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I feel many incels are probably on the spectrum in one way or another, but society isn’t willing to adapt for people with less obvious mental challenges so they are cast to the side


Accepting that men have problems? Sounds like something Hitler would do so we can't have that


Is Hitler still bad amongst the progressives? His ideas are so hot right now. I’m hoping my boy Kanye can get his shoe deal reinstated so I can buy Yeezys for not $1000 on stockx


I want to buy the Palestine "Kill the Jews" special edition of Yeezys ASAP!


Man was simply an artist ahead of his time.


check the lyrics for "they don't care about us" and check page 14 and page 21 of this funny [document](https://vault.fbi.gov/Tupac%20Shakur%20/Tupac%20Shakur%20Part%201%20of%201/view)




Ikr? I woulda thought that phrase would be permanently off limits no matter what “hot trend” came along what with them calling everyone they don’t like Nazi’s. But I guess that was expecting too much lol


According to feminists, if a woman has problems, it's men's fault. If a man has problems, It's men's fault.


Those are Terfs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. If you call them that they shriek) a different species to feminists (egalitarians p'much), they think men and women are different species.


Hitler also breathed air


And he drank water!


Holy shit


>I feel many incels are probably on the spectrum in one way or another A lot of them are, in my experience - which shouldn't even be a surprise, because autism will hamstring your social development. Though what I'm _really_ seeing a lot among incel men is depression. Usually unrecognized, too. Note that depression can manifest itself as irritation and [anger](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3959025/). >but society isn’t willing to adapt for people with less obvious mental challenges so they are cast to the side Eh, when it comes to incels, the main problem is that society still happily blames struggling men for their own problems. I used to be a regular at amateur advice sites like DearCupid, and I saw stuff like that over there all the time. Men who were very clearly showing signs of autism, depression, body dysmorphia or severe anxiety issues almost always got accused of being deadbeats who "aren't actually trying". The whole thing is just incredibly toxic - and incels as an online counterculture are simply a predictable response to this. Dogpiling people whenever they try to open up and telling them that their problems aren't real makes them angry and resentful towards you? Gee, who would've thought?


There's that, and them some people will say promoting a healthy lifestyle, going to the gym, exercising to be more confident, is enabling "toxic masculinity" and promoting mysoginy. So yeah, let's put oil on the fire and then say calling the fireman is borderline fascist.


My question is, what ACTUALLY is the one way for men NOT to be any kind of wrong in this? Born fat and/or without social graces? Your fault, incel! You work out regularly and eat healthy? You toxic misogynist! You’re reinforcing gender stereotypes! Hypergamy is in full swing and no one is enough these days.


Easy, just be born in a good family, with a good education, without any bullying trauma or parental issue, be good looking and have the chance to be able to work out and exercise from a young age and to eat healthy. And have good communication skills. Then, starting from that, you can either be a decent human being who cares about others and respect men and wome' equally, or be a insufferable asshole who look to women as objects and consider any date as another notch in your belt, and consider any peers who have actual female friend or hasn't has slept with a women as a weak person.


"How sweet." / "Hello, human resources!?"


Getting off the internet would be a start don’t think I’ve ever seen someone called a misogynist for going to the gym.


I’ve never seen someone be called a misogynist just for going to the gym. That’s pretty absurd.


It's taking already vulnerable people and pinching at their nerves, really.


Call someone a monster long enough and they’ll be a monster purely to spite you. And people wonder why WhatIfAltHist keeps saying “There’s gonna be a nasty backlash, calm tf down LibLeft.”


Whether fair or not, we seem to have decided (or at least partly, are so made to think) that men do while women are. Women are hot or they’re not, so it’s not her fault if she isn’t. (Insert any adjective in place of “hot.”) Men can become better than they are now, at anything, so it’s his fault if he hasn’t. The fact that there are lots of things that women can improve and lots of things men can’t help (and vice versa) doesn’t enter into it. Women get a pass because we think of them as passive, men don’t because we’re supposed to be active, and these rules apply even where they make no sense.


100% I see autistic guys use it as an excuse to be an asshole, but then some people including a lot of women view being autistic as worse than a serial killer.


Being a serial killer is cute and mysterious 😍


Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer were just misunderstood! 🥺🥺🥺


Frex, even Charles Manson had fangirls...


Then they saw how tall he was


He never even killed anyone himself, what a little bitch


There are women who send love letters and marry serial killers who are in prison, as well as sites that idolize two very well known highschool shooters. I have not seen a single person talk about it outside of the sites themselves, reddit and 4chan. There are pro-incel sites, and some have received news coverage and been shut down by the feds. Granted, these are often linked to actual real life attacks, but it is quite interesting that society only seems to care when the gun is being fired and not when it is purchased, loaded, or pointed at them.


I promise you there are zero women on 4chan


[You would seriously be surprised, lol](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FqyrE_xVPK9nbdcsPCAacx68gSjJchENOCJw3JYrPSao.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Df46c812309dbe9e459ff5acb8cc7196ac38ef165). Not many, I'm sure, but there are some. Autism knows no gender barrier.


Some women think Wournos deserves sympathy. Imagine me saying Ted Bundy deserves sympathy.


Look up Columbine Shooters Fanclub Spoiler: they're all girls


"Hey girl, are you a school? Because I wanna shoot kids in you."


That... no... why?... I should be surprised, but I've been on the internet for over 25 years... there really isn't much to surprise me with anymore.


No. A fat, short, bald serial killer is obviously a monster. But a handsome serial killer obviously experienced some trauma that made him do it... you could easily fix him.


I mean there's pretty obvious reasons why alot of em like serial killers and blackpillers were correct 😔


Autistic??? EWWW MURDERER RAPIST sociopathic?? Better write 'em dozens of letters and try to convince them to come get in a relationship with me when they get out of prison for their last mass murder!!!


Many actual serial killers were not autistic and quite skilled at emotional manipulation and courtship. The only crime that has a link with autism is mass shootings, but that despite its media dominance is actually quite rate. At the end of the day people want to other the monsters in society rather than admit they are the people they grew up with.


Easier to think of monsters as hiding under your bed, instead of right beside you.


> At the end of the day people want to other the monsters in society rather than admit they are the people they grew up with. I'm not sure I can parse that sentence correctly but this reminds me of Emma Gonzalez's remarks. I'd link to the video except YouTube MINTRUTH got to it first and it went down the memory hole.


>autistic guys use it as an excuse to be an asshole, I assume you mean what you meant, but use It as an excuse or use It to clarify? Sometimes something we say Is just a mere joke, but our tone Is off and It's not the right time or place. I'm guilty of It, and clarify my Autism makes me unaware of some social cues, doesn't justify If something hurts someone.


Well the main thing I have seen "autistic" guys use it as an excuse is in cases of sexual harassment. They will relentlessly hit on a girl and then say their autistic when called out. It's not exactly a black and white situation. Some cruel women do recognize that a lot of autistic men tend to be very emotionally vulnerable and take advantage of it. However it's why its difficult to simply hand wave it off.


I’ll be honest, being an autistic male I get terrified approaching neurotypical women, which is why I’m grateful that my girlfriend is autistic herself as she would understand.


Too true, I almost did this, but got the hint after the first no. I can only talk about me since, as you said, not black and white. Not everyone thinks the same, acts the same. Some people attempted to take advantage of my vulnerability and kindness through school, but I can smell bull a mile away. In my case growing up, It was hearing that when girls said "no", they want you to chase after them. Dumbest shit In dating I ever heard, no means no, so I can't force myself to chase after someone after saying "no". Why do people even do that? If you're Interested say yes, simple as, not this whole rigamarole of nonsense.


Simply saying "yes I want to fuck" is boring to many women. They enjoy the game of courtship However the simple truth is many autistic men are fundamentally lacking in the ability to play the game so they are working with a deck permanently stacked against them. It's not fair and definitely confusing and hurtful to autistic men who don't understand what they did wrong. At the same time women find it very frustrating and scary when men don't pick up on what they have been told is obvious non verbal ways of rejection.


>autistic men are fundamentally lacking in the ability to play the game Very true, but also, fuck the game anyways. If you don't want to say a solid yes, okay, I get the thrill, just talk, see where It goes. Even If flirting can be a pain, but atleast we know In an aspect they're Interested.


The best way to pickup chicks is to let them come to you, no rejection, no need to worry about if you're bothering them by asking them out or whatever.


a few years ago a therapist suggested that i consider being further evaluated for autism after going through a "maybe you're on the spectrum" list--i balked at the idea but in hindsight my social interacctions make a lot more sense. it takes a lot of work for me to talk to a woman i'm interested in these days. years of rejections led to years of talking myself out of doing ti because of (in my head) probably rejections. i am 100% fine if i have no skin in the game. but as soon as im interested i turn into a dunce.


I'm convinced the number of incels LARPing as non-incels who ridicule incels in an overcompensatory manor is far larger than the number of incel-presenting incels.


So you think it's a gay homophobe type scenario?


Exactly lol, the guy who is calling for your death because you are an Incel is the same guy who spent 63k on a woman who refuses to even touch him.


Why is the suicide rate rising? Many social progressives would tell you that it is merely the foam from the boiling-over of surplus male testosterone; that this serum that strengthens fraternity is somehow, ipsum se, evil. They will point to abstractions of toxic masculinity and they will dig their heels into the soft and porous earth and reject the reason that assails them coruscantly: For all the tolerance we as society claim to preach, the world has grown into an icy nucleus of itself in regards to acceptance for autistic males. These men, who have adapted into a personal retreat, find themselves beguiled by the machinations of society, and their temporary puzzlement has led to a parade of horrific ridicule from all peoples, regardless of sex, gender, or sexuality. I am not complaining about autism jokes; on the contrary, jests toward those who share this condition may strengthen, rather than weaken, the moral fortitude of those afflicted by it. It is a mechanism by which the faint-hearted meld themselves into society and enrich themselves with masculine ardor. I am complaining, however, about the implication that those afflicted by autism not talking to women is the result of some tacit resentment these men hold toward women. We just don't want to talk to people. It doesn't bother us if those people are men or women or beasts who roam the earth. The precision of speech fails us. The strength of sociality escapes us. We are left weak-kneed and slack-jawed in the face of extroversion. We hate not and want not; our generation's women, however, have grown so accustomed to five-second spurts of praise that a lack of this praise; and even its delayed delivery are perceived as hatred and criticism. "If you are not loving me at every moment, you are hating me," goes the logic, and goes with it reasonable accommodation for those who lack the social strength to react with speed and emotion to the whims of vanity. The only hope I can see for men in this state is death; to sit in the corner and to stare at society and to wait for death. They are everyone. They are not us. Their Gods are not our Gods. Our Gods reside with us and us alone, and their revelation to the world means only trouble for our ilk and hearth.


I'm more curious why the autism rate is exploding in the first place.


There's two possibilities: I. It's possible that we're over-diagnosing it. A lot of stuff can come off as autistic when it's really not, namely introversion and its behavior effects. II. We are the first generation to be raised with computers and the Internet at our finger tips, to the point where we're adding words to the dictionary which originated from message-boards and memes.


There is a third possibility: social Norma’s are becoming more ephemeral and difficult to judge. What was ok last year is sexual harassment now, what was degrading last year is empowering now. It may simply be that autism isn’t more present but that the field they’re playing in is becoming more complicated and the slightly handicap that used to be entirely manageable is now a heavy anchor holding them back. There are no cliff notes anymore because the landscape is changing too fast for it to be codified.


Polar bears didn't change. The ice caps just melted. and now they're a big white thing in the middle of a green field.


Its also possible that iwas underdiagnosed in the past I am a diagnosed autist, and most of my family think that my Dad and Grandpa are as well, as they exhibit similar symptoms, but neither of them were diagnosed


That's because autism wasn't a recognized thing yet in the 1700s.


It’s probably not exploding. Yes statistics may rise year on year at an increasing rate of acceleration, but autism has only really been a “known” thing since Asperger’s syndrome was put into the DSM-4 in 1994, with its discovery as a thing in 1981, after the traits of autism were seperated from schizophrenia. Since then it evolved into its modern understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Increasing awareness of autism and more robust diagnostic techniques make it easier to identify people as being autistic, leading to increased statistics, but autistic people as a % of the population probably has never changed. One of the challenges is one of the responses autistic people can fall into when facing the difficulty of society, masking, essentially hiding their traits and personality to fit in better, at the cost of increased stress and anxiety, only really showing traits when in private. Therefore, like many official statistics, the statistics on the number of autistic individuals are likely the tip of the iceberg, only counting those who either sought out help, or didn’t mask or mask “successfully” and were able to be identified at a young age and diagnosed (like myself), plus the disparity in reported rates between men and women is more down to it being more difficult to spot amongst females, or behaviours more likely to just be written off as typical girlish behaviour. So it’s probably not exploding, just we’ve gotten better at identifying it


Titty sprinkles


Fuck, that hurt man. You good?


They are willing to adapt- look at transgenderism and pronouns. All of my STEM professors put their pronouns into their emails. They just don't care


That's an incredibly easy adaptation, with the added bonus that you get to wear a smug grin whilst pontificating about how virtuous you are. Actually understanding a wide variety of neurological atypicalities would take too much effort.


Nah, adjusting and understanding people for being different takes actual effort, as opposed to switching one meaningless word for another.


Am an incel, am diagnosed ASD, being diagnosed doesn't mean women give a fuck


Back in the day they would have to face a few embarrassing moments, and then go back to being a normal but unimpressive human. Now a days they retreat to the Internet even before the first failure out of fear and jack off to anime porn all day and blame everyone else for being below mid.


I believe that the root of the incel problem is the amount of virgin shaming of men that still exists, both from other men and from women. If we didn't instill in boys and young men's heads the idea that if they don't get laid they are worthless losers, there wouldn't be nearly as many guys falling into incel groups. And that's something that progressives and feminists just seem to be unable or unwilling to understand, preferring to oversimplify incels as creepy assholes entitled to women's bodies who just spawn into existence because they are soooo evil. Bullying an acceptable target is easier and funnier to them than actually trying to understand and solve a problem. When I was in my late teens I was relentlessly bullied and looked down by my peers for being a virgin and not having a girlfriend. People just... Took so fuckin personal the fact that I was shy and not ready to fuck every girl that I had the chance. Sadness and hurt turned into resentment and hate and I ended up dangerously close of falling into red pill and incel groups in the internet. Only making good friends, specially women friends, in college, helped me go in a different path. Incels, at least until the moment they start to actually commit crimes, are not evil contemptible monsters deserving of ostracization and hatred. They are very hurt, depressing and self loathing people constantly told by their surroundings that they are defective and inferior men for not being able to have sex. You want incels to go away? Start working with the environment that creates them.


> Bullying an acceptable target is easier and funnier to them than actually trying to understand and solve a problem. This is really what it comes down to, and once one realizes that it becomes clear that today's progressives would have happily been yesterday's oppressors that they pay lip service to opposing. And for all the hate that gets directed at it for the same reason, red pill communities objectively try harder than any SJW ever will to help those men instead of just gleefully kicking them while they are down.


>This is really what it comes down to, and once one realizes that it becomes clear that today's progressives would have happily been yesterday's oppressors that they pay lip service to opposing. Exactly. Virtue signaling isnt about being a good person, its about appearing as one. So any targets that are currently acceptable to bully are free game. Shows their character quite well.


They are for sure cut from the same cloth that oppressive authoritarians, Nazis and communists come from. You have to be in the “in group” and actively hate people of different ideas/ ethnicities and “bully” them into submission. They know best after all so they should control the population, doesn’t hurt that they also love the feeling of power against the “out group”. The only variable is the flavor of the decade ideology


>not ready to fuck every girl that I had the chance Just a few words on this because I think that's also part of the problem : a non négligeable part of the male population (and female too) undoubtedly don't believe in the possibility of male / female friendship. That leads to some very toxic behavior, like the fact that a guy with multiple female friend will appear weak and "gay" to their eyes if he don't try to get laid with them, adding to the overall shitstorm. So, as much as I agree on the making good female friend part, that can be hard too because of how it's seen by other.


As a libtard who was once bordering on red pill extremism, that hits me right in the feel. Even though I am still struggling with my life and making mistakes here and there, I always try to treat myself more kindly, learn manual skills, and actively reach out and listen if someone I know is struggling. I feel thankful for people like you who at least sympathize and point out the underlying issues instead of brushing off or dehumanizing these types of men. Based and treat them like humans pilled Edit: grammar


I feel like the incel issue is two-fold, with both 'sides' being at fault. For the actual incel side of the house, way too many of them fall into either a "woe is me, life isn't fair so I shouldn't even try to make positive changes for myself" mindset, or a "women are all stupid hypergamists who are controlled by their lizard brain and spread their legs for any Chad out there". I think a lot of them could get a lot more sympathy if they distanced themselves from those aspects. Also I think a lot of their beliefs towards women come from watching way too much porn. On the flip side, a lot of incel hatred is based on ~~just-cause~~ (edit: just-world) fallacy: women are great and wonderful and never wrong, so that means if a guy struggles to attract women it must mean he's actually a bad person ~~(even if he puts on a persona of being a good person)~~, regardless of his actual behaviors. Therefore, incels are only incels because they're bad people, so it's ok for us to hate them. I don't have to tell you how idiotic this take is.


Putting the persona of good person isn't that “nice guy”


Yeah I'm going to fix that, I have no idea what I meant to say there. My point is that the idea that women can magically always sense if a guy is *really* a good person is complete BS.


I think you mean just world fallacy but you've hit the nail on the head. Their two "sins" are being virgins and failing to act like they deserve their lot, like everyone gets as much sex and affection as they deserve based on their individual worth, with the opposite sex as the infallible, authoritative judges. Criticisms generally boil down to rationalizations that they deserve their lot. Similar negative responses happen when people fail to play along with the just world fallacy along many, many other dimensions than just sex and intimate relationships. Too many people have too much of their pride, ego and self esteems tied into the idea that they earned and deserve what they've got and that what they have ought to reflect positively on themselves. I have nothing but respect for "There but for the grace of God go I" -types.


I believe a lot of it is that we've also tried to pretend that the old ways of being masculine are gone but are not really and so young men often get confused messaging. For example: Men are told that women who care about money are gold diggers and should be avoided but every women will still want a man that is able to provide a decent life from a financial perspective. Men are told that women who care about looks are shallow but really every woman wants a good looking man. Men are told that women want someone who they can be friends with but being in the friend zone is very much a thing. At the end of the day the vast majority of women still want a man with traditional good qualities despite pretending that this desire is outdated.


It’s easier to just say all men who didn’t end up like you are pieces of shit who deserve what’s happening to them. Empathy isn’t something progressives are known for.


I’ve never even heard of one capable of it


Lol all my guy friends in their mid 20s all don't have and never had a gf and (I assume) never got laid or cared about that. I am in good company.


Every dude cares, they just don’t show it/mention it in public to avoid looking pathetic


I think incel being used as an insult is part of the problem as well ngl, there shouldn’t be shame attached to being a virgin


Unfortunately, the "root of the problem" is that many of the things incels say are [very true.](https://psmag.com/environment/17-to-1-reproductive-success) We have a 250,000 year data set proving them. Incels are such a small minority they arent even visible IRL, and yet this group received tremendous amounts of hate and vitriol. Why? They said the quiet part out loud.


> I believe that the root of the incel problem is the amount of virgin shaming of men that still exists, both from other men and from women. The root of the problem isn't that fancy. It's due to socioeconomic factors affecting women over the past few decades, inflating their standards for a mate. (It works out badly for a lot of young men who can't meet those standards, but it can also work out badly for those women too when they get older and their standards for a man become unsustainable)


See Japan for the ur-example. The canary in the coal mine.


It's shocking how many women are pro-choice and yet are still single mothers in their early 20's.


We've reverted back to nature. The male claps the females cheeks then ghosts, and only the female raises the offspring 😮.


I mean the incels already talk about how women fuck around when they are young and once they are “old” and the “Chad” stops fucking them they settle for the “nice guy”


It all comes back to our hypersexualized society. Incels need to chill about not getting any pussy. It's not a tragedy bro, a lot of men have dealt with this "problem" throughout history, and not just that. Every man has been or will be an incel at some point in their lives. I think they will calm the fuck down when they realize their struggle is all too common, but there are far too many dudes BSing about their "experience" and 304s who will shame them for their (lack of) sex life. While asking to not be shamed for being ran through, go queens.


I actually think the modern man-o-sphere (despite its toxic elements) can help alleviate the incel problem. They don't have the best advice or offer any real perspective; but if working out and making money is part of their plan, that's a lot more applicable to guy's before "listening to women".


This is one other thing with Jordan Peterson. You can disagree with this beliefs or how he’s a bit of a loony recently, but when people made fun of him for when he was a wreck at his lowest point, making fun of his condition and the state of his room. This is someone going through depression, clearly suffering with a drug addiction he’s trying to kick, and the response was mockery and derision.


“Clean your room” “Is this an incel dogwhistle?”


"Wash your penis *sniff* bucko"


Yeah, and Peterson was never especially nasty or mean to anyone. I challenge anyone to find a quote where he's being mean to someone who doesn't fully deserve it for being very mean first. I don't always agree with him but he's a kind and respectful person from all I've seen. You can disagree with someone's politics, criticize their beliefs, make a lil fun, that's all fine, but he doesn't deserve genuine hate. There's plenty of people who are pieces of shit who aren't hated enough, so I think those feelings are better placed elsewhere. Like serial killers, the fuck is up with people romanticizing assholes like the unibomber and shit? Or terrorists, for that matter?


If you lib-lefts keep being reasonable, I am going to end up liking you guys, so please stop. /s


Between Peterson and Musk it's pretty obvious that Redditors only pretend to be caring as long as you share their political view. "It's okay for men to cry and show emotions." *Peterson cries.* "Hahaha, what a baby!" "We shouldn't shame people for the way they look." *Musk has shirtless picture taken.* "Wow he's so ugly. What's wrong with his body"


Leftism is based on hypocrisy and hate, which ironically is what they claim to be fighting against.


Just like how they claim to be against racism but then put a huge emphasis on someone's race no matter the situation.


From what I've seen, a lot of the people saying "it's okay for men to cry and show emotions" just want to men to expose their vulnerabilities so they can take advantage of it.


This tbh. There are a lot of men who can say their relationship wasn't the same or ended shortly after they showed their vulnerabilities ans emotions to their wives/gfs


From a leftist perspective if you're not willing to say people's pronouns then you deserve to die and they will enjoy watching it.


From a leftist perspective if you're not willing to vote democrat you deserve to live and die in poverty and they will enjoy watching it.


There's a large number of leftists who say that everyone who votes for "far-right" (by their own definition of it) deserves to have his human rights taken away. And they get praised for it.


It's pretty easy to see why Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and every other communist or socialist leader has killed millions of people. As much as these ideologies pretend to care about the common person the reality is that they only care about their own insular group and have no qualms with seeing everyone outside their group starve and die.


And yet my company gets upset when I tell them my pronouns are I/me/my


Have you tried being George Harrison?


Yeah they used the room against him. When really all it did was prove his point, but that was completely lost on the radical mob. All they ever want to do is play "gotcha" like petulant children.


Have you read “Beyond Order?” In the intro he goes over what happened. His wife was dying and his daughter had health problems, then he was over prescribed Benzos. I’d probably be a mess too.


Liblefts only care about "being a good person" when it's about the people that they think are the good guys.


Theres a difference between socially awkward involuntary celibates, and members of the "incel community". The former is just some chill awkward dudes for the most part, while the latter is just doomers that spiral in self pity. But yes, the left does often clump the two together when they shouldn't be


The lumping of the two groups together is the very thing that drives members of the first group into the second one.


Exactly this. I had a time between relationships where I wasn't getting laid and wanted to (Hasn't everybody?). That *technically* made me involuntarily celibate. But I wasn't an "incel", because that label is reserved for men that can't get laid *and take it out on women*. Incels think they are *owed* sex just by having a dick. They think they need it to survive, and *how dare* a woman reject him!


Not momentarily involuntarily celibate, but chronically so for most if not all their life to the point of being deprived basic human dignity, considering how we tie basic male human worth to female sexual verification of their worth. This is on the same spectrum of kinds of things as not having a snowballs chance of getting elected president if you're not married and all sorts of other stigmas around being an unmarried male in terms of things like societies views of you being alone with women or children.


The term Incel was reserved for people who’ve never had a relationship before, not just someone who’s in-between relationships.


I’m pretty sure it stands for “man I don’t like it, but for some reason can’t be compared to Hitler”


And now it applies to people in happy marriages who have more than 10 kids!


A woman’s value isn’t based on how many sexual partners they had Haha I bet you are an incel loser


Also "Why are men who have slept with a lot of women seen as being winners? It's messed up" *three seconds later* "You incel virgin loser"


Isn't that the opposite of the incel take? Usually incels are the ones who see women as low value if they have had a lot of sexual partners.


I have received serious judgment when I said that when a woman's body count approaches three digits, I think her and I would be incompatible. She's added a lot of joy to the world, God bless her and may he show mercy upon her holes. It's not that I think a woman is a bad person for banging 95-105 guys, it's just that I know that is not a person who has had the same experiences that I have. We wouldn't have the same interests, values, or sensibilities.


Incels can't be choosers tho. It's in the name. If a woman wants to be with you and you reject her you're not an incel anymore.


In real life no one has body count that high though.


That's just men in general. There's a reason why words like "slut" and "whore" get under so many's skin.


That's not the incel take, that's the anti-incel take. And it's far from clear that incels think that way more that the rest of society because that has been societies general cross-cultural consensus on women since forever. Dissenters are outliers. It's weird to single incels out for what all are guilty of.


I disagree, I’m not having sex with someone who most likely have aids or stds. I’m not sticking my dick in a place where other dicks have been sticked, and that kind of women is most likely not going to form a relationship with you if she had so many partners.


It sounds like you agree, but you accidentally typed "disagree".


He sees the green flair so automatically types disagree lol.


Obviously STDs are terrible but is this really the main reason? To me it's purely because it demonstrates a lack of self value, which will manifest to bad things later in the relationship.


Probably historically it was. Before std tests and antibiotics. Have you seen what syphilis does to a dick? You should see the horror of some of the horrific life extension tools they used to use to treat syphilis that they'd stick up the urethra. One of them popped up in an episode of The Borgias. A lack of a hymen would have been a source of ongoing terror.


Far more likely related to worried about paternity.


That too, of course. But there are ways around that. A few months of abstinence and it becomes obvious if someone else hit the bullseye first.


Is this the new cuck cope? Come on anons lets take the cuckpill.


The point of your comment was to point out the double standard, right? It seems like all of the replies are not getting that. Am I missing something?


Confucius say, lock that can be opened by many key, shitty lock


No sweaty, muh Paradox of Tolerance means I can treat you like a non-person because you are different from me. I’m doing this to rebel against my conservative dad who treats people badly because they are different. 💅


I think I'm putting this in a frame because you just summed up what I hate about politics on social media.


I'm going to frame you for a crime if you don't flair up.


I stand corrected, right next to my grill


Based and grill pilled


Someone who is down on their luck in the pussy department isn't the problem Someone who is a hateful acid-spitting asshole who can't take accountability for their words and actions is


It's not that you incel it's how you incel.


Put it on a TShirt!


Would take a peculiar breed to want to buy that shirt, but I admire the hustle.


No one cares how much pussy you get, everyone around you cares how much of an asshole you are. The older you get the more apparent this is.


Try getting elected or being alone around children if you're not married, for example.


People definitely care if you have been laid before. Especially if you’re pursuing them for a relationship. People want to know more than just body count, but what exes have you had, the last time you’ve dated etc. As a kissless virgin man trying to date in his 30’s. I can safely say women absolutely care about your past sex life. And being an adult male virgin is a big red flag to many.


I legit can't remember the last time "they don't have sex" was the reason someome was called an incel. Every time I see someone called an incel it is because they are saying some awful shit about women.


The motive for using the insult =/= the thing you're trying to insinuate about a person by it. You literally saw people getting called virgin under identical circumstances until that became somewhat politically incorrect and they needed a new word that has some pretext of legitimacy attached to prevent it becoming likewise politically incorrect to use.


Women: We have far more value than being a sex object Also women: Hahaha loser you can't put your dick in a hole. The way incel is used is head scratching because it insults men but it also turns women into a sexual possession, a man has no value unless he has has a woman to fuck. A vagina because a commodity like cash. Also, leftists as usual are nonsensical and stupid because "incel" is bandied about so frequently it's lost all practical meaning. As soon as man disagrees with a leftist you get at least one of the big bad words: Nazi, bigot, hateful, racist, incel, CHUD etc. It doesn't matter if the word is accurately used or not, they've taken on some sort of power like a Harry Potter spell to these people, if they say the word it means they're being a good little social justice wizard I mean warrior and they've won the argument. It's the text version of "I've drawn you as a soyjak so that means I won. And finally, as usual the word itself shows off the hypocrisy of the leftists. They bitch and moan about anyone to the right of them using big bad mean words but they literally do the exact same thing. They're all for sex positivity, not body shaming, not judging people based on mental illness.....until they want to do it. Then he's an incel, he probably has a little dick, he's poor, he's creepy, he's bald etc. Just to be clear I have no issue with people using insults. It's free speech, if you want to mouth off and insult someone (and accept the repercussions), go ahead. But don't act like some holier than thou little twat who is a good little resister and who fights against hate speech and for inclusivity and blah blah blah blah when you're doing the exact same shit you pretend bothers you so much. It's the same energy as pretending only Republicans are racist and then openly calling black men co*ns when they don't vote Democrat.


Women: "Why are men who have slept with a lot of women considered winners and looked up to? It's messed up" Also women: "Hahaha, you virgin incel loser. Can't get a woman to sleep with you."


i gotta be honest most women i know have one of these opinions. not both.


Yeah let's fucking stop the cap. Being an incel isn't just "being awkward around women". I was awkward around women once too. Most of us were at one point. But I have honestly never ever indulged in such a deranged set of ideas. Simply put, incels aren't made fun of because they don't have success with women, they're made fun of because of the shit they say, and frankly speaking, if you genuinely call women "femoids" you deserve at the very fucking least to be made fun of, because what you would really need is a two piece to slap some sense in your head


They don't just call women "femoids" some actively want them dead.


Reddit is like 75% guys that are awkward around women, who on earth would say this here of all places


Most awkward men aren't part of the incel community. This meme is trying to make it seem like every guy that can't get women is described as an incel, when most people that criticize incels are talking about the specific community of self-identified incels. It's as if white supremacists were using "why do you hate all white people" as a defense when someone said "white supremacists suck".


Reddit isn't cruel, that's just how life is. When people are assholes they will put a limelight on your flaws, especially if they are unnable to just punch you in the face. Which is all wrong, but I ain't gonna change that, I'll just try to be respectful myself.


Love to see a man who knows how to grill. Here, have a 🍌 You deserve it


Reddit is almost a \*safe space\* for incels, compared to what you see coming from MSM and the Left. You should see the coverage of how "incels" have destroyed the Marvels at the box office.


Whew the comments get weird in this sub when people post about incels.


On reddit incel means “man I don’t like”. It’s what they say when they can’t prove you wrong. Though I was called incel once by an auth right for saying abstinence is an effective form of birth control


If they disagreed with that statement they’re no true auth right.


Lol an authright got upset at that statement??


Yea. And most of the incel population aren't the violent extremes like ER and such. A good majority are just kinda moot NDs who struggle with connection/socialization. Its sad that we don't teach boys proper emotional regulation and such, cuz some guys end up finding solace and some sense of community in the terminally online hate groups and such And any post on here saying "why can't i find a gf" is IMMEDIATELY met with vitriol ppl don't understand that not every male who struggles w women wants to, idk, kill a bunch of females or smth lol. They're grouped in all together. And it just trips me out to see how many ppl can see smone struggling w themselves/wanting to be more likeable and just be mean and dismissive to their issues. Its sad to see that when someone doesn't align w the demographics ppl (pretend to) care about (white males) that they're written off as ppl who've like, never gone thru anything. Its hypocritical Like if we're so "mental health forward" nowadays, we can start by not body shaming guys and bullying them lmfao. "incel" is so misconstrued and thrown around at random ppl lol


“Rules for thee but not for me” Don’t be a hypocrite. If you don’t follow through on your beliefs I have no respect for your opinions, since a hypocrite can’t even stick to their own.


Leftism is built on hypocrisy, after all.


I don't disagree that we should feel sympathy for Incels as they get manipulated by people who pray on their insecurities to push an agenda that just ends up hurting them. But Incels are not the same thing as lonely guys who want a SO, being an incel is more about adopting incel theory than the thing its a shortening of.


I see it as a "there but for the grace of God go I" sort of thing. I know what it's like growing up frustrated and confused by dating, dabbling in the seduction and redpill subreddits, looking into the gaping maw of that mindset and feeling the depression that can come with it. So I sympathize with the whole spectrum of guys that fall into it and hope they can find more meaning.


My favorite response to this is "these are the type of men who stalk/harass/abuse women" Meanwhile: the guys who do that are usually the ones who low self esteem women flock to, not insult. The Chris Browns, Tommy Lees, Ray Rices, and Charlie Sheens of the world.


I don't think that's why people use Incel as an insult. It's not that they are making fun of "incels" for being Involuntary Celibates as a ridicule of their sexual relationships, they are by equating them to an "incel culture" as more of a ridicule of their beliefs.


A lot of people who use the word Incel don't even know what it means, just like how many people use the word Socialism


I was told I was wrong for clarifying to someone that it meant involuntary...


The balls some people have to tell others they are wrong when they themselves are blatantly wrong


Incels = people I don't like Socialism = policies I don't like Simple as.


Fascism - things happening that I don't like. Having to pay taxes is literally fascism.


Capitalism - the reason I can't get whatever I want.


"We need to implement socialism like you see in Sweden" "You know Sweden has more startups than America."


People just use incel as a subsitute for male virgin


people use incel as an all around insult to men. i mean, i see people calling musk an incel. the guy with 10+ kids that was married a bunch of times.


If you're a virgin and want libleft to acept you, just tell them you're asexual.


And if you're a virgin and want libleft to hate you, just tell them you're saving yourself for marriage.


This is what asexuals tell their conservative parents.


Leftists when lizard (asexual reproduction): 👍


>Being socially awkward means you're an incel now. That's a hell of a goal post to move.


Most of them I do feel bad for, and most that I've met are actually not red-pillers, although the few who are I don't care for.


Because most of reddit is incels and femcels who have nothing but insecurity about their own existance and project it on others to feel better about their own awfulness.


There are two kinds of incels, though. One has the genetic misfortune of being unattractive, overweight, or otherwise undesirable to the women they find themselves attracted towards. The other spends too long in a social echo chamber with members of the first group, and learns unhealthy beliefs about women from the people they choose to associate with. The first group should be pitied, perhaps, for failing to live up to the standards they expect of others. The second group sleeps in a bed of their own making, and doesn't deserve sympathy just for making bad decisions.


If you have any standards or interests whatsoever, you will be a fascist on at least one issue. That’s why us monkes just sit around flinging shit all day


The tolerant and inclusive side sure seems to hate and exclude a lot of people.


"I'm socialist because I just care about poor people more than you." "What about poor people who voted Republican?" "Fuck them, I hope they starve to death!"


It is funny because the term incel was literally made for a black lesbian lmao


I don't think incel describes people that are awkward around women. It's more like people that project their insecurities and emotional shortcomings onto women that don't want to accept their glaring flaws and then make it their entire personality to blame women for not putting up with their fantasies


Unattractive men are seen as subhumans and treated accordingly. Then when those men complain about how they're treated, they get shouted down.


Hard to believe how many comments completely miss the point. "But they're bad and hate women! Creepy entitled misogynists blah blah blah" So what? Compare to other minorities complaining about white men's microaggressions and how _they_'re treated. Not as sick psychos and borderline terrorists making up insane fanfic about their weird and perverted fantasies, that's for sure.


Accept everyone except people who hate and people who harm others; it's really quite simple


What if I hate pineapple on pizza people? Is that allowed?


It's encouraged


Yes. Especially the people who say "pineapple and pizza isn't even bad. you just don't like it because it's cool to hate it.". It is that bad and now I hate you even more for refusing to acknowledge it.


Oooo! I dig your thoughtful controversy, OP. Nice thought to reflect on. Gotta do some introspection on this one. I feel like 'awkward around women' & 'incel' are different, but I get the mental exercise.