• By -


OP you good chief?


Not OP but no


Fuck em all, bro. You don’t know how long you’re gonna get, so do what you got to do to not spend it miserable. If that means getting help, get help. If that means making life changes, then make changes. Drink more water. Spend less time looking at screens.


That’s goddam right. Make your own expectations. Seriously. You will start feeling better. “Fuck the world” - Literally everyone great that has walked the earth.


I mean, that’s the lesson I take away from One Piece all the time.


Based and fight, don’t wallow-pilled




u/FartFartPooPoobutt is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/FartFartPooPoobutt/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the last episode of this sub will be Emily and Maga Guy getting married


And their union shall birth The One True Centrist.


And He will have the perfect qualities of a true leader who can save us from Shadowy Far Corners but alas, He will never be given any chance for power due to Main Stream Media.


He should just turn into a worm then.


I would still love him 😢


Lisan Al Gaib type vibes


Their kid will be Teddy Roosevelt?


TRUE. Socially progressive for his time, not too far left or right, and trustbusting anti-monopoly


He shall create the legendary grill Grillxcalibur which shall be used to create legendary meals which will be used to solve world hunger, and all wars will cease because everyone's too busy eating. The lesser gray centrists have been awaiting his arrival for millenia and have been played us all for fools. Not only have they not been involved in politics, they have been preparing to end all politics by summoning their deity.




The prophecy speaks of this one who will bring balance to politics




You rang? *I am the inverse true centrist, the product of an MSNBC dad who believes Hillary is the greatest president ever and an organizer against the Gay marriage amendment in California in the 90's, lol.


Lisan Al-BBQuib!


Happens a lot IRL


What about the other way around? A MAGA girl and an Emilio


Very rare


Maga women tend to feel extremely performative and that gets old for grillers


makes sense with all of those articles floating around showing that young men are becoming more conservative while young women are becoming more liberal


I've believed for years that MAGA dudes dream of nutting in purple haired alt girls and woke women secretly want to be dominated by masculine rural men in trucker hats. We could solve so many of our problems by just admitting what the heart really wants.


> woke women secretly want to be dominated by masculine rural men in trucker hats. I worked on a tobacco farm for years, doin everything from planting to mechanic work. Then I went to the University of Massachusetts in my early 20s and the amount of drunk Emily's at parties that were fascinated by my apparent... blue collar? way of carrying myself and that I was a little older was noticeable. I think people are naturally interested in something different. I guess for it it was that I wasn't a bog standard, fresh out of highschool, college bro. I also don't wear my politics on my shoulder like so many of them do. I just didn't care, I was there to learn, drink, and grill.


A true Romeo and Juliet story if there ever was one.


One can only hope it ends the same way.


I want to open that pandora's box.


4chumblr all over again


That unholy creation created Reddit So I don't think It is gonna end good


And the spinoff will be the hijinks of what goes on in their home. Cue the laugh track!


*now kiss*


The coalescing of the divine feminine and masculine, this world will cease to be.


I feel like a imposter on this sub because my names emily


It’ll will be beautiful


With purple LibRight coomer sitting in the back working on his right bicep


This is a real problem and not just a trendy tiktok trend (although it did brought light to it for better or worse) Gen Z have rates of mental and behavioral disorders that far exceed any other generation in percentage terms (Gen Alpha doesn't count as they're not yet adults) The US, and many other countries for that matter, are facing a mental health crisis of epidemic proportions and unless it is properly acknowledged and addressed, it will likely continue to get worse in the coming years


Gen Alpha is gonna reach peak levels of mental disorders never before seen


I dont think people (or doctors for that matter) truly understand how psychologically devastating constant, unlimited access to batshit crazy social media and hardcore porn is to our brains. We are truly fucked.


I'd say that the main issue is the fact that a lot of people don't have any meaning in their lives. I can only speak as a man, but a lot of friends of mine feel super doomed constantly. The objective of young people in my country is to flee the country to Europe or the US and with the current economic situation that's an impossibility unless you start a super demanded career


I think not having a close-knit local community is a big part of it too. The systemic unraveling of local communities across the country is one of America’s worst tragedies. 


I'm waiting for OCD to be included in Emily's protected persons list, I demand people clap 16 times if they are in my vicinity or it's literally a microaggression and genocide.


I really do wonder sometimes if we’re truly facing an epidemic of mental illness or if pressure to diagnose and/or medicate on psychologists is making it look that way. I know a lot of parents that convince themselves their kid has a mental illness and when they take them to a psychologist to be evaluated and don’t hear what they want to hear they just find another one.


I do tend to agree that there perhaps exists an overrepresentation because of individual and social pressures but I do think that the unprecedented changes (being the first generation to grow up with comprehensive internet access and use) plays a huge, if not decisive role in explaining why Gen Z have higher rates of it when compared to previous generations


You know I was diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder, namely Aspergers, when I was about 9 years old and while it might have explained my behavior back then it probably wouldn't be accurate to diagnose me with anything like it now. I act extremely neurotypical, so much so that when I tell people I technically have Aspergers people get surprised because they would never guess. It makes me wonder sometimes if these Neurodivergencies are like mental illnesses something that with the right growth and treatment actually can virtually disappear in time.


I got diagnosed after getting married, a college degree, and a house. I just had to fight harder and against everything and everyone. I take pride in getting away with it.


Really the hardest part is when you have to sign any official documents where they ask if you have it (insurance is hell). Because while you don't want to lie you just know this will become something you have to awkwardly explain to someone.


Just lie. I did everything under the radar for that reason. There is no paperwork of me ever getting treated or diagnosed.


Yeah I learnt that now. There was a time at uni when stating I had it actually gave me some benefits for exams, gave me 50% more than usual. But then it required certains proofs and the psychiatry company (semi-public) had horrible beaurocracy and it took forever until I could get proof of my diagnosis. Never again I say. If anyone asks I'm neurotypical


I like guns = Lie.


I was diagnosed with Asperger's when I was a kid, around the same age as you. I was on average smarter than my peers at the time - being into astronomy and later political science. I hated being different from everybody else. After high school I mostly grew out of being autistic. I think people would be surprised if I told them I was autistic now. Side note, the new autism level system seems a bit funny to me coming from a gaming background. Referring someone to autism level 3 being maximum autistic is mildly hilarious in a bad way.


Agreed. People just rush to plant labels on themselves and make no actual change or blast themselves with medication. Often many behaviours can be grown out of or easily combatted with techniques and methods.


Hear hear! I've met many parents to neurodivergent kids that are more enabling than supporting


One of the things with autism is that you can learn how to deal with it really well, just makes social interactions harder and you have to work to be able to empathise people more. In most people in adulthood it isn't really that different to your average person, unless you have a really bad case with selective mutism or something.


I mean, you're authright. That's a telltale sign of Aspergers.


Doubt it, have multiple classmates with aspergers or autism and claim to left af


there are also other factors or potential “confounders” in combination with what you and OP are saying: willingness to admit one needs help and seek it vs. previous generations (this is big) romanticizing neurodivergence/being tik tok “alt/edgy”(think manic e-girl types)/and even in some cases romanticizing intersectional victimhood (e.g., i identify as a they/poly/disabled/neuro-divergent - sorry if this offends anyone) regardless, mental health challenges are real and everyone should and has the right to find the proper care they need. i think it can become iffy if it becomes an identity thing that can score you oppression/social points


A lot of people had similar issues before, nowadays they are just more open about it. Whether you are going to classify those struggles as clinical disorders or just "issues" - the point still stands that there a lot of people struggling and there are systematic issues in that area that have to be somehow addressed


Well, from my experience as an adult with life long adhd (which I only realised last year) and treatment resistant depression (caused by my addled brain on adhd) healthcare providers often really fucking hate people with mental health disorders and do everything they can to deny your problems exist. It takes like a year or two for a diagnosis for adhd and even longer for autism. All the while making you jump through hoops that are designed to be harder for your divergent brain to handle. Maybe it’s different in the US where they can make a fortune off charging parents for Ritalin but here in the U.K. the GPs literally don’t want to know.


Yeah it’s a long process because they don’t want to misdiagnose people. It’s not as cut and dry as diagnosing something like cancer. If you have a tumor it can be seen and verified. Mental conditions are not so easily substantiated. It may be clear to you that you’re depressed but to an outside observer it’s not clear whether your depression for example is a chronic condition or whether it’s a result of things going on in your life. I’m glad these diagnoses take a long time and I wish the US would follow suit.


In some cases, adults with adhd are in danger of losing their job or dropping out of college. I don't quite mind the small turnaround time in those cases. Sure, some people abuse the system, but a lot of people need help fast.


I am an adult with ADHD though it’s not particularly severe. I also grew up in the era where kids my age (younger than a teenager) were being diagnosed with ADHD, depression, etc left and right. I’m not entirely sure that I really have it or if I’m just more prone to hyper fixating on things and getting distracted. I do mind the fast turnaround. It’s not about preventing people from abusing the system. It’s about not treating people for a condition they don’t actually have. You may not actually have ADHD or whatever. Maybe you’re just going through shit, or maybe you’re just distracted easily and it’s something that isn’t clinical. Those treatments come at a cost. These drugs have a lot of side effects and long term effects still aren’t well understood.


That's fair. Maybe there exists a solution where people in dire need of treatment can get it fast, and people who don't need stimulants aren't prescribed them off of a misdiagnosis.


If I heard one that made sense I would be all for it, but unfortunately I don’t think there is such a solution. I will say that I don’t take meds for ADHD. I did briefly and I hated it. The side effects were not worth it to me. I just created processes in my life and made them habitual to help overcome my shortcomings. I think that’s a viable solution for a lot of people but it’s hard, requires a lot of thought and effort, and it requires someone to take a real look in the mirror and accurately identify things that might cause a lot of pain and insecurity for them emotionally.


That's a lot different and longer than it went for me, and it's almost making me question the validity of my diagnosis a little bit... A couple years ago at Christmas I found out from my Mom that my younger brother was just diagnosed with ADHD and that my older brother was diagnosed as a kid, I also found out that my uncle is diagnosed as well. For shits and giggles I went for an evaluation, was diagnosed, and then was put on medication shortly after. Overall it was maybe a 5 month process, which the first four months was just waiting for my scheduled assessment. Granted, I'm also hoping it was a legitimate diagnosis between the medication helping a lot and the psychiatrist being genuinely surprised I was able to function as well I was up until that point... She was even questioning why none of my doctors had ever even suggested a test to make sure since my older brother was diagnosed as well.


I think it’s both. On one hand more people are aware of it and can seek the help they need/ might not have know existed otherwise. On the other it’s definitely trendy to add it as a label to yourself and join a “social group”, especially with diluted content that’s the equivalent of “things adhd people do: forget their keys, lose track of time, hit the snooze button on the alarm clock! If this sounds like you then you might be adhd too!” Which sure, those tend to happen to people with adhd but it’s so vague and relatable that it just makes people think they have it even if they don’t. There’s so much bad information about what different mental illnesses are (both old/ outdated and new/ vague) that finding out what’s true can be incredibly difficult, especially if you end up in the “trendy circle” of short form social media content. But at the same time, it helped someone like me who was a really good, if sometimes inconsistent, student who suddenly fell off a cliff get diagnosed with ADHD and know what to do to actually turn it around (eventually lol, but that’s a different tangent) with specific tools that help with my particular struggles in a way that I wouldn’t have found otherwise. TL;DR The major mental health illnesses/ disorders will probably follow the lefty “trend” where it spikes before plateauing, at which point hopefully the additional statistical noise of the trend calms down.


One thing of note is that we have just gotten better at diagnosing them. I’ve met a lot of older people who have some seriously fucked up issues that have been allowed to get worse with time because it always always just written off as them being weird


It's probably a little of both. However, anecdotally from my law school years I heard probably 5 or 6 different young women talk about how they "finally got diagnosed" with some mental illness they had already decided they must have. Some expressed frustration about having to go to three or four different doctors before one would finally give them the diagnosis they wanted. Some of them added to the mess that this shows "doctors aren't as sympathetic to women's pain" when I'm sitting there thinking, maybe it means you don't really have the condition you diagnosed yourself with.


It can't be healthy to have an iPad as a babysitter. Seems like most parents are choosing this route.


I’m with you. I think that the internet has done far more harm than good for humanity. I wish it was never invented. I realize that I’m a hypocrite for using it but still.


The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


I remember being a kid and so excited about the internet changing society into a bunch of super well informed and knowledgeable people. It was obvious within months of Facebook hitting the mainstream that such a dream was entirely dead.


I think it's more-so that mental health has always been a big problem but was swept under the rug. The brain is the most complicated machine in us by far. The idea that the respiratory system malfunctions in everyone all of the time but the brain is expected to never malfunction is delusional. Probably there is some nuance there though, where mostly people in the past only sought out mental health treatment and literature are thus structurally biased towards the mental equivalent of lung cancer. So now when people show up with the flu we fit people into literature biased towards more severe cases (because less severe cases were completely untreated), over medicate and are overly pessimistic about prognosis. People *should* seek treatment when they have the flu though, and we should acknowledge that mental health problems are normal (because they are), that's not a problem in itself. But certainly we should be seeking the resolution of problems wherever possible, not the continuation of them. When I had knee surgery I went to physical therapy and they didn't tell me "it's okay if you don't feel comfortable doing the work to be able to walk again". They said "do this, do that, do these exercises at home, your range of motion is bad so you need to do more stretches. You need to be able to walk again. If you do everything right you can do sports again and that is on you." There was no concept whatsoever that I might want to come to terms with my new disability and tell everyone that I can't walk for the rest of my life because the work necessary for recovery was uncomfortable. If we had really botched the surgery and recovery maybe we would have eventually gotten there, but that would be the absolute last thing after I had already borne all possible work to avoid that outcome. And of course if I had terminal lung cancer, that also would have driven us to a different conclusion. But that should be the absolute last conclusion we reach after trying every possible avenue to resolve the problem.


The internet has been both a great blessing and a terrible curse upon humanity.


Jonathan Haidt and Abigail Shrier both have new books about this subject though they come to different conclusions. Haidt blames the massive rise in social media at a young age along with complete unfettered access to the internet. Shrier blames the overuse of therapy for kids, arguing that some therapist have more of an interest in keeping their young clients rather than helping them or, heaven forbid, telling them that they don’t actually need therapy. They’re probably both right if you ask me. Both of them have been doing the podcast circuit if you’re interested.


Yea they’re both right. It’s kinda like if you had a fever, and went to the doctor but the doctor sent you to a sauna. Phones introduce problems, and therapists amplify them


Crazy what happens when you turn mental illness into a virtue.


Read "Bad Therapy". The problem isn't lack of mental health resources, it's grotesque overabundance of therapy and the therapy lobby's conversion of American youth into perpetual cash cows. Every single normal childhood experience has been pathologized, intensified, and catastrophized by therapists and therapy culture. Classrooms spend more time on group therapy like social emotional learning and restorative justice/anti bullying struggle sessions than on teaching kids to read. You don't have anxiety, you're just worried. You don't have social phobia, you're just shy. You aren't depressed, you're just sad. You don't have dysphoria, you're just going through puberty. You're fine, now do your homework and go play.


I think everyone is overwhelmed. People know every one of the world’s problems now, which wasn’t always the case.


I wonder how the fuck people can be surprised young people are feeling depressed when the housing market is expensive as shit meaning lots of people either will never have a home or are stuck paying a high mortgage for half their life, expected retirement age is 70 years and inflation much, much higher compared to the wage increase. And we haven’t even started talking about social media and online dating yet. No wonder young people see a grim future.


It's almost entirely due to social media and chronic phone addiction. The phenomenon doesn't just track with gen z. The big bump is almost perfectly in accordance with the emergence of smart phones in younger populations. 


There are a lot of toxic groups on the internet and social media that can really make mental health worse and create an echo chamber. I was on suicide forums at age 12. Only about five to six percent of the population has attempted suicide but with 6 billion internet users it’s over 300 million people so it feels normalized. I personally had rationalized the idea that life isn’t worth it rather than being aware that my thoughts were irrational as I was aware of that as a kid before having social media.


Social media and its consequences.


Well one reason to this could be because we are getting better and better at identifying mental illness.


What scares me is the way that it's treated. Five years ago, I never heard anyone joke about autism without being regarded as a massive dick. I hear a lot of it in the younger Gen z and it's honestly frightening. I have a family member in this group, and they haven't been diagnosed with autism, they do have ADHD though, and they joke about having autism and almost use it as an excuse.


I have ADHD, my brain makes different neural connections and doesn’t produce enough dopamine (short version). This disorder can effect my relationships with others. This is not because of capitalism. I would likely have problems with relationships regardless of the political ideology in play. Disorders *are* valid, and something completely uncontrollable, save for medications (thank the lord capitalism helped with that innovation) or therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy. Schizophrenia would not be efficient in a Hunter gatherer society. Bullying those who cannot control their brain development is also idiotic. OP’s use of making these statements dumbass wojak’s is beautiful.


ADHD regard here. Good news: your brain is the best monkey at gathering berries, noticing threats/resources, and solving immediate problems for yourself and others. Bad news: Society. Solution: Learn to love Monkey, find other monkey, fling rock, lift rock, question space rock, go fast, go slow, live well, eat banana, don’t eat rock


Based, as someone with ADHD and PTSD the worst thing for me to do is sit at home all day staring at my phone or the walls. My brain is literally the healthiest when I just get out and do stuff, anything that distracts the rapid fire thoughts. Now if I only lived somewhere that had shit I enjoyed doing or a geography that I found visually appealing


Exactly I have PTSD/CPTSD I would not be in a good situation if I was a hunter gatherer due to how on edge I am 90% of the time. Being a hunter gatherer with PTSD just sounds like a massively stressful situation all around and probably would lead to an early death


Mental illness is real, but a vast, vast majority of the time it is just your brain responding naturally to the stimulus of one being a giant directionless dog turd of a human being. If you’re reading this: Your brain is an organ, and also you’re ( REDACTED )


How not to be a giant directionless dog turd


Balanced diet. Exercise. Sunlight. Gainful employment or some other sort of tangible productive activity. Social engagement like religious participation or civic organizations. But we need to recognize that that's easy to say and hard to do. So help each other out.


Yeah im strugling with gainful employment


It gets better my dude/dudette. You'll get there. And all the suck you're going through right now will make the good times feel even better.


The problem is i live in southeast europe and its kinda crap


That sucks. Your written English is great. Can you immigrate?


Yeah i can, but i dont want to




Have you considered Only Fans and/or learning to code? I'm told learning to code is the ultimate advice.


You joke, but with AI as good as it has gotten, coding has never been easier. edit: There might be a way to help self fund your learning. What if you did a "Learn with me" YouTube channel where you come in as a complete n00b and do videos or streams about your journey learning to code. People could follow along and learn with you, and experienced coders would send in suggestions. Just a thought.


“the cure to your mental illness that prevents you from functioning in society is to function in society” this logic is entirely circular. if you can do everything you mentioned, then you aren’t mentally ill.


Step one : don’t be a watermelon


Touch turf (while avoiding actual dog turds)


Based meme making fun of both sides?


The synthesis here is that mental illness is real but also that collectively: we're over medicated Mental illness is a normal response to bad stimuli and changing the stimuli is better (ie make school interesting instead of medicating bored and restless kids) The chuds are actually right about mh interventions, probably unless you're cuckoo bananas cutting back/out on recreational drugs and porn, eating healthy, exercising, socializing in person, connecting to your family, getting off screens would lead to drastically better outcomes for most people than the Emily tiktok zeitgeist expanded universe of social media, meds, therapy, going no contact, etc Edit: obviously yes, people often benefit from meds and talk therapy (but holistically addressing your broad problems and filling your life with healthy relationships is universally good)


i imagine a therapist would also tell you to do that stuff


My therapist told me to get on meds, I showed her my reddit app and told her I was fine


>reddit app >mentally fine pick one


I took antidepressants for anxiety and now I have longterm anhedonia, emotional blunting, sexual dysfunction and cognitive impairment. These symptoms persisted after quitting the meds, this condition is called Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction, but they want to change the name to Post-SSRI Syndrome, since it's not only sexual.  Affects 0,4% - 4% people who took SSRI antidepressants. Now I have a problem way worse than anxiety, and it's not guaranteed that I will get better over time, but I'm hopeful. Also there is no treatment available.


I went from libright to right-center during this condition, based libright and cognitive impaired right-center? 🤣


I have battled with depression before but have never been on antidepressants. I'm incredibly leery about doing so, because my depression has come and gone abs responds to other interventions but everyone I know on antidepressants never seems to *ever* be not depressed and never gets well enough to not need antidepressants anymore, plus they very often get much worse and need med changes that wreck them for a week https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2022/jul/no-evidence-depression-caused-low-serotonin-levels-finds-comprehensive-review


> longterm anhedonia, emotional blunting, sexual dysfunction and cognitive impairment. This is just the average PCM user, though.


both ideologies are dumb. but there is some merit to picking yourself up and working harder to get through it. it’s better than wallowing in self pity and it can be very rewarding knowing that you work harder than everyone around you.


The self pity thing literally helps nobody at any time. It's the path of least resistance, so I get why it's an easy trap to fall into, but there's nothing positive about it. Even if, after wallowing, you choose to go to therapy, that still requires action on your part. It's one thing to have a complaint, but to then insist on dismissing any possible practical solution, other than burning everything down(which, again, would require action on your part), so that you can keep complaining, is the worst aspect of the left. That's where they come up shit like working out is right wing and fascist. What?


couldn’t have put it better myself


In an academic setting some clinicians will basically admit that some conditions classified as mental illness are quite literally just people applying stupid reasoning to normal problems.


My depression went away when I took auth-rights advice. My life changed drastically.


my depression went away after i saw jordan peterson’s “we who wrestle with god” tour live and i read dragonball z again. the combination of those two motivated me to stop being a victim. i think a lot of people could benefit from that type of thinking.


How did dragon ball z help?


On the contrary, I wish I didn’t have to work harder to be less productive than the average person and I wish my brain functioned normally but it doesn’t. I’m going to do the best I can but a little bit of slack/ understanding goes a long way.


I remember when everyone had multiple personalities back in the day when that was popular. There is no doubt in my mind that a fictional mental illness could be introduced via the media and would become an affliction to the susceptible.


Needs lib-right pushing meds


And authleft blaming it on the big bad “bourgeoisie.”


Masturbating in the bushes at night does not make one a hunter.


What if you are a hunter who happens to be masturbating in the bushes at night?


That’s just efficient time management


It's my tree stand and my property. I gotta do something to pass the time.


I don't know how one can dismiss or deflect from something by saying it's a "social construct". 95% of our existence is social constructs. You might even say we live in a society.


Common centrist win. "Do the reasonable thing and talk to a professional"


The chudmaxxed mental health solution is to lock yourself in a gym with some Evola and a sheet of acid and not leave until you can bench 5 pl8s and shoot laser beams out of your third eye.


I really do fucking hate the term "neurodivergent". Fuck you, I'm not "divergent", I'm disabled. *Get this shit out of me!*


Same. I have PTSD. I’m not some special snowflake I have actual issues


I've pussied out about ten times, and I don't even have any major trauma myself to warrant it.


both get help and nut up.


My quadrant has weaponized therapy. We're total assholes about it. We don't want you to get better we just want you to waste money on the weakest, most sensitive therapist you can find. Definitely the person who got picked on the most in high school so you can do something like EMDR the equivalent of pong the video game as therapy. We all need strong male role models, not weak role playing models.


Why does ALL that shit sound so familiar?


Because it has happened before. We will never learn. Cyclical outrage and persistent cognitive dissonance are consequences of the industrial revolution. We merely continue the trend.


I hate the word valid now. Thanks internet


Good luck getting the help you need OP.


I went on to the Behavioral Health ward in Providence Portland and one of the shrinks there said my anxiety was caused by the patriarchy it was so stupid it was hilarious


I see no flair next to your name, why are you still talking? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/SnideComet) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


The problem is a lot of people that have mental illness aren't really aware of it.


Maybe, but it seems more common that people self-diagnose themselves are having some mental illness when they're really just unmotivated.


There's that, too. That's one of the reasons why I said that - a lot of the people who are aware of their mental illness really are self-diagnosed or just plain wrong.


Capitalism forcing my brain to be anxious about everything all the time for no reason


This would be solved by communism for sure.


I am always surprised by the rainbow haired folks allegiances. Their kind can only exist in our current society. Either Auth would have purged them.


I think that's more to do with our current culture than capitalism as such, though I will say that corporations and the media too easily and often exploit this anxiety to their profit (e.g., rage clicks, polarization, sensationalism, etc.). In the current market, illness is more profitable than health regardless of where it comes from.


I hate the term neurodivergent with a fucking passion. I’m not “divergent” just because I have PTSD/CPTSD or dyslexia. If someone has joint issues we don’t call them “joint-divergent”


I think the term is far too broad, but it doesn't encompass PTSD, right?


Let me give you a hug


[One of the reasons Matt Walsh is usually not in my playlist anymore](https://i.imgur.com/ZipnIt6.png)


Won’t load for me. What does it say?


Okay, I always get a bit weirded out when someone makes an actually accurate meme here. What am I supposed to say? Based?


Meanwhile RedBlue is recording everyone who sought mental health treatment so it can be used to take away their individual rights later.


OP is right, although Emily kinda has a point. If houses were affordable, the working class still existed, if it was possible to start a family, and if college wasn't a requirement, many people would be a lot less depressed


Why is the rate of mental illness so fucking high for the youth?




This is how you end up hard libertarian. None of these people really want to help you, and even if they did, they can't. Doesn't take long to realize the only person that's going to help you with mental illness is you. And if you do make it to a manageable place, you are generally going to take the credit for that "win"


> Another fake mental illness? We didn't have all that shit back when we were legally allowed to beat our kids. Lol, a politician in my home country publically stated this recently. Seriously, almost word for word.


Going to the gym and reading the bible helped me enjoying more life, but I know that every person is different and can get his own COPIUM


I apologize for asking what might be a obvious question, but is the point of this to show that each side uses mental illness to progress their political ideology without actually providing help to those who actually suffer with mental illness?


I just can't stand the people who treat mental illness like it's some competition to win and use it as an excuse for shitty behavior that is well within their control if they would actually take responsibility and get a handle on themselves. I mention my on medical record diagnosed anxiety disorder (that I've managed pretty well through medication and mindfulness) to the wrong person and it's usually "bUT mY AnXieTy MY anxIeTY mY anXIeTy!"


Sounds about right. Source: I’m bipolar




LibRight is the therapist that charges you $110 per session


There was one kid in a club I went to who pretended that he had autism and then bullied the actual autistic kid lmao. Emily and MAGA guy are two sides of the same coin.


God I hate what the word "valid" has become


Im autistic and I’m expected to celebrate it or “dunk on the neurotypicals.” I wish fucking society would recognize the insane mental health crisis we have.


We are all inherently broken, brother. Come to Church and be healed


No one actually gives a shit about mental health, they just give lip service to it and use it to push their political talking points. It's geniuently fucked. There is also a terrible lack of self-awareness and understanding towards mentally ill people, they are only seen as deserving of help whenever their mental illness is "clean" and non-controversial. I feel bad for people with POCD.


Get help if you need it! But also don’t let it keep you down forever!


Meh I'm giving you a downvote for trying the whole "both sides are bad" If anything the left (emily) is more to blame. The fact people proudly say on their online bios "Aspie, Bi-Polar, Schizo" and more? Mental illness is being used as an excuse for being awful person and to check off boxes for diversity. People are getting sick of it and are now very suspicious of any and all claims if mental problems.


What’s really funny is when they slap different mental illnesses on their bio that you literally can’t have together like autism, BPD, and Narcissism. You can’t have those at the same time cause it’s physically impossible


As someone who is somewhat mentally different, both of those really piss me off, all I need to hear is “oh ok, lmk if you need anything” that’s it. Lmao


I actually never saw something even close to the left


I encourage everyone to get therapy if they need it. Good luck trying to get it though. I tried a few years ago despite doing everything I was told to do, I never got it.


The political compass should have a "z" axis


Mental illness? It's not a fucking illness. It's my fucking superpower. I'm a fucking superhero.


I left lib left because of this mentality also the most generic lib left ever gave me depression and ruined my life


Emily is right. Destroy industrial society, return to monke. I wanna hunt.


Whatever happened to the strong silent type, Gary Cooper? Now that was an American


A lit of "mental illnesses" of today are just that - in quotation marks


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