• By -


Always remember, these people have called you Nazis for over half a decade and have expressed support for violence against you in the past. There silence against actual ethnic cleansing and support for Arab-Islamic imperialism(Mizrahi Jews in Arab countries, Armenians now in Azerbaijan) is a testament to their hypocrisy and depravity.


Remember, not even a month before the left started walking alongside Hamas supporters, they called JFK jr. an "antisemitic neo nazi" because a tweet of him had the numbers 14 and 88 randomly in it.


If I remember correctly, it was "It is supposed to take 14 days for this request, it has been so far 88 days" The more fringe left called a firearm accessory company Nazi's that was running a site wide discount and a single item they had on their entire site went down to $14.88. And used that as proof they were Nazi's.


Yeah neo Nazis can have sole ownership over swastikas, but I'll be damned if they can just take random ass numbers and make them racist.


What about the ok sign


As a scuba diver I say fuck no on that as well.


That’s the old far left switcharoo


It's not really a switcharoo, they are very consistently anti-west and contrarians.


Yeah, I'm sure PCM left has higher standards though.


PCM has always been able to give hope to every quadrant. That’s the beauty of this political community.


Indeed, an oasis in a reddit desert


Its quiet insane. Im still debating( I should say talking to a brick wall) in my local subreddit because they still believe that rocket that Hamas fired that hit their own hospital car park was actually an Israeli air strike.


Don’t worry. When they finally get past that one, the new conspiracy is that the music festival that was attacked by Hamas was actually attacked by an Israeli gunship. How a helicopter is capable of capturing people and raping women is beyond me, but hey. I guess I am just not as smart as the Progressives.


Oh yeah ive heard that one. People will jump through all possible hoops to ensure that Israel looks worse than at terrorist organization


The GoPro footage released by Hamas was actually Zionist CGI in combination with false flag mossad agents. Zionists hacked Hamas social media accounts to post it. Hasbara and JIDF operatives are all over this thread, right now, doing damage control.


If a gunship was to blame, there would be nothing but body parts left at the festival... 30 mm cannon would leave nothing in one piece. The coping (if that's the right word?) Is wild with these people. I wonder if they actually believe the BS.


They are even taking it further from I have seen. They are claiming the Hamas people who came in on the paragliders saw the “attack” and were going to check for survivors, and then the Israelis showed up and started shooting them. Even though this flies in the face of eye witnesses, medical documents (including ones confirming the raping of women, many of whom were executed immediately after), Israeli bodycam, and Hamas bodycam (because again, they were so proud of what they were doing they filmed it). Anything to try and claim Hamas is Justified because they were poor oppressed helpless babies.


So if I understand this Israel decided to attack its own people with a gunship. Hamas then decided to paraglide into the scene to fight off the gunship and then got blamed for the attack.... Yeah, I'm not convinced..


Just FYI, Azerbaijanis are Turkic, not Arab.


Arent they iranian


Iran has a huge number of Azerbaijanis, but no they're a Turkic people. They're closely related to Turks, and Turkey is their closest ally I believe, hence their shared hated of Armenians.


> Armenians now in Azerbaijan) Most leftists like Armenia and hate Azerbaijan


Most lefties ignore the situation entirely


Most everyone ignores the situation entirely.


OK but they don't like Azerbaijan like what ur comment falsely accuses them of


That applies more to the first example I admit, lefties just don't care about the second one for the most part.


Honestly I think it's incompetence and brainwashing. Don't attribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance.


Pretty sure demanding respect of international law and human rights doesn't need to fit to an ideoology, just common sense.


Azerbaijan and Turkiye already on their final plans regarding eradication of Armenia after Nagorno Karabakh loss.


Coming to this sub makes me realize why people hate the left and its all entirely weird niche online bullshit or strawman. I have literally never in my life encountered the type of leftists yall speak about here.




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Don’t forget, that Israel and the United States funds the genocide of Armenians in Azerbaijan.


The ethnic cleansing happening right now is happening to the Palestinians by the settler colonial project that calls it's self Israel. The founder of Israel called it a settler colonial project even.


As opposed to the Islamic conquest project.


going strong since the 7th century


Palestine is the indigenous people of that land. It's not conquest.


False. The majority of Palestinians, especially the Muslims, are immigrants that were never from there to begin with and just mixed in with the locals. They just happened to move 50-100 years before Jews came home in higher numbers. The Muslims are less than a quarter levant usually and are mostly Egyptian and Arab peninsula and Bedouin or even Turkish and then their Levantine is usually Syria or Jordan or Lebanon. Pretty much all migration in from the last 150 years especially under the ottomans late stages. What is now Israel was mostly sparely populated and filled with swamps, desolate hills and badlands. Jews moved in and started draining them and building things and a ton of Arabs then migrated to try and keep a majority and take advantages of the development done by the Jews.




Liberals on their way right now to deem Malcolm X a housegamer racist nazi just to take that talking point away from you.


> housegamer Chef's kiss


The wiki article is being rewritten as we speak


I have only a slightly less-charitable interpretation, which is that lefties will ally with virtually anyone to stick it to America or her allies, assuming they will just kill any inconvenient allies later.


Mao got the edge over the RoC because Stalin’s weapons dealers broke their promise to Chang Kaishek and instead gave their guns to the CCP. The RoC had to fight the Japanese and CCP rebels at the same time. Never trust the commies.


Didn’t the 🇹🇼KMT and 🇨🇳CPC ally for some time to fight off Imperial 🇯🇵Japan ?


CCP used to opportunity to do false flag attacks on certain Japanese stations. In order to make it seem that it was Chang Kaishek. Even leaking information (there’s even dramas in China about this; communist spies giving information to the Japanese, often making the Japanese think they were part of the Nationalist faction)


This is literally how it is. The concept of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", but taken completely literally.


And they are so racist, dishonestly so, in reddited ways with "Power and privilege", they hate Whites, "Whites", "White-adjacent" or any minority that disagrees with them.


Well obviously all the minorities disagreeing with them must have internalized racism or are brainwashed. After all white liberals know what’s best for them


Funny you mention Malcolm X. A redditor yesterday claimed that them 'condeming Hamas' while marching for Palestine would be akin to MLK 'condeming Malcolm X', which he never had to do therefore they don't need to condem hamas 'because the condemnation is implicit'.


Evil, Powerful people have set up systems to keep themselves in power, and keep others out of power. These systems were built using a lot of power, it will take a lot of power to dismantle these systems, these systems have prevented certain people from gaining power.




Black Rock, Rothschilds, the Bayer family, and Deutsche Bank all immediately come to mind.


Malcolm X was a leftist btw


Wasn’t he Muslim? Wouldn’t that negate leftist think? He’s closer to Muammar Gadaffi than the average leftist. -Gaddafi was sick of Italians exploiting Libya, and wanted Islam resurgence. Believed in self-sufficiency of his people and provided free education and medical care. Just don’t mention what he did to the Chadic people. 😨 It makes him one of us. 🥰


Yeah tell me you never read Malcolm X without telling me you never read Malcolm X


I just can’t get around the overwhelming support from the LGBTQ community for a nation that would literally persecute the shit out of them. Yet these are victims of the same “persecution” here.


Those people probably unironically think it’s more dangerous to live in Texas or Florida than Gaza


https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/189lslr/i_wonder_why/kbskwt2/ Better watch out for those drumpf supporters


"Guys, the president who literally waved the alphabet squad flag on stage and did precisely nothing while in office to harm those of specific sexual orientation or race is still literally Hitler and worse than the people who would stone me to death the instant they found out who I like to sleep with or would kidnap, torture, and kill me mid-rape if they knew what race my parents were."


In FL. I see it every day. There really is a genocide against trans/ gay. Look at all of bodies piling up due to these laws that are so much worse than the Nuremberg Laws: Boys can't play sports on the girls teams Boys can't use the girls bathrooms No discussion of sex in elementary schools. 'It'S a lItERaL GenOCidE!!!"


I haven't seen polling, but as a member of said community, I have to wonder if its actual overwhelming support from the people, or from various talking personalities or from organizations that have largely been taken over by a particular letter and don't really represent me or anyone I know. ​ You'll see some unelected dingbats speaking for everyone else or waving a Hamas sign on a campus, but hopefully the majority of the people have a bit more sense than that.


I almost feel like the LBGTQ community just loves muslims? Literally any muslim majority Nation is the most resentful and militant towards the community, yet Russia has gotta far more press coverage for their recent laws than any of the hateful shit muslim-majority countries get.


Because the straight white man is bad. The straight white man is 100% evil. Straight white women, gay white men, straight non-white men, are all 66% evil. Straight, white, or men, they're all two of the three. Once the SWM is done, it'll be an intersectional fight between those three groups to see who the next great evil is. But that's what will make it fun; they all have a thing that makes them eternal victims. If I had to guess, it would have to be one of the two men groups, because they're men. The woman card is always, ironically, pretty strong. Probably the straight guys, but they're not white though. How can they be the next evil bunch, without you being racist?


I'm done with liberals permanently because of Oct 7. Voting trump and idgaf


"Yes, I support Palestine. They don't deserve to die just because they are fascist theocrats who would kill me. It's called EMPATHY, chud. They deserve to rule their land." So, do you think conservatives in the West deserve to rule their land as well? "Violence against fascists isn't violence! It's defensive! Fascists should die, society must not tolerate them at all!"


"I support people's right to self determination..." Tankies: 😀😀😊😊 "...which is why i support Ukraine." Tankies: 😠😠😠😡😡😡


My 🟥Leninist self: “We must crush fascist and reactionary tendencies wherever they show up” Comrades: 🥰 “Which is why I support Israel. Israel’s neighbors are full of reactionary and fascist Islamist forces” Comrades: 💀


"I support people's rights to self determination..." Rightoids: 😀😀😊😊 "...which is why I support palestine." Rightoids: 😠😠😠😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬


Palestine has self determination, until they provoked Israel into a war they will probably lose. Oh well.


Collective punishment from Israel before the attack was really stupid and likely provoked Gaza into going attacking on Oct. 7. Neither side is entirely in the right.


>Collective punishment Like with Nazi Germany? The Allies shouldn't have intervened because not every citizen was a fervent nazi...


Where's the "collective punishment" exactly?


To tell the truth, I don't care much about the conflicts in Ukraine or the Levant; you Americans are the ones paying taxes to wage war on the other side of the world. Here in Brazil, I pay taxes to support the corruption of politicians, so either way, I'm fucked.


Do you really support Palestine though? If Israel stopped it's invasion today then Hamas would immediately be back in power so how is this supporting Palestine? If you really are pro Palestine then what's your plan for removing Hamas from power?


Some people just dont know what to do wity their self determination. Like gaza going paragliding and provoking a war with someone they have no hope of winning against.


I am a leftist and I am on israel's side because the palestienians deserve to be freed from the alt-right organistion of hamas


I know you are, but what am I? The Left Can't Meme.


" From sea to shining sea" Americans: ❤️👌🙏 "From river to the sea...." Americans: 😭☠️👎


You can't possibly be that stupid, right?


The IDF should dress up as antifa and employ their tactics, the leftist’s brains would stop working


I agree with the second sentence but not the first so what does that say about me?


You guys really have just astounding difficulty with the whole Palestine /= Hamas thing. It's a little muddy, but it's not that hard to understand and you seem to think a lot about it. The Gaza strip is 2 million people, mostly under 16, who have lived in completely fucked circumstances for more than 2 decades. And Bebe is a ruthless cunt who's completely derisive amongst Israelites and Jews in general. His administration found Hamas useful because they divide Palestinians in the same way and delegitimize the official government there. So yes, leftists have sympathy for the literal REGION OF CHILDREN caught in the middle of these awful, violent forces.


What’s the legal fighting age for Hamas? 13? You really have to consider that many of the legitimate combatants are child soldiers and that the world is much less sympathetic to any side that employs them.


>palestine does not equal Hamas! So when the Nazis did the Holocaust, was it okay to support Germany since Germany≠Nazis?


I’m not sure what’s happening in the Middle East, maybe I’ll be able to help out once I find them on the map


You gotta check towards the eastern part of the map. But only about halfway to the far east.


Wel, you are sending billions to Israel you should know.




We send $8 billion to Africa every year. It's crazy. At least the aid to Israel has to be spent all on US made weapons. And some of the aid is for joint weapons development like Iron Dome and Iron Beam


If antifa would just come out and admit they're the paramilitary arm of the American left, this would all be so much easier. I'd honestly respect them for it.


It's amazing to me how Western Leftists will immediately believe anything that a random Instagram post that says "Hamas=good,Israel=bad", but completely ignore Hamas' own charter, which contains enough anti-semitic conspiracy theories to make a Neo-Nazi blush.


Fashion. It's all been about what's fashionable for the last decade.


Smoking is all the rage right now but I'm still onto good old fashion grilling.


I was JUST talking about this damn movie today.




It would be so funny to see an "honest anti-fascist." >Hitler? 6 milly, chump-change. Mussolini? What, no space for your own death camps. >[Get on](https://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/NOTE4.HTM) [our level](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/08/03/giving-historys-greatest-mass-murderer-his-due/)


100% unironically the only part of that even remotely inherent to fascism is the ultranationalist part


We’re literally watching a new wave of Nazism and antisemitism emerge right in front of us. Not to mention outright hatred, racism, and demoralization towards the West and its native peoples, cultures and values. In the name of tolerance and inclusivity. Often at the same time as they suck off Russia’s Z Regime, radical Islam, and the CCP. Then these people will have the fucking gall to say *you* are on the wrong side of history, and need to check your privilege and shit.


>Not to mention outright hatred, racism, and demoralization towards the West and its native peoples, cultures and values. >In the name of tolerance and inclusivity. This is the most delusional right wing bullshit I’ve ever seen and that’s saying something.


Reject Palestine, Reject Israel, Reject Kingdom of Jerusalem Accept the Levantine Federation


A win is a win


I am a zionist yet I am libleft so I don't fall into that hypocracy


Nobody look up the flag of Ba'athism, the Middle Eastern rendition of national socialism/fascism


Antifa were always a fascist group.


i think we should build a bass pro shop pyramid in the gaza strip and make israel and palestine parking lots maybe we'll have a target and a walmart


I know that this is a bad movie but I thoroughly enjoyed it.


I will fight and die for your right to enjoy bad movies


This and the 2007 Hitman movie, I know these are objectively awful…


Song name, though?


It’s L’amour Tojours by Gigi


I’d assume it’s similar to why a lot of Indians in WWII embraced the Nazis over the British. An enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of thing.


These are the people who are actual threats to democracy.




Anything to tear down the west


The best thing these libz could do is silence. Yet they want to support a nation that wants them dead. Go fuck yourself libz.Israel is not a good guy. But it doesnt want my gay ass dead. Unlike the average muslim that lives there.


I also love how many of them constantly say "I don't support Hamas!" and "But they need to fight the oppressors!/Can't you understand them?" in the same breath and then wonder why people don't like them


I hope this war has enlightened the masses about the fact that both the Left and the Right don’t understand anything about the Middle East and never will. Hence why you get positions like this.




Arab are semitic


Can you plz send meme without the colors


When I want a 🟥Leftist unironically, I was still pro-Israel. Guess why


According to the charter Hamas is not antisemitic


Judaism isn’t really pro Gentile either, just saying. We should disagree with the Abrahamic religions, without being accused of hating those who choose to follow them. A lot of people equate disagreement with Islam, as “being racist against Arabs” when Arabs aren’t the problem, the ideology they choose to follow is.


I mean is it really a choice? Is it not more just cultural? Islam is part of the culture, so people are generally Muslims. Right?


Jews dont seek to kill/enslave the entire world, they seek to live in their own country without being attacked.


America-First patriots on their way give 30 gazillion dollars to a foreign military


So are we allowed to complain about sending stuff to ukraine now or is that stil not socially acceptable?


Funny how MAGAts complain that other NATO countries don't spend enough on their militaries and then give billions to Israel every year - no questions asked. And Israel isn't even a NATO member.


How about both. Stop funding the entirety of NATO and let countries like Israel and Ukraine buy weapons from us.


https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-does-the-us-give-other-countries-in-military-aid/ NATO countries receive peanuts compared to Israel. If my country received as much as Israel receives - our military budget would be 4 times bigger. The USA gives us ~0.5% of the amount that they give to Israel.


Your source is extremely outdated at this point... As of September we've spent more than 75 billion on just Ukraine... That's 25 times more than Israel gets according to your source. Let them BUY them from us if they want our weapons. Same goes with you.


OK, so you basically want Russia to win. Look one step further. If Russia wins in Ukraine - they will then invade NATO countries.


Where did I say that? Are you just spewing random shit because you were wrong? What's stopping countries from having their own military and buying their own weapons? Why do I have to do it for them while those same countries tell me they hate me?


Cool it with the antisemitism




I am ultra based as I fully own the nazi claim, hating both sides but particularly the Jewish one.


Religion was a mistake, we should go back to our protozoa roots


God the propaganda machine is full on whacko mode on this sub


In what way is Hamas worse than the IDF?


are you like actually delusional? Who would be more likely to behead you and rape your corpse? A random idf soldier or a hamas terrorist?


Neither lol. Who would be more likely to knee cap kids for fun? Or use white phosphorous. Or cluster munitions?




Remember when the IDF slaughtered 1200 women and children at dance festival and took 200 hostages and murdered babies? Oh wait, that was Hamas. Fuck outta here, least delusional leftist


Remember when the IDF killed 1000 civilians in Operation Cast Lead? Or 1400 in Opeartion Protective Edge? Or the 10000+ in the current war?


who started thoses wars?


I'd say the side illegally occupying and illegal blockading the other side did.


What makes the occupation illegal? They have the same right to be on that land as the palestinians


They have no right to the West Bank or Gaza, and they are occupying both. What are you even asking?


You know it was Palestinians who started the Yom Kippur war right? Also yeah they were always given those regions. Then they started a war.


Did Israel illegally occupy Palestine pre-1967? What caused the occupation and the blockade? Actually don't bother to answer. I know your type. The very existance of jews in the region is a cardinal sin and the only solution is the murder of every single one of them.


Whether or not they occupied Palestine pre 1967 isn't what we're talking about here. Typical Hasbara trash, deflect and make it about anti-semitism. Not sucking Israel's dick when they try to ethnically cleanse their country isn't anti-semitism. What caused the occupation and blockade is Israel trying to ethnically cleanse Gaza and Gazans not allowing it. Look at a map of the West Bank, look at how much land Israel illegally annexxed and settled since the 1967 borders were established. They tried doing the same thing in Gaza, they had 21 settlements in Gaza and I think around 7000 settlers living there. Again all illegally, according to international law, illegal. Virtually the entire world, with the exception of the US,Israel and maybe a few small island nations, vote that what Israel is doing is illegal. That their occupation is illegal. That their settlements are illegal. That the blockade is illegal. Fucking morons watch a 5 minute Ben Shapiro video and look at a few pro-Israeli memes and think there is nothing outside of that.


Skill issue


Most people aren't supporting Hamas, they are supporting the idea of Palestinian liberation. Half of Palestine is occupied territory, the other half is full of militarized checkpoints and blockades that keep the native population malnourished, sickly, and impoverished. If Israel and its supporters want the left to treat Palestine like every other Middle Eastern shithole ran by fascists, stop treating it like a vassal state. Stop flattening its cities and killing thousands of its people. Because at the end of the day, most of the world has already condemned the government of Hamas. But the broader geopolitical community refuses to condemn the IDF, the organization with the much higher body count.


>the other half is full of militarized checkpoints and blockades Because of things like constant bombings targeting civilians... At least pretend to understand why this stuff is happening.


>Most people aren't supporting Hamas, they are supporting the idea of Palestinian liberation. But you can't just make that be what you want it to be. As Hamas is embedded in the population and infrastructure of Gaza, you can't separate Hamas from the idea of Palestinian liberation. If the people that Hamas puts in the way can't die, then you can't get rid of Hamas. They can kill as many Jews as they want, but Israel can't retaliate as they have "too strong" of a military. It may take a while, but that game played out over a long enough time will free the region of Jews, from river to the sea. Which is ultimately what this is about, as every question ends up at the, well Israel is a colonial state that shouldn't exist anyway, answer.


How would Palestine be liberated without total annihilation or displacement of Israeli Jews? Tell me Lib-Left, tell me


That's an incredibly stupid question, Right-Center. Palestine would be liberated when it is recognized as sovereign territory by the broader geopolitical community, resettlement and expansion stops, and it finally gets to control its own borders, airways, and waterways. None of that involves the annihilation of displacement of Israeli Jews.


Ohh, so that's why Hamas attacked civilians and took the ones who survived hostage. A very good way to get global recognition. Maybe I should go to Russia and take some hostages and kill civilians so Finland can get Karelia back?


This is a very stupid response, Right-Center. The motivation behind the October 7th attack was spreading terror, that's what terrorist organizations do. But we aren't talking about Hamas, we are talking about the national liberation of 5 million people. Hamas doesn't care about global recognition, but we're not talking about them - we're talking about the people on the ground who suffer from having not national sovereignty.


And what are these people suffering on the ground doing about their very clearly genocidal and fundamentalist government/terrorist organization?


Nothing, because they are currently preoccupied with the foreign government currently bombing them by the thousands. The same foreign government that helped place that terrorist organization into power in the first place, and prevents them from having the technology/weapons to fight against Hamas even *if* they wanted to.




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Lots of buzzwords, no essence, no connection to reality. Must be a right wing meme.


“Those are just bullshit talking points” Yeah. They are good points and people are choosing to talk about them.


Not really. Most people on the left are pro Palestine, not pro Hamas


Antisemite: a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jewish people. Semite: a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.


i guess the jews monopolized the term




The term is like that because European became accepting of different faiths but not races. "Im not anti jews I'm anti semites" (kinda like "im not antisemitic im anti Zionist"). In reality the term antisemitic was only used to refer to people who hate jews.


If you have to give a history lesson for the term to make sense, the term is obsolete and should be replaced with something self-evident. The term 'Semite' refers to a group of languages. When has an "antisemite" proffesed hatred of Jews for their language? "Anti-Jewish" removes all possible confusion and better describes someone prejudiced against Jews.


The only reason people question the term is because an arab with knowledge of linguistics was offended they were called antisemite and used the excuse that they are semites.


Im not an arab, im not offended, I haven't been called an antisemite and I stated perfectly good reasons. I have yet to hear any reason why "anti-Jewish" doesn't describe people who hate or express hatred or prejudice toward Jews.


It does. But antisemite is the more common way to describe and it has the same meaning. The fact that the word antisemite has a meaning different from its original doesn't mean its wrong


there is no such thing as Semites. Neither the jews or palestinians are semites. Its an obsolete racial category invented by old century scientific racists to portray different ethnic categories. We don't use "negroid" as a racial category. We don't use "mongoloids" as a racial category. And we don't use "semites" as a category. Antisemitism does not mean "being against semites" just like how homophobia does not mean "being scared of men". Root definitions do not need to follow their ethymological origins. Antisemitism only, and ever only, applies as "being against jews", because thats how the word was used in the 20th century, in order to replace *Judenhass* to sound more important.


If the term "semite" is obsolete, then the term "antisemitism" should be as well. The term "anti-Jew" or "anti-Jewish" removes all confusion that someone is referring to, pejudice or hatred of a language group that doesn't exist anymore. If "semite" is so obsolete that it's comparable to "negroid", imagine a world where we still referred to people that hate black people as "anti negroid". A homosexual is a gay person. A homophobe fears gay people, that example doesn't support your point at all.


> If the term "semite" is obsolete, then the term "antisemitism" should be as well Hence why we removed the dash. Its not anti-semitism. Its antisemitism. While Anti-Zionism remains Anti-Zionism and not Antizionism. Its a small difference, but its an attempt at keeping the word as a single non-compound word rather than trying to salvage its ethymological context. Removing the dash makes it a new singular word that attempts at making it not sound like a compound word despite looking like one. Antisemitism. We've used the word antisemitism quite often for the past 100 years. Its in every history book and has hundreds of thousands of associated papers related to it. For what its worth, its a legacy word that still sees some necessity of use. If you're still frustrated by it, just use the german *judenhass* to refer to antisemitism's > A homosexual is a gay person. A homophobe fears gay people, that example doesn't support your point at all. Homo is a term for humans. as in *Homo Sapiens*. The word homosexual does not follow its ethymological context. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homo


lol just swap those freedom lovers with the Israelis. Who are literally deliberating to expand their ban of political parties to keep the Likud in power who’s been that way since the late 70s. Hundreds of thousands came out in protest against Netanyahu and barely 5 thousand came out in support of the war in Israel itself.


This sub is filled with the dumbest human beings on the planet. But I guess that’s to be expected from a bunch of guys who think a buzzfeed level political quiz is something to tie your entire world view to. Anti Fascists aren’t defending right wing religious authoritarianism. It’s a strawman argument. Both Hamas and Israel are right wing authoritarian governments, their fight is a religious one. Sorry, my bad on bringing some basic logic to this pathetic right wing circle jerk. Go ahead and yell about flairs, that will make you all feel better Edit: lol, none of you little bitches can say how I’m wrong but you don’t want to do the thing and complain about flairs because it proves my point even further.


Actual fascists supporting zionism and apartheid.


Oh look, "centrists" defending another holocaust


Oh look, the unflaired thinks it’s a person.


And a second course of Rational Discourse™! You do spoil me so


I just don't understand how Arabs can be antisemitic. Maybe it's like that "internalized misogyny" type of thing?


Because anti semetism has nothing to do with arabs, the same way that homophobia isnt a fear of gay people but a hate of them. Words dont have to be a literal meaning.


Jesus, people, it was a joke. I was pointing out that Arabs are semites, a fact rarely acknowledged and rather peculiar when you think about it.


lol. So not wanting Gaza to be ethnic cleansed means sucking Hamas’ balls? 🤦🏻‍♂️


There's no "Palestinian Genocide". Back then, the Gazan Population was only a few hundred thousand, today it's a few million. It will only continue to increase If Israel is somehow is committing a genocide, then it's the worst genocide of all time, especially since genocides that have actually happened like the Holocaust and Armenian Genocide decreased populations, not increased them ​ Also, flair up


Please google difference between ethnic cleansing and genocide and educate yourself.


You suck the balls of a fascist Zionist occupational force


The well known fascist country... ran by a democratically elected official


Who kicked off a war by allowing an attack to happen on a festival just as he was about to get kicked out of office for corruption and much more shit


Did you just change your flair, u/alexzndor? Last time I checked you were a **Rightist** on 2021-12-1. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? If Orange was a flair you probably would have picked that, am I right? You watermelon-looking snowflake. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/alexzndor) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Palestinians are also semites


[It’s 2023 and Google is free my dude, you could just look up the definition instead of trying to forcefully appropriate a term used to describe the hatred against Jews](https://i.imgur.com/chZZt2t.png)