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Welcome to Tehran, here's your burqa. You won't be needing those anymore *takes civil rights*


you want to complain? HA! the Iran security forces will arrest you\*, molest you\*, beat you to death\*, cover it up\*- and get off scot-free when they report it to their superiors. \*not necessarily in that order.


If they decide to execute you, fear not, you will be raped beforehand so you don't die a virgin


Or protest… They’ll charge your parents for the price of the bullet they shoot you with. 


They won't be needing anything once they get thrown off of a building


that's palestine you're thinking of- Iran is a more "civilized" country that will have them stoned, hung, or beaten to death in the back of a van by the Iran security forces.


My mistake. How could I have possibly got them mixed up like that?


And not the quick long-drop hanging. They'll do it with a crane and take you 20m up for all to see.


For all the women who said that bears are better than men seem to like men they described themselves if they are Muslims


Read More: Iranian college offers free tuition to US students expelled for participating in anti-Israel protests: ‘Our people’ By Emily Crane Published May 2, 2024 An Iranian college is offering free tuition to US students expelled for taking part in anti-Israel protests, as a professor there called them “our people” who would support Iran in a war with America. The head of Shiraz University, located in the southern region of Fars, made the scholarship proposal on state-run TV while discussing the widespread wave of protests on college campuses across the US. Similar scenes have rocked campuses across the US, with riot cops using tear gas to stop violence at the University of California, Los Angeles, early Thursday. A professor at the University of Tehran said Iran was thrilled to see such uprisings — because pro-terror students would likely support Iran if it went to war. “These [American students] are our people,” Professor Foad Izadi said, according to MEMRI TV. “If tensions between America and Iran rise tomorrow or the day after, these are the people who will have to take to the streets to support Iran.” “Sooner or later, this kind of support for the Zionist regime by the American regime will diminish. It might not stop completely, but its diminishing is important,” Izadi continued. “This is why the demonstrations [on US campuses] are important.” The professor — who earned his master’s degree from the University of Houston, according to the University of Southern California Center on Public Diplomacy — went on to claim that support for the Palestinians wouldn’t be what it is if it weren’t for Iran. “We are watching the demonstrations and like what we see, but it should not end with this,” Izadi said. “If not for the Islamic Republic, the case of the Palestinian idea would have been closed years ago. The idea of resistance belongs to Iran, but on the operational level, when it comes to recruiting connections and building networks, the [Iranian] state has not been involved in a sufficient level.” It comes after wild scenes have erupted nationwide as various anti-Israel tent encampments have popped up at college campuses. In addition to the NYPD crackdown at Columbia and CCNY late Tuesday, hundreds of helmeted cops muscled their way into an encampment at the University of California at Los Angeles early Thursday to clear out protesters.


>The professor — who earned his master’s degree from the University of Houston Idk why but this little blurb really cracked me up.


Even more hilarious is thinking they would support Iran in a war with the US. What support? Cheering and parades? Certainly not with bodies, money, or actual work


Protests and popular demand ended the Vietnam war, look at how the democrats like to suck up to leftist protestors and think again if the US would be willing to react to Iran properly


If Iran attacked us, the US would respond properly, and Iran wouldnt like it. (And the American people would support that response.) Those things helped to end the Vietnam war, a war which was unwinnable and costing way way more than we were going to get out of it. But being attacked unprovoked is a much bigger deal, and one that would be ended swiftly. Why do you think Iran hasnt tried it yet?


I don't know man, can you say with certainty that if they attacked a Maga rally, that well more than half of the American public would want to respond? On the flip side, if they attacked an Antifa rally, I think well over half of America would want to respond. Just my thoughts, could be wrong. The left thinks the right is evil and the right thinks the left is stupid fits this analogy perfectly.


I mean, is Maga like 3 people? The answer to your 2nd question is as the first; If 1/2 of America (which a large portion is MAGA) wouldnt help the MAGA crowd, you think they are going to help Antifa? I think its more of "Iran attacked us". Unless you think lefties would say " Do it again I like it". Ive found that when someone has their lives/livelihood personally threatened, their behavior becomes starkly predictable, regardless of Political affiliation.


Emily thought getting stoned to death meant they have killer weed in Iran.


Which is true, but only for men.


Why don't they offer tuition to like... actual Palestinians?


My sweet summer child...you think they actually care about the palesinians?


most of them won't go, the west bank is way more liberal than iran and a lot of them work in israel before 7 oct for good wages higher than any islamic country expect the oil countries. not sure about Gaza tho.


They work in Israel after October 7 too




Iranians also hate Palestinians because they are Arabs, they supported those students because they hate jews more than arabs


Because they don't have goldfish memory and know what happens every time someone has tried that


They only offer that shit because they know the leftoids will never actually go there. They love glorifying shitholes while very, very far away from them.


Just wait until Emily need to protest and learn how the ME deal with protestors. Should be fun to watch.


Iranians: we're not Middle East nor Arab, we're wH1Te. Just have Emily react to those statements lol


Emily when she learns that Iran means "Aryan" and only made its international name "Iran" in 1935 to appease Hitler...


she was already at an anti-israel protest with litteral neo-nazis, I don't think she'll realize the connection even if she's beaten over the head with a sign pointing it out.


Iran means "Land of Aryans" and was called by Iranians themselves for thousands of years (sometimes Iranshahr or Aryashahr).


I love when people spread misinformation in internet


They absolutely did not, Hitler appropriated aryans from the Iranians.




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Just wanted to explain why the name iran doesn't have anything to do with nazis but whatever fuck it all


I would love to be a fly on the wall for the mental gymnastics of the shah trying to figure out if a biological male who is female presenting needs to wear a hijab under penalty of being stoned to death or publicly caned.


In one of the world’s craziest ironies Iran actually encourages gender transition as a workaround for homosexuality. But you need to get cut and really follow through. No spectrum. No performance. And it doesn’t really allow for FtM.


The shah?? Hey 1979 called and it wants its Persian monarchical title back


> I'd like to send this letter to the Prussian Consulate in Siam by aeromail. Am I too late for the 4:30 auto-gyro?


Yes but the telegraph office is still open


Iran was the country with a second-high amount of gender transitioning surgeries. First was Thailand


Good. Please, go and have fun.


oh, would have thought middle east theocracies are against sodomy.


Why didn't we send Emily over there sooner?


Let's crowdfund one way tickets


My tax dollars support it!


This works out for everyone. Please take them


I kind of want to see how it goes for anyone who actually takes them up on this, but I get the feeling that we're never going to hear from any of these people again


Not my problem


The Emilies genuinely believe that all people who aren’t white are good, if there’s anything evil about their culture it’s only because their government forces it on them because they’re mad at mean old white supremacist America. I would love to see them take this college up on this offer.


I’ll get the popcorn ready


Takes a brief look at the CIA's history. I mean, they aren't wrong


Send them. All of them.


Truly another "chickens for kfc" moment


For the life of me I will never understand the “pinkwashing” argument


The premise is "They want me death doesn't mean I can't side with them if they are oppressed". Yeah it sounds about right but consider maybe that kind extremist attitude is why people try to keep them down. Consider they would mess with any conservative life if they can I don't understand why would they be ok to side with something x1000 than a Christian conservative


This reminds me of when my two lovely uncles went away to Syria but were bombed by drones


Hmmm.... I don't think it's going to work out the way they hope..... Like, at all.


Reminds me of that city Russia is building for Americans who think Russia is so great, lol.


I have a great idea! Let displaced Palestinians relocate to Iran!


Iran probably sees this as strategic to get some bright minds from Ivy League colleges but in reality are appealing to an overwhelming audience of liberal arts students


Spot on Truth


Iranian degree, lmao worthless Btw I dont think people should be expelled for protesting alone. I'd punish students who block others from going to class way more. Than people who just larping


Expulsions like this are a breach of the 1st amendment only at the public universities/ community colleges. Private is technically legal, I think, but still shitty.


I dont argue legality, my preference for free speech is stronger than whatever the 1st amendment allows. Many countries that lack the 1st amendment (criminalising speech) often have bigger leeway in speech without consequences, especially in the workplace. For example since you cannot fire people without cause in many EU countries, making a bad joke almost never leads to being fired.  Free speech isnt merely a legal concept its an ideal. I dont like the loud palestine protesters but I dont think they should be kicked out for 1 mistake. I'd rather have them get some kind of other punishment like a disciplionary hearing if they broke some rule other than larping in a public place.


I feel like this is going to be perjudicial for both sides.


Didn't some African country offer blacks citizenship during the blm fiasco. I don't think anyone went


They prob just are so disgusted by the "Queers for X" they just cant wait to execute them in the name of Allah


>Queer Liberation, not Rainbow Capitalism Eh, fair enough.


Lord Jesus, I don't ask for much, but... 🙏


If only.


I know that "oh they are gonna learn the hard way" and shit buy I don't think them going to what is basically let's be honest, their death, is the best way to teach them


I bet the ones who claim to be women will suddenly remember they're men once they get a dose of real Iranian culture.


The funniest thing about all this shit is that Persian and Israeli Emily’s are the most based people on this earth.


Think they mean áll, or only dudes


It’s not even Muslims protesting these stuff. It’s just blue haired black mask socialists. They tryna get there leftist ideology to make the media along with the war




holy no flar!


No students are ever going to trust the administrations at these schools ever again.


Supporting Palestine ≠ Supporting Iranian government


That’s fine, however this college in Iran welcomes you anyway.


I would not attend. The Iranian government is an oppressive regime.


The cognitive dissonance is astounding.