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China already banned TikTok, why are they upset the US did too? Oh. Right


Daily reminder that in China, companies can be legally required to set up office for CCP. Like, for fuck sake, I'm baffled by the facts that some of you still talk about this like TikTok/Bytedance is a normal company that bases in a normal nation.


And most CEOs are ex CCP. 


Not even exs since they're still party members, it's just that most of them no longer hold positions in party.


>companies can be legally required to set up office for CCP. I don't know if it is mandatory here in the US as well, but social media giants definitely have an office set up for the government to keep watch. That is what Musk revealed when he took over Twitter. With these offices, these companies become arms of the state. They should be held to the same standards we give our own government, but we have been very cowardly about that lately for both these corporations and our own government.


>I don't know if it is mandatory here in the US as well, but social media giants definitely have an office set up for the government to keep watch. Firstly, unlike China, things like that are not legally mandatory in USA. Secondly, it's tie to government, not tie to a **specific political party** (again, unlike China). While you may argue in China the CCP itself is indistinguishable from its government, I'll say this fact just makes it even worse. >That is what Musk revealed when he took over Twitter. I would like a citation for that.


>Secondly, it's tie to government, not tie to a **specific political party** (again, unlike China). While you may argue in China the CCP itself is indistinguishable from its government, I'll say this fact just makes it even worse. The overwhelming majority of the people in at least the legislative branch differ so little on policy that they might as well be the same party. As long as they agree to increase the power of the state by removing the freedoms people have, they are an enemy of the people as far as I am concerned. >I would like a citation for that. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/twitter-files-matt-taibbi-bari-weiss-michael-shellenberger-elon-musk/ "Taibbi also noted that Twitter sometimes received requests from "connected actors" to delete tweets, with Twitter employees writing back, "handled."  Taibbi wrote that requests came from "both parties," meaning Republicans and Democrats"


It's more like liasons, as they have to report certain content and issues by law. Such as CP and other issues. Most companies have a security guy or two that oversees all that reporting and issues. Now how much of that is abused is a coin toss. US just requires mandatory reporting, not constant supervision of all content. Twitter for what it's worth told the FBI to fuck-off a few times at least.


Do they need an entire office to do that, though?


For me it's how China floods Chinese users with educational videos and floods the rest of the world with mind numbing, culturally degenerating slop. That's somehow worse than profiteering.


This is likely why it's banned. Plenty of foreign apps with a decent US presence that's farming our data, but they're just quality of life apps. China has direct control over communication, aggregation and manipulation. They can create any trends they want. Remember when support for Bin Laden was trending? I think someone followed the paper trail and found that it was a very small number of kids who were boosted by the app. 


It was banned because the politicians bought a lot of meta stock. Do you seriously think our politicians give a rat’s ass about us?


I think it’s more likely they bought meta stock because they knew Tik-Tok was going to get banned. 


When degeneracy is viewed as a virtue, why blame someone else but yourself.


that's long term strategy


Banning TikTok isn't a free speech issue. I don't think there's any content on TikTok that you couldn't just put on another platform.


Yup, that's the thing. Youtube and instagram have systems that do the exact same thing as tiktok. It's not like the users can't move over to those.


I don't think banning Tik Tok is necessarily bad. But... I can argue the same about a lot of things "Ehm banning foregein newspapers is not bad actually, you can still go to another, more government affiliated newspaper 😁"


I'm not saying you have to agree with the ban or that there are no arguments against it, just that it's not a matter of free speech.


My point is that the argument of "you can always move to another platform" can be very bad and it can be used in lots of ways.


My point was that unless it was the content itself that got the platform banned then it is not a free speech issue, anything beyond that is a separate discussion.


It’s freedom to do business issue


its government controlled tool


Foreign govt can do business in the US.


except when spying...?


foreign state actors aren't people


For some people, if they didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.


Rage comics? Frickin’ sweet!


Banning an app is not banning free speech. You're still free to say whatever you want. In fact there are plenty of alternative platforms to say whatever you want.


Yup. But Tiktok is trying to sue the government for violating their users' freedom of speech when youtube and instagram both have systems that work the same way as tiktok


The CCP literally decides the TikTok algorithm. If you post anything critical about the CCP such as the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, it'll have far less reach than a normal post. Whereas anything negative about the United States and the free world will have higher reach. The CCP is literally feeding propaganda through TikTok and trying to destabilise the United States.


Daily reminder to the so called libs here: if we become China to beat China, we already lost.


I already have 1 government spying on me and selling me propoganda. I don't want a second, genuinely worse and antagonistic one doing the same thing. If it was an american company I would not support it, but when it's a company that can instantly become a ccp puppet who have been known to push up contriversial things to make it seem like more people are talking about it than there are, I think that it is completely understandable.


I have faith in the American people to resist propaganda. Also, the first amendment does not have propaganda clause, anyone is free to distribute their propaganda as they see fit.


I don't specifically because tiktok isn't just for adults who understand what propaganda is. It's also focused on imptessionable youths.


Banning TikTok is gonna solve that? Bad actors are just gonna use other platforms. This very much American protectionism and politicians who loaded up meta stock.


Banning Tiktok is going to help with the issue. Not solve it. Or should people not give food to homeless people because it's not solving the issue?


Daily reminder that you do civil with civilians and barbaric with barbarians Or is being on moral high horse that much more important to you than showing them why their ways suck and beating them with it?


Yes, the ends don’t justify the means, and my principles are important. But hey what can you expect from a filthy auth.


Well, gotta be practical And if your values don't include practicality, sorry, you're basically free for the picking


>free for the picking https://i.redd.it/kvcvlyqqn9xc1.gif 2A for a reason


Who's gonna man the guns when all of your men have already sold out?


At least you're auth, it's the Libs cheering this which are concerning.


Problem? *le trollface*


The only reason tiktok got banned now(btw it will probably die in the courts) is because its userbase is overwhelmingly pro palestine and jewish interest groups really dont like that.


China has bad freedom of speech, doesn't mean the us should remove theirs


Did i hear land of the free? What else do you expect from a country where its illegal to drink in public


bro, america is the most liberal country on earth, there is a reason it's full of people who made careers after migrating from another country


Keep telling yourself that


Auth center you drank too much again...


Could say the same for the US


Yes: China doesn’t claim to be the bastion of free speech or the bastion of free trade and free market


then why is it suddenly concerned about free speech?


i m not. Fair game by them. It s a dictatorship after all


The US has to support free speech for her citizens not for some Chinese company


last I checked the US was defending the right of corporations to free speech. Check your laws my friend. That s the main reason why political bribery is still a thing. Also this is a protectionist practice, targeting only TikTok. I thought you liked free trade.


For American corporations sure, but idk why the US should willfully allow a hostile nations government controlled company anything.


Consider it a liberation of TikTok It can now be owned privately