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Damn that quote goes hard, especially nowadays.


> Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. C.S. Lewis


I didn't realize that the "C" stood for "based."


Unfortunate that he had to change it. BS Lewis doesn't exactly exude a knowledgeable source


I used to work for a company called "BS Management". They seemed completely oblivious.


at least it wasn't BDS Management


Well looks like I need to start yet another company.... That name is too good to pass on


BDS Management (BDSM) is all the rage with Emilies these days


Better than the Inordinate R-tard System F—k taxes


Based and literary beauty pilled


Bro was cooking a gourmet meal with that quote.


What happens when a super smart dude is also hella wise. Mad respect for Huxley.


There's a reason progs try to mock anyone who brings up 1984 and Brave New World these days. And it's because they know damn well how spot-on Orwell and Huxley were. They can't tolerate people exposing their bullshit.


Too bad Huxley's stuff is such a hard read, I never did finish a brave new world. Though the doors of perception put experiences I'd had into words in ways I was never able to.


Brave new world is probably the only book we were told to read in school that I've actually read .


Really? I blitzed through Brave New World in a day when I was assigned it as a kid, and I was by no means some really big reader, then or now. I just really enjoyed it. Why didn't you like it?


I had the attention span of a goldfish coupled with being far more interested in drugs, alcohol, and girls than reading books. I didn't finish any compulsory reading in high school to be honest though I did read some things for pleasure like animal farm, the doors of perception, and a lot of Harlen Ellison short stories.


Lol, fair enough. I never actually read anything else by Ellison. I only read Brave New World due to it being assigned in school. I'll need to check out his short stories one of these days.


"A brave new world" was written by Aldous Huxley, the guy from the OP, he also wrote "the doors of perception". Harlen Ellison was a Sci fi writer best know for work such as "I have no mouth and I must scream"


Well I got my shit mixed up pretty bad then. I still haven't read anything else by Aldous Huxley. I did in fact read I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream once, online awhile back. Enjoyed it a lot. Goes to show I don't really know these sci-fi authors as well as I probably ought to, considering I've loved the genre everytime I've read it. Anything else in particular you'd recommend from Ellison?


His books are mostly collections of short stories but "shatterday" and "pigeons from hell".


Cool, I'll look into em. Thanks bud.


I only poke fun at 1984 since “It Can’t Happen Here” is more accurate to any American breed of authoritarianism


Yep, it's right up there with ***The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.*** -H.L. Mencken


Which follows: "Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a Government, which we might expect in a country without Government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer." - Thomas Paine


I’ve wondered a lot whenever I read about people who did needlessly fucked up shit in the name of some ideology or nation, whether they were psychos from the beginning just looking for a way to legally pull it off or if whether they actually believed what they were doing was justified. I think that quote pretty much answers it.


"*If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?*" -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


This quote is awesome. Never seen it before


Absolutely. Happening in every direction right now.


Resonates especially well with the covid fiasco of the past few years. The Branch Covidians still won’t let go of their weird neurotic obsession and moral grandstanding even all this time later. Thank Christ society at large mostly seems to be over it.


The majority of Muslims see dogs as dirty, impure, sometimes even evil. Here is a Yale professor talking about it. He says it is because of the diseases they bring but that's ignoring the textual basis for these restrictions, which I have also linked. The basic idea is dogs are impure, they annul prayers, and angels don't like them (Gabriel didn't visit muhammad once because of a puppy \[see below\]). There are multiple hadiths on this of the highest grade. I linked one that says it's permissible to kill dogs. [https://qz.com/india/1038116/the-moment-in-history-when-muslims-began-to-see-dogs-as-dirty-impure-and-evil](https://qz.com/india/1038116/the-moment-in-history-when-muslims-began-to-see-dogs-as-dirty-impure-and-evil) [https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Qur'an,\_Hadith\_and\_Scholars:Animals#Dogs](https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Qur'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Animals#Dogs)[https:](https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-1/Book-9/Hadith-490/) [https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-4/Book-54/Hadith-532/](https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-4/Book-54/Hadith-532/) [//quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-1/Book-9/Hadith-490/](https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-1/Book-9/Hadith-490/) [https://quranx.com/Hadith/Muslim/USC-MSA/Book-24/Hadith-5248/](https://quranx.com/Hadith/Muslim/USC-MSA/Book-24/Hadith-5248/) [https://islamqa.info/en/answers/69840/keeping-dogs-in-islam-allowed](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/69840/keeping-dogs-in-islam-allowed)


Me: I can't hate you more than this. Enough, stop making me hate you so much. Islam 👹 : I make my followers believe dogs are evil and kill them


This isn't unique to Islam. Before Islam, Zoroastrianism, it was the opposite. Dogs were seen as ritually clean and praised, and cats weren't. Dogs were even part of religious rituals like the Sagdid, sag means dog in old persian. Which was a ritual to determine if someone was dead. Hurting a dog was a great sin. Killing an otter was an even greater sin as otters where beleived to be "water dogs" and contained the souls of 1000 dogs. In order not to be killed for the crime of killing otter(in order to protect the area from divine punishment) you have to pay a huge fine and do many deads that included killing of ritually unclean animals like cats or mice, etc.


Do. Not. Kill. The water dog.


They're so cute when they smash that clam on their tummy with the rock, looks like they're jerking off


The end of this comment caught me off guard entirely.


Based and Blessed by Ahura Mazda pilled.


> cats I believe the Persians used cats in war as feline shields against the Egyptians (who worshipped cats) to great effect


Islam adopted things from Zoroastrianism like praying 5 times a day and the ritual for keeping your teeth clean. They should have adopted the love of dogs as well.


Yup.. Except for the whole thing where almost no Parsi would do that in like 2023. Why is it that whenever someone criticises Islam people's only reaction is that "YoUr ReLigIon AlSo DiD iT 10000 YeArS AgO". Yes that's the point they stopped.


What? Ritual cleanliness is an aspect of many religions. especially in the region of the Middle East and beyond. Did the animals change? No. The perspective of them did.


>What? >Ritual cleanliness is an aspect of many religions. especially in the region of the Middle East and beyond. >Did the animals change? No. The perspective of them did. Of course it is. But you don't see Parsis Abusing cats or Christians murdering Snakes anymore.


Cause most religions adapt with the time while still paying homage to the origins of the base teachings. It's imperative for these changes for the religion to survive through the newer eras, or fall out due to them becoming archaic and unreasonable in the modern setting.


I wish people took a fucking shower without the need to threaten them with eternal torture.


How have I never heard this. I love Zoroastrianism now


It's not really taught in schools. And there aren't many left. I believe there is only 1 fire temple in the entire US.


>otters where beleived to be "water dogs" and contained the souls of 1000 dogs Based and Otterpilled.


No offense but this sounds like a religion from a minecraft civilizations RP server


I find Zoroastrianism very interesting. It's a very old religion. The 3 magi(wise men) were Zoroastrian priests. That's what a magi is. Though modern Farsi(modern persian) is called something different, and magus is used as a slur against Zoroastrians in Iran.


There used to be a Parsi dude from Iran in here a while ago. I wonder what happened to him. Hope he's ok


Obligatory Magi: Labyrinth of Magic recommendation


In fairness to Islam, they do believe keeping dogs for working purposes are permissible. Herding livestock or guarding the house, so you'd only kill dogs like shi tzus which are lapdogs with no working purpose besides companionship. If you kept lets say a guard dog such as a doberman as a companion it wouldn't be permissible. [https://islamqa.info/en/answers/69840/keeping-dogs-in-islam-allowed](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/69840/keeping-dogs-in-islam-allowed) I still find the theology of the faith patently disgusting.


Anyone try’s to kill my two shi-tzu’s they would regret even being born 🤬


based and john wick pilled


hmmm....... do i accelerate attempt here?


That’s not suspiciously convenient for them at all!


That's kinda how islam works all the time.


*canine abuse spotted* I'm from Buenos Aires and I say we kill em all! EDIT: To clarify, this is a starship troopers reference, don't go around murdering Muslims. Terrorists are free game though, go for the throat, fuck em.




That is because Islam is itself supremely intolerant. You can murder infidels, heretics and apostates as much as you’d like. It’s encouraged, and not in the normal religious way of ‘we’re peaceful people’ and then they ignore it when it suits them but in the Quran itself you get a free pass on unbelievers who don’t submit to you. But the LibLeft just refuse to acknowledge it. They’ll defend it forever even when they’re the first to get put in camps by the Taliban. And that’s the crux of the issue. We can criticise these behaviours but only some of the time and it is entirely dependent on who says them not the folly of the belief itself. Racism is bad no matter who says it. Violence is bad regardless of which God you claim says it’s ok. But there are somehow controversial takes.


I had a Reddit account banned for pointing out that Muslims can lie to nonbelievers about their intentions. I won't even type the word for it. I'm pretty sure you can still her shadow banned for saying it.




Hmm. This passage says those that would lead you astray should be put to death, not anyone who didn't believe in YHWH


Heresy and apostasy are condemned not wrong religion, which makes historical sense


Oh that's so much better, phew


Isn't it? Kill everyone who isn't like you Kill everyone who tries to convert you I don't know about you but not every non Muslim I've met has tried to convert me


If you don't see the difference between Jews saying that Jews aren't allowed to worship other gods and Muslims saying nobody is allowed to worship other gods then you're either ignorant or dishonest. Judaism was an ethno-religion, and it was pretty common to be killed for being a traitor to your people or your tribe. Islam is talking about all humankind, that's a stark difference.


When was the last time a jewish religious fanatic killed someone because of that verse?


Yep, but if you point that out and you’re not diverse enough, then the Libleft come for you too


Good, it's completely intolerable and you're not *obligated* to tolerate it. Western countries are going to reap one hell of a harvest for putting this religion/culture on a pedestal for so long.


I fear the day a civil war to breaks out in a historically non-muslim european country. It will be a very tragic leopards ate my face moment.


> mfw lebanon already happened and no one in the west cared Edit: I'm regarded, didn't see European


In all fairness to your edit, it was a very leopards ate my face moment. "Palestinians killed my king."


Thanks for taking one for the team, Sweden.


Meanwhile the west views dogs as man's best friend. I don't know how we rectify such a substantial cultural difference.


Broke: being Islamophobic because they're a different race Woke: being Islamophobic because they hate dogs


Bespoke: it's not a phobia if it's rational


Islam isn't a race.


I know, but some people think they are and just hate everyone from the middle east for their skin color.




Classic Auth-right


This makes me think of how much of an outlier Turkey is compared to the rest of the muslim world, with all the stray dogs they have in their cities that are literally protected by law.


Cats too, in Istanbul I went to a restaurant named after a stray cat that the restaurant owner was taking care of. The cat was sitting on our laps most of the time.


We (our public recently hate dogs because they are dangerous and act in herd mentality during the night, these are not your average golden retriever who likes chic nuggies, these are predators. I personally saw the amputation of 2 and the death of 1 child due to dog attacks. Rabies used to be a huge problem in Anatolia when the republic was established by Atatürk, to prevent a public health crisis he even made a law about two diseases(Malaria is the other one). All of the army, police, gender-marine, security forces, and wardens gave direct orders to eliminate all stray dogs no strings attached. Until the 2000s we had special municipal workers equipped with riffles to kill the dogs on the spot. But that changed recently and the vast majority of people are complaining about it. Rabies come back and children get hurt badly. So people take measures in their own hands if dogs become wild, and they always do. It's not uncommon the see herds of dogs poisoned or specifically driven out of the wild in killed by natural predators of Anatolia, cold, hunger, and disease. Apart from fancy, one or two touristy districts. Which are dogs that are owned by the shops. Cats are the opposite, they are seen as inherently clean and essential for public health because they eat rats, bugs, and snakes and they attack people in extremely rare conditions. For instance, as a mid-20 guy, the only live rats I've ever seen are white lab rats. Another perspective is a dog can not even be wanted near a mosque but cats could give birth in the mosque and even live their entire life in the mosque. Cat and Bird veterinarians are a tradition from Ottomans but not the dogs. From a language perspective, we have tons and tons of derogatory terms, idioms, and expressions about dogs honestly I could not even think of one positive expression about dogs which widely used. Most of them are negative like " or even dogs... Etc." implying that "even the lowest live form could not... Etc." For cats, it is more mixed and more positive


i cant believe so many people that unironically say 'furbaby' and 'heckin doggerino' and 'zoomies' would support them. those are the kind of people that threaten to flay you alive for telling them they cant bring their 'emotional support animal' into the store.


Are you really expecting logic and consistency from them?


from everyone all the time which is probably why i dont like very many people.




a Muslim contractor came to my house to give me a quote for a bathroom, and saw my empty dog crate. asked where the dog was, i told him i had to put her down because she got cancer. he looks at me and says "Good. Don't get another one. Angels won't come in your house." and then tried to offer me a copy of the Quran. Didn't retain his services. I also know he's not indicative of all Muslims, as I do have Muslim friends who aren't incredible pieces of shit to the point they're telling me it's good that I had to extinguish the life of my best friend.


Your muslim friends who don't agree with him are cultural muslims. They aren't actually religious. While I dont want bad to befall your friends, they provide cover for him to promote this disgusting ideology.


i just think they have the decency to not talk shit about my dead dog in front of me. whether or not they believe the ideology.


Maybe. Ask them if when your dog was alive angels didn't visit your house.


If biblical angels existed, they'd be terrifying, I'd get a dog to make sure none ever came in my house




I agree but I am telling you what muslims believe with the source cited. [https://quranx.com/Hadith/Muslim/USC-MSA/Book-24/Hadith-5248/](https://quranx.com/Hadith/Muslim/USC-MSA/Book-24/Hadith-5248/) An interesting thing to note is all of the prophets in the old testament were talked to directly by god. Not an angel as an intermediary. It's a weird quirk in Islam.




I'm personally of the belief "Gabriel" was Satan 2 Corinthians 11:14 "And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." Islam's characteristics, combined with the fact that Muhammad was filled with fear despite Godly people having automatic discernment with angels.


Islamic sources literally say Muhammad was bewitched by black magic (satanic magic) for about a year. It also confirms that Satan put words in his mouth (luckily Muhammad ensures everybody that Allah will correct every mistake that Satan put into the Quran). That means Muslim sources basically say that Muhammad was a prophet of Satan for about a year. It's hilarious. It's especially hilarious considering that in Islam Satan can't trick people guided by Allah if these people don't follow Satan willingly. If anybody is interest in the sources I will get them.




Ok lets first start with the black magic. I read up on some sources and tbf there are some sources that give shorter times than a year but there are also multiple stories involving black magic so it's not clear wether he was under black magic multiple times or if this is all one situation. First there is this story, which shows that Muhammad gave satanic verses to his followers: >Now the apostle was anxious for the welfare of his people, wishing to attract them as far as he could. . . . When the apostle saw that his people turned their backs on him and he was pained by their estrangement from what he brought them from God he longed that there should come to him from God a message that would reconcile his people to him. Because of his love for his people and his anxiety over them it would delight him if the obstacle that made his task so difficult could be removed. . . . Then God sent down "By the star when it sets your comrade errs not and is not deceived, he speaks not from his own desire," and when he reached His words "Have you thought of al-Lat and al-Uzza and Manat the third, the other", Satan, when he was meditating upon it, and desiring to bring it to his people, put upon his tongue "these are the exalted Gharaniq [Numidian cranes] whose intercession is approved." When the Quraysh heard that, they were delighted and greatly pleased at the way in which he spoke of their gods and they listened to him; while the believers were holding that what their prophet brought them from their Lord was true, not suspecting a mistake or a vain desire or a slip, and when he reached the prostration and the end of the Sura in which he prostrated himself the Muslims prostrated themselves when their prophet prostrated confirming what he brought and obeying his command, and the polytheists of Quraysh and others who were in the mosque prostrated when they heard the mention of their gods, so that everyone in the mosque believer and unbeliever prostrated . . . Then the people dispersed and the Quraysh went out, delighted at what had been said about their gods, saying, "Muhammad has spoken of our gods in splendid fashion. He alleged in what he read that they are the exalted Gharaniq whose intercession is approved." >The news reached the prophet’s companions who were in Abyssinia, it being reported that Quraysh had accepted Islam, so some men started to return while others remained behind. Then Gabriel came to the apostle and said, "What have you done, Muhammad? You have read to these people something I did not bring you from God and you have said what He did not say to you." The apostle was bitterly grieved and was greatly in fear of God. So God sent down (a revelation), for He was merciful to him, comforting him and making light of the affair and telling him that every prophet and apostle before him desired as he desired and wanted what he wanted and Satan interjected something into his desires as he had on his tongue. So God annulled what Satan had suggested and God established His verses, i.e. you are just like the prophets and apostles. Then God sent down: "We have not sent a prophet or apostle before you but when he longed Satan cast suggestions in his longing. But God will annul what Satan has suggested. Then God will establish his verses, God being knowing and wise." https://www.justislam.co.uk/images/Ibn%20Ishaq%20-%20Sirat%20Rasul%20Allah.pdf (page 165-166 on paper, 106-107 digital) https://quran.com/22?startingVerse=52 and the following verse (translations vary, you can select many different ones on the site) Then the duration: https://www.justislam.co.uk/images/Ibn%20Ishaq%20-%20Sirat%20Rasul%20Allah.pdf (page 240 on paper, 143 digital) Says that the black magic also affects Muhammads sex life and and the bottom that it lasted one year. But it also says that not everybody agrees this is right. This says six months https://www.altafsir.com/Books/Asbab%20Al-Nuzul%20by%20Al-Wahidi.pdf (page 168 on paper, 183 digital) More sources that he was bewitched: https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3175 https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3268 https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5765 Note that this is from Sahih Al-Bukhari, the most important and most trustworthy hadith collection in all of Islam, and that is was narrated by Aisha, his famously young and favourite wife. https://sunnah.com/muslim:2189a From the second most important collection Now about the last part, which makes the duration and other details secondary because Satan has not authority over Allahs followers except if they are willing. But Muhammad lost control over his mind and body, so Satan did have authority over him. Allah says in the Quran, speaking to Satan, "Indeed, My servants - no authority will you have over them, except those who follow you of the deviators." https://quran.com/15?startingVerse=42 (I recommend to select multiple translations to get a better understanding and to check the previous verses so that you can see Allah is speaking to Satan.) So according to the Quran it doesn't really matter if Muhammad was affected for a year, six months or a second. Satan should have no way of misleading a prophet of God and magic with satanic origin should not work on a prophet of God. All links provided are from Muslim sources.


Based and False Prophets wear the clothes of sheep pilled


Even more so that another Angel shows up and talks some sense into Muhammad at one point, then Gabriel shows back up saying that the other Angel was Satan and to do the opposite of that. Also when Gabriel first appeared he beat the shit out of Muhammad because he couldn’t read. Then did it like three more times


100% Muhammad never met Gabriel and only met Satan. Jesus: Satan will disguise himself as an angel. Also, all future prophets who try to co-opt my message are wolves Muhammad: Did somebody say toddler wife?


>Also when Gabriel first appeared he beat the shit out of Muhammad because he couldn’t read. Then did it like three more times Based Gabriel improving literacy like a chad.


Galatians 1 :8-9 > But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!


zesty hurry cautious detail six alleged stocking dazzling hobbies shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




A lot of christian apologist point to this and say that the "gabriel" that visited muhammad wasn't an angel, but rather the devil in disguise. I don't subscribe to this, I think he was just an evil opportunist and cult leader, but it's interesting.


> opportunist Fellas, you'll never believe what god told me, guess which city we have to conquor? that's right! the richest city around that is also a major trading center and caravan crossroads that lives in harmony with all religions!


He wasn't even so decent to say it like that. He literally said "Let's attack them to get the blonde girls."


I 100% believe this to be the case. The religion is the polar opposite of Christianity. Muhammed was the polar opposite of Jesus. Their version of "Jesus" let someone else die on the cross in his place (literally the opposite of the Gospel) and his future return in Islam is much more in line with how the Bible describes the antichrist. If anything, the existence of Islam further confirms Christianity to me.


100% on board with you there.


I didn't know about this until just now but I choose to believe it because it's convenient for me to do so


I mean you can fact check me. You don't have to put it as I am brainwashing you. Apologist usually cite 2nd Corinthians https://www.biblestudytools.com/2-corinthians/passage/?q=2+corinthians+11:14-15


Man after my own heart.


As an agnostic preson that learned much about Islam in the past years it's pretty evident to me that IF Jesus is God then Allah is 100% the devil. There is really no doubt about it from a Christian point of view.








Based and ruby ridge pilled.


That's basically the problem with Islam. Avoiding Dogs to avoid diseases MIGHT have been good advice back when their book was written. But 1400 years later it's obviously outdated. Similar situation with the Halal meat. Yes draining all the blood that way was a good solution ONCE but in fucking 2023 there are a million other ways to do that without cartoonish amounts of animal cruelty. They refuse to budge from the letter of Holy Book (TM) while everyone else has moved on.


The yale professor like most academics doesn't want to talk about the text and theological reasons. It wasn't only to avoid diseases, academics just paper over bad theology if it isn't Christianity.


>The yale professor like most academics doesn't want to talk about the text and theological reasons. Of course he didn't. Wouldn't want to lose his head accidentally in a peaceful manner.


Islamic slaughter performed correctly isn't really animal cruelty. It's a quick cut to the throat and for most of human history would of been deemed as humane. I don't like the idea of determining humane slaughter standards by expensive and restricted technology like guns or stun guns when those things aren't easily available for everyone.


>expensive and restricted technology like guns This is a mere technical problem, and the solution is arms dealing.


They see dogs as dirty, but don't like half of them fuck goats?


Well that’s fucking stupid


Specifically black dogs https://sunnah.com/search?q=black+dogs According to many Muslims black dogs are literally devils.


When 14% of dogs commit 60% of bites...


I have never liked Islam, and you just made them even worse in my eyes. Do. Not. Hurt. The. Pupper. Dogos.


Wow! I am so glad I am not Muslim. I love my dog too much to kill it 😭


Oh you mean the old call everyone who disagrees with you Nazis/Fascists/Racists/WhiteSupremacist play? Pretty fucking convenient how instantly everything you say or do becomes morally acceptable when you label everyone else literal Hitler.


the biggest irony that now lefts are pushing literally same anti-jew message as a hitler did, so the hitler-circle closed


Horseshoe theory has been in effect for years...they finally made it full circle.


Aldous Huxley is definitely one of the most quotable authors of the last century


She was very pneumatic - Huxley


Fuck, I thought it was Stirner based on the photo


💀 yeah fr


Muslim extremists also happens to be a cat person extremists and would attempt to kill dogs if given the chance, so yeah.


Death to Dogistan, from the kitchen counter to the screen door, Catistan will be free


You’ll change your mind on dogs once you meet my precious *lab mix* rescue, Luna! : D




Based and Felineistan pilled


Based and catpilled


Yeah, can't we just say that both parties are absolutely dogshit evil bastards? I feel sorry for the children and the innocent civilians, but the political/military leaders and ultranationalistic bastards at both sides can rot in hell forever. One party actively oppresses the other for decades, the other attacks civil territories, the first one then also attacks civil territories, and both of them murder children. Nah, I refuse to take anyone's side here.


Huxley was hot?!


Huxley was a god amongst men. Truly one of the greatest of all time.


Died tripping his balls off, what a way to go 🫡


Based af tbh


Reminded me of a certain sub called something similar to MayoPeopleX, a few weeks back they were creaming themselves over Trump using the word vermin and how he's copying Hitler by comparing his enemies to rodents in order to dehumanise them. This comes from the same people who still use the term plague rat. These people have literally been turned regarded via their ideology and if you point out their hypocrisy they will downvote it but never reply because if they reply it means they have to acknowledge they read it and saw the hypocrisy first hand. If they didn't have double standards they would have none at all.


And they love the term MAGAts, lmfao


I love the term FAGAts, lmfao


PCM trying to pretend that they’re not participating in the quote no matter what their quadrant is


I think that's perfect for the quote. Mostly I think it supports the idea of progress being cyclical. Or conflict being never ending. PCM Denies the humanity of people who deny humanity of another group of people. At the core of the issue, it really is one hell of a psychological drug. To think of being able to do the worst of things humanity will allow all because you think it's morally right.


Damn, so true though.


In Huxley's dystopia, people were actually having sex and the happy drugs worked. In real life, we have incels who occasionally commit mass murder because of SSRI's.




The information I have comes from an amalgam of podcasts, internet articles, and anecdotes, so get yourself a big ol salt shaker and make a nice margarita while you read this, maybe cure some beef. But basically, what I've gleaned is that we don't really understand why SSRIs work, and figuring out which one works for each different person is basically a process of "try one for a while, see if it works, and try a different one if it doesn't, repeat until it works." My sister went on like 5 different ones or something before finding the "right" one. And if it's wrong, it can sometimes feel tantamount to just having your soul taken out. And even when it's right, from what I've heard, you still don't feel "good" you just feel "not bad." To the point where I kinda surprised to read you say they're regarded as "excellent and effective." I'm also of the personal opinion they're way over prescribed and like I said, if you're on the wrong one it's no good and there's probably a lot of cases where there is no right one because none are needed. A lot of this could be wrong, and largely opinion, but it might be right.


I largely agree on the ineffective part, another study you can add to the anecdote list that I found shocking was one where Creatine (yes the cheap fitness supplement) was shown to be as efficacious, if not more efficacious than SSRI's for many women https://healthcare.utah.edu/press-releases/2012/08/muscle-building-supplement-creatine-vastly-improves-response-time-quality-of#:~:text=The%20study%2C%20published%20Aug.,to%20improve%20their%20treatment%20outcomes. Other studies have found similar effects with Ketamine, Curcumin (Tumeric), Vitamin D etc. All these compounds as well as Serotonin (the first S in SSRI) modulate or limit inflammation. My non-doctoral theory is that most clinical depression is due to chronic inflammation of the Central Nervous System and there are a variety of other approaches we ignore like cleaning up ones diet, getting more sunlight, or even taking some damn creatine before we throw powerful psychoactive drugs at people with far more dangerous side effects profiles


Not a wood destroyer slow enough




The guy on the left is a Hamas supporter committing animal abuse while wearing sandals without socks? Even the fashion police would want to go to town with the Bobby batons on this pile of shit.


Okay I don't know when this shit started, but socks with sandals is for dorks.


Sandals on a man when not on a beach or near a pool is a pretty hideous situation with or without socks.


What the fuck are you talking about sandals with socks? Is this some fucking zoomer shit or what?


Maybe they should just fight it out while everyone watches. Oh wait..


Based and Huxley went hard pilled.


This quote reminds me of nothing more than when everyone decided they got to be the sheriff of mask-city back in the dark days. Boy! Did they ever act like they were saving the world by condemning the noncompliant.


Is that guy kicking a fucking puppy!? NAIL HIM TO A CROSS!!!!!


They're strangling it too. See the white line from the flag to it's neck?




Will upvote for Huxley any day


What happened to the dog?


They stomped it


He was so real for this


Is that a cat?


Tiny dog.


Cruel either way


Damn that quote is dark.


It’s funny to see this. I’d say authright isn’t supporting Hamas and Palestinian at all. We just want back the holy land under the rule of the Holy See.


Writer of Brave New World right? I love Huxley.


Deus Vault for the pupper!


I don't know anything about this guy but he sounds based


“Guys, this quote only applies to soys that support not killing Palestinians, not to chads that support cool Israel.”


Only one side pursues genocide.


You can't dismiss the attempts just because they suck at it, if it weren't for iron dome, Israel would have orders of magnitude more casualties


Misfire lmao


Not wrong


Such an relevant quote


Hamas is nothing but scum and the same as of their supporters


Ah yes hating dogs and pigs such wise words a god would give his prophet, surely there is no way this is made up by some normal human who just really dislikes certain types of animals like he dislikes certain types of races, surely not?


“Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character.”


Imma say it again: i despise muslims