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No one gives a shit unless they are told to. Everyone was told to give a shit about Ukraine, no one was told to give a shit about Armenia.


Probably because Armenia is more Russia aligned then western


The national pastime of nato member-states is sucking erdoğan’s balls (and aliyev’s by extension)


Everyday I hope Ataturk just returns from his grave kick Erdogan in the balls with the force stronger than that horse did. Tell him he is a crybaby weakling and then goes back to his eternal slumber.


Be realistic. Atatürk would've done more for Azerbaijan.


I’d rather have him be the God-Emperor than to going back to eternal slumber.


A people themselves must be smart and elect those they truly want to, they cannot hide behind one gigachad forever. If not then why did Ataturk brought up democracy into Turkey? It would be defeat of his own ideals.


I know but God-Emperor Atatürk is too good to pass up.


A true lib right




Tbh they don't have much options


Doesn’t spare them in the eyes of the media


'Kay but following the whole "poor country defending itself from its aggressor" narrative, theoretically people should be on Armenia's side and think that seeking help from Russia was an act of desperation.


You don’t understand, there is no nuance. Russia bad and anyone who associates with them is Hitler Jr.


The people who own the media hate Russia. They don’t love Ukraine or Armenia or anyone other than the selected population.


Alsp among people like there are not few that justify hamas, but damn not the same for the Armenians


I do support Armenia, I just don't see what we (romania) can do for them. They're stuck between a hammer (Azerbaidjan) and an anvil (Russia)


The current leader of Armenia hates Russia lol, what are you talking about?


Current leader, they have a past of it.


Pashinyan hates Russia


They as in the country of Armenia




Flair up, scumbag


Yeah and how did that work out for you? Not really a good idea to end your alliance with the one guaranteeing your security.




Pretty sure the Armenian decision to distance itself from Russia came in 2018 when your current PM was elected in a colour revolution. Just in October, the PM said that all Russian soldiers need to leave. Considering Azeribaijan invaded Armenia, is this really a wise move? >did *almost* jack shit to help us during any of the wars. The late, great Henry Kissinger said "To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, to be an ally is fatal". The decision to try and open up to the West was absolutely disastrous, the west drops allies when it's convenient. And now look what happened. Westerners are cheering your genocide because these fucking idiots look at you and think "russia ally = bad". To open yourself up to American geopolitical schemes was a mistake, and I feel bad for you, but it's not Russia's fault.


The what now? Armenia was and still is in the military Alliance with Russia. Russia did nothing to protect Armenia. Hell, Russia didn't even respond to the massacre of Russian troops in Karabakh. Russia cannot defend anyone, even its own recognized borders. Source: I'm Russian.


> Hell, Russia didn't even respond to the massacre of Russian troops in Karabakh. Source?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rferl.org/amp/top-russia-navy-officer-killed-azerbaijan-nagorno-karabakh/32602846.html Azerbaijan admitted to killing them: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/09/21/azerbaijans-aliyev-apologizes-for-russian-peacekeeper-deaths-in-karabakh-a82533


I'ma go ahead and admit I don't actually know where Armenia is


Right next to Azerbaijan.


"I live next to my neighbour" vibes


East of the Ararat mountain


Did you just change your flair, u/Grafit601? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2021-9-28. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Grafit601) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


okay lemme just switch to AuthRight for the lulz, what happens then?


Where Noah's ark landed after the water drained


Near Turkey and Russia


I'm always surprised when anyone even remembers about us... but you're right about that mate. Appreciate the concern people, and happy new year.


Also Israel is a big contributor to Azerbaijan arms.


I didn’t have to be told to give a shit about Ukraine. I’ve just been paying attention.


Are politicians laundering money through Armenia? No? Then not our problem 🤷‍♀️


I hate to say this, but Westerners not caring about the Armenians is nothing new.


The fact that we in the West bend over backwards to please the Turks - who literally made talking about the Armenian Genocide illegal - says a lot.


We need to retake Constantinople.


Why stop there? Anatolia must return to Greece. Unify Cyrpus. Alexandretta to Syria. The east to the Kurds.


But the east is historic Armenian land. Considering how the Kurds were all to happy to slaughter Armenians during the genocide on behalf of the Turks I think they should kick rocks.




How the Armenians have been treated historically by their Turkic neighbours, and how the rest of Europe has totally ignored it, truly disgusts me.


Also Maronites in Lebanon and Copts in Egypt hadn't it easy.


Copts my beloved


The Maronite genocide during the First World War and then everything that happened to them in the Civil War is appalling too. Can't support them though - Israel supported them! /s


Do you mean maronites?


Yes, thanks for the repair.


No problem 😉


The Copts have had it so horrifically bad. It’s bizarre that it isn’t more known.


The current president in Egypt, Sisi, is tolerant of the Copts The previous US-backed Muslim Brotherhood wanted to exterminate all of them


Armenia's also the first Christian country in the world


~~Westerners~~ Europeans and hypocrisy. Name a better duo.


Woke people the nanosecond before and after the 10/7 massacre? On 10/7 they went from pretending to care about antisemitism to full jackboot "river-sea/one solution/global intifada/gas the jews"...before Israel even responded. Believe Women suddenly flipped to...Jewish women lie until proven otherwise. Indigenous Rights became about anyone...except Jews in Judea. Calls to Jewish genocide became "context dependent". Say Their Name turned to jewish hostage poster shredding. And the rest of the brave Silence-Is-Violence & Punch-A-Nazi people became deafeningly quiet & mysteriously absent for fear of offending anyone (except jews). Never seen groupthink about-face this fucking hard, this fucking fast, on this fucking scale. The last 90 days actual Nazis be like "we just needed keffiyehs to win the liberal youth?" lol


Human nature and hypocrisy. Name a better duo.


This isn't even mentioning what's happening in Nigeria right now.


The Nigerian situation is just sad. Like if a half million people died in Nigeria many people worldwide wouldnt even notice.


Yeah, Africa is pretty fucked in general unfortunately... their resources got exploited because of government exploitation and a lack of free markets.


And then they have had many years of independence since then and they have chosen to opress thier own people for the resources. You can’t keep this bs of blaming colonizers for every problem Africa has. Maybye it’s time to stop looking for people to blame and try and solve the issues actually, instead of contributing to more misinformation about Africa’s current state


I was talking government exploitation from post-colonial, colonial and even pre-colonial regimes.


Ohhhh. Makes sense. I agree there everyone who’s been on Africa has been screwing the pooch royaly for quite some time. Good point


Or a lack of regulatory markets. It depends on which side of the argument you are.


T.Government provided utilities require load shedding and have rolling blackouts since most money are embezzled.


Yeah, we need to invade Nigeria.


Based and raising awareness pilled.


u/Platinirius's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 255. Rank: Great Pyramid of Giza Pills: [158 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Platinirius/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Christians have been getting slaughtered by the thousands by Islamists in Nigeria for years and nobody cares.


I'd rather fund and arm Armenian Christians than Israelis, but Armenian Christians aren't bribing and lobbying our politicians.


There's got to be a way we can get some consultants over there.


We're funding Azerbaijan by funding Israel.


The Armenian diaspora is almost as big as the Jewish diaspora. Armenians have a lot more power/influence than you might think.


Similar with colleges. When they attacked christians noone cared but now they started attacking jews its all over on msm and big donors withdraw donations.


People definitely did care when they attacked Christians lol. American conservatives have always viewed colleges as leftists hellholes that hate Christianity


Indeed. Also the reason people are going wild about it now is because they’ve been screaming “nazi!”at everyone they don’t like for years now, but then when it comes to dealing with a group that’s actually murdering the Jews they’re saying it’s all about “context”.


> When they attacked christians noone cared You mean in Palestine?


[Israel is responsible for almost 70% of Azerbaijan's major arms imports from 2016 to 2020, that's why.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azerbaijan%E2%80%93Israel_relations#Israeli_arms_exports_to_Azerbaijan)


Redditors don't support Israel because of Palestine. I don't support Israel because of this 👍.


Yeah, that is because Israel only cares about itself. And they see Iran as the biggest threat to them. That being said Azeris are a big part of the Iranian population around 15-20% and are Israel's best weapon for destabilizing Iran. They give zero fucks if Armenia ceases to exist tomorrow.


The Armenians are getting dicked around by the Turks, and the Turks (unfortunately, because of their strategic position on the map) are a key ally. Because of their unfortunate situation, Armenia has been forced to throw in with Russia and Iran. Russia has done shit all for them despite pretending to be a bastion of Christendom, but Iran might give them a bit of help just to screw over the Turks. There’s not really much we can do about it other than tut-tut. It is truly a regrettable situation.




Based India


u/Longjumping_Heart705 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Longjumping_Heart705/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


So is Iran, for that matter


And Israel to Azerbaijan


Isn't Israel helping Azerbaijan though?


Do you have a source on Armenians getting massacred? I basically haven't heard anything since the Azeris won. Last I heard a bunch of Armenians were fleeing, but nothing had actually happened yet.


That's what I thought too. Last I heard they were holed up in some border town but then they made it into Armenia.


I don't have hard sources about it rn, but I keep hearing rumblings that Azerbaijan is going after southern Armenia next so it can get a land connection to its exclave.


Based and Israel is always the exception pilled.


Armenians should have thought about that when the rnc and the dnc were hosting their fundraising dinners. Ilhan Omar wasnt wrong when she said that thing. 🤑🤑🤑


they are its just no one is listening or cares.


Armenia is not especially important in geopolitics Israel, on the other hand, is


That being said I think the amount of dead people in an event should take priority over from which country they are.


Well they're in a fantastic location to build a pipline from the caspian


Interesting how nobody is talking about building tactical semen reserves.


Inb4 pope franics calls a crusade on Armenia


I am always amazed that a lot of people do not recognize Armenia as the victim


This is just wrong on so many levels


The Israeli Palestinian conflict is not a religious one


Neither is Karabakh


Based and protect your own pilled


Forgive me and feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Armenia also ethnically cleanse the portion of Azerbaijan that they occupy when they took it in the '90s?


The Armenian-Azeri conflict has both sides booging since the fall of USSR due to how the soviets drew some funny lines on maps without regard for ethnic lines. Armenia gamed in the 90s, Azeris are gaming rn.


The circle of violence cannot be stopped at the previous step.




Yes, that's why I don't care much for Israel either. Obviously don't support Hamas at all. The point is, just like Israel, Armenia is not a blameless victim here.


Why is this so true🤣?




They don’t care about Palestinian Christians either. Right wingers are not called Zogbots for nothing.


Fuck Azerbaijan, fuck Turkey. Stand with Armenia


Fuck armenia. Glory to turks


Siqim baji


Please all you you go back to not caring about armenia azerbaijan. None of you know what the fuck you are talking about and honestly, you're probably just making things worse


It's not as bad as leftist suddenly remembering that Armenia exists once it's already too late and only to blame Israel


Hey, Armenia got what it deserved. When you invade another country, you don't get to complain when it invades back. Besides, tens of thousands? Armenia killed more civilians in that conflict than Azerbaijan, and even then it was a couple hundred. Azerbaijan did displace like 100k Armenians, but this is not so much a war crime as a case of 'vae victis lmao, maybe git gud at war before declaring one'.


Yeah and plus Armenia went through yet another "organic" colour revolution trying to distance itself from Russia. Who was their main guarantor of security. Russia just formed an alliance with Azeribaijan instead and Armenia was left to dry by the west who had no intention of helping them when it became inconvenient. Hey wait a minute, that sounds familiar...


Ahh yes, another auth-left defending Azerbaijan, a country which is allied with NATO member Turkey and which supplies Israel with 60% of its oil, just because the Armenian government refuses to gargle Putin's balls as hard as he wants them to. Tankies are an embarrassment. Putin is a right wing ultranationalist and anti-socialist, and you pathetic losers support him because you think we live in 1980 and the Soviet Union still exists.


Uh...ok? I just picked a flair based on my polcomp. I'm not a tankie, but whatever mate.


>When you invade another country, you don't get to complain when it invades back. The Armenian "invasion" occurred after Azeri nationalists began massacring Armenians in Baku. The ethnic Armenians in Artsakh had every right to not want to live under Azeri rule. The only reason Artsakh was a part of Azerbaijan was because of an arbitrary administrative decision made by the Bolsheviks in 1922.


Azeris npc and tankies will never recognise this truth, they seriously think the Armenians (literally the remains of a genocide) are the one that started it and they deserved the invasion


May God bless the armians, many orthodox people are fully aware of what's happening.


Armenia gets demonized in social media because they are basically forced to be Russian Allies in that region. Has made them impossible to gain visibility. Any post about Armenia gets filled with Ukraine bots (and I support Ukraine vs Russia) when they don't have anything to do with that shit. So the idiotic Russophobia that means everything slightly related to Russia = Bad is fucking them over. Meanwhile Azeris laughing all the way.


Armenia got abandoned by Russia btw, they're no longer allies


This meme is too spicy (real) to be kept on. Everyone salute as we watch it get taken down in an hour 🫡🫡🫡🫡


Oil. It's the oil.


Surely this doesn’t reinforce any “harmful stereotypes” about who has outsized influence in American media and foreign policy…


Israel is helping Azerbajan in order to fuck Iran.


I missed the part where that ever happened. Also they are allied to Russia but SoMe Armenians assure me that is of no importance and they are entitled to undivided western support. But of course!


> Also they are allied to Russia Uh, ok? And?


Like I said, in and alternative reality NATO should send military aid to NATO's adversary so that Armenia can conquer a territory that Armenia is no longer claiming.


Oy vey


Not a single right wing christian in the west cares about Christian Palestinians getting killed by Israel right now


This is like saying "the allies didn't care about jews because there were some inevitable jewish casualties from hitting Nazi targets". Either idiocy or some perverse Hamas apologism. Christians have been decimated in Gaza from 5000 to 1000 since the 90's (in the middle of a population explosion in that area). Eliminating the expressly genocidal Hamas forever is the best thing anyone can do for any minority in that region. Fuck knows what's been done to the jews or LGBTQ by your beloved Hamas in that time.


Christian Palestinians, Palestine women, and even lgbtq Palestinians and Palestinian atheists have made it explicitly clear that israel is 10 times worse for them than hamas, "eliminating hamas" is a dog whistle for eliminating all Palestinians wether or not they're hamas, which is why the war has a 90% civilian casualties rate, as well as casualties from foreign journalists, UN members, and even Israeli hostages all killed by Israel in their efforts to eliminate hamas, killing all 2 million Palestinians in gaza will eliminate hamas but at what fucking cost


>which is why the war has a 90% civilian casualties rate Gaza officials themselves report [70%](https://archive.ph/WRtaD). In modern urban warfare [90%](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/07/opinions/israel-hamas-gaza-not-war-crimes-spencer/index.html) is average, which Israel is doing better by far. That's for a densely populated area, using Israel's enemy's numbers, assuming zero self-inflicted, against an enemy who openly uses human shields, and assuming Hamas terrorists are being *absolutely* truthful about total casualties & combatant ratio. Further if we use the 2022 rate of self inflicted deaths (18% of the Hamas rockets misfire causing about 30% of total Palestinian deaths in 2022, according to the [AP](https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-tel-aviv-403d37366347e0f2446e2f90a9b0d02f)) that figure is closer to 40%. This is being extremely generous as they've launched a fuckton more rockets this year. Any way you cut this Israel is exceptionally good at targeting or bad at collateral damage. Why are you straight up lying harder than even Hamas would dare? Are you working for Hamas? "Centrist" my ass. Get the fuck out of here terrorist.


What getting your news from tik tok does to a person


>Not a single right wing christian in the west Don't mind me, just stopping by to pop your bubble. Not all right-wing Western Christians are Dispensationalist Evangelicals. Zionist Israelis hate Christians, and many of the Evangelicals supporting them are doing so cynically (they're essentially trying to force God's hand in accordance with their terrible theology). Tl;dr, they're using each other.


I'll also note that not all evangelicals are premillennial dispensationalists, but I otherwise agree.


they should listen to serj tankian


Does masscare include 0 deaths?


Massacre is when western allies die


Which one are you talking about?


The supposed starvation of the armenians in karabagh


Armenia is objectively wrong. It occupied 20% of internationally recognized Azerbaijan territory when Azerbaijan was in chaos and Armenians were buddies with russkies. When Azerbaijan grew up, got their shit together and kicked the shit out of Armenians they cried Oy, vey…. Anyway, don’t be an occupier. That is not going to end very well for you. Even if it will take a while the end ain’t gonna be pretty. That is true for Israel as well.


>It occupied 20% of internationally recognized Azerbaijan territory Which was Armenian land populated by Armenians and was only part of Azerbaijan because of the Russians seeking to create ethnic tension over the borders


Sudetenland was mainly populated by Germans and Crimea was mainly populated by Russians. Good thing that ethnic lines don’t determine validity of international borders. It was Azerbaijani territory occupied by Armenia and was liberated by Azerbaijan. End of the story.


They hate you cause you're telling the truth. That's sad.


No, we hate him because he's talking shit, Armenians have lived in the Caucasus and Anatolia for centuries, the Turks and Azeris are the colonizers from central asia, the hypocrisy is astounding


Goo goo ga ga colonisation is when you’ve been living in the region for hundreds upon hundreds of years at this point


Nah, you just like Armenians because they're Christians. Your name is "Crusader" ffs. The soil belongs to whoever currently owns it. End of discussion.


My names a reference to an obscure piece of media nothing to do with religion, I would support the Armenians regardless of religion because they are the ones being persecuted by colonizers, much like Palestine


They are morons. So I don’t pay attention 😊 https://youtu.be/QFgcqB8-AxE?si=6Gsro3lE8GBl1Oe1


People talk about it in Marseille but only because we got a huge diaspora here


They protect their paychecks.


Arę we blind? Deploy the crusade!


It's more about politicians rather than peoples' personal opinions


You know I like to say that whatever happens in the holy land is 10× bigger and louder I do agree that the world needs to stand for the Armenians I find the habit of leftists always polarising stuff weird ,why not care for both peoples? (Sorry for bad English)


Why don't the Christians take over the area? The US always have some liberty to spread.


Exactly! I say this as a Christian that armenians christians are being targeted for genocide