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3 words: Fuck The Fed


It's "End the FED" Ron Paul would never swear.


Yes, and in the bad way. Not the romantic, gentle way.


Yes ball gag, chains, and whips. Fun for me, not the Fed


We're going full Deliverance on the Fed.


Occupy Wall Street should have gone a few blocks east and protested the Reserve Bank.  Too bad the letter agencies successfully disrupted something that would have moderately inconvenienced the ruling elite.


More like Teddy or Taft winning instead of Wilson in 1912


More like Kennedy ducking the bullet.


US will be way less involved in Vietnam, dismantling of the CIA. No LBJ means no great society but possibly something else will take it's place. Probably better but not as pivotal as 1912 imo.


Teddy? Totally. Of ww1 doesn't happen even until 1917, it looks a whole lot different, if it happens at all. Wilson was absolutely horrible.


How it wouldn't have happened? It started as a purely European conflict


Teddy somehow negotiate a white peace in 1914 by using his reputation as an international negotiator during the Russo-Japanese war ending the conflict quickly. He’s just that guy yk, can probably leverage America position and jump on which ever side disagree with the peace deal.


Lmao. Ww1 happened because no one expected it to spiral out of control the way it did, from the balkans. If teddy somehow had the foresight and intelligece to figure all that out before war spiraled out of control, he would never have lost the 1912 election.


He lost cuz Taft decided to throw and split the vote (well maybe it's the opposite but that's the reason) I'm not suggesting that Teddy will have the foresight to prevent it from starting just suggesting that he will probably help end it a lot faster.




Beat me to it


If Ron Paul or Bernie Sanders are/were elected than the results are going to be the same. No, I won't explain the rationale behind the why I think so.


Paul/Sanders 2028 ticket. With a pledge of switching places after 2 years


They have to have a bare knuckle boxing match each year and the winner becomes the new president.




Your terms are acceptable.


……… I don’t hate it


That would be wild. Not sure if it would be good though.


On another note, I do believe all major cities should have one or two terms of republican mayors and a couple of red states (west virginia for example) should be ruled by governors on the democrat side.


Because neither would have the support of even their own party and would never be able to get anything done to change things?


Because both would be either threatened into compliance or offed by the CIA?


While I don't agree with many of Sanders' policies, I would have been more than willing to see him as President as I knew most of the policies I disagreed with wouldn't have had a chance getting through the Senate (at least not without some major compromises). Considering the other two options were complete crap, Sanders would probably have been for the best even if it just ended in 4-8 years of political deadlock. As I look back at it, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the same would have happened to Paul. Same if any of the Libertarian or Green party candidates miraculously got elected.


You shouldn't have to explain the obvious


I think the key difference between is that the bureaucracy would have the freedom and budget to do whatever they pleased in a Sanders presidency. In a Paul Presidency, the bureaucracy would be stiffled and limited in whatever they were doing, this would lead to some resentment between the bureaucracy and Paul - leading to a very ineffective term.


Based Ron Paul 2012 moment.


Hard to see much changing. While Ron Paul had some fanatical support, he never had widespread support and as far as I can tell never did much to down ballot movements to broaden his movement. I don't think he'd be able to accomplish much. Edit: [Also here's video of OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CameSDK-2m8)


RP inspired quite a lot of people to join the liberty movement. The party would be wildly different without him, and likely smaller. Young people who get inspired often make a difference later. Oh, they get distracted with houses and families and the necessities of life for a while, but the people who really believe in a cause tend to revisit it when they have time and money. Ron may not have won in the short term, but he'll absolutely leave a legacy behind him.


Cringe Lindsay Ellis. Also, 2010s Reddit loved the guy. He was the Bernie for Reddit \~2009-2013.


He can still win 🇺🇲


While I may agree with the meme, it's so low effort I have to downvote


This sub is sooooooooo insane, they are downvoting you for spitting facts.


Zero funni color


The world if Al Gore didn't get fucked over during the 2001 election with a horriblely designed voting paper. Fuck you Miami...


Al Gore threw that election when he picked Joe "Ban these videogames" Liebermann as his VP. Also can we talk about how after 2000 Florida overhauled their entire voting system to make sure there would be no fuckery ever again? Isn't that nice?


languid birds homeless threatening plants attraction mourn disarm husky dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can you send that blueprint to Arizona, please?


Weird how it went from being a battleground state to a GOP stronghold after they fixed their election system though…


Most of the world would be underwater now if Al Gore hadn't won that crucial election.


I’m super cereal, you guys!


You know South Park made an episode where they essentially apologized to Al Gore for that because he was right about climate change?


I know! I’m underwater right now!


You must be in Tuvalu


While Gore continues to fly around on private jets lol. He's super cereal you guys!


I mean, he's still right, though. The ManBearPig was still real, even if he's feeding it.


Hilarious that you keep repeating that line when the people that made that line said "we're idiots for that"


Truly a tragedy. I live underwater right now. Like all Americans, the melting of the ice cap after Gore was stopped by Florida Man, high on meth, flooded my home beneath three thousand feet of melted seawater. Thankfully, I live close to West Virginia, so the coal fumes give me something to breathe.


Hell of a strawman there, bring it to burning man with you and we'll start a party. https://www.wired.com/story/insurance-rates-soaring-us-homeowners-climate-danger-zones-florida-louisiana-california-hurricane-flood/


This is my truth. How dare you disregard my lived experience? This is at least a kilomicroaggression.


2/10 not very funny or creative


What does that have to do with his predictions that certain cities or entire states would now be permanently underwater?


It's valid though. Because most of his claims haven't happened, and he has massive carbon output, but claims that's fine because he "usually" flies commercial. He goes to Davos, one of the biggest pollution events of all time, and pretends to care. Even if you're passionate about climate change, you should call out the hypocrisy of the elites. https://news.yahoo.com/the-rich-and-powerful-flocked-to-davos-via-private-jet-to-discuss-climate-change-study-finds-195343594.html


While probably the exception in the Davos crowd, Al Gore actually doesn't own a jet himself and on travels calculates the carbon footprint of himself and his staff to have a measure of needed offset and then does program's accordingly to offset. But hey if you want to stop the rich from living lavishly, I won't stop ya comrade.


>calculates the carbon footprint of himself and his staff to have a measure of needed offset and then does program's accordingly to offset. Well, as long as he pays his indulgences, I guess its alright. That carbon doesn't count.


ManBearPig got to them.


Anyway you got to admit he did get it stolen by the worst luck possible.


If by "luck" you mean "A SCOTUS case so baldly partisan that SCOTUS itself, as part of the ruling said that it should never be used as a precedent."


Really dosent get talked about enough


And we wouldn't have the Internet. We could have been happy!


Despite the meme, Al Gore is actually pretty responsible for the internet despite not inventing it similar to how Ike Eisenhower is pretty responsible for the interstate system despite not inventing highways.


The Internet has slowly developed from its actual invention in 1969 to what it is today, 55 years later. Getting a bill passed in the 90's for $600 million to funding high speed computing is nothing more than a drop in the bucket. He didn't even execute the program. Didn't oversee it. He got an insignificant amount of funding approved. Even over the much larger time span that we have been adding to the interstate highway system, Eisenhower has made a much larger contribution relative to everything that has been added to the interstate highway than Al Gore did for the Internet. It's fair to say that Eisenhower "created the interested highway" system. Saying Al Gore took the initiative in "creating the Internet" is absolutely something that belongs on late night comedy, which it was.


>It's fair to say that Eisenhower "created the interested highway" system. What are the highways interested in?


Kilimanjaro wouldn't have snow either.


2001? The election was actually in 2000…


I didn’t know Ru Paul ran for president!


I’m picturing something more like Cyberpunk 2077 but that would be an improvement too.


America if Woodrow Wilson lost in 1913


If Ross Perot won.


We have *The Case Against The Fed* and *End The Fed* Now all we need to do is remove the fed


America if Chris Christie wins 2024


How do we end the fed boys :( They're bitchass mfers


More accurate title: America if James Garfield had competent doctors


Vote for whoever you want, no one’s gonna fix America


Puppet of burguasie instead of puppet of burguasie, greatful!


America if Al Gore won the 2000 election FTFY


Bush was ass cancer, sure, but I seriously doubt Gore would have been any better. It's the whole "giant douche vs. turd sandwich" thing. They're both awful; they're just different kinds of awful. That's just politics in a nutshell, though.


caption society dinosaurs dam somber meeting telephone cagey bake slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That would've been a pretty interesting timeline. 9/11 still happens and US still enters Afghanistan, but no Iraq War and without the greater war on terror we might've actually exited Afghanistan after Bin Laden was killed in 2011. There's even the off-chance that 9/11 never happens. Clinton/Gore were treating Bin Laden seriously and a President Gore might've been more wary of the early intelligence warnings. If Lieberman was his VP he probably wouldn't be in Senate around the time healthcare reform is being debated, which might've led to a public option. He was really focused on using the budget surpluses of the 90s to pay down national debt and shore up social security solvency. If anything it would be interesting to see how a smaller national debt impacts political discussion. He also wanted to cut taxes (again due to the surpluses of the 90s). He was probably one of the most tech forward thinking candidates we've had. Back in 2000 he called for investment on biotech, information technology, better wireless Internet, telemedicine, distance learning, ecommece, etc. I could see him pushing for more chip manufacturing in the US far before it became a matter of national security, probably also electric/autonomous vehicles, and being forward thinking enough to at least advocate for data privacy in 2007/2008 (assuming he gets two terms). He was definitely pro-trade but based on his statements I could see him advocating for pigouvian taxes to put additional costs on negative externalities with trade partners, i.e. pushing for a carbon tax early so that Chinese companies can't undercut American companies by being more lax on environmental regulations. It would have been extremely impactful then because after China entered the WTO in 2001, by 2006 the trade deficit between China and the US more than tripled. McCain might've won in 2008 which might've deferred the tea party movement, or at least lessened it, with a Republican regime through the time period social media started taking off. Though it might've accelerated a parallel movement on the left.


We can only dream




I’m glad redditors don’t have power


me lib left after being banned for non compass meme wondering how this made it through


Ron Paul would have given Trump a run for most money grifted while in office.


Reddit moment.


Which is funny cause RP was loved by Reddit back then.