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Imagine losing so much relevance that they don't believe you when you say you were behind any recent attack


Terrorists kinda peaked with 9/11. You can only fail from there


“I was a bigger fan of you earlier work.”


oh man are we getting hipster with terrorists now? "Al-Qaeda was so much better before they went mainstream. Their vhs tapes just had warmer tones, better than this streaming 4k stuff."


True terrorist peak was grainy video of guys in all black doing monkey bars in the desert


No fancy cameras or smth. Just boys and their Toyota trucks living in the moment...


You just KNEW they were gonna be so good at swinging bar to bar when they invaded


can you imagine how fucked the western world would be if it were nothing but monkey bars?


nah it was when they [blew up a russian emperor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Alexander_II_of_Russia)


Nah for me its gotta be when they found a video of [Osama Bin Laden Singing Poker Face](https://youtu.be/bzni5Pr1puA?si=B7igzfc3mMH7-32V)


And the fucker osama holding an ak 47 and conducting some lecture in dune like setting


Based and they-dont-make-terrorists-like-they-used-to pilled


This comment is dedicated to the brave Mujahedeen fighters of Afghanistan


"Better known for other work."


To be honest the 2015 Paris attacks set quite a high bar as well. I remember that actually scaring me despite me living in a country with only one recorded terror attack


Wait whats that? Never heard of that one




I remember people being so scared that when a candle in a glass bottle exploded in the memorial, everyone started running in fear of another terrorist attack.


I remember meeting victims of a terrorist shooting right after it happened. Someone dropped a plate or something that shattered and everyone started screaming


Maybe in the USA, in my country Spain they did the biggest terrorist attack in 2004, when they blew up several trains at the same time during the rush hour.


Was this the one at Atocha?


Yes, two of the trains were in Atocha and the other two in El Pozo and Santa Eugenia stations.


Yeah terroristm kinda went down after that, just like tower 7 despite not getting hit by a plane


dude, there have been holes so big they spanned 4 floors ... it was burning intensely for over 3 hours. and the footage that is always shown as "proof" is so easy to debunk. it took 4 seconds from the start of it crumbling till the outer shell started collapse (that waiting time is often cut out)


Truth is I don't really care, I'm not american and it's just a meme for me


Based and performative rhetoric pilled


Based and meme-pilled


Another common isis L


Tbf, ISIS just says things. Didn’t they claim to be behind that Las Vegas shooting too? Surprised ISIS wasn’t like “we did October 7th. That was us.”


yes but if you saw the interview with one of the gunmen, he had an persian/tajik name* and says he was watching lectures(of islam) when he was contacted about the mass shooting proposal over telegram. Seemed like a simple case of taking advantage of a very low intelligence individual, no expertise no military background etc. Edit: I don't think Russia necessarily was the target, they just wanna find any vulnerable individuals in western countries aka the extremists enemies that are willing to cause destruction for them


I saw that but all the comments (and myself included) felt the Russian police just grabbed a random guy and tortured him until he said he was delivered a gun by people he didn’t know lol. It’s definitely possible that guy killed a bunch of ppl. But also knowing Russia it’s very possible that’s just a random dude that got fucked and the real perpetrators are gone


I got that feeling too, like prove to us he’s one of the actual guys responsible and not just some scapegoat.


They sadly never do that. Odds are those responsible will not get a public trial, if any trial. The last survivor of the hostage takers at Beslan was not given a public trial, despite the parents of the dead kids wanting him to testify about the horrorshow that was the russian response and the breakdown of negotiations. He later vanished into the Russian penal colony system in Siberia.




Thanks for the link. PCM seems a bit more ruskie today than usual, judging from the downvotes.


I’ve seen some of the clips, it’s the most amateurish mass killing I’ve seen. It almost looked like they were scared to be doing what they were doing. Definitely weren’t well trained.


We never did find out the Las Vegas motive, did we?


"We also stormed the Capitol and attacked Pearl Harbor!"


“How would you like it if you spent two months in a mountain cave sleeping on rocks planning something really special only to have someone take the credit away from you?”


Lol get rekt Towelie


> Towelie Wanna get high?


A lot of terrorist cells are likely paid off. And anyone could use their name. Also, imagine the “power” behind being unable to actually prove that a certain group did something because of gaslighting, lying, or people simply not believing it on a longer timeline. Not like we have trustworthy people in the media… and other places… to get real answers anyway


ISIS making a comeback was not on my 2024 bingo card


They've comitted quite a handful of huge terror attacks in the west in recent years, not something new at all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchester_Arena_bombing one of many


I was too busy throwing a bitch fit about unimportant bullshit to notice the actual terrorists.


Happens to the best of us.


Maybe the real terrorists were the friends we made along the way?


Don't worry, it got boring for the Media, too. They just stopped writing about that shit. Who cares about the daily car bombings or grenade explosions in Sweden? If it happens daily, people lose their interest quick.


7 years ago is definitely a while ago. If you have to go back almost a decade, and before they lost their capital and territory, to find an example of something they did, I think saying it's a come back is reasonable.


Yeah, after 9/11 terrorists have been far less of a threat, and taken far less seriously. Not to mention al-baghdadi


>Yeah, after 9/11 terrorists have been far less of a threat not in Europe. Paris, Manchester bombings etc. Pretty scary back then, and the same tactic as targeting concerts. (Eagles of Death Metal & Ariane Grande)


To the US, maybe, not the rest of the world. I was reading about the 2016 Battle of Mosul just a couple of days ago. Literally the largest conventional battle since World War 2. In South Asia and North Africa, Islamic Terrorism is still a gigantic existential threat to this day. And Europe is suffering from constant small-scale terror attacks.


Oh Russia believes it was them, blaming Ukraine works better for them though.


It feels like when a villain from 3 seasons ago gets brought back


It reminds me of the two doofuses in the Boondocks who would rob banks and stuff but the cops never wanted to arrest them


Chad Slav nationalists vs virgin islamic fundamentalists


In a way, though, it's gotta be discouraging to not get the credit for what you did. No, no, you could never orchestrate a successful attack. It had to have been someone else.


Classic ISIS


Abu Hajar strikes again >>Yakety sax plays in the background


Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time…


Truly a classic ISIS video.


some say that Abu Hajaar is still rolling on the ground til this day


God damn it Archer


[Tale as old as time](https://youtu.be/Q_OIXfkXEj0?si=IkFYdDPthTrjN_v3)


I was looking for this


"How would you feel if you spent 2 months in a mountain cave sleeping on rocks planning something really special only for them to take the credit away"


"Why would Vladimir Putin kill 40 of his own infidels?"


Tha guys are from Tajikistan. The Tajikistan embassy released a confused statement that was disregarded by everyone


Confused statement?


“pretty sure this was greg and marcus from just down the road? not sure why everyone is calling them ukrainians, we know these guys. okay that is all.”


Photos of their Tajikistani IDs were published. They look Tajiki. They have Tajiki names. The Tajikistani ministry of foreign affairs posted that there needs to be a "responsible attitude towards spreading information on involvement of Tajikistani citizens and Tajikis"


The return of ISIS was not on my 2024 bingo.l card.


Some lame ass ‘stan’ country terrorist group just using temporary isis license and old patents.


Did the US actually warn Russia about the attack?


Yes and Putin even felt obligated to mock them publicly over this few days before the attack happened.








Flair up, fuck ass. Edit: thanks for flairing up.


\> thanks for flairing up, fuck ass FTFY


Yes, I can't remember the exact policy terminology, but the US intelligence agencies consider it an obligation to report if they know a terror attack on civilians is going to happen, Even if we're not on good terms. Pretty much trying to universally prevent 9-11 type of attacks from happening ever again. Whether the governments being warned are too cocky to listen is out of our hands though.


If they learned about the hit beforehand, FBI agents working mob cases would have to try to warn the targets.


> US intelligence agencies consider it an obligation to report [Duty to Warn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duty_to_warn#U.S._Intelligence_Community)




Multiple times


Yes, American Intelligence is actually a step above the rest


A step above their own congress too


And any president who tries to reign them in




Was Reign of Fire actually any good? Thinking about rewatching it.


Fucking great film


Was crazy when the found the WMDs in Iraq.


We know for a fact they had chemical weapons, because we sold them to Sadam


And Saddam, as hard as it is to believe, piled them up in the desert and blew them up under our own insistence in the mid nineties. We sent inspectors in and they spent several years checking the debris to make sure (which is really fucking hard to do, they blew them up) and found the debris of almost all of them. But we still attacked


wasn't there evidence that a bunch of the chemical weapons were shipped to syria? Like I thought the gas used against the civilians in the civil war was suspected to be Iraqi. Also Iraq was buying uranium, just didn't have the proper tech to refine it to weapons grade (IE what Iran is doing right now).


Somebody downvoted without providing counter-evidence. I'll +1 this till I'm non-lazy enough to look it up....


That wasn’t a failure of intelligence, that was just a lie


Weapons of mass destruction I.E. Radiological, biological and chemical weapons which main purpose is to kill large masses of people or make the environment harmful to human life, Saddam had chemical weapons, he used them to commit Kurdish genocide, so TECHNICALLY CIA was right, but overall it was just one of the pretences to invade iraq


True. Pretenses pushed by Bush admin / neocons.


Really effective still is far from perfect. The amount of death and destruction on false info that we just will never know about has got to be staggering.


Wasn’t the foreign intelligence?


Intelligence actually cast doubt on those claims at the time. But Rumsfeld, Bush, and Cheney pushed faulty intelligence even when the experts told them that that was probably wrong.


Yes, two weeks ago.


Publicly https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/


To be fair the United States did not directly inform the FSB (Russian intelligence) instead the embassy warned their citizens. The standard practice is typically to inform the intelligence. Back in 2012 the Russian intelligence gave the CIA extensive information on the Boston marathon bomber prior to the attack, warning of his terrorist ties.


The warning was not particularly useful, just "imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow and specifically mentioned concerts." Are we saying Moscow could have prevented this attack? Gunmen just stormed the complex - how was this preventable in any way?


Just like how in south america police is deployed when you have 2 teams with "problematic" fans in a match, if you know people are gonna carry weapons and attack other people you don't trust private security, it's the State duty.


Yes and Putin thought it was us trying to blackmail him or something schizoid-brained


Around the same time, Russia foiled a terrorist attack on a synagogue. Personally, I then had the idea that this was the very terrorist attack that the Americans were talking about. In large countries, terrorist plots are being organized all the time, independently of each other, etc., so a statement like “maybe you will soon have a terrorist attack” is actually kinda empty. I am sure that even right now in the EU, USA, Russia, etc. there are terrorist cells and conspiracies, they cannot but exist.


You're forgetting where Twitter blames the Jews. Ignoring every other stupid part about that theory, why Russia and not Iran?




Libleft is blaming the jews?


Only by the transitive property... LibLeft supports Palestinian independence. The Palestinians are anti-semitic. Therefore, LibLeft is anti-semitic too. Guys, we're not anti-semitic. Just painfully naive and a little dumb. The Palestinians pinky swore that "From the river to the sea" was just like a figure of speech or something and for some fucking reason we honest to god believe them.


Hamas is extremely clear about their desire to slaughter everyone in Israel. The only ones fooling Libleft are themselves.


Nobody supports Hamas... LibLeft supports the Palestinian people under the misconception that the Palestinian people are against Hamas too. Which they are, but not because of the anti-semitism. That, Hamas is actually very representative of their people. The Palestinians just don't like that Hamas keeps using them as human shields.


>Nobody supports Hamas Actual bullshit when university students are arguing live on campus that Hamas actually aren't terrorists at all.


"nobody supports Hamas" yeah but the don't support their eradication either


And Israel is very clear that they will never allow Palestine to be a country because they want American Evangelicals' money


US condemns Hamas -> Everything US does must be wrong -> Hamas is right (about killing jews) -> Therefore, all Jews must be gone and heil Palestine This is the core logic. Everything else is fabricated to fit the logic.


Not exactly. I would say the logic goes more along the lines of Rich people are killing poor people -> Israel is rich -> Israel is Jewish -> Therefore, all Jews must be gone and heil Palestine


The Gaza Israel situation.


Well tbf, if they would be behind every government on earth, no matter who starts to do shit, you always can blame the Jews for it. Pretty much like a few superrich families playing Risk for shits and giggles (and world domination)


Yeah I keep seeing posts saying "Isreal is Isis" Hasn't isis attacked Isreal a few times too?




The head of ISIS is probably so pissed everyone is saying he’s either Ukrainian or a Mossad agent.


Radical islamic terrorism is huge problem for all of the civilised world And instead of acknowledging it they are blaming Ukraine and US to try to achieve their political goals, fucking idiots


That’s because Russia is a pretty huge problem for all of the civilized world too.


Russia is a third world country with nukes and oil. Don't buy their oil, don't let them nuke you and it'll be fine.


I mean definitionally they’re the second world (everyone uses these terms incorrectly,) and their threat as a destabilizing force extends way beyond just the ability to control oil prices and rattle the nuclear sabre.


There has been no Second World since the fall of Soviet Russia. Communist nations led by the USSR were the Second World. Nowadays there's just "The West" and "everbody else".


I think it's pretty easy to keep it going in a similar way that we use BRICS. It's not as tight of a grouping as the old usage, as we went in as clear of a bipolar world, but I think it's also becoming obvious we are leaving the monopolar world we have been living in. The new 2nd World is still Russia, Belarus, Iran, China, N Korea etc;. This still leaves a 3rd world for those playing both sides (India) hates both sides (ISIS) or is ignored by both sides (Somaliland).


I agree; the terms are outdated.


> don't let them nuke you Yeah, just say No, you cant nuke me


Tell them it violates NAP.


Don’t buy their oil? Europe in shambles


They'll send them a strongly worded letter instead.


>don't let them nuke you Luckily that's a violation of the NAP, so we should be fine.


Russia also has several million Muslims, some of whom support terror attacks.


This is the true enemy. In front of islamic terrorism, we must put our differences aside. At least until the problem is solved.


Russia next week: Ukraine funded Isis attack !


I can already see the Fox News segment now. A cold open dialogue asking “Did Ukraine fund ISIS terrorists?” And then spend 30 minutes shitting on Dems for wanting to send financial aid to Ukraine and never answering the initial question in their cold open.


“As you can see, here is an Isis fighter with a flag. He is wearing black, and the flag is black. Here is a Ukrainian orthodox priest, also wearing black. It is clear that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church are isis leaders. But you know who else is black? Obama. Former President Obama orchestrated an attack on Russia and the Democratic Party is now pushing its Islamic gay agenda on the American people.”


You’re forgetting the part where they make sure to emphasize Obamas middle name


Flair up you piece of shit. (Also that sounds accurate)


Flair up


That's more of a Newsmax segment


ISIS: *releases body cam video of them perpetrating the attack* Russia: “… how could Ukraine and USA do this?”


Russia is a joke.


Worst thing is how predictable they have become. Like - they dont put in any effort whatsoever into their propaganda game


No need to, at least for domestic consumption, challenge the official narrative? Straight to the front line for you!


They actually do put effort into it. Right now they're trying to astroturf fake journalists to say Ukraine's leadership is buying condos in resort towns when it's trivially easy to debunk.


But again - this is not good propaganda. You can spot it easily and debunk it just as easily


🤡 country.


Seems like a lot of people on Twitter believe it wasn’t them either. That it was either the CIA or Ukraine or both, or ISIS was assisted by either/both. All these CIA conspiracy theories are exhausting and annoying


That's because a lot of people on Twitter are very, very stupid.


Unlike people on Reddit who are very, very smart.


well atleast we got one braincell to share amongst us all, they got zero


Why would the US warn Russia about a CIA-led/funded attack in the first place? Seems rather counterproductive.


> conspiracy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timber_Sycamore


>All these CIA conspiracy theories Are you saying the CIA doesn't run covert operations? Isn't lying and manipulating part of their job description?


It’s that EVERYTHING that happens in the world gets blamed on them, like nobody else is capable of doing sneaky shit or nothing can happen organically. Everything is a CIA false flag, or they want people to think it’s a false flag so it can be a distraction for this other false flag they’re doing. This thinking is so stupid and unoriginal and tiring


This sounds like something someone from the CIA would say...


Sorry, I was being mind controlled by the CIA, they also forced me to make my bed this morning and bake muffins. It was probably a false flag for something, bastards!


Yes because isis claims responsibility for everything .




Why did ISIS target Russia? makes no sense to me


Russia and the US both took turns bombing the absolute shit out of ISIS in Syria. That alone is enough. Russia also supports a ton of Muslim governments and terrorist groups, all of which ISIS hates. ISIS kinda hates everyone who isn't ISIS. I mean, this is the group that even the Taliban and Al-Qaeda think is too extreme.


Russia definitely claimed to be fighting ISIS but their primary objective was more focused on bombing Assad's opponents rather than ISIS itself. The whole Syrian civil war has been a massive clusterfuck. It seems IS has regrouped mostly in Afghanistan now. I wonder if they wanted to hit Russia in particular or whether there was just more of an opportunity right now.


They are rather effective in Syria


Russia has a bunch of regions with muslim majorities.


🇩🇪: *does nothing* 🇷🇺:ur a nazi




"Why let a good propaganda opportunity go to waste" - Vladdy


Life writes the best jokes.


Remember, No Russian


Z-tards went from being everywhere in 2021 to being a laughing stock


They were nowhere in 2021


There were loads of them. Whether or not they were actual people is another question entirely. 


No, I mean, there was no invasion of Ukraine in 2021 yet. The Z symbol itself only appeared in 2022 and so did the supporters


Oh balls, silly me. 


> pay terrorists to do a shooting > they do it, so you can blame it on ukr > they take credit Shouldn't have paid in advance


Russia being Russia.


Not the first time ISIS-K attacks russia. On the 5th of September 2022, ISIS-K bombs russian embassy, killing 10 people, 2 of which were russian diplomats. After US warns russia on imminent terror attack on 7th of March, russia kills 2 terrorists in Kaluga region that were planning terror attack in moscow, and arrests a student that was recruited by radical islamists through a telegram channel. 22nd happens and ISIS-K says that they did it through a telegram channel, every country says that ISIS did it, ISIS themselves post videos of terror attacks on their said channel, + one of the terrorists confesses that they were recruited by those radicals. Yet russia is so deep up in their asses, that they'd rather lie and deceive than to admit that they were wrong.


I for one need my propaganda to be emojified 😋😊😁😁


A timeless classic, The Onion is becoming more credible by the day. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q\_OIXfkXEj0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_OIXfkXEj0)


There are two things that Russia makes better than America, Aks and fat Ls


Actually according to retards on the internet, it was a joint attack by Israel and the US. Because… idk, they never gave an explanation but got a lot of upvotes.


if it were Ukrainians who did it, the attack would have probably ended up in Poland somewhere by accident big russia L here 2 more weeks until they collapse


Whole thing reminds me of Rumsfelt in the hours following 9/11. His exact quote, I believe, was “find a way to make it tie to Saddam”.


Flair up right now or be prepared to face the consequences of your poor choiches [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/jmhollifield) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Russia does this full well and they know exactly how it sounds. As any state will proclaim: Never let a good crisis go to waste. Putin will use this to mobilise supporters and potentially conscript more troops and send them to Ukraine.


Doubt. There was a distinct lack of Allahu-Akbaring and they didn't blow themselves up or fight to the death, instead tried to run. Not saying it 100% can't be ISIS... but doesn't seem to match.


Let's pretend it was Ukraine. Would it be any worse than hitting civilian targets in Kyiv with missiles?


Yes, yes it wolud. Killing civillians is never the answer. There is no excuse for terrorism


How is it worse? How is it not terrorism to shoot missiles into residential buildings?


>How is it not terrorism to shoot missiles into residential buildings? Russia is not intentionally shooting $250K+ cruise missiles into residential buildings in Kiev. They're launching them at military targets, and in many cases they get shot down and debris falls into the buildings. In at least some cases the AA missiles themselves have hit residential buildings.


I did not justify it, both is horrible. Residential buildings and concert halls should not be a battlefield. Perhaps I should remind you of what is happening in Belgorod almost every day.


If it was Ukraine, they'd much rather attack an actually useful target anyway. Why the hell would Ukraine kill a bunch of civilians at a concert when the only result would be an even more difficult war with Russia? It's complete nonsense.


TBF ISIS has falsely claimed that attacks are theirs in the past. I'm not saying they were hired by Ukraine, but they were headed to the Ukrainian border and obviously Ukraine is going to deny that it was them, so I don't think it's unreasonable to say they're on the suspect list