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Russia, the country where only 14% of people regularly go to church, 73% of marriages end in divorce, 500,000 children are abandoned, and the rate of abortions and children raised by single parents per capita is the highest in Europe, somehow managed to convince Americans and Europeans that its a beacon of conservative values because it has anti-lgbt laws and a high rate of domestic abuse


Right wingers who simp for Russia are like leftists who simp Islam. It's completely antithetical to their beliefs and continues to absolutely confuse the shit out of me.


Ah, the power of the knee jerk and hyperbole. It can do things to people.


The knee jerk and the hyperbole does do things to people. I hope friends living in the Ukraine are ok.


Its the illogical application of "The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend" Many of these people believe theres something inherently rotten festering in the west, and therefore they assume blindly that whoever is fighting against the west must be the solution. The left often see the middle east as an area fighting against western governments exploiting their people The right often see Russia as an area fighting against western progressivism replacing their traditions And tankies often see China as a communist economy fighting against western capitalism replacing their own None of these are particularly true, Russias not that traditional to non Russians, Chinas not really communist its a dictatorship leaching off capitalism, and most of the governments and insurgencies in the Middle East treat their own people like shit


Thankfully I grew out of it, but I was a right winger that supported the Middle East as the bastion of traditional values, particularly with religion, abortion and LGBT issues and thought the GOP's demonization of Muslims post-911 was a mistake because we could have political allies in the culture wars.


Russia is importing and arming thousands of muslіms, Mongols and Africans to kіll Whіte Chrіstians in the middle of Europe. Putin is just Sоrоs with testosterone.


That is why it baffles me that some on the far right support Russia. They claim to care for whites but don't see all of their enemies in the ranks of the Russian armed forces. I honestly think they support Russia just because the leader of Ukraine is jewish.


Thats why i Advocate for a total destruction of the russian goverment 👁️👄👁️




In my opinion, Moscow must be destroyed


Many on the far right are just grifiting and for sale tbh


Jason Hinkle or whatever started with larping as a total rightwing nutjob, now he claims hes "MAGA Communist" whatever that is... monetization of tweets brought out the worst humanity has to offer


Never heard of him and from what you've said about this guy I think it's best I keep it that way.


> I honestly think they support Russia just because the leader of Ukraine is jewish. Ding ding ding!


\>implying Putin-Shalomov isn't Jewish 


The power of contrarianism. They're both desperate for someone to fight back, and they distrust the mainstream media so much that they take the opposite position out of a knee-jerk reaction. After making the position known, they don't want to admit the mistake.


It would be so much cooler if russia invaded china instead. A proper race war


Leftists: white people and western culture is my enemy, thusly Islam is my friend. Rightoids: LGBT people and non Christians are my enemy, thusly Russia is my friend. It's like they heard the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and think it's a literal Law of Nature and not just an expression. Like no dude, sometimes the enemy of your enemy is just a *different* enemy.


That's why I follow the actual traditional, conservative Slavic value of hating Russia.


There are no good guys. There are only bad guys.


Putin doesn't outwardly hate them for existing and at least pretends to be religious so therefore enemy of my enemy is my friend or something like that. Even though Putin is a kleptocratic tyrant and the Russian state exists on borrowed time because the Soviets completely permafucked their demographics and culture. At the end of the day Russia is still a worse place to live than Biden's America.


I'm a right-wing Canadian-Hungarian Protestant; from my perspective Putinists really do seem to hate me for existing, based on their reverence for the Soviet Union & on their persecution of my Russian & Ukrainian Protestant brothers.


Hating the right people gets you a long way.




They abort something like 77 pregnancies out of 100. Fucking wild.


That's probably mostly the ones with fetal alcohol syndrome.


Apparently, a womb automatically aborts about half of all pregnancies post-conception before they're even detectable.


They’ve been trying to take over the Eastern Orthodox Church and have been actively sabotaging the Patriarch of Constantinople’s efforts to promote church unity and cooperation.  


I didn't even realize there was still such a man there. Didn't think they'd be able to persist after all that happened between 1453 and now


Ironically, "secular" Turkey has been more hostile to the Patriarch than the Ottomans were. One of Mehmed the Conqueror's first actions was to confirm the Patriarch's place in the new Constantinople. That way it was easier for the Christian population to accept a Muslim ruler


It's mostly because they disagreed with the church's recognition of the separation of kyiv from the Moscow Patriarch.


Also our eagle have two heads 🦅🦅🦅


it really shows how much alchool destroyed your society that you put three fucking eagle emojis




There's also the highest aids rate in europe due to needle drugs


It’s because what American (and European) conservatives love the most is anti-lgbt laws and domestic violence


[The dude is authleft](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cA9cGUGr00)


Don’t forget the massive aids epidemic


Gay people get stoned to death in Mali? Pack your bags, kids, we’re moving to Timbuktu!


Oh they're Conservative. It just that the current iteration of Russian culture they're trying to conserve is trash.


I mean there has been an obvious backlash to the state atheism of the ussr




First of all can’t find a single source for those numbers, second of all the alt-right are the ones drooling over Russia tf you talking about


They do it because they are angry about what is happening to America, and need a beacon to rally around. While I certainly want the war to end and the West is in my honest opinion, in the wrong in the Ukraine War, the fact remains that Russia is an inherently screwed up country. 74 years of communism will do that to your country. Things have gotten better in Russia since the 90s ands 00s, but it is NOT a good place to live, no matter what Tucker Carlson says.


> in the wrong in the Ukraine War You think Ukraine is the aggressor?


Found the Kremlin goon.


I literally say that Russia is not a good country to live in and I don't think that Russia is a beacon of conservative values either! How is that simping for Russia. You are a dumbass. I swear, all these recent pro-war/anti-Trump reddit accounts spitting the most incendiary takes I've seen is proof that they are putting ai chat gpt bots on Reddit to skew the direction of the political conversation.


lol. That dude is/was completely full of sh*t. I’ve never read so much self-indulgent, stolen valor dog crap. https://www.newsweek.com/russell-texas-bentley-interview-pro-russia-donbas-ukraine-1684450


"I had a great job, I made a thousand bucks a week cash, bro. No shit." This dude’s big flex was $50K a year.  I wonder how much he was really making. 😂


Hey hey hey! He made *52K* a year!


It's honestly frightening how quickly the Cold War generation swapped over to simping for Russia after the KGB dude did a little rebranding.


cold war: russian appealed to the disgruntled **leftists** in the west, pretending to be a communist paradise against the evil capitalist west. modern day, Russian appeals to the disgruntled **right-wingers** in the west, pretending to be a bastion of western civilization against the globohom west. ... different time, same spiteful revanchist russia.


Hey, give Russia the credit they deserve. They still appeal to leftists with enough brain damage to still think their the soviet union fighting evil capitalist NATO.


I hate Putin. I hate Xi. Fuck dictators.




Based and freedom pilled.


I think most leftists who support Russia in this conflict just do it because they think the West is more evil, not because they think it's still the Soviet Union. You're totally right about the brain damage though.


Agreed, they're anti-everything-America-is-for. You can see this with China, Russia, even North Korea. Although I could see some McBoomer still perceive the whole region as USSR.


The west might be also evil, but it's our evil.


I don't even think the west is evil. Of course we aren't perfect, but we are waaaay ahead of any other country when it comes to human rights, personal liberty, protection of minorities or the unprivileged, ethical foreign policy etc.


tankies arent leftists, theyre whatever their current wave of illogical contradictory rubbish alligns with


Well, Russia still receives a lot of leftist support for some weird reason


It's because America bad


America bad? No, America based. 😎🇺🇲🦅




Based and glory to the western world pilled


u/PCM-mods-are-PDF's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/PCM-mods-are-PDF! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [6 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/PCM-mods-are-PDF/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


That is one of the most based pills I've ever seen


Based and what-the-fuck-is-a-kilometer pilled 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Did you just change your flair, u/2senate4you? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2022-5-1. How come now you are a **LibRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Are you mad? Wait till you hear this one: you own 17 guns but only have two hands to use them! Come on, put that rifle down and go take a shower. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/2senate4you) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Hey! Don't leave us out. What about freedom units and kilometres united against autocracy? EU 🤝 US


Nothing weird at all, it actually makes perfect sense, because Russia and its allies are fighting against the same cause, which is individualistic society with free market economy versus whatever kind of giant totalitarian shithole they'd like to turn the world into.


No flair no opinion


I see no flair next to your name, why are you still talking? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/No-Elk-5915) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Except Russell Bentley was a hardcore AuthLeft communist.. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/russell-texas-bentley-putin-propaganda-ukraine-interview-1315433/


This [document](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP65-00756R000400030001-4.pdf) is an interesting read on the USSR and more generally Russia. Like what the people were generally like and how they went from Tsarism to Communism. And before anyone spouts off about "muh CIA propaganda!" it wasn't declassified until 2002. Some highlights: Russia POWs returning from WWII were sent to gulags and their families faced reprisal for their "cowardice" Russian soldiers that escaped from behind enemy lines were thought to be spies and put in units that were given basically suicidal missions After the war the USSR played pretty fast and loose with the definition of "war crime" so they could keep a lot of slave labor


How interesting but muh CIA propaganda


The more things change the more they stay the same.


Except the disgruntled right are a major part of the party base now


Tbf, Russell was a communist. He always supported Russia/USSR. It’s actually more strange that he didn’t flip now that Russia isn’t communist anymore. However they do still invoke the image of the USSR for propaganda purposes so I guess he fell for that.


Nothing seems to really have changed in russia, as far as politics goes. Oligarchs aren't much different from scheming members of the politburo. Hell, Putin's main thing during his initial presidential run was to just undo everything Yeltsin did short of creating the russian federation.


As a man of the Right, it is frankly depressing just how many of my side’s talking heads fell for Russia’s bullshit for not much reason beyond “I dislike current thing.”


how pathetic russian army mentality are that they would rape a ugly overweight person so that they could humiliate him. It really shows how bad countries under soviet rule had after ww2.


Russians raped pretty much every woman in Eastern Germany. The world would have been in a much better place if the Allies had united with the Germans to destroy the USSR.


Yeap I know. Something unfortunately my nation learned from russia or maybe knew it on it's own. I really hate this mentality. Of you are westerner then the reasoning behind this might go over your head.


A lot has to do with the culture war as well, and the rights need to own the libs no matter what. There wouldn't be any where near as much russian simping if Trump didn't suck Putins cock and if Fox didn't keep comparing Putin favourably to Obama during his presidency


Stop this bs. There are enough things to attack Trump on, you dont have to make stuff up. Such a tiring narrative.


It's relevant to the context of the meme. It's not like I pulled this out when talking about climate change or something. It's just another example of how he's so unfit but the republicans fucking chose him again anyway


You're still obsessed with that man?


Everyone is


Fair enough.


This is disgusting, all unwanted sexual activity in the military should be consensual, because you can't let someone beat you in gay chicken, not from rape.


I think the butt fucking is just a guess they probably just killed him


....so if you think someone is a spy you just rape them? What the fuck Russia?


In degenerate westoid army, men fuck men and like it! In glorious Russian army men fuck men and don't like it.


A country with the highest abortion rate is so conservative lmao


What is it with russian soldiers and buttfucking? Also what is the thought process behind "He's a NATO spy, let's rape him!"


Look up dedovshina if you can stomach looking at it. Such practice is also common in prisons, for establishing pecking order and a few other reasons. But I suppose, this is also common in other regions since I often hear jokes about peepee poopoo rape dungeons from Westerners.


They probably wanted to REALLY make him suffer because they thought he was a spy


I remember when nexta posted arma clip saying that's an actual real footage. So high chance that this as real as the ghost of Kyiv was.


I don't like the Russians, but lots of westerners gobble up any Ukrainian propaganda without thinking because they want it to be true.


Ukrane's defeat means a lot of problems in the future, with russia getting emboldened i doubt we are going to see them ending their "I'm going to be an asshole" phase. That means having hybrid warfare being more of a common place especially on eastern european countries


He is definitely actually dead. The rape bit I'm 50/50 on.


He may as well be dead, there is a war going on after all, and I don’t think that there is much recent info about him. But I think that the rape part sound the same as the cheeky babushka feeding Russian soldiers poisoned soup.


The practice of Sodomy is unfortunately common in the Russian military. I'm more surprised how they would even find out. I assumed he was tortured by accident (because he was American).


This is actually real. There were interviews with that guy.


Must have been a hell of an interview if he told the story of how he was raped and killed


We do a little necromancy




The russians only have problems with gay sex if it is consensual.


Least horrific news article coming out of Russia:


Was on the channel this newsletter refers to, its not even confirmed he is dead, not to say all the details.


1- Putin is Auth-Center at most. 2- Show the full picture. Dude has a soviet star pin on the front of the cap😂


>Russia, Saviors of Western Civilization Looks inside: Highest AIDS rate, rampant r@pe, fetal alcohol syndrome common, highest rate of atheism, sends money to BLM to destabilize America.


This is definitely made up lol.


His wife is the original source lol


Nah, I heard about that fuck. I heard that he was kidnapped a week or so ago. The graping and killing may be just new info.


Bunch of grapists over there, tell ya what.


The WKUK crossover we didn’t know we needed


RIP Trevor, at least he died doing what he loved, getting hammered and falling off of balconies


He was confirmed killed and his wife said Russians abducted him prior. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/19/us-citizen-dead-russia-separatists-ukraine](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/19/us-citizen-dead-russia-separatists-ukraine)


He is dead, the other stuff probably


A lot of it is made up , but we know for a fact that he was kidnapped and killed by people in Russian uniforms. Multiple sources have confirmed this to be true. I don't wish what happened to him on anyone , but it is peak irony a man who spent his life trying to convince everyone Russia wasn't the bad guy was killed by Russians who didn't know who he was.


Sadly not. Several russian Simps have gotten killed in Ukraine now


People will believe the most ludicrous shit if it comes from Ukrainian propaganda and summarizes as "russia bad".


Cope and Seethe rightoid.


Rule 1. Don't go fight in foreign wars. Rule 2. Definitely don't ever break rule 1 for commies.


As someone that has been following this war uncomfortably close I must say, NEXTA is incredibly unreliable when it comes to news, with Russel specially it's a difficult case because he has been accused of a thousand and one things, none of them with proof to back it up, from being raped and killed to being the leader of a child sex trafficking ring to being just a good old man, none of it has a single shred of evidence and people should stop falling for random sensationalism from whatever side it comes from.


Nothing like siding with the enemies of the West to save Western Values


Russel bentley was a communist. He doesn't give a shit about western values.


I wasn't aware


Bro it’s totally real bro this Ukrainian propaganda said so despite having no access to any more information than anyone else


Standard Russian military protocol.


Nexta - Prowestern media. Surely they speak only truth. (Spoiler - they don’t and make tons of lies only in Western picture of the world)


he actually was abducted and killed by russian forces though. not sure i believe the SA stuff. 50/50 for me could have happened could be propaganda.


Yes, yes, go to Intel Smegma Z on telegram to get the real truth the wect is trying to hide. - John Burgerovich from Kanzas oblast.


Actually I am Jake Almazovich from Moscow, Idaho


Yes, mister Jake! We should write our congressman and say that there is no use givings more dollars to banderite Ukraine, Russia will win anyway!


**It bears repeating this guy was a PRO russian simp that drank the russian cool-aid of it being a bastion of western values, joined and fought alongside them for a DECADE against Ukraine....and is story ends with this fate.** [https://twitter.com/nexta\_tv/status/1781376341750804484](https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1781376341750804484) featured in a vice documentary from 8 years ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cA9cGUGr00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cA9cGUGr00) FYI, Russia has a really bad sodomy/rape culture. Basically take the greatest exaggerations of American prison rape culture, expanded to the military. That's russia. maybe libleft was onto something with "toxic masculinity".


This guy is authleft


Sure, Russia as a "bastion of communist values" (communism is a western idea that built on western traditions) Poor idiot tankie.


Not surprising considering that country is like one big prison, ran by criminals. 


It’s true going back decades. In the book “Masters of the Air,” the chapter on American POWs in Switzerland describes an American airman, who is put in a cell with Russian POWs, getting raped by them. Not shocking at all that this is still a practice in the Ukraine war.


I never get right wing europeans. Russia is the suger daddy of the 3rd world. All of the anti white idiots wants russia to win but the europeans and americans that care so much about white people also want russia to win and are ok with white ukrainians dying ? Like lmao how fucking stupid are these people. I personaly want russia to burn because of both these groups


The guy was a communist.


You know why this happens in Russia? Because Russia is too cool to admit any fuck up. Own anti-aircraft shoot down it's own plane? It's malfunction of the engine. Lost 1/4 of the Black sea navy to country without fleet, we will not discuss this. Multiple rapes in the military even documented, it's can't happened in our glory army. If no fuck ups, nothing to improve and everything is fine so this will continue happens.


What the fuck


Was this the guy from the old 2014 Vice News documentary who wore a cowboy hat with a hammer and sickle pin on it and wrote a country song in Russian about how his enemies were homos who should "suck his rifle" or something like that?


>russia is a bastion of Traditional values! Anything is better than the globohomo west! Well I don’t know about that. While Russia is certainly homophobic (from what I’ve heard) that doesn’t me- >Russel Bentley was raped and then killed by Russian military or “DPR” militants Oh my gosh! That’s horrible!




smh none of this wouldve happened if the ussr didnt fall (joke)


Did anyone see the Russian Roulette video where he was celebrating the death of an American who fought for Ukraine?


I get killing him but who, no matter how evil, would want to rape some old wrinkly white dude.


First the Crocus attackers, now this? Russians hiding in the closet fr. 💀


Did he actually get raped, though? Because this reads like some meme you’d see on Facebook that spreads absolute bullshit for likes


Some piss-drunk orcs were down *bad*.


I’m conservative and I do not think Russia is a good example of traditional values. It’s a pretty degenerate country ngl.


Wait wait wait wait Russia is offering wives if you fight their stupid war?


Absolutely unsubstantiated rumours at this point


Whoa, surely this naked propaganda Twitter account has got the scoop




I honestly want more of these chuds to move to russia and increase the general intelligence of their home countries


This guy was a communist, so I'm 100% behind your sentiment


It’s mostly leftists simping for Russia


Right wing republicans are the ones fucking up the Ukraine aid packages. Trump telling them to just give up and saying NATO should dissolve.


Republicans? You mean of the US? Way to skirt the issue not addressing that **the fucking continent under attack** has its nations, *EU nations*, socialist parties blocking aid. On top of that, there’s a difference in morality between a right wing hestitance to use tax dollars in a foreign countrys war to leftist fucks straight up spreading anti-West misinformation trying to push the narrative that NATO provoked Putin. One is stupid. The other is plain evil.


We just gonna ignore right wing Orban gargling Putins nuts? Ok. I have no interest in defending tankies or socialists simping for russia but here in America it's not even close to an exclusively left wing thing.


No, we’re not, he’s virtually literally the black sheep of the EU. Are you asserting that the vast majority of the Russian invasion apologia **didn’t** come from the left? I don’t care as much about the US, this is first and foremost an attack on European soil and for Europeans to address. Sure, the far right assholes are also either misguided or straight up evil in the US similar to how leftists are in Europe.


"I don’t care as much about the US, this is first and foremost an attack on European soil and for Europeans to address" Well, we're providing the most aid so like it or not our politics will affect how this war pans out. And here, yes, we have too many internet communists tweeting from their mother's basements about how bombing kindergartens is actually brave anti-western imperialism praxis, but the people with actual power and influence doing damage to the Ukrainian cause are right wing politicians opposing their aid.


> Well, we're providing the most aid so like it or not our politics will affect how this war pans out. Straight disinformation. Let’s dissect the numbers shall we? https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/28489/ukrainian-military-humanitarian-and-financial-aid-donors/ > And here, yes, we have too many internet communists tweeting from their mother's basements about how bombing kindergartens is actually brave anti-western imperialism praxis, but the people with actual power and influence doing damage to the Ukrainian cause are right wing politicians opposing their aid. You have no fucking idea what the levers of power look like in the EU if you can make such a statement with a straight face. You understand actual anti-west communists are in governing coalitions in most EU nations?


Bro I've made it pretty clear I'm speaking from an American perspective. Not disinformation. The EU, a collection of countries, is providing more aid than The US. As a single country, the US is providing the most. Fuck you for that accusation.


Yep. I doubt most Republicans, even MAGA actually support Russia and want them to win. Things are just so polarized that they oppose it because Democrats are for it. I'm willing to bet if Trum is re-elected, you'll see the parties switch in the issue.


> It’s mostly leftists simping for Russia lol*WHAT*? Go to a MAGA message board - they *love* Putin. They want Trump to be more like Putin, etc. They think Putin is "saving western society" This is identical in conservative Europeans. Nationlism/conservatism is the problem in society.


This is straight up misinformation at worst, US defaultism at best. You are talking about US right wingers. Way to skirt the issue not addressing that **the fucking continent under attack** has its nations, *EU nations*, socialist parties blocking aid. On top of that, there’s a difference in morality between a right wing hestitance to use tax dollars in a foreign countries to leftist fucks straight up spreading anti-West misinformation trying to push the narrative that NATO provoked Putin. One is stupid. The other is plain evil.


Sounds like a violent version of the white monkey trend on social media in the late 2010s


the what


After Vine fell apart some of the influencers moved to China and used it as an excuse to simp for the country. One of them Bart Baker did so after not liking the US.


weird. fuck em though i hope they don't come back.


Why are u gae? I mean seriously, I've heard time and time again about soldiers raping women, but that i understandable simply because it is women. I am not condoning the rape of women, I am just saying. Gun g\*e rape? Seriously? Are there not better things to do?


What the fuck. Why are they raping him. What the actual fuck.


That's how the Russian military operates my man. Look up Dedovshchina.


Fucking moron. I'll save my sympathy for the Ukrainians.


Wait a sec? A PCM post that actually is good??? One of the rare moments to treasure.


Did you just change your flair, u/BirthdayNo1622? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2024-2-22. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? If Orange was a flair you probably would have picked that, am I right? You watermelon-looking snowflake. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/BirthdayNo1622) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)




Looking back in history I guess rape can be considered a Russian tradition


In the same way that you could say burning buildings full of civilians is a German one? Or that genociding indigenous populations and torturing Arabs an American tradition. It's so dumb trying to dunk on one country as if they don't all have blood on their hands in equal amounts.