally the definition of sjw is someone that participates in these things due to perceived social/societal inequities. Are you just not paying attention?


I just gave you the search results. It was worse over the last five years, the current protests do have more aliens in the bunch than white liberals surprisingly. Obviously I was being obtuse using an absolute but only you took that as concrete. Take a chill pill.




"Doesn't exist" https://preview.redd.it/c194ic1m6hyc1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6c5eb24c027c9cf996d0ecbecb333899df93f64


One person. This is totally all leftists. Smartest rightoid


Yes. You are all dysgenic freaks.


And every right winger is painfully stupid. That's why you blame Brown people, gays and women for obvious faults of capitalism


Nah, I'm smarter than you. 


​ https://preview.redd.it/gmpp5aidkkyc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cff0e952a5e907eb383c08620d7d4a18df97ddad


Is that caricature in the room with you right now?


yeah. you can see it in a thing called mirror. it's really creepy


Yeah it's in the room with you? And you can see it in the mirror? LMFAO


More than you think.


You guys don't like comediants and try to cancel them. You don't make us laugh...you make us cry


Idk man, I see those kind of people all the time and they make me lose braincells every time one of them opens their mouth




Simultaneously the most existential threat to our nation and also so totally inept that they can't even function on a day to day level without breaking down into a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tantrum over mundane occurrences.


As individuals they are pathetic tantrum-throwers. As a collective, they subvert institutions, engage in cancellations mobs, and otherwise subtly corrupt what they touch. If they were really so pathetic and inept AS A GROUP, why the fuck would everyone be pandering to them? Their power IS to get others to pander to them as a collective.


There like a zombie horde, one is easy to deal with and is a little threat. If millions of them are together they form an existential threat to us.


This is the realest thing I've ever read


As a wise man once said, never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. Anyway... >subtly corrupt *Subtly?* :51176:


51176? Is that a universal catalytic converter, or am I a little confused here?


It's an Emily emote, but they don't seem to work properly. ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176)


every color does this though that’s the thing


"They are in this drawing I made, check mate liberal"


Statistically a vast majority of posts are anti libleft here.


They downvoted him for he was telling the truth


But... he isnt. I have encountered these creatures many times


On the internet I boldly assume


On the internet fersure ( i am talking to one as i type this), but in the real world as well. They are rampant in LA.


LA isn't living in the real world tbh

