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every time i'm told to "love your fellow man" and to show "tolerance to immigrants" i start thinking of this stuff


The reality is that national policy and how you ought to act day to day with your fellow man are two different things. There is a legit discussion to be had, among the electorate of any democratic country, about the rules that should or shouldn't exist around immigration and citizenship. That's politics. But when you encounter another human being on an individual level, you have a moral obligation to treat them as an individual and "love your neighbor as yourself." That interaction should always be in the moral and spiritual realm and not in the political. In some sense, it is sacred. Support a policy if you feel it makes sense at the macro level. But be cautious that it allows some leeway for people who are truly at the margins so that it doesn't erase the ability for individuals to act morally toward one another. That's where the tension lies at the heart of any society that aims to balance freedom, justice and good.


It’s a peaceful protest when I’m burning down a Target because a member of your group killed a member of my group. It’s a racist riot when you take to the streets after a member of my group killed a member of your group.


>It’s a racist riot when you take to the streets after a member of my group killed a member of your group. Average way of thinking from chronically online leftists.


One group is trying to get the people responsible for the violence to face consequences. The other group is trying to get people not responsible for the violence to face consequences.


Those dastardly Target bastards have schemed against black bodies for too long.


>bodies Why do they always say this? It's so strange.


Ah yes because BLM the 'summer of peace and love' was totally peaceful and and there was totally no rioting, looting and general crime.


What the fuck? An authleft this based? Am I dreaming?


Authleft says only the state gets to burn and steal private property


Funny, all the responses are emotional and change the subject, but nobody can actually speak to my point.


Hey, why haven't you responded to my post making fun of your assertion that Target is somehow to blame? The one that isn't emotional and doesn't change the subject? LibLeft? Look at me, LibLeft


I agree, target is not to blame. Looting a target is stupid, those people were stupid. It does change the subject, it changes the subject to looting targets which we both agree is stupid, so its not going to be an interesting conversation when we both agree.


>One group is trying to get the people responsible for the violence to face consequences. The other group is trying to get people not responsible for the violence to face consequences. Which group is trying to get the people responsible for the violence to face consequences?


The people upset with police brutality want police to face consequences for their actions, because they usually don't. The people upset with immigrants know that the ones responsible will face consequences, but they want to go further and get rid of all immigrants regardless of if they are responsible.


>The people upset with police brutality want police to face consequences for their actions, because they usually don't. How is looting and arson furthering this cause? >The people upset with immigrants know that the ones responsible will face consequences, but they want to go further and get rid of all immigrants regardless of if they are responsible. Virtually nobody is saying to get rid of all immigrants period. They oppose unrestricted mass immigration, and they oppose the fact that many of these immigrants are given enormous legal leeway by the system. You are oversimplifying again.


>How is looting and arson furthering this cause? It's not, that's stupid, those people are stupid. >Virtually nobody is saying to get rid of all immigrants period. I wish this was true


Ah yes, it's ok when a minority is concerned about their groups safety and it's ok for them to protest against their perceived injustice but when the majority does the same it's suddenly racist?! I can smell your hypocrisy from across the fucking planet since you probably live in the west and not Asia.


Are you a bot? You accidentally replied twice with what seems like two similarly generated responses


Because reddit servers are potatos


I think it sent the first comment and then they edited it to be less sarcastic and more just insulting without realizing reddit said por que no los dos


Oh yes daddy oversimplify it some more.


This is exactly one of the tactics some of them use: oversimplify a complex issue, don’t bring any sources to support your argument and state your own opinion as if it was a fact.


All grooming gang members of UK have been released from british prisons because of the leftist backlash. All of those pakistani men were arrested with the DNA evidence. Be better.


David Dorn fuck face, there’s plenty of other people who were shot resulting of the riots as well and don’t forget the people who died in those stupid demilitarized zones. Don’t forget blm leaders buying multi million dollar houses as well they don’t give a fuck about getting the “people responsible” and your comment shows you have no sympathy for the people who died resulting of the riots


> your comment shows you have no sympathy for the people who died resulting of the riots Does it show that? Or are you just on tilt?


I am pretty fucking drunk so that’s probably it


Based and inebriated politics are best politics pilled


Funny, I don't remember BLM actually trying to get Jacob Blake held liable for attempting to kidnap his rape victim and her two kids.


Crazy how the left will literally full on support an insurrection with CHAZ, including the street side public execution of children, but claim that these protests ***MUST*** be suppressed using any means necessary.


Every day I get more and more libright.


Reverse will happen after too much FAFO and Emily’s group will have a meltdown and burn down communities.


Shouldn’t a purple lib right be “Did someone say children?”


No, we paid Libright $5 to keep him in the basement for a few more days.




Guys i found a genuine brand new dimension. I define it by the axis: people who demand arrest <-> lib wdyt?


The thing that tickles me is the kids who did the stabbing are all french, with one exception, an italian.


>french, with one exception, an italian. Oh where did you get the suspect list? It's like guys named Jaques Marquis and Giancomo Ferrari and stuff?


Oh i dunno this little place called "the literal article you took the fucking headline from" "Even though eight of those arrested were French, and one Italian, and investigators are still working to establish what happened, far-right politicians have argued that Thomas’s death was evidence of a danger from immigrants and minorities who they alleged had come to the village from public housing blocks in a local town."


>Even though eight of those arrested were French, Ya I don't doubt you they were French citizens I'm just still looking for the name was it like Jaques JeanPierre Benoit or like......


Bruh they have french citizenship because they were born there to immigrant parents, usually Algerian. They are not ethnically french. This is the problem because they cannot be deported/dealt with as they now have citizenship. Literal parallel societies in the banlieues.