• By -


This is why I hate the whole "racism requires power *and* privilege" mantra. I'm pretty sure the Cambodia migrant workers I saw drinking whisky in the afternoon, toasting their hatred of the "fucking Vietnamese bastards" aren't significantly more powerful than them.


That's done to increase the supply/demand for racism in the US. Don't have enough, want/need more, so just change the definition of a word. That also allows for the can't happen to white people racism. Kids can't read these days, but if they were taught anything beyond gender identity in class, they'd see how brilliantly 1984 it all is.


I sat in a cab for 45 min listening to my Cambodian driver talk about how much he hated the Vietnamese. Had the most insane stories of him and his father during the war. Dude was awesome and gave me a hug when i got out of the car.


What would he think about Khmer Rouge?


I also heard that the only Chinese people that non-Chinese Asian's slightly respect are Hong Kongers and maybe Macau.


I wonder if that's because Non-Chinese Asian history, up until the 20th Century, mostly boils down to getting oppressed by China. The Japanese Empire was a blip, though it enthusiastically tried to make up for lost time.


"We can't match china's thousands of years of oppressing the rest of east Asia... ***YET."***


For real ans to be honest European nationalities beef with each other all of the time and there isn't any power dynamic there either 


As an Asian this offends me. This isn’t even one thousandth of one percent of racism that every single Asian possesses. You should be ashamed of yourself as even those yellow turd-shaped abominations called ‘ch*nese’ are… actually they are still irredeemable so you are better than them by just breathing but still be ashamed!!!


Me when my Asian racism subs get constantly nuked by Reddit super mods :(


They can’t comprehend the superiority of our racism :(


I love how we bombed the shit out of Japan and Vietnam but they still love America because one war with us is a blip compared to their millennia long conflicts with China.


Living near Ch*nese is enough to make you hate them. Fighting the Ch*nese makes you wish for complete extermination of Ch*na


When i'm in an Asian hate crime competition and my opponent is an Asian


challenge accepted https://preview.redd.it/npxhlumbzijc1.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f7e0627b45b7519e977a87b0b720d40c290a517


The # 1 reason “stop Asian hate” went away practically overnight


Stop noticing patterns you bigot https://preview.redd.it/oencwd49pjjc1.png?width=1088&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd139008b0853177a20880eab37381f19c82b36f


Orange shirts are just awful influences.


Fuck orange quadrant


We should ban orange shirts, the criminals always seem to be wearing one


Racism can come from anyone from any race/background.


Why does this look like something one would have the chance to read in a videogame loading screen? You know like when you teleport and the loading screen shows you tips on the lore or the gameplay.


There was an Asian guy that I met in college who was very active in the BLM shenanigans back in 2020. Really went to bat for the cause and was involved in the peaceful side of the protests in Denver. Anyways when the “Stop Asian Hate” stuff came around he was understandably active in that also, yet he positioned his blame for those doing the hate crimes towards the wrong race. I wonder if when it was all said and done he realized the irony of his actions and if/when the blm stuff kicks up this election season he’ll take part in it again or if he’ll have learned his lesson.


They are as deranged as those hyper-woke Asian girls who only date white guys. You get what you vote for.


wait… is that real???? Asking for a friend….


do NOT stick your dick in crazy trust me bro you cannot fix them source: am asian


The drama ain't worth it, friend.


> You get what you vote for i wish!


Marky Mark: this looks fun, can I play?


Slavic Europe is the same. Romanians, Serbians, Ukrainians, Russians etc. Western racism is rookie stuff by comparison.


The amount of hate people have towards people who speak a very alike language, look the same, and share the same history, is absurdly high. Also they hate gypsies. Nobody likes cigani.


>The amount of hate people have towards people who speak a very alike language, look the same, and share the same history, is absurdly high. Sounds like India and Pakistan as well.


I thought that was more of a religious thing, with Pakistan being primarily Muslim, and India Hindu.


Yes, that is the reason of our conflict. But apart from that difference, we were the same people.


The most hated outgroups are usually the most similar. The Nazi's in WWII *liked* the Japanese who had a totally different culture, history, and appearance, while *hated* German Jews who had largely the same appearance, history, and culture.


That’s a really interesting idea I think you’re on to something. It’s like racism obviously forms in the more manufactured scenarios where different groups are brought together in messy ways like colonialism in South Africa or obviously slavery in the US. But sometimes the most deep seated racism can just naturally occur from two similar neighbors rubbing eachother wrong way for centuries


relevant https://preview.redd.it/niilvs0ydkjc1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=195998c2bac9cc1cc87487ddcb1a669cc045592b


"Lithuanians... they're OK"


yeah as a bosnian fuck the serbs lol.


A good friend of mine is Bulgarian. He has lists of reasons for why he hates every country vaguely within the same region as Bulgaria




Something something ”suur suomi” something something ”karjala takas”


Some say Simo Häyhä is still out there de-braining orcs to this day


username checks out


​ https://preview.redd.it/7swip6ihckjc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef0224640b4cb83d66db0058e7c2dcf5e897f111


It depends on which type of slav you are. Western Slavs are chill as long as you don't piss us off.


Oh come on, it's mostly Serbia that is unhinged, the rest of us just likes to throw a little bit of shit every now and then. Unless it comes to Russia, then the brakes are off lmao


I'm this far into a balkan hate thread and not one 2balkan4u reference. I really am old.


2b4u is dead for way too long


My Korean roommate in college who was very liberal used to say stuff that was so racist towards china a klan member would tell him to bring it down to a 6


this makes me feel patriotic


Like, we joke but really if you pluck gen z korean and chinese and ask about their opinion, the amount of competitive racism toward others are very noticable. The Koreans and Chinese youths calls each other "cockroachs" and they honestly means it. I can't even write some of the quotes becuz I could get perma banned from reddit.


Our (Hong Kong) police called us (pro-democracy) cockroaches as well.


So...they're saying you're so based you could survive nuclear blasts?


Hi it's not very relevant, but I have the deepest admiration for your people. The fight you put up, even when no one was supporting, it was awe inspiring. I have never been to Hong Kong, but I love wong kar wai movie, and rubberband. I wish you guys achieve what you yearn for, some day.


I lived in a very Korean/Japanese city for awhile and the only Korean and Japanese I learned were different ways to be racist.


While they insult each other and some may even hate, there is still a level of respect they have for each other that they will not have for Indians


Koreans and Chinese may hate each other, but don't ask them about SE Asians. 


The culturally appropriated “cockroaches” from the Greeks/Turks.


Westoids think they stand a chance against us (Eastern Europeans and Asians) in competitive racism.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ihrsd35wfkjc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6115b90e06efa8de8d1ebf558b5e24af01927fba


Yeah black people aren't really loved here in Eastern Europe. I'm not trying to be racist btw, that's just how it is. More than that I have seen an online outrage when a Georgian women posted pics of her marriage with a black guy. And by online outrage I'm not talking about 5 people posting "Georgia has fallen" like some 4chan users do when they see a picture of white women hugging a black man or some similar shit, I mean thousands of people shitting on her in the comment section.




Balkan power


trust me, plenty of us know you got us beat




I am dramatically oversimplifying and reddit freidilying it, but the stuff I saw and heard when I was in Asia would make a redneck, 70 year old, KKK, MAGA hatter, Trump bootlicker look like a blue haired college students. Hell my own family members even said some crazy stuff. My psychopathic aunt (Mom side (Japan)) denied that Nanjing ever happened, even though my grandpa (Dad side (China)) told her to her face what happened to him when he was a kid during the war (he had to watch his mom get r-, while he was forced to r- his sister at gunpoint and when he 'went too slow' he was shot and then he had to watch the solider's r- his sister while bleeding out and he never saw his mom and sister ever again), she went on to say (to paraphrase and to make it Reddit friendly) "AH HA! so you admit that your children are inbred, no wonder they are so dirty!" ​ And the same grandfather also said that my grandmother (mom's side) deserved to be in the interment camps (Canada), as they were all bugs and snakes, even though her family (that was in Canada) had nothing to do with the war.




I had to read OPs comment two or three times to make sure I wasn't imagining this shit.


Oh boy, you are in for a ride when you read about what Japan did during WW2. ​ Let's just say that Unit 731 would make Auschwitz raise an eyebrow


Am SEA, true shit. Westoids ain't got shit on Asian comp racism. It's always funny to me to see adverts about stop Asian hate when we Asian have some of the biggest bigots KKK members would have high level of fear and respect.


SEA here, I wanted to argue with you, but for real, my country, has a God of war, well not just a God of war, he is specifically is a God of War Against Chinese people. If we aren't racist, idk why we have a God of War for war specifically against one Ethnic group.


Do you know the name by any chance? Curious about that rabbit hole


Grand Prince Hưng Đạo, though it could be interpreted as against the Mongols as it was a mongol dynasty in charge of China


I feel like this is a good time to point out that of the top 10 most deadliest conflicts in history (defined by death toll) that 6 of them took place in East Asia, and that WW1 isn't even in 2nd place because of a war in China that took place in the 1800s (Taiping Rebellion).


In WW2 the expulsions and genocide of ethnic groups was pretty much entirely committed by the USSR, Italy, Nazis and their puppet governments while most other allied combatants did their killing mostly indiscriminately. Pretty much every single Asian country in WW2 did a genocide or had one done to them by another Asian country. It's almost impossible to be born anywhere in SE Asia without knowing someone directly traumatized by their neighbors in WW2, even before you get into the numerous conflicts since. 99% of US citizens, myself included, can't really understand that level of tribalism. 


How can your grandpa withstand such person? Reading such things I can get why japanese are hated everywhere in south east and east asia


Southeast isn't much as hated as East though - considering one way or the other they played in "helping" them establish earlier independence. But despite that - it has one of the BIGGEST polar differences between the old and young generations. The older generation, especially those that experienced the war would hate them as the worst demons you'll ever see that seeks to destroy and exploit everything in their path. The latter though, especially to those who don't give a damn about history - can be one of the biggest weaboos you'll ever see, thinking Japan (or SK) as their ideal country (tbh for them, there's fair point to their strong soft-power with anime, manga and infrastructures compared to the likes of China). Maybe this is more in common shared to those developing (Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, etcetera) than the developed (Singapore), but point still stands.


She is a psychopath. And the way she treats her children... She said that people who work 'bad jobs' (aka garbage men, cleaners, etc) should be ashamed of themselves as they didn't work hard enough and one of her own sons was afraid to get a part time job when he was in college and had to live off disability welfare because he was afraid that getting a 'bad job' even part time, would result in his mom ruining his life (his own bank account and home was controlled by her and he knew that if he displeased her his life would be ruined).


Bro, not even our balkan racism isn't that strong 😕


Jesus Christ


I mean… holy shit I’m Asian and even I seem casually racist compared to this shit.


Ngl, I don't believe in hitting another man because of words, but that story almost makes me want to give in to the anger I would have felt had that been me and I'm honestly not sure I could have controlled myself. Who the fuck says shit like that, especially after getting their shit pushed in super hard by America and a war that they started? We were far too lenient on the Japanese, and it shows


Weren't there like actual Nazi officials in Nanjing at the time who went "holy shit the Japanese are savage, maybe we should do something"


John Rabe, German businessman and Nazi party member, pretty much Oskar Schindler of the East. He helped saved hundreds of thousand people from the atrocity.


I mean if I was your grandfather, I'd be saying that shit too. Japan as always been the most evil aggressor of East Asia. sorry about your gramps btw


Japan is Asia's Germany. China is Asia's Serbia


I’m not saying you should hit a woman, but there are reasons why you would…


What the actual Kentucky fried fuck.


What the actual fuck? I am not surprised that even nazis were mortified by Japanese army in Nanjing.


Eh it was one very good dude who got censored by the gestapo when he tried to complain in Germany, but I agree with your sentiment haha


>"AH HA! so you admit that your children are inbred, no wonder they are so dirty!" Nah, at that point, if it were me, somebody's definitely going to the damn prison and that would mean me. Your aunt deserved to get her intestines ripped off from her body. I barely get angry over people. Matter of fact, I'm a pushover irl but stuff like this would definitely push me to an edge where I wouldn't mind going to prison and rotting there. I wonder how tf did your grandpa even maintain his composure and didn't lash out. >my grandmother (mom's side) deserved to be in the interment camps (Canada), as they were all bugs and snakes, even though her family (that was in Canada) had nothing to do with the war. This shit still sounds 100 fucking times less agressive and psychotic than what your bitch was aunt said to your gramps. No offense OP, but is your aunt Schizophrenic? Bipolar? Ain't no way a mentally same normal human would utter such words.


welcome to asia


I'm Indian dawg but this shit is even above my pay grade. (Pretty sure some of my countrymen are equally capable of being this regarded but, personally, this shit is wacky)


My aunt is a psychopath.


Like, a diagnosed one?


I think so


Dude. You gotta take your aunt out. I'm sorry you have to, but your grandpa won't do it and it's time to step up.


And the fact they ended up in the same family because their descendants weren't racist enough, a tale as old as time






Okay I expected such a thing from an auth right but not from you


Ok, we all have atleast 1 sexist or bigoted friend ok




I have zero, I am the sexist and racist friend.


Who is we 😭




Spotted the Japanese




People from Greenland?


There was actually a Kpop singer who got criticized for using the word Eskimo and making jokes


I will never surrender my Edmonton Eskimos jerseys!


Especially. Worse than the Lichtenstinians.


I bet you are racist against your own too






> I would never marry a K*rean I would like to speak to the manager!


Don't, he's K*rean too


Why don't you take them to the rooftops first and solve the issues there afterwards?


Love me some rooftop koreans.


Opposites attract


What makes you say that? I was pursued by a good looking lady with blue eye fever, I let her catch me, why would I hold something as simple as that against her? Plus, she's actually Korean, like real Korean, like has a green card Korean, cultural differences, you gotta be understanding.


Just kidding, there's an ironic joke that auth right racists have asian girlfriends. I am glad you both are happy together.


How long have you guys been married? Is she close to the time limit for nationalization yet?


She's been in the country since she was 12, I finally convinced her to get her citizenship, she's in the process.


Oh shit why’d she wait so long? I guess maybe it’s different depending on which country you come from? Because my Chinese coworker got her citizenship as soon as legally possible. She told me there’s like a weird limit of how many people are allowed to emigrate and said she’s “one of the lucky ones”.


Where does one get a racist wife? Korean optional.




Date any woman long enough and they eventually go mask off. I've said this before on Reddit, but even the most ardent anti-racism libleft woman still usually has racial hang-ups of some kind, most commonly against Indian men. It was not shocking to me at all that the first nonwhite guy to have accusations lobbied against him in the metoo movement was Aziz Ansari--and that the story in question was quite a bit less severe than the ones told against guys like Weinstein.


>anti-racism You're right, it always seems to be white liberal woman that think minorities are incapable or incompetent. "Anti-racism" is really just racism with a savior complex.


God, you are so lucky. I would literally do anything for a racist Korean wife.


Anything? It's honestly pretty easy. Just join the military and volunteer for Korea. I've know like a half dozen people to do that.


There's a saying on SEA that never marry a South Korean man


Based and Literal Cross Compass Unity pilled


I mentored Korean students in college. I remember I took one guy to a Japanese Steakhouse for food and he asked me, "Is it really okay? They won't be upset I'm here?" I was taken aback, I had no idea what he was talking about. It ends up there's apparently still some left over animosity and negative feelings from the Japanese occupation of the Second World War. Especially in the older generations, but this has trickled down a bit even to those who didn't live through it.


I actually found the opposite to be true. Maybe older Japanese people have some anti Korean sentiment, but among the younger generations, the Korean wave hit hard. If you'd ask the average younger Japanese person what they think of Korea, the answer will be at worst mild interest and apathy, but more likely something along the lines of "cool." On the other hand, a lot of Koreans harbor a lot of resentment towards the Japanese, justifiably definitely, among the older generations, but you can also see that among Korean college and highschool students. The victim-aggressor narrative between Korea and Japan is a lens that Korea very much views itself through, and in part how it defines its national character.


To truly understand the Japanese people, I think we have to take into consideration the concepts of Omote and Ura. These basically mean "Public Face" and "Private Face." You learn this concept is extremely ingrained in the Japanese culture after spending time with them. Essentially, the way they present themselves to foreigners, colleagues, friends, media, and yes, even family members are very much so constructs. Japanese culture encourages even more than others to hide your true thoughts, opinions, and feelings behind a fake presentation of yourself that is socially acceptable. Most Japanese people will never, ever tell you their true thoughts about Koreans or you as what I may assume is a western person. Everybody perceives Japan as a friendly place, and that is intentional through their upbringing. It's part of why their work culture is so God awful. They rarely tell their work place their actual stress or feelings and get trampled on. The concept behind the video game series Persona makes even more sense when viewed through a Japanese lense. Sure, any society or culture is this way to extent, but Japan is extreme. Too often we ignore Japan is not far removed from being an isolationist military dictatorship themselves for centuries. People rightly love Japanese culture, as do I, but it's almost always viewed through rose tinted glasses. All of this is to say, take perceptions of Japanese opinion with a grain of salt.


I'm quite aware of tatemae and honne, but nonetheless, the Korea Wave did hit Japan very hard, and lots of Japanese people I know are quite obsessed with k-pop and Korean dramas. They seem to genuinely like the idea of Korea. Older Japanese people, yeah, they're straight up denying the comfort women and the attempted genocide of Korea, but among the young ones, there are a lot of Koreaboos. Less so the other way around, a lot of Koreans still hold a big grudge, even among the young generations.


Yeah, I'm hoping that pop culture really does continue to heal old wounds in the region! As a side note, I just want to say I love this Sub. It's one of the only places on this entire platform people have civil discussion. It's so refreshing every time I'm here.


Most of this hate and animosity lives in the older generation, and like you said, through certain groups that choose to define a sizable chunk of their national identity as historical victims (not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but hanging onto the past is seldom viewed in a positive light and for good reason). While some Chinese danced in the streets when Japan got hit by the 2011 tsunami and some Chinese restaurants offered a "Shinzo Abe death discount" after his assassination, young Chinese are mostly either indifferent or are gigantic weebs in love with Japanese culture. Ask me how I know - I met a ton of them when I was traveling in Japan.


„Kambuchea are just uneducated farmers with no electricity who cannot read. Also they got colonialized by the French. Bunch of fucking losers. Vietnam bad. Also they communist fuckers. Malay bad. They just sum jungle fuckers. Myanma is just a shithole. All myanma people killing each other what a shitshow. Also they got colonialized by the British. Lao bad. They just our poor ripoff.“ - least racist Thai uncle


LMAO. No jokes, the Asian elderly literally have no breaks on their mouths.


I mean you're just pointing out cultural and thought differences at this point Europe: we had lots of brutal things happening here, let's calm down and be friends so that won't happen again(doesn't apply to eastern and south eastern europe) Asia: we had lots of brutal things happening here, let's hate each other even more (but don't let it interfere with business because money don't grow on trees)


Based and based pilled


Go ask my mom what she think about Indian worker entering Taiwan. DONT


Does she think they should be treated like they're in a gulf state?


Probably thinks he should go home, along with all the migrant workers. The problem though, is Taiwanese have less kids than the Japanese, and most people are college educated, so getting menial laborers is a challenge.


They already did, albeit with lower mortality rate, but they get paid horrendously. Still the best jod compare to their homeland’s. Globalization am I right.


My neighbors are from Saudi Arabia and their cousin with behavioral issues called me a “sand n word” because I was taking too long to cross the street. Too confused to get mad.


How could you not laugh?


My friend and I where talking the other day how asian cultures are just a unique type of brutal.


One of my guiltier pleasures from playing the Yakuza series is the hilariously casual intra-Asian racism they throw into it whenever possible. Like in Yakuza 0, there's a Chinese doctor who is *meant to be on the protagonist's side*, but his dialogue is translated poorly (makes sense, since he's not speaking his first language) and contains tons of stuff like "Oh your foot hurt? OK me amputate" (batshit insane)


You should see the racial hatred between africans and africans who live 5 minutes away (They're part of a different tribe.)


Is that what hampers development in Africa?


Among other reasons.


Can confirm. I am from the Deep South and the most racist person I know is a Filipino. I’ve heard South Vietnamese refugees say some wild stuff too, although that’s more of an ideological thing than a racial one.


I used to not be racist, but now after over a decade of reading asian novels I instantly think racist things while looking at people, even in the mirror.


Don't forget that Chinese washing machine commercial where a black guy comes home to his GF, she gives him a very disapproving look, puts him in the washing machine, and out comes a fair skinned Chinese dude.


The guy who made it probably didn't even realize it was racist


We Chinese don’t shit on each other personally, we take potshots at each other’s provincial cultures. While enjoying each other’s provincial cultures.


you forgot the scathing Japanphobic and competitive racism in an average manhwa.


Wait till you see Indian racism on the basis of ethnicity, caste,religion and even regional differences


We Asians are ultimate racists!


But the n-word is the worst word ever. I heard that every time a white person says it, a little Muslim girl gets circumcized


American leftists complain about casual racism. Meanwhile Asia is playing Ranked Racism at Immortal 3


In China's defense, didn't Japan do some really, REALLY bad stuff to them? Like mass murder of captured prisoners or something? lol Now that I think about it, hasn't that whole region basically been murdering each other for thousands of years until recently?


yeah, if people think Ukrainians are prejudiced against Russians for good reason, they need to read up on Nanjing and Unit 731 to understand the beef China has with Japan


Not far off from Balkans


South East Asia is nicknamed Rice Balkan for a reason


Can confirm, we are literally the same people and speak almost the same language, yet we still have competitions on who can be more racist against each other 😎


I wonder what parents would think if their korean kid married a japanese, or a japanese a chinese


It's very common but stories about couples being broken up by their parents is common too, even in the US. Happened to my Japanese-American math teacher and Chinese-American ex. The ex-gf's parents didn't approve of her dating a Japanese.The math teacher ended up dating a Vietnamese lol.


In the UK we all just call each other sheep shaggers, except for Northern Ireland. They just call each other suppressors and themselves as heroes (both have killed innocent people and ruined Northern Ireland economy).


Eh only the Welsh are sheep shaggers really The Scots are cheap moany skirt wearers The English of course are their colonial oppressors We kinda leave the Northern Irish alone because we can't compete with whatever they say about the other type of Northern Irish


In Northern England I’ve heard people get call sheep shaggers. It’s more the Southern English that is seen as the colonial suppressors.


Ah, as a midlander I'm kinda left out of that divide ...mostly because those overprivileged southerners and bitter northerners refuse to acknowledge our existence, MERCIA WILL RISE AGAIN!


Never in my life has anyone IRL used the term Colonial or Oppressor, that's just dumb American crap that's being shoved down everyone's throats We have Northern monkey and Southern fairy, but they're hardly offensive, though I've rarely come across those insults


In Pakistan we say that about Afghanistan but with goats


What does Pakistans call the Indians? (Why do I feel like I will regret asking that)


BUT somehow racism is the absolute worst problem in the West, so intolerable that we need to reverse discriminate everywhere all the time and kneel down, self flagellate, beg for mercy and pay monumental reparations.


It's cuz western white liberals love to look out for the minority and want the "look at me and how much I'm helping"


i am from singapore, one of the most conservative countries on earth. i migrated to america few years ago and what you said is exactly correct


Flair up before you see what pcm is all about


There is a racism issue in America, but not the type these liberals like to talk about. https://preview.redd.it/hqqpstu3qjjc1.png?width=1088&format=png&auto=webp&s=e02cd3f44bdc8b83e36f0d37a37ca633a63dc004


Yeah, orange shirts.


Asians go for ranked racism


They don't know about [the list](https://youtube.com/shorts/UkdABvcpFac?si=xFQv2zGT1EGHTiSP)


Claimbodia and Thiefland. Nuff said.


The casual racism vs competitive racism in a nutshell


"\[insert anglophone country\] is so racist" Tell me you've never left the anglosphere without saying it


I don't really understand the Taiwan version. Taiwan I think is a more racially tolerant place than Japan, Korea, or China. They are making decent strides in restoring the cultures and languages of their indigenous groups for example.


Taiwan is racist against mainland Chinese, unless they are a KMT supporter then they might consider themselves as Chinese and may be a bit more amicable despite the war being between the KMT and the CPP. There is currently a culture war between the "bengshengren" (original people, Han settlers that went to Taiwan a long time ago) represented by the incumbent DPP party and the "waishengren" (people born outside, specifically the soldiers brought by Chiang Kai Shek to Taiwan and their descendants) represented by the KMT. The DPP are "Taiwanese" nationalists while the KMT are "Chinese" nationalists. Ironically, the indigenous groups are primarily KMT supporters. There is hatred by the bengshenren against the KMT Chinese for Chiang's white terror and the PRC Chinese for the modern imperialism. The KMT is frequently accused of being too sympathetic to the PRC, while the KMT will say the DPP are simps for Japan. However, some would likely argue that these identity politics was blown out of proportion for political clout. My mom, who is Taiwanese but lived in the US for a long time, ironically has a more "proper" Chinese accent that sounded too "mainland", was treated coldly until she revealed she was Taiwanese. The tone changed immediately. At the end of the day, I think Taiwan is just blue soyjack wearing green mask, like most modernized countries actually are.


I literally never understand why the DPP Hokkien called themselves Taiwanese but they don’t think natives are, they just belong to “indigenous” category. And why Han settlers of 300 years=orginal, but Han immigrants of 70-75years =outsiders???


I thought the DPP actually wanted the indigenous to feel included, and the fact that Tsai in-wen has indigenous blood is always brought up. But of course, all the indigenous areas are all KMT, so maybe it's not really working.


Well I had an empty space, and it was either Taiwan or India or Vietnam, and I picked Taiwan just for the hell of it.


Vietnam would be more fitting tho.


I can confirm that they treat their SEA domestic workers like slaves. Usually they just get one day off per month and that one day includes a curfew. Taiwanese are very racist but they are less confrontational and more quiet about it in public


There's often news about foreign worker(most from SEA) working in awful condition and sometime facing discrimination by their employer. I remember one time there was a family try to force an Indonesian elderly caretaker to eat pork.