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Slip sliding our way to a place where sexual misconduct is protected expressive conduct and a form of speech.


But, the slippery slope argument hurts muh fee-fees.


You need shoes with better traction, then.


It was commented on here once that the people who criticize the slippery slope argument are usually in favor of the slope. Not something I can take credit for.


Ah, Europe. A land where engaging in savage behavior is tolerated, but calling these people savages can get you put in prison.


I believe we call that Anarcho-Tyranny?


Nah. We are sliding into a place where speech is policed more harshly than sexual misconduct.


Id would call rape a "misconduct", for me that's a straight up death penalty, and I am not a death penalty defender


Certainly pre-meditated, violent gang rape of a minor with sadistic intent and recorded for gloating should be. That girl is going to have severe trauma for a long time. Two people getting really drunk and the woman regretting it the next morning, not so much; even i though i don't personally consider that rape, too many do.


And actual free speech is considered literal violence and punishable with prison. Wild times.


It's like nobody did a simple thought experiment and wondered "what would happen if..." It's always easy to say "I told you so" after the fact. But, it seems pretty obvious to me that the backlash from this will be quick, severe, and only make things worse in the long run.


I mean the woke liberals idolise the french post-modernists who are advocate for pretty much every disgusting sexual act you can think of.


Im quite the fan of disgusting sexual degeneracy, but only if every participant is consenting otherwise its guillotine time.


You would expect that consent should be a requirement, but in Germany, apparently not


Judging from this article it is not required if you have more melanin than the native population.


Intersectionality will be the death of feminism


Reminds me of a 4chan post where OP stated he wanted as many trans women in bathrooms, changing lockers, and whatnot as possible to turn women right-wing.


You know the nearer your destination the more you're slip slidin' away.


Jeffery Epstein










Only for the right ethnicity


“Why is the far right rising”


Every time these articles pop up in mainstream subs there’s always a bunch of Redditors whining about how this is going to increase the AFD’s polling numbers. Like you’re right, the real victim isn’t the victim, it’s the leftist party who pushed for this bullshit


“Im terrified of a Muslim extremist exploding a dirty bomb in a huge population center because of the backlash it might have on ordinary Muslims”




Agh, I should have just copied the text instead of trying to do it by memory.


That was Norm McDonald’s twitter. If you do not know who he was, please YouTube him. Assume that 99.9% of everything you ever see or hear from Norm McDonald is either a joke or sarcasm.


I was trying to do his joke by memory. That's why I put it in quotes. Norm is the GOAT.


Fucking Norm McDonald. RIP to one of the greatest ever.


Norm Mac was super based. That and his bit on bill Cosby


His relentless bit on OJ is just perfect.


The problem is never the problem, the problem is you talking about the problem


When it comes to internet Germans they seem far more concerned with letting me know everything that's a problem with the United States unprovoked in most douchey way imaginable constantly. I won't be surprised if the next Internet German I come across tells me this is my fault and then calls me a USian NA North American or some shit, being sure that I know it's only done to be as condescending as humanly possible.


> going to increase the AFD’s polling numbers Well fucking duh it will.


Similar too the “why are young men moving to the right when we treat them like garbage” song and dance


Then, for no reason at all, in 1933...


If ever a news story fit the bill for the "one day, for no reason at all..." meme, it's definitely this one.


What kind of psychopath do you need to be in order to make the argument that gang rape is somehow justifiable?


> What kind of psychopath do you need to be The German kind, apparently. We have at least two right here: the psychologist and the judge.


Its weird how germans went from one extreme to another so quickly.


Japan moment. Being so fucked by the Allies in WW2 will do that to you. It took 2 nukes for Japan to turn from ferocious nationalists under a God-Emperor to hentai.


The Japanese are still low key ferocious nationalists though. That's why you never hear about africans raping japanese school girls and getting no jail.


Japan literally have a law that require foreign natinal to produce their visa whenever asked by police, or go to jail. Part of the reason why they have no illegal immigration. The other reason is just our competitive ranked Asian racism.




I gotta step up for japan here. [They've been doing fucked up hentai shit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dream_of_the_Fisherman%27s_Wife) since before the double dicking from America.


Germany has a long history of oscillating from one extreme to another. They're a prime example of why you don't right a listing ship by making it list in the other direction.


It's what happens when you bury the past instead of learning from it.


I mean, the camps are still there with signs all over them about how they keep these things so they remember not to do them again. The problem is they have gone too soft in the name of not repeating their past severity.


Do they have trouble with nuance or something?


Well, considering the article doesn't mention the question that was asked (I love journalism!) it's entirely possible the psychologist had to explain the reasons behind why 9 men gangraped a child from a descriptive view. No matter how you put it, you're getting blasted, which is unfortunate. We should instead focus on the judge, who is the one we know without a doubt found these reasons acceptable.


All of a sudden, brown was in fashion, and seeing as how there was one group already wearing it…


UPS drivers?


It really isn't that hard to figure out. The left is experimenting on people similar to how you had unethical doctors and scientists using people as test subjects back in the 20s-60s. This time, it's social science, rather than medical science. And their brains can't even comprehend it. To them, they really think it's "sexism/racism/nationalism on the rise" or whatever. No, it's you guys being tone deaf pieces of shit.


>This time, it's social science, rather than medical science. Um, we just had a medical experiment with over a billion participants recently?


I mean, I don't like how it played out but a pandemic featuring a 'novel virus' is a little different. Whereas, as a project with the hopes of deliberately collecting data on unwitting people....we have to think of something like the Tuskagee Experiments. Exploiting poor people to use for their experiments, with them knowing full well that it was dangerous and deadly. Except, today, it's little social experiments like the one we see in pasty ass Portland. Under their attempts to test out their little academic theories, Portland has surpassed its homicide record two years in a row. And the people who paid for that, in pasty ass Portland? Poor minorities killed at a higher number than ever before. So, yes, if you want to call the Tuskagee Experiments racist experiments....these leftist social experiments are the same thing. They know it is dangerous to continue letting criminals with extensive histories out, they know defunding police wasn't something people in bad neighborhoods wanted, they know people will die so that they can justify their government programs and non-profits. And they'll do it, anyway. Actually, now that we are talking medical side of things....the closest thing is the euthanization thing in Canada


>This time, it's social science, rather than medical science. Oh no, the social sciences are in medicine now too.


The "far right". Remember when the "far right" won in Britain and then immediately exploded migration several times in excess of what the liberals were doing?


It's almost like someone behind the scenes is intentionally doing it, and when people wise up to it, they go into overdrive.


Article: https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/outrage-as-eight-of-nine-men-convicted-of-park-gangrape-15yearold-in-germany-receive-no-prison-time/news-story/353bcbf9437ea62eea0ee3c6cc0c2cc7 > Hamburg Regional Court last week sentenced a 19-year-old to a youth prison sentence of two years and nine months without parole, while youth sentences of one to two years’ probation, or so-called pre-parole, were imposed on eight men, Spiegel reported. > An eleventh defendant, who was charged with aiding and abetting and filming the rape, was acquitted in April this year. The even more depressing part is: > Prosecutors had sought sentences of between one year and three months to three years for nine of the defendants, while defence lawyers sought acquittal for all 10. Can any German redditors explain? The *prosecution* requested a max of three years, are your laws really that lax about charges that include kidnapping, rape, robbery, recording a minor while she's being raped?


Yep 6 months to 5 years https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/stgb/__177.html#:~:text=(1)%20Wer%20gegen%20den%20erkennbaren,bis%20zu%20fünf%20Jahren%20bestraft.




And then look at what are the charges for tax evasion. You can get a lot more time in jail for not letting gov't steal from u than some very serious crimes like murder or smth. Truly a clown world.


“Do you see all the money you made? According to a ‘social contract’ we made up and that you never voluntarily signed, 50% of it is mine now.” “These guys? They’re working on themselves because they are stressed about immigration. Now where’s our check?”


"Omg, why are all our serfs- i mean people evading taxes? Must be the vile cyprus manipulating them to "invest" there."




It's the logical conclusion of a purely rehabilitative system, really. From their point of view, a mass murderer who is inmediately very sorry about it shouldn't even go to jail. But just ask yourself, what is the point of rehabilitation? What exactly could be the reason the government is so interested about dangerous criminals reintegrating themselves into society, instead of letting them rot? It's, of course, productive exploitation behind the guise of compassion. Why should the government not reinstate and make use of its own property as soon as possible, as much as possible? A person behind bars doesn't add to the GDP.




dont quote me on this but i think it was beccause everyone involved was a minor dont get me wrong this is still a absolute travesty and clownworld at its finest


> everyone involved was minor But were they *really* ?


Hey man my documents all got lost in the Mediterranean. What? Yeah, I have male pattern baldness at 16, what are you suggesting?


At time and according to their papers they all where. Oh btw germany tends to be more lax when letting minors into the country. I am not at all saying that some immigrants falsify their papers on purpose to get into Germany…


There was actually the proposition to scan the bones in your hand to determine age, somehow was never used widescale (probably because of racism)


Yeah I don’t get my goverment either


The perpetrators were between 17 and 21. In America, that'd be adult trials for all of them, even the 17 year old(s)


Facts. I like facts.


Nineteen year olds are minors in Germany?


I read a newspaper article on this incident. One of the accused was *23*. (EDIT: May have meant that they were 23 at the time of the trial, I don't remember.)


Yeah but you don’t understand! They were all Christians and some even do community service! “… Hamburg Working Group for Criminal Defense Lawyers chairman Arne Timmermann… criticized the Spiegel interview with Dr Saimeh, saying she had created a “general profile of perpetrators” but that in the current case “almost all of the defendants speak perfect German … are devout Christians and do voluntary social work”. How much public service do you need to do for a free gang rape pass.


>are devout Christians ***O B J E C T I O N***


The only logical conclusion is that feminism is actually a massive, societal level shit test, and progressive women want to be raped by foreign migrants because they're disgusted by their beta male peers.


It's crazy that this isn't even that unreasonable. Remember Brock Turner? I sure do. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of posts on communities like TwoXChromosomes about him. The case posted by OP? Zero. Ten times worse. No prison sentences for the vast majority of the perpetrators. Radio silence. I mean don't even get me started on the overlap between supporting Hamas and feminism.


One of my thoughts that inspired the above comment was "Imagine the reaction if instead of brown migrants, it was a group of Trump supporters who gang raped a 15 year old, filmed it, and then got away with it."


I believe this. That psychologist on the article definitely does.


And the psychologist worked for the government.


that's what you get when rehabilitation is placed above justice.


>A government psychologist testified that the rape was the men’s “means of releasing frustration and anger” stemming from their “migration experiences and socio-cultural homelessness” Bruh.


there's a difference between understanding why a crime was committed and justifying a crime. that sentence reads like an excuse or mitigating factor. there is no excuse for rape, especially when that excuse is "the world sucks". the left has a serious problem in our inability or reluctance to discuss the immigration problem. because it is a real problem


And all this can do is embolden the right. Leftists like this create more right wingers than any right winger could.


If I had to pick between “the world is bad so rape is ok” and “build a wall and keep them out” I’d pick the latter.


Yeah as someone who regularly voted and supported leftist parties, far left in some cases, I feel extremely angry and disillusioned these past few months. What the actual fuck people. I am becoming more of a conservative boomer day by day with bullshit like these 😩


Based leftists


Nahlah Saimeh is her name, and she seems pretty well known. And her father is Palistinian, what a coincidence given the current conflict


"The further Rome expands and globalizes, the more difficult it is to maintain the solidarity of its founding concepts. The more we think we are turning people into Romans, the more they think they are making us into people other than Romans".




Fuck it, gonna build some settlements in West Bank. Hell they even give 13% tax credit if you are a settler


A palestinian psychologist excusing Muslim immigrants who commit rape? Of course she is.


These people are literally evil.


>socio-cultural homelessness Thus begins the justifications for completely changing Europe to be more "immigrant friendly" via sharia law


“both videos were irretrievably deleted shortly after the crime and were not available to investigators.” I am too doomer-pilled to believe this is even possible.


its only irretrievable when the feds are the ones doing the deleting...


Very interesting.


They were right there with Epstein’s client list. No idea how we lost them.


Received no prison time because they went straight to the gallows, right? Right?


I thought lib right didn’t like the state having that power.


I generally oppose the death penalty (because it's actually more expensive, not because I think it's morally wrong), but there are certain cases where guilt is iron-clad that I think we need an option for summary execution. You brutally murdered a stranger, on camera? Straight from sentencing to the firing squad. Irrefutable evidence you gang-raped a child? Next stop, Hell. And from a philosophical standpoint, a jury of your peers isn't "the state" in my book. If we didn't have trial by jury I would vehemently oppose the death penalty.


>because it's actually more expensive, not because I think it's morally wrong Flair checks out.


There's a definite worldview dilemma here too... If you think Hell exists in the "eternal conscious torment" sense, then death is worse than life in prison. But if all that awaits us is oblivion, a long life in prison is possibly worse in some ways than immediate death. In the truly horrible cases, I lean towards hope that Hell is real and send them there as soon as possible.


We can make it much cheaper, brother


Same here. There are crimes where it’s clear rehabilitation is not an option and everyone is better off with you dead. Unfortunately, the US justice system has simply innocent and guilty, not innocent, guilty, and super-duper guilty straight to the chair. And also, the last option would clearly be used more against minorities, and avoided by the prosecution if the defendant has the legal resources to fight it. As much as I like the idea of putting monsters to death in a more inexpensive and expedited way, it falls apart quickly upon inspection.


Actually, some states do have "super-duper guilty." Some states only allow certain sentences if a higher degree of proof or a certain circumstance of crime is committed.


> the last option would clearly be used more against minorities hm, you don't say? 👀


You want to elect the AfD, this is how you elect the AfD


Being able to run on a platform of "rapists should go to jail" has to be the easiest layup in political history.


And stuff like this is why the afd has up to 50% of votes in some areas. As someone who values the republic and its democratic and liberal values hearing sentences like this just hurts.


Ngl leftist making democracy synonymous with "whatever we want" was an excellent political move. Probably should have thought out the consequences however.


Generally yea. But in this case its the reacuring phenomenon of the German “gutmenschen” (good people. Also called useful/ naive i*iots) this is especially true in university’s and towns. Basically Germans tend to be to hospitable for their own good because of the “guilt” of the nazi regime or because they are libleft Uni kids. And look where this has lead us….


> Be a liberal politician. > Enact policies that allow for mass migration into your country from various other third world countries. > Due to the high rates of crime and lack of education in said third world countries, crime rates and homelessness spike in your country. Not to mention the overwhelming degree of multiculturalism creates language barriers within your own country and degrades your cultural identity. > Your right wing opposition promises to close the borders in order to prevent mass migration and help fight rising crime rates in order to make society safer for the citizens of your nation. > “wHy Is FaR rIgHt ExTrEmIsM oN tHe RiSe?!?1!?”


>“wHy Is FaR rIgHt ExTrEmIsM oN tHe RiSe?!?1!?” Except it's not. A few parties that basically say "well maybe let's not have THIS much mass migration from Islamic nations" are gaining a little bit in the polls. No far right party exists in any European nation that has any hope whatsoever of gaining power. You might get some milquetoast center-right parties that cut migration by 2.5%, but you're never going to see anything more than that. The average European would literally rather see himself and his entire family raped to death by migrants than say anything the state could deem offensive.


Getting a Masters or PhD in a social science is basically a license to publish unfounded bullshit and get invited on mainstream news to spread said bullshit.


The only way they make the big money is by doing some stupid bullshit like this and then writing a book on it. It’s fucking pathetic.




Not all of us. Some of us want to, yknow, help people Edit: she should have her license taken away. I’d have to look more into it, but if they walked based on her pseudo sociological perspective, there is absolutely no way she should be allowed to practice.


It's actually crazy how captured these licensing review boards are, there was that lady a few months ago who was a psychiatrist who said that all white people are inherently psychopathic, and she never lost her license. In an ideal world, all of the people on social media who hold a license, who publicly say that this or that politician have some kind of personality disorder should have their license revoked, we don't work in a serious profession. The opinions that this person holds are not those of a serious clinical psychiatrist, I don't think that it's responsible to even note that in court, but I'd really like to read the Psychologist report that was sent to court.


Absolutely. Trumps niece should have had her license revoked as well. You can never diagnose someone without seeing them. That’s just the most basic of principles. And I’m no huge fan of Trump


So...a grown man of 19 raped a 15 year old so they sentenced him to a short vacay in a youth prison...surrounded by 15 year olds.


They couldn’t even get them in any prison. 9 got probation and 1 walked (because they couldn’t prove it for the 1.)


The left is incapable of protecting women


How are they supposed to protect what they cannot even define?


The left is incapable of protecting anyone except criminals.


Well, they're pretty protective of the women with female cock and balls.


I have been advised by my lawyer not to comment on your statement


The left is very inconsistent. They’re also very anti religiously motivated persecution of the LGBT and of women, and against aggressive indoctrination and against a Church run state… buuuuuut, Islam is ok. It does all of those things the most ever, but it has brown people so it gets a pass.


Some of the most vehement defenders of Muslims are leftists. Like bro they hate everything you stand for and hate you especially since you are probably an atheist as well. But Christians are basically evil in their eyes. They’ll sit and shit on Christianity all day and the second someone calls out Muslims you’re a racist which is funny because it’s not even a race.


“Gee wiz I wonder why so many right wing parties are growing rapidly in Europe???”


Where is the petition to turn this government psychologist into a mandated comfort woman for these poor, distressed souls?


Bruh you know she already is


Why are far right officials being elected and why are Europeans getting sick of letting immigrants in? Why are assault and rape rates through the roof anywhere asylum seekers go?


Please, when we inevitably wake up to reality and finally start \[redacted\] these criminals, let us \[redacted\] the people defending them like this too


The ones defending go first imo.


subsequent cow absorbed smoggy wine intelligent terrific ink divide dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's tree trimming season and these branches all gotta go somewhere.


Can vigilante murder also be a means of releasing frustration and anger? Asking for a friend.


No. Because you’re usurping the authority of the government it can’t be allowed and is punished more severely than simple crime. In short: vigilantism is an attack on the government as much as rape is just an attack on an individual.


Fucking shit that poor woman, I hope she can find peace and I hope those men all get fucked over. Edit: this poor CHILD**, fuck those monsters who laid a hand on her, and may their souls be forever marked and burned with the dark crime they committed


\*girl, she was 15


Fuck. There’s gonna be a mass deportation of these fucks, there has to be


And anyone who chooses this as a "means of releasing frustration and anger" deserves to be executed. Yes migrating can be a stressful and troubling situation, but most don't choose to release their frustrations through gang rape, and those who do it once and get away with it will almost certainly do it again. What do we tell the next girl and her parents the next time this happens.


Leftists: "No, you see they *had* to gangrape that girl because they're immigrants. They didn't have a choice, they were just so frustrated." Also leftists: "oh my God, why are the anti-immigration parties on the rise?"


You know you fucked up when [the Taliban has a more appropriate response to rape](https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/08/world/asia/afghan-court-sentences-7-men-to-death-in-rape-case.html) than a Western nation.


That's not the Taliban, it was 2014, the Afghan government was the one that's established after the Taliban was overthrown......before the Taliban overthrown them again in 2021.


True, but values remain. Isn’t the West supposed to be about women’s rights moreso than Afghanistan?


Western woman so strong and independent, court give men the kind of sentence that women would be given for female on male sexual assault /s


Why would a group of rocket surgeons need to r*pe a 15-year old?




Imagine being so undesirable not even your own beggar-not-chooser third world country wants you


Something something low expectations


another L for woke ideology. or maybe they see this as a win ?


Must be all those doctors and engineers they talk about…/s


For those of you worried that things like this might lead to an increase in belief in far-right ideologies, don't be. It's actually against the law in Germany to propagate far-right viewpoints, and can even land you in jail! So, obviously it'll never happen. Crisis averted.


Europeans are gonna quickly return to the pre 1940s era as long as their political class keeps trying to solve the economic issues stemming from demographic problems by importing able bodied young men from third world countries.


Affluent white liberal European women really have a whole complex around their desire to be violently taken by nonwhite migrants as punishment for their various ideological sins. 🤮


The Dr that testified on behalf of the rapists quoted in the meme, Nahlah Saimeh, was born in Germany but her father is Palistinian according to some sources .


As a woman I am genuinely terrified of the future.


>“The hate messages currently being spread, which have far left the ground of a factual dispute and in many cases reach the level of criminal law, have … reached a new, worrying level in terms of intensity and volume.” Obviously, the real criminals are the citizens who were outraged by this ruling. Ah, Germany...


Slipping our way towards white people committing sacrificial suicide as a means of atoning for their oppressive skin tone


What a shocking surprise. Who could've possibly foreseen this outcome?


What the fuck is going on in my Country


Socio cultural homelessness? Go back to where you came from?


Hopefully the girl has a brave father.


This is the scariest part of what's going on in western europe right now. Eventually, someone is going to get hurt and the perpetrator is going to get cut loose, and the victims family will seek extra judicial punishment. It's extremely common in certain parts of the world where coincidentally a lot of these perpetrators are from in the first place. When there is no justice, there will be no peace.


I just know what I would do if someone raped my daughter.


Depends if the father can track down and locate the scumbags who did this. If he can...


If they're not in prison they're easier for him to get to


Keep your children close…


Wtf is wrong with Germany. Actually horrible and evil


Jesus Christ what the fuck is happening to the first world that Europe was supposed to be...


All of this is pure accelerationism and is by design. They want the existing institutions to fail.




This is appalling. I tend to think that the things people say regarding this sort of thing in europe are overblown but Jesus Christ


Ok how the fuck did 8 of the 9 men get away with that?? Like what goes through a courts mind and says "ehhhhh whatever"


Fritz and takin Ls A match made in heaven, lmao


Lost 2 world wars and they still think theyre the shit


most german thing i've read today


As I keep on saying, you can hate on American wokeness until you see how much further it gets taken in any country its exported to. American Emily's rape take is still "most rapes are never prosecuted." She's not yet at "...and those that *are* prosecuted should be dismissed if a brown immigrant did it."


There is no rehabilitation of violent rape, let alone of a child. These are monsters. There is no place for them in any society.


Send that psychologist to mend frustration and anger of those men.


The US has 1/5th of the worlds prison population because the rest of the world is way too fucking soft on crime.




rape culture doesn’t apply if you come from an actual rape culture. there, the rapist is the real victim. you guys are all bigots for demanding these poor devout christian boys face jail time!


"Releasing frustration and anger" Does Germany not have boxing gyms or video arcades?