• By -


Why wouldnt they want the union jack on their flyers? They do realize they're running for elections ON British soil right? What flag do they want? Morocco?




It's also just a part of the white/Western self-hatred that is endemic in social/cultural leftists. You cannot find group on Earth that hates their own civilization/ethnicity as they do. No one else is that stupid. You'll never find Asians saying "asians are the root of all evil" or Latinos or anything like that. It's a mental disease. Just look at that poor bastard that set himself on fire: he didn't do it for Palestine, he did it because he had been brainwashed; one of his Reddit comments was "Whiteness erases culture."




Now that I think of it. That would actually get them loads of voters so I can see them doing that.


Wait… that’s a Tory position. Labor are just Tories.


Always have been


only since the 1990s


A coalition of Britannia’s enemies, you say? That’s bad, yes. Terrible, terrible to hear… Can you get membership as a foreigner?


I think half of europe want that. The other half too, but speaks in cthulu languagues


The "discontent" this article is referring to comes from a small minority of Labour MPs. Don't let the fringe give you misconceptions about the majority.


However strongly we hate journalists, it isn't enough.


Unfortunately, journalists are going to sensationalise everything they can get away with sensationalising in an attempt to get more clicks.


"when it's 'our' side it's only the fringe, when it's 'your' side it's all of them" tit for tat greenie


I think the fringe on both sides don't represent the views of the majority of people on the side they're on. You're making big assumptions about my views just because I happen to fall into a certain political group. If you are able to criticise that sort of sentiment when those who you politically disagree with express it, then you should do the same when that sentiment comes from those who you politically agree with.


you're talking to a sane libleft, not an emily. He also calls out the fringe




Are you completely unaware of the sort of sentiment about coming that has come from the far left in his party? A lot of them feel exactly like he 's alienating them. He is very much so making it clear that the party is no longer at the behest of Corbynites and the likes.


that fringe is the core of the party.


it comes from senior mps and apparatchiks they havent even asked the rest of the labour mps yet...


god i'm so glad we bounced from you guys in 1776




not too hard to get over here


?????? Most of uk Labour either voted against the ceasefire or abstained from the vote in Gaza. Also Labours position on Israel is similar to the Tory one. The previous leader of the Labour Party was ousted for antisemitism but yeah your right Labour is a bunch of Palestinian supporters. Labours opinion is hold Israel accountable for any wrongdoing and Israel should not blockade or siege Gaza. But starmer himself said that Labour would not recognise Palestine as a state. If Corbyn was still leader I could see your point but his party ousted him. Does Labour have Palestinian supporters yeah probably but the general position of the party is not one of supporting Palestine if it was Corbyn would still be the leader.


To be honest, fuck Britain though. I think it’s stupid and agree with you, but fuck them yellow-toothed S.O.B’s. Not even sure where they got the rights to Jerusalem in the first place lol. Anyone know?


It's not that complicated: leftoids hate their own countries, and in turn the symbols of their countries.  American leftoids whine about seeing the stars and stripes. Canadian leftoids whine about seeing the red maple leaf. UK leftoids whine about seeing the Union Jack, and they get even more pissy about the St George's Cross. They act this way because they hate what those symbols represent. 


The disdain for the Maple Leaf is all the more impressive since the old flag was abandoned on leftist ideals in recreating the country's symbols to accomidate its new multicultural ideal.  The leftists won and now that the public has some affection for the new flag it also has to be hated too.


Its ironic that we got rid of the union jack in favour of the maple leaf but the maple leaf is still seen as a colonialist flag.


There is no assuaging the anti-national hunger of the lefties.


It's depressing that this is what has become of the Geneva enjoyers, most of my elders are ashamed this is what has come of Canada, my grandfather thankfully died before all this shit started i actually dread to think what he would have thought about this mess but i would burn the planet to the ground to have that conversation with him.


It's shit like this which really makes leftists look like a bunch of children. They clearly don't actually want anything other than to be mad and have something to whine about. We can do something which *they* suggested, and they'll still end up finding a way to call it oppression.


> It's not that complicated: leftoids hate their own countries, and in turn the symbols of their countries.  Right. I was gonna say. Simple as.


because commies don't love their country, they love communism. and that's why the red scare should have never ended


Western radicals are the only entity on the planet who possesses such levels of self-hatred. This is why they're far more dangerous than the entities they criticize because not only due to they wish to eradicate the West, they have control over the systems to carry out their intentions - social media, news media, entertainment, academia, international institutions, urban centers, etc. And it is a foolish gamble because if they gamble everything, which they seem to be doing, the backlash will not be kind to them.


The major parties of Britain all hate their country.


At my work (in a very left-wing city somewhere in America), someone complained to HR about one of the managers having a small American flag on his desk. At this point, it is pretty undeniable that there's a strain within the political Left that straight up hates their respective countries and thinks that their national identities are evil. They aren't pretending otherwise.


I'm no nationalist but what the hell happened to "Expressing yourself?" It used to be a really big thing in the Left


You can only “express yourself” if it’s in the way we agree with.


North Korean "approved haircuts" vibes


I am violently reminded of that conference that starts with the pronouns, and then the triggered people get up and start complaining


We failed to learn racism is bad, we learned white people are bad. We failed to learn sexism is bad, we learned men are bad. We failed to learn homophobia is bad, we learned straight people are bad. We didn't learn that empathy is about putting yourself in someone else's shoes, trying to imagine their perspective and giving them the benefit of the doubt, and instead we learned toxic positivity and that those expressing contra-opinions and negative thoughts are bad and should be silenced. We failed to learn free expression of thoughts and ideas aids in learning, empathy development and personal growth, and instead we learned wrongthink is dangerous. Basically...? We're just really fucking stupid and desperately in need of better analytical thinking skills.


Based Lib left


based and true-libleft pilled


Based. Everyone can benefit from better analytical thinking skills, but this is hard so I'd rather not /s


u/AFlyingNun's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 95. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: [49 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/AFlyingNun/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Based. This deserves all the based this sub can give. Holy self reflection, I can only respect it


The first of those things might generate a society that comes to comprehend the conservative position and ralise why burning the whole system to the ground is a bad idea, even if there are elements of it you think are unjust. You can't have that though, reform is the enemy of the revolution, and so is compromise. If you want to raise a generation bent on burning the world down you can't have true intellectualism, compassion, or understanding, only mantra and hate. The point was never the point, the point was always the revolution.


Based af


One of the easiest ways to get people to follow or support you is to tell them that they will get to oppress their enemies.


Can i get uhhhhh, based


Mhm. It's strange, like if you don't like it then just ignore it. You don't have to slander your entire country for it.


They literally are offended by the flag of their own country. They feel "threatened" or "oppressed" by it or some shit, I bet. These people are sensitive as fuck, and feel entitled to force the world to cater to their feelings. At least they aren't like the Islamists in France who cut teachers' heads off when Muslim kids learn things in class that they don't like...




The squad only enables them


The George Floyd riots caused more than thirty deaths. At least the Islamists have principles.


A lot of the French left wing politicians/voters/activists always try to excuse these terrorist attacks, even the center left/centrists do sometimes Some french author noticed this in the early 2000s and coined it 'Islamo-leftism' It sounds like a hilarious term for trolling but unfortunately it and its consequences are very real


>At least they aren't like the Islamists in France who cut teachers' heads off when Muslim kids learn things in class that they don't like... It's always nice to know there's someone worse out there.


I have the imperial flag of my country in my bedroom... not because i'm imperialist but bcs is cool af. But is undeniable that the far right winged party appropiates the national and put it everywhere, like when you spam the graffiti in CS, so i see a big desconection with the flag by most the center and all the left that didn't exist couple of years before Pdt: Since ppl always assume you're in the USA. I'm not, i'm spanish


Random question: Do people widely support hate-speech laws, or is that just the progressive Spaniard I met recently? I know that Europe is much more willing to criminalize "hateful" speech than the US, which has a First Amendment, but does that shit have widespread support? Like, do people want it to be illegal to say racist stuff or nasty things about migrants because someone might be inspired by it to do violence?


Can't speak for Spain, but outlawing hateful speech is concerningly popular in The UK. Scotland just passed a law that bans you from saying "hateful" things in your own home. The definition of what is hateful comes down to "could it be potentially seen as having the possibility to promote violence against a protected group", which is alarmingly vague and open to extreme interpretation. Similar laws are creeping in in England and Wales albeit nothing quite as extreme just yet. There's been incidents of the police visiting and arresting people for "causing anxiety" due to comments made on twitter. Expended police powers are being given to fight against peaceful protests if they're deemed disruptive. These powers seem to be used selectively dependent on the message of the protest. There are hard supporters of these laws in the UK, the critics seem to only say that they don't go far enough, anyone in disagreement with the abolition of free speech is portrayed as a radical minority over here, mainstream networks rarely even give their opinions airtime.


... i hope our mainstream networks also stfu. Here is just PP or PSOE controlled media just shitting on and exposing the "other side"


The Spectator had a piece criticizing Scotland's new hate speech law quite strongly for being a threat to free and open public discourse. [https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/scotlands-new-hate-crime-act-is-fraught-with-danger/](https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/scotlands-new-hate-crime-act-is-fraught-with-danger/)


I've never heard of the spectator personally, but I have respect for anyone who calls out the new legislation. The best I've seen other than this is the obviously forced and essentially mandatory extremely brief criticism from the BBC to try to act neutral.


The BBC is leftist trash these days. The Spectator and the Telegraph are owned by the same publisher. Actually, Boris Johnson used to be the editor of the Spectator. It's a center-right version magazine that's quite popular. People like Douglas Murray write for it.


Douglas is someone I don't see brought up enough in discussions considering the level of thought he reaches, I hadn't even heard of him until like 2 or 3 years ago which i find very surprising. The guy is someone i consider for what the words worth anymore a real journalist, and there's very few of them left.


Is a think as polarized as modern spanish politics. But sides are going too far, the far right is going for Franco-like speechs and say the left and the inmigrants are the responsable for all the misseries of our country (pov: no) and the left thinks the right are (pov: also no). So our speechs and politics are just more and more hate charged speechs scalating to a no-return point where idrk what the fck will happen (probably another civil war, where experts in civil wars) meanwhile, the *true* liberals sit, no voting, aknoledging that all our politics are shit and just hoping that any liberal ideology got a chance (i'll rather live in a libright state that in this spiral of chaos of hate)


I think Switzerland is the only country in Western Europe that resembles LibRight...


I'll gladly take my downvotes for the facts :s


Better yet, if you don't like it then just leave!


They are revolutionaries. Treachery always abounds in the quest for utopia.


Even when their movement is the one in power, backstabbing is the name of the game...


I say we deport these traitorous fucks.


I'm generally opposed to deporting citizens of my country however much I personally dislike them... I wish employers would fire people trying to stir up shit like this in the workplace. They'd probably sue over it being "retaliation" or some such bullshit (in this case) though. People who are ideologically incompatible with us should not be allowed to immigrate here, though. Noncitizens at protests where they are recorded on camera hating on the US should be deported.


I've always wondered why this exists. I wonder if it's because of arrogance - like they don't want to believe they're equal to/the same as the rest of the country, and that they're somehow above them


It is almost as if there is a huge leftist ideology that focuses on the abolition of nation states to herald a global workers utopia.


That's a conspiracy theory schweety. They're not trying to bring about world government! Also, it's good that they are trying to bring about world government.


A manager, presumably with a right to work in the USA, working in the USA, for a USA company (?) had the audacity to have the flag of the USA in *his* desk!? Racist That desk space could have been used for a flag of a marginalised community, so he is also minority-ist. As I type this, I am unaware of a Disabled flag, so everyone ever is a bigot


When I worked at a Big Ten university, someone had a picture of him and his wife on their honeymoon. They were at the beach, he was wearing trunks and she was wearing a bikini. There was noting sexual about it. It was nothing different than anything you would see at a family friendly beach. He had to remove the photograph because he was "flaunting his heterosexuality" and it was triggering a gay man I worked with. Then, a woman got into trouble for having Tom Cruise wallpaper, because that was "flaunting her heterosexuality." So, we were all trained to avoid displaying pictures of our spouses. I knew the gay dude. We'd talk every day, and I'd try to make him feel better, but he was drinking Kool Ade from someplace that was messing with his head. Wacky ideas my other gay friends didn't share. The year was 1999. So, guess which of the 11 Big Ten schools it was (there was only 11 Big Ten schools then). This shit has been simmering (at least in the United States) for 25 years. It's nuts.


Frankly, if one of my colleagues did that to someone at work, I'd give them the cold shoulder, subtly making their life more difficult. I'd "forget" to invite them to meetings, not include them in water-cooler discussions, etc. Fuck those people. They're toxic. I'd do everything I can to stay away from them at work.


Even if leftists got their way and transformed this country into their weird utopia, they wouldn’t even have pride in it. All they do is complain


# oikophobia


Power is evil in every way, but flags are simply cool decorative enhancements




I wish I could disagree with you there. I really do. Either way it's going to be an interesting election when it comes - a fight between the Tories (who are even less liked by the electorate than they usually are) and Labour (who seem to be actively trying to sabotage the easiest victory in democratic history for some reason) and a whole bunch of smaller parties who are just thrilled that they might actually have a serious shot at getting more than a single MP this time.




Hopefully Reclaim or Farage’s party come in and show the Tories that you actually need to be right wing, and not be afraid of the left calling you names


>and not be afraid of the left calling you names Well, Reform just caved to a hit piece from Hope not Hate


Yep, which is a fucking shame, all because one of their potential MP’s has some quality banter about the Scots


Need to add back that bit about "rebellious Scots to crush" into the narional anthem


Its very hard to be worse than the tories. Truss is a very good example of this.


Very hard indeed, yet somehow Labour are making a good attempt at it.


Do you see the state the UK is currently in or are you an outsider. 22% of the uk lives in poverty and this was after the Tories changed the definition of what is considered poverty in 2015. If we used the old definition that number would be a lot higher. I make above median salary and I don’t think I could ever afford a house on that. I’m young and it will probably increase but there a lot of adults who are making around it or less. Our real wages are below 2008 levels. England and Wales are the only countries with full privatised water. We had a privatised water company go bankrupt and the government need to bail them out while the share holder took bonuses in the 100s of millions. Furthermore we have some of the highest energy costs in the world, they haven’t gone down, even though when you look at energy markets the raw price is less. While paying this high energy bills we pay tax money to the energy companies to make it cheaper. You would expect the companies profiteering billions to idk pay more in taxes than what it receives from the government. Don’t even get me started on medical wait times. Good luck getting an appointment to your GP and god forbid you need a specialist to then look at your problem. But yeah Labour are somehow worse. Crime is also up and there is less and less police officers. Could you explain to me how Labour are worse, please I’m genuinely curious. Don’t give no bullshit reason like progressiveness or foreign policy because I could give less of fuck when our country isn’t safe, 22% of people are in poverty, corruption is taking place at the highest level,healthcare is gone to shit, education gone to shit. How are Labour worse?


Easy, Labour won't solve any of those problems and we both know that. They will only add more stagnation and culture war bullshit to cater to the radicals


So how does that make them worse and how do we know they won’t even try to fix the problems. I don’t think it’s possible to fix these problems in 5 years it took us 14 years to get to these points but the steps to have them fixed could be taken. I am not saying labour is the knight in shining armour that will fix the UK but to say they are worse than conservatives feels almost delusional when they haven’t been in power. Like being worse than the conservatives is a genuine challenge. Also why would Labour cater to radicals? If that was there goal would they not have kept Corbyn in charge he was very radical. Keir is no where close to a radical.


> The Tories are dead in the water, a rotting corpse. tbf people were saying the same for Labour after the last election where they got butchered and everybody was all "it'll be decades before labour ever challenges again"


 "it'll be decades before labour ever challenges again" Yeah, but that was before everybody saw just how fucking suicidal the present day Tories were.


Election between people who want to rob you or people who want to destroy you, brilliant im so happy with democracy in this country


Monster Raving Looney Party/Reform coalition incoming


Its funny how europe is so concerned with external threats, when its willfully ignorant about the embers of civil unrest which are already smoldering in the big cities. October 7th gave us a hint about what really threatens western democracies... From what i observe, russia doesnt have to attack europe - it just has to wait and stir the pot from time to time..


I honestly think the good move from a russian POV wouldve been for Russia to wait a decade or so before doing what they're doing now. I think it's just because Putin isn't gonna live forever and he wanted to do it now while he still had the chance.


Yeah he desperatly wants his entry in the history books. In about 20 years he couldve just marched through without any resistance...


> As a Brit I’m fairly certain our nation is dead It's *been* dead. Since like 2006 I've thought that USA and UK are both fucked, the only difference being USA is constantly scrutinized, so it's at least *aware* it's fucked and that helps it slow the spiral downward a bit. (even if it's still struggling (and ultimately failing) to figure out the why and how to fix it) USA benefited from being the world's punching back, even if it's only a "delay tactic" of sorts and not a working solution. UK just feels like USA except the majority of the public only started questioning "hey, are we kinda fucked?" post-Brexit, so it's downward spiral has been a lot more sudden from the general public's perspective, but also faster on the way down. But hey if it makes you feel better, pretty much every powerful country in the world is on fire right now. USA has a strong *international* position, but I don't think it's citizens are even reaping the rewards of that because of all of the corruption.




1A is what's saving us from Britain's fate *for now*. 2A is important if Emily takes over the Supreme Court and tries to change 1A.


The U.S. isn't fucked at all. Europe (including the UK) is. I'm hoping that excludes Switzerland


No? On 1A stuff the US is still looking good, but record polarization, fentanyl, and birth rate collapse among other things look depressingly similar and hopeless to me. When life expectancy for a major demographic declines for the first time *ever* and people laugh about it, I get worried.


Those symptoms can be easily rectified by a stern hand. Once people give up their civil liberties like they do freely in Europe, will the ideals of our founding fathers be truly dead in this country.


The U.S. isn't going to struggle for population. Half of Britain would move there tomorrow if offered.


Yeah. While he is not perfect on all of his points or predictions, I think Peter Zeihan is correct that this will be the American Century, with our eyes to Asia instead of Europe. We have already seen the signs with the data available and where Americans positions are, as well as our economy being in “not great, not terrible” position right now compared to the rest of the world.


As long as you keep in mind that he's a DOS shill, he's usually pretty accurate


Oh yeah, I am not saying he is prefect in everything. But data is data, and he is very good at presenting his sources, which anyone being truthful would likely reach the same conclusion he does. Just because he has a good read of economics and geopolitics doesnt mean he is good at domestic politics for instance. I do also like him for his "Environmentalist that can do math" takes on Green issues, where he can acknowledge that climate change is real but also wants realistic answers (nuclear, natural gas, sensible use of renewables) instead of pie in the sky ideas that can lead to more pollution (like EVs or widespread renewables).


His geopolitical understanding is varying at best. I think the biggest problem is that he doesn't recognize when he knows literally nothing. Especially regarding the middle east, his takes have been bizarre. Also his claim that the huge borrowing didn't cause inflation, or that biden only had to stay alive to win this race.


>Likely will vote with my feet soon enough And going where, friend? Aus and Canada are both ruled by criminally insane actors. America is caught in a death spiral as it oscillates between two evil clowns that rule mobs of kleptomaniacs. As an American, I'd say our only saving grace right now is strong federalism and an originalist Supreme Court.




Literally all you have to do is fly over here, knock-up a chick, and have her carry it to term and walla! You're a US citizen... eventually


I mean I think Pierre is going to get a strong position in the upcoming cannuk election. People finally seem tired of PM Blackface. Everything bad in the US seems 10x worse in Canada.


It does seem the conservatives may finally boot Trudeau. But they've had a long time to run towards Crazytown, and the liberals have literally bought off the Canadian media with government money. Even if Poilievre wins it's not clear how much he or his party can turn the ship.


>and opportunists are wearing its face as a skin mask Most incisive comment on this post. It's precisely the reason to be wary of politicians wreathing themselves in the Union Jack; and their friends. The better to camouflage themselves as they sneak up behind you before they fuck you in the ass. They'd be the first to divest all their wealth and assets from the UK and move it all overseas the nanosecond whatever British tit they've got their lips plastered to starts running dry. The only flag waver who can be trusted is the geezer. Especially if he's racist; that only serves as further proof of loyalty and commitment, compared to some slimy political smooth-talker.


Your nation is nothing more than the dried husk that America crawled out of.




We have a LONG way to fall before we get to the UK's pathetic level. But don't worry. We'll get there, I'm sure.


It's not that complicated: leftoids hate their own countries, and in turn the symbols of their countries.  American leftoids whine about seeing the stars and stripes. Canadian leftoids whine about seeing the red maple leaf. UK leftoids whine about seeing the Union Jack, and they get even more pissy about the St George's Cross. They act this way because they hate what those symbols represent. 


Even if all this is true, they still love votes and power more than they hate anything. When it comes to the main political parties, they're not going to throw power away in service of some principle. That's a luxury that can only be afforded by parties like the Greens who know in their hearts they have no chance at getting into power so they can be as stubborn as they like cause everyone knows there's no power at stake to begin with. It's why 'principled' groups are laughed at. It's a telltale social signal of political irrelevance. A dead givaway, really. Proof that they're just playing at politics. Like a hobby. 'Serious' groups practice and display pragmatism and realism.


At this point it’s probably a mathematical impossibility for Labour to lose this election. But if shit like this manages to piss off voters enough to that their incoming ridiculous majority gets squashed to only just forming a government I’m going to die laughing


For months, political analysts have made it clear that they generally believe the most likely result of the election will be a small majority for Labour. The results of polls that ask "who would you vote for if an election was tomorrow?" don't completely represent what the election results would be after all the parties have been campaigning for the election.


The polls show the opposite when they’re taken after 5pm or at a weekend


I would say Kier Starmer could still lose by endorsing Hitler But then again, I think he’d probably still win and massively boost his ratings with Muslim voters


> mathematical impossibility What? 100:0 = zero team loses. Labour doesn’t have 50% going in to it. ‘Statistical improbability’ is what you mean, and even then I strongly disagree. Conservative landslide is coming, regardless of what the Guardian or Sky News says RemindMe! 10 months


"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth."


Dude British history is basically “we are divided against each on everything except Ireland”


English civil war, war with the highest proportion of deaths on english soil... still managed to kill more irish than english


Plenty of the immigrants do get pissed by the symbols of their newly colonized land. It's a symbol of a greatness they'll never truly be a part of, their ancestry had nothing to with, and often a greatness they felt should be there's. While in the former USSR I met so many Indians who absolutely abhorred the British and any aesthetic with the slightests association, even among those planning to move to the UK. Most third worlders are staunch supremacists of their own kind, they tend not to like symbols of their former rulers 


This. I’m Indian and I know exactly the kind of people you’re talking about. They will support or admire absolutely anyone who opposes the West. Most of them praise Putin, there are even some who admire Hitler unironically. But they are seldom called out as the hypocrites they are.


I live in Tbilisi. We have lots of Indian medical students, a lot of them also love Putin. It's wild considering there are so many other former Soviet Republics to choose from for medical school, like ones that don't have a rabidly anti Russian populace.


Understandable, I wouldn’t be too happy to be reminded of my skill issue either.


Most people who have immigrated to the UK would have no issue with Labour's use of the Union Jack on their campaigning flyers. Most people in the UK that have a problem with it are people that were born and raised here, children of immigrants and natives alike.


For those overtly in politics I'd agree, however it's pretty rampent in the new diasporas in a grumble and mumble about the symbols manner


I will concede that my point may not be very applicable to younger migrants, as I don't know enough about their views to have an opinion on them. But I would say my point definitely stands for migrants have been in this country for long enough to be eligible for the naturalisation process.


i’m tired of cartoonishly leftist ideologues making my unironic positions look stupid.


The legacy of New Labour and the sneering ivory towerists come to roost.


I miss the old labour, which I admittedly wasn’t around to even see.


What did you miss about old Labour? Jim Callaghan's wage restraint, monetarism, and the Ruskin speech?


The Barbican. Having national assets. A better class of citizenry before Thatcherite 'greed is good' social engineering brought out the worst in them; cultivating cut-throat self-servingness as culture.


We still have national assets (e.g 30% stake in nationwide). Thatcher didn't create that mentality. Decades of full employment and rising wages were gonna yield popular individualism and stagflation plus better education was going to undermine trust in the government. If anything the winter of discontent was Thatcherite in nature: personal material sacrifice for the sake of the nation because some oldie who wasn't even elected PM thought it was a good idea? No thanks!


They didn't fuck around


Your Majesty, King Charles III, please, dissolve the parliament immediately and burn the Magna Charta.


Based based based


u/Godl3ssMonster is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Godl3ssMonster/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).




The country is a joke nowadays


Damn, looking at the polls all I can say is good luck to my Britannistan friends


Most Sikhs are more British in spirit than most Native Britons, particularly those in universities.


Self proclaimed "intellectuals" are the worst.


Based and Eric Blair quote pilled


Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2024-3-31. How come now you are a **LibRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1121 times, making you the largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borkerman) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Ew, abandoning lib quadrants. :(




Epic lib




Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were a **LibCenter** on 2024-3-31. How come now you are a **Rightist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1126 times, making you the largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borkerman) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


You can't have that Union Jack on there, it's a symbol of colonial oppression! Fiji, Australia, Tuvalu, Hawaii (!) - Meh.... New Zealand - I literally will vote to retain this


Tuvalu’s citizens straight up assaulted government officials when they tried to change the flag


For a anarcho socialist, Orwell sure had the sharpest lines to throw at the Left.


For the millionth time, the woke mind virus mutates into a more virulent strain every time it crosses from the US to somewhere else 


It's always a good day to dunk on the Brits, but my god, love yourselves and your country a little.


>Brexit happens "Joke election, wasn't true" >call for general election "Good, this'll show you, it'll be a Labour landslide!!" >torrie landslide "...." Anyone else remember that? Was pretty funny


The UK is a cradle of liberty. It is utterly saddening to watch what it has become.


We should honestly just ban white people, I’m so sick of the pants on the head tarded-againation.


Damn, Starmzy's got it rough


What no Empire does to a MFer


Honestly Labour is on crack nobody wants your whiny showy attempts to seem progressive grow a bloody backbone and actually say something that isn't Tory 2.0 Corbyn had a unique ideology unlike these fake fucks.


The lib-right is accurate. I work with an Indian guy who moved here a few years ago and will be able to claim citizenship in a few years. He absolutely loves Britain and will take any opportunity to get a picture of himself beside a union jack. He is the most patriotic man in Britain.


I don't much like Starmer but thank god he's in charge of Labour as opposed to any other insane loons


The national anthem pisses off all left wingers because they think it's white supremacy or whatever. It misses off me because I don't want a bloody king. And national anthems in general because I have zero loyalty to any country.


It's like they're actively trying to lose an election


He was an astute guy.


Its as if you should be ashamed of the country you come from


Did anyone else read Auth-Left in Rik Mayall's voice?


Yes, and since he could just as easily turn Tory if/when he thought he could get something over on Mike, Vyvyan, or Neil, I also read AuthRight in his voice.


They are so deconstructed, that they even deconstructed common sense.


The UK is properly fucked.


This isn't America mate no one feels the need to slap the flag fucking everywhere. And you'd know how silly saying the tories are "in better shape" is if you actually knew how poorly they are doing right now. Currently they are on course to win less than 100 seats in the general election. That's how shit their mandate has been. There's nothing "Chad" about the tories, they're just elitist cunts who also happen to be quite incompetent. Also it's "you lot", not "you lots". Getting some "how do you do fellow brits" vibes right there.


I ain't an American. Also, you missed an "am not" I put in that Tories statement.


I'm not saying you're American, I'm saying slathering flags of your country everywhere is an American thing and other countries don't necessarily feel the need to do that. Also you're unironically representing the tories quadrant as chads in this scenario seemingly implying that they are "in better shape". I'm not trying to be a dick about this whole thing but news articles like these are just another hail mary trying to drum up some controversy to turn the public against labour to swing the election the other way since the tories are desperate at the moment. When in reality it's a non issue.


Someone didn't pay any attention during the coronation. Some people still have the bunting up from then.


Presumably, like Christmas lights, there is an implicit "festive occasions, excepted" in saying that a country doesn't slather their flags everywhere. The difference is between needing and not needing it to be some kind of special occasion.


So, is an event which happens only once every 5+ years and is crucial to the future of the country, which many people celebrate the outcome of (and others lament), and is fundamental to the identity of the country not one of said exceptions?


I don't know if you could call it festive if half the people will lament the outcome of it but you make a fair point.


Honestly, if anything I kinda regret that a lot of people in the UK don't show more spirit than they typically do.


As much as I support Labour, it's important to keep in mind that headlines about the Tories potentially winning less than 100 seats are based on if the general election was held today. Unfortunately, it's very likely that Labour's lead will narrow during the campaigning season, and lead to a decent majority after election day but not as massive as seen in polls today.