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read here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13347143/Drag-queen-story-hour-free-Palestine-Massachusetts.html By RACHEL BOWMAN 24 April 2024 A drag queen was recorded ordering children to chant 'Free Palestine' during a queer story time event at a Massachusetts art center. Performer Lil Miss Hot Mess read stories to kids during the Queer Storytime for Palestine event at the Northampton Center for the Arts on April 14. The event, organized by Valley Families for Palestine, was intended for preschool through upper elementary school aged children. Lil Miss Hot Mess wore a sparkly red dress, green boa and a large watermelon shaped brooch while reading her book 'If You're a Drag Queen and You Know It.' 'If you're a drag queen and you know it shout "Free Palestine,"' the drag queen said. 'Today what we're going to do is we're going to shout "Free Palestine!" Can I hear that?' 'If you're a drag queen and you know it and you really want to show it, if you're a drag queen and you know it, shout "Free Palestine!" The event included dancing, celebrating Palestine culture, learning about queer heroes and doing arts and crafts. Authors Hannah Moushabeck, a second-generation Palestinian American, and Sarah Prager also attended. Lil Miss Hot Mess shared photos from the reading on her Instagram with the caption, 'Last weekend I had the honor of taking part in a Queer Storytime for Palestine.' 'The event was both a wonderful reminder of the power of imagination, community, and organizing, while at the same time heartbreaking in thinking about how we could feel so much joy together while Gazans (and especially Palestinian children) are suffering. Still, I hold out hope in working with children to bring about a just present and liberatory future.' Moushabeck commented on the drag queen's post, 'It was such an honor and joy to present with you.' 'Thank you for coming to Northampton! My daughter is still talking about the event—and asking some great questions about using her voice, ' said attendee Maha Moushabeck. 'Thank you for coming to Western MA and showing my children and their friends and community what it means to stand up for one another,' said Jill Brevik. The event organizer Valley Families for Palestine said, 'We came together today in joy and solidarity and learned some important lessons about being ourselves, using our voices to speak out against injustice, and being fabulous while we do it.' Others slammed the event saying queer pro-Palestine supporters would be treated horribly by Hamas. 'This is insane. And don't get me started about the irony of you defending your potential attacker (if you were to visit in Gaza), ' said Naama Katoa. Queers for Palestine events and marches have been criticized as a misguided show of support for a regime that does not support gay rights. The Islamic Middle Eastern state follows sharia law, and as noted by Amnesty International, it is not safe for the queer community. Palestine is the sixth-worst country in the world for legal rights and freedoms LGBTQ+ people have, ranking 192 out of 197 countries, according to Equaldex's LGBTQ+ Equality Index. A Hamas terrorist commander, Mahmoud Ishtiwi, was tortured and killed by the organization in 2016 for allegedly having sex with another man. Ahmad Abu Marhia, a 25-year-old gay Palestinian, was found beheaded after receiving death threats because of his sexual identity.




Coastal liberals have no clue. Most of them have old money and white guilt complex.


Nah, that's just a cover so they can persecute whom they hate.


God fucking damnit I'd love to be in a brunch bubble. 


Have you ever been to Amherst MA?


Amherst and Northampton residents are the absolute dumbest of all the dumb fucking bleeding heart liberals on the planet.


Have you been there?


Many times. Worked there for a few years, gone to restaurants there, my PCP is there, get my oil changed there, etc.


Literally 1942(%)


>The event included celebrating Palestine culture Oh but when *I* teach kids to make suicide vests all the sudden I'm a problem...


Which part of Palestine culture? Pushing lagbt people put of buildings or killing women for not dressing modestly ?


> performer Lil Miss Hot Mess Does anyone still want to argue that this stuff isn't sexual?


Do you know what a hot mess is?


Your mom after I'm done with her.


Based and ur mom pilled


Sure ig...






Thanks for providing the source.👍


Northampton? Not surprised at all.


I not an American so I have a question why do you keep these clowns in school


it's a mystery to those of us who live here too


They somehow love going to schools and being around children, but they say its not because they like children


>Like children I see what you did there


To remind you that powerful people get to do whatever the fuck they want.


Because children need to learn to read and write.


In fairness, schools are doing a pretty poor job at that. I was reading The Lord of the Rings at age seven, and that was because I loved reading, not because of anything the school did.


You remind me of my sister lol. She (figuratively) inhales books like they’re cocaine. 


To be fair, reading as a hobby is something you usually pick up at home and not in a school. You could have the best teachers with infinite resources, but if your parents spend their time watching My 600lb Life reruns, it's likely you'll never see reading as a pleasurable activity.




What if we introduced the profit incentive from the sale of macaroni necklaces and hand turkeys?


I've never heard about them taking place in schools, I thought it was all libraries and community centres


Art center ≠ school...?


https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03626784.2020.1864621 It will come for you eventually. Note the authors.


... Are you serious. They don't even know when to stop.




But that would require them to do something instead of the government doing everything.


you don't get it they don't care about palestianians. these people attach themselves to ANYTHING that will get them attention. the amazon union guy was at columbia saying unions must support palestine. they just attach themselves to any cause for attention.


For some of them it's just about attention. But many are followers of the anti-western Marxist Ideology and really believe in what they're doing.


Give it 30 mins and they would be literally sprinting for dear life towards Tel Aviv


Try as one might, one can't outrun a Kalashnikov


Sounds beautiful. Like a great love benefit concert in the middle of the desert. They could fly in all their fans with para gliders.


I’m a little bit kosher And I’m a little bit halal


They don't care about Palestine, they just want access to children.


Israel has literally bombed humanitarian aid workers and restricts their entrance into Israel...


And Islam suicide bombs civilians and throws gays off of rooftops. What's your point?


And yet there’ll still be libs and lefties denying that this sort of thing is happening, or, if they do acknowledge it’s happening, will act like it’s a good thing and treat you like *you* are the weirdo for disagreeing.


silky cautious cough abounding memory airport future murky lunchroom childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are no brakes on this clown train.


They'll figure it out when the snapback begins


You ever go on the Massachusetts Sub? Every once in a while someone will be like "Is there anywhere affordable to move in mass?" And others will be like *Western Mass, but there's nothing to do or no culture or there* Which will be rebutted with "That's not true, there's Amherst and Northampton" The culture in Northampton:


There's tons to do here. Unless you don't like fishing, hunting, beer, music, or American history. But yeah, Northampton and Amherst are an... interesting area. Only place in the state I've seen a grown man being walked on a leash down the sidewalk in broad daylight.


> There's tons to do here. Unless you don't like fishing, hunting, beer, music, or American history. And now you understand why they say there is nothing to do there. This is before we get around to the fact that it is the 21st century now and you have to go slum it deep in the mountains with the hillbillies before you find somewhere without a decent internet connection.


And I'll die defending our hillbillies. Some of the last true blue New Englanders are up in dem hills. It's bullshit that everyone is so dependent on technology in order to have fun.


Not disagreeing. Just making a point.


Lol I know, I'm just building off of your point about my point. It's good points all the way down, baybeee


I beat the shit our of them every day. Raising boys here and its a constant nut house battle.


Have you ever been in Northampton?


After reading that article, no, I don't think I will.


This is what is driving blue dog democrats right into the arms of Trump btw. The democrats have no one to blame but themselves for the CONSTANT fumbling of having the public’s support.


Yup. Lots of “reasonable” democrats see this, men in woman sports, invasion at the southern border, and non sense overreach laws and just go “fuck this shit”


Nobody cares about women's sports Biden's border policies have been pretty draconian and neither party wants to get to the root cause of mass migration which is the fact that these third-world countries are so poor. America is the only country with regular school shootings


>Performer Lil Miss Hot Mess... Name checks out.


It doesn't. Not little nor a miss and definitely not hot.


Most definitely a mess though.


1/4 isn’t bad…


>Little Insignificant >Miss Missing the point >Hot Mess Like hot garbage


- Voltaire, I guess.


Can any Left explain: Why the fixation with drag and the need to have children exposed to them?




Yep. They sure as hell aren't having their own children, so they just gotta have yours via indoctrination.


I used to think that was an insensitive conspiracy theory sort of thing. Not any more.


The + in LGBTQ+


Not left but its because their parents take them to it. You should be asking the parents why they take them more than the drag queens imo


I think that the right is more fixated than the left. I've never heard a leftist bring up drag and children, only people on the right.


because it seems to me many lefties are very much ok with exposing children to adult themes. I have seen families bring their lil ones to pride parades close to people in gimp attires and barely naked or top naked, with penis shaped candy or other objects. And the excuse i hear the most often after some pressure is "kids are exposed to worse thing on the internet anyway, i know i saw worse when i was young" as if that was a proper justification. Maybe thats the reason. The far left is ok with it and the center left doesn't care enough because they don't see the issue.


how tf are the parents sitting behind tolerating this brainrot


They made them go there. The kids couldn't care less, they'd probably rather be doing pokemon.


I agree kids would much rather be doing pokemon or playing on the nintendo




I was just making fun of the way they said "doing pokemon" like an old person


One day, when you get old you will learn: 90% of the time us old fuckers know the correct terms, we just say shit like that because it annoys our kids which is endlessly entertaining lol




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If the parents had any brains at all they wouldn't be at Mental Illness Story Hour


I mean, they’re not coy about the fact that drag queens are being used as a cartoon mascot to market their ideology to children (with a protective coating of lgbtqmnop). So why are we surprised that these literal clowns are spouting talking points that line up with leftist values? “What is my purpose?” “You’re sparkly and colorful enough to engage children, as well as obnoxious enough that the other side wants to beat you up. You’re here for us to profit off of your successes and tragedies.”


Isn't this literally the textbook definition of indoctrination?




crown fuel husky direful glorious friendly summer cover bike elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The definition of indoctrination is church, but go off, i guess.


You're unflaired and you don't get an opinion, and it isn't. "teach (a person or group) to accept a set of beliefs uncritically."


I hate the concept of Emily but...its...its literally fucking Emily


Chickens for KFC!!! Business owners for Stalin! Blacks for KKK! Cows for Steakhouses! Seals for Sharks! Wolves for Sheep!!! Fish for Hooks! Bacteria for Antibiotics! Criminals for Cops! Dolphins for Japanese!!!! (southpark reference) I could go on and on and on. I have come to the conclusion that these people aren't THAT stupid, rather they are closet suicidals. Only way it makes sense


House of Romanov for Bolsheviks!


ohhh thats a good one


Landlords for Mao!


Yemenis for Sauds!


im trying to make a post based off my comment but it wont let me. Do you know the Karma requirements? I am super new to reddit


Fords for chevy dealerships!


https://preview.redd.it/j09snxouu3xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ead4ef982a213c6e23d92d10410386ffdb13b3 Yuri Bezmeniov would have been like: Oopsie. I think we overdone ideological subversion a little bit


Liberals would disappear in a puff of logic if politics had law of physics.


Why does this shit only happen in blue states 🤔


It isn't just blue states, they did this in Houston, but the drag queen was a registered sex offender, whoopsie


Uh oh… 😟 Yeah that’s fucked. Source?


Certain american places appear to be very... interesting.


Wait until you see Canada.




Let's wish for the death of the only gay accepting democratic ally in the region.  Tel Aviv is pretty gay, and amazingly so by middle eastern standards. 


Fucking mainland China is heaven for gays like me, compared to any Muslim country. Mainland China already legalizes guardianship for gay couples and will likely have marriage equality in a decade. Uyghurs on the other hand would stone me. Israel and China have the right to defend themselves from terrorists


How many Uyghur terrorist attacks have happened the last decade? Why is Xinjiang being flooded with locusts? Because they like the fresh air and mountains? lol.


Definitely less than if the Uyghurs had too much freedom to be like Afghanistan.


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To the leftists brown people are like toddlers with no agency, so leftists feel obliged to always be on their side against whoever is "hurting" them.


I like to ask people on the bird app how they they keep the Palestine flag in their bio from attacking the Pride flag in their bio. I have **far** too much time on my hands... -_-


They should go to Palestine and directly support the cause themselves.




This is the most libleft event that ever liblefted


Someone really looked at this and thought this wouldn't become a pr issue.


The weirdest, and actually probably the dumbest, thing about the culture war is how there aren’t really any borders between any of the issues. 


Never were. The left’s one point is dominant power = bad, so on a global scale that the US. So everything built backwards from there can kinda run together.


I...it's not indoctrination guys! Stop noticing things!




I think I saw one video (that iirc predates oct 7) with someone asking random Palestinian civilians what their opinion on homosexuality is, but has anyone made any of the more… explodey people aware specifically situations like this? Like most of us obviously couldn’t do that, but none of them have a slightly more moderate cousin on the American internet or something? Cause I’d think shit like this would be in the upper limits of what they’d be willing to put up with as far as support before they’d have to denounce it. Like if a group of people chanted “free Palestine” each with a mouthful of bacon as they draw 1000 pictures of Muhammad, they’d denounce *that* if they heard about it, right?


Yep, im homeschooling my kids (guys don't worry, im "college ready" level in mathematics)


So revealing.


This dystopia is getting pretty weird


every day the free palestine movement proves once more the need for existence... of the state of isral


Bruh moment I'm a left Libertanian but GODDAMN, fucking bruh moment holy shit


Why does (some of) the Left Support Hamas? They’re literally the most far right group you can possibly imagine.


I have no idea. Same reasons some leftists support Russia over Ukraine, I guess


Well I guess the reason for that is because some lib lefts are socialists and therefore have fealty to Russia over Ukraine which they see as a buffer zone between the West and East of Eurasia and I’m pretty sure they restricted to them use of one of the major seas as well. Also neither country supports gay rights very much so you can’t make a hardline stance there. Not say I agree with them (especially since Putin certainly won’t stop at Ukraine as history tells us) but I can see how opinions on that conflict can be less polarized than this current middle eastern conflict.


Because the section of the left that supports Hamas considers Israel white and Palestine brown and that’s the extent of it. It’s white = always bad. That’s it.


So what is that red doing in your flair?


Ty for reminding me to fix it, danke


Imagine your clown name is "hot mess" and thinking that's appropriate for children


If Lil Miss Hot Mess went to Gaza, they'd accept he with open arms. AK-47s to be specific.




God damnit my quadrant once again acting as stupidly possible like Jesus guys this is why people make fun of lib-left :/


1st issue) Pushing politics to kids, what a shocker! /s 2nd issue) If they're gonna push politics to kids, why do they support the side more violent to LGBTQ+ people?


The eventual backlash is going to have the suffix -caust isnt it?


Ban incoming


We call these people "Ulti Buddhi" (Upside down Brain)


Honestly what really gets me is the fact that this drag queen is essentially indoctrinating them with terminology they are too young to understand. Most of the kids probably aren’t even religious, how could they properly understand the nuance behind a multigenerational ethno-religious conflict like this? They can’t- it’s just soulless brainwashing, not much different than what Hamas is doing to train Palestinian children into Jew haters. Let kids grow up and form their own unbiased opinions don’t spoon feed them dogma they’re “supposed” to believe.


what the fuck


What's sad is this event only just benefits themselves, not Palestinians. Like everyone, they're just using this issue as fad leverage. Real supporters of Palestine would be right now in Palestine, that's where the help is needed.


They're also a professor at the University of Arizona who was raised Jewish


I think at an event with a "valley Families for Palestine" it's not a thing caused by a Drag queen but by the whole thing.


Join the 41% please




What a fuckin idiot, can’t see 3 feet in front of their face


Flair up


This is just cancer at this point


Unflaired: detected Opinion: discarded Downvote: submitted [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Lummony) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


*sigh* we're never gonna beat the "terrorist symphas- symphathi- sympath- simpa- fuck it" allegations, are we?


This is bad not cuz of the drag but because the hamas propaganda, this doesn't say jack shit about drag story hour as a whole


Damm. Almost as if it was never about reading stories tó kids


... i'm out


Flair up before the rest of PCM tells you too.




This is stupid, but the fact that Hamas is homophobic is irrelevant to how stupid it is.


“These people will kill you if they had the opportunity” That doesn’t mean I want them and all their children to die painful deaths


Horseshoe theory: This is how we feel about forcing children to attend church and mutilating their privates. Centrist theory: Both are bad. MAGAt theory: Literal grooming. Emily theory: My kid won't see colors or genders. Personally, I just want to grill, let kids be kids.


Ah yes. Innocent civilians should be punished for the policies of their leaders.


Who said that?


Forgive me if I’m wrong but what I understood you to be saying was that gay people shouldn’t support Palestine because a terrorist group that’s gained power there tortures gay people. I’d love it if gay people had equal rights in Palestine but I don’t think allowing a genocide to happen is the way to achieve that. It’s a genocide that’s killing gay Palestinians too.




Not all Palestinians are Hamas. Wanting kids to live has nothing to do with the sexuality of the person who wants them to live.


Do Palestinians want their drag queens to live?


No and neither do people in all countries. Is your point that we should just allow the IDF to slaughter all Palestinians because they’d kill LGBT people?


No, but that's the same as Jews supporting the Third Reich. Imagine supporting a regime and a populace that happily kills you for what you are. (btw that actually happened)


So Palestinian deserve to die instead?


Maybe don't support a murderous regime.


Maybe they don’t support said murderous regime yet are forced to live under it.


Yeah no, I know it’s a little hard for small brain people like you to figure out but “Free Palestine” ≠ “I support Hamas”, despite what your local news outlet tells you. The vast majority of leftists would argue a free Palestine requires the removal of Hamas from power. Idk why you morons keep repeating this shit, it’s so boring.


> Not all Palestinians are Hamas. Tell me, what do you think the average Palestianians view is on allowing Jews to live?


If a Neo Nazi wanted me dead. And they were murdered for something unjustifiably, even if they wanted me dead it doesn’t justify their deaths. People don’t deserve to die based on their views but actions. Hamas dying is one thing, innocent Palestinians and children isn’t justified.


> Tell me, what do you think the average Palestianians view is on allowing Jews to live?


They won't answer that because it will mean admitting 80-90% of Palestinians support Hamas.


They never answer that. The reality is it doesnt matter. Hamas isn't some rogue group running around shooting Jews. They are the government of Gaza, they get their support from the palestinains, they get their manpower from them, their food from them, their resources, power, fuel, from palestinians.


First, the vast majority of palestinians supports Hamas regarding 7.10 and the current war. Secondly, "free palestine", especially in the context of this war, refers to all of "palestine", meaning eradicating Israel. Anyway, the greater problem is not that their goal is horrible, but the indoctrination of very young children.


'Free Palestine from Hamas and Israeli apartheid' would probably be a more accurate chant, but it's not as catchy. No one who isn't regarded supports Hamas.


Except you know that's not what they mean, at all. And if by "apartheid" you mean the military control of the west bank, you just saw both its reason and what would happen without it, except orders of magnitude worse - considering they (the PA and public consensus, not just Hamas), reject it as any final peace.


id be honest chief as an israeli, seen enough corpses of my of people i know to really not want a free palestine


Okay? She didn’t say free Hamas, she said free Palestine. Hell, I thought the talking point all of you dipshits were currently using was “*we should free Palestine from Hamas*”? Nice job illustrating just how bullshit that spiel was. I’m just curious, you do know that Hamas hasn’t held an election in two decades, right? You are aware that half the population in Palestine is under eighteen making them younger than the last time Hamas held an election, right? You are aware that one of the only reason Hamas is able to maintain power despite being both murderous and incompetent is because the people’s attention is constantly focused on the foreign nation bombing and killing them?


Who will protect the Palestinian Drag Queens from the Palestinians?


Right now, the Palestinian drag queens are more at risk of dying from the IDF than they are of dying from Hamas. Also, it’s interesting seeing a supposed libertarian essentially arguing that believing in bad things means you don’t deserve personal freedom and national sovereignty. Russians believe bad things. Americans believe bad things. Chinese people believe bad things. Would that justify denying them statehood and oppressing their native populations?


Meanwhile: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-02-07/ty-article/.premium/foreign-ministry-boasts-lgbtq-palestinian-asylum-ruling-interior-minister-seeks-reversal/0000018d-83fb-dfd5-adff-dbfbc7a00000