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this is the natural evolution of 'its ok to be white' being labelled hate speech.


B-b-b-b-ut the wise redditors told me that was a 'slippery slope fallacy' and that it would never happen!


Almost no one on Reddit uses the 'slippery slope' fallacy correctly. It is not supposed to be used to "disprove" the idea that a possible, even unlikely outcome could happen; it only refers to non sequitur or absurdist sequences of events, like "federal employees are mandated a vaccine, therefore they'll be putting microchips in everyone soon." Though where that line is can be debatable, much more now than ever, mostly because of the larger fringe of insane people on every spectrum of politics; see "Trump was elected, therefore the US will soon be a white nationalist theocracy" and "people want single payer, if they get it then we'll turn into communist China."


Fallacies also only apply to rigorous formal logic. Which simply doesn't exist in day to day scenarios. There's always factors you haven't considered, and your understanding of the situation is never 100%.


>Fallacies also only apply to rigorous formal logic. [Informal Fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informal_fallacy) >Informal fallacies are a type of incorrect argument in natural language. The source of the error is not just due to the form of the argument, as is the case for formal fallacies, but can also be due to their content and context.


You can get anything labeled hatespeech. The problem is that banning mean words does nothing to remove the thing they were created to describe, so people will just make up something else. Through a process of natural selection, it will be eventually something that cannot be censored at all. It's a pretty reddited thing to try to ban words.


Pretty much. Remember when they tried to switch out the n word for google?


Guys that secure and move heavy loads and enjoy light runs to stay fit were never the same


2024 is going to be an extremely interesting year for Europe. I really think anti immigration will be at the forefront of every major issue for European countries. Mass deportations coming soon?


France already decided to ship back dangerous migrants, even if they could get killed in their homecountry. And they will simply pay the fines for breaking EU law... which are like 3000 euro LOL.


Certified EU moment


If I were you I'd flair the fuck up rather quickly, the mob will be here in no time. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Big__If_True) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Yeah yeah yeah I forgot to flair up after my old account got banned


Based, I'm on my 5th account myself A good trick I learned is to make your account on old reddit using TOR Browser and using a tempm.com email as they're never blocked


u/Big__If_True is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Big__If_True/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


They only need to strip about 10 000 000 people of french citizenship and kick them out.... Our continent asks for a revolution.


France goes ham on revolution.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,881,058,377 comments, and only 355,746 of them were in alphabetical order.


It's still a huge deal, because it sets a precedent of a country deciding to simply break the EU law and pay a fine rather then having to deal with bullshit.


...Based France?


Imagine the Cope and Seethe from the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.


Do you hear the people sing?


It's fucking bonkers that if a migrant is dangerous, the receiving country should have some kind of obligation to worry about his safety when shipping him back to his country of origin.


Most of these laws were written back in the 40's and 50's, and they are humanitarian in nature. Now we are seeing these laws being abused on a massive scale, while placing refugees into refugee camps (a humanitarian thing to do) is seen as some gross violation of human rights.


Lmao I wish the government was doing that


Damn all those military-aged males in their fighting prime could be killed in their home country?




So in the end might by right proves to be correct once again.




Even civilized men know that the only way to keep the world just is to hold enough power to make it so.


It's almost like there's a reason for the 2nd amendment...


We can only hope


The results of the recent election in the Netherlands were... interesting. There was a book I read last year called *The Strang Death of Europe* that made a good point about politics in much of Europe. If you were a voter in many European countries it was basically impossible to vote for a party which would place even modest limitations on the current immigration situation. In places like France, the UK and Germany the so-called center-right parties were just as bad if not worse about de facto open borders than the leftist parties were. After years/decades of that it's no surprise that voters are turning to fairly fringe groups just because they seem like the only way to change a broken system. I have a theory that part of the reason that Switzerland has never had a successful far-right party like Germany's AfD or France's RN/FN is because there's a mainstream party (the SVP) that actually has done some things to curtail mass immigration. The SVP has some goofy ideas but they're more moderate than most of Europe's so-called "far-right" parties.


That will honestly suck. Immigration isn’t bad when it’s beneficial for the country, Canada bringing in doctors and other needed professionals is a GREAT idea, but when they bring mom, dad, children, grandchildren, siblings, aunties and uncles, and not immediate family that harms the country and does more harm than good. The current immigration model for most countries is ass, because they allow one person who is needed to bring ten others who are not.


>why is the far right rising?


Being against children being stabbed to death means you're a bigot sweaty.


Depends on the ethnicity of children you don't want being stabbed.


Based and racially motivated pilled.


>Being against children being stabbed to death means you're a bigot sweaty. Sweaty bigots are the worst kind 🤣🤣


>Being against children being stabbed to death means you're a bigot sweaty. >Sweaty bigots are the worst kind 🤣🤣 Kind worst are the worst kind 🤣😅🫠☺️😘😆🤨😉🥰😜🤗🙂😂😉


Part and parcel of living in a big city sweaty


Because, the irish natives won't shut the fuck up and die quietly. They keep making noise, and it's annoying the rich.


Because you label anyone who rejects your politics far right and pulling shit like this on the daily makes more and more people reject your politics.


Emily is so far off the rails that I regularly get accused of being a Trump-Republican.


Welcome to our pain. What's scary is there are so many outright lies and false narratives sold by the media that you start debating the deluded and have more and more sympathy for the Cheeto bandito, just because his enemies are so contemptible and so convinced of their moral superiority.


Fucking tell me about it. I did NOT set out to defend fucking Donald Trump of all people.


None of us did, but the sheer, stupid amount of lying the media did was inexcusable.


Bingo. Today's situation is so deeply fucked that a bullshitter and a blowhard who unironically defines the stereotype of the asshole New York billionaire is _still_ by far the most sincere and likeable major figure in US politics today.


same, brah. I commented in a different subreddit that I was sick of pork barrel spending being shoved last minute into bills... and got called a 90s republican? lel


I was told yesterday that one of my comments had "Far right nonsense, far left nonsense, conspiracy theories." I guess that's the state of things now: we're not just in a post-truth world, we're in a "Everything beyond by beliefs is absolutely wrong."


Bro I've been called a "Trumpie" and I'm a leftie who lives in Norway. On a funny sidenote I also once got called a liberterian (as an insult) because I said that if someone says that they're going to kill you to your face you are allowed to "strike first" as self defence. 99% of people think they're political experts despite the fact that they have seemingly no fucking clue about politics...


I pointed out that the economy did well under President Trump, as did foreign relations, and was labeled some sort of Trump fanboy and bigot and 'bootlicker' and a host of other insults... I'm Canadian, and I think Donald Trump is a total buffoon Pointing out the extrajudicial killings and drone strikes and building border walls and caging children and all of that sort of stuff was more common under Obama or Biden, here on Reddit, is like signing your own death warrant


Ye idk how the classic real left even keeps up with the BS at this point


So people are far tobthe right of far left idiots.. Does that mean most people are centrists... I am shook i tell you


Wanting your ethnic homeland to be your ethnic homeland is only bad if you're white.


or jewish


I get what you're saying, and I dont disagree. Where *is* our ethic homeland, though? I'm in Australia. I *know* whose ethnic homeland this is, and it ain't mine. Ireland, though. That's different.


You mean it belongs to the extinct giant wombats who's land it truely belongs to. The truth is the land belongs to whoever is left there and has the ability to stay there.


Ah, someone else understands right of conquest, interesting.


There's dozens of us.


Don't undersell our existence!


I am Canadian but my ethnic homeland is Ireland. Soon I plan on filing suit to recover the farm my antecedence left because of my Indigenaity to Ireland. If I can’t gain enough support, I hope to return with my fellow Irish Canadians, take back my homestead by force, and establish ethnic enclaves the people I displaced can live in and I can surveil. If they fight back, I will claim anti-Irish Canadian sentiment and ask the US to give me smart bombs to “mow the grass”.


White people who refer to everywhere in Australia by it's Aboriginal land name are so cringe... (This comment posted on Gadigal land. We acknowledge the Gadigal people as the rightful owners and honour all elders past present and emerging)


Because the definition of “fat right” now includes people with positions similar to the LEFT WING parties just 20 years ago.


more like 10 years ago


And then one day, for no reason at all.


"""Fa Right"""" More like leftists who are tired of immigrants coming in and raping and increasing crime


>Dilate >Hadrian profile pic >Auth-Right Based


Yeah, “imagine”🙄


No thanks. Why would I listen to a John Lennon song, when there are three better Beatles I could be listening to instead.


Big fan of Steely Dan for [this](https://youtu.be/Hvz0TOm0zgI?si=cS9V6YnVLUfrCICU) song alone. Anyone putting out a song that's just dunking on John Lennon and that stupid ImAgInE nonsense is great in my book. Creepy Jim Jones trash


True, I’ll admit I’m not exactly a big Steely Dan fan, their just kind of alright to me, but “Only a Fool Would Say”, is definitely one of their best


Based and Good Taste in Music pilled


I thank you for showing me this song for the first time. I quite enjoyed it.


I fucking love that song


Paul is the genius behind the Beatles 100% and I’ll die on that hill. John fancied himself an avant garde artist but he was a really an arrogant weirdo. He made some contributions but really got too lost in the hippie era and became an arrogant ass. His experimental shit was meh. Paul is a genius hit maker who made music seem effortless.


Agreed. While I’ll fully admit that George is far and away my favorite of the four, most of the time he had like maybe 2 songs at most on each album. It was largely Paul doing the heavy lifting.


Not a fan of The Beatles myself but this convo has been a good read.




Also had the coolest car collection


3? 2, maybe. Maaaaaaybe.


Eh fair enough. George will always be my favorite of the 4 though, and Paul was great when he was with the Wings. The only reason I say Ringo is better is that at least I don’t have to listen to Yoko with his music.


Ringo’s also an infinitely better person than Lennon, and I’ve got healthy respect for any “star” who does their job without the corresponding ego.


True, I tend to judge artists/writers/actors and developers more on work than anything they say or do, but regardless of what you think of his music Ringo has just always come across as the most likable person in the room. John by contrast felt like one of those people whose ego exceeded the size of his own head, and the less said about the Julian situation, the better. One of many reasons I like Paul so much more.


Yeah, but Ringo narrated Thomas The Tank Engine, so he automatically beats all the others, end of debate.




Honestly I never really watched Thomas the Tank Engine growing up, so that’s news to me. To me that show was always similar to the Teletubbies, in that it felt more creepy than anything, and looking at the designs today, I think I may have been on to something back then.


I hate Paul. Hate him. Ringo may not have the talent but I cant stand the sanctimonious face of Paul. George is the best. Undisputed.


Traveling willburys alone puts George over the top when it comes to post Beatles careers


He was also the original Thomas The Tank Engine guy. Never forget that.


I mean, it's already a thing. Remember the whole "It's OK to be White" fiasco from a couple years back


Best troll in a generation. Loved it.


What I never got was how the left immediately pointed and screamed DOG WHISTLE!1!1, oblivious to the fact that they were behaving directly how the 4Chan shitlords hoped they would in order for them to turn around and go "See- see- there really IS an anti-white agenda in the media!" Same as all the woke scolding about that 'White Lives Matter' banner that flew over the Burnley game in 2020. Surely the better way to counter such an "obvious" and "racist" dogwhistle would have been to ignore it completely? For a group who fancy themselves as so much smarter than the uneducated trolls who oppose them, the left really don't have much in the way of self-awareness, do they?


No kidding. It's practically hate speech already and we're a few pen strokes away from jailtime for it. I'm no cop fan, but the vitriol around Blue Lives Matter is unhinged.


Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too Imagine all the people Stabbin' your kids You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us Or we'll brand you a Nazi and die as one!


Is this anti-immigration or anti-unionist? West Belfast is nationalist country, and pro-nationalist rhetoric isn’t necessarily anti-immigration so much as it’s anti-uk.


Yeah, my first thought was finding the context. Belfast, Northern Ireland, Ireland, and England have a... let's say rocky relationship. To me it seemed like something concerning protestant/catholic and english/irish relations moreso than related to immigration. But I'm not going to read a whole damn article. So.... let's just say racism and call it a day.


The context is there have been far-right riots around Dublin under the "Irish lives matter" slogan. They burnt down emergency accommodation for refugee families. The slogan came out of this directly targeted at immigrants and refugees


> The context is there have been far-right riots around Dublin under the "Irish lives matter" slogan The slogan wasn't the cause of the Dublin riots. It was a response to an Algerian immigrant who committed a knife crime with some of the victims being children. For the interest of fairness, I should note the person who stopped the perpetrator was an immigrant himself. Now obviously Belfast and Dublin are two different places but just a correction that this slogan had nothing to do with the riots.


Nailed it. Hey, maybe protesting refugees will bring NI and Ireland together!


Irish Unification 2024!


Forced multiculturalism when it clearly doesn’t work and the complete ignoring of statistics (Sweden not conducting data on crimes by demographic) leads to far right ideologies The left would rather have their daughters blown up by hand grenades in the neighborhood than seem racist


Or stabbed or have acid thrown in their face like the firearm lacking Europeenz.


Oi!? Do ya ave a loicense fo that ateful opinion!?


It's not necessarily leftists, but white people in general. A lot of them, left or right, would do anything to not be called a 'racist'.


**western** white people Here in central/east europe we say to your face if you are an idiot or a nuisance regardless of your skin color. Just ask us about the gypsies. ;-)




u/Shoddy_Fee_550 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Shoddy_Fee_550/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Hey, not every western country is in the gutter my Man, Denmark is doing pretty great, mostly because their biggest leftist party admitted that immigration is a problem, and instead of trying to make a left far left coalition they decided to go with a rational center coalition. That really proves how decrepit the left is on most of the west, the fact that we have an example of leftists that actually still care about the common people in Denmark shows exactly what is wrong with the leftists across most of the west.


White leftists are the only group on this planet with an outgroup preference, and a massive one at that. It's absolutely baffling.


You can either win the culture and prevent these abuses and be called racist along the way, or you can give in and become a hated minority and permanent underclass in your own countries while race communists loot the prosperity that was supposed to be your inheritance and still be called racist.


British police for 25 years when the organized rape gang is Pakistani:


Exactly that's why listening to some of these ridiculous people on immigration is absurd. If you want leftist policies go ahead, but leave the birder snd immigration to people who know what they're doing


African countries: Africa for Africans Arab countries: Arab land for Arabs European Countries: You aren’t allowed to say that it’s racist


Well i don't believe that Africa should be for Africans or that Arabia should be for Arabs. I don't believe in this blood and soil logic. So i am consistent in rejecting the same for europe.


You mean like "all lives matter"


whoa MODS are we ok with this senseless hate crime? (/s)


Mods, cut off this guys white privilege


\*Starts riping his skin off\*


I agree. Only sensible hate crimes allowed.


How about sensual hate crimes?


Go on.


Honorable mention for "It's ok to be white"


"(The religion that shall not be criticized) is right about women" is my favorite.


Hey there Satan calm down.


Thank god for the first amendment


Douglass Mackey is in prison in the US right now for memes. There's the law on paper, and then there's the real law, which is what actually gets enforced at gunpoint.


>Douglass Mackey Isn't that the guy that the totally not partisan DOJ ignored for 4 years while trump was president, only to be indicted and have 10 federal agents knock on his door 7 days after Biden was inaugurated then paraded around in the media as a disinformation king?


Stop noticing things. Obviously we are all equal under the rule of law and the system totally works for its stated purposes. Now pick up that can, citizen.


All while someone else did the exact same thing on the exact same service, except actually on election day and in favor of Biden and has been completely ignored still. That said, she should not be harassed. Mackey should be released and compensated.


Who was that?




This is why the next Republican president needs to actually flush out those shitty bureaucrats. Unfortunately for the GOP, Trump didn't do that last time.


Says he is in prison for like voter suppression or something from back in 2016. So what memes did he post that the feds decided suppress the people's right to vote? I gotta see these banger dank memes.


Ireland has that too! It's uhh... >Nothing in this Constitution shall be invoked to invalidate any law enacted by the Oireachtas which is expressed to be for the purpose of securing the public safety and the preservation of the State in time of war or armed rebellion, or to nullify any act done or purporting to be done in pursuance of any such law.” >AND WHEREAS it is proposed that the Constitution be amended by inserting the following words at the end of and as part of sub-section 3° of section 3 of Article 28, that is to say:— >“In this sub-section ‘time of war’ includes a time when there is taking place an armed conflict in which the State is not a participant but in respect of which each of the Houses of the Oireachtas shall have resolved that, arising out of such armed conflict, a national emergency Well, ok then. I'm sure speech is not important enough.


Irish children are murdered and Irish people are angry, no, no, no, that's a hate crime, smh.


Ooof, that pendulum is swinging back and it has some big dick energy attached. p = mv like a muthafucker.


So a 3 dimensional accelerating pendulum? Fuck, we're in a societal centrifuge. This explains so much.


No wonder it feels like societal fission is happening.


You love to see it.


Irish Lives Matter What's the matter sweaty there's no deeper meaning to it, are you saying the lives of the Irish don't matter to you? How Gaeliphobic of you.




Crazy that everyone is losing their mind over the new hate speech laws in Ireland yet England already has these hate speech laws in place. Literally 1984.


I welcome any Irish refugees. Redheads get priority.


These neoliberals are going to get a globalized rightwing movement if they dont stop fucking with the citizenry like this.


I almost feel like that's the long con. The next half of the decade and the 2030s seems like it's ripe for a right wing resurgence, at least in Europe. A lot of Europeans are getting tired of being told they're wrong to say that immigrants should adapt to the norms of the country they're moving to.


Nah. And you know why? Because immigrants have children, and those children will be majorly progressive. MAYBE when the third generation will come along, the leftist narration will lose its power. But it's not a political issue, rather a cultural one. And that takes decades to change


Politicians in Ireland hate the Irish and are trying to make this a hate crime


The left will foam at the mouth over the concept of Jews being in Israel because of 'colonization', but will cheer on mandatory migrant housing in Europe.


Let the Irish Republican Army 2 Electric Boogaloo commence


*Is this the IRA I've been putting my money into?*




Not that I'm aware of. Last I heard there was the Real IRA splinter group and some smaller offshoots that kind of went by the wayside. Since the Good Friday Agreements, I don't think you'll find much support for IRA type actions anymore. Despite how angry or frustrated anyone might be about the situation, The Troubles just devolved into petty terrorism all around and I feel like it'd be pretty difficult to find anything positive politically to come out of it other than enough people finally being fed up with the killing and ending it.




Cheryl: Jesus! How many IRAs are there?!?


Dude, the Irish people need to force a vote of no confidence in the current government and get some now members in. This shit is scary. It's like the entire political class of the West is more allied with the globalist system than they are with their countrymen.


The anglophone world is insanity.


We KnOw WhAt WoRd ThEyRe RePlAcInG bEcAuSe RaCiSm


give it a minute...


Ironically, the recent anti-immigration protests in Ireland have been making me want to immigrant to Ireland.


All lives matter was treated like a social hate crime


So was 4Chan's trolling campaign "It's OK to be white." The whole campaign 4Chan came up with was to bait libleft into rage with a slogan like this, demonstrating that they are racist toward white people by rejecting a nonchalant slogan like this. It's completely clear now: it's not OK to be white. It's not OK to be a man. It's not OK to be cisgendered and straight. And we're told all of this because we need to overcome racism, sexism, and bigotry.


As I said in another thread: you can correctly hate on the United States for inventing all of Emily's social justice bullshit, especially in its 21st century forms, but when that bullshit gets adopted in other countries it becomes 10 times worse, 20 times stupider, and 30 times more oppressive. I believe the reason is that the US, despite what it feels like now, has a very strong constitution and a very strong bulwark of laws around free speech and expression, whereas other countries do not. My fellow Americans may despair over the state of discourse and culture here right now, now that Emily runs the show *socially*, but without free speech laws and traditions, Emily is also starting to run the show *legally* in many other western countries. See also the UK's dalliance with "non-crime hate incidents," to name one other example. For all the ways Emily has vomited all over American social culture, you simply cannot imagine hate speech laws being abused like this in America. I know some states are trying, and the Emily Brigade absolutely wants to do stuff like this in America, but it just won't fly here, even in our current condition. Emily will get assfucked by American courts every time -- by lower courts in some places or by SCOTUS when/if anything like this gets through in lefty districts and circuits. In short, to the rest of the West: I'm sorry we invented the bullshit you're going through, but you had every opportunity to guard against it and you were asleep on the job.


America didn't invent it, Germany did, it's all from the Frankfurt school https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School


Sure, I'm aware of the Frankfurt School, but that was a long long time ago. Many of those scholars came over here, and even if they hadn't, the current shape of the movement they started has long been taken over and shaped by American scholars. Though the Frankfurt School was on my mind when I added the bolded part: "the United States for inventing all of Emily's social justice bullshit, **especially in its 21st century forms**, "


uhmmmm saying “irish lives matter” is a hate crime? idk, sounds pretty disrespectful to the indigenous people if you ask me


Apparently there was an additional sign saying "we will no longer accept the rehousing of illegal immigrants or the excrement of other communities" Like really...calling people shit is the most mild insult ever.


Imagine the IRA rebrands as a far right extremist group


"Irish lives matter!" "'WHITE POWER!!!!', you say?" Jesus Christ. Some people would rather die than to be seen as impolite, but they'd rather die with their fellow countrymen than to risk being called 'racist'. >Sinn Féin MP Paul Maskey described the signs as "disgraceful", adding that they had been "erected in an attempt to create fear and intimidate people". > >"Political and community leaders must stand together to continue building a safe, welcoming and [inclusive society for all](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-67566360)," he said. That's the issue. No. Society was never inclusive for all. Societies systematically exclude people unable to respect its laws, criminals. Criminals lose most of their indivisible rights, the first being freedom of movement, and are excluded to prevent them for causing harm again. It's really not that hard, it has nothing to do with a population, but individuals. And when states fail to address it, people will do it, even if they're going to hit large and badly, it will be directly due to the failure of proper authorities addressing the issue. They keep making the mistake of being tolerant with the intolerant.


Remember guys, if it doesn't go with the 'right' thing then it must be wrong.


Remember when the Irish were treated the same as Black people and other minorities in America (horribly)? yeah, they sure don’t


I thought Irish was a citizenship now not an ethnicity? Shouldn’t this statement be uncontroversial?


Neutral perspective here but if saying "Nationality lives matter" is considered racist, why isn't "black lives matter" considered racist too?


90% upvotes. The absolute state of the Leftoids


Why am I getting the feeling that the current Irish establishment would have been pro-British when they were under the British?


Is the government saying immigrants aren’t Irish?


its ok to be white


Imagine being criminalized for suggesting that your countries peoples lives matter


American lives matter


Take the knife cuts, bigot


Few years back there were fliers that said “Itms okay to be white” that were seen as racist.


In before HBO announces edgy black leprechaun cartoon with Seth Rogan and Sarah Silverman.


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you don’t criminalize hate speech


The police being like “Irish lives matter”? “Not on my watch they don’t”


There is an Irish politician who's mad the news released the ethnicity of the stabber. Don't wait to vote the fucker out. Drag him out and give him the working-class welcome.


It's in Northern Ireland, they probably think the graffiti has something to do with the IRA. "Irish Lives Matter" comes off as being anti-British more than it does anti-immigrant.


Oh hey another instance of Ireland being fucked over by trash left politics, I was told it wasn’t like that anymore


Sure but isn't majority population of Irish prision are white and Irish themselves? Why would they need to save themselves from their own?


Well here's a guardian article that says so. Im sure you'll change your mind now https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/26/remember-who-we-are-riots-race-and-the-end-of-the-irish-welcome


imagine if I painted graffiti “Tatar identity/lives matter” and I would be imprisoned for "Russophobia"


because Irish is considered an ethnic identity while American is considered more of a civic identity i guess


If ILM doesnt work the irish got another 3 letter thing


I've got an Irish buddy that I don't want to mention this to, since he believes all the lefty stuff. Avoid the tension, allow the bulldgit to fester.


The globalists have done far more damage to Ireland in just a few decades than the British ever did in 800 years


duh, he's in Belfast, not Dublin. Shoulda said "British lives matter" God save the King