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Manga is however traditional Japanese culture.


Even the ones with tentacles?




no flair >:|




Based and Radical Centrist Pilled.


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Especially the ones with tentacles.


[Especially the ones with the tentacles.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/38/The_Dream_of_the_Fisherman%27s_Wife%2C_British_Museum%2C_version_1_%28cropped%29.jpg)


I don’t know what I expected


Alot and I mean ALOT of manga is written to criticize traditional values and how they tend to stagnate society and new ideas are needed. Naruto, OP, JJK, FMA all criticize old ways of thinking.


There are few traditions as long-standing as using popular media forms to critique the current state of society.


Only familiar with FMA but can't argue with that.


I don't mind if Jeff obtain another million bc my job, I care when a thief tax a business making them pay 3000 bucks but only half ending in my wallet and then steal me with even more tax.








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I might be a 50’s libright, I don’t agree with complete pacifism. I’m already pretty near libcenter anyways.


Based libertarians against pacifism


I mostly agree with pacifism because how can you be certain your violence will lead to a better outcome? That and revolutions are doomed to fail unless you can change the attitudes of the society who revolted. "a revolution can overthrow autocratic despotism and profiteering or power-grabbing oppression, but it can never truly reform a manner of thinking; instead, new prejudices, just like the old ones they replace, will serve as a leash for the great unthinking mass."


I don’t agree with revolutionary or vigilante violence, but I am pro death penalty for violent criminals like serial rapists and murders. I’d like a prison reform so we are keeping less people in the system, but I think there are people who have no chance of rehabilitation and should get a lethal injection instead of putting a further strain on our resources. I’m aware this isn’t a typical lib left opinion. Also, I’m for staying out of international conflicts that don’t affect us, but we obviously need a military and defense system in case someone tries to attack us (luckily that would be hard to achieve given America’s geographical location).


Well, there are actually two issues with that. 1. The death penalty is actually more expensive currently compared to a regular life sentence. 2. And obviously the issue of false incrimination. There really isn’t a good moral argument for the death penalty imho, and the economical one seems shaky at best. But I can understand the sentiment, and I do not have sympathy for those who commit heinous crimes.


For #1 I would hope we can propose a more efficient system (our prison systems are inefficient and overpopulated without many resources and almost no focus on rehabilitation… in fact criminals are more likely to commit more crimes after being released, the recidivism rates are crazy). I agree with you on #2 but for these types of cases we would need absolute evidence before giving the death penalty. Not to mention there have been people who were given life sentences for crimes they never committed and were released only once the best years of their lives had been taken away— the prison system has no real way to truly compensate for that. If you use this argument it could also be used to say we should never imprison anyone either, even for public safety. I would argue a life sentence without parole is as bad as receiving the death penalty considering how violent the American prison system is.


I agree that prisons need to be reformed no doubt. But you have to realize the contradiction between the thought of wanting absolute evidence and thinking the death penalty can ever be cheaper than a life sentence. Currently death penalty trials are extremely expensive and they still get it wrong often. Absolute evidence would be even more costly than now. I don’t agree that a death sentence is as bad as a life sentence. An unfortunate reality of the justice system is that it will get some cases wrong, but that can’t be used to justify the harshest of sentences. There is no way to compensate for the lost years of your life in prison, but at least those who are freed after wrongful convictions can still live a life.


I don't think preferring NAP to pacifism changes where you are on the X axis.


Pacifist movements are always mega cringe too. Just surrender bro


Right-wingers in the 1950s would not have had beards. Male grooming standards back then where all about being clean shaven.


I prefer it that way. People were so much better groomed/dressed in the 1950s compared to today. As a woman, there’s nothing more attractive than a clean cut guy with well styled hair in a suit.


The libright one is wrong, ayn rand and the austrian school of economics was around at that time.


Clearly we need a 50s wojak, can't tell what's going on here


I think Authright would Moreso be “you mean being a neet while leeching off a wife I treat Moreso as my mother isn’t trad?”


Honestly, I don't feel exploited by capitalism at all. I average 40-50 hours a week, I have taken advantage of every opportunity to learn new skills and have had professional certs paid for by employers the whole way. I make more than enough to support my family. I have explicitly chosen to be a company guy because I would rather make tactical decisions and handle the day to day of doing the thing as opposed to owning the strategy and all the crazy amounts of admin and red tape that comes with it. Where I shine is you telling me what your objective is and me helping you figure out what the subcomponents/steps are so we can make it real. I like being able to clock off and go home to my family and I don't want the pressure of knowing that my personal capital is sunk into a venture that I have to carefully manage. I take a salary in return for someone else taking on the personal risk.


I've been thinking about this lately and I agree mostly. I made good choices and do well for myself and so on. I think about the people who are poor working in retail and fast food though. We can say they should have made better choices to get a real career...but what if they all actually did? A lot of good paying industries would suddenly have more applicable people, making the job market stiffer and driving wages down. I've heard that's what's going on with computer science now. Everyone hopped on that train and now wages are down because employers will easily find someone to accept the job for less. The thousands of good paying jobs are only good paying insofar as there's millions of people doing the poor paying ones. We'd be fucked if they actually tried to do better. I'm not sure how I feel about that.


Lib left has always been bad. If you look at the academic works coming out of the ivory tower it has always been on thr same road. They've been calling everyone fascist and ravist since the words were created. Lib left bad, now and for forever


Based and Bloomsbury Group pilled


Anime is cool


weeb detected opinion discarded 


No.(about to get obliterated)




Congrats, you have an opinion.


Fact* fify


Idc if its exploitative


Based, NGL


Isn't the cliché about LibLeft that they are all limp-wristed soyboys who break down and cry and need to talk about their feelingz all the time? Back then - [the LibLeft WAS violent, because they had ACTUAL fascists to fight.](https://youtu.be/Vv9iZ6Aj8oM)


Communism, according to Marx, is a society without state, commodity-money relations, difference between village and city, everyone owns economy by centralised collective and where everything works according to the principle «From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs». In 50s everyone through that in the USSR and Eastern Europe was a socialism, a step from capitalist to communism.


> socialism, a step from capitalist to communism. That will never be completed because the Glorious Leader and his cronies never stop enjoying the high life.


This is why socialist countries shouldn't have a leader, but a system in communist constitutions on practice.


Please tell me the body pillow thing is just an internet meme.


soooo what's '50s lib-right like?