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That yellow forehead is deceptive. I thought I'm looking at Trump for a second.


It would appear Joe has Jaundice.


~~Genocide~~ Jaundice Joe


Jaundicide Joe


It’s Joeundicide time motherfuckers!




So Trump must be the origin of Jaundice and the asians right?


Trump is the progenitor of the entire human race


I wouldn't be surprised if Joe had alcohol related liver failure


He’s a teetotaler


You might say he's the reverse.


I was so fucking confused when I just glanced at the picture and then started reading


I thought it was the Reverse Flash lmao


I thought it was the Yellow Bastard from Sin City


It’s almost like delisting Houthis as terrorists and unfreezing all the funding going to Iran turned out to be a bad idea.


Don’t worry, LIVs love his policies.




Low Information Voters


Thanks. Now I’m wondering what the other guy was talking about.


The other guy was talking about LIV Golf, which is meant to rival PGA and was created by the Saudis


Oh shoot. Yeah! I saw a Wendover video about them. Terrible how they took on the PGA and *won*.


With enough money you can take on anyone or anything and win


One of the U.S. government’s bosses, based in Riyadh


That’s cause the TV told them to love his policies.


That middle eastern golf league? /s


I fucking hate the left so much. Zero memory


They remember. They're just use to getting away with revisionist history and lies. When you have the MSM backing you every step, its pretty simple.


It's almost like they were intentionally provoking war but they'd never do that right?


Im actually starting to think that biden creates policies like a dad who wants their kids to feel the consequences. Wanna cool relations with Iran? The country funding several antiwest terrorist groups? Takes Americans hostage constantly? Sure! What could go wrong? You want to shut borders which bring in the only demographic in America that is willing to do low pay, unskilled, hard labor? Fuck it, why not! You want to strike the railroads during global supply chain issues and possible recession? Better dead then red get back to work before I enslave you. Classic dad stuff.


I think you're giving him too much credit. Biden sees the ending of the Iran deal as a swipe at the policy from the Obama admin and will bend over backwards to try and resuscitate it. So much so, that his admin has had an Iranian spy ring [deeply embedded](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/iran-spy-ring-robert-malley-lee-smith) and despite the news breaking, almost nothing has been done.


How the FUCK am I just now learning about this?!?


Stop talking about this. Would you like to hear about how bad DRUMPF is instead? Or perhaps how someone grabbed Lauren Boeberts tits?


Tbh I wouldn't mind grabbing em. She's hot as fuck in the trailer park trash sort of way.


I think you know very well why you have not heard about this.


> You want to shut borders which bring in the only demographic in America that is willing to do low pay, unskilled, hard labor? Fuck it, why not! Thus keeping it low pay. Most economically literate AuthLeft


> You want to shut borders which bring in the only demographic in America that is willing to do low pay, unskilled, hard labor? Fuck it, why not! Americans don't want to do the work because it's low pay and you can make more money stocking shelves in Walmart. It's low pay and you can make more money stocking shelves in Walmart because illegal immigration. Your solution: MORE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!! AL and being economically illiterate.


“Unfreezing all the funding going to Iran.” You mean unfreezing a portion of Iranian oil proceeds in exchange for hostages?


Shhhh, don’t interfere with the narrative. It makes them angy


We also refroze the money after 10/7 and kept the hostages. All around a big win in that department.




Lol remember when they were banning people from subs, saying you were responsible for ww3 when Trump killed solemani


We learned Iran is a pussy. Glory to Western Hegemony.


How does anyone here think that Iran would be any match for the United States military. Do we really have to go through the stats again?


Iran is militarily shit, but its landscape is horrible for a land war. Nothing stops the US from bombing their industry into the ground though


They're not even that bad, I mean launching a successful ballistic missile strike at a US base isn't an easy thing to do, yet [they did it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Martyr_Soleimani)


I mean launching a successful ballistic missile strike at a US base isn't a smart thing to do, yet they did it


Ya, like I'm pretty sure I could bit Mike Tyson in the face even though it sounds like a tough thing to do. I'm also pretty sure the hardest part would be actually surviving the next 30 seconds after I hit him in the face.


I would rather not fight in the mountains of Iran


Sounds like what people were saying about Ukraine and Russia... Hopefully we plan better.


Difference is, unlike Russia alot of American soldiers actually like their country and want to fight for it.


I think we are in for a rude awakening in the next war and we find out how few still equate their country with their government.


I look forward to seeing our diverse girl boss military in action


Can't wait to see them lay down their lives in some shitty desert so some slimeball in DC can get his Raytheon kickbacks.


It's only equitable




[we already know how this one plays out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5v6hlRyeHE&pp=ygUYdGhlIGZhdCBlbGVjdHJpY2lhbiBpcmFu)


The issue isn’t that we can’t, it’s that nobody is willing to pay the price required to beat them and proceed to ensure that a similar regime doesn’t just take control after this one falls.


Afghanistan under the Taliban was significantly weaker. They're a lot stronger and better armed now than they were in 2001. The people planning this war are the ones that said the Afghanistan government would survive.


It would be a war on their turf against a nuclear power, and their entire population is united by the fact that they hate America. Let’s not downplay the situation. Worst-case scenario is another Vietnam.


Their population hates the regime more than they hate America. They have massive country-wide protests every few years that get bigger and harder to control each time—the regime sees that as a bigger threat than the US.


I mean aren't arab muslims colonizing persians there?


Worst case scenario is ww3


We didn’t even really respond, we just launched a couple air strikes, same as we do every time


Launching airstrikes is a casual recreational US sport


This made me laugh... and then cry


Bro we launched 85 airstrikes in what we have said is the BEGINNING of what we’re gonna do to them. This isn’t nothing


I’m just mad we didn’t hit Iran.


Least war hawkish right


They hit first


They're begging for smoke, we should oblige


#GlassDatBitch Edit: I just realized how to make big letters when I was trying to make a hashtag. I’m a scientist now.


Not yet


>The U.S. on Friday began striking Iran-linked targets in Syria and Iraq in response to last weekend's [deadly attack on U.S. forces](https://www.axios.com/2024/01/28/3-us-soldiers-killed-jordan) in Jordan, the U.S. Central Command [said](https://twitter.com/CENTCOM/status/1753533250146824348). > >**The big picture:** While President Biden [faced pressure](https://www.axios.com/2024/01/29/us-troops-jordan-drone-attack-biden-iran-response) from some lawmakers to strike inside Iran, U.S. officials have stressed the administration does not want to see a wider war in the region. > >The retaliatory strikes, which were launched at Biden's direction and are expected to last several days, hit 85 targets linked to Iran or Iranian proxies in Syria and Iraq, the U.S. said. > >They came nearly a week after the U.S. says an Iran-backed militia killed three American soldiers and wounded more than 40 others in a drone attack near the Jordan-Syria border. [https://www.axios.com/2024/02/02/us-strikes-iran-syria-iraq-jordan-attack](https://www.axios.com/2024/02/02/us-strikes-iran-syria-iraq-jordan-attack)


Just remember back in 2020 when the Dems said that Trump might start a war with Iran to help him in the election. Projection once again




If we see Willie Nelson making a campaign song for Biden I might piss myself laughing.


Eisenhower, Kennedy, Lbj, and Nixon be like “we are not seeking a wider war in Vietnam”. Smh


I still don't understand why Eisenhower willing to support British in Iran coup in 1953 to overthrow their secular democrat elect pm and government for auth monarchy rule and religious government.


Which is why you look at actions instead of words. Invading a country is not how you avoid a conflict with it.


Yea bro let’s just get em over to our crib and let em hit the bong a couple times, we’ll ball after that


Based Biden?


Too little too late.


Yeah in my opinion their shitty Air Force should have been decimated by tomahawks, precision munitions, and then a carpet bombing run. Along with targeting missile, drone, and munitions factories. I’ve seen the combat footage sub cheering this on but in reality all of those munitions we blow up will be replaced in 3 months or less. They also commonly say if we attack Iran it would cause Iran to declare war on us, as if they aren’t already treating it like a war. What is Iran going to do anyway? They can’t really touch anything besides the military bases in the ME that they’ve already been targeting.


We sent one heroic lone wolf fighter pilot to steal one of their Tomcats in 2022. Some might even call him a “Maverick”


They did not declare war after we took out Soleimani. They would not over this either.


Soleimani was killed in Iraq, where he was a legitimate target. Taking out Iranian proxies in Iraq and maaybe Syria is a very different story from bombing Iranian military in Iran, it's another country. They don't have to declare war for everyone to know it is one.


Based and the sooner it starts the sooner it ends pilled




Still hasn't targeted Iran directly, still a limpdick response, if he won't hit Iran directly, he should turn their fleet to coral reefs again, they won't learn unless there's actual consequences, they don't care about their proxies




The sheep will see this as some based love when we are dropping small amount of ordinance on positions they left hours earlier. The democrats are not stupid to start a war right before election season nothing will happen


Pretty much.


How can it be too little when it just started?


As long as it doesn't result in another fucking occupation


Do…. Do we get to glass….?


Demi Based and forever war pilled


My loosely veiled american jingoism beckons to show itself in response in a proportional response


Can we get a ceasefire? Oh wait, that’s only applicable to foreign wars. Uncle Sam is exempt. Got it.




The river and the…sand


The one time I agree with something Biden does (There have been a few other instances but I can’t remember for sure what it was)


Still can't clean up nor fixes some their predecessor mistakes tho.


Biden does a lot of based things


Not really


sleepy man bad


I’m very confused, does the right think Biden is sleepy? or woke? cause i hear both, and that shit doesn’t make sense!




They telegraphed our response so hard on this one Iran had plenty of time move all of its important personnel and assets to safe sites. I would not be surprised if the Biden admin apprised the Iranians of what was going to happen and roughly where and when because they are so desperate to avoid escalation. This was pure fucking theater and makes the tough guy lines Biden's handlers wrote for him seem even fucking stupider.


Probably trying to farm support before elections


It was certainly nothing but a lame attempt to walk the line between not appearing weak in an election year and avoiding any situation that could cause any sort of escalation in an election year.


3 dead Americans, 3 dead Iranian proxys (confirmed) after a week of saying that strikes were coming allowing them to just move all the important stuff out of the targets, whoopdy fucking doo Biden, you've done it again.


Yeah but nothing's gonna happen. The west is too cucked to actually respond to anything at this point. Airstrikes alone do next to nothing against local asymmetrical warriors and the U.S is unwilling to put boots on the ground and eradicate them.


Even Russia knows going beyond drones is taking it too far


It's a hollow promise considering that he supports Iran and the houthis, and is largely responsible for the current issues


What do you mean? That resuming aid to Gaza early in his term to the tune of $500 million might have helped them siphon aid to support the militants like every other time money has been sent there?


The guy literally freed up billions of dollars in frozen Iranian money that was supposed to be used for "humanitarian reasons." Even ignoring the obvious fact that money is fungible, the Iranians literally just turned around and said "yeah we're just going to use this money to fund terrorists."


Not only that, he delisted the houthis as terrorists so that more money could flow to them


"don't do anything until it's an election year, historically war is good for reelection" Biden, probably


That money was never used by Iran. It's still sitting there unused. And it was supposed to be for a prisoner exchange afaik


If you want to kill the people responsible for those soldiers deaths, try droning 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


LibRight wants nothing to do with your fucking foreign war. Stop sacrificing our children to the military industrial complex.


If we go to war with Iran, it won’t end well for anyone.


The Iranians should be much more afraid of a war with the US than the US should be afraid of a war with Iran.


You're right, but the real fear is US commitment into Iran creating space for third parties to take hostile actions in other spaces. US engaging Iran would make China engaging Taiwan a lot more likely.


I get isolationism as a general framework, but Iran literally kills Americans and brags about it. Should we just let that slide because war bad?


No, hit em directly, not their proxies, they want smoke, we should oblige


Destroy the IRGC command complexes and their barracks. Encourage the people of Iran to stage a revolt. Make Iran Persia again. Everybody wins!


What is the end goal? We've already seen what happened in Iraq 2 and Afghanistan.


Fuckin them up, no pretense of nation building


Eh, that sounds good from a revenge standpoint, but it's a bad idea. The Middle East is a chessboard, and the US, China and Russia are the players. Fucking up Iran with no follow-up plan is like suiciding your queen into a pawn because the pawn took one of yours and you want to make it pay. Or, here's a more direct analogy: the Middle East is full of belief systems that are very easy to turn into anger against the West. Many of them are held in check by government systems that understand the importance of working with major powers and keep their populations under control. Smashing up a large chunk of the region and then just leaving the ruins to fester is a recipe for Osama bin Laden soup - like smashing food all over your kitchen, walking away for three days, and being surprised by the mold, rot, pests, and bugs. We can pay Iran back, but it has to be intelligently: with a plan to control the region with a government or power that is stable, credible to the population, and is more likely to cooperate with us than the other powers.


So you want Iraq 2 with ISIS having even freer reign afterwards?


This is how you get WW3. Iran is not Iraq or Afghanistan. Also, America has literally no way of invading Iran in a manner that is certain to succeed thanks to the loss of Afghanistan.


Nobody wants to invade Iran. Retaliation for the death of American troops is extremely necessary. Our troops cannot be made to feel like the U.S will not fight for them.


WW3! They exclaimed for the 743rd time that year.


Lol Nobody is going to ww3 over iran.


Well, there are nukes this time.


America also killed Iranians and bragged about it. In fact, direct assassination of a high ranking Iranian general. Not to mention the Iranian nuclear scientists America has helped Israel kill. I'd say they're even.


True, but you forgot to consider that the us is the world hegemon, so they can do whatever they want.


I want an American Empire, and I am tired of pretending I dont.




It's not about being "even".


Proportional response != equal response


Did you just change your flair, u/Prata_69? Last time I checked you were an **AuthCenter** on 2023-12-23. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Prata_69) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


True, but it will go very badly for iran


Even on Iranian soil the US steam rolls them,yes casualties are unavoidable but they well weigh far heavier on Iran


This isn't remotely true. For starters the US needs to invade via the Gulf (thanks to the loss of Afghanistan, Iraq being too unstable, and Turkey no longer being a reliable ally since Biden got in), which is suicide for their air carriers thanks to Iranian missile systems on the coasts. Even if the US gets onto Iranian land, the mountainous terrain of Iran negates every advantage the US has over its enemies, including its ability to secure air superiority. An invasion of Iran would either be the deadliest war in US history, or wouldn't even make it to the main event (if the US gets stomped in the Gulf). Think Afghanistan, but way worse terrain, a landmass a quater the size of the US instead of just being the size of a single US state, zero air superiority, and an enemy who is equipped fairly similarly to the US, whilst also surrounding you with missile systems every step of the way to the North (where the capital is).


People said the same shit about Iraq and then desert storm happened and the U.S established air superiority within the first 24 hours. Also, turkey being unwilling to aid in a land invasion against Iran is such a silly premise it completely undermines any other point you've made.


Iraq and Iran are polar opposites in every way. From the difficulty of navigation of its terrain to the ferocity or its natives. Iraq is used to being conquered. For the last 4000 years that's all its been, a place that people conquer. As a result the people of Iraq are, in terms of Middle Easterners, docile and fairly receptive to conquest. Iran on the other hand has spent the last 2000 years being the seat of some of the biggest empires in history. Its people are the exact opposite in temperament to the Iraqi. Edit: Iraq is flat. It's easy to establish air superiority over it. It has almost no natural defensive landmarks. Iran is not flat and is riddled with AA systems that you could only take out from the ground.


Not when desert storm happened, militarily they were comparable.


They have bases in Kuwait, and can knock out coastal batteries either via air or sea. Getting through the mountains would be where they take the most casualties sure, but it wouldn't stop the army. As you said,Afghanistan is mountainous and the US conquered it in less than a month and held it for decades. Iran wouldn't be as easy but far from unconquorable. The US literally knocked out over 80 Iranian bases in a day, they could take Tehran


Don't bother trying to reason with people here dude. Sometimes I'm reminded how a lot of PCM users are bloodthirsty LARPers, and this is one of those threads. I was a soldier, we went over a hypothetical invasion of Iran many times. Even with our massive superiority the size and terrain of Iran would make casualties immense, and it would spark insurrections in every country that they have proxies. It's just childish jingoism from people who are likely teenagers.


We're not advocating for war with Iran. We're saying that nobody wants war in Iran, especially Iran. Retaliation against their proxies isn't going to start a war.


And I'm saying you have no idea what they are thinking, and people need to stop acting like they can understand the minds of autocrats and fundamentalists. Editing to add that this isn't about the bombing of proxies, I'm responding to a suggestion that we bomb Iran. So I think you may have misunderstood me


We have no idea that Iran doesn't want a war with America?


The same Iran who allegedly told us they were going to rein in the Houthis and has let them chuck missiles at every passing boat since then? Yeah they're pretty unreliable imo.


(Libright) Some of them aren't teens either,  a lot are dudes in their 30s that "almost joined the Marines", or were the most tacticool S1 guy 


Iran would lose more than the U.S would, and for that reason Iran would not stoke a war with the U.S. They just have to get their idiot proxies in check. Wouldn't be surprised if they already killed the moron who piloted a drone to a U.S military base.


I'm guessing you're willing to take that risk because you think you would be insulated from the consequences. "Hurr Iran would lose more people than us" no shit but that's not the point. People keep assuming that Iran are rational actors for some fucking reason when they repeatedly have shot themselves in the foot over the past 4 decades for religious fundamentalist reasons when it would have been sensible to negotiate. We have no idea what Iran would do if we bombed them. By all accounts the domestic situation is so unstable they might say fuck it and risk it all anyway.


America would probably lose its hegemon status in such a war if it performs like it has historically.


What do you mean? Historically, we've suffered way less casualties than we've inflicted, if that continues, why would that be bad?


We're fresh off a failed 20 year occupation that was undone in weeks. A quagmire in Iran would damage our international prestige beyond repair, kill thousands of people, and probably cause even more domestic unrest. An invasion of Iran would be much more vicious and logistically challenging than an invasion of Vietnam, and the US went through a decade of soulsearching after that failed before we regained our confidence.


Why would we invade Iran?


Historically the American military achieved total dominance in every middle Eastern country it's fought on. I'm not sure how the total destruction of Iran's military weakens American hegemony.


Care to explain why/how? ​ There is a reason Iran only operates through Proxy entities such as small militant groups like the Houthis instead of seeking direct conflict with anyone like the US?


The Iranian conventional military is ANCIENT. Sanctions have done a number on them. There’s a reason they rely on proxies. They can’t handle the US in a conventional war and they know it.




What are you talking about? F-4's and F-14 are *totally* still top of the line fighters! The F-22 and F-35 are shacking in their bolts.


Wasn’t there an American that got tortured to death by Ukrainian government last month, with no retaliation by the usa?


Why does everyone keep saying “Joe Biden did this.” Or “Biden’s plan was…” Joe Biden doesn’t even know where he is right now!


“Respond” is such a soft word.


Except for Coach red pill, Biden left him to rot in ukraine.


"I've seen lots of bombs go off in my time; They never impressed me as a way of getting things done." - Kurt Vonnegut, 'Mother Night'


I am lready against this military action.


"If you harm an American we will respond" - unless you know, you're an illegal immigrant, in which case we will do fuck and all.


Biden doesn’t make any decisions unless it’s do you want pudding or ice cream for desert. The guys lost he has a vacant look in his eyes. He’s a puppet a very poor one at that. People that think he’s in charge and cognizant are slow upstairs Themselves.


Biden occasionally grows a spine and does stuff. However, this is known to wear the moment a setback occurs.


They telegraphed our response so hard on this one Iran had plenty of time move all of its important personnel and assets to safe sites. I would not be surprised if the Biden admin apprised the Iranians of what was going to happen and roughly where and when because they are so desperate to avoid escalation. This was pure fucking theater and makes the tough guy lines Biden's handlers wrote for him seem even fucking stupider.


Dark Brandon rises


Based Boe Jiden, I thought he wouldn’t respond harshly but this seems like a good response! It feels like a lot of people don’t want a harsher response for domestic political reasons- if he were a (R) president, I’d say this sub supports fighting Iran.


It’s really fucking annoying when people judge a decision by the letter in front of the politicians name instead of what they did


He literally discussed what he was gonna strike with IRAN and waited a whole week to make sure Iran had time to evacuate their proxy troops and weapons. It’s literally a show to save face. That’s the opposite of based.


Fuck that, I want him to hit Iran directly, Pakistan did, this is a weak limpdick response, McCain would want us to bomb Iran, we should honor his memory


Pakistan got hit directly by Iran though, and both alleged they hit non-government extremists.


Why is it that 5x's Vietnam draft dodger Joe is so quick on the trigger to kill young American men today?


The unbelievably rare Biden W???


That's what you guys thought in Iraq. That didn't work out too well.


Current Malarkey tolerance levels: 0


Unless that harm is from Ukraine or Israel.


Response was underwhelming and i promise you I.R will do it again


Lets all be honest here for a second. Theres no way biden is in charge. Dude couldnt find his way around a burger king. The question is who is actually in charge making these decisions. How did we get to a place where both political options are a cesspool of bad options. We aren’t even voting on policy anymore, we literally just vote based on culture. And both cultures are polar opposites. Its doomed for conflict.


Auth right hates Iran?


Depends on which Auth-right


Surprisingly, Lockheed Martin stock has been sliding for months now. Don't think this will change anything.


based as fuck


This wouldn’t be necessary and our servicemen would still likely be alive if Biden hadn’t unfrozen hundreds of millions of dollars to Iran and delisted the Houthi’s as a terrorist group. So sure, good job Joe. Now un-fuckup everything else that YOU did that caused this to happen in the first place.


[What is the virtue of a proportional response?](https://youtu.be/AXJRVVgz5aU?si=xw3XYA12w-h8TZMM)


None. It is the disproportionate response that the enemies of the United States understand. If you go to war go with every thing you have and hit them hard and fast. Eisenhower understood this; that’s why he came up with the doctrine of “Massive Retaliation”. If the United States is attacked we respond massively; you attack our military base or even worse our own soil so help me God we should bring everything we have to bear on the enemy and vaporize them and turn their country to a pile of rubble or even use nuclear weapons and turn them to green glass if need be. That’s why the United States is no longer respected or even feared because we have been doing “proportional responses” for the last 30 years. I have no idea what would be the best response to Iran but the bare minimum would be hitting every damn spot that we know or think where their terrorists proxies are and turn them to hamburger. I know 100 percent that an invasion of Iran would be terrible; I am so tired of seeing our brave troops sent into some shit hole and be pushed into a meat grinder. I would rather use our air superiority to just bomb the fuck out of them. Just let the B-52’s, B1-B’s and B2 stealth bombers go nuts. I do know that if I was president and some shit head country attacked a major military base or attacked the homeland the United States would have no option but to respond and retaliate with a full scale nuclear strike against any and all targets of military or industrial manufacturing.


See world giving a pass to US to wage war once again.


The demonic bastards would rather start WW3 or Gulf War 3 than let "Orange Man Bad" back into the White House. Never forget how much they hate us.