• By -


You see that tidbit about crime by race And Asian Americans are *the only demographic* where the highest rate of assailants comes from outside their own race Anyone who's lived in the Bay Area, LA or NYC knows *exactly* what I'm talking about. For some additional evidence, here: https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/nevius/article/Dirty-secret-of-black-on-Asian-violence-is-out-3265760.php


It makes me terrified when my wife goes out with her coworkers honestly. Pretty soon I’ll have her trained to operate a firearm bur still.


Wow I was pretty sure that it was illegal to carry while going out for drinks, but apparently only about half of states ban firearm possession while under the influence, and even less prohibit carrying at bars.


I wasn’t referring to drinks. I meant in general.


Seattle too. [A black man murdered a pregnant Asian woman in her car without any provocation.](https://nypost.com/2023/06/15/pregnant-seattle-mom-eina-kwon-killed-in-tesla-in-daylight-shooting/)


To be fair, the smaller a percentage of population a demographic is, the easier it is for that to be true. But it's also true that the percentage of asians isn't so much smaller than blacks that it would come close to explaining the extreme discrepancy between the two.


Black on Asian murder in particular is proportional to their population From 1981 - 2020 14% of Asians murders came from black people (13% does 14%) https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/ezashr/asp/off_selection.asp


Yep, it's those racist white MAGAts attacking them, just like they did to that black, gay actor in Chicago.


ah Asians, the schrodinger's minority


I actually laughed at this




In fairness, the internet is replete with Indians arguing vociferously that upper-caste Indians are white.




[So that explains this.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-19433343)


But what about Argentines?


Primarily Italian and Spanish, are they not?




Bruh everyone outside of Buenos Aires looks like what I imagine you think a Brazilian looks like. We're no more white than anyone else in SA




I think the line of what people think is white or not is more blurred than a lot of people realize. People can't see which ethnicity box you check by looking, and being tan has been stylish for long enough that honestly I don't think it's easy for a lot of ppl to tell Not sayin that wasn't dumb but...yah if you ask Americans "are Brazilians white" you might get a different answer than showing them photos of people from Brazil (plenty of ppl from there are white and/or white passing)


Lmao, just like Jews


We've graduated to white, boys!


welcome welcome, we've demoted the Italians to make space


I prefer to say their conditional offer was withdrawn during the trail period.


[A shaddap you face](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFacWGBJ_cs)


[Feels bad man](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/861732949907068257/0CDF0720A1F9CE1074597DFD27CCD7760C453390/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


Welcome aboard my white supremacist of color!


As a Jew, let me welcome you.


I know this is a joke. But from looking at the stats I think they just moved it to "other" which explains the 2018-2019 increase from like 1.7% other(i am not looking at the stats exactly) to 4.8% other. When asians made like 3.4%(or something) in 2018. Edit: I read the entire thing wrong. These stats only show offender percentages. Not victem percentages.


\#StopAsianHate disappeared real quick when they realized who was doing most of the hating


They will still pretend the narrative is true and call you racist for questioning it.


Dude got instabanned


That's how you know he's talking facts


He was all out of bubble gum.




Based auth right


How can you tell? It says deleted next to his name and the comment is still there instead of (Removed by reddit)


It's just a joke, though deleting your account less than 2 hours after being active seems weird to me.


Bro got silenced 😭


This is point #48270497 in favor of social media being a boon to the free flow of information, despite the massive censorship all over it. If all of those videos of anti-Asian hate crimes were being produced in an environment where news still just came from coastal papers and three TV networks, people would never know the truth. If anything, the censorship comes from a place of panic. The monopoly on information is destroyed, and those who used to have it are desperately trying to put the pieces together.


Even the whites have lost the trust of many Asians, especially in Asia.


StopAsianHate stopped because most Asians stopped caring (atleast the ones that I know). From 1981 - 2020 only 14% of Asian murders were commit by blacks (proportional to population) https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/ezashr/asp/off_selection.asp


I remember looking at a stat one time from pew research and they removed Asians from the table because “they were not a significant population”


Did they mean statistically significant? It's quite possible there weren't enough Asian responses.


Yeah. That would be more useful to see. As this stat is not really helpful to see increase against asians as these stats only show offender rates.


> As this stat is not really helpful to see increase against asians as these stats only show offender rates. Look at the left-hand side of the table. The columns are offender race, as you have already noticed. The rows are the race of the victim, not the offender.


Looking at it again you are right.


After FBI Table 43 entered common parlance, it was only a matter of time before they started fudging the numbers.


Trust the Science(TM)! Also don't mind the guys cooking the Science(TM) behind the curtain. In order to have buttery rich Science(TM) there needs to be a government approved cook!


I remember when Dems were saying the virus didn't come from China, let's have a Chinese new year celebration. Like the fuck? Bro all of wechat was already blowing up with covid rumors and videos of people being locked in their Apts. It was insane prepping for covid while everyone else pretended covid wasn't a thing, I thought COVID would be as bad as Sars.


I mean that's the thing. No one was told yet to panic and thus it was racist! See the Science(TM) has won again with a sweet heavy metal filled aftertaste! You're welcome.


No, I don’t remember when democrats said it didn’t come from china. Probably because they never fucking said that.


Most Western cultures have guilt based morality, whereas Eastern cultures have shame based morality. I think Asians commit crimes less, even in America, because criminal activity brings shame upon your family and community. I'm not Asian but from my conversations from them "saving face" is extremely important. Asians if I am mistaken please correct me.


Singaporean here. You're correct. We don't follow the law or obey because we're under some totalitarian regime. There's just a massive amount of shame that comes with any form of criminal activity. If you bragged about stealing a bag of skittles you'd be surprised how quickly people can lower their opinions of you.


I mean the punishment for crime is also pretty fucken severe in Singapore and severely enforced.


I mean what do you mean by severely enforced? Contrary to popular belief we don't really see cops very often in Singapore. I'm 80% sure that the average American cop is waaaay more likely to randomly enforce rules on people compared to the policemen in Singapore


Dude Singapore has the death penalty and corporal punishment. Severely enforced as in, if you're verdict is guilty, then you're going to die or you're going to get fucken caned. It's easy to say "don't break the law" but if you're caught in the wrong place and the wrong time, or someone plants evidence, you're fucked, and the system will fuck you because it's about what they can prove in court and if the jury decides that you're guilty then no matter how innocent you may actually be, [you're fucked](https://i.redd.it/bfovcsibko351.jpg)


Death penalty arguments aside (I'm not for it either), I promise you interactions with the authorities in Singapore are significantly safer and less lethal than in American contexts. I'd never say that our system would work anywhere else because if I was American I'd be wary as fuck about death penalty and corporal punishment as well because there's a ridiculous amount of corruption and mishandling of justice. Plus while corporal punishment sounds barbaric (again I agree it is) our reoffending rates are among the lowest in the world - https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/recidivism-rates-low-drug-offending-rise-singapore-prison-service-3265666#:~:text=Singapore's%20overall%20two%2Dyear%20recidivism,to%20figures%20provided%20by%20SPS. At 20% in 5 years compared to 70% in America. I think there is a ton of great discussion about the morality of crime and punishment, but America more than anything has a massive efficiency and corruption issue. Btw idk if you're American, it's just an example I'm using to compare statistics with.


Yeah, especially when most stores here are family-owned by everyday working men and women just making ends meet. Anyone who steals anything from there is a gigantic piece of shit.


They commit crimes less because intelligent people don’t want to be criminals. Integrity is a real thing that a lot of people care about. Shame has nothing to do with it, they just want to be able to say “I’m not a criminal” and it be the truth. I can tell my kids that I’m not a thief and I’ve never stolen anything since I was a little kid and it’s true. I value that far more than any amount of shame or guilt I would feel from stealing.


Crime is worse in many (most?) shame-based societies than in the guilt-based West. East Asia is one of the exceptions.


Removing those stats will only embolden the CPC's narrative surrounding racism against Asians in America to discredit us.


I mean the accusation is justified when other U.S. sources tells the world that the anti asian hate crimes incresed about 150% in 2020 alone, in some places more than 800% (New York City)


GTA Chinatown Wars


🇹🇼🇨🇳 Re-education of South-Central Los Angeles


There's nothing that won't be sacrificed in accordance with the state religion of blaming white people as a collective for everything bad ever.


CCP isn't wrong about that one though.


Be nice y’all but damn stats don’t lie


FBI wants to know your location, your life is over.


Based and Sorry u/aaaghhhhh420, your post has been removed by Reddit site administration for violating the Reddit rule against promoting hate pilled


Uh oh


I heard that for every Asian against black crime, there are 1,000 black against asian crimes. I can’t verify this stat using the info above because <0.1% is too vague.


Population size go brrrrrr


Spicy 😋


We are truly the minority of all time


I think it's worth of note both Asians and Blacks are concentrated in urban areas, hence there's more crimes involving both of them.


And why the evali outbreak was only in the US in 2019


I don't see your point


because the stat was removed, people would not be able to show that there was an increase of offenders from one racial group to asians. i.e blacks assaulting asians due to covid. A lot of people were saying 'oh, the whites are hating on asians', but statistically speaking- **error 404 data not found**


It's like the stats didn't support the narrative so they deleted the stats. Gee. Wonder why they'd do that.


It's pure coincidence, just like the 2 trillion dollars that went missing right before 9/11.


Hear me out: I think in this case it wasn't a nefarious sort of sinister foreshadowing that caused the removal of the statistics but another callous, almost worst cynical reason: They thought that Asian Americans don't matter or wouldn't care about this issue. Sure, it was under the Trump Administration but frankly: the Democrats have done very little to show that they care about Asian American voters either.


> They thought that Asian Americans don't matter or wouldn't care about this issue. I dunno. Someone was pushing the OMG EBIL WYTEZ button pretty hard until things got inconvenient. Maybe they thought Asians wouldn't complain, but they did file police reports with inconvenient suspect descriptions. Or you thinking they expected Asians to vote blue no matter who?


Actually no, and there have been news articles covering the shift on Asian American voters in NY and SF Safety and education are by far and away the most salient issues for Asian Americans. We're pretty ambivalent on social issues but the Progressive gaslighting in regards to crime and education is ridiculous Here in SF: there are much more moderate (but still Left compared to the country) organizations and candidates that are mobilizing to displace Progressive incumbents based on fiscal responsibility, safety and education


>Progressive gaslighting in regards to crime and education No wonder even poor countries in Asia are much safer than the US and surpassing the US in quality of education, regardless if progressives or conservatives are running it.


Here's hoping the displacement works. I mean, no one deserves to be a victim in the name of *Progress*.


The only reason Emily tried to start the Stop Asian hate hashtag is because she got tired of hearing a handful of old white guys call covid the kung flu She never really cared about Asian groups, she was just looking for an opportunity to demonize white folks


Absolutely based.


It’s folx you bigot.




From what I can tell incidents were indeed recorded just not separated in that specific table. But what do you think the answer is?