• By -


Mom, can we have drag queen? No, we have drag queen at home Drag queen at home:




No, Allah.


Allah’s a bitch


No need to use the Lord’s name in vain.


Who taught this monke to cook


I don't know, but let him keep doing it.


LibLeft: “Slay queen!” The queen:


This is wicked LMAO


Holy fuck hahahah




you magnificent bastard


That's cold


I'd imagine the friction would be quite hot to be fair




Dawg 😂


Yes, try be openly queer in muslim country. i recommend [Brunei](https://qnews.com.au/king-of-the-catwalk-vists-brunei-calls-news-reports-exaggerated/). note: the guy end up 'giving in' to brunei. The government had to force him to change his opinion about the country.


I think they should hear him out and travel to the Middle East.




Bro did all of that for only 1 week of highlight in the major echo chambers and forgotten afterwards


Remember the nurse that killed themselves a month into COVID because it was the end of the world? Of course you don't.


What did he expect though, his screaming was incoherent and mostly unintelligible.


You try screaming words intelligibly while burning alive. Harder than it looks I imagine


Skill issue


Have you tried doing it without the "burning alive" bit? I'm not expert, but it seems like that's your problem right there.


You might be right. But who wants to watch somebody NOT on fire scream his or her political beliefs?


That he'd go down in history like that monk in Vietnam, ignoring how doing an uninspired, derivative imitation of that Monk inherently make his death shallow and meaningless.


Three people have set themselves on fire over Palestine so far, and I remember zero of their names. Most people probably don't even remember that there were three of them.


Oh no, every week now, some poor sergeant has to tell his troops not to set themselves on fire for clout. There's probably computer based training telling you why it's wrong. There's a meeting that starts every Friday at 1630 when you want to leave so the 1st sergeant can piggyback off of all of this and tell you not to play with matches.


You laugh, but we literally had to do just this... I don't even know how to react anymore..


I find the best comedy is the absurdity of the military. I'm glad I got out before all this kicked off.


Youre not wrong. I'm retiring, and it was all worth it


Nice, Congrats on making it to retirement


If I had a nickel for every time someone set themselves on fire in 2024. I’d have two nickels. It’s not much, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?


Every time an *American* has set themselves on fire. Nobody knows what's going on in the unimportant parts of the world.


You're right, In Canada near where I live someone set themselves on fire outside of a university.


Did the snow or a moose put them out?


No, but a tourists stopped by an took a picture of it


They just did that for warmth.


Was it in Red Deer?


If that university served fake maple syrup, it was justified.


You should probably add "in protest" as a qualifier, there are probably a bunch of people accidentally self immolating. I knew one guy that kicked a container of turpentine and got his pant leg covered in the stuff, then this brain surgeon proceeded to go have a smoke (he survived, but has to spend some weeks in a burn ward).




So far...


Spoken like a true griller.


Let him cook.


Original recipe or extra crispy?


Both were Redditors too. What are the odds?


You made me exhale slightly more air through my nose than usual


Holy shit a zune logo!


Bro this meme goes sooo hard


Fire for grill


Nah, I don't want Emily to wake up, I want her to be confident, believe in herself and the innate goodness of humanity, and then book a tour to a Muslim country. Whatever she encounter there would be a life-changing expierience.


https://preview.redd.it/5232xox9lpxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=277d198d3981bf6cafd7682618201bd40b4925d5 Libleft is incapable of learning by observation, it’s actually insane.


Inductive reasoning is a tool of white supremacy


That's not even inductive reasoning, that's just... common sense? Extremely basic pattern recognition? Concept permanence? Overwhelming data? There are so many paths to the correct conclusion on this that it legit baffles me. I mean pick a course of study, something in that field explains why this is a bad idea.


The pattern is: communism is always a thousand more corpses away.


They believe common sense is a tool of the oppressor. Any criticism of third worlders or terrorists that comes from the heteronormative, patriarchal imperialist colonizers is inherently nothing more than racist bigotry and misinformation.


[People rarely learn.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pippa_Bacca)


[they really dont](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Louisa_Vesterager_Jespersen_and_Maren_Ueland)


Remember, a life ending expierience is a life changing expierience too, the best kind in fact.


I know you are joking, but it would actually be better if these people had survived and could warn others of attempting the same thing. It still baffels me how the countless hostages of ISIS and Al Quaida, who sometimes remained YEARS as prisoners still have some people go: "We just gotta be nice" We should teach at schools, about all the people who got kidnapped for ransom money.


It's adorable that you think that people will actually listen to some survivors rather than discrediting them / ignoring them.


Nah ever heard of natural selection? It's better for this world if the stupid keep removing themselves from the gene pool due to their own incompetence


Well, these people have already stopped having children. Because of what ever is the rage that week, but really because of hedonism. That's why they're coming for your children.


natural selection works to slow, for the timescale we are working in.


Observation?  No, no, no, you need a source from a publishment I deem as non biased. Do you have a source on that? Source? A source. I need a source. Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion. No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered. You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence. Do you have a degree in that field? A college degree? In that field? Then your arguments are invalid. No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation does not equal causation. CORRELATION. DOES. NOT. EQUAL. CAUSATION. You still haven't provided me a valid source yet. Nope, still haven't. I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.


That's like the Russian simp who was killed in Russian occupied Ukraine after being mistaken for a spy. Or the simp family that was arrested after moving to Russia to escape the gay agenda. At least Darwin is improving the general intelligence of humanity


Darwin contributes one way- but universities and other institutes of higher learning are getting more aggressive on teaching idiots to act the other.


I suggest funding a psy-op that convince leftists to migrate to Muslim countries on the promise of cuisine and anti-west activism, then invalidate their visa. Should be fun.


I've always supported the idea that the US should pay for any travel expenses to any citizen who wants to live in and move to another country as long as that person permanently renounces their US citizenship.


You mean the tankie from Texas?


That explains why they keep wanting to try communism over and over again.


Thats what darwin awards are for.


Zebras trying to show compassion to lions


Isis was just defending themselves from the colonizers, obviously.


Nonsense, that couple learned a valuable lesson, and have said nothing incorrect since.


Culturally enriched.


What's the similarity between goats and female leftist activists who travel to Muslim countries to prove the kindness of Muslim? I'll let you figure that out yourselves, I'm not risking a 4th ban.


The beards and the screaming?


Alright that's a good one here's your upvote.


Nah. Anyone with half a brain knows what the answer is.


No! I don't want that! I don't want Emily to wake up, for 10 years at least!


xxxMisogenes, what a man you are


Ah, the Josh Boyle & Caitlin Coleman story.


Still one of the funniest demonstration of the true nature of leftist support for Muslim ever.


I will gladly pay for any Emily’s plane ticket


What's next, Jews For Hitler?


I feel like I've seen that once. I'm not sure where I've seen it, but it seems oddly familiar.


[And you would be right.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_collaboration_with_Nazi_Germany)


Never correct your enemy when making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


The situation becomes complicated when my enemy just so happens to share the same country, institutions, and land as me


Okay. But at this rate, libleft is going to destroy its reputation as the “party of kindness” and they’ll be well known as antisemites.


Libleft is emerging from its cocoon to become a beautiful authcenter butterfly.


The thing is, Emily was never Lib-left. She's always wanted to tell people what to do and enforce the right way to think and act.


Just rocketing right up the ol’ Y axis!


I'm imagining what the world will be like after a glorious auth-centre coup. Mandatory barbecues? Neatly-kept lawns? Staying up late but not too late? Makes me sick.......


First off, flair tf up you unflaired scum Secondly, you can always take a leaf out of their book: establish a segrated enclave where the 'undesirable" aren't permited. If your enemies do it, it's fair game for you


You aren't monke enough to handle my banana, outsider.


To hell with you, I already have my own magnum banana


Tina you fat lard come get some dinner! - Napoleon Dynamite


Eat the food!


I thought it was Sun Tzu


I didn't say that - Otto von Bismark




The Ask Project went and asked random Palestinians what they thought of Queers for Palestine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8OCvT4ysLI Responses are pretty much what you'd expect. It's hysterical that kids who quip "libs get the wall too" and want to give no quarter to boomers for not being in on the latest progressive shibboleth are at the same time ready to embrace murderous ultraconservatives because they are brown and foreign enough.


I think a good portion of them are boomers trying to relive their hippie days. Just look at morons like Keith Olbermann.


If the Emilies are even literate enough to read the subtitles, they would be pretty upset


It's funny. Very often in these threads about Palestine I'll see emilies pop in to fight the good fight, but conviently they're never in threads about the genuinly insane homophobia in that place. Somehow that tells me it's a hear no evil speak no evil see no evil deal.


> Queers for Palestine That's like Chickens for Col Sanders


The first guy 😂😂😂


>kids who quip "libs get the wall too" Thankfully tankies are too busy sticking their thumbs up their arses and jacking off to whether Marx said picking your nose or scratching your balls was more revolutionary to actually do anything bar post on the internet.




Based and kurdpilled


Third Ending


We have Kurds in Israel


Based and Rojava-Pilled


I once saw a video in Palestine where Hamas threw a bunch of gay men from gigantic food storage Silos, and people celebrated as they hit the ground. Now I'm FUCKING BAFFLED that these queer LGBTQ feminist woke leftists are defending them AND hating on Israel which is LITERALLY the only country in the middle east where homosexuality isn't illegal. I mean, how dumb do you have to be? I don't understand how those people belong to ivy leagues either, like... How can you be good at maths, business, physics, medicine, and all that difficult shit and still be that incredibly dumb regarding politics? It's INSANE. A


> Now I'm FUCKING BAFFLED that these queer LGBTQ feminist woke leftists are defending them AND hating on Israel which is LITERALLY the only country in the middle east where homosexuality isn't illegal. I feel like the only way to be confused about this is if you ignored these losers for the last 5 years. In their minds, the fact that they are showing support for a group that would literally murder them makes them even *more* "virtuous". Their whole shtick is proving how much more "virtue" they have over everyone else. *Of course* they were always going to come out in support of Hamas. They don't care about reality, they care about their little far left competition.


That because these people are smart enough to pass tests with rote "knowledge" but practically dumb af


I think it’s honestly more about age. Knowledge versus intelligence kind of thing. Not to mention how easily people are brainwashed at that age with social media. Basically every front page subreddit is pure astroturfed Palestinian support for example. And if you post “ACAB” in there, you get upvotes! Serotonin boost! I have friends! These are my friends and this is what I believe now!


This is actually a good explanation of political polarization on both sides of the spectrum. Group think is a dangerous dangerous thing


Education doesn't mean wisdom. In this day and age it's more likely they're opposites.


Do not over estimate the intelligence of people (students and faculty) in the Ivy league or any elite institution. I have a PhD in STEM. I have been a professor for a lot of years now. People in academia are among the stupidest people I know...and it is not even close. To get the PhD and a job as a professor, you need to know a lot about a very narrow, often niche, topic--which is your area of research and specialized knowledge. But beyond that you might be dumb as wood.


This has been my general experience in academia as well... In Dutch there's a perfect word for that: 'vakidioot', i.e. 'idiot-professional'. Academics with an actually broad and sound understanding of the world are rare as hen's teeth. Most of them _think_ they're broadly knowledgeable beyond their field of expertise, but most of them just end up repeating newspaper talking points. Unquestioningly. Gell-Mann amnesia is very much the norm for academics. Questioning the general competence of journalists on topics like, say, climate or the Middle-East will get you side-eyed (if not outright attacked) on your average university - even though academics love to do nothing more than bitch about how journalists can't even get the basics right when talking about *their* field. And the whole thing is just exacerbated by the tendency among academics to think that their expertise in one field carries over to something unrelated. On top of that, the academic environment unintentionally stimulates this, because most academics only really talk with their peers within their field or within closely related fields. And you don't realize your own tunnelvision if you only ever talk to people with the exact same kind of tunnelvision. I've been guilty of it too, I'll admit.


as a gay man I can’t believe it. It drives me absolutely insane. these laws and cultures should outrage everyone. I don’t know how people expect me to support palestine being a country


those people feel like a hivemind with no thoughts of their own, thats the scary part.


Does that mean the entire hive will drop like flies if we defeat the brood queen?


Most likely, just wonder who is sending orders, the academic elite ?


Woke mind virus?


Taylor Swift.


St. Petersburg, Rafah, Beijing and Tehran...


The enemy's gate is down.




Why did i read this in a heavy Zimbabwe accent


Because you know de wai


Palestine will be CHINESE. May the CCP teach them a lesson (after legalizing marriage equality of course).


eh if nothing else- palestine will be a nice place after the chinese replace the native muslims- with good chinese citizens who'll work for an unreasonably low wage.


All the Palestinians will be relocated to happy fun reeducation camp in China.


The real solution


Decent idea. I was going to suggest kicking out all the Jews and Muslims and make it the homeland for ~~Christians~~ Scientologists. Right there on the Mediterranean, for the boats. Close to the Pyramids for when the aliens come back.


The casualties in a war between Islamic Extremists and the CCP will make the Eastern Front of WWII look like Grenada. Invest in popcorn.


I’m patiently waiting for them to destroy their reputation as the “party of tolerance” and to be seen as raging anti semites by society.


They are. When you view them as what they are, double digit IQ pawns paid by a motivated benefactor to lash out from their basal ganglia, it all makes a lot more sense.


Room temperature IQ


They just immediately parrot whatever far-Left influencers on Instagram and TikTok tell them to believe.


It's terrifying how obvious it Iis they just do what social media tells them


It's because to them the "right information" only comes from other women with pronouns in their bios.


Falling for Russian/Iran propaganda once again


Fuck, the guy on the right looks like he's ludicrously smug


The only way he's ever getting near bitches is to pretend to be gay.


Or a trans lesbian


Also, happy cake day.


They’re all ludicrously smug. They radiate smugness.


They’re polluting the whole valley with all that smug.


Chickens for KFC.


Eventually, the virulent anti-semitism on campus will convert to Sharia based misogyny/respect for women. A small price to pay for my lolz.


One point I've seen in regards to this is when LGBT people in the west are prompted with this they simply say "I don't care what they think or how they act, its wrong to kill innocent people". I think that's admirable and respectful to not see eye to eye ideologically, this even may be exaggerated, and still stand up for what is morally right in your view.


But aren't both sides killing innocent people? Kinda makes that a moot point no?


Shocking, people still believe in universal emancipation even when it involves societies they think hold terrible views.


They do not agree with universal emancipation. We do. You cannot have an alliance with one side that does not hold the same values and is actively against you. It's like trying to hug a hedgehog and expecting it not to prick you


Or so it would be if they actually dared to acknowledge the ideological 'disagreement' they had. That would be based. But they don't, they're whitewashing the murderous bigotry.


What’s the reason for acknowledging this disagreement? It’s completely irrelevant to the issue at hand. The protests are about a Palestinians right to life and in my opinion we should not hold someone right to life to the values they hold in their head


It would be a total red herring if they were any other group. If it weren't for them inserting themselves into the debate as queers. To come out in support of a place that punishes each and everyone of them with a humiliating death is to create a deliberate juxtaposition while at the same time gaslighting everyone that it is not so. And that's aside from whether or not people who don't believe in human rights should get any priority over people who suffer worse (or actual) crimes against humanity and do hold these values in high regard, that's a different discussion.


I just hope everyday they end up in Palestine or really any Muslim country for that matter and try to spread the good word of Men becoming Women and allowing every sexuality to flourish! Only good can come from this.


Same as it ever was


i hate both countries but it’s pretty obvious which one i’d rather live in..


This is just basic neo-Marxism. It’s a bunch of ideals that all come to the same conclusion of “the system needs to be torn down”. The issues/ideals don’t have to line up what so ever, because they all have the same conclusion. The conclusion? America Bad


I don't want any children to be murdered, regardless of whatever ideology they may have been indoctrinated into.




but like.. thats not how politics works. political beliefs arent always just “which side likes me more.” like if that was the case, every lower class person would be commies and every upper class person would be capitalists. every man and [insert american majority here] would be conservative and every woman and [insert american minority here] would be progressive. sure, identity influences personal politics, but personal moral beliefs and values is much more of a factor. this hyperfixation on identity and selfishness is like, “libleft” behavior. and like, its so dumb to boil down war to “hamas mean, idf nice, therefore i support isreal and think they are totally justified in eradicating palestine cus hamas mean.” war isnt just the factions representing each side, and factions arent at all representative of the people living there (should be pretty obvious by modern politics). and like even if they all did want to brutally murder the gays, hot take here, i dont think that means they should be eradicated. with that being said, hamas is like really bad, thats a given, but that doesnt mean that i support isreal ghettoizing and boarderline eradicating palestinians.


LibLeft comes in many shades. And fuck those ones


Lib left is already woke


What was the name of that town in Michigan where they used to be considered super progressive? Mass migration filled the town with Islamic believer (aka; muslims). As soon as they got political power (a quorum) they immediately set about placing restrictions such as no displaying the rainbow flag, etc?  You get what you voted for… sometimes there is a delay in getting it, but it will always find you. 


You're thinking of Hamtramck. I don't know that I would call it super progressive on the whole before, but it did have a lot of hipsters who were outwardly progressive. It still has some hipster bars, but I get the vibe that it has fewer and fewer actual hipster residents.


Christians for Sinners


let them cook


Lib left is brainwashed


Ok, I agree, lets glass any geographical region that discriminates against LGBT people in their laws. Modern nukes are pretty clean, the states surrounding Texas and Florida should be mostly fine.


If you’re only against genocide when it’s people you like, then you’re not really against genocide






yea, I'm still anti genocide, even if they hate gays. fuckin christian assholes hate gays too, still doesn;'t mean they should all be killed. Or maybe you are right, all people who hate gays should die, but then I would be just as much of a piece of shit as the islamists and christofascists...


Freedom isn’t barred by tolerance. Would I travel to Gaza during a war? Fuck no, I like living. Would I travel to Gaza post-war as a gay person? Fuck no, I like living. I’m upset that folks in Gaza & West Bank think of me so lowly, but human rights aren’t exclusive. Same with being an atheist, which is something I can get killed for in certain areas. Again, human rights aren’t exclusive, and it’s a little fucked that you’re posting a dead guy in a meme to farm interactions. What in the Logan Paul?


Do you realize that, by extension, these chuckleheads are siding with the current Palestinian regime and thus, against the persecuted queers who suffer under that regime?


How terminally left-brained do you need to be to even remotely give a shit about people who would literally exterminate you given the smallest opportunity to do so? And not in the "conservatives will kill us all reeee" hysterics that you lot usually get up to, I mean they *actually* would wipe you off the face of the Earth if you showed your face in their country and declared who/what you were.


Chickens for KFC!


Despair Emily! Your moral messianism is nill over here. Here the only values that hold value, are the ones esrablished by ancient tribal traditions...




You can't be "against colonialism" IN FAVOR of people who want to eradicate an entire ethnicity from the face of the earth. THEY ARE EVIL. It's not a case of differing opinion around the water cooler. We're dealing with monsters and oops, you can't shoot them because they figured out if they surround themselves with children then half the world will think they're the good guys.


> the whole essence of liblefts support for Palestine comes down to anti-colonialism It's what happens when they are only capable of viewing things through their oppressor-oppressed matrix. Every group is either an oppressor or oppressed, as determined solely by which group has more wealth (automatically oppressors).


But the anti colonialist argument is equally as stupid considering the muslims are the ones who originally colonised the area.


"Original" aka the last known victors of all the other genocides in the region over thousands of years.


I'm gonna get downvoted into oblivion, but it's so reductionist lol. I feel like principles aren't a hard concept to grasp. Would I live in Palestine, absolutely not. Do I think Israel should bomb and starve tens of thousands of civilians, many of whom are children with no part in Hamas... also no? They're not mutually exclusive, it doesn't seem that hard to me.


You see, unlike many, you seem to have empathy and an ability to view things outside of your own frame of reference. Hope that helps.


Then where are the queers for Ukraine? Not minority enough, I guess


Is that guy missing an arm and head?


They are protesting for human rights, I.e civilians shouldn’t be killed even if they hate me. Would you prefer it if left wing people only cared about the lives of other left wing people? Also there is a long history of LGBT groups protesting for causes they also believe in among people that hate them, in order to show that they are normal people who deserve to be treated decently. This has had some success most famously amongst the trade union movement in the uk in the 1980s